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View Full Version : Travels through Middle Earth(scripted)(ooc disscusion)

Fred Baggins
04-22-2003, 12:22 AM
For those of you who are unaware as to what scripted means, it means you have to PM the starter of the thread before joining, and let them know about your character.

My idea for Travels through Middle Earth is a century old tale. A homeless young woman finds herself desperatly lost in an unknown world, leagally to young to be by herself, yet she has no parents. So she journeys from place to place, town to town, kingdom to kingom, basically exploring Middle-earth, meeting new friends, makeing new enemies, and just having fun.

04-22-2003, 01:09 AM
Okay, Faith! :D My character...

Name: Ailin
Race: Men (woman)
Age: 19
Hair Color: mud brown
Eye Color: dark brown
Height: 5'3 (and average build)
Occupation: Weaver

Fred Baggins
04-22-2003, 04:29 PM
Aduial Morning, is the parentless child. As well as my character*gawks* Imagine that! Sorry in a TLA/FOTMB mood...

Age: 16
hair colour: blondish...
eye colour: blue
race: men
gender: female
height: 5'0
History: Her father died of a horrible accendent, and her mother died of a plauge type thingy...she she wanders, exploring lands she never knew.

04-23-2003, 06:36 PM
ok, I'm jonin as Nydassi, and Eve. I dot know much about Eve, and you guys know Ny, unless someone else comes.toodles

Indril Anarion
04-23-2003, 08:04 PM
I'd like to join as...
Name: Idril Anarion, Elf Warrioress from Mirkwood
Age: 1,000
eye colour: green
Hair colour: Red/Auburn
gender: female
Race: Elf
Height: 5'5"
History: A wandering elf, she often visits with the Wizard Shifter and enjoys the company of Hobbits and Men...she's very skeptical about Dwarves...she is a very skilled warrior and only kills when necessary, but she left her home in Mirkwood to seek adventure, not wanting to succumb to the boring life she was leading at home...she left all her posession, only taking her bow, arrows, a her horse...she lives off the land and is not afraid of much...

04-23-2003, 08:23 PM
Name: Ranwyn
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Descrip: chestnut brown haircut very short, dark eyes
dark blue tunic/dress
A silver wolf is her companion, Fleet
Sitch: Mother and Father live in Gondor but she travels
around, she is currently at home
Weapon: A bone white dagger and a silver sword with
blue jewels called, Mornie
Occupation: Stable hand at the stables adjoining the inn

04-25-2003, 12:28 PM
*sigh* Once again an RPG is deserted. Where is everyone?

Indril Anarion
04-25-2003, 02:43 PM
I'm wondering the same thing...:confused:
Come out, come out wherever you are...you can't hide forever...

04-25-2003, 03:01 PM
Oh, we're here. But I think we're all waiting for Faith (Fred Baggins). :)

Fred Baggins
04-25-2003, 08:32 PM
Yea, I was just waiting to see if anyone else was going to join before I started it. And I will start it tonight...

04-26-2003, 05:55 PM
Okay, make sure you say where your character is at so we canfind you or you us.

04-26-2003, 07:33 PM
Name: Ianua
Age: 300
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Description: About 6' in height, jet black hair, pulled back and held in place by a simple copper circlet. Deep blue-green eyes.
Wears a simple green woolen tunic and leggings, boots, and grey cloak. Distinguished by three copper rings, worn through the left ear. Accompanied by a nervous-looking black horse, Named Ravenwind.
History: Disgraced by being born out of wedlock, she was thrown out of her home at the age of 20. She grew up among the dwarves of the lonley mountain, and learned their craft, and has begun her travels in search of her birth mother.
Weapon: Bow and Quaterstaff

04-26-2003, 08:05 PM
ok, I'll post my characters since there are new people. Um, Evening, Faith will have to post, for i dont know about that much of her. but...

Name: Nydassi
Race: Man(woman)
Age: 23
Descript: Tall and has long flowing blond hair worn half up and half down in a pony tail. She has blue eyes and long fingernails(:D ) Runs a lot. Will post more later.
wepons: Well, a sword, and a dagger. Don't know much about them tho.
Horse: She left it at home.
Sum her up in one word: Dingy

Fred Baggins
04-26-2003, 08:07 PM
btw this is started in a small Gondor(ian?) village.

For elf RPers, just remember that this IS a human town, so try not to act as though you are always there, because to Tolkien...you aren't...not to mean offense, just keep that in mind. Also try not to use a whole lot of magic/mind-messaging/talking to animals/reading minds type thing please. Erm...I think that's it...

I should have said this earlier, but Indril Anarion, and Ianua you may join. :D I love new members who I didn't have to beg and plea with and drag to my RPG. ;)

Evening Light

Race: human(Better than man huh?)
gender: female
age: 18
Occupation: Innkeeper's helper...thingy...person...

I'll let Star post her Bio and Descrip, she was supposed to come up with that herself...

04-26-2003, 08:27 PM
Check my profile. I updated it a bit.

04-26-2003, 08:36 PM
Two things,

Fred, do you want me to take care of your horse?
and Lubyla, do you want to already know me? Since we're working close by each other?

Fred Baggins
04-26-2003, 08:44 PM
Sure, you can take care of my horse, and Lubyla is playing Evening Light...

04-26-2003, 10:09 PM
Okay then, Lubyla read the post two posts ago

Fred Baggins
04-27-2003, 05:19 PM
Nkay, welp later, I'm going to add a new revised character, whom some of you may know as Belladona Gamgee. I've made some changes though, and am posting them here.

Belladona Gamgee(aka:Fran)
Age: 58
race: halfing
Father: Tolman Gamgee(Sam's youngest son)
Mother: unknown
description: She's a stuborn and slightly depresed hobbit, who is always searching for something new in life. Her golden locks cascade over her shoulders, and her crisp blue eyes pirce you when she stares at you, giving you an uncomfortable feeling when you are around her. She wear's brown wolens, covered by a tattered cloak.
Biography: Her mother died soon after her birth, and her father before she was even three years old. She worked as a maid to the aging Master of Brandybcuk Hall, Merridoc Brandybuck, and until she was 12 years of age, spent most of her time listening to Thain Perrigrin Took, and Master Merridoc Brandybuck, and Mayor Samwise Gamgee reminese. Soon after her twelveth day of birth though, Merry and Pippen left and she was alone. She continued to raise herself, gaining wisdom beyond her years, in the area's of making a living, though barely knew her ABC's or how to add 2 and 2. Her grandfather left her his favorite possesion when he had left to the Havens, a dagger that had belonged to his best friend and so she makes her way hanging on to life by the fingernails.
Weapon: Sting, though she prefers not to use it, nor anyweapon.

Fred Baggins
04-28-2003, 07:55 PM
Here is my idea. In a couple more posts or so, the whole common room is buzzing about this stranger, and you decide to see her, and see if she's ok(Specially considering she's the youngest) When you come up she'll explain what she's doing, then you can decide to go along. Ok wid you?

04-28-2003, 08:03 PM
Ok Fred. Um, sure aralyn, they can know eachother, I dont see why they shouldn't. Updated Nydassi descript, so check it out:)

Fred Baggins
04-29-2003, 10:50 PM
Legoles is also joining...you can post yer character descript now. Anywho, um...nothing's happened. Do you people not like my idea, or are you just not awake? I've had RPG's in the past that have crashed, I'd like to keep this one going...please?

04-29-2003, 11:35 PM
I'm awake just sick so I've been sleeping. That's a good idea. I'll enter in a moment.

05-01-2003, 06:01 PM
Did you trip and fall, Lubyla or the hobbit? Can't tell from your post.
And you're playing two people right?

05-01-2003, 06:03 PM
Yes, Nydassi tripped and fell in front of the hobbit, and yes, I am playing two peeps. Sorry about the confusion.

05-01-2003, 06:05 PM
No prob just had to clear out the cobwebs

05-02-2003, 02:47 PM
Going camping for three days. Be back at the 'Moot on Sunday.
Fred or Idril can play for me. Read my descrip for help on how to write about me.

Fred Baggins
05-03-2003, 12:12 PM
kady kay have funnyfun!

05-04-2003, 02:10 PM
I did. Hey I posted a queation but I'll ask it here, Was Aduil talking to me?
I couldn't tell

05-04-2003, 03:43 PM
actually, I was suppose to answer, sorry.

05-04-2003, 04:01 PM
I didn't answer so you can post. I wasn't sure.
And I'm outside the door.

Fred Baggins
05-04-2003, 11:46 PM
You WHERE outside the room..See I'm more Authory than RP...y...You had knocked the Idril walked by then I was commenting about something you had said get it? What happened in the space there was...nothing is Eve let you in and you made some remark about hearing I was supposed to be an elvish princess...get it? Good. Star hurry up and post I have this great post but I can't post till you do.

05-05-2003, 09:58 AM
I dodn't know that was me. It sounded to girlish.

Fred Baggins
05-05-2003, 11:08 PM
*raises an eyebrow and laughs* No THAT wasn't you! The chick that had come in asking Aduial was just a random teen chick. You saw and heard her talk to her friends then you decided to investigate. Comprehend?

05-05-2003, 11:23 PM
Excuse my stupidity. Okay so where am I NOW?????!!!!

Yes I understand the rest. Sheesh really im not usually so dense

Fred Baggins
05-06-2003, 10:09 AM
You are sitting in a chair waiting for my reply.

j/k you're in my room.

05-06-2003, 04:25 PM
You were right about the first part:)

OKay then

05-06-2003, 06:08 PM
Ok, Faith, Me ish tooooooo confusdilated for my own good. Which character am I suppose to reply with, if Anduil...er...however it's spelled, already knows who Eve is.*sits disgruntledly*

Fred Baggins
05-06-2003, 06:39 PM
*hits head with two by four* NEVERMIND!!!!!!

I'll go fix that dern post it's caused to much confusion.

05-07-2003, 10:08 PM
Ranywm is not scared of the girl. She just is so used to talking to herself Eve or the horses and she's not used to strangers

sorry about the elf thing i edited my posts

Fred Baggins
05-10-2003, 01:16 PM
Ok, I'll edit my correction...someday...in the meanwhile I got board and hoped over to the Cavemaster and had these cranked out. Just some people who are in the common room of the inn. I thought it might be nice to have some "average" people. Anyone can play them, you can even start playing one person then another person starts, doesn't matter to me. Just thought to add some variety. It might be best though just to play them as your character is interacting with them, not as YOU are them. Get it got it good?

Lothired (Citizen), male, 32 years old, 179 cm, 79 kg, long red
wavey hair, gray eyes Clothes: High, hard boots, brown jacket and brown trousers Wealth: Rich

Chiliwyr (Citizen), male, 53 years old, 174 cm, 71 kg, short brown
wavey hair, green-brown eyes Clothes: High, hard boots, brown coat and brown trousers Wealth: Poor

Joinidd (Tanner), male, 22 years old, 177 cm, 91 kg, brown wavey hair, green eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, green coat and green trousers Wealth: Average

Arerikor (Harper), male, 30 years old, 170 cm, 73 kg, very short brown wavey hair, brown eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, brown jacket and brown trousers Wealth: Average

Tedia (Citizen), female, 23 years old, 147 cm, 52 kg, very long blonde straight hair, brown eyes Clothes: High, soft boots, blue coat, red blouse and gray short skirt Wealth: Average

Fred Baggins
05-26-2003, 02:44 AM
Or not...well @SOMETHING@ needs to happen...this party is dull. Since Silverstipre seems to have re-dissapeared, well...actually I will talk it over with Star, but we may take over her character until she comes back...*Wonders where she is* I @HOPE@ she comes back...*Worried look* Now, Aduial is downstairs. Something needs to happen. What I was thinking was since she was so young, some of you who have seen the world already may want to go along, to protect her, or maybe just because...because...because of some other reason? And those of you from the twone, because you wanna see things outside of your small little town. Think it over, tell me what you think, and most importantly...DON'T LET THIS THREAD DIE! I personally think it to be a good one... Please?

[EDITED by EƤrniel: Closed by thread starter's request.]