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Bronwyn of Gondor
02-01-2003, 06:55 PM
Is this anyone else's favorite book of the series? I think the reason I like this one so much is that it's just an adventure... You know, the future of the world doesn't depend on the outcome... If Bilbo and the dwarves fail in their mission, they just lose out on the treasure, however, if Frodo and the others fail in their mission, all of Middle Earth will become darkness and slavery and other general ickiness. :) As I love the characters of Lord of the Rings better (only a little!), I still like The Hobbit better as a story. :)

02-01-2003, 07:56 PM
Sorry, but I don't:) I like LotR better because, since the books are longer, there's more time for things like charecter development.

02-01-2003, 08:55 PM
I too would have to disagree just because you can get more emersed in the Lord of the Rings than the Hobbit, also the characters are cooler, there are more action sequences and it just has a better and more complex plot line than just a Hobbit who helps find a hoard of treasure.

Bronwyn of Gondor
02-01-2003, 10:21 PM
That's why I like it, LoL. It's much simpler and just easier to have fun with, without fretting about the end of the world and such. Oh well, to each his own, I suppose. :)

02-02-2003, 03:08 PM
Sorry, Bronwyn. :) I like the three LotR books better, "RotK" as my favorite out of the three of those. "The Hobbit" is still great, though.


02-02-2003, 03:20 PM
I prefer LOTR to the Hobbit because i read it of my own free will whereas I was made to read the hobbit a long time ago. I generally hate things if someone forces them upon me, but i think if i read it again now i would love the hobbit just as much as LOTR.:p

02-03-2003, 02:06 AM
B you are right on time. The hobbit is an adventure and the story can go anywhere. Lotr is heavy good vs evil, and also has a things were better when i was kid quality to it. Did you ever realy question if good would win in the end of Lotr.

02-03-2003, 10:00 PM
sry, i like LOTR better. theres more fighting action, and its more of a quest than the hobbit is. the characters in LOTR have more of a deep understanding of middle earth and would do anything to save it from evil. in the hobbit they are concerned with getting back treasure. to me the dwarves seemed kinda self centered. but thats just my opinion.

02-03-2003, 10:22 PM
I like The Hobbit (almost) better! I prefer the story of The Hobbit for entertainment. It's light hearted and fun. (and has some nice art) I really don't compare it with LoTR though, they are different types of literature. LoTR is more fullfilling (and intense). It is longer and more complex......so, you get more out of it. I do enjoy the addition of the race of man. (my favorite species! :) ) I put The Hobbit as my favorite in my profile though! :)