View Full Version : The Fall of Gil-galad

dunedain lady
10-29-2000, 01:41 PM
Does anyone know if Tolkien ever wrote the whole Fall of Gil-galad? I'm doing several Tolkien poems for the December forensics competition (probably Durin's Song and the Song of Earendil), and the Fall of Gil-galad would be a perfect addition if it was longer. I'm almost tempted to do A Elbereth Gilthoniel, just to watch the judges' reactions :p

10-29-2000, 11:00 PM
I don't think abything was wrote about it

10-30-2000, 06:43 AM
Christopher mentions that there are extant versions of composition, but they are not presented in the HISTORY.

May I suggest some of the shorter 'lost' poems from BoLT?

10-30-2000, 07:10 PM
How about some of the poems from The Adventures of Tom Bombadil?

dunedain lady
10-31-2000, 11:11 PM
I've decided to probably do the Song of Amroth and Song of Durin, or the Song of Earendil. The first two are too short to do on their own. I think I'll to the two shorter ones, since they are much easier to understand without being familiar with Tolkien's world and writing style.

Michael Martinez
11-02-2000, 09:20 PM
Most likely the other versions of this song which have not yet been published were as short as what was published. Sam always broke off the song, as an end-note indicates.

I've often wondered what it would be like to hold some sort of fan competition to see who could write the most well-accepted continuation of the stanzas we are given. Of course, such a contest would have to stipulate a story about Gil-galad which would either be very sparse or partly non-canonical.

Fat middle
11-02-2000, 10:22 PM
it would be a very good idea MM!!

dunedain lady
11-04-2000, 01:54 PM
That would be fun! I love writing poetry! It would be a challenge, though, to keep Tolkien's writing style and rhyme scheme.

11-06-2000, 04:06 AM
ooh - now there's a challenge. if i have free time (which i don't, but i might make some) i might try that. if the results turn out decent, i might post them.

aryne *

dunedain lady
12-10-2000, 04:55 PM
Yesterday was the competition, and I did Song of Earendil and Song of Amroth. I got into finals!! Woohoo!! :D :) I actuually didn't think I did that well, but I'm not complaining. I just need to remember that drinking three Mounain Dews right before presenting is not a good idea!:p One comment on all the judges' sheets was "slow down!" For February, I think I'm going to do a bit from LOTR--the part in Mordor where Gollum is having an internal debate with himself. I pride myself on being able to seriously disturb the rest of the team with my Gollum voice ;)
A friend of mine was going to do some LOTR poetry for this meet, but wasn't able to. He did have a rather amusing opinion of the Rhyme of the Rings that I thought I would share: "If said in the right tone of voice, it just grabbs people's attention and holds it fast, and sends cold shivers down your spine...like little naked fairies running up and down your backbone waving neon signs and singing 'Iiii'm an Oscar Meyer Weeeeeinerrr'" :lol:

12-11-2000, 04:31 AM
playing Gollum is truly fun - in my last play i based a character on "Gollum on speed." hehehe! good luck disturbing your fellow performers (now that brings back some memories...)

and congrats on getting into the finals! watch out for caffeine!

aryne *

01-05-2001, 03:55 AM
The best Tolkien poems that deal with Middle-earth and yet are totally understandable are those from the Book of Lost Tales, in particular, the Trees of Kortirion.

Michael Martinez
02-04-2001, 03:50 AM
There are poems in The Book of Lost Tales, but none of them deal with Middle-earth. Middle-earth didn't come along until the 1930s.

dunedain lady
02-24-2001, 10:16 PM
Gollum did not get into finals. The judges did not understand Gollum. Gollum is not happy. Gollum is going to go into a corner and mope now.