View Full Version : Ever had LotR-related dreams?

07-30-2000, 06:12 PM
I have... The last one I remeber was actually about the movies. I went to a theater to see the Fellowship of the Ring. I remember Arwen being on the screen from the first scene to the last one and Rivendell looking like the Hoth-base from Star Wars.

Obviously a nightmare...

But I can also remember dreams of me being Gandalf and kicking huge giant's butt with fireballs and stuff. :D

07-30-2000, 08:00 PM
I probably have.

Oh, there was one a few weeks ago where I dreamed I accidentally missed the opening day of the LOTR movie... that was nightmarish...

I'm sure I've had some pertaining to the actual story.

Grand Admiral Reese
07-30-2000, 08:24 PM
Nope, but then again, I only began reading the books a week ago(although I am on The Return of the King now), and haven't had the chance for any dreams based on it.

dunedain lady
07-31-2000, 06:41 PM
Yeah, I can't remember many details, but characters from LOTR appear in my dreams a lot. Most of the time, they're in my odder dreams. I just remembered one...I can very vividly remember boarding a grey-sailed ship with the elves that was sailing off for wherever-the-elves-go. It was a really weird dream, but very calming and happy. Gandalf has appeared as a character a few times too, but I don't remember what those dreams were about.

08-01-2000, 01:22 AM
i have kind of a lot of LotR dreams, & like dunedain lady the characters show up at random times. i had a few dreams where i was living as a peasant in Elessar-ian Gondor, but mostly they take place with Elves in Lorien or some other elven place. i had this one really weird dream that i was Arwen before she met Aragorn; just recently i had one where i was an Elf being chased by Ungoliant..

arachniphobia & Tolkien - a dangerous combination before bed

aryne *

woo-hoo! this is my 131th post!

08-01-2000, 02:41 AM
I think I've had some... I can't remember any details, though! :(
I can only remember that I've had some (one i think)...

Lillian C
08-14-2000, 12:09 AM
This is an interesting topic...

The only LotR-ish dream I ever had was being in my junior high school and seeing Black Riders peeking around every corner.

08-16-2000, 10:56 AM
Almost every night I have a reacurring dream, about 5 min. where I'm outside of Bag End, and Gandalf passes by. before He reaches me I stoop down and pick a golden ring off the ground. When he passes me, he doesn't look at me. My eyes follow him. the scenery changes. Everything is dark, stuffy, and foul. Then I am caught by the neck by an Orc. Then I see a tall tower, probably Barad-Dur, and I taken in. I am put in front of the throne of Sauron...

dunedain lady
08-16-2000, 06:03 PM
Weird...I wonder if it means anything?

08-16-2000, 11:44 PM
Yes, it means that he (?) spends way too much time in the pursuit of all things Tolkien. ;)

08-17-2000, 01:36 PM
I would have considered that an insult if you had known my name.

My name is Kalen, and yes, I am a male.



08-17-2000, 02:37 PM
LOL!!! :D

08-18-2000, 07:18 PM
Never been lucky enough to have LoTR dreams, but I do daydream about it alot :) Does that count? I'll see a big old tree and imagine its an ent or just dream that I'm off adventuring with Strider.
This is my first post by the way, Hi everyone.

08-18-2000, 07:52 PM
Is this possible? YES, I get to say first it for the first time!

Hello SivaRanger, I hope you enjoy Entmoot. Did you check out The Tolkien Trail yet?

08-19-2000, 01:24 AM
I must say that I've never had a LORD OF THE RINGS dream, that I can remember. But I have a question for those of you who have dreamed such dreams:

I'm curious, if you have had such dreams, would your description of Elves, for instance, or any other Middle-earth feature, match someone else's dream?

Do you remember the dreams well enough to really describe not only the action, but how things looked and seemed?

If it were so that several of you can lucidly recall these dreams, and if you have independently seen the same things the same way in your Middle-earth dreams, then I must ask this:

How do you know that Middle-earth isn't real, and THIS is actually a dream?

08-19-2000, 03:59 AM
"How do you know that Middle-earth isn't real, and THIS is actually a dream?" - i don't. Middle-Earth certainly feels more real than the suburban-sprawl world that i'm in right now.

here's another question: if this is a dream, are we all dreaming the same dream, or is all of this the creation of one mind? could all of Entmoot be just one of bmilder's dreams? and would that mean that we only exist in this dream-world & not in ME, but we THINK we know about ME because we read a book by an author that bmilder imagined was writing about his world? (remember, he's in ME right now) Or are we projections of people he knows in ME?

too tired to write coherently written philosophy,
aryne *

08-19-2000, 11:27 AM
I wish this were a dream and that Middle Earth were real, then I could wake myself up and live in Middle Earth:) I could go visit the elves in Rivendell, much better than all this suburban sprawl, thats for sure.
Bullroarer thanks for the greeting,will check out tolkien trail later.

dunedain lady
08-20-2000, 07:21 PM
Yeah, I have often wanted to go live in Rivendell. Or maybe Lothlorien, or even Hobbiton. Anywhere but here. If I could, I'd take all my friends with me, and we could live in Middle Earth. That would be wonderful. Most of the people I know and like would fit in very well there. I can see my friends and teachers joining the Knights of Dol Amroth, or learning elven lore in Rivendell, or helping Sam with his garden. *gets rather sentimental and starts spouting elvish poetry*

Grand Admiral Reese
08-20-2000, 11:28 PM
I think I had a LotR related dream last night, or atleast a few LotR characters were there(Gandalf and a few others), but I don't remember what happened in it.