View Full Version : Three Rings LOST!
02-07-2003, 12:44 AM
okay, um, i was thinking, amazingly enough. Lets say that, the three rings of the elves were either stolen or their bearers slain and killed and now the dark side has them and we have to get them back! Anyone want to join?
02-07-2003, 05:45 AM
Sounds cool. Something similar happens in my fan fic. If more people are up for it, I'll join. Mx
02-07-2003, 05:01 PM
I'll join. :) I'll be Alasse, daughter of Aragorn and Arwen (looks like an elf)
Name: Alasse
Height: 5'10
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: blue
Horse: Ellaire
Special: The daughter of Aragorn and Arwen, Alasse spent a LOT of time with her aunt Losillewen during childhood. Is the wielder of "Arwen's light." When trying to avoid recognition, which is much of the time, she goes by the name Calime.
02-07-2003, 06:51 PM
cool, i'm not sure who i'll be yet, so i'll have to get back on that one, yeah. This should be good IF more people would join, otherwise theres no point.
02-08-2003, 09:14 AM
I'll join:)
Name: Ithilwin
Race: Peredhel
Lineage: Second daughter of Elrond and Celebrian
Description: Tall and slender,fair to look upon,with hair and eyes of light brown.Though noble,she is an independent spirit and likes to wander in Middle-earth
Weapons: Elven bow and arrows,two elven long daggers.She is skilled with both
Companion: A pure black horse with a single white mark on his forehead,Narcalen
Radagast The Brown
02-08-2003, 04:31 PM
I'll join.... ok? I suppose to be cousi(male) of Legolas
Name: Galad
Race: elf
Description: I have black hair and brown eyes.
age: 257 years.
Weapons: bow and arrows. I have a sword too, but I usually don't use it.
02-08-2003, 04:45 PM
ill join.ill be Tudain of the numenoreans.
After the island of numenor was destroyed some of the dunedain fled to middle earth and became kings and lords.But some stayed upon their ships and sailed the seas finding secrets and lost treasures.One ship named ''olihilion'' came upon the light of the elves and were granted immortality,strenght and wisdom beyond all men.
Tudain was one of these.
They returned to middle-earth and set up a haven south of dol-amroth and were friends with adraihil smd then his son imrahil.
WEAPONS:long sword that shines and glitters like ice. a great axe named Dramboleg which used to belong to tuor and was an heirloom of his house.
ARMOUR:a great mail shirt of black scales but they sparkled and glittered as each one was dusted with crystals.
A chest plate of black steel with intricate designs of silver upon it.
always cast about him was a grey cloak.
Tudain often wondered the lands on middle-earth alone to the freezing wastes of the north to the deserts of the south he indeed was the greatest warrior of men to set foot upon earth.
02-08-2003, 09:56 PM
ok great, this works, i'll probably write up the characters descsriptions so i might pm you for other imformation of your character such as appearance and so forth. Okay before i decide on which of the two characters i have in mind for myself, i think we should choose whos going to claim the rings once they are found.
02-08-2003, 10:17 PM
02-08-2003, 10:19 PM
Due to Alasse's history, established when I created the character, it would make sense for her to be a ringbearer -- considering she's related to not one, but ALL of the former ringbearers! This was sort of an accident, the three "ringbearers" in the Entmoot RPGS are all related to each other and to my character. Though, of course, she doesn't HAVE to be a ringbearer.
02-09-2003, 07:28 AM
I'll claim Vilya,because it belonged to Elrond after Gil-galad gave it to him and my character is Elrond's daughter so it makes sense
Radagast The Brown
02-09-2003, 04:17 PM
I can't exactly claim any ring. :o :rolleyes:
02-09-2003, 05:23 PM
thats okay, theres enough of us to claim rings, i think if this works for everyone that is that, Ithilwin will claim Vilya, Silverstripe should claim Narya, and either myself or someone else closely related to Gladriel or Lorien should claim Nenya. Does this work for most ppl? If this really doesn't work pm me or post it.
Ms. Undomial
02-09-2003, 09:39 PM
ok, Silver has asked/talked to me about this RPG, and I think it will be interesting. May I join? Normal character, and i would like to be Nenya's bearer if possilbe(as always :rolleyes: ).
02-09-2003, 10:43 PM
uh, what do u mean by normal character? The same person u are in like all the threads or what?
Ms. Undomial
02-09-2003, 11:31 PM
Yes, Losillewen, discript in S4C, Giants, etc. I hope that is ok.....
02-10-2003, 08:33 AM
it's fine with me!
Radagast The Brown
02-11-2003, 04:29 PM
OK... so we have our characters, now we have to start the rpg. Who will start? (I think elvishfaerie3088 will... he had the idea of the rpg...and started the thread.)
02-11-2003, 06:53 PM
Okay for the last and final time, I am a girl! Why does everyone think i'm a guy? i know i can act the part but i'm not! *curses* I would like to start the plot thing too but i need an idea first i think i have one but it needs a little work still but i'll have it soon.
02-12-2003, 02:38 PM
The wind was howling like some fell wolf from hell.The rain washed the lands and battered Tudains ship.He was about 15 miles west of the blue mountains and was sailing towards the grey havens.His men were battling the storm and were losing.
A great wave hit his ship and they were capsised.
Tudain fell into the black waters and remembered nothing.
When he awoke tudain was alone and seemed to be in the shire.
He went to reach for his map but his pack was gone and he was clad only in his armour.
First things first he thought he would get his head straight and head for rivendell. His friend Elrond might have some answers.
Radagast The Brown
02-12-2003, 04:34 PM
originally posted by EF3088
Okay for the last and final time, I am a girl! Why does everyone think i'm a guy? i know i can act the part but i'm not! *curses* I would like to start the plot thing too but i need an idea first i think i have one but it needs a little work still but i'll have it soon.Well, I didn't know. And, as I always say, I call everyone as they were guys til they tell me that they're girls.
02-13-2003, 07:15 PM
ooc: i meant no offense, it was just a statement you'll learn quickly that i always curse and mutter at myself. usaully it's nothing to do with the entmoot. And um Finglofin_1st, thanks for the beginning (spelling??? i hate that word) But uh just to inform you Elronds not going to be there, see he's going to be kinda well kinda dead. I'm pretty sure all the "old" ringbearers will be well kinda dead or have disappeared without a trace. I have a whole plot to it. Yeah and just to let EVERYONE know i'm going to be playing a good person, and the bad side, 'cause well you'll get it later i have to check other posts before i get on with this. I'll post later though.
02-14-2003, 08:55 AM
ooc:do the old ringbeares hve to be dead?It seems a bit...bad.Can't just the rings be stolen from them?
Radagast The Brown
02-14-2003, 04:57 PM
occ: I think that the idea here is necessery. I did like Galadriel and Elrond. (would the other ringbearer will be Cirdan or Gandalf? 'cause I don't want to kill Gandlaf.)
02-14-2003, 08:44 PM
ooc: defintly Cirdan there's no way i could kill gandalf and make is plossible plus i too like gandalf. And no offense but this is after the ring of power is destroyed if you havn't noticed. Yeah and so they'll probably be wearing the rings and the only way to get a hold of them would be to kill them 'cause otherwise there's like no PLOSSIBLE way anyone could steal those rings! THINK ABOUT IT!
02-15-2003, 11:23 AM
ooc: oh,well...ok.I suppose this means that the old ringbearers never went to Valinor,as told in the end of the books,right?(no need to answer that...)
Radagast The Brown
02-15-2003, 12:42 PM
ooc: ok. We should start now.
02-16-2003, 02:11 PM
:confused: Arin here, is it too late to join??? :confused:
I want to join but it looks like not to much is happening . . .
If you decide to do this I would like to come in later when the adventure is on its way a bit.
Race: Men (we seem a bit scarce these days) From Rohan.
a friend of Eowyn
Appearance: Tall, short black hair, usually dressed in green.
Weapons: A long sword(no name yet) and a wood handled knife
Character: Proud and haughty sometimes but a skilled swordsman (woman?!), does not like people to tell her what to do
can speak tengwar sindarin and the speech of Rohan
Well let me know what you think. See ya round
a fire within a passion a want to do something more for the world - Aralyn;)
02-16-2003, 02:21 PM
ooc: *waiting for elvishfaerie3088 to start the rp*
02-16-2003, 02:47 PM
elvishfaerie~Maybe you could start the RPG with a meeting between all the characters who want to be in the quest.
02-16-2003, 03:14 PM
one more thing i forgot my name
Name: Aralyn
02-16-2003, 10:42 PM
ooc: Uh i thought i'd start off with how the whole thing came about and that, yeeaaah, then i'll get on with the rest.
ic: In the dark depths of the forest; Orodreth, the three ring bearers; Elrond, Cirdan and Galadriel were called to order by who they thought was one of the wizards. They sat in anticipation waiting for the wizard to arrive. Where could he be? They began to speak between themselves trying to figure out why a wizard had summoned them to the dark depths of Orodreth. Suddenly out of the gloom of the forest came a hunched figure, with his hood drawn. Cirdan rose to greet the wizard, he stepped foward but as he stretched out his hand a great pain over whelmed him. Looking down he noticed that he had been stabbed. He then looked up puzzled at the cloaked figure. Under his dark black hood a sly grin came upon his face, "Don't struggle, it's not worth the pain," he snarrled out. He then pulled his blade up to Cirdan's throat and slit it with a quick stroke, then vanishing into the trees he snuck around to where Elrond and Galadriel stood. And then he hit, he pushed his sword deep into Elrond's back, pushing him down, down to the ground where the cloaked figure suddenly slaid him. Galadriel now all alone with out the help of anyone, began to back away towards the woods but always keeping the dark cloaked figure in her sight. She suddenly realized what this hunched figure was after, he was after the rings! She then began to speak in high elvish tongue and as she did so, the dark figures eyes began to glow and he jumped at her. She finished just as he had jumped on her. Raising his sword he was ready to kill her, he then looked down at her hand in a half mockingly way but when he looked her ring wasn't there. Galadriel had completed an elvish spell which made the three rings hide in middle earth somewhere. "Curssed elf!" He spat in her face. He pulled off his hood and unmasked himself and spoke sternly, "Now you will die for that!" "The rings are no longer in your reach Maurarz!" Galadriel laughed at him. "Maybe not now, but i will find them and claim them!" He shot back, and then he stabbed her brutly in the chest. Thinking she was dead he shot off into the woods and hurried off to gather orcs to help him find the rings. Galadriel winced with pain and then struggled to her feet, calling to her horse she climbed on his back and rode off. She soon came upon Mirkwood another elf soon came upon her and screamed her name. "Please go gather concil in Lorien, tell them, tell them the three rings are lost!" Galadriel said with all her strength. The elf looked at her in shock but nodded her head solemnly. As the elf ran for help and to tell of the news, Galadriel fell off her horse and died. But the word was out and all knew the elves that chose to go in search of the rings would not go without a fight.
The news reached elves all over middle-earth no one knew how it happened but it did, and all elves were aware of the three rings missing.
The next day some elves from every end of middle earth had gatehred in lorien for a concil. Thoughts and ideas were thrown quickly in elvish of what was to be done and who would go. Elves were still arriving and the elves voices grew louder as more arrived.
I had arrived in Lorien the night that i had recived news, since i was less than five miles away it did not take me long to get there, i had been travelling back home when i had heard the news. I had rushed off toe Lorien. How could this have happened? I sat in the concil thinking to myself hoping that all would quiet down soon or someone would speak up.
ooc: sorry it's so long, yeah i don't know what else to write now so someone else go.
02-17-2003, 09:02 AM
ooc: nice start
ic: I sat in my room waiting,anxiously.A soft sweet breeze came in from the open window,yet its sweetness did not ease my soul.The elven ringbearers,among them two of my kindred,Elrond,my father and Galadriel,my grandmother had been summoned to a secret counsil,in a dark place.Why were they summoned to this counsil?None among the elves ever spoke about the rings and now,with the One Ring destroyed their power had lessened.
These thoughts swirled into my mind and I rose and walked to the balcony,looking at the waterfalls and waited...The news came soon,yet ill news they were;The ringbeares had been slain.I could not believe it.My heart stopped beating for a moment,my grief was great.No one was able to believe it.To Elladan and Elrohir the strike of the death of our father was far too great.Arwen had yet to know it,for she dwelled now in Gondor,being the Queen,but she would hear it,sooner or later.We now were summoned to a counsil in Lothlorien,to find a way to get the elven rings back.
Elladan and Elrohir had to stay in Imladris;Elladan as the oldest had to stay there as the new lord,and Elrohir to his aid.I decided to go.Changing from my usual white garment to travelling clothes and a silver-green cloack,I made myself ready.I made the final preparations,grasped my bow and daggers and mounting my horse,Narcalen,I set out from Rivendell.I rode for a few days without rest and arrived to Lorien ere nightfall.
02-17-2003, 12:07 PM
ooc: i'll be back later kay. After I get over the initial shock of my doing something WRONG!!!!!
02-17-2003, 12:48 PM
The news of the loss of the three rings reached us later than most. We all grieved over our kindred. My mother, Arwen, in particular, was devestated by the news of her father's death. My mother wished to go to the council, but she could not leave Gondor. My brother was traveling, so none of us knew whether he had received the news.
I probably would have heard by now, even if I had been traveling. Perhaps even before now. I look very much like an elf. My brother, however, while he has friends among the elves, has never been taken for one of them.
After some thought, I decided that I would attend the council. I changed into the dark blue I always wore when traveling, then went to the stables and got Ellaire.
I rode for several days, and arrived in Lorien just in time for the council.
Radagast The Brown
02-17-2003, 04:10 PM
occ: I have no time to write, read, and discuss about the start... sorry. I hope i'll have time tomorrow. :)
02-17-2003, 04:15 PM
Tudain finally came upon the hidden realm of Rivendell and he wished to speak with his friend elrond to receive news of the passing world.
But as he came many elves were leaving.they told him they were going to lorien for a council.
Tudain was troubled by this news but carried on into the halls of rivendell were he found elronds 2 sons.their faces grim.
They told him of the slaying of the ringbearers and of their father and of the council in lothlorien.
Tudain became filled with a dreadful rage and he left Rivendell with no words.He ran with such speed that he churned the earth.he ran to lorien and to the council.
02-17-2003, 08:58 PM
oops forget this sigh I've done this only once and promised I'd be careful. Arrgh Pretend I'm not here kay?
02-17-2003, 09:03 PM
ooc: lol someone got messed up on their rpgs, Aralyn! This is the one about the three rings my other rpg with the meeting place as minashk is in TO LORIEN. lol, now there's a mix up for you!
02-18-2003, 03:52 PM
ooc: I have no time to post today,I'll be on on Thursday
Ms. Undomial
02-18-2003, 11:48 PM
Losillewen was in Lorien when her mother was called to a council in the forest of Orodreth. She pleaded with her mother to take more then the two elven ringbearers, but Galadriel had assured her that everything would be fine. What little she could see, what little she knew of her fate. After her Mother had left Losillewen waited for her mother eagerly, but as she did not come she began to worry; to worry that some great evil had happened. Her worries were confirmed by an elf, the elf who had seen her mother afore she died. "I will have my revenge, the enemy will die for what he has done. I swear on the grave of my Mother and half-Brother, you shall be slain!" these were her only words when the news came, the words that bound her to what was to happen; the killer would pay dearly for the deaths of her loved ones. Shortly thereafter more news came, news of a council to be held, to discuss the regaining the three elven rings, and the vengeance of the deaths of the bearers. She hurried to where the council was to be held, in the forest of Lorien. Here she saw other elves, she knew few among them; Alasse, Ithilwin, these were her neices, but most of the others were strangers to her. She looked round at all the people. Elves of the Havens who knew Cirdan, Elves of Imladris who knew Elrond, and most of the Elves of Lorien, who loved their Queen dearly. To her surprise her Father, Celeborn was not among the elves, but this was to be expected, for he was still grieving for his wife. It was now her duty to govern the elves of Lorien until her Father was able, but at the moment she remained hidden, interested in to what the elves were going to do. She stayed thus for a few moments, for it was obvious that not all elves that were coming had arrived.
02-19-2003, 12:48 PM
Tudain came upon the forest of lorien and entered without fear. He took few steps before he was stopped by elven archers.
Tudain stood taller than any of them but he said
''i am no enemy i am here to do whatever i have to so i can avenge my friend elrond and i to stop me you wil have to shoot me''
Tudain strode past them but they stayed close behind.They elves led him to the great counsil were he introduced himself by raising his greatsword high and saying,
''I am Tudain of Numenore my friend Elrond lord of rivendell is dead and by my life shall be avenged!''
a great light burst from his eyes and tudain stood as an elf lord before them.his fate was now bound to elronds slayer and it could not be broken.
Radagast The Brown
02-19-2003, 05:04 PM
ooc: I'm back.
ic: Galad was in mirkwood when he heard about the murder of the three ringbearers. He was confused and shocked. Althoguh he had no kinship to Elrond, Galadrie and Cirdan he, as all the elves in Middle Earth, admired them. They were the symbol of the elvish world. The three oldest elves in Middle Earth, and they remebered all the history of it. But now, they're dead.
As the cousin of Legolas son of the king Thranduil of Mirkwood I went to the council in Lorien... I was very sad, for the other elves in the council.
02-20-2003, 08:45 AM
I sat at the counsil,heavy in heart.There was a great murmur among the elves that were there.Great fear and unease had spread in the counsil room,so great have never been among elves.In all this noise,I recognised two elves in the croud;Losillewen,my mother's sister and Alasse,Arwen's daughter.I held them in my glance for a second,yet I did not go to them,but turned my eyes to Lord Celeborn,my grandfather,who had just walked in.As soon as he came,all elves turned to him,they sat down and silence was spread.
02-20-2003, 07:24 PM
ooc: Sigh I'm back
"What are the elves doing?"
"It seems that three of them were killed, Elrond, Galadriel and Cirdan and thier rings stolen. The elves have called council to decide what to do."
"Thank you Maltirer."
After he left I thought. I was bored here. Restless. A quest would help me to come alive again. Besides although I did not know Cirdan and Galadriel, I had been a guest of Elrond several times.I stood to inform Eowyn I was leaving.
Radagast The Brown
02-21-2003, 05:44 PM
In the first two hours of the council nothing was decided, but many elves wanted to declear war and kill all the orks in Middle Earth. They wanted to revege. I thought so too.
In the break I met few elves and talked with them. Their names were Losillewen, Alasse and Ithilwin.
ooc: I have no time to write more. I'll tomorrow.
02-22-2003, 11:57 AM
The first part of the counsil was rather dissapointing.I had never seen the elves act like that;most of them wanted revenge and spoke having their minds veiled of anger.Few were those who spoke truly and thoughtful.I could not blame them.They were frightened for the first time;the death of the ringbearers was unbearable and the ringbeares were most important for the elves.Celeborn bade us to have a break and think more careful.We then left the counsil room and walked out.The soft breeze cooled my face and cleared my mind of ill thoughts.I found Alasse and Losillewen standing silently under a tree and I walked to meet them.Not long after an elf from Mirkwood walked to us.
02-22-2003, 12:56 PM
IC: I stayed in the shadows as the elves argued. A time to show myself would come
02-26-2003, 04:18 PM
I withdrew my gaze from the realm of Lorien and forgot the elven rings for a moment.I turned my glance North-east,towards Eryn Lasgalen.I stood still without speaking a word,giving no heed of what happened around me and thought.'Twas my home now and I had been away for almost two months."When all this is over,I will go back" I thought and was lost in memories,in what thought to be a thousand years.The voices of the elves nigh me brought me back to reality and the matter of the three Elven Rings...
03-02-2003, 12:45 PM
ooc: Arayln gone....
03-02-2003, 01:05 PM
ooc: gone for a month...
03-02-2003, 02:19 PM
ooc: really i heard for 2 months?
03-02-2003, 02:22 PM
ooc: dunno,I may be mistaken
03-02-2003, 02:43 PM
ooc: meh oh well, who's going keep going with the rpg right now? shouild i say something or should i wait?
Radagast The Brown
03-03-2003, 04:33 PM
ooc: amm... I waited to someone to replay, because I was already at the end of the counsil. I think we should continue, but no one post here.
03-04-2003, 08:45 AM
ooc: we should continue.She can keep up when she returns
03-09-2003, 07:01 PM
ooc: yes let us continue, but someone needs to take control of concil.
03-11-2003, 02:47 PM
ooc: not me,I not good at these things:)
Radagast The Brown
03-11-2003, 04:23 PM
ooc: not me too.
03-14-2003, 08:43 AM
so...this leaves you elvishfaerie to be in charge*smiles*
03-16-2003, 04:35 AM
Why do i always have to take charge? lol, nah i think i can deal with it.
03-16-2003, 12:53 PM
03-17-2003, 05:24 PM
"Silence! we need to go about this rationaly!"
03-18-2003, 08:38 AM
Five minutes we stayed out of the counsil room and then returned.I sat at my place and watched all the others.When all had returned,the heavy doors closed behind as and the counsil continued.
Radagast The Brown
03-18-2003, 04:47 PM
The next part of the counsil wasn't more interesting ten the first. The elves were enraged. I was quiet, just listenning to the other elves. After a while Gandalf came and there everyone become quiet.
03-25-2003, 09:46 AM
The counsil went quiet.I caught a glimpse of white nigh the door;Gandalf.I smiled knowing Gandalf would speak reasonably.He could calm the elves and turn their minds back to logic.He stood by the door for a second and approached us,without speaking,as if thinking carefully what to say.
Radagast The Brown
03-25-2003, 04:56 PM
Gandalf looked enraged, but he spoke quietly and slowly. He said all the free world have to unit... and more such things. I didn't remeber exactly what, because I was nervous.
03-30-2003, 02:25 PM
The counsil seemed to be coming to an end.The elves hearkend carefully all that Gandalf had to say and most calmed.They started discussing quietly now what should be done and after a while a decision was taken;a group would be formed to take back the rings,though their was no more great,were valuable to the elves.War would be not risked,for much would be lost if it was to be so.
03-30-2003, 03:49 PM
ooc: *cough, cough* the rings haven't been stolen! There gone they have to be found and then they have to find the "bad" guy and defeat him using the rings to some extent.
04-01-2003, 12:07 PM
ooc:well,that thing,whatever.The point is that someone took them:)
04-02-2003, 12:29 AM
ooc: Arg you don't get it! the rings are just hidden like for example one of them could be in the mines of Moria and to get you'd have to fight off a bunch of orcs and figure out how to climb a really large stone or something!
Radagast The Brown
04-02-2003, 03:25 PM
ooc: ok. Are you gonna keep posting the stoy?
04-03-2003, 07:54 AM
ooc: ok:o
04-03-2003, 09:32 AM
ooc: SAo anyhow does anyone mind if I join again. So have you guys left the council? Or are you in the process of leaving?
04-04-2003, 12:16 PM
ooc: ah yes we are yet going to have to have more concil there seems to be a ton a ton of confusion.
04-04-2003, 12:55 PM
ooc: okay did you mean to say we are going to have more council because there is a ton of confusion?:o Sorry you repeated yourself and I'm not sure what ya meant.
And here's another dumb question. Where are you people? Like whats the name of the place the council is at? Gracias.
04-04-2003, 02:55 PM
ooc:um,the counsil's at Lothlorien(as you already know),somewhere there...
04-04-2003, 03:34 PM
ooc: You didnt sound very sure:D
Ic: I watched quietly from my position in the trees. Surely someone had seen me? But they were engrossed in trying to decide what to do about the rings. I sighed and listened for more.
Radagast The Brown
04-05-2003, 03:23 PM
Gandalf continued speaking, and I saw a movement on one of the trees. Then there was another one. After few minuts I saw an elf. She (he?) was citing the counsil. I stared at her, and she suddenly looked at me, too. She knew I saw her, and decided to run away.
04-05-2003, 10:15 PM
ooc: Are you talking about me Ragadast? It's girl and I'm a human not an elf. Short black hair, green eyes.
ic: I was so engrossed in listening I did not notice someone turn to stare. I met his gaze for a brief moment then fled the tree for a better hiding spot, hoping no one else had seen.
04-06-2003, 08:14 AM
I wasn't giving much heed to the elves' words,they were discussing over and over again about how the mission was going to be.I let my mind stray into the forests of Rivendell and the quiet days,and only heard the others' words as if in a dream.Suddenly a noise was heard from a tree nearby and that made me come back to my senses.I looked at the tree for a moment and then turned back and tried to listen the counsil's discussion.
04-06-2003, 01:45 PM
ooc: So is there an idea as to what you are doing? This council has to end someday(?) so maybe you could form a company to search or something..
04-06-2003, 01:59 PM
ooc: this is going to move quiet fast now i'm bored of sitting in concil!
ic: "Let all who wish to go forth to find the rings speak up now and to state their name and all those who wish to go shall essamble in the hall after they have stated their name and have risen before the concil," Gandalf spoke wisely.
I rose up from my seat and stated my name, "Eleberth, i shall go!" I stood before the concil feeling akward that i was the first to rise. Shall no one else rise? i thought. They come here to seek concil and yet no one else has risen? I stared blankly at everyone that sat round.
04-06-2003, 02:04 PM
ic: Finally they were getting somewhere. I smiled. Then in an instant I was not hiding anymore and I stood before them.
"Elven matters do not often concern me but I believe I could be of help to any who trust me to give it. Aralyn is my name."
Radagast The Brown
04-06-2003, 03:58 PM
ooc: sorry Aralyn..
ic: Aralyn jump down from the tree and stood before the counsil. She spoke to Gandalf and suggested her help. Gandalf , I saw, thought she's brave... He agreed.
I had to join, I thought. I jumped from my sit fast and suggested my assistance. I waited. Gandalf seemed to think about it.
04-06-2003, 04:16 PM
ooc: It's all right. It's no the first time or the last.:)
Also What is your elf's name?
Radagast The Brown
04-07-2003, 04:53 PM
ooc: I'm not sure, really... *checking* oh, yeah, Galad.
04-08-2003, 07:58 AM
I rose from my seat and spoke "I shall go".The elves started murmuring,for they knew who I was,yet Gandalf smiled."Two of the ringbearers that passed away were of my kindred and I deem it my liability to join this company"I continued,not looking daunted"Lord Elrond was my father and Lady Galadriel my mother's mother".The elves bowed their heads for a second in memory of those who passed and I sat in my seat again,yet sorrow was in my glance.
04-09-2003, 10:48 PM
Ithilwin are you playing a boy or girl? I always forget peoples characters *sigh*:o
04-10-2003, 07:45 AM
ooc:My character's female
Radagast The Brown
04-11-2003, 04:29 PM
ooc: so, who is in the 'fellowship'? (or supposed to be..)
04-11-2003, 04:31 PM
And how long will we wait to 'meet?'
Radagast The Brown
04-11-2003, 04:37 PM
ooc: what do you mean 'meet'?
04-11-2003, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by elvishfaerie3088
ooc: this is going to move quiet fast now i'm bored of sitting in concil!
ic: "Let all who wish to go forth to find the rings speak up now and to state their name and all those who wish to go shall essamble in the hall after they have stated their name and have risen before the concil," Gandalf spoke wisely.
04-11-2003, 08:47 PM
ooc: probably a few hours rpg time in otherwords 1 or 2 posts lol.
04-11-2003, 09:55 PM
Is there anyone else were waiting for to answer Gandalf?
Radagast The Brown
04-12-2003, 11:03 AM
ooc: where's silverstripe?
04-12-2003, 12:08 PM
ooc: I have no idea.Shouldn't she be here?
Radagast The Brown
04-12-2003, 02:57 PM
ooc: I'll send her a pm.
04-12-2003, 06:44 PM
I'm gonna go ahead an post then
ic: I nodded briefly at Gandalf and heade to the room he had specified.
ooc: Whatever room that is lol
Radagast The Brown
04-13-2003, 04:08 PM
ooc: she didn't response. Maybe you should pm her. I think we should continue.
04-13-2003, 04:16 PM
Let's just all continue on to "the room" and if she wants to coninue she can join later? Kay? I'm already sitting so you guys have to enter the room.
Radagast The Brown
04-13-2003, 05:01 PM
ooc: ok.
ic: we entered to 'the room'. The rom was dark... creepy.
04-13-2003, 05:43 PM
ic:I turned to the elf that had just entered, "Would you be so kind as to give me your name? I fear I did not hear it when Gandalf spoke."
ooc: Radagast that's you
Radagast The Brown
04-13-2003, 05:58 PM
when we entered the women that I saw in the trees talked to me: "Would you be so kind as to give me your name? I fear I did not hear it when Gandalf spoke."
"My name is Galen and I'm an elf from Mirkwood" - I answered - "I'm a cousin of Legolas the brave elf from the fellowship of the ring".
04-13-2003, 06:30 PM
"I have heard of him, I am from Rohan."
04-15-2003, 07:45 AM
I reached the room;an elf from Mirkwood and a woman of the race of Men were already there.I walked in and stood near the wall,not too far away from them.
04-15-2003, 11:51 AM
The elf woman entered the room although a bit way from us, "Come and sit," I offered, "Tell us where you hail from and your name. For if we are to be together we might as well get to know one another."
Radagast The Brown
04-15-2003, 04:27 PM
The elf told us where she come from and what were her meaning of the travelling to Lorien. She seemed to be very kind. Afterwards more few elves came, and we sat in a circle. Gandalf started to talk.
04-17-2003, 07:40 AM
The woman asked for my name and whence I came from."I am Ithilwin,Elrond's daughter and Imladris is my homeland,though Eryn Lasgalen is my home now" I answered and came nigh to them.That moment Gandalf came into the room and all that would participate in the quest of the elven rings gathered around him.
ooc:I'm going on a school trip tomorrow and I'll be back next Saturday.You can continue if you want;if you do I'll try to catch up when I get back.See you guys next week!
04-17-2003, 08:15 PM
I got in the room before any of the elves without being seen and i jumped up into the rafters. I did not yet feel safe enough to talk among them till i knew more about them.
04-18-2003, 07:48 AM
ooc: I'm human :D
Gandalf is indigo
Groups must be formed to search for the lost/stolen rings. They will each go out in different directions and find out what they can,
I sat back in my chair. Where could we possibly find out where the rings were? They could be almost anywhere.
ooc: (again) So are the rings lost or stolen?
Radagast The Brown
04-20-2003, 05:17 PM
ooc: The rings are lost, no?
I can't post right now. :( tomorrow.
04-20-2003, 11:03 PM
That's what I thought. Where is everyone?
Edit: Nevermind Ithilwin I know is on a school trip.
Radagast The Brown
04-22-2003, 10:46 AM
ooc: I'm here... Gandalf suppose to talk now? well, I don't want to be the one who will write that. I don't write well smart things in English (and generally..)
04-22-2003, 09:50 PM
Gandalf: The smart thing to do would be to split into groups. Each one will explore different lands and in this way we will find our query. Who will search where?
Okay now lets in our ooc conversations decide where we want to go
Radagast The Brown
04-23-2003, 10:29 AM
ooc: I think one group have to go to Mordor. others can go to Rhun, and more places.
04-25-2003, 12:26 PM
OKay so where is our group going. That would be Radagast, Ithilwin (if we can find her) and me
Radagast The Brown
04-25-2003, 04:05 PM
ooc: and what about elvishfaerie3088?
04-25-2003, 07:49 PM
ooc: she's just about to jump down.
ic: i jumped down and blocked the door so no one could leave. I do not think we should split up. And i am coming whether you like it or not.
04-26-2003, 07:56 AM
ooc: I had the most perfect week ever!
ic: Gandalf gathered us and suggested we should form groups,each one of them was to search in a different ground;this would make the finding of the rings easier.The elves and the others that were in the room agreed that was the best way.I was relieved;we were finally proceeding and that easened me.I impulsinely walked to Galad and Aralyn and waited for us to start the quest.
Radagast The Brown
04-26-2003, 10:21 AM
ooc: who's Calen?
04-27-2003, 10:15 AM
ooc: :o oops,sorry.Typing error;your character's name's Galad right?stupid me:oI mixed them
04-27-2003, 02:28 PM
I turned to our small group, "Aralyn is my name and I know Galad and Ithilwin but what is your name, elf? And what land should we cover first?"
ooc: elvishfaerie that would be you Somebody just pick a place to explore. Rohan, Mordor, Gondor etc. Don't care.
04-27-2003, 07:10 PM
"My name is Neinna, and i am originally from Lorien but as i grew older i went and lived in a different place in the woods of Rohan with the wild men if you must know, and i say we search Rohan first, since the woods where the rings went missing was in Gondor, one of them would be near by so i think we should start there. " I stated firmly yet still making sure that my eyes didn't show.
04-27-2003, 08:15 PM
"A very good idea. I know Rohan well. How say you others? If it is alright we will gather our things and go"
04-29-2003, 09:34 AM
The other elf near us introduced herself and both Aralyn and Neinna stated that we should search Rohan first.I upheld that opinion too. "I also believe that Rohan is the land that we should search first.It is well guarded and the rings would be safe there,if that is the place they are hidden.Whoever tried to take the rings from the ringbearers ere he slew them,he will be searching for them soon.We must make haste.Time is not much to our aid now I think".
Radagast The Brown
04-29-2003, 04:02 PM
ooc: I have no time, but I promise I post tomorrow.
Radagast The Brown
04-30-2003, 04:06 PM
I thought Rohan is a bad idea, since this area is guarded by the Rohirim. I said that to everyone in the room. "Why do you think the orks (or whatever killed Galadriel, Elrond and Cirdn) would go to Rohan? the Rohirim will surely kill them. I think the murders went to the east lands, to Rhun, or to the south, to Mordor, but not through Rohan or Gondor. Through Amon Muil, the marshes of deaths and Dagorlad.
04-30-2003, 11:01 PM
I turned to the elf, "They, whoever stole the rings, were smart enough to take it from it's bearers so why should they not be smart enough to get past the Rohirrim."
"And," I added, "Most likely they would not want to fight someone to keep these rings so they wouldn't take it to a place where other evil creaturs live."
05-01-2003, 11:58 AM
I turned to the others "Yet,the ringbearers would have never let someone take the rings from them.As you know my grandmother managed to inform an elf about the rings,about what happened before...she died and thus I believe she could have hidden the rings somewhere,using magic,so that he that was after them couldn't find them.If he had the rings now,he would had used them.That is why I believe he doesn't have them,yet,because terrible things would had happened if he had laid his hands on the rings." Thus I spoke and stayed silence afterwards,waiting for reply.
05-02-2003, 02:45 PM
Going camping for three days. Be back to the 'Moot on Sunday.
You guys can post for me. I agree to go wherever.
Radagast The Brown
05-04-2003, 03:03 PM
ooc: ok Aralyn. I think you suppose to return today...
ic: though I thought the rohirrin would probably capture the creatures that took the rings, I decided to travel with the company of the elves and the women.
We decided to go to Mordor thgough Rohan and Gondor, and then go south to Harad and Umbar. If we wouldn't find the rings there, we would go north to Rhun.
05-07-2003, 10:22 PM
ic: Soon we were all ready and since we had no reason to stay left then. Galad and I were towards the front. Ithilwin close behind with Nienna. I spoke quietly to Galad, "You think the Rohirrim greater than they are. Of late they have grown quite slack. Have you been to Rohan?"
05-08-2003, 07:52 AM
Since all was decided we made our way out.The sun was on his course westward and light began to fade really slowly;the landscape was painted with a pale red colour.We headed to the stables and led our horses out.I led Narcalen out and as I waited for the others I looked back at Caras Galadhon,the fair city of elves as a farewell.
Radagast The Brown
05-24-2003, 02:23 PM
We went south through the river Anduin as the fellowship of the ring. The water were very extreamly bright these days. I was sure I can see thr ground in the deep river.... but as we arrived to Amon muil, and water turned to be dark, as warned us something is wrong in that direction.
05-24-2003, 05:28 PM
"What of it?" I asked. "Should we continue on?" I bent to touch the water, "The smell is foul. A warning maybe."
05-25-2003, 04:21 AM
We reached Emyn Muil.A strange stillness haunted the grounds.Though evil was long gone from these lands,all that quiet in the air was worrying.No birds or living beings were to be seen,except maybe for two or three.We rode south by the Great River Anduin;its waters were darker than usual.I concidered this as well as the peace around us,as a warning.My companions had felt this as I did,and were too in unease.I looked around and held the reins firmly "We should be on our guard.There is danger in the air"
Radagast The Brown
05-28-2003, 04:08 PM
ooc: I have no time right now... sorry. I promise to post tomorrow.
06-27-2003, 07:28 AM
ooc: where is everyone?
06-29-2003, 03:17 PM
ooc: Well i'm here, i don't know where everyone else is nor do i know why this rpg has come to a halt, someone needs to say something.
Radagast The Brown
06-30-2003, 05:28 PM
ooc: I'm always here. Oops. Forgot to post... :rolleyes: sorry..
07-03-2003, 07:19 AM
ooc: I was the last one who actually posted in the rp, so will someone please continue?
07-03-2003, 11:53 AM
ic: "mmm you are right something is near or here and it is not friendly. Like you said we should all be on gaurd." I spoke gently yet firmly. I fingered at my necklace tucked away in my clothing and with my other hand pulled my sword from it's sheath and toyed with it in my hand and just as i did so, someone was nabbed from our group and a blood hurtling scream could be heard. I rushed around looking for evidence of some kind that might show us where our "friend" had disapeared to. Nothing, not a trace...
07-04-2003, 07:32 AM
As Neinna spoke, a loud scream was heard from behind us. The horses reared at the loud scream that interrupted the peace and quiet of our surroundings and as they did so, I turned my head back to see what it was, while quickly fitting an arrow to my quiver and aiming at the direction where the scream was heard. Too late. No one was there or even within the range of our sight. I scanned the area around us intently, hoping to find a trace or something that could show us where the screaming person had disappeared, yet there was nothing. I lowered my bow slowly and turned to look ahead. Though still in unease, we silently agreed to ride on, being on our guard at all times, and so we did.
Radagast The Brown
07-04-2003, 06:56 PM
ooc: I don't have time! Ah! it's 2:00 AM here. I read your messeges though - I'll post tomorrow morning.
Radagast The Brown
07-05-2003, 12:09 PM
ic: After the attack, everyone were unease and nervous. We arrived to the eastern Rohan, in front of the Anduin. We decided to sleep before we'll start to walk in Rohan and get to Isengard. (ooc: we are going to Isengard, right?)(ic:)
Everyone went to sleep, and I was gurding first. After few minuts I felt my eyes getting closed... then, suddenly, I heard the voice of the flying arrow. I instinctively ducked...
Radagast The Brown
07-12-2003, 03:35 PM
ooc: where's everyone? :confused:
07-13-2003, 07:16 AM
ooc: I'm here, but I don't know what to post:rolleyes:
Radagast The Brown
07-13-2003, 03:59 PM
ooc: don't roll your eyes and write something! It's not likle I have anything to write right now. Maybe elvishfaerie3088 can think of something?
07-14-2003, 01:50 PM
"Stupid frickin! If your trying to kill me do it already and let the one you nabbed accidently go! You black eyed demon! You can't see a thing in the dark now can you! You let our company member go right this instant or so help you, you'll have a sword or two jammed down your throat, along with those arrows of yours you carry!" I screamed in anger as an arros shot past my right ear making me jump to my feet.
07-14-2003, 02:01 PM
"still as fisty as ever i see," a masked man appeared to say in a deep and noble voice.
"Well, I'll be if it isn't Galent from the North!" I replied in shock.
"Yes! 'Tis be me the dark and mysterious ranger of the North, with a quiver of arrows and a sword or two to match those you carry now! I feared you were long gone to the depths of the dead and now here you stand before me?"
"At last, yes I still stand." I replied now turning my head slightly as one whispered, "a ranger from the north? Either we are in great peril in his hands or luck has some strange fate set out for us."
"Aye," replied another of our company and drew out his sword as did a few others.
"Drop thy weapons, i shall harm not thee," Galent echoded as he drew back his hood.
"Why should we trust you? Even though you know one of our comrads, i see no point in why we shouldn't kill you," raised yet another voice.
"This ranger is no fool! He does not travel alone! He travels with one other mightier with the sword than i have ever seen, drop your weapons or at least sheath them and hear him out!" I said angrily for they were threatening to kill a great friend of mine and i was willing to fight on his side if things got loose.
"Thank-you, and now i think i shall have a seat with you and talk before i let your company member go and my friend appears," Galent said sincerily.
ooc: I made up another character so we could get things going. You are welcome to do the same.
Radagast The Brown
07-14-2003, 04:57 PM
ooc: I could've post - but I have to go now. Sorry, but elvishfaerie told us not to post... I'll be here tomorrow.
07-15-2003, 08:33 AM
ooc: ok, waiting...
07-15-2003, 01:11 PM
ooc: Oh soooo sorry, work is such a pain in the butt! always intruding, stupid ppl always quitting, anyhow i have fixed the post and now you might want to re-read it or read it and then post as you will. OH and i may not be on for a few days 'cause i have to go camping with the parentals and won't be back for a while so i will give one of you an idea of where i'm heading and they can play me and keep the story going and i can follow up later, make sure you (i don't know yet) have your pm box empty enough for me to send it to you (who ever you is????)
07-17-2003, 03:55 AM
ooc: ok
ic: "A ranger from the North?" I said calmly as I grasped my bow firmly, yet didn't raise my hand, and rode slowly next to Neinna. "Rangers didn't use to be so hostile in the past, if I recall right." I continued calmly, loosening the grip on my bow, somehow feeling that this ranger was no thread to us. "We are willing to hear you out." I looked back, seeing to my disappointment that the rest of our company was not so willing to hear what he had to say, they were willing to kill him more likely. Yet they awkwardly lowered their weapons and looked over to the ranger harshly.
Radagast The Brown
07-17-2003, 03:12 PM
ooc: What rest of company? I thi it's just the three of us here... I guess I should be the one who wants to kill him.
ic: "Why should I listen to this man!" I said angrily. "He, as I see him, can be a spy!"
"He's not a spy, Galad." replied Neinna clamly. "I know him and I trvelled with him for a long time in the Wild Lands of the East"
"We are willing to hear ou out" said Ithilwin again. She sounded clam, as this man never shot an arrow to her direction.
"Fine, I'll hear him!" I said aggressively (sp.).
07-17-2003, 08:52 PM
ooc: you are right there is only 3 of us left, we lost 2 as we crossed into Rohan and then one of our group was nabbed. (most of these ppl i just said were imaginary 'cause at the begging there was more of us...i think???)Anyhow i'm back, turns out camping is not my parents fortae so here i am. *hehehe* And also Ithilwin, were not on horses at the moment we are in the dark sitting on the grass or standing which ever.
ic: "Well have a seat Galent and let us get down to business, i especially want to know why you are here, and how long you have been tracking me for it seems to me that you were trying to kill me! And that is not such a great thing especially when i thought we were friends, so i'm going to have to ask you to give me your quiver and bow and all swords you carry on you," I said keeping my gaze on Galent.
"I don't blame you," Galent said as he set down his bow and quiver and all swords that he possed infront of the one who had pulled their sword on him. "But it tis not i who hunts you, everyone is after you as you shall soon find out. You must hurry and find the rings, people are begging to know that the rings have been lost and much destruction is happening, if you don't find those rings then doom shall fall upon all of middle earth in a great and terrible way. I know more than you think and i will tell you later if you will let me join your group if there is no further questions?" i asked looking at my good friend Nienna and her company that i had yet to learn their names of.
I laughed and finally sputtered a few words, "I can bet my companions have a lot of questions especially on how we know each other and who it is that is hunting us then if it wasn't you who shot that arrow."
07-18-2003, 03:47 AM
"I guess whoever is hunting us, is the one that tries to deter us from finding the rings." I said walking a few steps closer to Neinna and the ranger. "Who are you and how do you know about the rings? The fact that they were lost was only known to the elves, since no other has interest in them, and their keeping is our responsibility." I asked the mysterious ranger, clearly interested, since indeed the matter of the elven rings was known to the elves and none else.
Radagast The Brown
07-19-2003, 04:01 PM
"That's not true," he replied to Ithilein's question. "The rangers hear from the elves of Rivendell news about the world. We knew that the rings were stolen. When i heard I went to a quest to find the rings. When I was in Isengard, I heard yellings in Fangorn. One of the ents told me very interesting information, I'm sure you would like me to share with you."
"Ok, ok, you can come with us." I said, a bit angrily. "just say what you know!"
07-20-2003, 02:45 PM
I would love to join your party, if there is room and you would like to have me.
Let me know, i'll check back thnx.
Radagast The Brown
07-20-2003, 04:31 PM
ooc: I think there is room. for about more 3 people... :p
Someone's outthere?
The last sane person
07-20-2003, 10:17 PM
yep, i am! count me in if this is the thread that Elvishfearie started asking for more players.
07-21-2003, 12:21 PM
"What i know isn't much...but i do know of what hunts you do not think that i know who it is, i only know what it is. It a troublesome being, one not quite human but a great sorceer indeed. This being knows more than you think, it has been around for a long time but long ago forgotten and now has awoken in wrath and sworn vengence upon the elves. I also know that there are other things hunting the three rings as well, but you will not see them if you are not looking for them. And no it is not Orcs or Goblins they seem to want no part in this, now may we get a move on?" I stated firmly.
"Uh - didn't you say that you were with company?" I questioned.
ooc: Please wait while i discuss joining more ppl in this thread in a different thread...ahhhh that line is confusing. I'll post again shortly shouldn't take too long.
Radagast The Brown
07-21-2003, 12:32 PM
ooc: ok.
ic: "And if it's a sorcerer, why did it attack us with an arrow, and not with some kind of magic?" I asked suspiciously.
ooc: I have nothing to add, since I don't know the answers... and am not very good at inventing.
Dreran the Green
07-21-2003, 03:00 PM
Hey everyone! I'm joining up to, if that's allright.
07-21-2003, 03:59 PM
Me too!!!!!!:D where should we start, oh Kalile, get back from camp! Shakespear is good but mot better than the Moot!
07-21-2003, 07:31 PM
ooc:My character is X'avier "The Black", one of the two un-named Istari. He carries the long sword "Lormegil", and his wizards staff "Rightous Fury", he is also accompanied by his familiar "Jacapo", which is a silver footed ferret of exceptional intelligence"for a ferret that is" with which he has an empathic link and his horse "Silvermane".
I read all of the posts in this thread and think I have a pretty good idea what is going on and think it would be best if I waited til morning to join the group, so as not to alarm anyone in the party and thus get shot by an arrow... lol.
Also after reading the previous posts, I think it could be a good idea if Maurarz were the fifth Istari that had turned to evil much the same way as Saruman did.
Anyway let me know what you all think, because I don't want to presume anything, and thank you all for allowing me to join.
Let me know when it is morning and I will introduce myself to the party.
Anarion aka X'avier
07-21-2003, 09:27 PM
ooc: You wont' scare the company as far as i'm concerened i have an entry waiting for all of you, if i only knew the others names....
ic: "Did you not hear me FOOL?! This being has things helping him, hunchmen if you must have a name for them! He will do his bidding when he has at least on of the rings or he will wait till you get one of them to steal it! He is no mere fool." I said harshly at this fool of an elf! "And what may your names be or shall i call you all fools!"
"Now, now, Galent, calm down, they mean no harm," i said lightly touching Galent's face, oh how i longed for him but this was neither the time nor the place to start confessing to such thoughts. "Now what of this of company also helping you? Elves? more rangers? Dwarfs? Hobbits? Wizards?" I asked trying to clear my mind of him, why did he have to always take my thoughts away when he was near?
I let out a long whistle followed by a short one and my company appeared, X'avier "The black with his ferret, Jacapo. And next came, (Legoles i need your characters name unless you choose to take Galent) and last came, (Dreran the green i need ur characters name unless yiou decide to take Galent)
ooc: for all new comers, the red words is my other character Galent and the black ones are my other character Nienna. Any one is welcome to take the part of Galent if they wish instead of using another character or making one up or using an old one?
07-21-2003, 11:53 PM
ic: Calm yourself Galent, these folk are not our enemies.
Greetings and well met to all, I am X'avier, I wish our meeting was under more pleasant circumstances.
Please forgive Galents harsh temper, but take my word when our backs are to the wall, you will all be glad his sword arm is on our side.
Your quest has been in peril since it's onset though you did not know it yourselves, your every moves have been watched, and your enemy has many spies.
But perhaps such things are better spoken of by the light of day, I think that we should complete our introductions, and get some rest so that we can start fresh on the morrow, for our need is dire, and our time grows short.
As I said before I am X'avier of the Istari, and this is my little friend Jacapo, he might not look like much, but believe me there is not a more capable thief in all of middle earth.
And what might your names be?
oc: I ended my post this way to give my fellow newbies a chance to name their characters, and to find out who of the original party members are still playing.
07-22-2003, 01:58 AM
ooc: Oviously i'm one of the original ppl. lol.
ic: "I am Nienna, and have unknowingly seemed to have clamied leader of my other companions," I said as cheerfully as one could but still keeping my eyes below my hood. (if you haven't noticed, Nienna has never removed her hood.)
"And of course i shall be, Galent, ranger of the North. Strongest of the rangers of the North and dubbed leader of control but not without X'avier, he has been my companion of long and old (Hope you don't mind) And most times my wisdom. Like he has said, i'm a touch hot tempered and would slice a throat at any given chance." I said a little too harshly.
07-22-2003, 05:14 AM
Ic: Well met Nienna, and who might the rest of you be?
ooc:Forgot to mention that X'avier is dressed in solid black robes, is 6' 4'' tall, has long black hair and sky blue eyes w/silver flakes.
And Silvermane is a black stallion with a silver mane and tail.
07-22-2003, 07:50 AM
ooc: ah, the name X'avier reminded me I want to see X2...
ic: "I am Ithilwin" I now spoke to both Galent and the wizard X'avier, "Elrond's daughter." I added, lowering my voice a little "And I consider it my debt to help find our rings."
Radagast The Brown
07-22-2003, 09:48 AM
ooc: Three of the orginal party are still playing - I am, Ithilwin, and elvishfaerie.
Btw, the two unamed istari suppose to be blue, don't they? :rolleyes:
ic: "I am Galad, prince or the kingdom in Mirkwood." I said in pride. "I guess you know what our mision is; after all you were spying us. But if we want to succeed, we must get going. Why can't you speak, Galent's company?"
Dreran the Green
07-22-2003, 09:55 AM
"My name is Vahaie" I said, stepping out from behind X'avier and (whatever Legoles's name is). " I am a wood elf of Mirkwood, though I have not seen my home in many long years. X'avier and (whatever Legoles's name is) are both good friends of mine (I hope this is ok). I am not related to any of the ringbearers" I gave a small nod in Ithilwin's direction. "But this matter concern's all elves of Middle-Earth, and I wish to help in whatever means I can"
ooc: Vahaie has messy dark brown hair and bright, peircing eyes the color of the woods in spring. She's short for an elf, only 5"2, and thin. She's wearing tall leather boots, baggy pants that tuck into her boots which are so worn they don't have a color anymore, and a red shirt, ragged at the bottom, with a low neckline and bellsleeves. She has a grey cloak w/hood over all. She has a long sword and bow, and no companions though she is a friend to the eagles.
07-22-2003, 11:59 AM
Ic: A pleasure to make your aquaintance Galad.
And may I say That the light of Elbereth shines in your eyes Ithilwin.
And now Nienna, I think we should dispense with the pleasantries and finalize our plan of action, for as I said the need is urgent, and the ruin of all middle earth is nigh at hand.
OOC: I don't care if they are blue, I want to be "The Black", Ok!
Also welcome Dreran, and X'avier is glad to be friend to Vahaie, and comrade and couselor to Galent.
Radagast The Brown
07-22-2003, 01:13 PM
ooc: ok! You get angry too easily, anarion!
Happy to meet you! :) :rolleyes:
07-22-2003, 03:54 PM
Me names Carolin[just look in sunset on Rivendell! I really dont want to do that again!
Radagast The Brown
07-22-2003, 04:00 PM
ooc: ok.
ic: "Hello, Carolin." I said, smiling at last. "come on, everyone! If we want to take the rings back, we should hurry from now on."
07-22-2003, 06:58 PM
ooc: I will join...if this is the one elvishfaerie was talking about in the other thread.
07-22-2003, 10:13 PM
ooc: Yes this is the thread i was talking about.
ic: "Yes. yes. Let us get a move on."
07-22-2003, 10:28 PM
" Okay!" Carolin flipped her hair out of her beautiful face, looking around at the other companions," and who are these people? I don't belive we have been properly introduced."
Radagast The Brown
07-23-2003, 06:34 AM
"Oh, but we did. Can't you remember? Where were you all this time? I'm Galad, she is Ithilwin, and she is Nienna."
07-23-2003, 11:39 AM
Ic: Well met Carolin, I am Xavier.
Now that we are all properly introduced, what is our plan thus far Nienna?
OOC: btw I don't get mad Radagast, and I appologize if it seemed that way!
Radagast The Brown
07-23-2003, 01:26 PM
ooc: I thought so becuase you wrote a '!'. Never mind. Glad to meet you. :)
ic: "We were heading to Isengard when you appeared," I said. "I don't think there's any point to get to Isengard now, is there? Galent said he has already been there."
07-23-2003, 01:27 PM
"First plan, pack up all stuff and leave and try to avoide any more evil things trying to kill us while looking for the rings. Hopefully getting them before this supposed "being" gets them," I sighed and grabbed the few things i had on the ground.
Radagast The Brown
07-23-2003, 01:58 PM
We packed our tents and provisions, and got up on our horses, and started riding. I rode near Nienna deliberately and asked: "Where are we heading for?" (ooc: I'm not sure these are the right words. Try to understand.) (ic: )
07-23-2003, 04:49 PM
ooc: okay! here is my character
Race: Men
From: Gondor
Hair: Black/red
Eyes: gray/blue
Companion: A black, with a white star on the forehead, stallion, Arilas, and a black dog, Feilix.
Weapons: Sword, bow and arrows, and hidden daggers
ic: Aewionen rode up onto a hill on Arilas and looked down, a group of riders seemed to be looking for something. Aewionen followed them a ways back until she could take it no longer. She rode up to them, "Hail travellers, where might you be headed?"
Radagast The Brown
07-23-2003, 05:03 PM
ic: Neinna started answering when suddenly a voice of a woman was heard. "Hail travelers, where might you be headed?". The distance between the woman and us was about 100 feet. Neinna answered, "Greetings, Gondorian soldier. May I ask who you are, and what are you doing here, so far away of your homeland?"
07-23-2003, 05:11 PM
"I am Aewionen and I am looking for a certain something that might be the same for you. And who might you be?"
Radagast The Brown
07-23-2003, 05:23 PM
"We are a new fellowship. Its mition is to find the Three stolen rings of Celebrimbor. Three of us are from the original fellowship, from Lothlorien. The other three accompanied us few days ago. Do you want names?" - Nienna asked.
07-23-2003, 05:31 PM
"well i shouldn't say were all from Lothlorien for i am not and neither is Galent here." I said trying to shadow my eyes more.
Radagast The Brown
07-23-2003, 05:36 PM
ooc: What do you mean? :confused:
07-23-2003, 06:39 PM
ooc: Galent he's a ranger of the North but not from Lorien. And Nienna isn't rightfully from Lorien she was born there but never really lived there.
Dreran the Green
07-23-2003, 06:45 PM
"Tell us what it is you are looking for, Aewionen" Called Vahaie.
07-23-2003, 06:48 PM
"we, search for what we will, we shall not tell you, for i do not trust you! And i don't know who you are or what you intentions are," I pipped up.
Radagast The Brown
07-23-2003, 06:53 PM
ooc: ehhh... what's going on? elvishgirl, I think I told her in my post what we're looking for... :o
07-23-2003, 06:59 PM
ooc: yes, yes you did but Galent's a little slow today, he just noticed the woman there.
07-23-2003, 11:38 PM
OOC: X'avier suddenly and stealthfully appears behind Aewionen after ending his invisibility spell.
IC: Fear not Aewionen, and do not be alarmed.. I am X'avier at your service, we are friends to all that are good.
And mortal enemies to those of evil intent...
Please come into camp and parlay with us, that we might discern whether our paths do indeed lead us to the same end.
ooc:X'avier and Aewionen begin walking into camp, and he calls out to the rest of the fellowship saying:
IC: All is well, she is alone and was not followed as far as I could see in all directions.
OOC: X'avier leads Aewionen into camp and they walk over to a hooded female.
IC: Nienna this is Aewionen who may have some information we seek, and this Aewionen is Nienna a loyal friend, and the leader of this quest... And this is the rest of our party.....
Lady Arwen56
07-24-2003, 12:33 AM
May I join?
Name: Micah
Race: Elvish Warrior
Gender: F
Description: Long, sleek black hair, deep aqua blue eyes, and tall.
Weapons: Daggars, my blade Athian, Mirkwood bow, and assorted arrows.
Items: A necklace dangling from my neck (a large sapphire surrounded by diamonds that I usually keep hidden in my clothing).
07-24-2003, 01:00 AM
OOC: Hello and a pleasure to meet you Lady Arwen 56, I am Anarion....It unfortunatly isn't my thread or i would say to jump right in...Nienna is the party leader and game master, so she will have to say so... But she and everyone else were very welcoming to me and i'm sure they will be to you as well....
Hey everybody what do you say about letting her join?
She gets my vote...
Lady Arwen56
07-24-2003, 01:46 AM
Thanks. *blushes, and kisses his cheek*
07-24-2003, 03:03 AM
ooc: Yes lady Arwen you may join, though i would have perferred if you had posted that in new players needed, but what can ya do? All is welcome though.
ic: "Now you are bringing strangers into our camping, put all of at harm, that shows intelligance," I grumbled as i continued sharpining my sword.
"I'm sorry to say i have to agree with Nienna on this one, it is not wise, you should have come to get a couple of us or at least called us. But now that she is here, she is going to be under watch and under gaurd until we know more," I said as i pulled out my bow and set an arrow in it but faced it towards the ground. "How could you be so foolish X'avier? You of all people," I tisked at him.
ooc: If thy new comers haven't noticed here is another reminder. I have 2 characters the one in black writting is Nienna supposedly an elf but no one really knows except Galent and no one knows because she has never taken off her cloak or hood. Oh and Galent is my other character who's writting is in firebrick/red.
07-24-2003, 04:06 AM
IC: I humble myself before you lady Nienna, and beg your forgiveness... And you Galent should know that there is always method to my madness....It is well known among the wise, that you should keep your friends close and your enemies closer... and if she has any information on our plight, then i suggest we hear her out... I realize that tensions are running high, and probably with you most of all nienna... but in my minds eye it only seemed logical that if she were a friend and potential ally then we must gather all the strength of force that we can muster...and if she be foe, then it would be best to find out now rather than take the chance of our actions being reported back to the very thing that hunts us... bear in mind that I am not your enemy, and would never put our company needlessly at risk.. and would ask that you give me the benefit of the doubt and ask me of my actions, rather than scoffing at me and assuming they are folly...
Radagast The Brown
07-24-2003, 07:35 AM
"I think you are too harsh with X'avier. It seemed to be the right thing to do, and it still does seem so" I said, trying to help X'avier. "She does not look like an orc," I pointed, "She looks like a Numernorian and has the uniform of Gondor's army. Although she may be lying and wearing faked clothes, I can't see why a woman from Gondor will do this kind of thing."
07-24-2003, 08:07 AM
Curiosity came over me, as X'avier came back, bringing a Gondorian woman, with him. I stepped away from my horse, whom I was tending, and walked towards X'avier and the stranger. Nienna and Galent, though, didn't seem to be so happy to see X'avier bringing a stranger to our camp, as he was. I stopped a few paces away from the newcomer, looking at her insinstently, with one and only question growing into my mind, who is she? Galad was supporting X'avier, telling Nienna that she was a bit too harsh with him, but nevertheless I agreed with her and Galent. We still didn't know who she was, thus we should be careful. "You are partly right, Galad" I said, keeping my voice low, looking at him "but I agree with Nienna. Though evil has been growing less in these lands, we do not know who might be a foe or not, yet. We do not know anything about this woman." I looked at Nienna for a second in silence and then turned to the woman. "Who are you?" I asked her calmly, wanting to know more.
Radagast The Brown
07-24-2003, 08:22 AM
When I finished talking, I noticed Ithilwin was listening, behind me. Then she supported Nienna in the argument. She finshed by asking The starnger "Who are you?" calmly, as if she didn't want to frighten her.
The woman sighed, and started talking a bit slowly. "I am Aewionen, a soldier from Gondor." she sounded tired. "And who are you? Why do I feel as I'm been jailed?"
Dreran the Green
07-24-2003, 09:42 AM
Vahaie laughed at what Aewionen said "You will forgive us our suspicions, I hope, when you come to know us. We have been through much, and our enemies lay yet unmasked. But if X'avier and Galad will give you the benefit of the doubt, then I will as well. I am called Vahaie, and I hope that in time we can all come to trust you, Aewionen"
07-24-2003, 04:00 PM
"Yes, I hope that also. And yes, I can understand why you would be suspicious for this is a quest that needs a bit of caution here and there." Aewionen looked from one to the other. What am I getting myself into?
Radagast The Brown
07-24-2003, 04:10 PM
Aewionen was saying that she understand our caution and suspicion, but she looked nervous and worried.
"Perhaps we should tell her the purpose of our quest?" I suggested. "Not yet, not yet. Don't be hasty, Galad." replied Nienna. "We have to keep moving. We were in one place too much time; it begins to be dangerous."
07-24-2003, 06:23 PM
"The purpose of your quest, is it not to find the three rings before something evil does? I have been told there is an evil searching for them, do not stay here because of me or he surely will find them." Aewionen stood for a while in silence and waited to see what they would do. Feilix yawned and sat down next to her feet. She petted him on the head, gave a slight nod, and went to check on Arilas.
07-24-2003, 06:59 PM
OOC: Iam waiting for Nienna to post, so i don't assume her characters response.
07-25-2003, 02:27 AM
Arg! What a stupid girl! Is she trying to drive me crazy?! Of course i know we should be moving but everyone's slowing us down, Especially her! Do you honestly expect us to leave you here? Knowing what you do? Don't lash out, don't lash out, don't lash out, go cool off, NOW! okay, okay, i thought. "Okay, were going to get moving as soon as everyone is packed and Aewionen comes with us," I glared, "You all better be ready by the time i get back from taking a walk in these woods!"
Eeepp, she's pissed off, looks like she's really pissed at X'avier and Aewionen, maybe you should go talk to her. I mean i'm ticked too, but no reason to get that ticked. Nienna walked past me and tagged my shoulder nearly taking it off at the same time. Follow her! Follow her! my mind shouted. "Uh- i'm going with her, i have my stuff packed, see you in a few," I withered a glance at my companions.
"I don't need a tag along thank-you!" I screamed.
"I'm not tagging along, i'm keeping you company, if you will, which you will! We need to talk, you can't be so harsh." I said trying not to sound too cruel, but it was hard when she was yelling and screaming, well on a rampage really.
ooc: And back at camp???????
07-25-2003, 02:50 AM
Carolin was going bloody crazy at all the noise. She did a simple muting spell, so things would quiet up a bit. She rested for a miniute, enjoying the tranquility, then released it. Flipping her long hair[again], she walked back and forth, waiting for the others to shutup.
07-25-2003, 02:53 AM
Aewionen could tell she was driving Nienna insane and she was back quickly and ready to leave. "I am right here." She said as she approached the group.
07-25-2003, 02:56 AM
Radagast The Brown
07-25-2003, 10:05 AM
ooc: I didn't understand why did Legolas say "finaly".
07-25-2003, 11:20 AM
OOC: I'm also confused by Carolin's actions and words?????
IC: X'avier decides it would be best to just pack his things and hold his tongue for now, because that's what is best for the party.
He thinks to himself that Nienna willl feel much better once she has had a chance to kill some foes.
So X climbs on his horse (Silvermane) and is prepared to go.
"Lead on Nienna" he says and spurs his horse forward "let's ride"
07-25-2003, 03:53 PM
Aewionen picked up Feilix and got on Arilas. She didn't know how long or short this would be and she didn't want Feilix to lose his energy. Arilas perked up his ears and noticed the dog on his back. He gave a snort but started off. "I will let him down in a bit Arilas, don't worry." Aewionen whispered with a small laugh.
Radagast The Brown
07-25-2003, 04:05 PM
ooc: What is our plan? Where are we going to? East?
ic: After packing our camp, we started riding. Most of the members didn't know where we're going, but we continued our quest and rode in the same direction, in the dark, unknown roads. It looked as we were riding in a jungle. Suddenly we heard a scream.
07-25-2003, 04:10 PM
A scream sent chills up Aewionen's back. She stopped Arilas and looked in the direction the scream sounded like it was coming from.Either someone from thier group screamed....or someone else was out here.
Radagast The Brown
07-25-2003, 04:41 PM
The scream shocked us. We all stoped riding. Nienna was the first one to recover. She started to ride to the general direction of the scream, and yelled back at us, "Come along! We're gonna find the spy, or whoever he is!"
07-25-2003, 04:50 PM
Aewionen followed the others in the direction of the scream. Who could the spy be? Why did he scream? Feilix growled quietly as they got nearer.
07-26-2003, 02:04 AM
Ooc: Is this cue taken? If so, disregard this post.
Ic: Shadaki landed with a thud almost twenty feet down, rolling out of it to avoid injury. She hadn't meant to scream, but that trap was very cleverly laid. The wood elf looked immediatly for any purchase in the walls of her prison, but they were stone.
"What's the use of being a tumbler if you can't save your own life?" she asked herself grumpily, and unsheathed a double bladed sword. The blade rebounded from the stone with a bone jarring wrench.
In desperation, she began throwing herself at the wall, trying to climb until she fell, exhausted and bruised.
07-26-2003, 06:28 AM
IC: X'avier slowed Silvermane to a halt after he heard the scream, it didn't sound like an orc or anything evil, it sounded like a girl he thought, but this quest is too important to chance so he slipped into the shadows and casts an invisibility spell on himself so as to be able to better defend the party in case it is a trap...
Dreran the Green
07-26-2003, 11:19 AM
Vahaie listened quietly as the scream rised and died on the wind. Was it really a spy, as Nienna thought? They would know soon enough; Vahaie saw X'avier blend with the shadows as he became invisible. She knew that whatever, whoever had screamed, he would find them soon enough. But she was impatient to find out what had made that noise, and quietly followed him, hiding behind the trees.
07-26-2003, 02:55 PM
IC: I carefully slipped around the outskirts of the area, inching ever closer toward the sound of the scream.
Radagast The Brown
07-26-2003, 03:31 PM
ooc: what exaclty the trap did? Did it made walls around Shadaki?
07-26-2003, 08:50 PM
ic: "And what have we here? A spy caught in her own trap, or a fly caught in a spider's web? Unless you give me reason not to and there is truth to it, i shall simply leave you in your imprisonment," I said raising my sword so it's point was at the edge of my nose.
Then suddenly there was another scream, well rather shout and suddenly goblins were flying out of no where. "now why in all of Middle Earth would there be Goblins about with no mountain in sight?" I thought, as i killed a goblin that came flying at me. "Get her out of there! NOW! She may be of some use, and if not well then she's got some intresting friends" I ordered, as i fended off another goblin.
07-26-2003, 11:04 PM
The trap was a pit trap, rather primitive, but effective when camefloughed! (sp?)
07-27-2003, 01:04 AM
Disregaurd my other post, I was confusled. I'll fix it right away!
07-27-2003, 01:08 AM
Aewionen looked at the oncoming goblins. After killing a few, she went down to help the girl trapped.
07-27-2003, 01:10 AM
ooc: GOBLINS, GOBLINS, GOBLINS not orcs, GOBLINS! *jumps and screams in rage, screaming at top of lungs, GOBLINS!*
07-27-2003, 01:25 AM
ooc: lol I will fix mine :D
Lady Arwen56
07-27-2003, 01:30 AM
ooc: so sorry! haven't been on the net in a while.
ic: I put my gaze upon a group of travelers below me, and frowned. I jumped out of the tree I was sitting in, and landed on my two feet.
"Who are you?" I asked all of them at once, putting my hand to my sword.
07-27-2003, 01:52 AM
ooc: Were fighting goblins, not good time to jump in with a convo like that, *laughs*
Lady Arwen56
07-27-2003, 02:28 AM
ooc; I realize this. lol. I hadn't seen them yet, but soon figure it out.
ic; I jumped as an arrow nearly peirced my side, slashing my shirt instead. "What in the..." I turned to face a goblin, and cursed under my breath. "This is the only shirt I brought!" I cried, pulling out my blade, and shoving it straight into the heart of the goblin. It fell to the ground, and moaned once before halting in life.
Radagast The Brown
07-27-2003, 05:13 AM
ooc: Now we're fighting goblins, we found and took Shakadi from the trap (whatever it was), and just met Lady arwen's character?
I guess we did...
ic: There were too many goblins in the place. We started to run towards our horses and equipment. I was shooting arrows at chosen goblins in a distance. We run as fast as we can, the goblins after us. Ithilwin tried to help Shakadi, who wasn't in a very good condition right now.
Dreran the Green
07-27-2003, 09:57 AM
OOC: Is Shadaki unconcious or can she walk and fight on her own?
IC: Vahaie had been shooting arrows at the goblins from behind different trees, which to her amusement had confused them greatly. She had three or four standing with their weapons out in a circle, looking around but not daring to move yet. She let fly another arrow and one of them fell. The others grew angry and ran about, trying to find her. She shot them off easily, one by one, then ran to see how the others were getting along.
07-27-2003, 05:21 PM
It seemed as though they were going to retreat back to the horses. Aewionen went to help Ithilwin with Shadaki, who was unconcious. Goblins seemed to be coming out of no where. Why were they here with not a mountain or cave in sight? What if they are protecting someone? What if that someone is the one looking for the rings? Aewionen looked back at where the goblins were coming from. She could not see anything but more and more goblins. After shooting a few more, Aewionen went back to the horses. She looked at Shadaki, "How is she?"
07-27-2003, 11:55 PM
aaaarrrggggghhhhh! will someone tell me if I'm on Xaviers team or Aewionens team! :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: [the story of my life!]
07-28-2003, 01:32 AM
Ooc: We're all working together right now... except me. My character is a little woozy right now.
Ic: "I'm all right," Sadaki groaned, the words penetrating her fogged brain. "What is going on?"
Radagast The Brown
07-28-2003, 05:04 PM
We arrived to the horses, and it Shakadi woke up. She was still dizzy, but it seems as she wants to fight the goblins.
I thought it's useless, and that we have to retreat immidiately, but, of course, it was impossible. We had to try though, if we wanted to get out of there alive. "Everyone - to the horses!" yelled Nienna. "NOW!", as she started riding fast towards the road.
07-28-2003, 06:22 PM
Aewionen ran to Arilas and mounted. After making sure Feilix was ready, she pulled out her bow and arrows, ready if the goblins decided to follow.
07-28-2003, 11:50 PM
ooc: NO offense radgast but i'd perfer if you didn't put words in my mouth.
ic: I halted at the road as everyone sped along i called to Galent, "Take them to Fangorn! It's only a league away, i shall be along shortly." I turned my horse around sharply and headed back towards the goblins.
"NIENNA! NO! Don't!," i screamed after her, but she wouldn't take my heed. "Well you heard her! Don't just stare at me get a move on!" I yelled looking at my trusting friend, X'avier for some comfort or acceptance that i was doing the right thing letting Nienna go alone, but then again i thought he doesn't know Nienna the way i do. I heisitated another moment before turning and leading up the back.
This seems quite peciular i thought, goblins that come out of no where and here they are still raving at me yet they have not stuck anyone? They only shoot arrows which seem to miss and aren't really killing anyone. Hmmm i wonder. I stopped near the dirt trap an looked around not a single dead Goblin lay about. What is going on? Why is there no dead bodies? I jumped down and suddenly all the Goblins disappeared. "MAGIC!" I shrieked. i glanced around the forest looking for someone, somekind of trace of someone being there. I pulled out my bow and looked slowly around and suddenly about twenty feet away a dark cloaked creature strode behind a tree and disappeared all together, just poof gone. I jumped on my horse and quickly rode towards Fangorn to tell them of this news.
Lady Arwen56
07-29-2003, 12:16 AM
I whistled, and my horse, Elle, came up to me. I jumped on her, and for some reason, followed the others. After a short period of time, and wondered when we were going to stop.
07-29-2003, 12:43 AM
Sadaki was increasingly confused as everyone rode away on horses. What did they say was magic? There were goblins in these parts, but were they an illusion?
"Er... could I get off, now?" she was sure that she could jump off without getting hurt; she had done trick riding before. However, she did not want to run the risk of becoming full of arrows.
Radagast The Brown
07-29-2003, 05:19 AM
ooc: not offenced. It just that you suppose to be the leader, and it seems as a good time for a leader to speak. And your character didn't talk for a long time, sooo...
What is going on now? How did Shakadi heard Nienna if Nienna went to Fangorn?
Dreran the Green
07-29-2003, 09:32 AM
OOC: Yeah, I'm confused about that too. Btw, I said I didn't have any companions in the beginning, but it looks like I'll need a horse, so disregard that. Now I have a golden horse w/no name.
07-30-2003, 12:14 AM
Wait, Nienna is in Fangorn? Oops, I missed that. I thought she had just ridden off a moment ago. :o
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