View Full Version : Lord of the Rings Chess

04-26-2000, 02:02 AM
I'm sure various LotR chess sets have been made. But what if you were in charge of creating a LotR chess set? What pieces would you choose? I think I would pick this for a standard White/Good vs. Black/Evil game of characters from LotR:

King - Aragorn
Queen - Arwen (obviously)
Bishops - Gandalf and Elrond
Knights - Eomer and Faramir
Rooks - Minas Tirith and The Last Homely House
Pawns - I'd make them all hobbits :p . Bilbo, Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Fredegar, Gaffer, Rosie Cotton

King - Sauron
Queen - Shelob (ok, so they're not married, but she's the only major female villain)
Bishops - Saruman and Mouth of Sauron
Knights - A Nazgul and the Balrog (not really a knight, but too powerful to be a pawn ;) )
Rooks - Barad-dur and Orthanc
Pawns - Gollum, an orc, a troll, an Uruk-hai, an Olog-hai, a Warg, a Barrow Wight, and a Snaga.

What would you pick?

04-26-2000, 02:37 AM
nifty. I like it. But I'd make Eowyn and Faramir the knights, and Galadriel and Gandalf the bishops. :)

04-26-2000, 03:12 AM
I have often thought about this myself, actually. Having different pawns to implement more characters is something that never occurred to me, but it works and it works well. Great idea.

Now, all the bishops are underestimative of the characters they represent, but they don't fit in anywhere else...

04-26-2000, 08:06 PM
Yeah, but the bishops are wise and in some games look like wizards, with staffs and all, so I thought that Gandalf and those people would fit in well there.

08-09-2000, 02:22 PM
You WILL want to take a look at this beauty...

www.theonering.net/images...ok/525.jpg (http://www.theonering.net/images/s****book/525.jpg)

Michael Martinez
08-10-2000, 06:26 AM
Actually, the site to look at is www.danburymint.co.uk/. (http://www.danburymint.co.uk/.) Look at their Lord of the Rings page, and you'll see a link to a page which describes the chess set (and provides a much better photograph).

08-10-2000, 02:02 PM
this is for the set mentioned by MM & others - pretty close Bmilder!

King: Aragorn
Queen: Galadriel
Bishop: Gandalf, Gimli
Knight: Legolas, Eowyn
Rook: Minas Tirith, House of Elrond
Pawn: Hobbit

King: Sauron
Bishop:Saruman, Balrog
Knight:Lord of Nazgul, Black Rider
Rook:o rthanc, Barad-dur
Pawn:o rc

aryne *