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04-15-2003, 11:53 PM
The Valley of Mist. A lovely tale of a beautiful valley, home of fantastic treasures and creatures beyond our wildest dreams. A myth of a cursed land, a locked tower, and a treasure for those who seek it. a fantastic dream, but a dream still. Or is there truth to these wild fabrications? No one knows.

Enter the quest for the Valley of Mist!

In the very center of a city, in the center of a kngdom, an odd elf
walks. She, short of stature, small of physique, draws the eye, unlike all the colors and sounds of this city. She is beautiful, to be sure, but that, and her plain clothing, do not account for your eyes going to her instead of brightly colored traders stands. Her armband is out of place; pure platinum on someone dressed in a green tunic and leggings. That is her only ornament, save the pattern of a flowering vine on her hems,a silver handharp strapped to her back. As you take this in, she is suddenly standing before you, her eyes measuring, then taking on a brilliant hue of sapphire.
She speaks, her voice low and pleasant. "You are one such as I need. How would you like to go on an adventure?"
You of course wish to know the nature of this quest.
"We seek the Valley of Mist."

04-16-2003, 12:59 AM
There is yet another elf, considerably taller than her companion. She lacks subtlety, but walks with a serious gracefulness. She is taller than most, and has strange attire.She is dressed in a tunic and leggings that changes color with her moods. She is very attractive and sticks out like her companion, but in a different way. She wears a circlet of silver with a strange stone that changes colors, set in it. As you approach her, her eyes flash a beautiful emerald green and her message is slightly different."You know what I seek,The Valley of mist, but are you brave enough to seek it?"

04-16-2003, 01:05 AM
There was one thing you did not notice about her.On her clothing there are pictures of running horses.If you answer yes her eyes will flash a brilliant sky blue.If no, her eyes will flash red and you should run away as fast as you can.

04-16-2003, 02:36 PM
But if you do not answer she will walk away and look for a new recruit, and you will walk away with shame.

04-17-2003, 04:48 PM
We need new players!!!!!!!!!!

04-18-2003, 02:10 PM
OOC: Never fear, I am here! <grumbles> Ok, maybe now is the time to run away screaming.


I look at the two elves in front of me. They are unusual, to be certain. I have heard tales of the Valley of Mist; who hasn't? But to me, they were mere stories told to children to send them off to their slumber. First I look at the shorter of the elves, then the taller. They are both beautiful, and obviously skilled in whatever they attempt. Thinking about how I must appear at that moment, I wonder at the sanity of the pair. My red hair is pulled back away from my face in a messy knot, my sueded shoes are coated in mud, I'm sure I look like a vagabond. I am unusual for a women, I know, because I wear a short tunic and breeches, like a man, with simple yet complexly designed rosettes upon the hems.

Still, the story of the Valley of Mist was my favorite as a small child. I look again to the elves. They are waiting patiently for my answer. What do I have to lose? I have been living alone, day to day, week to week. At the least, perhaps they will feed me.

"Yes. I shall join your quest."

04-18-2003, 02:56 PM
Then the taller elf says"you look tired, you should follow me to our home in the mountians, we could walk but horses are faster and much more stable." "Oh and are you an advanced rider?"

The last sane person
04-18-2003, 03:04 PM
OOC: may I join?

I see two elves and a human walking infront of me. The elves, needless to say, are impecable while the human was a bit dirty and way worn. I stop and meet the two elves, eye to eye. instead of moving on the stop and hold my gaze and smile at me. I wonder what I have gotten into now.

04-18-2003, 05:38 PM
They say to you "Do you wish to come with us to find the Valley of Mist?" Then the taller one bends down slightly and says" If you do not answer we will leave, but you will never know what will happen on this quest." They pause and say"We are taking this young lady to get cleaned up and to get some rest if you will join our quest we will house and feed you too."

04-18-2003, 05:42 PM
The elves then wait Pachently[my spellings bad :( ]

04-18-2003, 05:55 PM

I open my mouth to make a sharp retort at the stress that was placed upon my being called young, but then hold my tongue. Doubtless that the elves that I am with are centuries, if not millenia older than I. Watching the stranger that has approached us, I smile a bit, wondering what they will decide to do.

04-18-2003, 08:21 PM
"In case you were wondering, we are quite sane," the shorter of the two elves smiles. "We wish to help you procure the legendary treasure of the Valley, and I... well I wish to remove the suffocating mist that has long silenced my home."

Ooc: Hello again, Sane!

The last sane person
04-18-2003, 09:05 PM
OOC:Hola mi amiga!

The tall one was the oddest out of the bunch. deffinetly. But when the Valley of Mist, my jaws nearls drop. I looked at them and was about to refuse when something took over me and aswered for me;

"It would be my honor too join you on your quest" and I follwed them off.

04-18-2003, 11:31 PM
The elves and the humans came to the next part of the city near the stables

04-19-2003, 01:07 AM
"Here, in the very back two stalls, they will be well provided for."
The hairs on your neck prickle, but the horses seem very happy. The stalls are warmer than the rest of the stables, and the horses appear rubbed down and rested the moment they step into their stalls.
"Those of the Valley more powerful than I are reduced much, but they may do this much for you and yours. Until we begin the journey, you will be in utmost comfort."

04-19-2003, 01:45 AM
This is only a temporary lodging, and after we are done recruiting we will go to our retreat in the mountains. We will get you washed and fed as well as these horses here. She laughed a musical laugh at some elvish joke her friend told her. then she started singing a strange but beautiful song and the travelers fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

04-19-2003, 04:01 PM
When the passengers woke in the morning they found the elves to be gone, and they debated what to do next.

04-19-2003, 06:42 PM
I awoke first. The man sleeping in the bed next to mine was still slumbering, snoring loudly. I tried to fall back asleep, as it had been the first time in a long while that I had slept in a decent bed, but the man's insistant nasal thunder would not let me rest. Grumbling to myself, I rolled out of the bed, to find a new pair of shoes, tunic, and trousers waiting for me. Excited, I grabbed them and wandered around a bit, until I found the bath, which I was able to draw for myself.

After bathing and dressing, I wandered back to the room I had spent the night in, to find the man still asleep. As neither one of the elves were around, and I was still confused as to why exactly I was going to go off on this crazy quest, I decided to wake the man and talk to him about it. I began to shake him, saying in a strong voice, "Wake up."

04-19-2003, 10:59 PM
Meanwhile the elves were split up and asking the same question they asked the other two,"We are searching for the Valley of Mist, will you help us find it?

The last sane person
04-20-2003, 01:12 AM
OOC: I do not snore!

I awoke to the shaking and the voice of the girl I had seen earlier. At first I didnt remember what had happened. then It all came back. She said "we need to talk". I nodded my head and pulled on some fresh clothes and followed her out side.

04-20-2003, 02:00 PM
"Did you rest well?"

04-20-2003, 02:18 PM
Is it too late to join?

The last sane person
04-20-2003, 05:47 PM
OOC:Nope its not! hop in!

Once i had followed the girl out the short elf returned, "Did you rest well?" she asked us. "yes, wonderfully, thank you." She nodded and continued to talk to us about the nature of the quest. I was paying attention but i really perked up at the mention of another that was supposed to be on our quest.....

OOC: there, you're in!! now for Kalile or Legoles to fill you in!

04-20-2003, 10:59 PM
I pm'd Legoles but I'll post here too.

ic: A small lithe girl is sitting on a bench with her head bent over her writing. Her black curls tumble out of her braid and her green eyes are searching the words. Beside her is a falcon with brown feathers tipped in black, it's fierce gaze on it's mistress. The girl is Ranwyn and the hawk is Dran.

ooc: Now one of the elves can aproach me.

04-20-2003, 11:35 PM
Then the tall elf aproaches her. The child stares in wonder as she bends down to speak to her. The elf asks her kindly"Have you heard of the valley of mist?" she asks. The child nods her head in a sign that looked like a yes, so the tall elf continued. "Would you like to go look for it?" " We have a number of companions going with us." " Oh and by the way your bird is beautiful," she added kindly. "Will you go with us?"

04-21-2003, 10:18 AM
ooc: Now I'll do first person
I nodded my head and shoved my book into my backpack. Dran alighted on my shoulder, "His name is Dran," I said shyly.

"And your name?" The elf asked kindly


ooc2: Ranywn is young, about 11 or so but she's very quick.

04-21-2003, 01:02 PM
ooc: Sorry, Sane, but ya snore now! :D


As I listened to the short elf talk about the journey, I was once again filled with that sense of confidence, that sense of "I'm doing the right thing." I couldn't help but wonder if the elf was perhaps influencing my thinking.

"Who is this other that is joining the quest?" I asked, curious. I didn't really believe that there would be many other than myself that would partake in such a journey. Well, save for the man that snored too heavily in his sleep. As I thought this, it occured to me that I did not even know my travel companion's names.

"And what is your name?" I asked the short elf. Turning to the man, I said, "And yours, as well. Mine is Rowena."

The last sane person
04-21-2003, 03:56 PM
I looked at the girl and the short elf, when they asked my name. "Seth" i replied and they introdued themselves. I asked "how and where do we start this thing? are we going to a base camp or what?"

04-21-2003, 07:38 PM
Legoles? Are we gonna wait for anyone else or are we heading straight to the barn?

04-21-2003, 07:50 PM
"The other's name is Ranwen. Mine is Kalile. And you are looking at the base camp. We will start when Legoles brings young Ranwen and her bird.

04-21-2003, 08:06 PM
"*Young* Ranwen?" I ask, suddenly apprehensive. "Just how *young* are we talking here? I mean, to you, any mortal person could be considered a babe."

04-21-2003, 10:18 PM
"Well," the elf looked very uncomfortable, her poise ruined by flushing and hesitating, "eleven"

Ooc: That's funny: eleven in german is 'elf'

04-21-2003, 11:13 PM
Young ranwen decided to go then the tall elf came back and said, " We are going to leave for the next city as soon as we get you horses, so which one do you want?"

The last sane person
04-22-2003, 12:49 PM

When I heard just how young the girl was, i was stuned. "How is a little girl like that going o help us?". "Damn!" I though, we are going to have to baby sit, no...I am goind to have to baby sit!! Then the talk of horses came up and they asked which one I wanted. "I have my own desert horse, use the spare for a pack animal."

We are off for the valle and i am starting to have second thoughts about my companions! too late to turn back now!!

04-22-2003, 07:57 PM
The tall elf took her horse cloud mane which was 17 hands high and was pure white with silver hooves and silver horse shoes.

04-22-2003, 08:33 PM
Ooc: that's one expensive horse. And you're one tall elf!

"The valley's connections to the world are few, but there are those who can venture out. My mount is such."
On cue, a great shaggy wolf almost the size of a small pony loped into view. He had fur of platinum, eyes of amythyst that held amazing intelligence. He didn't even spook the horses.
<greetings. I am warrl of the misty valley.>

04-22-2003, 08:45 PM
and then the tall elf(who will reveal her name later) asked the girl what horse she would like to ride.

04-22-2003, 08:48 PM
Ooc: Legoles, clean out your mailbox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-22-2003, 08:56 PM
Ooc: I did okay

04-22-2003, 09:34 PM
Oh thanx Sane:rolleyes: I haven't been a young person yet so I wanted a new approach. And I bet you're a very good babysitter!:D

"The brown and black one. To match Dran's feathers" I said quickly, giving a side glance to the wolf.
"You won't hurt will you?"

04-22-2003, 10:37 PM
Kalile: No it wont he is totally tame.
Let's get a move on said the tall elf, we are going from Imladrias to Lothendien.
All so far involved: Various replys[ok,what,how do we get there,are we there yet?]

04-22-2003, 10:46 PM
ic: "How long will we travel?" I asked. Dran flew up above us but stayed within calling.

04-22-2003, 10:55 PM
<tame? :mad: >
"Well, maybe not, but he won't hurt you. That better?"
"We will travel a good while. The distance has no meaning."

04-22-2003, 11:52 PM
We were headed to the crossroads. I said suddenly" Get off the road." It seemed they ignored me so I shouted "GET OFF THE ROAD NOW!!!!!!!!" It seemed they heard me and they darted into cover of the trees, while Kalile and I went ahead to scout it out. When we returned, the humans were sitting in front of a fire. Kalile and I told them in unison"Put it out it, as it attracts the enemy." After it was put out we told them the situation.
Kalile: There is a great host of orcs ahead.
Imhuriel:"We killed most of them but not all, so we are going to equip you with armor and weapons. Ranwen gets a coat of mithril wroght for an elven princling a knife and a sword. Rowena gets a coat of chain mail and body armor, her weapons are a dagger,sword, and a knife.
Kalile: "Seth gets a set of chain mail and plates of armor, his weapons are a sword, a dagger, and a long white knife.
Imhuriel: "Me and Kalile bolth wear a coat of mithril mail under our clothes. We have weapons that differ. Kalile has a bow and arrows, a knife and two daggers. I have a bow and arrows, a sword Andruiel, and a long knife named Imharial. We are now ready to proceed"

04-23-2003, 03:25 PM
I clutched the sword given to me firmly in my right palm. The dagger and the knife I placed on my hips, the dagger on the left, the knife on the right. My chain mail hung a bit loosely on me, but, being the practical person that I like to fool myself into believing that I am, I decided that it would be better to wear uncomfortable chain mail than to end up orc meat.

Our assorted company creapt deathly quiet through the brush, until we reached the clearing where the orcs former camp had been. I say former because, although the orcs were still there, the camp was in disarray. Orc bodies littered the ground, their black blood oozing into the earth. Even though a great number of their fellows lay slain, a greater number were still mobile, and searching the surrounding woods with vengence on their minds. Well, alright, maybe not so much vengence as the chance to taste the flesh of something freshly killed. Namely, us.

So nervous that my hands were shaking, a snuck a glance at each of my companions. They all looked so fearless, so determined....even Seth and Ranwen, who were as human as I was. Determining that I would not allow myself to be weaker willed than they, I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the inevitable battle that was to be waged.

04-23-2003, 07:28 PM
Ooc: silent? In armor? :p No, not really. Lucky orcs make much noise while "sneaking" :D

<Is this your first battle?> Warrl had come up behind Rowena. Without waiting for an answer he continued,<it is not so for the others know that you look as brave as any of them and you feel no more apprehensive than any save Seth he seems to be a veteran of too many battles to be extremely scared> the "voice"
smiled. <rest assured however that he is scared too>

04-23-2003, 11:35 PM
Ooc: actually in mithril you can move quite silently :D
Then cloudmane(my horse) walked in flie with Warrl[geez] and we said to wait until we gave the signal. In other words the orcs "snuck"[they make way too much noise when they do this up and Kalile and I released our arrows into the forest. The orc cries were hideous and we knew we had hit our mark. We were aiming for the orc cheiftans. Suddenly the orcs"sprang"[can orcs spring?] out of the forest. I said" Get ready for [a really graphic]your first battle, so get ready!"

The last sane person
04-24-2003, 04:06 PM
The elves had given me this armor that I now wear. We crawl up behind the enemies first scout group. I soraly wish I had my old weapons with me and not these stranges Western things.

I could contain myself no longer and burst upon them with a shout of "EULALIAAA!" the same time as the short elf. I was amazed that we said the same cry. The orcs did not know what hiot them and in no time they all lay dead before us. The elves had thought this was my first fight and I was eager to prove them wrong, I went and anhialated the next scout group before they reached me. It was when I was fighting the second that I heard the cry.....

OOC: Continue on and tell what that cry was!!

04-24-2003, 06:34 PM
Ooc; what is it?

04-24-2003, 07:56 PM
The cry of Kalile, who had been cut off from the rest of the group, and had been ambushed by a completely different group - human bandits! The group numbered more than thirty, but it took them all surrounding her and beating on her for her to sag to the ground. She was promptly tied to the back of a horse, and the bandits were off.

Ooc: We're not all wearing mithril, you know. And Legoles, CLEAN OUT YOUR MAILBOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-24-2003, 08:02 PM
I find that Kalile was missing I say "Kalile is missing!!! yrrch[elvish cuss word] lets go find her." we head in the direction of the cry at full speed

04-24-2003, 08:08 PM
Ooc: That was fast!

Ic: The group was met by Warrl, a silver moonbeam in darkness. He told them the details of her capture, and insisted on running, though he had a deep cut on one leg.

04-24-2003, 08:19 PM
OCC:Warrl can talk???
Before they went Imhuriel bent down and wrapped Warrls wound.
She then jumped on her horse and said"lets ride"[crude I know]

04-24-2003, 10:59 PM
Ooc: he can mindspeak; pay attention! :D

<I will ride pillion with you, Inhuriel> The wolf-creature leaped lightly onto the horse's back, holding on to the blanket with all four claws, careful not to claw anyone.

Ooc: Warrl's actually a kyree, but I don't think many know what that is. :p

04-24-2003, 11:26 PM
ooc: nope
we sped through the forest at a break neck speed, and after what seemed like hours of riding we caught sight of a band of men, bandits they seemed to me. They were crowded around what looked like a lump. I suddenly realised it was Kalile. I held back a scream, then told my comrades we will sneak up on them quietly, oh and Seth if you are so unnacustomed to our armor, wear your own!

The last sane person
04-25-2003, 12:35 PM
OOC: Yay! That was exactly what I had in mind for the cry!! I have a feeling that you can mindspeak too and your not telling us!!

The cry was like nothing I have ever heard before, terrified yet beautiful. Without recognizing it I had immediatly placed the scream to be that of the small elf. I ran full tilt toward the sound and passed the group and headed on my own.

I heard the tall elf curse and it caught me off gaurd to hear such a being curseing like a common sailor. I smiled and went the opposite way, letting them sneak in on the bandits from behind and i going around the front to create a diversion for them to sneak in. I was starting to like the weight of these armor and weapons around me and the damage they could deal.

I saw the lump that was Kalile and counted the number of assailents; around thirty that were in the immediate area and all were well armed. I thanked the Weastereners god for the thick armor and heavy weapons and descended on the ruffians with a cry of the elf. The others came from behind as soon as there was confusion on the camp.

The elves were craftier than i had given them credit for. each of my companions had come from a different angle shooting arrows then traded places and came at them with weapons drawn; In no time was Kalile free and her wounds treated.

04-25-2003, 01:49 PM
Sorry I haven't posted much not sure where to fit in at

"She seems to be okay" I said as I knelt next to the elf, Dran at my side, "My mother taught me some healing arts so you should be fine soon enough."
"How do you feel, Kalile?"

04-25-2003, 08:25 PM
"Oof. I feel all right. Thank you all." Warrl laid his head in her lap, and she smiled. After a few moments she seemed to remember something. "Oh, that's right. Seth, there are a few scimitars and halberds among the loot, if you want them."
She gestured behind at the pile of goods. There was nothing exceedingly valuable, save good weapons of every kind, tack, and shields, but that was enough.

Ooc: Legoles isn't going to be posting for a bit - untill Monday, I think.

04-26-2003, 11:44 AM
The orcs were so swiftly defeated that I barely had time to ponder what was happening, and then we were off to save Kalile from the bandits. They, too, were swiftly crushed, and now we sat around, while Ranwen talked to Kalile and the taller elf talked to Seth about weaponry. I walked up to Waarl, who was sitting beside Kalile.

"Thank you. For your words, earlier. I needed to hear them."

<How do you feel of battle now?>

"Much the same as I did earlier, but at least now I know that it does not mean certain death. I just feel like I was an extra body out there, getting in the way. I want to prove I am worthy for this mission." I smiled softly, and it seemed that Waarl was smiling too, even though I could not see it, it was just a feeling that he presented.

<You shall have much opportunity before this journey is over to prove your worth.>

04-26-2003, 03:25 PM
Ooc: hey, you stole my words! :p Now I can't post! ;)

The last sane person
04-28-2003, 05:30 PM
OOC: Well, sombody better post! I cant as I am a bit preoccupied at the moment!

04-28-2003, 08:42 PM
After a short time Kalile moved Warrl off of her lap.
"You are heavy," she told him sternly, and got up. "Let's go. Did we keep all the horses?"

04-28-2003, 08:47 PM
"Yes, luckily we did." I reply, motioning towards the horses that were now tethered to nearby trees. "Perhaps it would be best if we continued on our journey now?"

The last sane person
04-29-2003, 05:27 PM
OOC: Finally on the move again!

*Seth had consulted Inhuriel too keep all the horses and only the good weapons and take them with them on their journey*

Seth:*Casting away broken weapons* Well, so much for your gifts! *takes the Easterling weapons* Now! this is more like it!

Kalile: Right, we should get moving before night falls. We have wasted enough time sitting here as it is!

*the whole group moves off with each person leading a horse carrying their weapons*

04-29-2003, 06:34 PM
ooc: hullo again
the group moved at a slow pace that gradually sped up as Kalile recovered. I did not think that we would have any more problems with orcs so I consulted Kalile after dinner
privately after dinner" how do you think Seth knew your war cry?":confused:

04-29-2003, 11:07 PM
Ooc: Really it's because once before I posted the war cry on a post, and sane knew where it came from.

Ic: "As I wandered long ago I went to the east. He had a weapons master who taught him the war cry a while back. He was just a young boy then, but I was as you see me now. I doubt he will remember. I barely recognized him myself."

04-29-2003, 11:41 PM
ic:The two elves were busy talking and the man, Seth was cleaning his weapons, so I pulled out my book and drew, Dran, beside me nodded aprovingly as I added more feathers to hi plumage in the picture. I cast a sidelong glance at the others. I knew I was not the best fighter but with my mother and father gone I neede something to do.

04-30-2003, 12:28 AM
The elves adjourned their meeting and Imhuriel walked uo to Ranwen." Very good picture of Dran." said she."Rather accurate, and nicely drawn,very good."

04-30-2003, 10:58 PM
ic: The elf startled me
"My sister taught me." I explained hurriedly, "What are we going to do now? Which way should we head?"

04-30-2003, 11:27 PM
We will be heading twords Larion[Loriens old name]

05-01-2003, 05:52 PM
"This place, where we are headed...." I began, but bit off my question. Imhuriel and Kalilie looked at me rather expectantly, however, so I continued. "I'm not quite sure I understand how going there will assist us in our journey towards the Valley of Mist."

05-01-2003, 06:07 PM

"More elves?" I added. "Are we going to get more people to join us? And near what land is The Valley of Mist?"

ooc: And where is sane?

The last sane person
05-01-2003, 06:59 PM
OOC: I am right here, dont panick. I'm not lost.


The elves were over talking to the youngling and the other girl, Ranwen, I think was her name. Explaining where it was that they were going. They had already told me and I had no reason to question it, so I merely nodded and went back to reconditioning the blades of our weapons. The rest my new companions were laughing together about something but I kept to my work. I am not one for excessive talking, and I have been considered by many to be a loner. Which is not too totaly true, I just dont talk to those who wont understand me. In other words, about 99.9% of the population of the humans in middle earth. Now elves are supposed to be some how better understanding but I have yet to try my luck with them.

"How will going to Larien help us on our journey?" the young one asked. On second thought, that was my question too. I strained my ears to better hear them while still appearing to nonchalontly clean the weapons.

05-01-2003, 07:01 PM
Maybe there will be more elves I do belive Kalile and I are out numbered 2 to 3. The Vlley of Mist is in a land I know little about exept that it used to be a haven for the elves. Ask Kalile for more.
We are going to Larion to get more aid, rest,looks at Kalile rather unhappily, and get orc blood off ourself KALILE, nice clean beds [SETH &KALILE;) ] and a good meal. We are also going here because it's one step closer in our expiditon, and we can refresh our animals cause except for warrl, and Cloudmane [my horse]. Thats why.
OOC:Why were you in the hospital?

The last sane person
05-01-2003, 07:07 PM
OOC: excuse moi! but did you not see my post?? I am not hiding any where! so there! I was merely in the hospital for a short period of time and I didnt really have access to a computer!

05-01-2003, 08:12 PM
Iposted that before I saw your post:o sorry Seth and Sane

05-01-2003, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by Aralyn

"More elves?" I added. "Are we going to get more people to join us? And near what land is The Valley of Mist?"

"My valley is on an island, but Larion and Boreas's mountains lay in our way. Perhaps some will join us, but I doubt it," Kalile added the last sentence bitterly, looking away past the trees.

05-02-2003, 02:29 PM
"Then let's go. I don't like it here." I said quickly. I stood and placed Dran on my shoulder. He immediatly turned hi head and screeched at the man angrily.

"Hush," I scolded, "He doesn't like weapons" I explained to Seth.

05-02-2003, 02:52 PM
Going camping for three days. Be back on the 'Moot on Sunday.
Seth you can write for me. Member I'm a little girl so don't use a lot of big words and stuff.

The last sane person
05-02-2003, 03:22 PM
OOC: as you wish

I had finished my task and went over to where they were all standing. Ranwen's vird squacked at me. "she doesnt like weapons."

"well, by the time this adventure is over she will have to be used to them" I replied with a smile and walked over to Shabaq and mounted she smiled back.

Kalile rode next to me. "that was the first time i have seen you smile in a long while." at first that puzzled me. but then my mind suddenly sent a memory before my eyes of a wandering elf stoping by my masters house of swords and stayiing with us and teaching me new techniques.

"oh, Well. alot of things have happened over the years and I havent much time to be merry. To busy trying to keep my scalp. I remeber you, I still do." The elf looked at me and smiled back with a tinge of sadness in her eyes.

"how is your old instructor doing?" she asked tenativly.

"he passed away. Fighting to his last breath, just like he always wanted. Never to die in bed." I looked away to hide my sadness.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

we rode on to face whatever should come our way

05-02-2003, 06:20 PM
Imhuriel, after much thought said," Well we are not going to be able to make it across like this, as we have few people. I hope we can find a few more to join our quest[male elves]"

The last sane person
05-03-2003, 07:05 PM
OOC: why male elves??? Oh wait, I think I can guess.:rolleyes:

05-04-2003, 10:26 AM
Rowena rode in silence, enjoying the some-what solitude that she recieved on the way to Larion. Everyone in the group--even little Ranwen---seemed so much more worldly than she. Although she had been many places and seen, and done, many things, this group somehow seemed more....pulled together, than she.

It was not long before they came to the edge of the most amazing golden wood that Rowena had ever seen. Kalile rode forward, and an elf appeared from seemingly nowhere to talk with her.

05-04-2003, 10:51 AM
Lalaith appeared next to the two elves. She was clothed in the garb of the mirkwood elves but was clearly working with the lorien kind. She listened carefull and glanced around. A group of urik-hai had tried to pass through before, they were all dead of course but it had been a feroius fight.

05-04-2003, 01:58 PM
"More elves," I whispered to Seth, who was sitting next to me, "My aunt didn't like elves."
Secretly I was a bit scared of them myself. The horse I was on nickered quietly and Dran hopped from its head to the sky.

05-04-2003, 04:37 PM
Imhuriel walked over to Ranwen."Why did your aunt not like elves?"

05-04-2003, 04:40 PM
She looked around again. Still listening carefully to the conversation going on next to her.

05-04-2003, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Legoles
Imhuriel walked over to Ranwen."Why did your aunt not like elves?"

"I don't know" I lied, averting my eyes to Dran's rust feathers.

05-04-2003, 05:53 PM
"I can tell you are lieing, please tell me the truth, because Kalile and I have a talent for telling if someone lies or not, I won't be mad with you if you tell me." she said kindly

05-04-2003, 05:56 PM
"I won't tell you." I said firmly shaking my head.

05-04-2003, 06:33 PM
"Let it go, Legoles. I need your help over here." The other elves looked at Kalile darkly. "I'm not in the best favor here."

05-04-2003, 06:35 PM
to Ranwen"Okay but if you want to tell me any time you may."
Why do you need my help?

05-04-2003, 07:28 PM
"I'm not in the best of favor here. It's just because of you guys that I'm not being shot or marched to prison right now." Though she spoke softly, the elves seemed to guess the jist of what she was saying. "You are in a bad position, Kalile. Give a good reason why we shouldn't bring your friends to jail with you."

Kalile didn't answer for a moment. The elves sneered, and a few stepped forward. "Time's up," the front one said, and made a grab for Kalile. He was suddenly flat on his back, and arrows were trained on the group.
"Come," an elf said, and Kalile stepped forward sighing.
"I had hoped we could avoid confrontation," she said to the others. "Well, I'll see you later."
"That remains to be seen," one of the Lariens said as they led Kalile off.

05-04-2003, 07:46 PM
Imhuriel quickly followed after the elves and said may I know why she is being arrested? The elf at front said snobbishly"that is none of your concern."
I replied it is my concern."
"Why?" he asked
" Because she is my friend, and because I'm higher in rank than you!!!"
"Are you really? he asked comtemptuously"prove it"
"Okay I will[ casting aside my old travel worn robes to show my silver and white garments] I am Imhuriel Evenstar princess of the Dark wood[ fliping her hair] now tell me!!"

05-04-2003, 07:58 PM
"Princess you may be, but you have no power here unless we choose to recognize it."

Kalile broke in,"I am from Ilwernen, now the Valley of the Mist. That is bad enough. The two elvish nations never trusted or liked eachother. I passed through here during the war, was apprehended, and escaped once before. So, I am an escaped convict, on the basis of...treason to the Misty Valley, I think. Those few of Ilwernen who judged me found me guilty of treason for being here during a war. I couldn't prove that I was just passing through, because I wasn't, really. The real reason I'm in trouble is because I.. I murdered an elf. It was an accident, but not completely. I hated him, and I killed him during a practice duel. He-"
'' That's enough," an elf said, pulling Kalile away. "The rest of you will be fed and provisioned, then sent on your way."

05-04-2003, 08:12 PM
No Imhuriel said stubbornly I will not leave her!! Ineed to see your queen about this, and dont give me any of that Lady does not want to see you CRAP now lets get going!!!

05-05-2003, 09:25 AM
Lalaith put her hand on one of the guards shoulders. She whispered in his ear. He turned and glared at her.
"I cannot do that" He replied, nervous. She clearly had much more power than him but there was some restrain on it.
She glared back at him, muttering something under her breath.
"I will stay with these for the meantime" She told him.

Turning to the group she thought about what she could do to help.

05-05-2003, 07:32 PM
the group marched away imhuriel next to Kalile.

05-05-2003, 08:56 PM
Rowena stood, shocked at what she had heard. Kalile had always seemed like such a peaceful, calm elf....like any other elf, she had supposed. Now to learn that she was an outlaw, and that her crime was murder....it was, to say the least, a bit of a shock for her. Despite this, she followed behind the victorious guards and Imhuriel, waiting to see what would become of her. The guard elves had said that they would be provisioned and sent on their way, but if they knew they were going to the Valley of the Mist, would they be so keen? Rowena doubted it, especially if they were being so hostile to Kalile due to the fact that she was from that very same valley.

05-05-2003, 11:00 PM
I tugged at Rowena's sleeve, "Are they going to kill her? Will we get her back? I don't like it here very much."

05-05-2003, 11:02 PM
Imhuriel said imperiously" well now that we are on the road why is it a crime to go to the valley of mist or come from that same valley?"

The last sane person
05-06-2003, 02:51 PM
OOC: Whoa, I missed somthing here! I have a weeks worth of posting to catch up!!


I suppressed a growl of pure contemp for these new "guardian elves" that had halted us. I wasnt so much surprised at the charge as I knew she was fully capable of the deed she was accused for. She was not the only one to have arrows pointed at her life. I too had a few on me, instead of lashing out, I wore my battle grin that I have when I tend to want to kill something. More arrows were pointed and more elves backed away.

I walked up to Kalile and forced my hand on her shoulder.

"What are you doing? Get back!" The first guard barked, I gave my best warning growl and he imediatly backed away and I walked beside Kalile, speaking in the tongue of the east, which drew many an eyebrow.

"hang in there! I dont give a horses ass how many of the bastards are here! i'll spring you outta here come night fall If they decide to treat you any less than a warrior's due!"

She smiled and repied, "I have no doubt you can! just wait till nightfall! you must warn the others though! I'll not leave them here!"

I growled at the elves who were trying to get in between us, this time I really put my all into the growl and turned it into a lion's roar. They scattered left and right, I accidentaly scarred the little ones, Ranwen and Rowena. Oops.

I shall wait till nightfall.

05-06-2003, 06:41 PM
Imhuriel was totally p-d off at this development and scolded seth for scaring the "young ones"

05-06-2003, 09:38 PM
"I don't know what they plan on doing with her." Rowena said softly, replying to Ranwen's question. She watched as Seth bullied his way to Kalile's side, and then snapped and growled at the guards, making them scatter. Ranwen was visibily shaken by the entire incident, and while Rowena was startled, she was not afraid.

Wishing she could speak to her companions, Rowena held her tounge, knowing that if she even so much as whispered to them she would be heard.

Eventually, the guards came back and walked along side both Seth and Kalile, with Imhuriel not far behind. Ranwen and I trailed behind her, keeping as much distance between ourselves and the guards.

After a good day's march, the guards suddenly stopped at the bottom of the largest tree Rowena had ever seen, and began to speak rapidly to Imhuriel in elvish. Even though Rowena did not speak a word of elvish, she knew basically what was going on; one did not live for 23 years and not pick up on *some* things. The guards were trying to tell Imhuriel that they were going to seperate them from Kalilie; Imhuriel clearly did not like that arrangement.

The conversation ceased suddenly as a she-elf, dressed completely in white, suddenly appeared on the stairs at the base of the tree.

"What peril has now entered my realm through uncautious travelers?" she spoke softly, and Rowena could feel right down to the marrow of her bones that this she-elf was ancient, and wise, but not to be trifled with.

The guards bowed down suddenly before her. "Greetings, Lady Galadriel." they proclaimed in unison.

05-07-2003, 12:02 AM
Ooc: Whoops, I missed quit a bit, as well!

Ic: "What for have these people been apprehended? They are not orcs, nor goblins, not have they an evil taint."

"My lady," the spokesman for the guards said, bringing Kalile forward,"it is Kalile."

Galadriel glanced away for a moment, and when she looked back, her eyes were full of sorrow. "You know my position. It is the greatest crime to slay another being in anger."
Kalile bowed her head in acknowledgement and shame.
"But you did it to protect these very woods, and your own island. I am afraid that your deed was mostly in vain, however."
Now she spoke to the group's minds. <Dark elves still roam, seeking to start these terrible wars again. There is one who holds great power here. I may do nothing to stop him. You must help me, and these woods, perhaps the whole elven race. You killed an assasin, but there are more, Kalile. Hold those who judged you traitor not in contempt, for the poison that destroyed your valley was already at work.>

The guards shifted. "We must take her to Lord Shenodu. It is the law," he added unnecessarily.
The lady's eyes flickered. "So mote it be," she murmered and let them pass. As Ranwen passed, she caught the girl's eye.
<Do not worry. All will be well.>

05-07-2003, 06:38 PM
The party continued on after passing Lady Galadriel's inspection, and soon came to a safe haven.

The last sane person
05-07-2003, 07:03 PM
OOC: Shall I spring ye out or what?? And by the way, I never did like Elrond or Galadriel or those really really old elves. Too depresing and snobby for me! so dont be surprised by my irreverance!! oh kalile, I put the water pitcher in here just for you!


The appearence of the white she-elf put a damper on my audiable growling. It was still sitting in my throat, waiting to be unleashed again. She generaly avoided my gaze, when she mind spoke to us I felt myself starting to smile. I stopped the smile before it surfaced and wore my bad tempered scowl instead. Boy these elves are tricky, But they're not the only ones to mindspeak!

Once she had relayed her message to us and we were on our way to see this "lord Shnuby-Doo" or what ever his name was (I am horrible at remembering these Western names), I hung back and followed the She elf deeper into the woods till we were about a mile from any other elf, she didn't notice me and only when I mindspoke to her did she turned startled around to face me.

Seth: <Well, I see that you know that she is innocent. So why procecute her when you know she was helping you!? That assasin's blade might have been destined for your back>

She turned and glared at me, Finally she had met my eyes. and I held hers, not letting her look away.

Galadriel:<Speaking of which, how did you follow me without attracting my attention?>

Seth:*Mental smirk*<you're not answering me.>

Galadriel:*mental sigh* <I have no choice! did you not hear me? And beside, I abhore killing!>

Seth:*Mental glare* <no, you dont like killing other elves. So, you say this "Lord Something-Or-Other" has the power? why cant you "have a choice?>

She faltered at my audacity, heh, If she's amazed now then she will be floored in a moment! I looked her over to see if she had any weapons. I moved forward. she read my intentions.

Galadriel:*somwhat panicked but trying to fake it so she looks in control* Wait! If you move I will blast you with Nenya!!

Seth:*laughing heartily* Peh! Go ahead! That thing lost its power as soon as the One ring was destroyed! The age of its power has past and that thing is no better than a pretty trinket!

I moved and grabbed her as gently as I could without haveing her hit me over the head with a silver water pitcher she produced from nowhere. I was going to have her tell me the details without all this "I-cant-tell-you-cause-it's-a-elf-secret Thing" It was getting quite annoying. I had taken her with me over to the safe haven that my companions were being held and made her spill the beans.

OOC2: someone else write "the beans" for me!!

05-07-2003, 09:58 PM
ooc: Sorry seth I'll let someone else do that part. Meanwhile in another part of the woods.


"Rowena?" I whispered.

She looked at me expectantly.

"I'm tired. And I haven't seen Dran since we came into the woods." Before she could answer my words I noticed something, "Seth? Where's Seth?"

05-07-2003, 10:12 PM
Oh and a few things about Ranwen. She's not whining. (see last post) She's just stating a fact. Cause that's how she is.
And in general she doesn't like elves. Kalile and Imhuriel are about it for her. She doesn't talk about being scared much but her eyes are very expressive.

The last sane person
05-07-2003, 11:15 PM
OOC: I'll let Kalile or Legoles write "the beans" for me as thos is their story! And I am waiting for Kalile to tell me whether to spring her out or what?

05-07-2003, 11:51 PM
Ooc: you people post too fast. One evening I catch up on posts, the very next night you're all wondering if I've quit! :rolleyes: Oh well. It would be a good idea to bust me out, as you will soon learn. And Elrond is only half-elven.

Ic: Galadriel relaxed in the hold of Seth, and went limp. Suddenly she brought the pitcher back and conked him over the head just hard enough to make him let her go. (Ooc: Ha! It hasn't lost all of its power, Sane!) She faced him calmly, though her hands trembled. "I have become little more than a figurehead. Celebriel is deathly ill, neither alive nor dead. An elf, wise seeming and full of comfort to my frightened people, has held the true power for over a hundred years. He started the wars in secret, then stepped up to stop them. The people rejoiced. He sent an assassin to kill Celebriel once and for all, but I stood in his way. The assassin decided to kill us both, and would have, but for Kalile. She was trying to stop the wars between elves. She killed the assassin, but the council of dark elves condemmed her as a traitor and murderer. You must help her, Seth."
Ooc: Melodramatic, but I think I write good parts for depressing old elves.

05-08-2003, 07:06 PM
Imhuriel stood up a little straighter and mindspoke to Galadrial<I shall also help for being her friend this long has had an influence upon me. I can hear others mindspeak even if they are not speaking to me, which may indeed prove usefull.>

05-08-2003, 10:28 PM
"You must get her out soon, before the dark elves can find ways to punish her within the law."

Meanwhile... "*Sigh* This is very demeaning. Too bad they took my weapons! :o Oh well, I'll just have to wait for Sane and Inhuriel and the rest of our group get me out. :mad: I don't like waiting much."

Outside the treetop prison a cell door could be heard opening inside, and a cry of pain, followed by a much lower moan. An elf ran quickly out and fetched others, who snuck into the dungeon. (Is it a dungeon if it's thirty-some feet off the ground?) A clatter rose, and raised voices, then silence.
Dran took off from the tree and went to go find his mistress.

05-08-2003, 11:00 PM
Before Rowena could answer my questions Dran screeched and alighted on my shoulder.

"What's the matter?" I questioned, although I knew he couldn't answer.

We (Rowena and i) were sitting on the ground under a massive tree. Imruhiel was talking with one of the gaurds and I couldn't see Seth anywhere. Kalile had been taken away to a place I didn't know.

Dran cried out and nervously swept off my shoulder to fly around an elven man. He waved Dran away annoyed.

I stood up and ran over to him. "Leave him alone!" I said furiously(sp?)

The man's suprise turned to anger.

ooc: So what happened? With the dungeon or is Seth sposed to make it up?

05-09-2003, 02:09 PM
OOC:I'm gonna take Kalile's part at the moment

Kalile: What in god's green earth is going on down there? She looked down and could'nt belive her eyes...

05-09-2003, 06:10 PM
Why don't one of you two (legoles or kalile) say what the elf man would say. I'm not sure what to do.

05-09-2003, 06:47 PM
I'll get Kalile to dod itK?K

05-11-2003, 12:54 AM
Ooc: Er... you want me to play the part of one of the guards, right?

Ic: The elf's lip curled. "Well, if it isn't the criminal's little girl and her pet bird! You had best be off."

Ooc: Is that what you wanted?

05-11-2003, 10:08 AM
ooc: Yeah thanx Kalile


"Kalile's not a criminal!" I replied glaring at the much taller elf.
"And you'd better watch out or Dran will attack you."

"You'd best hurry over to your group before-"

"Ranywn," Rowena said, "Come over here."

ooc: Sorry to use your character of Rowena. Needed it right there. Is it okay?

05-11-2003, 03:14 PM
OOC: this is confusing, Kalile, will you please tell us what you saw???

05-11-2003, 05:37 PM
Ooc: What I saw? :confused: What are you talking, er writing about?

The last sane person
05-11-2003, 09:07 PM
OOC: I dunno what the hell is going on!! better move it along!! lets just say it was I who started the uproar in camp for the sake of the thread.


*Seth had found out where Kalile was being kept and had made Galadriel follow him up ther to spring her out*

Seth:*Whispering* Now what?

Galadreil:*opening cell* Go create adiversion down there and lead the guards away!!

Seth:*Battle smile on his face* Gladly! I wont promise you any thing though!

*before Galadriel could protest, Seth slipped down and had started beating the daisies out of the guardian elves and leading them away. reclaiming the troops weapons*

Kalile:*Looking down* what on gods green earth is going on down there?!

*she was pulled into the shadows by Galadriel, who gave her back her weapons*

Galadriel: Here Kalile, go rally your friends and go to the northern edge of my wood, you will find your horses supplied and extra weapons laid out for you!! Go with Grace!!

*with that the two elves parted ways. Galadriel making her way back to her husbands bed side and Kalile to her friends aid and to her freedom. It is without a doubt that at least a feew unfortunate elves had their heads bonked by a beautiful silver water pitcher*


Kalile:*smiling to her self* Well, at least Seth is enjoying all of this!!

*she made her way to the other girls who were arguing with the guard*

Guard: You had best be off!!

*Kalile&Seth come out of the shadows and bonk the guard over the head*

Seth&Kalile: We could not have spoken a truer word!!

Kalile: come on girls! we've gotta lot of ridding to do!!

*they make it to the northern edge of the wood and find Imhuriel already there*

Imhuriel:*Smile* what took you so long??


*they ride out with all due speed and by morning had left the golden wood far behind*

05-12-2003, 10:50 PM
They now headed twords the mountains that seperated them from the valley of mist

05-12-2003, 11:11 PM
"Well, that was a fiasco. I guess that as soon as we finish our quest, I will help the elves."

Kalile smacked herself on the forehead, exclaiming,"Of course! One of the things the Valley of Mist was famous for was the healing spring said to be within the island somewhere. Some did find it, but others died trying. If we give some to Celeborn (sp?) then it will all be solved!" Seeing the look on Seth's face, she continued,"Please! After Boreas's mountain, finding the island, and getting rid of the curse, it should be easy!"

A picture that I like that looks like Kalile, but I can't use it as an avatar. http://www.lair2000.net/Dragon_Pictures_Downloads/Dragon_Pictures054.JPG
(If you put your cursor on it, in the bottom corner there should be an odd icon. Click on it to make the picture bigger.)

The last sane person
05-13-2003, 12:33 AM
OOC: Try to modify it in photoshop then save it as a jpeg and d-load it here! thats how I got mine!


I groaned. Great, now we had to go find some magic water to heal the husband of a she-elf who tried to behead me with a water pitcher!! How lovely. Kalile saw the look on my face.

Kalile: ...It should be easy

Seth: Yeah, I know. But why do I want to help them?? Especially that weirded out Elf Queen! Bleh.

Kalile smiled at me. One of those half-laughing half-trying-to-be-serious smiles. I tried to refuse to smile back; and I failed miserably. We nearly fell out of our saddles laughing.

Kalile:*teasingly* Why dont you like dear old Galadriel??

Seth:*glaring good naturedly* "dear old Galadriel" my boot! That she elf has a wicked left hook, i'm tellin you! And with that infernal water pitcher of hers, she's down right murderous!!

Kalile and Imhuriel both fell out of their saddels, doubled over with laughter. I tried to growl to shut them up, but i nearly joined them in laughing.

Seth: oh shut up. I tried not to hurt her so i lightly grabbed her and somehow she wriggled enough room to conk me over the head.

Kalile:*Each word was punctuated with hearty,unlady like, guffaws* A big, brawny brute like you...conked over the head by a water pitcher weilding she elf?!!?!

Seth:*smile* Aw hell! It was either that or break the old prune's neck!

I walked over to our horses and found the two younger members of our group looking at us strangley. I dont think they heard the whole conversation. I smiled at them and mounted. Knowing that i must look as foolish as i feel.

Seth: Oh come on then! We have got to go and get Celeborn's medicine so he can take it and get better like the good little elf lord that he is!!

Kalile and Imhuriel guffawed thier way over to their mounts and we rode off.

05-13-2003, 06:29 PM
Ooc: :confused: Er... If you say so. Anyway, I have a windows 98 that hates photoshop, and we can't play the simplest game on it, nor can we multitask. The only reason it's around is because it still gets internet access. (whew) If it didn't, we wouldn't bother with a computer. :( Oh well.

05-13-2003, 06:31 PM
Ooc: :confused: Er... If you say so. Anyway, I have a windows 98 that hates photoshop, and we can't play the simplest game on it, nor can we multitask. The only reason it's around is because it still gets internet access. (whew) If it didn't, we wouldn't bother with a computer. :( Oh well.

05-13-2003, 11:33 PM
why the same message twice Kalile?

05-14-2003, 07:36 PM
ooc: didn't mean to! Sorry. :o

I thought that the pitcher would amuse you, Sane. :D

The last sane person
05-14-2003, 07:44 PM
OOC: It does indeed! you know, there is a handy delete button on the edit post option!!

05-14-2003, 07:57 PM
you can't use it though!! it's an moderator's option!!!! We need another rebellion

05-14-2003, 07:59 PM
Ooc: Huh? :confused:

Hey, I was able to save my picture as a jpg w/out even using photoshop! :D Yeah! Er... now what?

05-14-2003, 08:06 PM
Oh well r u confused about something? check me party house.

05-14-2003, 08:29 PM
After several days of hard riding they reached the foot of the mountain pass. It was snowed over, and bitter cold. The countryside underwent change that was anything but subtle or gradual. In fact, it literally went from grass and flowers to snow in one inch. You could see the dividing line.

05-14-2003, 11:19 PM
Imhuriel then got out some snow gear for the group[ except for herself] out of her pack. She told them to put it on, and continue on.

05-16-2003, 03:42 PM
"How soon till we get there?" Ranwen asked, tired. She dismounted to put on the snow gear and bent down to pick some snow up. It was cold on her ungloved(?) hands.
The man Seth was turned around, talking to one of the elves about something. In an instant Ranwen had a perfect snowball and threw it at him. It landed square on his back.

ooc: Hey if I can't hit sane in real life . . . :D

05-16-2003, 05:43 PM
Kalile picked snow up and lobbed it back, while Sane roared. Soon snow was flying, not even as snowballs anymore. Even the horses joined in.

Ooc: you too, Imhuriel. ;)

"Take that!" Kalile shouted as she dropped snow into Imhuriel's hair from atop her horse.

05-16-2003, 07:07 PM
ohhh you are dead died and buried!!! She beaned Kalile sane and Ranwen with really large snowballs. Hahahehe, you got it now!!!!!!!

The last sane person
05-16-2003, 09:32 PM
OOC: Seth, I'm Seth in this thing!

I had been brained by Ranwen with a snowball. thats what started it all, soon every one was getting a piece of it for themselves. Horses too. I totally got into it and started lobing big snowballs to blind them and then i went in for the"kill". My first target was Ranwen. As soon as she put her hands up to wipe the snow from her face I grabbed her in a bear hug and buried her neck deep in the snow.

Ranwen:*laughing* Hey! No fare!

My next target was Kalile. Same tactic with the same effect.

Seth: *Mid-leap* Gottcha!!

Kalile: OOF!! *slobs Seth in the face with a snow ball getting it in his mouth*

Seth: Shmufle dlurge!

Next was Imhureil. She was battleing it out with Rowena and both were caught in a malestrom of snow. I used a slightly different tactic and got both of them. I, however, got a few mouthfulls of snow.

Seth: Shmurff shna Splurge!

Rowena&Imhuriel: AACK!

They were all buried neck deep and i was panting for breath. I finally dug them all back out and we fell about laughing. Kalile tried too tackle me but her miniscule size hampered her. I fell down laughing and she jumped on me sending me deeper into the snow.

05-17-2003, 02:28 AM
At that moment, when everyone was panting and gasping for breath, the wind picked up. Flurries of snow pushed into their warm faces, numbing you almost immediatly.

Ooc: I hate, hate, hate, hate the cold, so it's only natural that I make a dungeon there.

05-20-2003, 12:11 AM
As they plodded along, heads bent against the wind, something large and scary looking outlined itself against the snow in front of them. A halt was unnecessarily (sp?) called some distance away from the thing, and they sat/stood to discuss it.
"What do we do about it?" Kalile asked urgently.
Sane was all in favor of attacking immediatly, and many of the others agreed. "No, no," said Kalile impatiently,"it might have magic like the cold-drakes of Valdemar." Seeing the blank looks on her companions' faces, she continued, "They can take over the minds of creatures with their eyes, not to mention their claws and ice magic. Honestly, don't you people read?"

Ooc: If anyone has read about the cold drakes of Valdemar, feel free to embellish. :)

05-20-2003, 12:55 AM
Hmm do you think we should wait here or should I contact it?

The last sane person
05-20-2003, 02:39 PM
OOC: I am Not called Sane! or should I change it to Sane?

We trudged along until a threatening sillhouet loomed in the distance. Kalile was all in favor of sitting there like ducks and waiting for the thing, that happan to be some sort of Drake, complaning that we never read.

Sane: Oh brother! To hell with reading, although I do, I have fought with these stupid creatures! Oy! Imhuriel, you contact hte thing and keep it busy while I go from the back and see what the hell it is guarding!

Ranwen: Wait! if you're going to do some sneeking, you'll need some one small to do the actual sneaking!

Sane: Fine. Then i'll cover our backs.

Kalile: But wont it notice you're missing?

Imhuriel: Not if we do a Cloaking.

And with that Ranwen and I snuck off while Kalile, Imhuriel and Rowena kept what-ever-it-was busy.

05-21-2003, 07:42 PM
Suddenly, her falchion glowed blue and red and green - all the colors of the spectrum passed over the steel, and then a great bolt of white shot skyward. Just as quickly, Kalile found herself dodging the monster's attacks. That was her own doing, but then she began to fight back. Before she realized it, the thing was dead. Wiping her face, Kalile saw that she was dressed in armour to match the sword - a shirt of mail, light as a feather, incrusted with gold and jewels, and flexible golden leggings. Oddly, they did not seem frivolous.

"Oh dear."

05-23-2003, 03:06 PM
"What the...... " The same was happening to Imhuriel:p" What is going on here???" When her armor stopped changing, it was pitch black, like you could not belive, her hair was black, and her circlet dissappeared. "Guess who, Kalile? he he. I thought you would have guessed who I really was by now. Oh well, I guess you don't know everything, now do you?" but your transformation does surprise me, considering you are not back home yet."

05-23-2003, 05:37 PM
Ooc: :confused:

Ic: Kalile threw the blade as far as she could, and went back to search for hers in the snow. After a while, she found it and came back. "Damn that Galadriel! She must have slipped me a charmed blade when I wasn't looking! Stupid elf!" After ranting a while, she suddenly remembered Seth. "Hey! Where'd he go?"

05-23-2003, 10:58 PM
Meanwhile Seth and Ranwen are still behind it. (oh so you notice Seth but not me?;)


Ranwen: Look Seth. The elves. They're changing. And hey! Dran's missing. *sigh* Again.

Seth:*shakes head* He's over by the others. See he's flying over Kalile

Ranwen: So now what? It's cold here in the snow. Should we go back?

ooc: Yeah sane now what?

05-24-2003, 01:49 AM
Ooc: Sane was the only one I knew about. :eek: Sor-ry! :D

05-24-2003, 05:54 PM
Go on and tell what happens! I dont know how to post. Oh and kalile my hawk is flying over you currently

05-25-2003, 05:01 PM
"Da*n that stupid elf Galadriel, she slipped us the swords of the spirits Raywood [ray-wood], yours Kalile, and mine, Darkwood. They were the best of friends in the Valley, were they not?"

05-25-2003, 05:38 PM
"Oops! Yes they were, and are part of the legend as well."
Kalile quickly ran over the snow to find it again. "I'm not using this again, though."

Suddenly, her foot broke through the crust, and she fell. "Hey! Something's under here!" She began to sink through the snow in other places, and shouted, "Give me my harp! My harp, dammit!"

Those were the last words she uttered before disappearing completely. As the ice closed again, the hawk gave a cry and dove in after her. Then there was no sound.

The sword still lay there, as though nothing had happened.

05-25-2003, 09:05 PM
"Kalile likes trouble doesn't she?" I asked

05-25-2003, 11:56 PM
I'm the accident prone trouble magnet. :D Well, also, this wasn't going anywhere, sooo....

The last sane person
05-26-2003, 12:33 AM
OOC: Oh bah! Gone for a few days and nothing has happened! Time to budge you all!

"Indeed she does, Indeed she does." I sighed and abandoned my search. Ranwen ran heedlessly over to the spot where the ice had claimed Kalile. Silly girl. I wonder, why would such a beast be purposely stationed in the middle of no where. The exact spot in the middle of no where that they were bound to stumble upon it. Was it guarding something? If so, then what?

I shrugged and went over to where my companions were gazing at where Kalile had stood less than a moment before, calling for her harp. Her harp?! Why on earth would she want that? Was she going to dance a jig while trapped down there?

Yet another mystery to be solved.

"Well, she did ask for her harp. I think it would be rather rude for us to with hold it from her now. Dont you think?" I went over to her horse and grabbed the desired item. Why a harp, of all things?

"Boy! Ya know, I think that is the most i've ever heard outta ya!" Ranwen smiled cheekily.

"Well, then it shall be the last you shall hear out of me if what i have planned goes south on us." I went forward and grabbed the blade that was lying in the snow. As i had figured, the ground opened up and I fell in with a thump, before the ice closed over i threw the blade back to the surface along with these instructions:

"Thrust that in the ground and hold it there so all the horses and you lot can get down, then take the blade out and jump down here with it!"

The ice closed over me and all went dark.

"Aha! Thank you Seth! I was wanting my harp! Boy, what were they doing up there to take so long?"

"Starring at the ground."

"Oh brother!"

"You have a brother?"

"No, thats just an expresion."

"Oh. You poeple have such curious expressions!"

We waited for the lot above us to figure out what i had said. We made a bet to see how long it would take them. I said that it would take them longer than it took me to say it. I won the bet.

05-27-2003, 12:35 AM
Imhuriel did not use Kalile's weapon to get into the ground. She simply went over to the spot where Kalile sunk, took her blade out and sunk out of sight.

05-27-2003, 10:06 PM
"Well, whatever it was has gone now. I wished for my harp so that I could fight it. But for now...." She played a quick, fiery tune and heat began to radiate from the harp. Noting her companion's looks, she said, "I'm a bard. Didn't you know? I play magic songs."

05-27-2003, 10:16 PM
"I did at least, well what are you all waiting for? Lets go down into this tunnel and see where it leads!"

05-28-2003, 12:38 AM
Ooc: You read my mind! But....

Ic: "The others." Imhuriel turned back to her, :confused: written plainly across her face. "You asked what we were waiting for. The others. I believe they are still uncertain up there, and there isn't a way back. I know, I tried."

The last sane person
05-28-2003, 12:46 AM
OOC: So kalile, are you a bard or a kinslayer? Or a Kinslaying-Bard? :D

I had heard Imhuriel's footsteps above and made room for her. She landed in between Kalile and I with a thump.

"well, what are we waiting for?" Imhuriel was impatiant to get on the move again. I gave a slight growl. I forgot momentarily that we were in a cavern, so my growl sounded more like a roar.

"We are waiting for the other two ta get down here with our horses in case you didnt realize it!" as if on que, Ranwen and Rowena came down with our horses. Rowena was holding the enchanted blade somewhat gingerly.

"Now can we go? Sir Growls-alot?" Imhuriel snapped back, i didnt bother to reply as I had taken Shabaq and was about 10 meters away by the time she turned around. Apperantly this was a long tunnel, I was leary about it so i drew my weapons, I heard my comrades do the same.

05-28-2003, 01:14 AM
Ooc: Kinslayer???????? :confused: Great. Now I'm confused again, just before finals. You'll have to explain, for my brain is forming a puddle on my shoes. :p

Kalile shivered despite the heat from her instrument. Being in the cold, or underground, were bad enough, but both made her clammy.

05-28-2003, 01:17 AM
Ooc: Kinslayer???????? :confused: Great. Now I'm confused again, just before finals. You'll have to explain, for my brain is forming a puddle on my shoes. :p

Kalile shivered despite the heat from her instrument. Being in the cold, or underground, were bad enough, but both made her clammy.

Ooc: Oh, I'm glad it's summer. It clocked 111 degrees F today, and it's not even June. Wheee!

The last sane person
05-28-2003, 01:34 AM
OOC: If you read the Silmarillion you would know! (although I dont recomend it though! Far to depressing!) It's where alot of Households were turned against each other. Every one went about killing each other. This was the rather undignified happenings of the time!

And to be specific, a kinslayer is someone who kills one of their own. (i.e. you killed another elf)!

05-28-2003, 06:31 PM
"Can we GO now? I'm getting very wary of this place. What is that SMELL? uggh It smells like rotten eggs......... Wait sulfur smells like that... OH Sh*t....we're inside a volcano:( :(. "
OOC: just to give it a twist

05-28-2003, 09:42 PM
And to be specific, a kinslayer is someone who kills one of their own.

Ok, good. That's what I thought. heeyyy... are you accusing me of something? That was a dark elf, ya hear? Dark elves are evil, so that doesn't count.

Ic: "Good thing Boreas is here then, huh. I don't relish the idea of erupting into hot lava."
*Sudden idea* "Hey! That's why we can't get back! Because we're under a lot of hardened magma." Then she realized what she had just said, and shivered.
"Well! Shall we go?" Kalile said rather shrilly, and marched resolutely onward.

The last sane person
05-29-2003, 02:31 PM
OOC: Evil or no, it was still an elf! Corrupted maybe, but still your own!


Oh lovely! out of the frying pan and into the fire. Litteraly. Great, now the elves were on the verge of panick and the other two were totally confused as what they were going to do. I groaned and ran ahead to see what was to be had. I burst out of the tunnel and into a cavern. It was like stepping into an oven. In front of me was perhaps the biggest dragon ever to be had on middle earth.

I ran back to my compainons and told them to shut up as the dragon was sleeping.

"oh damn! can this get any better?!" Imhuriel fumed and Kalile sat down to think.

"If you dont shut up i garantee it will! casue that dragon is gonna wake up and eat us all for lunch!!!" I was on the verge of yelling myself but Kalile stood up.

"I think that I know where the volcano is getting its energy from. If that dragon is as big as you say, then that is the heart ofthe 'volcano'." she was still pondering when Rowena piped up.

"So now not only do we have to find our way tlo some remote island, remove some mist, find springs of magic water that we might die trying to get in order to save Celeborn and thus save the elven race from its death, But know we have to vanquish this collasel dragon and stop a volcano?!?!?!!?" she sighed and slid down the wall.

"well, since I found it i guess i have to slay it," I frowned as i tried to figure out the odds of me succeeding but stopped short, "oh well, I guess i might as well give it a shot!!"

I took out all my weapons and sharpened them to a razors edge. i remebered that a dragons weakest point is its eyes. And that the eyes are also right next to its mouth. Oh well, I guess i gotta sneak up on it! Gods help me!

I left my companions in the tunnel and went after the big thing. Then it clicked. So this is what the drake was guarding!!!

05-29-2003, 04:28 PM
Imhuriel decided to follow Seth into the lair. She walked up behind him and thought< he is right it's huge, I wish I had some method of invisibility to get past this dragon.... hey wait why did Galadriel give me this dang sword anyway? or these glowing arrows? use em dangit!!!!!!! Imhuriel cocked an arrow wispered to Seth" Get the others except for Ranwen, tell her to stay there!" Seth came back with the full group and I got about 10 sets of bows and arrows. I gave one to each they all got arrows put them in the bow and waited for my command, "aim for the eyes!"

05-29-2003, 04:38 PM
I yelled as loud as I possibly could "FIRE" the dragon lazily opened it's eyes, just to get an eye full of arrows It bellowed with rage. We fired again at the other eye. The dragon was totally blind. We danced around looking for a weak spot. Its giant body was engulfed with jewls. My sharp elven eyes spotted a peice of exposed flesh. With all my might I ran tword the dragon and used my sword of Darkwood to stab [him/her???] it. I pulled it out and we all ran back to the place where we fell in.

05-29-2003, 09:05 PM
The dragon was blind and wounded, but still very alive. When the group reached the spot, Kalile quickly played a lightly trilling, ascending tune, and the group rose high, just as a blast of fire filled the tunnel. Above them, magma had filled in the hole, but there were ledges around the vertical part of the tunnel. Everyone sat above the flames, and Kalile slumped. "So many people..." suddenly she sat straight up in alarm. "What happened to Seth?!?"

Ooc: Go get em, Sane. It was your idea. ;)

The last sane person
05-30-2003, 01:52 AM

My companions had all shot quivers worth of arrows into the beast's eyes. Imhuriel had stabbed it and i had shot it again. The beast roared and spilt flames through the tunnel I ran and stood right under neith the beast where their were no flames. I saw Kalile levitate the group up above the flames and away from danger, leaving me to do my work on my own.

The monster was blind and wounded but it still had one excelent sence of smell, that it was useing that to sniff me out. I was dancing and weaving my way through out the chamber, carefully avoinding its claws, fire, spiked horns and tail and also the magma. All the while slashing at its face and trying to get it to rear up so i could stab its heart.

Suddenly I slipped on a heap of gold and in an instant i was slashed across my chest and back with its claws. Pain like I could not believe. The brute pinned me down with its claws and opened wide to stuff me in its mouth. Snack time.

I was promptly stuck into its cavernus jaws, as it bit up i forced my blade as hard as i could into the roof of its mouth and into its brain. Instant kill. I felt the dragon keal over onto the floor, I tryed to open its mouth and stagger out. i found a skeletal arm clutching a war hammer in between the teeth of the beast. Poor fllow didnt have as much luck! I smashe dthe teeth with the war hammer, breaking a hole for me to get out of.


Meanwhile Kalile and the others had stumbled out on the other side of the mountain and fell in a heap on the grass.

"Seth! We must go back for Seth!!" Kalile tried to run back in but the others blocked her path.

"He is gone! No one could have survived such a fell beast! we must move on!"Imhuriel tried to reason with Kalile. The others agreed with her.

"As hard as it is we must go on! we have alot riding on this quest!" Rowena also blocked her way.

"Well, Know i see just how much faith my comrades place in ,y survival skills!" I collaped at the tunnel exit, still bleeding profusly and singed badly. I rose to my knees and Kalile & Ranwen were getting bandaging me within the blink of an eye.

"Your Alive?!?!?!" Imhuriel said incredulosly.

"yes, I am sorry to disappoint you if you had hoped other wise." I said crossly back to her, she smiled and shook her head.

05-30-2003, 08:02 PM
Ooc: You can't spell! :D

Ic: Listening to the story, Kalile shook her head. "And all this time I thought we would be facing a god of cold. :rolleyes:"

The last sane person
05-30-2003, 08:08 PM
OOC: *melodramatic tone* Oh forgive me for my ever so horrid spelling errors!! How shall i ever go on?? *grand stage-faint*:D

"urg, I am greatful then that it was but a dragon! I'm not sure how i would have faired against a god!!

OOC: So we would have gone up against the Valar????

05-30-2003, 08:10 PM
Ooc: Boreas, god of the north wind. We're sort of taking the same route as the fellowship does later.

The last sane person
05-30-2003, 11:53 PM
OOC: Ah So this is before the Quest not after!! I see, i thought the rings had already passed!

05-31-2003, 12:10 AM
Ooc: That would be better, actually. Before the Quest were the golden ages, and this isn't really. So this is just before the elves depart. :)

05-31-2003, 01:18 AM
Kalile: Seth your hurt.
Imhuriel:[duhh] I'll heal him, though it will take time....
Seth: no I'll tough it out
Imhuriel: Okay if you want sudden and painful death then go ahead.
Seth: are you threatening me????
Imhuriel: Yes, now sit and let me heal that or you'll be dead in 5 seconds!
Seth: Okay, okay
Imhuriel heals him then produces bed rolls for the party. <super elf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)>
We will need sleep, but here is not the place to do it. Everyone take a bedroll and lets go down a ways!

05-31-2003, 01:55 PM
OOC: boy, you must be one fat elf with all that stuff! Good luck running, pudgy. :p

Ic: The group moved down by a river. Nearby, a gate and a cave hung open ominously. All around them, however, was green and warm in the sunlight.
Kalile dipped a hand into the water and tasted a hint of salt. "If we follow this river, we will reach the ocean."

06-01-2003, 01:02 AM
OOC: For your information Kalile, Imhuriel is very thin, and if you don't remember elves run really fast.
Imhuriel said, in Darkwood's voice she said," This brings back fond memories, the ocean, I have not seen it for over hundreds of years, but no time for that now. We are getting near to the valley."

06-01-2003, 05:00 PM
"But if we follow the river, we'll come out close to the island. That's what we want, isn't it?"

Ooc: If ya carry all that stuff hidden, then you're gonna look fat!

The last sane person
06-01-2003, 09:04 PM
OOC: LOL! Hey Legoles, ya got a new nick name, Pudgy!

I was fairly tired from my previous exertions so i did not complain when they tossed me a bed roll. When we went near the river Kalile announced that it was salty, hence we were next to the ocean.

"Well, thats nice. But dont we need a boat to get their since it is an island?" I hated to poop on the fond memory party but the obvious had to be made clear for them.

06-02-2003, 12:15 AM
"There should be a port there..." Kalile brushed her hair away with a slender hand, concern shadowing her face. "But, I suppose the port might have fallen to the silencing mist..."

Ooc: The Valley of Mist is a land of bards, hence the "silencing mist."

Midge, Pudgy, now all we need is a name for Sane. How about incorrigable?:D

The last sane person
06-02-2003, 02:38 PM
OOC: HMM... I would like something a tad shorter. I dont think anyone would want to waste valuable time in battle yelling for INCORRIGABLE! to come save them!!:D

"Um, Girls? Just how are we supposed to get over there?" I was not answered so io just flumped down and got as much shut eye as i was allowed.

06-02-2003, 04:41 PM
Ooc: Uh, Sane? What about walking??

Ic: Kalile stayed awake for a long time after the sun had set, looking at the stars. "Please let some of my people be safe."

She was just laying down when she heard a thump and a muffled curse, then the sound of something heavy being dragged along the ground.

Ooc: Now it's someone else's turn to get into trouble!

What about "corri"?

The last sane person
06-02-2003, 08:11 PM

06-03-2003, 01:21 AM
"What the???" Imhuriel got up and faced the sound. "Who is there?"
OOC:I am far from pudgy, expecialy in real life, u could call me frizz though....
Sane's in enough trouble as it is

06-03-2003, 01:23 AM
OOC; We could swim.......DURRRRRR
'DID U THINK ABOUT THAT? If you can't swim I'll give you imaginary lessons.

The last sane person
06-03-2003, 01:52 AM
OOC: Oh really? With armor, swords/halberds and other joyus weapons of war sticking out and weighing us down? We would look gloriously stupid should that be the coarse we take! Peh, How am I in trouble? However, should one of us suddenly reveal Messiah-like powers, we could waft our way across on a breeze! :D

06-03-2003, 07:57 PM
Kalile sensed what the others were thinking, and placed herself between them. "Don't fight, please. As a last resort, I could levitate us across the short distance, but it would tax my strength severely."

The last sane person
06-03-2003, 08:18 PM
OOC: :D Atta gurl,Kalile!

I looked at Kalile strangely. This is one weird elf.

"Or we could just go raid the small port down the shore and...uh....Borrow one of their ships." They looked at me skepticly.

"Hey! It's going for a good cause!" I defended myself.

"Great, so not only will Kalile be an escaped Convict, but a pirate too?!?!" Imhuriel wasnt totally against the plan, just slightly bemused.

"Well, She wont be the only ones! we're going with her too! We'll also be with her! Yay, what fun that would be!" Ranwen pipped up on my behalf, quite liking the idea of becoming a pirate for a while.

Rowena smiled and shook her head, "Well, I dont quite like the thought of Kalile suddenly passing out in the middle of the water...I say we go hijack us a ship and set sail! all in favor of Seth's plan say 'Aye'!" all but Kalile said aye. She was to busy laughin to say anything.

"*guffaw* Seth! You just have to get us into trouble ever other moment dont you!!!" Kalile was holding her sides.

"yeah! ahoy maties! lets go steal us a ship! Arrr...!" Ranwen did her best impression of a pirate and caused us all to become paralyzed with laughter. It was really a sight to behold!

An thus we were of to seal us a ship.

OOC: I would prefer it to be a well armed shio, just incase we run into real pirates....*wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

06-03-2003, 10:04 PM
Ooc: Sorry, I had a REALLY good description, but it turned out I wasn't logged in anymore. When I pushed the back button to copy paste, it went back to the thread. So you'll have to deal with a half ass description. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

The ship that they finally decided on was a long, graceful ship that was bigger than it first seemed. On board there was more room belowdecks than there should have been.
It had a swan's head and wings. The wings, upon closer inspection, were revealed to be edged in razor-sharp metal. In the middle of the deck was a large stone with an indentation in it. There appeared to be no other means of compulsion.
"If we're gonna take a ship, we may as well get the best," was Kalile's only remark.

(basically, one person inserts a special gem into the stone, and they can control the ship with their thoughts. It's great, because only one person can control it, so no one can steal it)
Kalile found the owner, and put a rock in his pocket approximately the same size as the gem. While the others pretended to bargain with the owner, who luckily was interested in selling, Kalile took the gem.

06-04-2003, 12:38 AM
OOC:Hmm I still think you guys should learn how to swim... Oh well......
Oh and by the way Kalile, don't cuss, the moderators could get mad at you, and who do u know that knows east from west and north from south?
IC: When we were done ' bargining' with the owner, we had succesfully pretended that we were coming later to buy it. We then walked down the road a bit, met up with Kalile and doubled back and headed into the ship.

The last sane person
06-04-2003, 01:24 AM
OOC: Aw hell! The moderators aint gonna peg her for that! So long as ya dont make a chain a paragraph long of em, they dont care!

06-04-2003, 06:16 PM
Ooc: Thanks, Sane! But you are right Legoles.
One thing I'm :confused: about: and who do u know that knows east from west and north from south?

What on earth do you mean by that?

Did you notice that the last 20+ replies have been made by the three of us? I think the last time someone else replied was just after I fell into the snow. Wierd. We go into an rpg and just take it over. :rolleyes: The three vikings, aren't we.

06-04-2003, 07:09 PM
U told me that at school today remember? SCHOOLS OUT YIPPIE YAI YAY. sorry;)
It means who knows the directions, east, west, north south, cause if someone can't seteer, we are toast.
MY nickname is Ivy, alright i'll repeat it once more,IVY!!!

The last sane person
06-04-2003, 07:10 PM
OOC: Actually, this is classic American behaviour! Go in, take over! (although i'd rather be a Slighlty Nurotic Sea-elf Pirate!) Amaranthea hasnt posted ANY WHERE since 3 months ago! maybe she quite Entmoot? *shudders at the thought*

06-04-2003, 07:12 PM
That would not be good, though maybe she got sick or she was studing for finals, homework, suspension, I don't know.:confused:

The last sane person
06-04-2003, 07:54 PM
OOC: Well, any way....

Kalile proved to be quite the little pick pocket and in no time we had procured ourselves a ship and were heading for the misty isle. However I knew with our luck that trouble was abound in our path. I had wasted little time informing the older ones of my "crew".

"There was a reason i wanted this old foating crate to be well armed." I stood at the helm and survied the horizon and our wake

"excuse me but this thing is far from a "floating crate" thank you very much! An elven craft worthy of song might i add!" Our resident bard Piped up.

"I was sarcastic little miss smarty elf!" I sighed and smiled, " Anyway, with the fiasco at Lorien and the new development of our boatknapping is ound to bring the elven ocean patrols on us! Keep constant guard and always be armed with flaming arrows in the least!" I finished glaring at Kalile who was watching the sun set.

"Alrigh, alright! So we will. I take it the arrows are ment for the rigging rather than the opposing Elves?" Kalile's gaze drifted back to me.

"Depends. If they shoot you, shoot them back!" Imhuriel was looking rather eager.

"Or rather let the easterling shoot back! After what I did to Galadriel...My ties to the elven clans has been thouroughly dismantled. You lot, however need not damage yourseves further!" They nodded in agreement.

06-04-2003, 09:05 PM
Ooc: Legoles, you're stuck with pudgy.

Ic: Kalile absently went back to watching the sunset. When Seth glared at her she held her bow ready as she watched.

Ooc: I just noticed. We never followed up on the "bump in the night" back by Moria!

The last sane person
06-04-2003, 09:34 PM
OOC: Yeah, but we're not going to mordor... We're going to the valley incase you forgot.

The last sane person
06-04-2003, 09:36 PM
OOC: Pudgy, Midge and Corri! what a annoying trio we make!

06-05-2003, 02:29 AM
not pugy not pudgy, stop calling me pudgy, I'll cry*wahhhhhh*
IC: Oaky Klaile if we get past the elvish coast gaurd, into the island, and then back rescue Galadriel's husband. What are we gonna do?

06-05-2003, 12:51 PM
Dunno. I'll think of something. If I can't, I guess it'll be over... but I'll probably think of something.

Ooc: Legoles has gone on vacation. No one talk to her.

(We should start calling her pudgy all the time just to make her mad)

06-05-2003, 01:30 PM
If you do that, I'll wring your neck next year! I'm here until eleven, and if you call me pudgy one more time..... I'll scream
Kalile, while I am on vacation, will you please a least include me in the background?

The last sane person
06-05-2003, 05:04 PM
OOC: PUDGY!! (you asked for it!)

06-05-2003, 07:42 PM
I'll wring your neck next year
I'm going to high school, stupid!


Ooc: The feel of spray was lovely in Kalile's face, and to feel the wind tugging at her hair... It was so wonderful that she didn't even notice the ship on the horizon until it was fairly close. It didn't seem to be of elvish make, rather a human pirating ship. Kalile quickly alerted the others and stood in the prow. They turned sideways to the ship so that they could slice the other if need be, and waited. Kalile noticed that standing in the prow when you're side is to an oncoming ship is rather stupid, so climbed up onto the lookout platform instead. The fact that the lookout platform was so much higher than the other ships didn't bother her, but Imhuriel quickly climbed back down.
"This will be just like before the Mist!" Kalile thought happily, and readied an arrow.

The last sane person
06-06-2003, 02:34 PM
OOC: Eh?

I watched as the ship neared us. It looked to be of human make. I notched the first arrow on the steel bow and lit it a fire. their main sheet was engulfed in flames before they reached us.

"Get their sheets so they cant get to us and board us!" In the next few minutes the sky was full of arrows. We did not get all their sheets on time and they were close nough for hand to hand.
While fighting, my worst fear came to pass.

"Aaaahhh! I'm hit"

06-06-2003, 06:47 PM
At the cry, Kalile looked up from where she was shooting her arrows down onto the deck. There stood an elf who had just climbed up the ladder. "You're going back to Lorien!" he cried and lunged at Kalile, grabbing her around the waist. She overbalanced and fell off of the lookout, grabbing ahold of the rim. The elf fell too, grabbing a trailing rope from what was left of the other ship's rigging, then swung the distance over. He yanked Kalile up by her hair, and cracked her over the head. Kalile's last thoughts before she passed out were:how stupid of him! Doesn't he know he could kill someone like that? and what's an elf who's looking for me doing in a pirate ship?

Down below, the humans' superior numbers were beginning to tell. Imhuriel was down from numerous cuts, and the pirates fought with desperation, as the elven ship's "wings" were rapidly sinking the other ship.

Ooc: Opan, if you're reading this, now's a great time to enter

06-07-2003, 06:12 AM
I've got a great idea to join in at this point......ya think it would be okay..
I'll post it and see what u think.

Name: Anuka
Race: of men
Gender: female
Anuka studied witch lore since childhood her parent known well through out middle eart but passed away during wars long passed. She travels to leran more of the world helping on her way

OOC - Are u actually on the ship...or close to the shore.....my idea was to help kalile..with my witch sources

06-07-2003, 02:49 PM
Ooc: We're on the ship, a fair ways from land, but read this :p

Ic: Imharwen looked out over the ocean, and blinked through pain. There was another boat out there, whether friend or foe she couldn't tell.

"Seth! Look out! Another boat!" Seth was flagging now against so many, and Imhuriel prepared to fight once more.

Ooc: Cool character! We need more humans; most of us seem to be elves. :rolleyes: Anyway, this one is a pretty large rpg, but new players are always welcome. :D

(It's a real novelty to have one of the rpgs with a lotta posts. Hee hee. :) I feel important.)

06-07-2003, 02:58 PM
OOC...Thanx for the lead,,,,:p

IC : Anuka walked the breadth of her small holding ship....it was a long while since she'd set out on her journey for more wisdom.
She looked to the sun which stung her eyes. She felt somthing in the air.
She smiled and walked to the edge of the boat....it was getting old, she needed new transport. Looking around in the distance she saw a small shape nearing her.
i must signal i am of good nature, in this age warnings are always needed. she thought.
Anuka swiftly moved towards her mast and bulleted a flag witch showed that she was in good nature.
was she hoping that this was a new chapter that she longed for....or was it instinct
never the less Anuka walked slowly over to the port side and looked hard for a signal back.

06-07-2003, 03:04 PM
Imharwen managed to reflect light off of her sword in such a manner as to signal that they were in distress, and dire need of help. The other ship had finally sunk beneath the waves, and the pirates had taken control. As yet, no one had been killed, (except for a lot of the pirates) but that looked to change soon. Seth was being kept in the captain's cabin, but he was working at breaking down the door, and the pirates were too afraid to touch him. They were willing to kill him with a bow, however, and this was sounding better and better every time Seth's body hit the door.

06-07-2003, 04:26 PM
Anuka fell into autopilot as soon as she saw the signal fromt he other ship, she had always been a one for helping others without a second thought and this time there was nothing that was different. She moved the mast in the direction of the near by boat and moved swiftly towards it............

........ She was getting very close and she was now beginning to scan the deck of the other ship. pirates she thought to herself. She quickly devised a plan to board the boat, she could she that there were more evil than good at work on the ship and they were rearing into a difficult situation. The mass of pirates had not yet noticed the small boat that was approaching as it hardly even came half way uo the one they were on. Anuka desided to take them from behind....she was to board at the stern and attack from there weak point. She slowly moved the boat to a poitn were she could reach a ledge...she took only herself, she had everything that she needed....
As she struggled up the stern she heard the clash of metal..a fight ...she had to move quickly.

When she reached the top she slid herself ontot he deck and kept low.... she could just see through the barrels that were infront of her...... Anuka closed her eyes and began a spell.....
bye the powers that be I invoke thee, I invoke Thee........ Lesseto omneliveto ..she chanted over and over..
A shaft of light raised from her pendnat and across to the fighting deck....she flug open her eyes and trust her plam in its path to direct is at the evil on the deck........

The light crashed into three of the pirates sendignt hem to the deck.....Anuka stood up immediately and shouted across
''I will not hold them...it can only buy you time''

06-07-2003, 06:41 PM
Kalile awoke just in time to see the newcomer blast the pirates. As she talked, several things happened at once. Kalile threw herself onto the three pirates with tooth and claw. They panicked, making much confusion. Coincidentally, Imhuriel chose that moment to try and help Kalile, grabbed a sword, and lunged at the elf. He backed up against a wooden door and fumbled for the handle. Unfortunatly for him, that was the door that held Seth. The elf opened the door just as the easterling flung himself against it. There was a lot of confusion and dust, and Seth stumbling and knocking into people, and Kalile beating everyone within reach.

The last sane person
06-07-2003, 08:51 PM
OOC: Confusion!

I had just burst through the door and on to a very confused pirate, I knocked him aside. I grabbed my weapons and headed for the upper deck after cleaning out the lower holds. I stumbled on deck and found my little band of friends were greatly beaten down. It seemed only a matter of minutes till the archers would take them down.

Kalile was flailing around indiscriminently and Imhuriel was limping around helping where ever she could. Ranwen and Rowena were slumped in a corner and a new girl was fighting besides them. All of a sudden, an elven arrow came up and peirced Kalile, the elf who shot it was coming to claim his prize. He batted away the new woman and Imhuriel and was about to drag Kalile into a small boat next to ours, knowing that with Kalile hostage we could neither shoot nor ram it.

Thats when i snapped.


I lunged without any weapons through a crowd of remaining pirates snapping them like twigs. Finally a got to the elf and to Kalile. He slashed my quiet a few times till i finally grabbed his dagger and rammed it back into his gut and flung him into the hold, still alive. I cradled Kalile and put her safely to the side along with the other damaged members of my small crew.

That done, i got the new girl to help me comit the bodies to the sea. After we took care of our wounded and rest for a while enabling Kalile, Imhuriel and the others to get sleep and allowing me too get myself bandaged up and able to talk to the newbie till they woke up.

OOC: No, Aralyn and Amaranthea are not dead. Just knocked out. And I saved the elf to use as a plot device. Do with him as you will.

06-08-2003, 05:51 AM
It took a quite a while to put what was wrong right on that ship. Anuka used much of her knowledge of medachine to help the wounded with such few resources. She tended them throught he night whist explaining herself to
occ: last sane person - - is that Seth.

I.C ..To Seth.
She spoke to him for many an hour about her journey to the ship and before. They exchanged stories under the stars whilst looking after the friends that she had just made.
"what was that all about" Anuka asked.
''Where are you going.." she persisted
"please tell me your story" She added with a soft touch on Seths arm

The last sane person
06-08-2003, 09:54 PM
OOC: Yes, I am Seth.

The new woman's name was Anuka. While taking care of our friends she and I had a while to talk. She apperantly had traveled a great deal and also had many adventures. I had shared with her a few of mine. Thus the night was spent resting ans talking while gazing at the stars. Occasionally one of my friends would stir.

For some reason i kept finding my eyes straying over to Kalile's bandaged right side. She was very lucky, two inches further to the left and her life would have quickley been over. I cast another glance at her sleeping form, not hearing Anuka's question. only when she touched me did i come back to earth.

"Tell me your story" she was quite persistant.

"Why mine? It is no great tale." I wasnt quite ready to reveal my dangerous and often deadly past.

"I want to know. Do you think that afte risking life and limb for you and your freinds that i would betray you?" Even though it was dark, i could see the smile on her face. she continued "And i do believe you play me false by saying your life is no great tale! People do not get such prowess with weapons tilling the field or such scars herding cattle" This time the smile was in her voice to.

I could not help but smile.

"You're right. Yet with as much battle experience as i have i cannot help but be careful with people. I have help the west many times. At helms deep I was there, after i defected and destroyed a part of the army of isengard that was marching there. I have been fighting all my life, for every breath. It seems to be my destiny. Even when i put down my blade and try to settle down, i am forced to pick it up again." I noticed a look on Anuka's face. I continued on with a smile.

"Yes, I know what your thinking. 'you had a family?' And to answer you, yes i did have a family. A wife and two children. During the War, my wife died trying to safeguard our son and daughter from the threat of Mordor. They are safe and grown now, but she died and i was taken by the forces of the witch king to serve in his army. yet even before then, I was a trained warrior."

Anuka was astonished. "Where are your children now? Who else knows of your past?"

"My children are back with their mothers kin. Unfortuntley they have taken after me and have turned out to be fine warriors. I have a feeling that i shall meet up with them soon, I believe they were coming to find me when i started this journey. As for who knows of my past.... You do as does a few friends i made during the War who are back in Rohan."

Kalile stirred and woke up after I had finished talking.

OOC: I think it is time to reveal my full extent . In the "Helms Deep" rpg I had fully mapped myself out. I think it is time to do that here, just for a plot twist.

06-09-2003, 04:27 PM
"Ooh," Kalile groaned, not sure if the voices she heard were part of her dream,"what the hell happened?"
The last thing she remembered was biting that one pirate when her hands were busy...
Kalile was suddenly sick over the side of the boat. "Ew!"

"Do you really have a family, or did I just dream that?"
"I do have a family."
"Thank you."

Ooc: I hope people come back from vacation soon!!!!! They have a lot to catch up on!

The last sane person
06-09-2003, 06:19 PM
OOC: Yeah! They better get their rears back here quick!

" 'Thank you' for what Kalile?" I was relieved to see her back up and about. She gave me one hell of a scare. I realized something, I had said 'give me back my elf' without realizing it. I as hopeing that no one noticed it.

Kalile shruged and gave a weak smile at me and went back to looking at the stars. I joined her in the silence.

06-10-2003, 01:00 AM
They sat in silence for a while, listening to the waves. Kalile was trying to forget that she had taught the man next to her how to wield western weapons, and who knew what Seth was thinking of. Finally, Kalile decided to talk.
"It's been one hell of an adventure, huh. I mean, we've come a long way from strangers just looking for treasure."

what did he mean by 'my elf' she wondered, then decided to forget it.

The last sane person
06-10-2003, 02:38 PM
OOC: Kalile, Read the book of Zen. It's pretty cool

"Eh? Oh, yeah. I guess we have, but then again...we were never really strangers." I sighed and looked at her.

"True. Yet time has past and we may not be the same people we were before." She looked back at me.

"Well, yes. We may have more responsibilities than before, but our nature is almost unchanged." I had a nagging feeling in my gut.

"Whoa. I cant get over the fact that you have kids. How old are they?" Kalile shook her head and glanced at me with a look i could not place.

"My girl is 14 and my son is 12. I fear they are going to try to locate me on this quest."

"Then i hope they dont try to seek you out in Lothlorien!" This time she laughed and gave me a shove.

"What about that new girl? Who is she?"Kalile changed the subject. I looked away back at the stars.

"Well, why dont you come up and ask me?" Anuka had come from below deck to check on us. While they were talking I kept looking at the stars. While they were talking, i caught Kalile looking at me with the same look.

My elf, I smiled and then fell asleep.

06-10-2003, 09:26 PM
Ooc: I guess this is where we first met up, and not in the "who wants to join my rpg," huh. :p

Ooh! I'll have to look in the library for it. My library is huge. :D I could live there.

The last sane person
06-11-2003, 12:09 AM
OOC: Well, yeah. That too, I was meaning in the rpg. You said Kalile had taught me how to weild weapons in this Rpg.

06-11-2003, 01:09 AM
Well, maybe not all weapons.

The last sane person
06-12-2003, 12:13 AM
OOC: Oh, by the way. The rouge elf is in the hold. I kept him as a plot device. torture him as you please.

06-12-2003, 12:57 AM
Ooc: Hmmm... Interesting.

Ic: The next morning, Kalile went into the hold to see the prisoner.
He seemed all right, and, although hurt, it was nothing life threatening. Kalile brought down a plate of food, and sat there with it, out of his reach.
"Why did you try to find me?"
The elf anwered readily, "Because you're a treasonous murderer and a thief."
"Who sent you to find me?" Kalile tried to stay calm, although she was deeply hurt. To be so reviled by the elves, especially when by rights she should be a hero...
He answered easily again," the Chancelor of Lorien."
"And did he tell you why?"
"Because you killed an elf, escaped the prison, and stole one of our ships."
Kalile was surprised at his calmness. He obviously wasn't a dark elf, or he wouldn't be answering the way he was.
Kalile sighed. Time for one more question. "Did he tell you why I killed that elf?"
The expected answer came. "No."
Kalile told him her story, and let him eat. At the end, the elf knew that what she said was true, and wished to join them.
"My name is Inuro, and I want to help you."
"Welcome aboard," Kalile said, smiling.

06-12-2003, 09:15 AM
ooc: i want my character to leave now, and come back later on ( i have loads of exams n stuff right now so i'm onyl gonna keep the May It Be rpg up 4 now....BUT i will mett up with you all later wink wink LOL

06-12-2003, 12:35 PM
Alright. I'm done with exams! :D :D :D

Ic: Anuka disappeared as mysteriously as she had come, taking her small boat to wherever she had been destined for.

Ooc: Opan, if you read this, maybe she could be headed to the Valley of Mist!

06-12-2003, 12:59 PM
Great idea....... we'll meet again lol

The last sane person
06-12-2003, 02:56 PM
OOC: Later!

Kalile headed down to the hold with a plate of food to investigate our prisinor. His gut wound had been taken care of and he was in satisfactory condition. I stayed within lunging distance during the little inquisition just incase things went south. He said he wanted to join our crew, but i wasnt so easily convinced.

06-12-2003, 04:07 PM
"What do you think?" Kalile asked her friend later,"can we trust him at all?"

06-12-2003, 08:44 PM
Hi. I just got back from Hawaii, YAY!!!
Imhuriel said " Maybe but we should keep an eye on him."

06-12-2003, 10:32 PM
Welcome back! :D ..... Wait. HAWAII? :mad: You evil person. I wanna go to hawaii !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(T hink that's enough exclamation points? Nah)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You've got a lot of reading to do, Legoles. (You're gonna be mad at Seth and me: just after you left, we teased you unmercifully)

The last sane person
06-12-2003, 11:47 PM
OOC: Thus that is the price she paid for her pleasures.

"I agree with Imhuriel. Now that she has chosen to grace us with her pleasure." I stared the red faced elf down. Now all was needed was to catch up with Opan and for Ranwen and Rowena too wake.

06-13-2003, 01:54 AM
"Right. Onward! It'll take a little while to get to the island; we're a little off course." Kalile's spirits were high now that this was all over. "Whee!"

The last sane person
06-13-2003, 10:01 PM
"Whee indeed!" I went over to Kalile and hesitantly stood next to her.

"Whats wrong?" She had sensed my unease.

"Uh, just that i fear my children might get wrapped up in this. And the sudden disapperance of that opan woman." I lied, that wasnt all i was hesitant about.

06-14-2003, 12:57 AM
"Oh, really?" Kalile folded her arms,"I've known you for a while, and even helped to raise you!" Seth winced slightly at this reminder. Good. "I know you slightly better than that, I hope! Now tell me or I'll go back and steal Galadriel's pitcher to whack you with it again. ;)"

The others, (who are largely still on vacation) slept on, snoring gently. (HINT HINT, NUDGE NUDGE, ;( ;( !)

The last sane person
06-14-2003, 01:56 AM
I winced. Yet the imagery of Kalile standing on her tippy toes, trying to brain me with a water pitcher nearly made me fall over with laughter. I did not for fear of waking our comrades.

"Uh, well.... Guess!" I was hoping she wouldnt read through that pittifully thin mask.

06-14-2003, 02:13 PM
Ooc: "I despise guessing games" to quote the Lion King movie. :D

Ic: "Do I have to? You're too unpredicatable to guess anything.
Um... you're worried about how the quest will end?" Kalile thought that this probably was not the right answer, but said it anyway.

The last sane person
06-14-2003, 03:45 PM
OOC: Lion king....?

"no, but it might have something to do with that." I sighed

06-14-2003, 09:36 PM
OOc: In the Lion King, Scar says to Simba "I despise guessing games."

The last sane person
06-15-2003, 08:07 PM
OOC: I know that. I was just kinda surprised you'd remember. And if anything "scar" would be my nickname....As a matter o fact, it is!

06-16-2003, 01:05 AM
Ooc: :D

Ic: "Well... spill," she said bluntly,"you can trust me."

06-16-2003, 01:06 AM
Ooh! 13 whole pages of replies, beautiful replies!

The last sane person
06-16-2003, 02:26 PM
Kalile had just ask me to do something i hade not done for a long while. Trust someone. That someone being her. I made an efort to speak and nothing but air came out. I wanted to but I couldnt I shook my head and went down to check on the prisinor.

06-17-2003, 01:43 AM
Wow what a greeting, Oh Kalile I got u somthin in Hawaii.
IC: Imhuriel stirred, then rose to her feet. "If you don't mind I'll check on the damage that was delt to our ship." She went out the door.

The last sane person
06-17-2003, 06:41 PM
OOC: "out the door" ? What door?

06-17-2003, 07:53 PM
Ooc: The door where the prisoner is, I think. Ooh, thanks Legoles!

And the computer has been acting up, my mom's gonna upgrade it. That's good, but it means that I won't be posting for like a week. :( *Sigh*

Ic: Kalile watched Seth go, and sighed. Obviously this Easterling was going to take some cracking before he opened. While Imhuriel wandered around on deck, doing who knows what, Kalile watched the waves, deep in thought.

The last sane person
06-18-2003, 01:24 AM
OOC: I warn ya! I'm one tough nut ta crack!

06-19-2003, 05:06 PM
Finally, land was sighted in the distance. Kalile spent her time on deck, playing her harp and watching the land. Home. That was her home, soon to be free and full of music.

She still hadn't figured out what to do about Seth, but she figured it would work itself out.

The last sane person
06-19-2003, 05:09 PM
Kalile had drilled me and oi had left. Soon i heard a shout from ranwen {who is still missing} shouting about land. I gathered the elf man and my weapons and hauled him on deck to lower a boat so we could row to land. I droped the anchor and lowred the boat.

OOC: Name this guy! Or else i will dub him Figwit!

06-19-2003, 05:18 PM
Ooc: Figwit? ....I like!

Ic: Everyone crammed into one boat, eager to set foot on the fabled Valley of Mist.

Once on shore, the group could see that, while still beautiful, there was a chilling silence and unhappiness about the place, and an unnaturally thick mist. There was a forest, with tree dwellings like those of Lorien, but they were deserted, and likely had been for hundreds of years.
A flash of silver caused the group to tense, until it resolved into a large kyree.
"Warll? Where did you come from? I didn't even notice you had gone until we got up into the mountains!"

<I am Windrunner.> he replied simply, and left it at that.