View Full Version : Elvish Light...

Lady Arwen56
03-09-2003, 03:01 PM
What happens when a simple nova(star exploding) throws a whole world out of whack? Will things be the same there? Or will everything begin to die, and fade away?

Please like join anybody! I need help to er... well duh pull this off!!! So please please please please join!!!!!!!!!

Name: Lizabeth
Race:Elven warrior
Description: medium length brown hair, tall, brave, outgoing(very), deep purplish blue eyes.
Weapons: Dirks, dagger, Elven blade Tharis, Long bow, golden arrows, reg arrows, poisen arrows.
Carries: Light of Evafet(precisous star), and the Lady Galadriel's ring, that she herself gave to her.

I walked along the path to Rivendell, in search of a few words with my brother(Irrylath), and to talk to my long time friend Marria. I paused, my footsteps(as soft as they were) made a small swooshing noise as I stopped. I heard breathing behind me, and then another pause of feet, not belonging to me. I spun around, but saw nothing except for trees, and shrubs. "Hullo?" I called out. "Is anybody there?" The leaves on the trees rustled.
I saw two deep blue eyes gaze at me from atop the very willow I was underneath. "Who, and what are you? Friend or enemy?" The wind whistled in my ear as I asked this. "Friend." It replied simply to me. "Then come down to greet me properly." I called up to it. "As you wish." An elf, my age, jumped down beside me, and smiled. "Irrylath!" I cried to my twin brother. He pulled me into a tight hug, and then we seperated. "I have not set eyes upon you dear sister for queit some time now. We have all missed you so, even father says he wishes you were here." "He is not my father. He abanded that title long ago. But now, thankfully I am back. So have you seen Marria latly?" I asked as we began walking down the path. The only difference, I noticed, between me and him were two things: his eyes, and his long golden blonde hair. "No. I am but sorry to say she left right after you. Almost dissappeared right out of thin air, haven't seen her since."
I felt tears well up behind my blue-violet eyes. "What do you mean she has left? Not in search of me I hope!" He put his arm around me, and whispered, "No, not at all. She decided to let you be, you had mad eyour chioce to leave Rivendell, and so she did too. No one knows where she is, but I have a feeling she'll be back. Nothing to fear." I laid my upon his left shoulder as we walked, afraid my dear brother my disappear forever, just as Marria.

03-09-2003, 06:22 PM
name:Marria(can I be her?)
Race:Elven Warrior
Description:Tall,blonde,and can be rude at times.
Weapons:Cross bow(which in my hands is a very deadly weapon)
Travels with:My horse a beautiful mare who Shadowfax's 3 offspring Fazia.

Ok do you mind me being her because I'm all out of originallity right now. And what is the point of this to find me or something you yourself has yet to figure out?

I walked alone in those cold brown lands. What did they use to be? Oh yes the Entwives gardens. The sounds were my own breath and my horses hooves crunching on the ground. Suddenly I thought of home and I wished I was back there now.

Would have written more but I don't the plot of this yet.

Lady Arwen56
03-09-2003, 06:46 PM
sure you can be Marria... but I have no clue where u are yet.

My father sat on the small bench next to me, not saying one word. Irrylath watched us from a distance. "So where have you been all this time Lizabeth?'' He asked. "I have been to Mirkwood, across the sea and then back again." I said. He mumbled something, but then turned back to me. "I have missed you, no one around here knows how much. Then Marria left in search of a new life, and no one has any word of her since. I am afraid she might be...well never mind that foolishness, we must plan a party for my only daughter is back!" He cried. To my amazement he pulled me into a hug. I could since Irrylath smiling from wherever he was, my father and I had made.
Just as I thought nothing could possibly make this day bad, an earth shattering shake pulled me off the bench, my father with me, his brown eyes full of fear. I looked up to see small peices of star floating down to Rivendell, and realized it had just been a Nova, but how come it came so close to Middle Earth? They had never done that before.

(would u mind writing a piece of info about how Marria like falls out of the sky sort of, and lands at my feet thanks!)

Um like I'll be gone for probley a week but i may have a friend log in as me, could you check out my other forum called Star Quest also? It would mean alot thanx!

03-10-2003, 08:34 PM
Sure I'll check your other thread and also this is starting to get a plot but I'm still a little fuzzy as to what it is. And she(Marria) is in the brown lands the entwives used to have there gardens there.

Suddenly a great gust of wind picked me and Fazia up. After a while it felt I was traveling through time to a place beautiful and long forgotten then I realized I was back home my wish had come true! I landed at someones feet and looked up to see none other than my best friend Lizabeth! I jumped up to hug her and she exclaimed...(this is your line).

Lady Arwen56
03-11-2003, 03:10 PM
"Marria? Oh my god! Your still alive! This is the best day ever!" I exclaimed as my best friend Marria landed in front of me.

03-12-2003, 08:17 PM
Ouch! That hurt why did the star have to drop me so hard? Well, I geuss it was the star that dropped me.

Hmmmmmm...still confused no plot.