View Full Version : Does one join or just post and be merry? :-)

Eldoran LFD
12-22-2000, 05:34 PM
Would I be an automatic welcome member by posting or would I need to subscribe on a site?

12-23-2000, 01:02 AM
Just post and be merry! Welcome to Entmoot!!

Eldoran LFD
12-23-2000, 08:27 AM
Thank you Lady Eruve.

I'm sure I'll be able to settle amongst all of you.

12-25-2000, 05:37 PM
Make yourself at home :)

12-28-2000, 06:30 PM
Welcome to the board.........just jump right in! :) You may want to take the LOTR Poll (if your have read the books...if not, that's okay too. I'm sure you will find other outlets here.) located in the LOTR Books forum. It is a nice way to introduce yourself and we will get to see who your favorite characters, places, etc. are.

Eldoran LFD
12-29-2000, 03:05 AM
Thanks for the tip.
That sounds like a good ideaI'm heading there now...

01-14-2001, 07:07 AM
Hey, I'm new too, thanks for posting the question I was going to ask.... :)

Fat middle
01-14-2001, 09:28 AM
welcome to the Entmoot, Finn! :)

06-21-2001, 07:17 PM
i'm new myself. what was that site that was mentioned with the poll?

06-21-2001, 09:19 PM
Heh, neither of them seems to have stuck around... oh well...

Anyway, welcome Olorin. There is a thread in the LotR books forum where people introduced themselves and answered a few questions about their favorite characters, etc. You can check it out if you want: LotR Poll (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fbenjaminstolkienboardlordoftheringsbooks.showMess age?topicID=99.topic)

And by site, do you mean Tolkien Trail? That would be the website associated with this board... http://www.tolkientrail.com if you haven't checked it out already :)