View Full Version : Where were the Rangers when you needed them?
07-30-2001, 07:29 AM
What were the Rangers doing during the War of the Ring? 30 went south with Halbarad, because that was all he had time to summon.
If there were more than 30 Rangers, then the rest must have been pulled back from Bree and the Shire for some reason. It must have been very important, that they would leave Bree and the Shire unprotected for a year.
What were they doing?
Shanamir Duntak
07-30-2001, 11:24 AM
I believe there was no more than what went south.
07-30-2001, 02:03 PM
I never gave much thought to that. I assumed that there was only that small number of the Dinedain that still existed. I do remember reading that there numbers were few.
I always assumed that all the rangers went with Halbarad and thus fugured that was why the shire was left unprotected.
I imagine that saving the entirity of M E from Sauron was a more towardw the top of the list when all the Dunedain gathered to go meet Aragorn. Remember how happy Aragorn was to see his friend Halbarad? One of my favoirte moments.
Besides If the Dunedain had been protecting the shire then we would have missed all the great heroics of Merry and Pippin. Hooray!
Elenna ~ Lady of the Stars
07-31-2001, 02:50 AM
I dunno, personally I feel there were more Rangers than the 30 that went south. Halbarad said that 30 was all "that could be gathered in haste", which seems to imply there were more, but the Rangers were so scattered they had trouble gathering all together.
It's been many centuries since the Fall of Fornost in Arthedain without any major wars, so I think the numbers of Northern Dunedain would have recovered somewhat.... surely 100 or even 1000 Rangers can be supported? Not quite an army, but certainly more than 30.
Shanamir Duntak
07-31-2001, 11:57 AM
I don't think there could be so many as 1000. Byt their lifestyle, you could think they are not really prone to reproduction.
08-07-2001, 08:30 PM
Basically the Shire etc. was forgotten by the rest of the world and so their departure did not create any danger.
Shanamir Duntak
08-09-2001, 02:19 AM
It would have should they be gone too long...
08-10-2001, 07:03 PM
in tale from the third age it is say that they face the nine and had to retreet
something like that anyway
Manwe Sulimo
08-10-2001, 09:30 PM
The Rangers that were guarding the entry to the Shire was forced into retreat by the onslaught of the nazgul, is that what you mean? When the nazgul's was entering the Shire, the Rangers tried to block the road, but couldn't and those that didn't flee was killed.
08-11-2001, 02:49 PM
Where is it said that the rangers fled or were killed by the Nazgul??? Never heard of such. Unless we're rewriting Lotr? :(:confused:
08-13-2001, 05:48 PM
There were many more than went south. Halbarad said thirty was all that could be gathered in haste, so more would have come if they were able.
The assault upon the Rangers at Sarn Ford by the Nazgûl is told of very briefly in the Appendices to the Lord of the Rings and I think also in Unfinished Tales; The Hunt For The Ring.
08-14-2001, 12:16 AM
The Nazgul attacked the rangers guarding Bree and the Shire? I never knew that. Wish Tolkien had put it in the LOTR, it would have been more dramatic. Maybe Aragorn would mention it in Rivendell, returning from his scouting trip.
08-14-2001, 04:03 PM
Well, technically the Appendices are part of the Lord of the Rings. If you read intently though, one does realize the Rangers played a large part in protecting those mundane peoples who either know nothing of them or hold them in scorn.
08-16-2001, 10:13 PM
When you think about it, the Sarn Ford attack is a pretty good action scene. Wonder if Peter Jackson will put it in the Movie?
It might give the audience a better idea about the Rangers.
On the other hand I see difficulties. It might steal the thunder from the eerie Weathertop attack.
08-18-2001, 01:26 AM
I'd be worried about it ruining the feeling of wonder and amusement in the Party scenes. I mean, when Frodo gets ready to set off on his journey with Pippin and Sam the Riders have long since entered the Shire, as you know Frodo nearly misses one in Hobbiton on The Hill. So they'd have to be shown entering The Shire earlier.
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