View Full Version : Mallorn leaves

dunedain lady
08-30-2000, 10:44 AM
What shape are mallorn leaves? I'm making lembas, and my sister and I have been arguing over what shape the leaves for the mallorn leaf wrapping are supposed to be. (you can tell by this how bored we are without school :) ) Any opinions, anyone?

08-30-2000, 06:13 PM
How are you making lembas??
Anyway I thought mallorn leaves were normal-shaped, although of course I'm probably wrong. :p

08-30-2000, 07:08 PM
The thing to do would be to search for any pictures that Tolkien himself might have draw of Lothlorien. Perhaps there was enough detail to get an idea.

From the description in The Two Towers, when Aragorn is tracking Merry and Pippin, we know that mallorns are a broad-leafed, deciduous tree.

To be fit for wrappings, they can't be shaped like oak leafs. They can't be thick and stiff. Perhaps more like a large fat maple leaf.

Glorfindel goldhair
08-30-2000, 09:46 PM
It may be viewed here:

www.geocities.com/TimesSq...-fame.html (http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Corridor/9494/halls/hall-of-fame.html)

My cottage is "The Glass Talan".
Hope this proves helpful.

08-30-2000, 10:55 PM
Sorry, Glorfindel.

I didn't see a door, I didn't see a glass talon.

I ain't seen nothin'!

09-04-2000, 07:28 AM
I always thought that they were shaped like beech-leaves.

09-05-2000, 05:46 AM
i thought mallorn-leaves were shaped like thin flexible magnolia leaves...

and how are you making lembas? find a recipe somewhere?

aryne *

Glorfindel goldhair
09-05-2000, 09:33 PM
Ooops! But try try again, as my old Gaffer used to say...

www.geocities.com/TimesSq...egend.html (http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Corridor/9494/halls/hall-of-legend.html)

08-31-2002, 12:13 PM
where did you get a recipe for Lembas? I'd really like to know

08-31-2002, 01:11 PM
I'd copy the leaf on the brooches that were given to the fellowship. I've always pictured the Mallorn tree as similiar to the Aspen that grows out west in the USA. The leaves turn golden and make a wonderful sound. :)

08-31-2002, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Reumandar
where did you get a recipe for Lembas? I'd really like to know

i can pm u a recipe

08-31-2002, 07:03 PM
Mallorn leaves can be seen in this (http://img-fan.theonering.net/rolozo/images/tolkien/lothlorien.jpg) picture by J. R. R. Tolkien.

09-01-2002, 12:09 PM
That picture was beautiful. :)

ArwenE, could you also give me a recipe, please?

09-01-2002, 03:47 PM
There is a thread for Middle Earth Recipes here (http://www.tolkientrail.com/entmoot/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3485).