View Full Version : Annual Awards!!!
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-18-2003, 12:54 PM
Ok, the awards you can give to different LOTR characters are:
1. Favorite character :)
2. Funniest character :P
3. Stupidest character :confused:
4. Nicest character :)
and 5. Least favorite character :mad:
Elf Girl
04-18-2003, 12:56 PM
1. Don't have one.
2. Gimli, curse Jackson!
3. Pippin, curse Jackon again!
4. None of them.
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-18-2003, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by Elf Girl
1. Don't have one.
2. Gimli, curse Jackson!
3. Pippin, curse Jackon again!
4. None of them.
I totally agree withh you, Elf girl!
1. Eowyn
2. Gimli
4. Hard, Aragorn
04-18-2003, 01:06 PM
Alright! It would be nice if everyone included a motivation to why they've given a certain character this and this award.
Favourite character: Faramir. He's so nice and so noble.
Funniest character: Pippin. It's in the young hobbit's personality to be funny :D
Stupidest character: Barliman Butterbur. He's stupid in a funny way. He has a bad memory and is somewhat afraid of Gandalf.
Nicest character: Gandalf. He's so friendly towards Frodo and the other hobbits.
Least favourite character: Can't think of anyone, I sort of like all of the LotR characters in one way or another.
04-18-2003, 01:24 PM
Okay, if were going to do this here, it needs to be strictly "book" and NOT movies. If your intent was for people to post about the characters as portrayed in the movies, let me know, and I'll move this over there. Thanks.:)
Lady of Rohan
04-18-2003, 04:32 PM
Favourite Character: Tom Bombadil
Funniest Character: Pippin
Stupidest Character:I don't know
Nicest Character: Sam, probably...
Meanest Character: Sauron! :p
EDIT; I just realized that there wasn't a meanest character category on the survey, but I am leaving it up anyway. now to finish with the right category......
Least Favourite Character: I have to go with GW an Jonathon on that one (my, aren't I original! :p )
Gwaimir Windgem
04-18-2003, 09:55 PM
Favourite: Gandalf. He is very wise, and kind, and stern, and awesome. :D
Funniest: Either Bombadil or to tell the truth, Gandalf. He seems to me to be actually possessed of a rather dry wit.
Stupidest: Butterbur. Definitely Butterbur. (Though, in the movie, it would be that guy with the carrot who burped in Bree. :p)
Nicest: Sam. He just IS.
Least Favourite: Hmm...I'm with Jonathan on this one.
Hasty Ent
04-18-2003, 10:21 PM
1. Favorite character -- Frodo -- I love the way his character matures from a young, naive boy to a wise and reluctant hero.
2. Funniest character -- Lobelia Sackville-Baggins -- pompous people make me laugh (although she does have her moment of redemption:) ).
3. Stupidest character -- poor Butterbur keeps winning this slot, but I don't think he was stupid (doesn't Bombadil say something about this?), he's just got too much on his plate to remember everything so he's absent minded. Now, what was I just about to say... Can't really think of any stupid characters, simple ones, maybe, or sheltered in their world view.
4. Nicest character -- tough choices here, but probably I'd pick Samwise.
5. Least favorite character -- Bill Ferny -- Important to the story, so I like the 'characterization' but I don't like him. Sure, there are nastier villains, but I hate small-minded, mean and petty people more.
Melko Belcha
04-18-2003, 10:40 PM
1. Galadriel - Her wisdom and all the stuff she must have seen is mind blowing.
2. Tom Bombadil
3. Fatty Bolger - Not bad stupid.
4. Sam
5. Bill Ferny - I just could never trust him.
04-18-2003, 11:08 PM
1. Favorite character - Legolas, although I am ashamed because now I sound like a stupid fanboy thanks to the movies
2. Funniest character - Pippin or Treebeard
3. Stupidest character - Saruman, what a deluded fool
4. Nicest character - Faramir, he handled everything really well
5. Least favorite character - Denethor, by the time the books came around he was nothing but a depressed blob
04-19-2003, 01:49 AM
Favourite Character: SAM. SAM. SAM. Did I say Sam? :) Already said why in the most impressive male thread.
Funniest Character: Tom Bombadil. Because he walks around singing silly songs, and asks the hobbits to run around naked. :)
Stupidest Character: Lotho. Stupid, pimply....
Nicest Character: Sam again.
Meanest Character: The orc that whips Frodo. I'd like to whip him...:eek:
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-19-2003, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Lady of Rohan
Favourite Character: Tom Bombadil
Funniest Character: Pippin
Stupidest Character:I don't know
Nicest Character: Sam, probably...
Meanest Character: Sauron! :p
EDIT; I just realized that there wasn't a meanest character category on the survey, but I am leaving it up anyway. now to finish with the right category......
Least Favourite Character: I have to go with GW an Jonathon on that one (my, aren't I original! :p )
Ok, i agree, Suron for meanest.
04-19-2003, 11:47 AM
3)pippen but he gets smarter later on
04-19-2003, 12:00 PM
1. Favourite characters : Gandalf erm Frodo ehh Aragorn oh I can't choose! their all great ;)
2. Funniest characters : Pippin, Gimli and Tom Bombadil, they are all very funny. :D
3. Stupidest character : hmm can't think of one!
4. Nicest character: Samwise Gamgee and Faramir, Because they just are :p
5. Least favourite character : Don't have one
04-19-2003, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by gimli7410
5)denethor No! He's not really mean! He's just a little mad, that's all! I like Denethor, I really do. He's an interesting character, maybe one of the most interesting in the whole trilogy if you ask me.
04-19-2003, 12:13 PM
Let me think ....
1. Favorite character
Faramir, because he is brave and strong and still toughtfull and he is so cute to Eowyn (which would be one of my favourite characters too)
2. Funniest character
Legolas, I know that sounds weird, but I always laugh about his sentences the most. (not in a bad way, I really love his character)
3. Stupidest character
Pippin, I can't help. He seems a little dumb to me.
4. Nicest character
Faramir, because of .... well, I said that before
5. Least favorite character
Denethor, he is so mean to Faramir
04-19-2003, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by gimli7410
3)pippen but he gets smarter later on
hey, I just saw that you have the same least favourite character like me. I had to think long about this answer and in the end I came back to Denethor.
04-19-2003, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith
5. Least favorite character
Denethor, he is so mean to Faramir You too? Another Denethor-hater :(
Even though he was mean to Faramir (my favourite character), I find him very intriguing. He's perhaps the only person in LotR who you can't place on the good or bad side.
04-19-2003, 12:22 PM
1. Favorite character - Merry Brandybuck
2. Funniest character - Ioreth
3. Stupidest character - Ted Sandyman
4. Nicest character - Merry, again
5. Least favorite character - Grima.
04-19-2003, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by Jonathan
You too? Another Denethor-hater :(
Even though he was mean to Faramir (my favourite character), I find him very intriguing. He's perhaps the only person in LotR who you can't place on the good or bad side.
That's the reason why I chose him. I mean it is easy to hate a villain but he is neither good nor bad and that makes me not liking him.
04-19-2003, 04:06 PM
1. Gandalf
2. Gollum/Smeagol
3. Grima Wormtounge- After all he follows Saruman, and "Who's more foolish: the fool or the fool who follows him?" -Obi Wan Kenobi
4. Farimir
5. stupid Borimir
Mycla Leatherleaf
04-21-2003, 02:43 PM
1) Frodo
2) Tom Bombadil
3) Barliman Butterbur
4) Sam Gamgee
5) Grima Wormtounge
04-21-2003, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith
That's the reason why I chose him. I mean it is easy to hate a villain but he is neither good nor bad and that makes me not liking him.
yea it was hard to place him on the good side or bad side. i think his only main interest was what would be good for gondor. and boromir was one of the best things that happened to gondor so thats why denthor liked him so much more.
Radagast The Brown
04-21-2003, 04:26 PM
Favourite Character: Gandalf
Funniest Character: Pippin
Stupidest Character: Pippin
Nicest Character: Pippin
Least Favorite Character: Boromir
04-21-2003, 05:36 PM
Favorite: Frodo or Merry - I just relate to hobbits :) i'm so close to being one myself
Funniest: Pippin is pretty funny...I also think that some of the things Saruman says in the latter half of the book are funny
Stupidest: Butterbur
Nicest: Frodo; he even treats Grima and Saruman nicely compared to what others would have done in the Scouring of the Shire
Least Favorite: Saruman; he is evil like Sandyman and Ferny but unlike them he is wise and should have never been dumb enough to fall to evil
04-23-2003, 10:47 AM
1. Favorite character : the Great Gandalf
2. Funniest character : the Old Goofy Gaffer
3. Stupidest character : the Moronic Mouth of Sauron
4. Nicest character : Friendly Frodo
5. Least favorite character : Loathsome Lotho
durin's bane
04-23-2003, 11:23 AM
This takes some thought...
1. Favourite character: Frodo, of course! He's very spirited and kind of funny in the beginning, and then he grows more mature and brave. I admire his courage for carrying the Ring instead of going back to the Shire, and I like the way he never gives up and turns back to go home even when things get really tough.
2. Funniest character: Hmm...I'd have to say Pippin. He may have grown into a Gondorian soldier, but he's still a young Hobbit-lad at heart.
3. Stupidest character: Barliman Butterbur. But not in the "Ooh, let's see what happens when I stand in the fire!" sort of stupid.
4. Nicest character: Frodo again! He's nice to everyone, even Gollum and Grima. He only fights when nesessary, which is another reason why I like him.
5. ARAGORN!!! He's arrogant, he's a show-off, and does nothing but hack at orcs all day and dreams of stupid Arwen all night. And then he becomes King. He's too chiched of a hero for me to like him. But other than that, this question was hard. :)
04-23-2003, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by gimli7410
yea it was hard to place him on the good side or bad side. i think his only main interest was what would be good for gondor. and boromir was one of the best things that happened to gondor so thats why denthor liked him so much more.
yeah, but that's no reason for forgetting about the rest of the world. Gondor isn't everything
04-23-2003, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith
yeah, but that's no reason for forgetting about the rest of the world. Gondor isn't everything As the Steward of Gondor, I believe it was Denethor's duty to put Gondor's interests before the interests of the rest of the world. To him, Gondor was everything.
04-23-2003, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Jonathan
As the Steward of Gondor, I believe it was Denethor's duty to put Gondor's interests before the interests of the rest of the world. To him, Gondor was everything.
you like defending him, don't you?
I don't know. I think he over-rated his own abilities.
04-23-2003, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith
you like defending him, don't you?
Yes, I'm sort of the Devil's advocate.
04-23-2003, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Jonathan
Yes, I'm sort of the Devil's advocate.
If you put it that way .... what's your good thing for Sauron then?
04-23-2003, 03:58 PM
Sauron? Well, he's pure evil. I've nothing good to say about him, except that he's a great villain in Tolkien's world.
04-23-2003, 03:59 PM
there again, you found something good about Sauron :D
04-23-2003, 04:08 PM
As I sead earlier in this thread; there is no character in Tolkien's books that I really dislike. Not even Sauron :D
04-23-2003, 04:15 PM
wow, is all I can say
Tolkien must have impressed you very much
04-23-2003, 04:18 PM
No doubt he impressed me.
Perhaps we should stop the discussion or take it elsewhere. I'm afraid the off-topic police will catch us sooner or later.
04-23-2003, 04:21 PM
living in fear .... the off-topic police is very, very strict
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-27-2003, 10:24 AM
I like Arwen
and i nominate Pippin for stupidest.
04-27-2003, 11:35 AM
1.) Favourite character.
Does it have to be LotR? If it does then Treebeard, I agree with "Don't be hasty" however hard I find it not to be!
If not then Garm, he's adorable!
2.)Funniest character.
Pippin, he may grow up to be respectable, but like DB said, he's still a young mischief-making hobbit-lad at heart.
3.)Stupidest character.
4.)Nicest character.
5) Wormtongue
04-28-2003, 01:15 PM
1. Favorite character: Gollum, no doubt. Best written and most..... thought provoking too.
2. Funniest character: Barlamain Butterbur.
3. Stupidest character: The stone-trolls. Man, they were dumb :)
4. Nicest character: Faramir. "Sure we have the world's greates weapon in our hands, but eh, let's let it go."
5. Least favorite character: Saruman. Poor trees, and Isengard used to be so pretty :(.
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