View Full Version : Hytorax Part 2: Discussion(New players permitted now)
Lief Erikson
04-08-2003, 02:13 AM
And now Part 2 begins. If people want a review of Part 1, here's the link:
If anyone wants to join/rejoin;) the RPG, it'll be possible now, around the beginning, but not for too long. There are some possibilities open.
For example, people can play officials under King Vahatres of Enedwaith. People can play soldiers under him. Dark villains are now much more open for grabs than they were in the beginning. There is a ruling council in charge of the Shadowhand, and Aasinav has gone to join them. Anyone who wants to play a member of that council or a less high in rank member of the Shadowhand can probably do so, but if so, you might have to wait for a little while. There are a few things Mathron and I have to finish up first, in which the purpose of the bad guys' plan will be revealed. After everything is out in the open, it'll be easier for others to play villains.
So those are some possibilities. Reinforcement griffins are possible. Bushbark and Boulderhead (An ent and a stone giant called an Ontor) were left outside of Néred, the capital of Enedwaith. Because they were left outside, it is perfectly feasible that they decided to do something with their time. In which case they might have gotten reinforcements of their kin- other ents or Ontors. As a matter of a fact, other characters that people might want to play could join up with them.
So any new characters can join them.
Sorry, I'm using a bunch of names that are probably near entirely foreign to people who haven't been around in Part 1. I will give a quite brief summary of the plot leading up to this point.
The main characters(Their names are Aasinav, Adrian Baggins, Glimdrell, Glistenfae, Bushbark, Boulderhead, Gil-Thalion, Elise, Hruad, Brilindil, Aralle, and probably some others I've forgotten) gathered together in Néred, the capital of Enedwaith, and learned that a sorcerer was trying to take over the kingdom. He'd already taken over the mind of the kingdom's king, whose name is Vahatres. The sorcerer's name was Dagankor.
The main characters went to find a magical item called the Hytorax in the Barrow Downs, because they knew that firstly, Dagankor wanted it also. Secondly, they knew that it would be possible to use to break the spell that Dagankor had put on Vahatres.
So they went into the Barrow Downs and got the Hytorax out, passing through a lot of danger. Then they brought it to Néred, and were enabled to enter into the citadel because a man named Dolais assisted them. Dolais risked his political career in helping them, and got them inside. But then they found that Aasinav, their trusted sage, had betrayed them. He had already alerted Dagankor that they were coming and the company walked into a trap. Aasinav took the Hytorax and disappeared, leaving the company in the hands of Dagankor and Vahatres' soldiers.
If anyone wants to find and post one of the later character description documents that Zavron was making, that would be appreciated.
The previous discussion thread in which we'd gone into Part 1 is here:
04-08-2003, 11:19 AM
Me will play as the elven assasin Glimdrell yet again...
04-08-2003, 09:36 PM
After being gone for quite awhile, I will return as Aralle. If anyone wants to play a griffin, please PM me, as I do have some information on them that is not commonly known. :)
Finrod Felagund
04-09-2003, 11:45 AM
I'll probably be playing both an elf and Griffin, what did you want to tell me about griffins. Feel free to PM me.
Finrod Felagund
04-09-2003, 11:47 AM
Could I play both the elven lord/warrior/healer Fimbren and his friend, the griffin, Entai? Fimbren would have a horse but often ride Entai.
04-09-2003, 02:24 PM
Lets try to keep the gryphen count down please :). Their not REALLY appropriet for Tolkien's world (kind of like how I would love to have unicorns in it, but when you think about it they just don't fit.)
04-09-2003, 05:26 PM
Me also kind of agree that having Griffins rare is important as it is kind of a new race to Tolkiens world. I vote for having only Aralle as griffin at this point, if other griffins are introduced, then perhaps only as minor characters, but I agree with Tessar here. I like the griffin race indeed, marvelous creatures.
I don't meen they ar totaly out of place, for they fit in with the fantasy world indeed, so I want them in, but I'd prefer if they were as few as possible, making them so much more unique and mystical, as was stated as the reason for these creatures not being spoken of before...
I love Aralle, but I am sceptical at letting in more griffins with major roles, that is, as player-characters...
- Glimdrell Silvershadow
04-09-2003, 05:42 PM
I'm glad you like Aralle, Glimdrell. :)
Actually, I'm in agreement with Arat-Falathion and Tessar here. Much as I like griffins, they don't quite fit in with this particular world. This is one of the main reasons why Aralle is a shapeshifter. Most people would never even known of the griffins' existence, let alone have a reason to mention them. So it's probably sensible to have very few griffins involved, or only one.
However, it really is up to Lief to decide how many griffins there can/should be, and since he always has wonderful ideas, I know that he could "make it work." :)
04-09-2003, 05:57 PM
That is a good point stripy. Lief has the final saying in this, and I believe he could make it work some way or the other, but still if he could, one can not deny that having more playercharacter-griffins in the game would make the creatures less magnifficent and mystical...
- Glimdrell Silvershadow
Lief Erikson
04-10-2003, 02:34 AM
It's true that there aren't extremely many griffins left. They were largely exterminated in a war with the gargoyles, so they aren't very common. However, I find that it reinforces a species to have more than one player playing it. For example, if someone creates a race, then that race doesn't have as strong of a connection as it will if 1) it's connected by plot and 2) it is shown to be more than a single creature because there are more than one in existance.
I think it would reinforce the griffins' role in Tolkien's world to have more than one in. The primary logical problem with new species not being connected to his world is precisely that they aren't very strongly connected. Someone, or some people playing griffins would cause the species to become more broadly accepted. If Tolkien had created just one Ent and no others, his species wouldn't have felt so much like a species as a mutation. That is probably one of the primary difficulties that this "It's not in Tolkien's world" emphasizes.
And it is logical that there would be more griffins, if we see a need to justify there being more than one. The griffins automatically go where they're needed; it has been crafted into their species that they're drawn by the Valar through the spirit realm toward difficult situations to help solve them. So finding a griffin in a jail shouldn't be extremely weird, especially with a government situation like is in Enedwaith.
So anyway, I'm just saying that if we accept a species into Tolkien's world, we have to accept that as a species. Griffins are an official species now; the primary limitation on them is that there aren't very many of them left at all. If some people want to be playing griffins, that's fine with me.
Finrod, I'm glad you're joining the RPG :).
Ah yes, and Adrian, it's great to see you back in the RPG! :D
04-10-2003, 07:56 AM
Ahh... you have a good point there Lief :)
and yes, welcome to Finrod and welcome back Adrian! :D
- Falathion
Finrod Felagund
04-10-2003, 11:07 AM
The griffin I play would not have a large part, he would be a quiet companion without much to do, save for in battle.
Lief Erikson
04-11-2003, 01:10 AM
It's up to you what you do with your character. I think it might be better to have something a bit more interesting though, for character. Making a history for the griffin and for the elf would probably be more interesting, though I don't know if you've gotten the history yet about the griffin race from Silverstipe. If you have, then you could use that to make a more interesting background.
04-11-2003, 09:22 AM
*glare Leif* You just HAD to take the staff, didn't you? Meany. :p
Finrod Felagund
04-11-2003, 11:11 AM
Oh, but Fimbren does have a fascinating history. His father was a Noldo, His mother was half Teleri, half Vanya. Fmbren was good friends with Finrod but after the Nirnaeth he lived in Gondolin until it fell. Fimbren was a captain in the war afainst Angmar. Fimbren fought in Lorien during the War of the Ring and was god friends with Treebeard. He helped to rtake Moria (Bree to Moria RPG), and has taken part in almost every battle involving elves since the revolt of the Noldor. The Griffin he met only weeks before. Entai was lost as a baby Griffin and raised by a family of woodspeople. They were attacked by bandits who wounded Entai who escaped into Mirkwood where he was found by Thranduil's people and nursed back to health. He fought very little against the Gargoyles and was caught and thrown in prison later for killin a guard who drew a sword on him.
Lief Erikson
04-11-2003, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by Tessar
*glare Leif* You just HAD to take the staff, didn't you? Meany. :p
Dagankor's not an idiot. That's what he'd have to be to fall for that trick :).
Lief Erikson
04-11-2003, 06:29 PM
So Entai killed a soldier of Enedwaith? Okay, that explains his being in prison. Thanks for the character descriptions, Finrod :).
04-11-2003, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by Lief Eriksson Originally posted by Tessar *Glare Lief* You just HAD to take the staff, didn't you? Meany :p Dagankor's not an idiot. That's what he'd have to be to fall for that trick :).
LOL :D :D :D Thatone is old Tessar :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Why is it that every wizard rely on that trick? :p
- Falathion
04-11-2003, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by Arat-Falathion
Dagankor's not an idiot. That's what he'd have to be to fall for that trick :).
LOL :D :D :D Thatone is old Tessar :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Why is it that every wizard rely on that trick? :p
- Falathion [/QUOTE]
ahhh because it usualy works?
04-11-2003, 10:24 PM
Heh :) Good point actually... Guess it works whenever, just not vs a wizard :p
Lief Erikson
04-11-2003, 11:48 PM
And so long as you're dealing with polite and unsuspicious soldiers :).
04-11-2003, 11:52 PM
Eh, I'm sure Elise used her Jedi Minds tricks or somat. :p
04-13-2003, 01:25 PM
Hehe :D
04-16-2003, 03:38 PM
Sorry for short post... I am in a hurry :p Vacation you know :D
Lief Erikson
04-18-2003, 11:25 AM
Besides get to know Fimbren, I don't think there's particularly much for us in the prison to do at the moment. So Eärniel, feel free to send a longer post, finding Athalt. And if you like, you can feel welcome to open that other box too :).
04-18-2003, 04:25 PM
Mmm, so you guessed I was going to look for Athalt next eh? Wel, I suppose it was pretty obvious.
I'm still wondering whether I'm going to let Tareod open the box. Especially since I'm totally clueless about what could be inside.
Lief Erikson
04-18-2003, 04:51 PM
Beware, it could be a bomb :D. There might be a magic spell inside that burns his hands! BEWARE! Of course, it's entirely up to you what you make your characters do.
04-19-2003, 06:15 PM
I'm aware of that. :p That's why I'm hesitating. I'm not thinking of killing off Tareod just yet. Mmm, I think I'm going to take the easy way out and leave it undecided for now whether he opened it or not.
04-20-2003, 11:04 AM
Ahhh! Must say I enjoy the way the story develope... Sounds really professional in a way... You have been working well with the story Lief, then way the little pieces and characters are just falling into place is amazing :D
Anyway, my reason for not posting in the thread atm. is lack of time and because I do not have much to write about at the present. The story's consern right now is mostly fixed upon Athalt and Imarwyn (and her brother), and so I find it just as good to wait, sit back and enjoy the show! :D I will come back strong though as soon as I see my time summoned! I am eager to get back in character ;) :p
- Falathion
Lief Erikson
04-20-2003, 01:26 PM
Er yes, sorry about that. I realized just today, shortly before your post, that there might be problems with players not being able to post anymore for a time. (Shrugs helplessly) Oh well, that's the breaks.
04-20-2003, 09:30 PM
Ahhh! Your inbox is full Lief :p
Lief Erikson
04-20-2003, 09:31 PM
Oh! Terribly sorry about that- it's probably all of these Hytorax discussion posts that are cramping it up.
All clear now. I'll probably have to go back and do it more thoroughly though soon, before waiting for someone else to run into the same barrier.
04-20-2003, 09:36 PM
Heh ;) Just thought you would like to know :p
- Falathion
04-23-2003, 06:35 AM
Ok, I know what I just wrote might be against the rules...
If you, Tessar, didn´t like the way I talked to Assar, or if the frown he gave Glimdrell was out of character for him (I just realize that this was something Boromir could have said :p But Assar IS a human right?)
I won´t take any offence in that if you want it edited. Also Lief, if that sound in the corridor there were out of place... ?...? then tell me. I am just eager to get this on the roll again. -the rpg is developing so great ;)
- Falathion
04-23-2003, 08:32 AM
perhaps change it a little if you would, Assar is a sweet boy and I don't think he would say something like that. Or call some one 'elf', he would probably use the person's name if he could.
04-23-2003, 11:56 AM
I'll do that :)
Lief Erikson
04-23-2003, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by Arat-Falathion
Also Lief, if that sound in the corridor there were out of place... ?...? then tell me. I am just eager to get this on the roll again. -the rpg is developing so great ;)
- Falathion
I don't mind the sound around the corridor, and you can do everything you asked if you could do in the Private Message also. Have fun :).
04-23-2003, 06:19 PM
Thanks :D :D :D
04-24-2003, 12:48 PM
Now, why do I have the feeling that some twist is going to happen down in the jail dungeons, sending us right back in jail, or even something worse...?? :( or perhaps that is just a feeling I have because when you allowed me to write that, I can only guess the satisfying grin on Dagankor smirking lips. He did take Elises staff didn't he? :rolleyes:
:D We are officially free for the time being atleast! So my fellow men, women, creatures and what no... Rise up!! ;)
- Falathion
04-25-2003, 11:16 AM
Emm... we are not out of the dungeons yet Fimbren :) There are guards at the door. And, Glimdrell and Hruad is the closest one's to the door, they went ahead of the rest to get the weapons...
- Falathion
(Edit) When am I to learn that things like this is solved best through "In Character" and not through Editing posts :p */me slap himself*
04-27-2003, 04:54 PM
*I don't know what you mean by wournabilitly. It's not an English word.*
I realized that :p What I am trying to write is another word for weakness, that this makes him "wornerable" or how you ever spell that word :p I don't have access to a dictionary at this school, or else I should have looked it up :rolleyes:
Lief Erikson
04-27-2003, 05:25 PM
Use the Thesaurus :D.
04-27-2003, 06:45 PM
Alright :) Thanks... anyway, I'll be gone for a few days... will catch up as soon as I have time :p
School is going on a musical tournee :D I have resposibility for lights! Yeh :p Gonna burn those sucking artists with my 1000Ws!! Burn burn! :p
- Falathion
Lief Erikson
04-27-2003, 07:16 PM
Good luck with it :).
05-02-2003, 09:21 AM
Thanks Lief :) What a four days that was! Whoh! Can't believe I survived all those stress factores and drunken metal dudes :D But it was really fun!!
And a big hail to Eärniel for revealing the word I was looking for :) Vulnerability yes!! Won't forget that word :p
05-04-2003, 06:50 PM
Oh! Spooky Mathron :D
05-14-2003, 04:06 PM
I hope everyone is OK with my marker idea. Arat said that about sensing the magic so I thought my idea would follow with his but not really affect the plot if we aren't supposed to get caught yet :).
And about 'stealing a staff', I was kind of thinking how P.J. did that where Saruman took Gandalf's staff... And from the way he held it I sort of got the feeling Saruman was actually USING Gandalf's staff as well as his own.
05-17-2003, 09:39 AM
It was a good move there on the magic thing in my opinion ;) nice move! And about that staff thing, I guess this is more or less a choise left to us. I believe that any wizards staff would be wieldable by any who possess magical skills, perhaps each staff has different strengths and such, so you could get a new staff that would make your magic more powerful or less powerful... :) that could be interesting I think :p
Oh, and sorry for being gone all this week. I was done with that school thingy, so was moving home... I won't be able to be as active as I was back then, but shall be here enough to follow everythin :) don't yeh doubt! :D
Good thing all has moved at such a slow pace :D :D
Lief Erikson
05-17-2003, 09:59 AM
I personally don't think it's necessary at all for Elise to get a new staff. Her old staff is still in circulation, and it actually is in good guy hands at the moment. She'll have to do without her strongest magic for a bit, but she'll get it back, I'm sure.
I have no idea whether staffs vary in power, but the movie of FoTR showed that they can be used by more than one individual. Saruman was using both staffs to beat up Gandalf in that one scene, but of course, some don't take the movie as any sort of a good reference :p.
It's been good that the RPG has been moving slowly for me too; I've barely gotten online at all this week. That's because I'm approaching the climax of Part 2 of my book. Instead of doing two pages a day I'm now doing around two chapters a day, as well as major plot rehaul. So that's what's been clogging up my posting :).
Oh yes, Note to Eärniel:
Tareod is failing in his mission. Plotwise, I'd expected him to succeed, but your not posting is causing him to be successfully sidelined away from Vahatres.
05-17-2003, 02:20 PM
DOH sorry I didn't realize I wasn't with you guys! I got sort of confused about who exactly was where even after reading it a few times. Oh well *blush*
Lief Erikson
05-17-2003, 05:12 PM
It's all right, no sweat. I mean, that cellar where we were putting all the other good guys into storage in was primarily because they weren't posting, though it made sense plotwise too. If you're ready to start posting again, it's great that you're rejoining the place where things are happening.
05-18-2003, 05:02 AM
Originally posted by Lief Erikson
Oh yes, Note to Eärniel:
Tareod is failing in his mission. Plotwise, I'd expected him to succeed, but your not posting is causing him to be successfully sidelined away from Vahatres.
Fne. But it couldn't really be helped, though. The two last week at school were rather hectic and I used the most part of my moot-time I had to read up on threads. I got more time now that I have a study-break. I will post again as soon as I've come up with a way how Tareod can succeed. :)
Lief Erikson
05-18-2003, 09:56 AM
Any excuse is a good one at this point; the goal is to stay as close to Vahatres as he can. Nobody will stop him changing direction and going right back. He's an ambassador, and no one would want to be rude to him. He could stay with Vahatres making ridiculous demands for a financial loan or something. Anything to keep a conversation going, however unlikely the conversation. His goal is to save Vahatres' life, and if it's necessary to be rude to do that, he can be rude.
Lief Erikson
05-18-2003, 05:00 PM
Interesting to see the company members panic :). There's obviously no way they're going to hide or escape- they're stuck, as far as I can see.
That means they'll have to be rescued, and soon. Eärniel, do you mind posting soon to have Tareod get back to them? It's the only way a good solution can come out of this, and he doesn't have to do anything but protect Vahatres. Imarwyn might be hanging around here too, and if so, she might have their weapons in a sack or something.
Athalt can deliver the rescue after everything builds to a crescendo.
05-20-2003, 06:09 AM
There, I posted. :) Sorry to have kept you waiting.
I'm a little puzzled how Imarwyn could know Dolais. She wasn't with Hruad's group when they met Dolais and entered the citadel with his help. I don't remember her seeing him before this moment. Did I miss it?
05-20-2003, 11:18 AM
No, I believe you are correct in that Eärniel, Imarwyn didn't see Dolais before...
So... Glimdrell might still be out there ;) Hmm... :eek:
Lief Erikson
05-20-2003, 06:00 PM
They were both running around on their own, so I just decided to link them together in order to accomplish this end of unblocking one of the doors.
05-30-2003, 01:05 PM
Heh :) I like your style of letting players decide what will happen next and so change the story, it is really nice Lief :) Right now though, I am somewhat dazed. Ehm, would Glimdrell run into Dolais and Imarwyn and Glistenfae? Or... ?? :confused:
05-31-2003, 05:46 PM
I was not informed of a new rpg or part 2 of Hytoarx. I guess I never had time to look with hm.
Please inform me of what is happening so far. I would like to come back. If that is ok with yall?
Though it will take awhile for me to catch up. Unless you don't want me back then I shall leave.:(
05-31-2003, 06:23 PM
Nice post Lief, though I would like to point out a tiny detail that Imarwyn still had her knives and prefers them above a sword. So she wouldn't have picked one up from the ground. :)
Sorry to have left you out of the loop, Sicirus. I thought we had said in the discussionthread from the first Hytorax-RPG that there would be a second one. I guess it wasn't made clear enough when. Sorry again and please stay.
05-31-2003, 09:32 PM
Well Sicirius. What has happened during Hytorax part 2 is quite simple: Mathron's char betrayed the company and Dagankor had them trapped. They were placed in a prison-cell in the dungeons. Glimdrell managed to pick the lock with a dagger that Assar had kept secret. Glimdrell then killed the jailor and freed the others.
From here Glimdrell, Hruad and Fimbren went to Dagankors quaters for the weapons that were taken from them, while the rest went to a basement.
Elise was the first to break from the basement and walked up to the one's in Dagankor's quaters. Dagankor seemingly found out somehow of their precense and got soldiers to flank them. As they stormed the room, Glimdrell hided, while the rest escaped into the inner room of his chamber.
At the same time Imarwyns brother was making contact with the king, pretending to be a representative of Rohan. His mission was to keep the king out of Dagankors killing touch, he almost failed.
Imarwyn found Dolais, and Glistenfae caught up with them. The broke the blocked door to Dagankors office just as the soldiers managed to crush the blocked door to the inner room (in which Elise, Hruad and Fimbren dwelled). Athalt and 5 soldiers came also around this point.
Athalt was earlier informed by Imarwyn about the situation and had gone for reinforcements.
You might want to read the first post by Lief, and the few last posts posted in order to get the beginning and the current situation into place. I hope my little retelling of the story this far was good enough. And if it wasn't I can only say, I am drunk as hell! Swaying at the chair right now... :p
- Falathion
06-02-2003, 05:54 AM
Oh, very confusing.:D
Thankyou very much mellon.:)
Now I need to figure out how to join in again. Thats going to be a bit hard. I shall maube sva ebthe whole thread on my pc and read andsee if that works or try again skeeze in.
06-07-2003, 03:44 AM
Alright, so like things are right now, I do not feel that my character can do much. This is the hour of the magic wielders I guess... Come on! We was degraded to the second page here for our inactivity!
Lief Erikson
06-07-2003, 11:16 AM
Yes, that's my fault. Er, actually, it's not exactly my fault, but I'm incapable of posting on weekdays at all, now. It's because in school, I'm doing nine subjects right now. I might end up having to skip meals to get all my school work done. I cannot write on my book or on Entmoot or do almost anything but school at the moment.
Except on weekends. Today and tomorrow I will be able to post, and I will be checking Hytorax. So we might be able to make some progress now :).
Great to see you're entering the RPG again, Sicirus :).
06-08-2003, 01:41 PM
Thanks. There is no way I am ever going to be able to read all the posts from the begginig. Is there a way to squeeze my hobbit in without having to retrack thorughout the rpg?
06-08-2003, 04:27 PM
Yeh, he would be down in the cellar with all those who was not participating in the recent event ;)
Lief Erikson
06-08-2003, 09:15 PM
By now everyone in the cellar can have come out. Glistenfae already left them, anyway, so the others probably left as well. Some of them might still be involved in the adventure, while some might drop out. Brilindil might drop out, unless someone new wants to join in all of a sudden, playing a wizard.
Gil-Thalion can join back in, since you seem ready to rejoin, Sicirus :).
Adrian . . . her role must be entirely decided by Adrian. It doesn't look like she is still in the game, but if she is, she'd better say so soon.
Elvishfaerie, are you still playing? It seems like you are, judging by that post you sent, sending back in your character.
I have no idea whether or not Silverstripe is still involved. If she is, I'd also like it if she said something.
Okay. Meanwhile, we have another two things that need to have some attention paid them.
First, I am severely limited in my ability to post now. It's very unlikely that I'll be able to post on more than two days in a week.
I haven't thought this at all out yet, but I am willing to yield leadership authority, or at least partial leadership authority, to another individual at this time. My schedule doesn't look as though it will relax, and it will severely limit my ability to post. Which logically will make this RPG change to snail's pace, unless we started it going in spurts, with lots of posting on the days when I'm here. That would be difficult for players who aren't able to post much on those days, though.
So I'm very willing to help show what my plot idea thus far is to another individual who might keep the RPG running at a rather swifter pace than I am right now. Does anyone like that idea, or should we throw it out?
Regardless of whether I'm still the sole leader of the RPG, from this point, Hruad will very likely not be in charge of the quest from now on, anyway.
The second thing that needs to be considered is the possibility of announcing this coming war in Hytorax to people in the RPG forum. This might attract new players, who want to be involved in a conflict with the Shadowhand forces.
Many of our characters are not warriors. Some of them are, like Athalt Cranain and this supreme elven warrior who has joined our side :D. However, although many of them are capable of fighting, they aren't warriors. So introducing more good or bad characters could widen the horizons of the game.
This is entirely simply an option, though. I'm opening it up for the players of the game to consider, and I won't act on any of these courses of action unless the players of the game think it's a good idea. Because although the final decision is mine, they affect the entire RPG, and you have all been deeply involved with it.
06-09-2003, 08:11 AM
Lief - as it is now summer time, I essentially have massive quantities of free time connected to a high speed internet connection. Hence, I'd be glad to take over for a time, if you want to send me information.
06-11-2003, 06:21 AM
This sounds like a good idea really. We want the rpg to move on, and if you don't have the time Lief, then playing it over to Mathron would probably be a good idea. I hope you'll manage to participate in weekends though ;) :D
Lief Erikson
06-14-2003, 12:34 PM
Jeepers! I come back here from a week's not posting and I find only Fimbren has posted in my absence! Perhaps I won't need to offer up leadership after all . . . ;).
Thanks for the offer, Mathron. That would work quite well, but there is a fairly large difficulty with your leading the RPG. I suggested to you when the RPG was first getting started that you might want to have a good character as well . . . The RPG is taking place largely from the good guys' perspective. It'd be tough for you to lead when you don't have any members of the company. Unless you introduced someone good, now, which is a possibility.
The truth is, since it's no longer going to be Hruad that leads the company, it seems as if whoever does end up leading them will be the leader. Looking at the different company members, I don't know which of them would be most logical to be a leader. Except Fimbren, or possibly Elise.
Does anyone have any thoughts on the other issue I brought up? Should we ask for more people to join in the war or not?
06-15-2003, 02:43 PM
My thoughts were on Athalt really... but then, Elise or Fimbren would be well suited as well. I agree that some new and fresh characters would spice up the rpg. Sorry to say I do not have much time to play any more characters but Glimdrell.
Perhaps we should invite new players, but I don't think it is a nessesity... :p
06-15-2003, 03:18 PM
I think inviting new players wouldn't be bad. With the war there will be a good oportunity to fit new characters in the story. But as Arat-Falathion said, it's not a necesity. We still got 7 or 8 players involved, I believe. And chances are not many new ones will join. Even when the second Hytorax RPG was opened up for new people I believe only Finrod joined. But we can always try.
For now I will definately stick to playing only Imarwyn and Tareod. Although Imarwyn isn't really a warrior I hope she can still be of use. I'd like to keep them both in the game.
06-16-2003, 09:05 AM
I had presumed that I would be taking over as Athalt, leading the company. But whatever works best, of course.
06-24-2003, 12:16 PM
Mathron: Your PM box is full :p
Good good :) I'll be gone on vacation till 2. July... hope we'll get into the writing again at that time :D
06-24-2003, 12:18 PM
I cleared some space up. :)
06-27-2003, 11:20 PM
Ummm... What Frimbrin said to Elise didn't make much sense to me :-/. How would he know she had a great burden unless he had read the script!! :p
06-28-2003, 03:52 AM
He's from Valinor. He can tell. ;)
Lief Erikson
06-28-2003, 11:45 AM
Mathron, I'm fine with you taking charge. I think I'll keep Athalt as one of my characters, for I have no one else aside from Dagankor to be, and I do want to keep a good guy. Besides, the way my plot goes from here, Athalt isn't planned to remain with the company, so he wouldn't be the best choice anyway.
I'll discuss that a bit further with you in response to your PM- I've got a few interesting ideas :).
Tessar, ah, I am actually rather waiting for you to break the spell on Vahatres. Would you mind doing another bit of magic before falling into Fimbren's sleep?
06-29-2003, 03:02 AM
Ahhhh no problem!
All in a day's work :p.
07-01-2003, 05:33 AM
I'm leaving tomorrow on holiday so I won't be able to post for Imarwyn and Tareod for a whole month.
07-01-2003, 04:52 PM
I am back. What a nice trip that was.
Metallica, Iron Maiden, Bjork, Turbonegro, Chicane, Junky XL... so many known names :D
Oh, and I see things are somewhat in motion here. Great! Still I do not see how my character would interact with this without just playing around (which would be ok I guess, if I had time for such)
So I'll wait for a next post, hopefully from the current GM (wheather that is Lief or Mathron). Would've been nice to see this on the road again.
Oh, and welcome back Tessar :) You show up occassionaly :p
07-02-2003, 11:17 AM
We are back in business, folks!
Summary of my last two posts:
Dagankor escapes. Vahatres is freed from the enchantment. Dagankor is building up an army, telling them that Vahatres is now enslaved by traitors. Vahatres is trying to rally support with the truth. Aasinav and the Shadowhand are watching everything, and proceeding with their own plans. The party has learned that the Hytorax was only part of a larger scheme of the Shadowhand - and once they know more, Vahatres plans to send them to stop it, led by a recent arrival - Malagar, an emissary from Rivendell.
07-03-2003, 09:04 AM
Ah, great! Finally!
I have no time reading this now and reply. But I will hopefully get the time later today, or first thing tomorrow morning ;)
Lief Erikson
07-04-2003, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by Eärniel
I'm leaving tomorrow on holiday so I won't be able to post for Imarwyn and Tareod for a whole month.
Fiddle. Well, we'll miss you. Thanks for keeping up on the RPG as well as you have :).
I myself will be able to post today and tomorrow. I get a four-day weekend this week, because I'm taking two days off.
07-04-2003, 01:09 AM
Originally posted by Lief Erikson
Thanks for keeping up on the RPG as well as you have :).
Ouch, that hurt. I could just HEAR the 'unlike Tessar who SAID he would be better about this one!'
No no I'm just kidding. I have been rather overloaded lately though.
I just got time to read the new posts.
First of all brilliant Mathron :). Every time I feel like I'm getting better some one just HAS to come along and post something like that! *pout* it's not fair! :p
Secondly I'm REALLY sorry I didn't take care of the Elise/King enchantment thing *blush*. Thanks for getting that all fixed up.
07-04-2003, 06:58 AM
Ah, I agree with you Tessar. How you can write Mathron! Oh, and things are getting exciting here now :D Malagar is back with a vengeance :D Oh, and may we happen to get the whole region against us? things do not look good for poor Nered :(
Lief Erikson
07-04-2003, 11:50 AM
My remarks were entirely to Eärniel, Tessar, nothing pointed toward you :).
Last night I was planning to post an announcement of Mathron's taking charge, but I got removed from the computer before I could manage it, and was unable to get on again, till it was very late, and by then I was too tired.
Anyway, as you already are likely aware, I have given my plot over to Mathron, and he is now helping take charge of the RPG. I will not be leading the new quest that emerges, and my characters, with the exception of Dagankor, will be not in the forefront of the action any more.
One thing I'm considering is our basically cutting off many of the quest members, the ones that have turned stagnant because their players aren't here. We're launching into a new quest, so now might be a useful time to drop them. We can shunt them into the army, or something. I think the quest might be funner if we eliminated many of the extraneous characters. What do the rest of you think?
07-04-2003, 02:25 PM
Yeh, that thought wouldn't be a bad one. I am still contemplating on how Glimdrell will go about fighting this. Perhaps Fimbren would show him some moves with the sword? For right now, all Glimdrell has is his bow and dagger. Hmm... it could be interesting if Glimdrell did learn a little swordplay, but not enough to use it effectively in battle, something he personally learn and experience in the battle ;)
ah well... good to see things moving again :D It has been long silent... nearly too long :) How long is it since Hytorax Part1 started now? I think we are close to 1 year... only a couple months more and we should be striving on into the 2nd year of this rpg :D
Lief Erikson
07-04-2003, 04:48 PM
We started it December of last year, so we're still some months from one year. Nevertheless, it has been pretty long :).
07-10-2003, 03:07 PM
It has been long indeed :D
Oh, and I do not see my post fit in right now (any new ones that is) I kind of locked my character with my last post :p
07-21-2003, 02:42 PM
Haha, this rpg always seems to hit the second page before the next reply is written... lately that is!
I am going to the military tomorrow, which sux! But I'm not afraid of loosing too much of the rpg, not with its current posting frequence. I could be gone for a month and would only need to read 2 posts or so :p
Ah well... I'll go for it, I'll make a little post to get it on the first page again ;)
07-22-2003, 01:16 PM
Hopefully things won't stay this slow forever. I'll be trying to move things along once a week or so, myself.
07-22-2003, 03:16 PM
Goodie :D I am packing my things now... soon ready to leave for the military!
Like I said, I know not how much time I will have to get online there, or when I will have that oportunity.. I'll just have to wait and see!
Laters people!
08-05-2003, 12:38 PM
The army is tougher then I first thought :p
I finally found some time to get online... I'll do a short post, as I really don't have "much" time, and many other soldiers are waiting to get online as well... but I'm still here ;)
08-06-2003, 05:00 PM
Hi everyone, I'm back. :)
I'll read up the RPG and I'll try to put a reply by tomorrow. As soon as I figured out just what I'm going to post, that is.
08-07-2003, 01:16 PM
Welcome back ;)
08-18-2003, 11:39 AM
Sorry for my absence these days, but I am really stuffed hard with things to do, both military and this new job I've been offered.
I am actually going to be hired to work on music for a game for 1 year, and it is even paid well! Eather I'll be doing the job together with the military (which would leave me with a 90 hours workweek in theory) or I'll quit military and travel to the US to work on the gamemusic with the team.
Eather way this is very exciting for me, and this is taking all my time. We are discussing this and that, and I am talking with the military stab, trying to work this out. So I'll just have to see what happens.
Oooi ooo!
All of you, go read "The Clerics Quintet" by RA Salvatore. It is totally awesome! It is a 5 book collection about this clerical priest, a female monk, a dwarven axe master and a dwarven would-be-druid. It is both filled with action, sorrow, drama, laughter and effective plotline. A good read! :D
08-18-2003, 12:08 PM
ooc: What? There's a new Hytorax? My God! I've been away too long. I used to play Boulderhead and the Gargoyle. So what's going on?
08-20-2003, 04:06 PM
Arat: I've always been a fan of Salvatore's works, and the Cleric Quintet definitely is a good series. ~grin~
Zavron: Yep, Hytorax is going strong. To catch you up on the plot:
In the original Hytorax, the party recovered the artifact and returned to confront King Vahatres and Dagankor the sorcerer controlling him.
They entered - and Aasinav the sage revealed he was allied with Dagankor. He vanished, along with the Hytorax he carried. Dozens of soldiers appeared - they had been forewarned. The company was betrayed and imprisoned. So ended part I of the Hytorax.
Part II began with the party breaking free. They defeated Dagankor and freed Vahatres from the enchantment. Dagankor has since escape and begun causing trouble by rallying up soldiers from the countryside, persuading them that the king is now enspelled by *us*.
Meanwhile, the party is making their own preparations. An advisor, Malagar, has been brought in. Malagar fought and helped defeat Vardor, who had founded the Shadowhand. The party has learned that the capture of the Hytorax is only a small part of the Shadowhand's plans - and are preparing to go and learn more.
You're more than welcome back in, if interested! Things have been a bit slow lately, but hopefully will be speeding back up.
08-24-2003, 01:52 PM
Yeh, things have been really slow lately :p but as always, I'm sure we can hold.
I'll put in a short thingy
08-30-2003, 03:59 PM
:p I just wanted to know: Who is currently in this game? I guess Lief is having major spairtime issues because of school, but how is it with the rest of you?
There has been a huge pause here now, which may drive us to think that this game has simply washed away. That is not what I'd like to see though.
If there is a need to put this game on a hold, then please say so, and then perhaps a date when things are expected to be running easier on yer time folks. We have nearly played this for a year, we can't just quit now!!:D
08-30-2003, 05:24 PM
I agree: we can't quit this now. :) But I understand if other people have their hands full.
I'm still here, I just have no idea what so ever what I could write.
08-31-2003, 10:42 PM
Same here.
I mean all I could write would be what Elise would say to what's his name, but that wouldn't take us any where :-/.
M. Brandsdal
09-08-2003, 12:34 PM
hmm.. I would like to join this "thing" as well.. guessing I might be abit to late; though, still it would be fun..
Anyways; what is really going on? can anyone please explain the concept please?
09-08-2003, 03:11 PM
Right now we are at a slight break, or so it seems. But storywise and rp wise it would not be any problems of you joining in ;)
The story happen sometime in the 4th age of Middle Earth. Men rule the realm mostly, yet some elves are still present :p
First the company went to the Barrow Downs to get the Hytorax, an artifact that actually turned the Barrow Downs into the cursed place it is. This item should save a city called Nered, capitol of Enedwaith in the Dunland region.
One of the men participating in this quest, however, betrayed the company. Aasinav was his name, secretly a wizard of the secret Shadowhand clan with evil plans. The Shadowhand had twisted the king in their magical grasp, and now with the hytorax in their hands it was only a matter of time before the Shadowhand would officially take over the ruling of Nered.
This was the end of Part1 of the rpg.
The company who had quested for the hytorax (the good guys) were all put in the dungeon prison of Nered which they escaped, turned back the king, and made Dagankor (the shadowhand-member placed in the city) flee. They managed to turn the king back to sanity and is now at the break of war, a war which the shadowhands twisted tongue has turned into impossible odds with lies about the the "good guys" and their intentions.
This is where we are at now, preparing for war. You may well enter at this point.
Oh, and to the rest of you, I know this guy...
M. Brandsdal
09-08-2003, 03:32 PM
hmm.. so I now know the background story.. still; I really don't get the concept..
Are each one of us planned to make up a character, race, class, skills, feats etc: and just follow up with a storyline based on the person posting before us?
My char:
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Name: Elindèl Talandor
Age: *rather young* 367
Class: Archmage (with healing abilities)
Feats: ? hmm.. how am I to explain that part?
Did I forget something maybe?
Did I get the point or am I just way off?
*having fun playing soldier Pål? :p *
09-08-2003, 07:52 PM
Hello all! Sorry for my short absence - moving back to college and such. I will be trying to move the story along by the end of the week, I promise!
M. Brandsdal: You are certainly welcome to join! Basically just come up with a character, background, personality, etc. You can give him whatever abilities you deem appropriate, though it is probably better not to have anyone too overpowered. "Super" character really tend just to ruin the game for everyone else.
But yeah, plot will move along later this week.
M. Brandsdal
09-09-2003, 07:48 AM
ahh.. sounds good.. :) I'm looking farward to "play"..
Still, have to come up with all the information about my char, though, I think I will manage to do this by the end of this week.. shouldn't be to hard.. :) :cool:
09-09-2003, 10:39 AM
Mathron: Ahhh :) Good to see you alive and kicking :p Me is exciting to get thing on the move again, nice adventure and action is brewing ;)
Martin: Let me explain this kind of RPG to you shortly:
1) it is a role playing game based on an already written plot, so there are restrictions to what you can do with your character without confronting the GM first. The GM is currently Mathron, Lief Eriksson was he who started it, but because of issues he is gone for some time. This means shortly that you can not cause things that will affect the whole story heavily.
2) You can not make huge decisions for other players characters and not kill any others character. Injuring and disabling others character is only allowed if it is discussed before it happens, or if the player who's character will recieve the injure played himself hopelessly into a situation leaving no other option for you.
3) Remember that this rpg is based on the Theme of Middle Earth and Tolkiens creation. There is therefor restrictive magic and mages in the world of ME. Also, there are very few elves left, so if you are to play an elf you'd want to come up with a very good reason for him not sailing across the sea with his kin.
4) Please spend some time on each post and read through it once more before you post ;) Be as clear as you can in your writing, to prevent confusion among players.
5) Enjoy the game ;)
M. Brandsdal
09-09-2003, 12:36 PM
Oh, this sound complicated..
I guess I'm abit to lazy to join up on this.. ;) But I'm still gonna' read the stories.. anyways; to all players, have fun! :)
09-09-2003, 02:33 PM
Hehe :) Not complicated, but a little bit complex to make it thus more fun. If you want to join or not is ofcurse up to you, but I can assure you, it is not difficult, and indeed you'll see your skills grow as you play, both as writer and roleplayer.
Tessar must be the best example of this ;)
09-10-2003, 02:17 PM
Ah, so I introduced a new character: "Iriana"
The reason I introduced her was that I wanted to make Glimdrell's adaption with his sabre a little bit special, I am not certain wether I'll give Glimdrell this "song" skill or not though. Right now I have offered this character to M. Bransdal, if he wish to take her on I have no more power of her, but I wanted to make her somewhat close with Glimdrell...
at the same time we have Fimbren, who knows the sword art better then most others, and indeed he wields the ultimate artifact. This was my original plan, to let Fimbren teach me, but in my mind this Iriana character teaching me is more tentative, and have Fimbren being the warrior who always is dueling me to see my improvements.
If any of you have any thoughts about this, then please voice them :p
Oh, and Tessar: I leave it up to you if you know abou this "song" or not. Already I have hinted at what "skills" it adds to its "hearer". I have not created any huge "background" info for this skills yet, but basically it is a very rare fenomenon called the Weavers-Discipline. I was thinking it as some special way of meditational state or perhaps some deity guiding her. Eather of the two would be ok with me, even better suggestions as well, but I guess of these two number 1, the meditation, would be most fitting for the Middle Earth theme.
I leave this up to you though Tessar, and Elise ;) For all I know, she may not know of this at all :p
Finrod Felagund
09-11-2003, 12:24 PM
I personally think it is a good idea, pure genius...well not pure genuis, but there's some genius here. :p
09-11-2003, 02:57 PM
Hehe :) Good to hear Fimbren. I think M. Bransdal agreed to play Iriana, so ready a grand applause for his entrance when he posts ;) :D We do not want to scare him away just yet :p
M. Brandsdal
09-12-2003, 05:48 AM
I'm really looking farward to play as Iriana. :) I hope to have some fun, and maybe improve my writingskills. Who knows?
Anyways; don't be to hard on me, considering this is the first time I play something like this. I'm about to freak out, you see.. :D
Lief Erikson
09-13-2003, 10:50 AM
Welcome to the RPG, M. Brandsdal! It's great to have you joining us :D.
M. Brandsdal
09-13-2003, 12:20 PM
Well thanks Lief Erikson! :) That was nice to hear.. I'm really looking farward to get started on this! :D
Lief Erikson
09-13-2003, 01:18 PM
Well, feel free to post :). You might want to read the last two pages of Hytorax 2, if you want, just to get the feel for what's going on.
09-14-2003, 01:02 PM
Hahaha!!! I just knew something would happen with Hruad and Dolais!!! Hahaha :) Too bad for Nered :p Oh, and I saw that Iriana is now getting into the army. Great!
M. Bransdal: We are awaiting you character profile and first post ;)
M. Brandsdal
09-14-2003, 04:19 PM
So, bad news guys.. :( ommh.. Let me start out with saying; Curse the school and the work "they" are making me to do.
So, with that in the opening, I guess all I need to say is that for the looks of it; I can't take over Iriana after all. Why? I just have to damn much work on my hands. I can barley read the latest posts and write my own stories. That is extremely important to me, writing my stories..
So, sorry guys! I guess you won't be seeing much from me in the future here.. I might post a story or two in the "writers workshop", but non here in the rpg section..
So, have fun all.. damn I wish I could as well, but... :mad: :( Anyways; hopefully Arat-Falathion will be trilled getting Iriana back.. My guesses is that she is "HOT".. :D
Have fun..
Lief Erikson
09-14-2003, 04:25 PM
Or we might delete her while little's been posted about her. Whatever Falathion wants.
I'm sorry to hear you're going, M. Bransdal. Hope to see you again here, sometime when you have a lot of time on your hands :). Like summer, perhaps. A long holiday :D. I'm looking forward to seeing you in the Worshop.
Edit: Oh yes, and thanks for telling us early.
M. Brandsdal
09-14-2003, 04:33 PM
Well, thank you Lief for the warming words.. I am really sorry, not only for you guys.. :D HAHAhAhAha, but for my self. I'm in need of getting my writing skills onto I higher scale, but damn, I just don't have to time for it.. :(
And about the part of telling you early.. I don't know if you meant that to be ironic, cus' it has been some time since I last checked this forum.. *I was ill*.. but anyways, hopefully, no one will hold a grudge at me.. ;)
Thanks again! And enjoy all! :)
Lief Erikson
09-14-2003, 04:42 PM
By early, I meant that not very much had been posted with Iriana yet. It's not like you're leaving us in a lurch, in the middle of the game :).
I didn't mean that as ironic. Most players of the game, myself included, sometimes take huge lapses in posting. Very bad of us. Falathion is the best of us at keeping up with the RPG. If you think a day or two is a long time, that's definitely not what I meant :). Because of my school schedule, I'm only able to post on weekends.
You know what? Actually, if you're capable of keeping up just by posting on weekends as well, or some form of very limited posting, that still might be sufficient. I'm simply saying this because I know I'm able to remain in the game, even after being out for . . . what has it been? A month, maybe? It's been a while since I posted, before yesterday. Look at the dates of my posts, and you'll see :p. :)
09-14-2003, 05:56 PM
That's really a pitty, M. Brandsdal. But I know from experience there's little cure against homework.
It'd be nice if you could manage visits in weekends like Lief suggested. If not I'm sure to meet you again in the Writer's Workshop. :)
09-15-2003, 02:26 PM
Ah, too bad Martin. Guess we'll see you again some other time then. Perhaps you have better time when our next rpg is starting, and you could be with us from the start ;)
Good luck with your writing, looking forward to read...
Lief & co: I think I'll take on Iriana as a sidekick character... I have made some plans for her somewhat, and it would be fun to have her in the game :D
09-16-2003, 02:37 PM
Hehe :) I know not if you had any idea of who this sidekick for Aralle should be Lief, but because I now have 2 characters it would be nice to have them in 2 different places I think...
If this sidekick to Aralle is already picked than just make Aralle shake her head at Glimdrell, and he'll attain on the main quest. If Glimdrell is to be Aralle's sidekick, then please let Iriana have a final word with him... let her tell him something that will set more questions on his mind... and remind him of the song in which he does not understand!:p
Oh, and I suppose that Glimdrell never found the chanse to speak with Elise, or that she did not know the answer to the question... ;)
Lief Erikson
09-17-2003, 03:25 AM
Vahatres has given you his cue now, Falathion :).
09-17-2003, 03:14 PM
Hmm... I hope I got the cue right?
09-17-2003, 04:01 PM
I forgot I had two characters as well that I could split up. :p Silly me.
Is Imarwyn to go alone to the council or will Aralle and Glimdrell go in the same direction?
09-17-2003, 04:16 PM
Yes, this is confusing me as well :)
Lief Erikson
09-18-2003, 04:51 AM
Hope my most recent post clears it up.
Whoever posts next can post the end of the meeting and the setting forth of the companies, if they like. I have no further plans for this meeting. Military strategy is one of the primary remaining things they'd want to discuss, but that doesn't really relate to the companies.
09-18-2003, 10:20 AM
Indeed this cleared up things. I won't make that next post though, I'll leave it to the next reader :p
09-19-2003, 04:22 PM
...and OOC quetions is what we post in here right? :p
There are 3 people going in Aralle's group. That is Glimdrell, Imarwyn and Aralle.
All others are going with the other group ;)
Lief Erikson
09-28-2003, 02:39 AM
Falathion, Eärniel, I know my most recent post doesn't leave much of a cue for follow up. However, feel free to post anyway, part of the journey or anything else in their plot thread. Or, of course, with your other characters.
09-28-2003, 12:37 PM
Hi. My name is Yodaman and I want to join Hytorax: Part 2. :D Here is my idea for my character: Theodar, captain of the Riddermark and his son, Theodur. They lead a group of special division of the Rohirrim army and they are good, not evil. Also, I was wondering if my fan series could be based on the adventures of the Hytorax crew. Just give me permission and I'll make an awsome plot. Also, can you please give me a description for each of the main characters from Hytorax so that my best friend and artist, Darth Lizard, could draw them for me. LOL
P.S.: Please tell whoever invented the Hytorax saga that they have an amazing imagination.
Lief Erikson
09-29-2003, 12:43 AM
Thank you very much. Thank the players for the excellent read, as well :D. The plot is only part of what makes the game good :).
Welcome to the game, Yodaman! Your ideas for characters sound very good, particularly since the country the RPG is taking place in is adjacent to Rohan. We already have a couple characters from Rohan involved :). The country is Enedwaith. If you have a map of Middle Earth, you can find it right next to Rohan and Dunland. The capital of Enedwaith is called Néred; I made that city up.
Making fan fiction that involves the adventures of the Hytorax characters might be rather difficult. Making adventures about individual characters, when their inventers give permission, is one thing. But the characters aren't really an adventuring band- they have gathered together through a variety of circumstances and will probably split up again once this particular struggle is over.
My main characters in the RPG are named Hruad and Athalt Cranain. However, at present they are not very usable. Hruad is in prison far away, and Athalt Cranain is going to be left behind in the city :p. So right now I'm using a character named Aralle, a griffin that can morph into a human. She has been on many adventures before; it's sort of her career. You'd have to ask Silverstripe if you can write fanfic about her though, for Aralle is actually not my character. I invented a lot of history for her already with Silverstripe, so I could give you a rundown if she permits it. Aside from that though, I can't help you.
Ah yes, and you're not likely to get much fun out of Hruad, either. He's no good with any weapon and has no history of adventure (until this game started, anyway :D). He's a politician, a representative in the council of Enedwaith, representing a region.
I'll probably give you a better description later. I don't actually know if I ever did make a physical description of him. He is lean, though. I'm not sure . . . that might be all the description I have about him :o .
Anyway, welcome to the RPG :D. Have you read any of it, yet? I'm wondering how much of the previous events I should tell you.
09-29-2003, 02:52 PM
Ah, a new player!
Welcome to the game Yodaman, great having you with us! :D
My main characters are Glimdrell Silverleaf, a backstabber and sneaker by profession, but is now learning to use the sabre. He wears a magical cloak whcih let him blend better into disquise.
Iriana, a sword weaver and hearer of the song. She is rather new, so not much of her history is yet revealed, nor her talents tested in the game at full... I'm eager to get to that point ;)
Please understand that I have created a pretty tight bond to Glimdrell atleast, and that his future developement is pretty important to me (and I have my plans for him and his future...) so I'd probably not want to see him in a fanfiction, eventhough I must admit it could be interesting...
Iriana is a totaly new character of mine, but I find her interesting and intriguing... I'd be more open to let her into any fanfiction... but then again, I'd like to give her my own developement through playing her...
Drawings of them is something I've always wanted to see though! Especially Glimdrell Silverleaf... but I'm not for asking of such a favour :p
Welcome to the game once again! May your stay and play be a positive experience!
Oh, and Lief created the original plot... ofcurse it has been modified slightly during play caused by players' actions. He is the ultimate plotmaster, the rest of us are his followers :p :rolleyes:
09-29-2003, 04:10 PM
Thank you for the friendly introduction. I decided not to make my fan fiction series about the Hytorax characters but of some characters I made up. It's an alternate universe where, in the far future, a time machine is made and the creator is of Easterling ancestry, so he decides to go back and kill Aragorn, who destroyed his people when he was king. So he does that, but this was right after Aragron concieved his son, Aelfwine. The result is a world where Sauron rules Middle Earth and all are his slaves. Gandalf then finds a prophecy that says something about Aelfwine bringing an end to Sauron's reighn. It's an adventure staring the offspring of most of the main characters, and I promise it'll be awsome. It's slated for a December 19th release. Tell me what you think. LOL
Lief Erikson
09-30-2003, 01:53 AM
Right. Well, looking forward to your entrance :).
09-30-2003, 10:34 AM
Right. Well, looking forward to your entrance :p
I am sure your fanfiction will be interesting (post about it on the Writers Workshop ;) )
Good luck, and welcome to the game!
10-03-2003, 02:36 PM
Welcome to the game Yodaman! So the rohirrim has decided to aid us in our troubles. Who warned the riddermark? was it the great eagle?
10-03-2003, 02:43 PM
Welcome Yodaman. :)
More rohirrim, yeay! :D Both my own characters Imarwyn and Tareod are from Rohan.
Lief Erikson
10-05-2003, 02:53 PM
Good idea about the eagle, Falathion. I've decided to use it.
Thanks for posting, Yodaman. I'm not sure quite what the battle that was about to be launched into is, but it will affect the plot. I doubt it's the Shadowhand, already, but it actually could prevent Rohan from sending much aid. It could be with the Dunlandings again :P. The Shadowhand is not yet at open war with anyone. It is of course possible that this unit of Rohirrim might have attacked them on their own initiative. That also would have reprecussions . . .
In any case, the door is open for one of your characters to join the fellowship.
10-06-2003, 08:26 AM
Mmm, I'm slightly confused. :o Who's Liren? I can't remember coming across this character before. Did I miss it?
10-06-2003, 12:20 PM
I think Liren only was a tool to introduce Theodar...
Oh, and know that the plot in this game makes for some restrictions (bendable ofcurse) when playing, Yodaman... War and the appearance of orcs usually has a large impact on the plot, hence it should be confronted with the GM (Lief) before posted.
I'm not asking you to change what you have already written, I am sure we'll find a reason for why it happened... (perhaps a small orcband grew tired of waiting for war and took action into their own hands? And perhaps this is the army the rohirrim was speaking of?) But please think of this in the future, it usually makes the final outcome less confusing and a bit easier for the GM ;) Oh, and if you do discuss your plans with Lief beforehand, you could discuss the reasons for this to happen (there is always a reason...) and thus rise the quality of the work. Like I said, we'll find a reason for this rohirrim war :D
Great to have you in!
10-06-2003, 12:31 PM
Happy Birthday Tessar!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D
10-06-2003, 03:17 PM
Happy B-Day as well, Tessar!
As far as the orc-band, it would be simplicity itself for the Shadowhand to have riled up the dunlanders and some orc bands so as to keep the Rohirrim busy...
10-06-2003, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by Arat-Falathion
I think Liren only was a tool to introduce Theodar...
Oh, I see. I got kind of confused since she popped up in your post. At first I thought it was just a mistyping of Iriana but then Yodaman continued with Liren seemingly being in Rohan. I probably misread somewhere, sorry.
Though I repeat myself: happy birthday Tessar! :)
10-06-2003, 06:32 PM
The Orc is supposed to be a shapeshifter with a fake Theodar. So before you mess up the story, let ME make the duel between Theodur and the shapeshifter. LOL
10-06-2003, 06:35 PM
You did mess it up. HOW DARE YOU MESS IT UP YOU LITTLE #$@%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: (IT'S JUST A JOKE, SO DON'T TAKE IT PERSONALLY).
10-07-2003, 03:26 PM
emm... Yodaman... have you talked to Lief about this? Did you read my last OOC post appointed to you? You are not exactly following the unwritten "rules" of rpging here... Sauron is no part of the 4th age, and if he was, that would possibly mean a total rehaul of the plot of Hytorax and the followup rpg we have planned... :p
Please, do not make major plotchanges without confronting Lief first! You must understand this!
Thank you
10-07-2003, 04:32 PM
10-07-2003, 05:03 PM
Yodaman, please calm down. An RPG is a game with more than one player, it's only logical that other players will interact with what you write, just like Finrod did with the eagle. What would you expect otherwise?
Please understand that this game has been moving along a well laid-out plotline. Significant changes in that plotline, such as your bringing of Sauron in the game, should be discussed with the GM (in this case Lief Erikson) first. Sauron is not the enemy is this game, as you will know if you read the game-thread. Bringing him in the game changes a lot of things and makes the game (at least for me) confused.
I hope you can understand my point. :) We are all players of this game, but without adhering to some rules this RPG would have bit the dust long ago.
10-08-2003, 12:29 PM
Ok, let me add that we like to behave mature in this game and respect all those who participate. I ask you, do not shout at me again like that, it has no place in this forum.
Again I believe you missunderstand me, the point isn't wether it was Sauron or a shapeshifter orc, but the point is: Contact Lief before posting such, because he will need to rework on the plot to make your stuff fit in... and perhaps that would meen a total rehaul of what was planned. So I ask you a second time, please contact lief with ideas like this before posting, we all do. Let me take an example:
In the beginning of Hytorax part 2 we started with our "fellowship" locked up in jail. We managed to dirk up the lock with a dagger that one of the hobbits had managed to sneak in. At this point I wrote a PM to Lief and asked the other players to halt in their place and not post. I asked Lief if my character could handle the situation, as a jailor was walking down the dungeon, guarding the place. I got a positive feedback, and even some advice on some details. Those advices was partly to include other players in my actions. It all went well in the end, and noone was confused as to what had happened in that scene. Great!
In a pen and paper rpg the GM is the one to lay out all the plot, and the dices say wether you live through a duel or not. It is not like that in this game, we let players decide what the outcome of encounters are, we let players come with ideas for plot change and twists and the appearance of enemies,
BUT: to make this work, one has to work behind the scene a little bit... or else it all will become a confusing bit of noneplotted nonsence that will get boring in under a week. This rpg has soon run for a year! It has run that long because it has an interesting plot and players has played maturely and respected eachother! Please, I ask you a third time, contact Lief before making plotchanges, it will only benefit the game.
I hope you understand this and take the critisism not as an attack on you from my part, but as a hope of making you understand what we are doing here and how we are playing, that is very important.
Thank you, and sorry to make this such a long read.
10-08-2003, 04:16 PM
Yodaman, please calm down.
If you have a problem with what some one posted, ask them nicely to change it. Don't yell at them, and don't curse at them. What's the point?
And a big thanks to everyone for the b-day wishes.
SOME ONE *cough**glare**cough* started the RPG up again while I was taking a month away from the internet. Thanks a lot! :p
I hope I'm still in the story... I've got a lot of reading to do...
10-08-2003, 04:39 PM
Hummm... after giving things a good look over, I'm glad to see that I'm still in the story! *bounce*
I can't say whether Elise would know about The Song or not, but if she does I doubt she'll mention it beyond simply showing she has heard of it and understands how it works :D.
I'm running sounds and lights for a morning show, I have rehearsals in the evening for an evening show, I'm doing karate, doing school work, and studying for my driving test so I don't have a lot of time to write much of anything. Or at least it doesn't feel like it!
I think Elise will take a less 'powerful' role for now. After what happened with Asanave, some one like her would be more likely to start checking out all the other members of the 'fellowship' (:p). I think she trusts Malagar to an extent, and so she'll let him take the lead.
10-08-2003, 06:27 PM
I was joking around when I got mad. I like to pretend I'm mad at the forums so people will get mad at me back. It's hilarious.
10-09-2003, 06:42 AM
Tessar: Welcome back to the game! :) I'm glad that you finally have "perhaps" a little time to write a little now and then. Always welcome.
Wether she knows the song or not is mostly up to you, but me and Lief have discussed what it is, and still some things ain't clear. So perhaps it needs no thought before we eventually end up in a situation where she would need to know or not...
Yodaman: Please, try to stay mature. We are not interested in your jokes, not like that, it has no place here. None of us have been "mad" at you, as you place it. But get your acts together, we are serious about this game, it is not some kindergarden playground...
Sorry if that sounds nasty to you, but if you find such pleasures and is just here to mess up, I must ask you to leave us.
10-09-2003, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Yodaman
I was joking around when I got mad. I like to pretend I'm mad at the forums so people will get mad at me back. It's hilarious.
That is as may be, it is not appropriate it. We would all quite appreciate it if you would refrain from getting - or acting - mad, and try to conduct yourself as politely as possible.
Thanks. :)
Mathron, RPG Moderator
10-09-2003, 06:08 PM
I am SO sorry. I didn't mean to offend anyone. Does this mean I get kicked out for trolling or whatever it's called?
10-09-2003, 06:20 PM
10-09-2003, 06:38 PM
10-10-2003, 05:38 PM
:) I PMed you Yodaman, and do not worry. As long as you behave properly and treat us with respect, we will to likewise to you ;)
Lief is currently out of town, and that is why he is not here. He should be back soon... (I could check onto the date in a sec...)
[edit] He should be back on monday...
10-15-2003, 03:56 PM
Very well, so it has befallen. The Shadow Hand has stronger monsters of destruction at their disposal than we first thought...
My explenation to this would perhaps be the "new" breed of Orcs mentioned in the Hytorax Part1 for those remembering that part. I do not have the "inside" plot like Lief and Mathron though, so perhaps they have already formed their own ideas to this shapeshifting creature?
Atleast we can all continue the game now :) great!
10-15-2003, 11:33 PM
Yodaman - I've posted a new ending to your battle, and hope you are alright with it. Just trim off your last post, and it should be fine. Mainly, the thing to concentrate on is not adding new enemies, but simply dealing with the ones that we (the bad guys - Lief and Mathron) throw at you. ~grin~
Thorondor has asked Theodur to fetch up warriors and ride to the aid of the armies of Enedwaith. However, at the same time, Rohan is being assaulted by strange orcs and followers of the Shadowhand. It is up to you as to whether Theodur wants to assure the safety or Rohan, or trust in its defenders and ride to the aid of Enedwaith.
As they say... your fate is your own to decide. ;)
Meanwhile, with the others, Malagar has gone hunting during the night. He has probably warned the others that he might vanish from time to time, so they shouldn't be too alarmed.
10-16-2003, 06:06 PM
Cool! I like that plot. But there's one plot twist I want to have: Thorondor the Eagle, who I thought you made a jerk (no offense) gets captured by the same shifter, who is imortal due to a special spell the Shadowhand wizards put on him. Thedur and Linden go on a solo mission to rescue him and to find out where the Shadowhand base is with the unexperienced Theodar must lead the Rohirim guard into battle against an upcomming Shadowhand assault. I think that would be a great way to end Hytorax: Part II and begin Part III. That's all I have to say. Thank you.
10-17-2003, 05:10 PM
Oh, no offense taken - I quite intentionally had Thorondor be very abrupt (primarily due to alarm that the Shadowhand's machinations had spread so far, and due to concerns of his own.
The plot has been somewhat worked out already, but what you could do is have Theodur lead troops to the aid of Enedwaith - and be forced to leave his son behind to help the forces of Rohan, and perhaps to hunt the Shifter.
All your call, of course.
10-17-2003, 05:35 PM
Okay. Sounds cool. I also wanted to make Lindir a villian and she fell in love with Theodur so that when they get close, she can murder him. . Thank you for being nice to me.
10-17-2003, 09:45 PM
Sounds good. Feel free to go ahead and expand on that as your plot - though I would recommend checking with Fimbren, as Thorondor is his character, and he already has some stuff planned out for him. I'd recommend finding a good way to make sure Thorondor can continue on his quest - or even see if you guys could tie your plots together!
Oh, and feel free to Private Message or email me with anything you want kept secret.
10-18-2003, 07:30 AM
Who's Fimbren? I can't find anybody by that name here.
10-18-2003, 08:27 AM
Finrod Felgund is the name of the poster. Fimbren is the name of his character. The names do sound quite alike. :p
10-18-2003, 11:45 AM
Indeedly so :)
I actually liked that plot idea... please, reveal no more of it to us :) I like surprises!
Lief Erikson
10-18-2003, 11:30 PM
If anyone wants to make a block of time pass, please do. Accelerating things by a few days to bring us all closer to our destinations would be helpful.
10-19-2003, 04:27 AM
Hmm.. you are probably right, Lief. And welcome back btw.
I must announce that I'll be gone from monday till friday though, so I'll have no internet access during this time. Eager to see the changes done when I get back!
10-19-2003, 04:42 AM
least I can do is get off my lazy butt and write us forward in time a bit ;).
10-19-2003, 09:46 AM
Lief Erikson
10-19-2003, 10:57 AM
Enjoy your trip, Falathion! Where are you going?
Lief Erikson
10-19-2003, 11:06 AM
Yodaman, I guess it's all right for you to do this plague, because it is rather logical that the Shadowhand might pull something like that. But try not too great in magnitude. One that is specifically targetting the hierarchy of the various kingdoms of Middle Earth seems a logical method of throwing the lands into turmoil, but please don't make it cover the country's populations as well.
Also, if you're going to make this plague, I'd like it if you'd finish it, and whatever wraps it up, it can't be too big a plot thread to accomplish it. Because the RPG is beginning to approach the climax.
It's conceivable that the magic of the connecting magical items the Shadowhand has created would be strong enough to end the plague, but I would rather it not come to that. So if you'd wrap the plague up on your own, I'd appreciate it.
10-25-2003, 02:21 PM
I am really sorry that I haven't posted this week, but I'm short on time, even now. I'll be back next weekend (I hope) to get some serious work done for the story ;)
Oh, and my bushtravel was in the military, slept under the stars for 4 days, or rather: was full awake tending wounded soldiers for 4 days and 3 nights.
10-25-2003, 07:25 PM
You're in the military? SWEET! I don't have a job since I'm 13 (duh), but I'm going to try to make money out of some comic books I'm going to sell. They're origionlal ideas and if you want one PM me. Thank you.
10-25-2003, 11:25 PM
I swear... I am... :)
But seriously, I'm writing something, and I guess I need to get with Mal about this... ;)
11-01-2003, 07:04 PM
Still writing Tess? :D Oh, that post must be loooong :) better set next weekend off! ;)
Ah, sorry for my inactivity lately. I'll try to get more time, and hopefully we'll get this on the move again ;)
Lief Erikson
11-02-2003, 06:37 PM
Okay, I think in Mal's absence, someone had better get their quest moving. Either leave him or look for him, or do something else.
11-02-2003, 06:40 PM
You're probably right, as always. Someone would surely start to get worried if Mal is gone for too long :p
Lief Erikson
11-02-2003, 07:00 PM
I hope my editing of my post didn't throw you. I just abruptly changed my mind on what I was going to do- when writing my book, I have that lenience :).
11-02-2003, 07:09 PM
Ah :) Good!
My current post was just babbling anyway :) Hehe :)
I'll edit it
Lief Erikson
11-02-2003, 07:09 PM
Okay, I see it did throw you. My bad. I've changed it back :D.
11-02-2003, 07:19 PM
Err... I liked the arrow scene better :p Keeper or none keeper?
Lief Erikson
11-02-2003, 07:22 PM
Okay, we'll keep that.
11-02-2003, 07:24 PM
Roger that
11-02-2003, 07:27 PM
Haha! So much chaos :) I can understand the dark elves lust of that word!
Lief Erikson
11-02-2003, 07:29 PM
Well, that's over with. I'll have to be careful in the future, when I'm online with somebody.
Lief Erikson
11-02-2003, 07:46 PM
Sorry for just suddenly disappearing like that. I was hit by a bunch of computer errors, and had to deal with it.
11-02-2003, 07:47 PM
No problem ;)
Oh, and about that shortbow. I remember using it in Part 1 of this rpg. When one of the hobbits ran away and faced a panther (or what it was). Just thought it was the right time to bring it forth again :p
Lief Erikson
11-02-2003, 07:57 PM
Fine by me :).
Okay, I have to get offline now. We're about to turn on a movie that I've never seen before . . . a continuation of our Halloween party. We're watching "Young Frankenstein", now. Hopefully I'll post sometime next week, but I can't count on it. After the movie, today, I might be able to post a little more.
11-02-2003, 08:11 PM
Enjoy yourself then :)
11-03-2003, 03:30 AM
Oh shoot! You go to bed early because you have to rise early to go to school and you miss the first battle in pages! :p Fne, and I'm at school right now (though I was way earlier than I had to be, talk about irony) so I don't have the luxury of posting in the RPG-thread now. It'll have to wait until tonight. :(
11-03-2003, 06:26 AM
:o :D
11-03-2003, 01:58 PM
Well that would explane why Mal hasn't gotten back with me yet :-/.
11-03-2003, 11:19 PM
My apologies for my absence. The last two weeks have been terrible. But, hopefully, by tommorow I'll have finished my last major assignment for the moment, and I'll be able to get back on top of stuff.
11-05-2003, 05:50 PM
I don't know what the intentions with the escaping orc are so I left off here. If he has to escape, Aralle can still call Imarwyn back. Otherwise, Imarwyn can deal with him. :)
11-06-2003, 10:50 PM
Hi. I'm back! I decided to end the Theodur saga by New Years and with your permision start Hytorax 3 and end the series. Once the series is ended, I will turn it into a fan comic and post it here. If any of you have AIM, please tell me. Thank You.
11-07-2003, 09:05 AM
Umm... I do not believe there will be a Hytorax 3 :) at least not for quite some time. There have been a new rpg in planning for ages now, I believe it will be the rpg following, after the end of Hytorax 2.
Great to see you posting again Tessar!! :D Welcome back to the game! :D
Earniel: As with all Lief writes, I believe it is pretty much up to us wether this orc will escape or not. If he escape, our presence will be known to every one. If he don't, we still come unnoticed. Yet others may have seen us already...
11-09-2003, 03:50 PM
But can I run my own Hytorax 3? I think it needs a fitting end. And also, can I write a fan fic using some of the Hytorax characters? Thanks
Lief Erikson
11-09-2003, 04:07 PM
Hytorax will receive a fitting end. It will be concluded in Part 2. There's really no need for a Part 3, though I'm sorry you weren't with us in Part 1.
Hruad is a politician, completely unskilled with any weapons. I doubt that you could easily find a place to involve him in your fanfiction.
Athalt Cranain is a military captain of Enedwaith. So long as he continues in that role and doesn't have any adventures that are too spectacular in their results, I guess I don't mind your involving him in the Writing Forum.
Other people would be more logical for heroism than my characters. I often choose for myself people who aren't exactly heroes.
Aralle sounds like she'd be easier to involve in fan fiction, because she is a very adventurous type. She is led by the Valar from adventure to adventure. However, you'd have to ask Silverstripe before using her.
11-09-2003, 05:37 PM
For my fan fic, I wanted my character (who's the father of my character) to somehow find the Hytorax too early so Shadowhands sends an army in the past to stop him. Is that acceptable? Thanks
11-21-2003, 11:35 AM
Ah, I am in the military now, so sorry for my inactivity. I won't be able to post for another 2 weeks I believe, then I'll be at home again.
Both Lief and Eärniel can post for Glimdrell during this period if need be, as their characters are with him. You may all include Iriana as well... ofcurse, no choisemakings that would alter characterization and such... ;)
Have fun
11-21-2003, 05:09 PM
Sorry I havn't been able to do more Hytorax stuff. Been busy with a fan film. Thanks
Lief Erikson
11-30-2003, 03:01 AM
Well that fight's over. Falathion or Eärniel, please feel free to post about the encampment.
12-01-2003, 11:18 PM
Alright, so we're there... somewhat...
I just thought hungry orc/goblin/troll/whatever -> horse.
I made it open for next one to decide what happens.
12-07-2003, 04:14 PM
Errr... I just felt like pushing forward Malagars group a little... has been silent there for ages :D
Oh, and in Aralle's group, I'd guess we are waiting for you, Eärniel ;)
Lief Erikson
12-08-2003, 01:31 AM
Mathron? Tessar? Are you two still alive?
I've been waiting just for somebody to take some action. Don't really care who it is, so long as it's not me :o .
Lief Erikson
12-08-2003, 01:35 AM
Originally posted by Yodaman
Sorry I havn't been able to do more Hytorax stuff. Been busy with a fan film. Thanks
Yodaman, what's up now? How's the fan film going?
Any plans for new posting?
My own thought is that I'd like it if we could finish this RPG before Christmas. This coming week I can't say how available I'll be. I may be on and I may be off. The two following weeks though, I certainly will be available for posting. Hopefully on a rather large scale :D.
Lief Erikson
12-08-2003, 01:36 AM
Originally posted by Arat-Falathion
Errr... I just felt like pushing forward Malagars group a little... has been silent there for ages :D
Jolly good show!
Finrod Felagund
12-08-2003, 12:42 PM
I'm still here, just waiting for someone in a leadership postition to tell me where to go!
12-08-2003, 12:59 PM
Ah! :) Finrod, how great :)
We are only on the move now though, and Mathron is in charge of our group, Malagar being that leader...
So right now all we can do is ride our horses and toss out some comments now and then... otherwise just following the show and ride along ;)
12-09-2003, 07:24 AM
I was waiting for Mathy to post a reply :).
And actually, annoyingly enough, I'm going to wait another week to post. I'm not even going to touch a computer till monday of next week.
I've started getting some of the early warning signs of Carpal in my right wrist and that's REALLY not a good thing. So I'm not gona be writing or surfing the net till next monday.
Sorry guys :(.
12-13-2003, 10:34 AM
Ah, Tessar I know what you're talking about! Have you talked to a physiotherapist about your problem? They always have some good advice to come with ;) Like stretching movements and such, which in the end will let you go on for a longer time without exhaustion. ;) I know, because at one time in my life I played a lot of guitar, piano, trained with weights and used the computer all day! It didn't take long before my body said stop!
Ah, I'll probably wait until tomorrow or till monday, and if nothing is posted by then, I'll take matters in my own hands :mad: :D :p
Hope yer christmas shopping is coming nicely along! I for one has spent more money on myself this december then I have spent on presents my whole life... oh well ;)
- Falathion
12-15-2003, 01:01 PM
Got us a little further on the Aralle group, and tried to get some conversation running with Fimbren... ;)
I said I would post sunday or monday! :D
12-18-2003, 01:42 PM
I... live... again!
I am terribly sorry for my absence. This semester has been the most brutal I've ever had, and I've been busy not failing out of school.
Anyway, I've got my last final tommorow, so hopefully I'll be active again by next week.
12-18-2003, 06:06 PM
Yay Mathron!
Good to see that we still can choose away this board for things that matters more, right? :)
I wish you good luck with your exams Matty!
Oh, and Happy Birthday!!! :D Damn, you beat me with a year :p Best wishes!
Lief Erikson
12-20-2003, 11:10 AM
Good luck, Mathron.
12-20-2003, 07:35 PM
I've decided to join again.
12-20-2003, 07:43 PM
Welcome back Yodaman :)
12-22-2003, 01:23 PM
Christmas break! And hopefully a little more time to get back into the role plays. Now all I need some time to read up the thread again and then post.
I hope the exams went well, Mathron, and a happy (somewhat belated) birthday! :)
12-22-2003, 02:22 PM
Ah, great to hear Eärniel :) We've been missing you in the action ;) Seems like Lief put your char in a difficult position, so good luck with that :p
Oh, and Mathron and Tessar, as I realize that a LOT has been written since last you posted, I believe it would be fare to let you jump over the journey of Aralle's band, or what say you all?
Eärniel on the other hand... :D
12-22-2003, 02:34 PM
Hmm... yes, and another thing. Please enlighten me on something here:
Aralle's group is in the city of Lond Daer.
Malagar's group are heading towards???
Theodur's group will be heading towards???
With the long delay of posting with both Malagar's and Theodur's groups, I've pretty much lost track to their missions... please enlight me :)
12-22-2003, 08:05 PM
Theodur and Linden are going out to rescue Thorondor. They're heading out for the Shadowhand base.
12-23-2003, 12:57 PM
Alright, thanks Yodaman.
Oh, and on behalf of Thorondors creator, Finrod Felagund, be careful to hurt other peoples characters... ;)
12-23-2003, 02:27 PM
Okay. All I did was remove an eye and pour acid all over his body ;) .
12-28-2003, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by Arat-Falathion
Ah, great to hear Eärniel :) We've been missing you in the action ;) Seems like Lief put your char in a difficult position, so good luck with that :p
*reads* :eek: Well I say....
I better start writing my speech for the meeting then shall I? :D
12-29-2003, 09:14 PM
That I must say :) Guess the guards are all living in a lie, believing they serve the good.. :) Nice!
Oh, and I left Glimdrells end open for Lief to continue... guess he is taking a vacation though :D
...and I'll hopefully get some time for Iriana tomorrow, she's telling me eagerly how she spoke with Elise on the journey... so I'll try to get it up tomorrow (if Mathron doesn't post afore that :p )
Happy newyears all ;) :D
Lief Erikson
12-30-2003, 04:57 AM
Originally posted by Arat-Falathion
That I must say :) Guess the guards are all living in a lie, believing they serve the good.. :) Nice!
Yes, Eärniel, I liked that too. It's 100% logical. Only . . . as far as the doorkeeper was concerned, what I did was fairly logical too. I already wrote that Dagankor had received Shadowhand wizard supporters, and we haven't seen them all. He wouldn't leave the council completely unguarded, either. I just suddenly realized on the spur of the moment that what I ended up writing was what logically would happen.
Oh, and I left Glimdrells end open for Lief to continue... guess he is taking a vacation though :D
Yup. Been taking a bit of a vacation into R.A. Salvatore's world. Recently got started on my first reading of his fantasy books, and am enjoying them a lot :).
...and I'll hopefully get some time for Iriana tomorrow, she's telling me eagerly how she spoke with Elise on the journey... so I'll try to get it up tomorrow (if Mathron doesn't post afore that :p )
Happy newyears all ;) :D
Happy New Year to you too. To everybody else here, as well!
Lief Erikson
12-30-2003, 05:01 AM
Falathion, Mal's group is headed toward the principal Shadowhand castle in an attempt to break the collection of magical power that has been gathered there.
Sicirus . . . ah, let's see. Quite a lot has happened. Your character isn't involved in any of the current quests, and it wouldn't be very logical for any of them if she suddenly just popped into one of them. However, if your character is still in the city, it is certain that you'll be able to become involved again. Athalt Cranain is there, and King Vahatres. There will be a battle involving them sooner or later.
12-30-2003, 06:40 AM
Ohooo, very nice! :D I hadn't thought of a treacherous doorkeeper, but it makes much sense. I love these little twists and turns.
The way I see it, some people are truly misled in the camp and others are on the Shadownhand's side. I tried to let that reflect in the reactions of the people that just entered the stairway.
Happy new year, everybody! :)
12-30-2003, 01:55 PM
Ah, nice nice nice :D Unexpected indeed Lief :D
Will have to reply to Lief first then... I'll see if I can manage both ;)
12-30-2003, 03:02 PM
Oh, and I edited my post slightly Lief :P
Lief Erikson
12-30-2003, 03:12 PM
Yah-hoo! Yodaman, myself, Falathion and Eärniel all here at the same time. What luck! :)
What did you edit?
12-30-2003, 03:16 PM
Glimdrell was hit by that spear... oh, and some other emotional and inspiring things for Glimdrell... and ofcurse, bettering the structure of the writing and spelling mistakes :P (alot of those) :P
Lief Erikson
12-30-2003, 03:18 PM
Okay. Good luck on your next post!
12-30-2003, 03:19 PM
Ah! :) It looks like you wrote that Dolais was hit by the spear? ...though perhaps I could work that in... it was a nice emotional addition to your post.
Dolais trembled slightly as he looked down at the bloody knife in his hand. This was the first time he had ever killed a man, and he didn't even know that the person had been a true enemy. If he had been an Enedwaith soldier, then Dolais had the blood of one of his own upon his head.
Glimdrell seemed to show no such cumpunctions as he engaged the remaining two guards.
Inky blackness filled the room, and Dolais twisted around, looking in the direction of the candle. Someone's shirt had been thrown from one of the cells, another prisoner smothering the wick.
There were only two prisoners in this place, as Dolais remembered it.
He tried to run but only managed to stagger toward the other man's place of imprisonment. Dolais was weak, very weak. Pain shot up through his side, the place where the spear thrust had taken him.
Tears came to his eyes as he reached Hruad's cell.
"We will escape, don't fear," Hruad said, grimly, from the other side. "Darkness is Glimdrell's ally."
Lief Erikson
12-30-2003, 03:21 PM
No, I was referring to the spear thrust he took when he and Hruad were initially captured. He isn't completely recovered from that.
12-30-2003, 03:21 PM
Ah :) ok... (reminds self: this is the reason for Discussion thread :p )
Oh, and just to be pirky with you... ;) It was the first dead guard's sword that Dolais used to kill the spearwielder... I suppose he would have been checked for any such items when captured... though a minor thing I'd say ;)
Lief Erikson
12-30-2003, 03:24 PM
Yup. Y'know, if you send your next post on Hytorax now, I'll respond to it now :). (looks hopeful and not particularly busy)
12-30-2003, 03:25 PM
ok :D
Finrod Felagund
12-30-2003, 03:26 PM
Hey guys, please keep writing for Fimbren
Also, is it alright if in the end Throndor kills Dagkanor? I'd like him to die doing it, thus fulfilling his prophecy.
12-30-2003, 03:31 PM
Welcome back Finrod :) Dagankors faith is yet to be revealed I'd guess... ;)
Lief Erikson
12-30-2003, 03:46 PM
I'd like Thorondor to fulfill his prophesy, but I think it should be in another way. His prophesy was basically that he would cause significant damage to the Shadowhand, correct? I don't remember it exactly.
Lief Erikson
12-30-2003, 03:47 PM
We should give Imarwyn at least a little time alone with the council, I think. So we probably should wait on having our characters enter the building until after a bit of time has passed. How much I don't know. Probably only a few post exchanges.
12-30-2003, 04:15 PM
Caraï! After weeks of inactivity, the posts are all of a sudden flying around this evening! :) I'll try to keep up, sorry to keep you all waiting.
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