View Full Version : Who am I?

01-15-2001, 07:05 PM
If you could be any character in Middle Earth history, who would you be and why? I don't mean, Oh, I'd be a Teleri during the ship stealing so I could kick some Noldor ass.... I mean an actual character that has been named and described in Tolkien's works. You have only one choice.

01-18-2001, 07:26 AM
Ghan-buri-Ghan (Chief of the Pukel-Men of Druadan Forest) is pretty cool. I'd get to wear grass skirts all day, count leaves and stars. (That's what he said, boasting his Math skills to the rustic and probably illiterate Rohirrim in "Return of the King").

I could probably dodge even Aragorn the ranger in the Forest.

Not to mention cool lines like:

"Wild Men think they ate stone for food."

"Kill gorgun!! Drive away bad dark with bright iron!! Then Wild Men can go back and sleep."

"You have a score of scores counted five times and ten. They have more. Big fights, and who wins?"

"Wild Men have long eyes and long ears, know all paths. Wild Men live here before Stone Houses, before Tall Men come out of Water."

"Two !! Not more than two !!"

(oops. that last was Bupu.)

01-18-2001, 02:02 PM
I'd want to be Eowyn. Who cares if I'm illiterate ;) , I'd get to go to war and off the Witch-King. Then I'd get to marry Faramir, woo hoo! Seriously, I really identify with Eowyn for some reason.

Fat middle
01-18-2001, 11:17 PM
No doubt: Beleg. friendship till death.

dunedain lady
01-21-2001, 08:43 PM
I'd be Lindir, the mistrel in Rivendell (or at least, his female alter-ego). I adore music, and living in an elven house full of stories and history would be absolute heaven.

01-23-2001, 01:07 AM
I don't know who I would want to be, but I think probobly I _would_ be a Second Age Numenorean. Probobly I would have a tragic role. I would probobly land myself in a tragic story, perhaps Miriel.

01-31-2001, 01:36 PM
Speaking of Second Age Numenoreans, I imagine there was a lot of political prisoners after Sauron corrupted King ar-Pharazon the Golden. Amandil and his family probably ran an underground network to smuggle them out to Middle Earth to what would later become Gondor. I also imagine a lot of cloak and dagger, assassasaassinations (I hate that word!!), a Royal Inquisition, hysteria, witchcraft..... and the Nazgul start appearing in Middle Earth, stalking the Faithful Lords... lotsa Intrigue among Numenorean Lords in Middle-earth, mutual suspicion, secret meetings with Elves, etc

Cool setting for an RPG don't you think?

Lief Erikson
01-31-2001, 06:33 PM
I'd like to be Earendil, the person who sails his ships through space, and guards Morgoth's lair. I'd sometimes come back to the Blessed Realms, and other times be sailing the night skies!

03-30-2001, 03:32 AM
How come no one here wants to become a Hobbit? Hobbits have comfortable, civilised lives in the Shire, plenty to eat, and.... er, plenty to eat.

Adventures are such troublesome things. Make you late for dinner!!

If you were a Hobbit, would you rather be a Took, a Brandybuck, a Baggins, a Gamgee, or a Sackville-Baggins?

03-30-2001, 03:40 AM
Gamgee, probably, after the War of the Ring. They get a very comfortable and happy life.

Lief Erikson
03-30-2001, 04:47 AM
A Took! Ra ha ha!

Idril Celebrindal
03-30-2001, 07:50 PM
probably Eowyn. I'm the second person to say that, aren't I? Oh well. Pretty much for the same reasons, too. I hate when that happens. I have something to say, and someone else gets there first.;)

04-06-2001, 08:16 PM
I would definitly be Tom Bombadil.
How many other characters just don't realy care about the One Ring? or are not affected by it.
That and the fact that he seems to be almost a force of nature

04-07-2001, 09:00 PM
Verily, Tolkien said he was the embodiment of true Natural Science.

04-08-2001, 05:52 PM
Gandalf. For the knowledge, history and abilities as well as interaction with all M.E. peoples.

04-09-2001, 09:56 PM
Probably I'd be an elf - elves are graceful and intellegent. They love music and the arts. They are a joyous people, and at the same time, so meloncholy. Their songs are so beautiful! If I couldn't be an elf, I'd make sure I was their friend. I'd spend a lot of time in Rivendell.
Juriella Took

Eowen TWL
04-09-2001, 10:02 PM
I'd (obviously) be Eowyn.She was brave,and loyal,even if she wasn't a character til the middle of the trilogy.she (thogh not single handedly)killed the King Nazgul and healed pretty quick,too.She also married Farimir,who was pretty cool too.:)

06-26-2001, 06:32 PM
where did you see this about Bombadil? Did it say anything else about what or who he was?

06-26-2001, 09:34 PM
It's in the Tolkien Letters. I'll quote it, if I find the time to type, it's rather long.

Prince Faramir
06-27-2001, 06:02 PM
Well Faramir for his intellectual prowess, his good looking prowess, his fighting prowess...... i could go on and on!

and he was the last person to help out Sam and Frodo i their quest..... he is the man for me....

ooo i forgot to say i get to marry Eowyn, HOW GOOD IS THAT? does anybody think like i do that that chapter where they fall in love is the best in the book? it is for me...

merry linger
06-28-2001, 02:46 AM
i would like to be frodo because according to sam he's the wisest person in the world

or merry, because he got to hang out with Eowyn