View Full Version : The Return of the . . . SAURON!!!

07-06-2001, 03:29 PM
That's right everyone Sauron has returned to our land! He's created a new One Ring called the Internet (who gave Al Gore the idea eh?).

You the know the pyramid on U.S. bill, the eye in the center represents Sauron and each of the points represents one of his forces.

1. Walt Disney Company is ruled by the Black Lieutenant and its aim is to take over all children with sublimal messages sent through movies and toys.

2. Microsoft is ruled by Bill Gates aka. The Witch King.

3. Starbucks is ruled by the other eight Nazgul who aim to control adults by means of highly addicting coffee.

4. The I.R.S. is ruled by the remaining Balrogs who seek to control government through it and force resistance to go broke through taxes.

5. McDonald's is the name given to Sauron's vast army (what do the charaters in their advertisements resemble...). The toys are just "Trojan Horses" containing microscopic orgs which are all in our houses.

07-07-2001, 09:27 AM
I already was counting myself very lucky for not living in the US, let alone being an American. But now, I certainly am very very very happy for living in Europe!! Although, the evil minions of Disney, McDonald's, and MicroSoft are alo spreading to this side of the ocean :(

Idril Celebrindal
07-07-2001, 09:48 AM
*Idril is suddenly VERY glad she has a mac, hates disney and hasn't visited macdonalds in years*

07-07-2001, 02:36 PM
Oooooh, what kind of Mac?

Idril Celebrindal
07-07-2001, 04:15 PM
I have an ibook and an ancient black box which has had its insides pulled out and replaced so many times it really isn't anything any more...

07-07-2001, 05:19 PM
My initial reaction to the title of the thread was LOL.
However, I cannot sanction the EEC members remarks. EEC members can go it alone and we can go back to the policy of isolationism and just take care of ourselves. That's the other extreme. One can be proud to be whatever but it doesn't have to come at the expense of "dissing" another nationality.

US and proud of it (if not always its administration)

Prince Faramir
07-07-2001, 05:53 PM
since when was it the e.e.c? bout 30 years ago, also american isolationism was why the second world war started! or partly anyway,

"4. The I.R.S. is ruled by the remaining Balrogs who seek to control government through it and force resistance to go broke through taxes."

will someone explain to americans that taxes, spent correctly are good, and help re-distribute wealth in a structualised and controled manner!

07-07-2001, 09:32 PM
Taxes good?! :lol: We fought Great Britain partly because they used taxes to control the colonies. Another thing, taxes are not distributed correctly, with Sauron back all the money is going to him. And yes the IRS are evil.

IRS-> :evil:

07-08-2001, 04:58 PM
PF: There are so many inaccuracies in your statement I won't even go into it. The words baleful and fatuous are a few of the kinder that come to mind.
You can't be that dumb. :o :eek:

Prince Faramir
07-08-2001, 10:42 PM
but how is my argument inacurate? it is now the E.U and was the E.E.C about 30 years ago.

Taxes are good because the wealth massed by the few rich can be, albeit slowly, distributed to the poor, E.G higher rate of tax for the rich for health services, homeless shelters...

and spock, stop trying to impress us by ur use of archaic words, i know full well what they mean, why didnt u just say dim witted [which they weren't] or threatening [which they aren't]...

please highlight my 'inacuracies', other than spelling that is, because i believe my post didnt have any!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

07-08-2001, 11:36 PM
Taxes are bad because not everyone is taxed fairly. And I think Spock uses his "archaic" words because he is clearly practicing for an upcoming Scrabble (I love that game) tourney.

07-09-2001, 02:47 AM
WW333 - Just so. Good on you for knowing.
PF - EEC/EU same thing to those across the pond. As for the rest; "it's"!

Prince Faramir
07-09-2001, 10:50 AM
u should come over the pond and play on agame show called 'countdown' over here, they choose 9 letters a mix of vowels and constenantnatsntatans [sp?] and they have thrity secs to make the longest word: the longest word = the most points, i think u'd be a champion ;)

07-09-2001, 03:35 PM
Ummmmm Spock, you've made my name look like World War 333. :lol:

07-10-2001, 02:03 AM
perhaps a presage?