View Full Version : Favourite Tolkien Artist?
08-26-2000, 03:51 PM
Iwas just wondering whos your favourite Tolkien artist, who portrays Middle Earth and the characters the best?
I have an excellent book called Tolkiens World full of paintings by different artists based on Tolkien. Looking at that and the art work on calendars and stuff I think my fave is Ted Nasmith, his paintings are pretty much how I imagine things to be. He did a fantastic painting of Aragorn kissing Boromirs brow as Boromir is dieing.
Theres lots of other good pics by other artists too, by Nasmith is the one whos work I seem to consistently like.
08-26-2000, 06:44 PM
I always go for the sentimental favorites, so I would have to say JRR Tolkien himself!
After that, I like the newer artists who paint (it seems to me) much in the style of Frank Frazetta.
But back in the Seventies, when I first came to Middle-earth, The Brothers Hildebrandt could not be beaten. I still like some their conceptualizations and their Dutch Masters style.
08-28-2000, 04:39 PM
I guess it's really mainstream, but Alan Lee is just amazing. I love his work on Homer too
08-29-2000, 03:37 PM
I can never keep the artists straight, but I like the pictures that look like they were computer-generated :) .
08-31-2000, 12:28 PM
I've got the illustrated version of LoTR, Alan Lees paintings are good, I just prefer the slightly more colourfull look of Nasmiths stuff. Saw a really nice illustrated version of Silmarillion the other day witth pictures done by Ted Nasmith.
Wizard of the Secret Fire
08-31-2000, 09:35 PM
My favourite artis is Ted Nasmith, but I do not like many of his character drawings, he his best with landscapes, like in the Illustrated Sil.
Howe is almost as good, his new calendrar is amazing, especially the Grey Havens and the Balrog vs. Gandalf images (my personal photo is a part from that image).
09-20-2000, 09:33 PM
me :p
Elbreth of Carhouth
09-20-2000, 09:46 PM
A friend of mine does computer generated stuff, some of it is LotR, and I think is excellant. Some pics look like you could walk right into them, and he puts my computer-doodling to shame.
You can check out his site at (
09-21-2000, 05:22 AM
Alan Lee. His stuff is just breathtaking.
09-21-2000, 01:38 PM
I agree with KHAL, Ted Nasmith is very good in making landscapes, cities... etc. come alive (the lamp of Valar, for instance). But I just don't like his characters.
John Howe is a very naturalist ME artist and I agree with him on most of the characters. He makes beautiful paintings, but some of the architecture and other "art-direction" is too Medieval. Check out Rivendell!
These two are my favorites, but I also like the colourful and little naïvistic pictures of the Hilderbrants and Michael Kaluta.
09-21-2000, 05:16 PM
I'm an Alan Lee fan. (My chosen grad gift 2 years ago was the Alan Lee illustrated hardcover LOTR), However, I really like certain paintings by other artists. One of my favourtes is Gandalf and Shadowfax by John Howe.
Fat middle
09-22-2000, 01:42 PM
i like Alan Lee and John Howe and i agree with what has been said about Nasmith and his characters.
btw, does anybody know where can i find in the internet Howe's Middle Earth map? i saw it once but i cannot find that page any more. for me it's the best map by far!! he has fixed all the divergences i had found between the text and the enclosed map.
09-22-2000, 05:05 PM
Have you tried Demons Image Archive? The link is on my page (I'd suggest using the alternate url for now). I think I have links to some other image archives too there.
I would have to go with Angus McBride...A somewhat cartoonish style, but goes for me...
Fat middle
10-04-2000, 02:33 PM
hey Findythat was the page! :) i hadn't seen your post till now.
the problem is that now the maps are password protected :( . Thank you anyway.
BTW, your page has grown a lot since i last visited it. i've been around the board sometimes although i haven't post, but know i'll have to spend some time with your updates ;)
10-04-2000, 04:36 PM
At the moment I'm about 3/4 of the way through converting my page to tables based. I'm also trying to think of a way to improve the Numenor Essay and am going to start adding the HoME sections soon.
As for artists, I'm looking at a beauty on the Naismith 2000 Tolkien Calendar. It's The Rainbow Cleft and one of the nicest Naismith paintings I have ever seen.
10-07-2000, 10:29 PM
Ted Nasmith is really good, but I haven't yet forgiven his drawing of Legolas in "The three hunters" (or whatsitsname)
Grand Admiral Reese
10-09-2000, 03:31 PM
John Howe and Alan Lee are my favorites. I've even got one of Howe's pictures as my background right now.
10-09-2000, 05:03 PM
Which One?
I also love the Grey Havens painting by Darrel Sweet (Here's a link to it ( )
10-10-2000, 08:53 AM
I thought I had already posted to this thread. But apparently not...anyway, my favorite artist is Alan Lee. I also like John Howe's cover paintings on the edition of LOTR that I have.
10-11-2000, 03:14 PM
I also find the water paintings of Eismann very beautiful and nice. They just somehow capture the gray feeling of Middle-Earth and races, characters... etc. pretty much the way I pictured them. :)
10-11-2000, 05:57 PM
I believe the picture you are using, noldo, is the one I was referring to.
10-12-2000, 04:59 AM
Really? I also like it very much. :)
Some pieces by Inger Edelfelt are also good. Like Legolas!
Darth Tater
10-21-2000, 01:09 PM
Me ;)
Actually, Lee is my favorite. I like Nasmith, but I hate the one where Aragorn is kissing Boromir's brow, that little mustache makes me sick.
BTW, if anyone does fan art or knows anyone who does, we're moving (very slowly) towards opening Lorien, which is the fan art section of the trail. Submissions are greatly appreciated.
10-21-2000, 05:56 PM
You could use my picture of a Palantir if you are really short. (This is not a general authorization for everybody and their dog to come and get it though, it's Lorien specific) :)
Eldoran LFD
12-22-2000, 11:00 AM
I also like Angus McBride
Hey Finduilas what does your name mean?
I have another nickname which is Findelas
Mine is...
Findë = old Quenya for 'cunning'
las = leaf (of a tree)
04-15-2002, 05:00 PM
Following proper process, I am digging up this ancient thread on Middle-Earth artist.
First of all, here is a link to a lot of beautiful work by Eissman. She replies to compliments, so be sure to tell her how moved you are. :)
I also Like Ted Nasmith and Alan Lee. When I was young the Hildebrandts were the best, but now their work looks like cartoons to me.
04-15-2002, 06:55 PM
Alan Lee is an excellent artist but I prefer the images of Nasmith and the Hildebrandts. Probaby because I saw them when I first started reading Tolkien. I had considered getting Lee's illustrated version of LOTR but after looking at it, decided I just didn't like the pictures well enough to shell out that much cash.
04-15-2002, 07:09 PM
The only artwork I've seen that I know who the artist is is Tolkien (I have the Pictures book), and the Hildebrandts (the 1977 calendar), both of which I like.
04-15-2002, 08:27 PM
One of the first Tolkien calenders I ever bought was the 95' John Howe. Ever since he has been my favorite Tolkien illustrator. The Fingolfin vs Morgoth picture is AMAZING.
Bilbo Baggins
04-18-2002, 06:00 PM
Although he has not done many paintings of Middle Earth Rodney Matthews ( really captures the tranquility in his pictures.
Rivendell ( is a wonderful painting.
The Nine Set Out ( is one of my favourite posters.
Other than that, I think that Tolkien himself was a good illustrator of ME, after all, the whole saga was his vision.
04-18-2002, 07:27 PM
Never heard of Rodney Matthews before, but I like those, too.
04-19-2002, 11:29 AM
Nice job, Elfhelm digging out this old thread. I suspect it was old enough that the mods would've let you start anew. But I am a little bit hazy on what's old enough and all that...
Anyhow, one of my favourite Tolkien artists is Tim Kirk ( I really love his Smaug, the riddle game, the road To Minas Tirith and Gandalf meeting Bilbo at Bag End. (Check out the llength of Bilbo's pipe!)
His hobbits are a bit crude but overall I like how his paintings seem to evoke pure Imagination. Take a look and let me know what you think of Tim Kirks work.
04-19-2002, 09:02 PM
The ones you mentioned are very nice. I also thought the 2 orcs were well rendered.
05-08-2002, 07:43 PM
I'm with Elanor, My fav is me. I want to do something a little more retro looking, with brush strokes. I don't like the poster looking stuff. I'd like to see Galadriel by Mucha. To bad he's dead. I can't get the road song out of my head, so i want to paint that, in a small framed nouveau style. Hope I do it!
05-08-2002, 09:49 PM
Go for it, Lizra!
05-08-2002, 11:54 PM
Thanks cee2lee2, I'll put your words of encouragement in my head. The hardest part is getting started!
05-09-2002, 12:19 AM
You're very welcome :)
10-24-2002, 01:58 AM
Originally posted by Elfhelm
[B]Following proper process, I am digging up this ancient thread on Middle-Earth artist.
First of all, here is a link to a lot of beautiful work by Eissman. She replies to compliments, so be sure to tell her how moved you are. :)] I like a lot of her stuff, but I think that her Eowyn, and Luthien are both too masculine. (and eowyn's eyes are just freaky)
10-25-2002, 10:00 PM
My favorite LotR artist are:
1. Anke Katrin Eissmann
2. John Howe
3. Ted Nasmith
and last but not least Alen Lee
Anke Katrin Eissmann is really good,
man I wish I where as good as her
unfortunetly not even close:(
Sister Golden Hair
10-25-2002, 10:10 PM
Eissmann is extreamly good with fine detail. I have never seen anyone that makes blood look so real. I have spoke to her about her works of Finrod.
10-25-2002, 11:09 PM
I'm still working with my stuff, BUT, I've just sent my check for a book I got on eBay that is all about Tolkien's own illustrations. I can't wait to get it, there are supposed to be LOTS of pix! I really like Tolkiens illustrations cause they are "of the era", and have that beautiful 20's, 30's deco-ish style..While the modern art work is quite beautiful, most of it is too slick and realistic for my taste. I like Tolkiens block print looking stuff. I can't wait to get my book! :)
10-26-2002, 10:11 PM
I like John Howe's the best, especially the rainy ones. The one with Gandalf running through the green pasture in the rain, the two figures going down to Rivedell in the rain, and the Grey Havens in the rain.
10-27-2002, 06:22 AM
Elfhelm, thanks for the link to Anke Katrin Eissmann's paintings, I hadn't heard of her before. She's really good. Her strong point is imo to express the relations between the persons in her pictures, and to capture the feeling of the moment.
Lizra, can you tell me the title of the book you've bought please? Also, you must let us see your work when they're finished. I envy you, like I envy all people with artistic abilities. :)
I don't have a favourite artist, it's more that I favour single pictures from different artists. Ted Nasmith made a wonderful picture of the Fellowship leaving Lorien (from which my new avatar is taken from). John Howe made a good one of Tuor slaying Glaurung. Alan Lee is a good artist, but his pictures are too bleak to my taste, I prefer stronger colours.
10-27-2002, 03:34 PM
Artanis, that's my thought exactly about Alan Lee, but I couldn't think of the right word. Bleakness is the feeling I get from his pictures.
10-27-2002, 03:38 PM
Well I'm glad you agree :)
10-31-2002, 07:52 AM
In another thread RÃ*an asked for a link, I give one here: TheOneRing fansite ( contains lots of great pictures. This is a good place to start exploring Middle-Earth related art.
10-31-2002, 08:39 AM
My new book is titled "J.R.R. Tolkien, Artist and Illustrator", by Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull. There is another book titled "Pictures by J.R.R. Tolkien". My book has early art and preliminary and alternative versions of pictures. The Pictures book focuses more on the published works. (must get that next!) In my book, in the chapter on LoTR, there are pix of Barad-dur, Old Man Willow, several of Moria gate, Lothlorien in spring, Orthanc, Dunharrow, and very nice dust-jacket designs for the three books. Lots of sketches too. I'll see what my husband has time to do with the scanner here.
Lefty Scaevola
10-31-2002, 09:44 AM
Sister Golden Hair
10-31-2002, 10:46 AM
Also Rian and others, Rolozo Tolkien is probably one of the best galleries I have seen on the web. They have a very extensive collection of Tolkien art. Sorry, I don't have a link, but try and check it out.:)
10-31-2002, 01:12 PM
Link to Tolkien's own pics in Rolozo Tolkien ( There are links to other artists on the right of the page.
11-07-2002, 08:32 PM
I love John Howe. Fingolfin vs Morgoth and Eowyn vs the Witch King are my faves. Lee and Nasmith are great too. Anke Eissmann's Death of Finrod and Beleg's death scene are very beautiful. Those four do it for me. The Bros. H. ,though, I don't care for- too cartoony for my taste.
11-09-2002, 07:51 PM
It may be interesting to know that Pauline Baynes was Tolkien's favourite. He mentioned several times in various letters that he felt she really captured Middle Earth. I have always found this intersting as it provides a little insight in to what J.R.R. was imagining. Her work is also different than the tone of Jackson's film, and the tone of many modern artists.
11-09-2002, 09:51 PM
Hello Squinteyedsoutherner! Welcome to Entmoot. :) I tried to look at some of her Tolkien illustrations but will need to spend more time. I've probably seen some cause I used to have the 1973 calendar. I noticed her pix are in this, but I can't find them yet.
Starr Polish
11-09-2002, 10:46 PM
Anke Eissman is definitely my favorite Tolkien artist. I have been a fan of her work since before I liked the books. I don't really see her versions of Eowyn or Frodo, but her Faramir is definitely what I see when I read the book.
11-10-2002, 12:20 AM
Baynes did the cover for The Tolkien Reader (Ballantine edition) which is a picture of Bombadil, and I believe the illustrations throughout are hers as well. I think she did a lot of work on the Narnia books as well.
11-18-2002, 07:57 AM
Narnia... Really? Do you know of any sites of hers?
11-29-2002, 02:10 AM
I love John Howe. I find the part on one of the Extended Edition DVDs fascinating about how he and Alan Lee helped PJ. Yeah, definitely John Howe and Alan Lee.
11-29-2002, 05:41 PM
I would have to go with Alan Lee. His drawings are rich and detailed, and make the world of Tolkien sink into realism whereas Ted Nasmith borders slightly more on the fantastic and I feel a little seperated from that. Tolkien's aim was to have Arda as a prelude to our world, to make its cultures, places, et cetera real rather than too majestic to be real. That is my opinion.
12-03-2002, 01:17 AM
John Howe is certainly amongst my fave tolkien artists..
hoping this is considered advertising
A HUGE gallery of tolkien artists with about every scene from The Hobbit and LOTR is found here -
NOTE: For anyone who has not yet read the books. This site is a minefield of spoilers:)
01-28-2003, 04:47 PM
Oh yippee! I just found a poster of a painting by John Howe that I bought back in '92. It is the picture of Gandalf and Frodo on a precipice overlooking Rivendell (I'm pretty sure that's who/ where it is) with the river crashing around them. It was one of I guess a series of posters put out for Tolkien's 100th birthday. I used to have it in my room when I lived at home, then it got lost in the labyrinth of boxes when I moved out. I have it framed now and waiting to be hung up!:)
03-12-2003, 07:41 AM
John Howe, Alan Lee, Tad Nasmith....hmmm, most of the really popular ones.
03-23-2003, 04:50 PM
id have to say john howe. he draws the scenes just they way i thought them
03-24-2003, 07:05 PM
Have anyone noticed Catherine Karina Chmiel, the 'Boromirist' from Poland? I discovered her just recently and fell in love with her work. The pics are all good, but my favourites are those of Boromir and Faramir, they're warm and charming, and expresses well the loving bond between them.
Rolozo Tolkien: Chmiel (
Gwaimir Windgem
03-24-2003, 07:08 PM
They do look quite good, indeed. Also, April Lee is very good, though she doesn't do LOTR exclusively.
Gwaimir Windgem
03-24-2003, 07:12 PM
Naturally, I prefer the "Boromirist"'s pre-movie stuff. But hey! Wot's that with Aragorn captured by Saruman?
03-24-2003, 07:16 PM
Apparently the Captain and King-series are illustrations for a fanfic. Read the top of the page on Rolozo :D
03-24-2003, 07:21 PM
Look at the pic of Finduilas reading to her sons. It's charming to see how Boromir is rather bored and is irking to play with his horses and soldiers instead. While Faramir is paying attention to the book. Great stuff.
Melko Belcha
03-24-2003, 07:27 PM
Landscapes - Ted Nasmith
Characters - Allen Lee, John Howe
Sister Golden Hair
03-24-2003, 07:44 PM
Rolozo Tolkien has to be the best gallery on the web.
Melko Belcha
03-24-2003, 08:16 PM
Here is some of my favorite sites
05-11-2003, 09:19 AM
definitnely alan lee
05-11-2003, 10:27 AM
It's hard to say which artist I like the most.
Alan Lee has drawn the covers of my LotR books, and I love those covers very much.
I like John Howe for his character drawings, especially those of Gandalf.
Ted Nasmith makes wonderful landscapes.
Then there's this fan artist, Anke-Katrin Eiszmann, whose drawings I love. She draws great paintings of the characters from LotR and Silmarillion. Her pictures of Faramir, Denethor and Éowyn are my favourites.
05-13-2003, 10:15 PM
I keep myself away from other people's interpretations of books as much as possible. Sometimes even the cover art is too much. I feel it will alter my personal view of how the world is set up.
05-13-2003, 10:23 PM
1. Ted Nadsmith (mostly for his landscape/scenic paintings)
2. John Howe
3. Alan Lee
05-14-2003, 11:49 PM
I like Ted Nasmith's landscapes especially "The Sea". I like the mix of colors, how he mixes the deep colors with light like in "The Eagles of Manwe, "The Light of Valinor on the Western Sea", "By Moonlight in Neldoreth Forest", and "The Bridge of Khazad-dum". I also like John Howe and Alan Lee, but I always go back to looking at "The Sea".
06-27-2005, 04:47 AM
This is perhaps slightly off topic but I didn't want to put up a new thread.
Anyway, these Calvin & Hobbes-inspired LotR fanfic comic strips by Catherine Karina Chmiel are soooo cute. :D
06-29-2005, 09:41 PM
Those are cute!
07-26-2005, 08:17 PM
Here's a cute art site:
07-26-2005, 09:43 PM
I keep myself away from other people's interpretations of books as much as possible. Sometimes even the cover art is too much. I feel it will alter my personal view of how the world is set up.
I feel the same way, but I use other people's art in order to get other people's interpretations out of my head, actually. For example, rather than, after having been bombarded by movie images, I can only picture Aragorn as the actor who played him, if I see a lot of different Aragorn interpretations I feel more free to picture him without bias.
07-27-2005, 12:17 AM
(the link I posted was a joke site - it shows some classic art pieces but retitles them with LOTR names! :D )
07-27-2005, 12:50 AM
Here's a cute art site: - funny. :D Frodo in the dead marshes. And champagne! :D
But I haven't got my coat back. :mad:
07-27-2005, 12:54 AM
Artanis - I really liked those links you posted to! :)
07-27-2005, 01:28 AM
Yeah - they're cute - I believe Boromir could have been exactly like that as a boy. :D :p
07-27-2005, 01:33 AM
To complete the similarity with C&H, he needs an imaginary friend... perhaps a bear, or eagle or oliphant. Unless his little brother fills that role (as it seems he might).
07-27-2005, 02:06 AM
Rolozo Tolkien has to be the best gallery on the web.
Wow - I just went through several artists there.
They apparently don't let just anyone post work there.
Hmmm... maybe I could try to do something half serious and try to post it here at Entmoot at least.
07-27-2005, 02:34 AM
Oh my gosh, I love the picture of Boromir and Faramir and their sword fighting lesson! There are a lot of pictures at Rolozzo I don't like, but there are a lot I can't take my eyes off too.
I love your link too, RÃ*an. Really great.
And Val, please do. :)
I just finished a sketch of Caranthir. Somewhere along the line it ended up looking really girly.
07-31-2005, 01:37 PM
Hmmm... maybe I could try to do something half serious and try to post it here at Entmoot at least.
*pokes Val*
Get to it, mister. :evil:
08-06-2005, 03:23 PM
I have just found a wonderful artist -Ebe Kastein.
She has breathtakingly beautiful pictures of Elves. I was smitten (which is amazing, considering I am not at all fond of elves).
Sorry if someone has posted the link before - I admit I was too lazy to read all this thread :o
08-06-2005, 03:28 PM
Wow! Awesome site, CrazySquirrel. I'm always on the lookout for Tolkien-related artwork - these are really beautiful.
08-06-2005, 04:25 PM
Yes, aren't they?
Especially Aredel... And Some Haldirs are also much better than in the movie, though certainly they are movie-verse. And Erlond, hopefully is not. :D
Frodo looks like a saint...
I am glad, Lotesse that you liked the site.
08-06-2005, 04:29 PM
Also I found some nice nazgul by McBride,
I believe I havn't seen the picture before, though I saw some other pictures of this artist
08-06-2005, 04:39 PM
I feel the same way, but I use other people's art in order to get other people's interpretations out of my head, actually. For example, rather than, after having been bombarded by movie images, I can only picture Aragorn as the actor who played him, if I see a lot of different Aragorn interpretations I feel more free to picture him without bias.
Me too, Katya. As much as I liked the movies, I don't want those pictures to be what's in my head as I read the books. I like to see a lot of interpretations because then I don't get tied down to only one way of picturing something/someone. The movies have tended to obliterate the way I used to picture the books.
(edited for spelling)
08-07-2005, 05:58 PM
Another way I can help separate the movie images from my own I just invented: I do not say "Legolas said __" or "Frodo did ___". I say "Orlando Bloom" or "Elijah Wood." I also say "Peter Jackson's films", very Macbeth-esque. It works quite well.
I stumbled across this site when I was looking for pictures of Dante (the real-life poet, not the Dante from Devil May Cry). It has some LotR pictures, and some from DMC as well. There's also a section which I think has some other artist's works, and a section on Tolkien himself with pics of him. It's all in Spanish, but I was pleasantly surprised at how much of it I understood. :) The midi playing in the background on that page has me under a spell.
08-08-2005, 02:17 AM
I have just found a wonderful artist -Ebe Kastein.
She has breathtakingly beautiful pictures of Elves. I was smitten (which is amazing, considering I am not at all fond of elves).I usually don't like movie-inspired artwork, but these pictures are good. :) The only thing I have a problem with is Elves with pierced nipples. :p
08-08-2005, 08:47 AM
I usually don't like movie-inspired artwork, but these pictures are good. :) The only thing I have a problem with is Elves with pierced nipples. :p
Yes, I agree whole-heartedly.
But the pictures ARE beautiful! Pity that the artist uses PJ's film characters instead of letting her own imagination fly.
04-17-2008, 12:10 AM
Jenny Dolfen. Link to her site in my signature. Nothing beats her.
Maedhros, at Alqualondë:
04-17-2008, 05:15 AM
I've seen her gallery on Elfwood, she is indeed very good. I didn't know she had her own site, though. So thanks for the link!
04-17-2008, 05:16 AM
She's the only artist I've ever seen who draws my boys - er - I mean, the Sons of Fëanor exactly like they are in my head. ;)
08-07-2008, 03:16 PM
It may be interesting to know that Pauline Baynes was Tolkien's favourite. He mentioned several times in various letters that he felt she really captured Middle Earth. I have always found this intersting as it provides a little insight in to what J.R.R. was imagining. Her work is also different than the tone of Jackson's film, and the tone of many modern artists.
Baynes did the cover for The Tolkien Reader (Ballantine edition) which is a picture of Bombadil, and I believe the illustrations throughout are hers as well. I think she did a lot of work on the Narnia books as well.
Sadly, Pauline Baynes died last Friday, August 1, aged 85.
Brian Sibley writes about her in his blog:
08-08-2008, 02:56 AM
Sadly, Pauline Baynes died last Friday, August 1, aged 85.
Brian Sibley writes about her in his blog: :( She was a great lady, I've always loved her illustrations of Narnia in particular.
10-14-2012, 04:39 PM
Sadly, Pauline Baynes died last Friday, August 1, aged 85.
And that's four years ago, 2008 ...
Anyway, I've finally found on the Internet an artist that I met many years ago. He had an exhibition at the Barbican Centre in London. His site says that he had an exhibition there in 1984. I thought I saw it earlier than that, so perhaps he had a smaller one earlier? I'm fairly sure I didn't go to London in 1984.
His name is Paul Raymond Gregory - his Tolkien site is at, and some of his works can also be found at The Leicester Galleries (
His most fascinating work (in my opinion) is a painting which consists of 61 smaller pictures, one for each chapter of LotR. I saw it at the Barbican.
10-15-2012, 09:58 AM
Impressive. He has some really nice work on his site. I don't think I had seen any of his work yet so that for bringing in the spotlight. :)
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