View Full Version : ~Time goes on...~
01-31-2003, 03:44 PM
let's see...this roleplay has no specific subject,it just starts at a certain moment(before the forming of the Fellowship of the Ring) and goes on until...I don't know what end(!)Just ask if you are interested and wish to join(but you already know that)
Timeline: T.A 2510
02-01-2003, 10:06 AM
I sat in my room,silent recalling the last day;There I stood,watching the ship set sail for the Undying Lands,Valinor.Night was falling swiftly and stars made their first appearance.A dead silence had spread around me and only the cry of a gull could be heard,for a single moment,slowly fading away.A soft breeze had picked up,my hair and dress were flowing in the wind.I stayed there,with my glance fixed on the ship until it faded into the mist.A voice I heard,calling me to return to Imladris.My horse snorted lightly as I turned him around.He pawed the ground for a brief second and then took the way home...At this my thoughts broke and standing up,I walked to my balcony.It was facing the waterfalls and beneath it the wonderful gardens of the house of Elrond.I stood there for a while,looking the waterfalls.Then as if thunder stroke me I ran down the stairs and entered the hall.I sought for my father and told him my decision of dwelling in Lorien for some time.He looked at me for a while and nodded once.I then went back to my room and after a while I came down.No longer was I wearing my long white dress,but travelling clothes and a silver-green cloack.I grasped my bow,which laid forgotten in a corner and made my way out.I headed to the stables where Narcalen waited for me.I mounted him and rode east.Now,Imladris was left behind and my journey to my second homeland began.
02-01-2003, 11:52 AM
g2g.see you tomorrow
02-01-2003, 12:33 PM
This seems like a good story.
What is the plot though?
But your begging with the going to Lorien and the deppresing view of the ship leaving has lourd me in quite well. Count me in.
name: Sicirus(I have not used my name in a while)
race: Half elven.
gender: female
weapon: bow and small elven knife
bio: Is an orphone that posses as a prison guard in Morodr and sets free whoever is inprisond in Mordor. Is a spy to the good side recomended by Elrond. Acts like a dark elf and has lived in Mordor since the age of 450. Is now 500. Parents died and was taken in by Elrond as his own.
Pets: Grey wolf. And black horse;
Grey wolf helps with freeing the prisoners when needed. Is a very smart and sweet wolf.
ic: I paced the front of the dark halls watching the last of the rocs stalk away after thrwoing their latest catch of a human into a nearby cell. The cells were damp and unpleasent as a cell can get. The prisoners were hardly fed anything edible(sp) or at least good to eat. They were cold at night and extremely hot during the day. Some of the older prisoners were set to work helping the orcs make more orcs for their ever growing army of the hidious monsters.
50 years ago I was finally accepted(after years of begging and constant annoying Elrond) to become a spy in Mordor. I wanted to help in the war and not feel pathetic and left out as most maidens are when it came to war. I was woven dark cloths that would fit the darkest elfs personality and was sent of by on my horse beleg dear (mighty shadow) acomponied by my wolf swift paws, towards Mordor. But first I would stop in Lrien and Gonor for their report on the war and movement of the armies of orcs.
I looked at the new prisoner and found it to be a young boy from Gondor. He looked at me then attempted to get up but yelped when his knees gave way and he fell once more to the cold damp floor.
"I am not evil" i said to him entering the cell and tended to his leg.
He looked at me with fear then he relaxed when the pain in his leg left him and he felt better.
"I am going to help you escape." I said comfortingly.
But first I must write a letter to Gondor explaining that I am to use the tunnel again for your arrival. The boy nodded and rested his head on his chest.
I scribbled a quick note and called for Swift paws to take it. The wolf yawned and rose up unwillingly for his nap was cut shprt. He walked over noislessly and took the note in his mouth. I brought him over to the tunnels opening which was well hidden behind a weapon rack. I pushed the rack aside and shood the wolf through it. I watched as he disapeared into the bleak darkness and once more felt the loneliness I felt whenever he left my sight.
I gave the boy some Lembas that I got regularly from the elves of Lorien and he fell to sleep.
02-01-2003, 01:32 PM
(back,but only for a while:( )
The time of noon was drawing near and I continued my journey.I had left the plains behind,riding swiftly without rest to Lorien.There I could rest and think,away from memories,free fow a while.Thus was my thinking.My journey started a few moments ere sunrise and every minute passing I was closer to Caradhras,the Redhorn Pass.Now I was seeking a place to stop and thus rest myself and Narcalen.This place I found;tall trees were standing at the banks of a stream of crystal clear water,and were casting their shadow in much distance."Daro Narcalen" I spoke in a calm voice,when reaching the stream.The horse stopped,letting me dismount.I released Narcalen's reins,who stood there in search for grass.Myself found a seat by the stream and rested,leaning my back at a tree trunk.I laid my bow beside me and my hand moved to a sheath next to my quiver.Two long daggers rested there,well hidden.I grasped one and brought it forth,digging uneven shapes on the ground.
02-02-2003, 02:34 PM
ooc:I haven't thought of a specific plot.Let us continue and then we can see
I rested by the stream for a long while.The sun was starting her journey to the west when I decided that the time to continue my own journey to Lorien had come.I stood up,dusted off my cloack and put my dagger back to its sheath.Narcalen felt it was time to leave and turned his head upwards,still chewing some grass.He had rested enough and and thus came by me at my biding without delay.I leaned to the ground when I remembered my bow and grasped it in my left hand.Narcalen tossed his head and snorted when I came nigh him,eager to go on.I ran a hand through his black mane,shining in the sun and stroke him,smiling.He snorted happily once more and I mounted him.Pulling the reins firmly I turned him so to face the east and we started riding for one more time.
02-02-2003, 08:17 PM
ooc: I have no idea how our characters will meet. I can say I was give abreak from my job and was sent back to Lorien for awhile.
ooc: By the way I forgot to mention my characters discription.
Tall (as all elves) with dark hair, tan skinned for traveling to Morodr in the sun all day. Gray eyes.
ic: I watched the open tunnel like a hawk after two hours of Swift paws absence. Finally a faint glint of silver gray in the depth of the tunnel coming towards the faint light of the dungeon hall.
The wolf desended from the holl and I pushed the rack back in place. The wolf sat down and allowed me to take the note of him and give him a quick pat on the head. He stalked off to the small blanckette(sp) that he was on before and curled up into a tight ball and once more fell asleep. I read the note saying thankyou and send the boy off at anytime.
I appraoched the cell with the already standing and ready to go lad in it. I laughed at him for his enthusiasm and faith of knowing a good escape. I listend for any footfalls or voices before unlocking the cell door and helping the boy towards the rack. I moved the rack asside and gave the boy a torch. He thanked mewith a quick hug before making his way towards the tunnels depths and out of sight.
I smiled to myself fro another job done. I grabbed a piece of dried meat and gave it to Swift paws who accepted it gratefully and ate it in one bite. It was then that I noticed the seperate note attached to the wolf's furry neck. I pulled it lose trying not to wake him and unfolded it as quickly as possible. I rushed to the candle that barly ulluminated the dim hall and read the note which seemed to have been written out of pure joy and speed.
Dear Sicirus,
The one ring has been located and we wish to have your report in Gondor as soon as you can leave. If this is the last prisoner freed then your job is fufilled for the time bieng. This meeting should give you a brake from the poisond lands of Mordor. We wish for you to come by horse for the tunnel will be used for anther purpose. We expect your arrival soon.
I at once woke Swift Paws and packed what iteams had. I told the confused wolf of the news and he at once woke up fully and bounced up and down hitting the chairs and wall with his tail.
I went down to the stables and informed the other guards that I was to join the other soldiers in the destruction of the humands of Rohan. The wolf gave them his trademark hungry look and they asked no more questions. belegdaer on his neck and sped of towards the city of Gondor.
ooc: Sorry its soooo long.:p
02-04-2003, 03:54 PM
ooc:yes,our characters can meet in Lorien.I will be there and you can come later,having a break from your job.what do you think?
The sun had faded into the West,leaving a sweet colour of orange-red in the sky,that was later replaced by a steel,cold blue.Yet,the heavens were cloudless and clear and the stars appeared shining white upon us.
While riding I turned my glance upwards,looking at the night skies.A smile appeared on my face,when seeing the silver moon looming above.Yet,the night was cold.I wrapped my cloack more tight about me and speaking no word,I continued riding.Thus much hour was gone in silence,as no noise was to be heard except for an owl,hooting sorrowfully.
We had made it to Caradhras and the mountain did not seem so ferocious now.Narcalen neighed softly,as if feeling the presence of another being.I slowed his pace and scaned the area behind us.Then I heard the sound of mighty wings coming nigh and a hawk came into view.It flew twice in circles above us.I outstretched my arm and the hawk stopped dead,flying downwards in great speed.Narcalen snorted,but calmed down in a second.The falcon settled on my wrist and ruffled its feathers.I smiled lightly as its golden eyes peered into mine. "Le abdollen Gwairim" I said to the hawk,knowing he would follow me after leaving Imladris,for this hawk was Elladan's,my brother's but also loved me dearly and joined me to my journeys.Gwairim ruffled his feathers once more and looked to the ground.I spoke no more and bade Narcalen to ride forth,seeking shelter for the night.
02-04-2003, 04:03 PM
I'll join!
Name: Gablon. (Eveybody just calls him gabby)
Description: 2 feet tall, large feet and small body, Large pointed head(Kinda like the gnomes off Harry Potter. Wears a Big Red Jumper that reaches down to his knees, and a belt strapped around the middle so that it makes the bottom half of the jumper into a Kilt. He wears a Big Brown scarf around his neck. Has a Small Pick-Axe strapped to his back.
Personality: Get's extremely nervous when surrounded by Big Folk, when he get's nervous he Sweats and Re-arranges his scarf continuously. He is very jumpy and frightens easily. He is very clumsy and is known for causing 'accidental' destruction wherever he goes. Being so frightened all the time, his voice is now permanantely squeaky and when dangers is at hand his best move is to 'Duck And Cover'. He has been known to 'laugh in the face of Danger and then Hide until it goes away'. He may be a bit of a coward but his courage is Remarkable when he uses it. He is quite intelligent but not very wise.
Weapons: Being not very skilled with a sword, because his size let's him down, he uses his Pick-Axe to defend himself against anything that might harm him.
02-04-2003, 04:33 PM
I looked backwards and saw the sun setting. I was late! I scuttled forward through the dark trees. I was continuing running when I bumped straight into a Dark Man Hodded and Cloaked. I stood to attention saluting the man.
''Hello Sir!! I was just...Returning!'' I said nervously.
The Dark Man Looked down and nodded.
''I understand.'' Hus voice was soft and of a young person, although you could only see his eyes.
''I want you to take on another job. There are two people wandering through the lands...One comes from the GreyHavens and I think is an Elf...the other I do not know. I want you to follow them and find what they're up to. I am...Interested. Do not Fail!!'' He said sturnly.
''I won't Fail sir!! Oh no!! I won't fail!'' I said Re-Aranging my scarf.
''Good! Report as soon as possible! I will be watching...'' At this he turned and dissapeared into the Shadows under the trees.
''I will be watching! Huh! Wooooh! Scary!'' I said sarcasticly under my breath.
I proceeded forward and soon I heard voices upon the road ahead. I came to a bush and saw two figures coming up the road. I watched intently.
02-05-2003, 08:44 AM
ooc: another person joins the rp,great!
02-06-2003, 07:08 AM
ooc: Weclcome Zavron!
ic: I hooded my self overshadowing my face with my flappy worn hood and threw on my dark green cloak for travel. Swift PAws trotted next to me as I led belgdaer to the gate were the guard barly questiond me and let me pass. I jumped up onto the horse who shifted for a second and then started off towadrs the north.
ooc: I am going to fast forword for my character because it takes awhile to get through Mordor.
ic: We rode on for four days and never quite for we did not want to spend one night in Mordor by resting in one spot. We reached the boardor of the lands and camped out there. I gave beleg water and Swift ate his Lembas. I sat and watched the blood red sun kissed sky turn dark blue and a hawk floating past us as if searching for something of great importance. The next day I rode off again towards the city of Gondor. I knew it would only take me about two weeks to get there so I chalenged Beleg to take less then that and beat my bet. Beleg with one force from his back legs pushed off into a full run and Swift Oaws panted to keep up but managed all the same.
02-06-2003, 03:38 PM
Shelter I found in a cave well hidden in the mountain slope.There we stayed for the night and rested and rose ere sunrise.
I stood in at the entrance of the cave and watched the eastern sky.As the sun rose,it was turning orange and red and purple.The sun came into view from the few white clouds,scattered in the sky.As soon as her sun rays hit the tree tops,nature awoke and the birds started their singing.I remained there for a short time,closing my eyes for a minute and enjoying the sun's warmth.Narcalen came behind me and neighed softly.I then walked back into the cave,took my belongings and coming out,I mounted Narcalen and thus continued our journey to Lothlorien.Gwaimir flew once in circle above and followed us,scanning the area below him.
We had come down Caradhras and the pass by nightfall and rested by the river Nimrodel until the morning.We had reached Lorien.
02-06-2003, 07:34 PM
ooc: This is fun.:D
ic: We finally after two more weeks arrived in Gondor and soon after(the next day) we were to go to council with Lady Galadriel. I told my news in a brief council and the next morning I was cleaned up and was clothed in more of an elfish atiar(sp). I rode off to Lothlorien.
Swift Paws and I walked instead of riding for we found it was a nice day out and the eagle friend was back searching again for his mysterious shadow friend. We walked along the bordor of Fangorn and Rohan trying not to catch the attention of the humans of Rohan scanning the fields looking after their grazing horses.
After about two more weeks we arrived at the edge of Lothlorien and made our way to the stream of Nimrodel and there we rested for the night.
02-07-2003, 01:07 PM
ooc:yea!I've found the verses of 'Lose Yourself'
The sun rose upon the golden tree tops.I walked to the river and washed myself.A few minutes later we were crossing the Golden Forest,after having breakfast.On this fine day I prefered to walk than ride as usual.I took Narcalen's reins and my bow in my right hand and as my left hand was free,Gwairim settled on my wrist scanning the forest intently with his keen eyes.
As we walked I looked at the forest about me;golden mallorn trees stood at the banks of Nimrodel,shading the sun above,yet leaving her sun rays penetrate the leaves.The ground was laid with their golden leaves and with niphredil in some spots.A beautiful forest it was and my heart rejoiced,for I had been away for a long time.
Narcalen walked quietly beside me,yet suddenly Gwairim ruffled his feathers and looked around,as if someone else was here.Soon I found that he was right,for a hooded person and a wolf sat by Nimrodel,not far from us.Narcalen was not apprehended by the wolf's presence and I did not make any move to fit an arrow to my bow,for they did not seem dangerous.I approached them,slowly...
02-07-2003, 05:34 PM
May I join?
Name: Anarwen (Sun maiden)
Race: Elf
Hair: Golden brown,
Height: 6'3, she gains the height from her mother’s side of the family.
Eyes: soft sea blue
Personality: She has an adventurous nature, but loves all things that grow, and is found to be very secretive unless she knows you. She is patient and kind, but would gladly accept a duel at any time. She is skilled with the bow, and uses the sword once in a long while. She has two throwing daggers, but uses them very rarely. She has no dwelling place, but is usually found in the wilds between Lorien and Imladris.
02-08-2003, 05:31 AM
hi Ithilwin!
02-08-2003, 09:01 AM
ooc:sure you can join Anarwen
Iridal hi!want to join?
02-08-2003, 01:08 PM
hey iridal and ithilwin, can i join. what am i saying do i ever ask you that!!!!!:p
02-08-2003, 01:11 PM
of course you can join Lalaith!
02-08-2003, 01:41 PM
hey i'm back....... u still here?
02-08-2003, 02:00 PM
ooc: Someone can introduce me in whenever they want.
02-09-2003, 07:39 AM
I suddenly turned around and looked about me intently.Someone was behind the trees,I could feel it.I turned to my glance to the person with the wolf,they did not seem to heed me.Then I looked back once more,for the person was still there.He seemed to be following us,but why?I caught the glimpse of an axe and immediately released Narcalen's reins and fitted and arrow to my quiver,without making sound.Someone with an axe surely did not came to this forest having a good purpose.Narcalen stood beside me still,but Gwairim flew to see who it was.I stayed there still as stone,waiting for the person to appear.
02-09-2003, 12:25 PM
ooc: Yay more peoples!!!!:D
ic: I sipped from the stream and when I looked up I saw in the trees a young maiden elf looking at me with the hawk on her shoulder that kept following us. Swift Paws gave a low menecing growl but I put a hand on his back and told him to keep drinking for I knew the elf ment no harm to us. Not in this fare land of Lorien.
The elf seemed to have been alerted by a movement in the woods behind her and looked at me to see if I noticed. I gave no indication of my knolegdge and continued drinking.
After finishing my last gulp I took of my hood and revealed my face which was now from pale to a light tan from being out of Morodor. My eyes met hers and I knew I looked grim from my trip from Gondor to lorien.
(I cannot speak Quenya so please exept english)
Hello" I said pleasently.
02-09-2003, 01:33 PM
ooc: ok
Hearing the elf's voice,I turned to face her,nodding her to keep silent.Gwirim flew twice in circle above us and then settled on my arm once more,as if ignoring the hidden stranger.I took two steps backwards and lowered my bow.yet still being alert.I found myself near the elf "Ssh,someone's in the trees.He has been following us for days.His purpose I do not know,but not good it is I deem.We should let him come forth at his own time" I whispered,not wanting to be heard further.Narcalen stood nigh me and then everything went quiet.
02-09-2003, 01:45 PM
ic: I did as the other elf did and fixed my bow into a shooting posseion. The woods stood silent exept some chattering of birds and scuttering of the squirrels. Then another movement came to our eqars and we saw a flash of a black cloak and then I commanded Swift paws to follow the creature. The other elf commanded her hawk to follow then we waited.
"The creeature may not be a threat but maybe just a guard of the woods seeing if we are enemy or not."
"Well I have been aware of something following me ever since I left my home land."
"Well then we shall see as soon as our friends return."
02-09-2003, 01:53 PM
"I do not this creature is a guard of the Golden Forest.He is short for an elf and wields an axe.Elves do not use axes" I said,having my eyes fixed on the trees.No movement was to be seen,seeming that the creature had either heeded us and stood still,waiting or he had ran away.
Narcalen pawed the ground anxiously,but stopped as soon as I gripped his reins.We stayed there waiting,without making a noise,waiting for the mysterious stranger to make his appearance
02-11-2003, 08:49 AM
02-11-2003, 04:25 PM
ooc: so sorry that I haven’t' posted yet, I can only get the computer about twice a week. :(
Anarwen sat atop her horse, looking at two strangers in the Golden wood. Only recently she had come back to Lorien, for she had been abroad on business. She knew that these two did not know she was here, for which she was thankful, but she noticed that they were looking at something else in the forest. "Quilde Ambalotsë," she said softly to her horse, she did not yet want them to know she was here. Slowly she dismounted Ambalotsë, and quietly she unsheathed her sword, ready to use it if need be. Silently she creped up behind them until she was about a fathom away, "Man nar lye, ar manen nar lye mi I velicë taurë en' Lorien? (Who are you, and why are you in the great forest of Lorien?)" she said quietly.
02-12-2003, 06:44 AM
ic:The forest soon was pushed back to reveal an elf sitting high atop a magnifisent(Sp) horse. "Who are you? And why are you in the great land of Lorien?" The elf questioned gesturing towards her sword.
I sighed in great relief. "I am Sicirus from Ilmadris returning from my post in Mrodor. I was sent here by the men of Gondor to speak with the Lord and Lady of Lothlorien. As well as to take a breath from my post for I have not in years seen the sun so beautiful in the lands of the elves."
02-13-2003, 08:56 AM
ooc:where's zavron?
it's ok Anarwen,I also have a scedule on when I can use the Internet :p
I suddenly turned around,distracted by hoofbeats.An elf was near us,asking our business in the Golden Forest.I forgot the creature lurking in the trees for a while and answered her question,without fearing to reveal my origin,for an elf she was and seemed of not bad will "Im Ithilwin,Elrondiel"(I am Ithilwin,daughter of Elrond)and thus I continued in Common Speech "Lorien was my mother's homeland,therefore my second home.I have returned here to dwell with my mother's kindred for some time,for I have not been here for long"I lowered my bow and stepped further from the trees,stroking Narcalen,for he had been unnoticed.He neighed gently at my gesture and looked into the elf's eyes
02-13-2003, 02:15 PM
Anarwen looked at both of these elves, they spoke the truth. She bowed to Ithilwin, “You speak Sindarin Lady Ithilwin, it is strange that when you are in the Golden Realm you do not speak the high tongue, but most elves from Imladris don’t. Your Mother was Celebrian,” Anarwen smiled at these words, “I knew her, she is a very fair elf.” She now turned to the other elf, “Morodor? That is strange, but strange things do happen in this day and age.” She sheathed her sword, “Inye Anarwen, yende en’ Lothlorien, ar Aranel en’ I rava. I am returning to Lorien, for I had business abroad, and now I come back to my homeland. I can take you to Caras Galadon if you wish.”
02-13-2003, 03:22 PM
I smiled lightly and nodded to Anarwen and looked at Sicirus.She had been to Mordor,'twas strange indeed.Yet,I did not speak and ignoring the creature that waited hidden in the shadows,I turned away and stroke Narcalen once more.I did not mount him,but grasped his reins and walked.I heard Gwairim behind,he had returned and followed us.Nimrodel trickled silently beside us and following it,we started walking to the City of the Trees.I looked around at the trees,the Golden Forest was so beautiful.Everything was quiet and only the sound of the horses' hooves was heard
02-14-2003, 09:23 AM
ïïc: Next week I will have have tests every day,so I can't guarantee(sp?) if I can get online :(
02-16-2003, 10:43 AM
ooc: Sorry I've been gone. Very busy.:D
ic: The elf asked of the bussines of Mordor I simply said that I would discuss this at council tonight. The elf nodded. We followed the elf towards the entrance to the kingdom of Galadriel. Elf enjoyed her chat much with ithilwin. (I think thats yuor name right?)
We arrived at at the gates which glowed silver in the sunlight that seemed so ancient. A stream passed through under the gates and I saw my reflection and noticed how grim I looked compared to my companions.
02-16-2003, 02:40 PM
We entered the gates of the City of the Trees,Caras Galadhon.My heart rejoiced when seeing Lorien-I had been away for long.The city had not changed in all the years of my absence.From here I could see the hill of Cerin Amroth,glittering golden and white as the last sun rays hit the elanor and niphredil that grew there.
The elves turned to see us as we walked swiftly by them,yet recognizing us.I left Anarwen and Sicirus for a while and lead Narcalen to the stables,where he could rest from our long journey.I stroke him and turned back to my company. "You wanted to speak to the lady Galadriel,I deem" I spoke to Sicirus "I can take you to her,I that is thy wish,for I must go to meet her too"
02-16-2003, 03:09 PM
Hey all
I would like to join. Here's my character
Name: Serinial
Race: Men
Living:No permanent home, usually in Mirkwood
Weapons:Sword and Bow
Facts: Horse named Deran, Hawk named Ren
If its alright to get a plot going I would like to say that I come to Lorien with an urgent message asking for help to capture and slay a band of Orcs who are roving around and killing:confused:
Let me know what you think of this. If you dont like it (and dont be afraid to say so) I will just show up at Lorine some other way.
a fire within a passion a want to do something for the world Adventure is everyday
02-16-2003, 03:11 PM
I knew i forgot something My character is female
02-16-2003, 03:51 PM
ok,you can join Aralyn.Though there will not be that orc thing:) ,cause the timeline's TA 2510 and orcs didn't appear that much then
02-16-2003, 03:55 PM
oops forgot about the timeline thing. I always bad at dates
02-16-2003, 04:01 PM
it's ok,these things happen;)
02-16-2003, 04:22 PM
I turned to face Deore, "Yes?
"Ser, a letter from Lorien."
My face clouded as I reached for the letter. I pointedly waited for Deore to leave before breaking the seal. Deore is very kind but he does not know about my life before.
Serinial, the letter read
It has been a long time since we last met. I only hope you will heed this letter and not deny the truth of it. Please come visit me so we can talk. I know you reject your heritage but I wish to ask you to live with me for a time, to know me.
Your Brother, Halirar
I sighed with frustration. I had originally grown up in Lorien. My mother is of Men my father an Elf. I rejected my elven heritage and left it behind. I hated being of two people so I left to explore the lands I had only heard of. But now Halirar asked me to come back.
"Deore?" I called.
He entered. Deore and I are in love and I have been living with his sister for a time in Rohan.
"I have to go away for awhile"
02-18-2003, 11:05 PM
ooc: Funny this rpg which has no plot is moving faster then all the others I am in exept Hytorax.:D
ic: I stabled my horse and left Swift Paws with a bone which settled him down rather quickly. I follwed my new friend ithilwin to council with the Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn. we sat in a round room which was fashioned around the trunk of a large silver tree. I marveled at the tree and wondered at its age but knew not to ask for trees needed not tell you unless you are brave enough to listen to its lifes tale. I had time later I reminded myself quickly and turned around at the entrance of the Lord and Lady.
02-18-2003, 11:57 PM
I will join if i may.
My Character
Name: Elaith Hornblower
Gender: Male
Race: Moriquendi (Dark Elf, (Of those that did not go to Valinor))
Height: 6'2"
Weapons: A dagger, Sword, Bow
Armor: Leather Jerkin
My Character Idea:
I come out of Rivendell bring news of the fellowship. Becuase i am Moriquendi the normal elves often discriminate against me viewing me as evil, or unclean. Since my forefather never went to Valinor with the others or lived under Thingol.
"Why does a Moriquendi ride to Lothlorien." Startled i turned to see a patrol that had caught me on my way in.
"I come with news from Rivendell," I said strongly and unafriad, "Elrond send his greetings. But of haste there is need for I bring great news of Ring."
"How can we trust what this Moriquendi says," said another of the elves. The patrol leader turned to him and made a gesture to indicate that he sould remain silent.
"Yes how can we trust you," said the leader.
"I bring a letter from Elrond," I said brandishing the letter. The patrol leader took the letter and looked at it.
"Come then Moriquendi the Lady of the Wood will want to meet you."
02-19-2003, 09:26 AM
ic: I rode hard to get to Lorien whithin a few days. I arrived and was led to a guest house until my brother could be found.
02-20-2003, 08:59 AM
ooc: you can join hornblower
We entered the hall.The guards did not move,recognising me and let us pass.Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn stood there,with no sign of age upon their faces,as if knowing we were coming."Mae govannan,Ithilwin,Sicirus"the lady Galadriel greeted us"'Tis long since thou last came to the Golden Realm". "'Tis long indeed"I replied,yet not saying the reason of my coming here,for she had already knew"Sicirus has come from Mordor and wishes to speak to thee" I continued
02-20-2003, 07:16 PM
icc: Halirar enterd the room.
"Serinial, I am glad you came."
I ignored him and asked, "Well?"
He started to speak when another elf entered and whispered something to him.
"I'm sorry my dear sister I must go. Lady Galadriel is meeting with guests and I should relieve my friend of gaurd. We will meet up later"
I nodded but as soon as he left I slipped out . . .
02-20-2003, 08:58 PM
ooc: You can always sneak into council with us as I tell of the news of war and the ring to Galadriel.
ic: I told Galadriel what was happening and all the preperations happening in Mordor.
"They are preparing to take over all the free lands of the humans in Rohan and Gondor. Alot of the women and children of Gondor in the white City have gone to camps far from the borodr of Mordor. But they are still endagered."
"They want the ring. The one ring which has not been destroyed but lost and rumared to be in the West."
02-20-2003, 09:39 PM
I decided to follow Halirar. To my suprise he headed, not to the gaurd post but to a room where a few elves were gathered.
As I walked in I heard, ". . they want the ring. The one ring which has not been destroyed but lost and is rumored to be in the west."
I stepped back quickly, my heart beating. A ring? The one Ring? What could this mean. I quieted my breathing and listened for more.
02-22-2003, 12:22 PM
I stood beside Sicirus,listening her conversation with Galadriel silently.So,it has started.The Dark Lord sensed where the One Ring was.Someone had found it.At length Galadriel spoke: "Whispers come and bring ill news.Sauron is close finding who has the Ring.Yet,he will not attack until he gains full power and until he knows where the Ring is.And then he will wait for it to come to him,for he knows that the Ring seeks to go back to the Dark Land and the hands of its master"
02-22-2003, 12:52 PM
ic: Galadriel's words made me wonder. Who had the ring? What could they do with it. I had heard tales of the battle long ago in which Isildur took the Ring of Power. I had thought I had come only for my brother but instead had found out something more interesting . .
02-23-2003, 09:32 PM
ic: There has only been one news I have heard and it was from the son of Denethor Boromir. He has said to have had a dream and in this dream he heard a voice chanting ;
seek for the Sword that was broken:in Ilmadris it dwells: There shall be counsels taken Stronger than Morgul-spells. There shall be shown a token that doom is near at hand, For Isildure's bane shall waken, And the halfling forth shall stand.
He has gone to Ilmadris to seek the answer to his riddle.
02-25-2003, 08:26 AM
ooc: just to keep correct in timelines and things,the Fellowship and the facts concidering it took place 550 years after this rp's timeline:)
02-25-2003, 10:02 PM
ooc: oops sorry:o
I can't delet that post because the computar hates me but lets try to ignore it. So the ring would be with Gollum right now.
02-26-2003, 03:07 PM
ooc: ok,you're forgiven:p
02-26-2003, 06:12 PM
am i okay or should I change . . cause my computer LOVES me so i can change it.:D
02-27-2003, 02:13 PM
you're ok Aralyn
02-27-2003, 09:33 PM
ic: I explained to Galadriel about the rings presence.
"It still is missing but cannot be located even by the eye of Sauron." I said standing up.
"For now we must not believe the worst for it is yet to come. For now you must rest and be of joy in the lands of Lorien. For the ring is lost and cannot be found even by the sharpest eyes of the elves. For now we must only hope that Sauron should not find the ring or we shall all be in great peril." Answered Galadreil.
"I am tired. I wish to take leave for rest." I said sitting back down and holding my head.(Ok elves don't get tired that easily but I mean tired as in tired of the news of evil and Mordor)
I left the room and went off to a place near the great trunk and curled up on my bed to rest.
02-27-2003, 10:13 PM
ooc: ~NOTICE~ My dad is turning off the computer for two months so we can concentrate on "more important things" So I can't finish this with you guys. I'm just gonna have my character leave and go back to Rohan.
ic: I had heard enough. I crept back to the guest house and scripted a letter to Halirar
Halirar, I must return quickly to Rohan. My heart is troubled and I want to be with Deore. I will return when I may. Your sister, Serinial*
Of course I did not intend to return. I had decided. I was of elf an man but I would embrace men first. I saddled my horse and rode swiftly to Rohan.
ooc: Bye you guys. Thanx and sorry I had to quit on ya. Be back to the moot soon though.
*Dear Halirar, My heart is troubled and I feel i need to return to Deore. I will return when i may. Your sister Serinial
02-28-2003, 11:02 AM
ooc: Aw we will miss that character alot.:(
02-28-2003, 03:08 PM
ooc: namarie Aralyn:(
ic: Hearing Galadriel's words my heart eased,for the Ring now was not in peril.With a nod I left the hall and headed to my room.Sicirus had left also,seeking for rest.When I reached my room I laid my bow and quiver on the bed,for no longer did I need them now.Beside them rested also my sheath containing the two daggers.I changed then my weather-stained travelling clothes and wore a long white dress.I left my room after a few minutes and walked out of my grandparents' dwelling.To the stables I headed and stayed with Narcalen for a while.He pawed the ground and neighed softly seeing me and was glad.I smiled and stroke his shining black mane and tendered him.When my time there was over,I left the stables and walked under the trees of Caras Galadhon.
02-28-2003, 07:35 PM
ooc:IS thisend of the rpg??? It seems as though everyone is leaving now.:(
03-01-2003, 10:54 AM
ooc: no this is not the end of the rp.If we get lucky,other people may join
03-01-2003, 01:03 PM
ooc: Should I follow you then????
03-01-2003, 02:09 PM
ooc: you can stay in the rp,if you want:)
03-03-2003, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by Ithilwin
ooc: you can stay in the rp,if you want:)
I was never planning on leaving. This is going to be fun since it has no real plot to follow.:D
03-04-2003, 08:37 AM
:cool: yep
03-06-2003, 07:02 AM
ooc: Ok here goes then.
ic: I woke up after several hourse of rest and stretched out my limbs. I was cleaned now and ready to go down and brush my horse and see Swift Paws my wolf who didnot wish to leave the horses side. The wolf came bounding into my room and put his ears up at a person walking out of Lorien on a horse. I gasped and ran down to the stables to grab my horse and my backpack and ran off to catch up to the elf.
I cvaught up to her and looked at her with surprise.
"You were going to leave me?' I asked and laughed.
03-06-2003, 08:48 AM
I turned suddenly to see Sicirus hurrying towards me.I stopped and waited.Looking at the expression on her face I smiled "Nay,I was not intending to leave you,Sicirus.I was mere taking a walk"I said and turned to see back at the city as I heard horsehooves.Narcalen had left the stable,for I had not shut the door.He neighed and stopped next to me.I looked at him,as if scolding him for his behaviour for a second,but my glance softened a moment later and I stroke him gently laughing.
03-06-2003, 09:05 PM
ic: We galloped down the shady paths and talked about the misssing ring and were it could be.
"maybe in a whales mouth." I joked laughing out loud.
"I am to stay here for only a month then I must return to my post. But for now i worry of nothing but the next meal."I continued laughing merrily.
The birds chanted their songs and s stream sang merrily near by. I stopped and looked at the water and decided to remove my shoes and hop in. My feet felt healed at once and I started to search for passing fish and water animals.
"Come in." I begged the elf on the shore.
03-07-2003, 03:53 PM
"Then may you stay here be pleasant" I replied,hearing Sicirus' words.After a moment she walked into the stream.I smiled,yet I was contented by sitting to the edge of the stream and refused her pleading kindly "Tempting is thy pleading,yet I prefer sitting here for the time being".Thus I stayed out of the water,yet I let my hand fall gently in it and the cold water cool it and watched the stream trickling quietly southwards.Narcalen stood beside me and lowered his head,in search of grass and water.
03-09-2003, 03:05 PM
ic: "Now that we are in this land of peace what are you going to do? I mean why did you come here?"
I watched as the elf sat on the shore swaying her hand in the water smilling. The water chanted a tune that could not be mimicked by any other creature. I tried to hum a tune but was splashed in the face by an exited and hot horse.
03-10-2003, 12:38 PM
I turned my glance to Sicirus "Lorien is the homeland of my mother's kin.I come here when I may,for I know I can find solitude and relax from everyday's trouble.This brings me back now" I replied and withdrew my hand from the water
03-12-2003, 07:05 AM
"I have no homeland." I sighd and breathed inn heavely.
"My father abondond me and my mother died long ago. I was taken innby Elrond but i wanted to help him in return by becoming a spy to our side in Mordor."
03-13-2003, 08:25 AM
I said nothing to Sicirus,hearing the ill news of her family,only bowed my head for a brief second,that feeling I knew.She was taken care of by Elrond after,as she said and this caused my interest. "You were taken in by lord Elrond,you said.Thus,how come we have not met ere now,for lord Elrond is my father"
03-13-2003, 10:10 PM
ic: I never stayed long in one place. I always moved around exploring what I could of ME. I have seen you but only once and that was at dinner. Elrond decided not to ask of me but only in privet. It is nice though to beable to meet you.
I need help at my job. Living in Mordor with only the company of a horse and a lazy wolf. (Swift Paws gave me a look of murdur.)
"No offence friend." I reasurred him.
03-14-2003, 08:19 AM
ooc: Stitch!'s so cute!
ic: I smiled at the wolf's look "I see...Your work must be quite hazardous..."I paused for a pretty long time,as if not wanting to go on,and then started singing softly "Laurie lantar lassi surinen,yeni unotime ve vamar aldaron!Yeni ve linte yuldar avanier mi oromardi lisse-miruvoreva Andune pella, Vardo tellumar..."Narcalen neighed lightly and stood still beside the wolf,uneery by its presence.A soft wind started blowing from the West and carried my voice above the treetops,into the darkening East.
03-16-2003, 09:44 PM
ic: I have to go back to work in about two weeks for war is still on the breenk ever since the rings knoledge of presence.
Your voice is nice." I complemented. I am going to spend aome time in moots with the other elves and humans during these weeks though.
03-18-2003, 08:45 AM
I stopped my singing and smiled at Sicirus "Hannon le" I remained silent for a second and nodded at her words.The sun was slowly sinking behind the mountains of the West.I stood up and cast the dust off my dress. "We should go back to the city.It's almost evening" Narcalen also stood up,ready to follow me.I looked around for on last time and then slowly took the way back to Caras Galadhon.
03-18-2003, 06:49 PM
Hey, um, can I join? If I can, I've never been in an RPG before, so you're going to have to explain some things to me......:D :D
03-20-2003, 09:01 AM
sure.This ( can solve your questions
03-21-2003, 07:01 AM
ooc: yes please do join we beg you. Posting between two people is rather difficult but still fun. :D
Especially when you are doing it with my skillful elven friend Ilthilwin:D
ic: Night came opone the land and we decided to return to the comforts of Caras Galadhon. Swift paws followed yself and my horse back to our room and I sat down getting ready for another rest. I waved goodbye to Ithilwin who headed off to her bed as well.
Before I could get rest a bang woke me up and I saw red flames bursting all around up flying through the air. I grabbed my bow and rushed outside to find other soldiers on the case as well. Orcs were at the bottom of the tree shooting arrows of flames at the platform hoping to kill an elf or burn their homw. I started to shoot them with my bow with a quick flash. I moved my head to avoid getting hit by flying flame arrows and stringed my bow with fury.
03-21-2003, 08:04 AM
ooc: gosh,thanks Sicirus:o
ic: Rest I couldn't find that night,as if something bothered me,though not what it was I knew.Suddenly,brightness came from outside.A very bright red colour,so full of life;fire!I ran out of my room,grasping my bow.Such was my haste,that I almost fell down the stairway.My dress flowed behind me,but I cared less.Orcs were outside,many of them,firing flamed arrows at houses and elves.Many elves ran into the forest,seeking better protection.The archers and skilled in war elves of Lothlorien stood to confront the raging orcs.I then stood among them.Sicirus was already there,defending the land.' did were they able to pass our borders?Why did they come here?' I thought,as an orc came rushing towards me.I dodged him and fired an arrow to his direction.He fell dead and soon later four others had the same ending
03-25-2003, 07:03 AM
My sword had to be used for some of the orcs had figured their way up the trees. I took out my glittering black sword out and found it to be weighd down by my fathers anger and might. It played its song cutting easily through the thick flesh of the evil creatures. The sword became covered in blood and the back became a dull back from orcs dull blood.
My arm and wrist worked hard and guided the sword to its destuny with a bit of difficutly but with skill. My friend Ithilwin had gotten up and was also swinging her sword at the hideous creatures but with more anger since she had been woken up.
The orcs cried out with retreat and deffete and left. WE had destroyed the retreating orcs and I was given the clue that my holiday had to be cut short and I should return at once.
03-25-2003, 09:34 AM
The battle did not last for long,for the orcs were not many of number and were easily wiped off.Many of them were killed and those who could ran off.We had won the battle.I sighed and put my knives back to their sheath,after cleaning them of the orcs' foul blood.The stars began to fade,soft colours painted the sky and the dawn was drawing nigh.The elves had already started to move away the dead and I walked from the battlefield,seeking for water to clean myself.
03-25-2003, 10:58 AM
ooc:oh yes can i join this rpg please, the time line is great we can some how be involved with the battle of the field of celebrant with eorl the young?
heres my character:Nerindél a female halfelven ranger/warrior
currently lives in lothlórien, her fathers home land.
description: tall as most elves of lothlórien but with human features ears aren't as pointed hair is a rich firey red and eyes are sea blue.
weapons: twin silver daggers, crossbow and runed long sword
she also wears an amber pendant given to her by her father.
I will not tell you what this does i'll supprise you :)
ic: The battle won Nerindel stands her heart still beating from the thrill of the battle (a truly human feeling but one that fulls her hatred of orcs more). she wipes her sword on her cloak and sheaths it but as she looks up she see's Celebr*an's daughter she smiles ( she looks so much like her mother) then sadness takes her, all af Lothlórien has been saddned at the passing of Celebr*an but it must be worse for that one if she is here?
03-25-2003, 02:38 PM
Sure you can join!We need more ppl.Don't you think that battle is a bit far away?I mean it's 35 years ahead of this timeline...we can't just run this rp 35 years ahead...too fast:).We can think of something else...
03-25-2003, 03:05 PM
Are you sure your thinking of the right battle the victory of the field of Celebrant and the settleing of the rohirrim in Calenardhon was in the year 2510 of the TA, the battle in the Wold in which Eorl falls was 35 years later:confused:
but any how not a problem Thanks :)
03-25-2003, 07:17 PM
Sorry for being so late to join! i got sick:D
Here's my character:
Sulfea was raised by the Laiquendi Elves, who took her in because of her strange golden eyes. She has no bow/arrows, but instead has twin daggers like Nerindel. She has a friend hawk, and can run nearly as fast as he flies. They share a strange bond and her eyesight and hearing are enhanced by this.
03-27-2003, 08:31 AM
ooc: oops,you're right.I got confused.Yea,we can be in the battle of Celebrant.
03-30-2003, 02:30 PM
A stream ran some way near me.I halted there and washed my hands in the cool water.Then standing up,I glanced back,at the smoke rising from the fires the orcs had started.Yet the damage was not great and could easily be fixed.I stood by the running stream,holding my bow,looking at the city for minutes,lost in thought.
03-30-2003, 05:45 PM
ic: As Ithilwin moves out off sight Nerindel heads of to find Lord Celeborn she finds him in the council chambers giving out various orders to double the scouting partys and repair the damage done.
as she enters the Lady Galadriel spots her first, Nerindel is sure she knew she was there even before she entered " Vedui' " she smiles Nerindel bows her head "Vedui' my Lady", Celeborn raises his head and looks over "Nae saian laumme' " (it has been to long) "Aaye lord Celeborn", Galadriel turns to Celeborn "they have had much trouble with orcs and easterlings gathering in mass on the western borders", Nerindel looks back to Galadriel amazed, even after living here for as long as she has it still amazes her the ladys ability to read the thoughts of others! Celeborn looks at Nerindel and shakes his head "I fear the men of Eorl the young are in for troubled times" at this Nerindel looks up hopefully, "but the troubles of men are not our concern" Nerindel sighs and looks away in her mind she hears the words of the lady Galadriel "you have choosen the elven life but I know you have a love of men and their ways but this is their battle not ours and if we kill orcs that stray into our lands that may help them yet." as Nerindel looks up Celeborn informs her that he has sent two new scouting parties out to patrol the west borders " I have a new task for you, I wish you to gaurd Lady Ithilwin should she wish to wander far, with orcs breaching the borders I fear it may be unsafe for her to be on her own." "yes my lord, Quel lome" bowing Nerindel leaves to wash, change and eat before attending her new duty.
ooc: hope this is ok and sorry if it's to long.
03-30-2003, 07:46 PM
I went to a stream near where I lived to get some water, and find out what all the commotion was about. Carefully I chose a hiding place and looked at the ruins of the town. Who could have done such a thing, I wondered, and instantly an answer came to me: Orcs!
I turned around and found an Elf washing her hands at the stream. Unsure as to who she was, I decided to leave before she could notice me.
ooc: I forgot to mention that my character is shy of people that she doesn't know.
03-31-2003, 07:04 AM
ooc: I will start my travels today but later on. I coulden't finish checking my mail yestereve or the eve before. My character is going to return to Mordor. (maybe) and hopes that another character will join her.:D
04-01-2003, 11:57 AM
As I looked to the city a shadow passed my face and I remembered.”Narcalen!” I cried and ran to the stables.Fortunately there was no damage done and the horses were fine.I went to Narcalen,he was pacing in his space and looked anxious.I sighed and spoke calm words to him and managed to calm him.I led him out of the stables and sat with him by a fair fountain near the dwelling of Galadriel and Celeborn.
04-04-2003, 02:58 PM
ooc: going to Mordor?wow,sounds good
04-04-2003, 10:04 PM
ooc: er... are you going to come with me????????:confused:
ic: I packed my stuff up in my sack and reminded a sleeping fury lump that we were to leave in the break of the dawn. The lump only snorted then snored again.
I giggled despite myself.
I wanted to hesitate just incase my friend may change her mind and come with me but so far that seemed to be only a dream in a field of fire rosses. The fire smoking up the fact that I was to be with someone.
I lied down in my bed and slept for the remainder(sp) of the night.
04-06-2003, 08:16 AM
ooc: I guess so.yea
04-06-2003, 06:25 PM
Nerindel watches out her window below she see's a half-elven female and a wolf, packed and asleep, she also see's Ithilwin packing her horse.
Nerindel: so she's leaving, hmm she has packed heavy it must be a long journey.
she watches Ithilwin return to her room, then go's down to the stables to have her own horse prepared.
Nerindel: hiya Losm*r we've got another job, you up for it!
Losm*r nudges Nerindel playfully then whinnies gently. Nerindel strokes her long mane and whispers good girl.
Nerindel returns to her room, she changes once more into her more comfortable brown pants and green jerkin. She belts on her sword, slips her daggers into their conceled sheaths, throws on her cloak and her already prepared pack, grabs her crossbow and quarrels and runs back to the stable. She is relieved to see that Ithilwins horse is still there. She quickly climbs up the tree behind the stable and settles down for the night.
04-07-2003, 05:25 PM
Suddenly, the Elf I had been watching leapt up and ran to the city, as if she had just remebered something. I wondered who she was. Then I wondered why I was wondering. Out of curiosity, I decided to go into the city and see what was happening.
ooc: I could go with you if y'wanted.
04-08-2003, 07:44 AM
I left Narcalen alone for a while,and went to my room.I changed my white dress to the usual clothes I wore when I travelled and looked for my daggers;they were laying unsheathed on the bed.I looked at them for a moment and sheathed them,after twirling them a little.I grabbed the sheath and made my way out.Narcalen was waiting patiently by the fountain.I laid the sheath next to my bow and quiver,which sat on the stairs and ran my hand through Narcalen's jet black mane."We will be leaving soon,I think"I told him,remembering Sicirus' words;she said she should return to the Land of Shadow soon,and I thought of going with her.I sat on the stairs once more and looked around the fair realm of Lorien,thinking that I should inform my grandparents before leaving,though they would not try to hinder me,for they knew my skills and often had I travelled in Middle-earth.
04-08-2003, 07:56 PM
ic: I woke up as the sun rose over the horizen. I took a guess that it was at least half morning(6;00) and I rose up and nidged the sleeping fur ball who opend two golden eyes in a half lided conciousness. The wolf got up and yawned showing a wide mouth of white rows of sharp teeth. (*my horses new name is peg because I keep forgetting the real name) Peg neighed at my appearence and I gaveher water and a feed bag.
I tied up my baggage and let the horse finish her meal along with the still half asleep wolf. When they had finally finished I led them both twoards the trail leading away from this wonderful land. "What a horrible trail to go on" I said to myself. I waved goodbye to the city not expecting anyone to notice or care. But I recieved some waves back with friendly words. I smilled and left the comforts and went off to danger. Noticing only an elf hidden in the shadows who disappeared when I glanced over at him/her.
04-09-2003, 06:37 AM
Nerindel looked out at the dawn then she heard noise below, she cautiously slipped down from her tree and keeping to the shadows had a look to see what the noise was. It was the half elf she was packed and ready to leave, saying her farewells to the city. Nerindel quickly looked around Ithilwin was no where to be seen and neither was her horse, so she slipped into the stables to make sure her horse was feed and watered and ready to leave. The stable hand was there waiting for her with a note from the lady Galadriel it read:Nerindel,
The Lady Ithilwin Intends to go
to Mordor with Sicirus, Sicirus has
been Lord Elronds spy in mordor
for the past 50 years and we
believe that Lady Ithilwin wishes to
aid her in that task. We ask that
you only make sure that they reach
Their destination unhindered.
Becareful and Farewell
Nerindel thinks to herself: So that's Elronds adopted daughter.
she decides to follow Sicirus at a distance. She assumes Ithilwin will join Sicirus before long. So she mounts Losm*r and heads out at a Descrete distance.
04-09-2003, 06:18 PM
One of the Elves in the city arose and left. Shortly afterwards, another Elf followed the first. Again I wondered who they were and what they were doing. And again I decided to follow. I called to my hawk and we left, trailing the two Elves.
ooc: Wait, did you notice Sulfea or Nerindel, Sicirus?:confused:
04-10-2003, 07:57 AM
ooc:Nerindel to who are you reffering when you say adopted daughter of Elrond?
ic: I left again and went to my grandparents' dwelling and informed the lady Galadriel and lord Celeborn I was leaving.They said nothing,just nodded and bid me farewell.Stepping out,I saw Sicirus leaving,steadied my bow and two sheaths to my back and leading Narcalen,I ran to reach her.She had not noticed me until a few moments later.Reaching her,I asked if I could join her,if she wished for a companion to her journey.
04-13-2003, 06:31 PM
ooc: Sicirus, did you notice my question?:p
04-13-2003, 06:54 PM
ooc: Ithilwin I was reffering to Sicirus
04-14-2003, 01:43 PM
ooc: Sicirus, did you notice my question?
I have just returned to this rpg. I don't think our characters have really come incounter with each other yet. Thugh you have been watching mycharacter? I think. I really can't tell.
ic: I walked slowely up the smooth dirt trail and after a few seconds was caught by Ithilwin.
"Yes, I do wish for you to come with me." I replied to her question at once. Yet in the shadows a figure doged out of sight quickly.
I wondered at a pair of eyes watching me. A hawk flew into the sky and landed near the shadowy someone who took up the large bird on his or her arm. I thohght I had caught two golden gleams of eyes and another on the bird.
I pointed this out to Ithilwin who claimed to see nothing. When I looked back the shadow was gone.
04-14-2003, 05:21 PM
ic: Apparently one of the Elves saw me, for she pointed me out to a friend who had joined her. The other Elf claimed to have seen no one. My hawk alighted on my arm. I mentally thanked him for his good spying, and watched as the three Elves continued on their journey.
ooc: When do you think I should join you?
04-14-2003, 06:06 PM
ic: Nerindel watched Ithilwin ride up to Sicirus, she noticed Sicirus pointing at the shadows, but she saw nothing.
She took one last glance back, for in her heart she felt that she would not see this fair city again for some time.
she rode on, not being too careful about staying hidden as many elves used this path out of lórien. And also it would be easier to aid them if she was invited to join them along the road.
04-15-2003, 07:39 AM
So it was that I joined Sicirus to her journey.She turned back suddenly,saying she had seen something.At her words I turned to look back too,but nothing was there;I assumed that whatever was there left,before I could spot it.A few moments later a hawk appeared and landed somewhere in the shadows,where Sicirus claimed she had seen something.As I turned to face the trail again,I was sure something lurked in those shadows;the hawk had proven it.We were about to continue our road when I heard fluttering,coming from above us.I turned my glance upwards and saw Gwairim,my brother's hawk.I smiled and outstretched my right arm for him to alight on,for I held Narcalen's reins with the left.He alighted on my wrist,but looked at the shadows;he had seen the other hawk.I stroke him gently for a brief second and steadied my bow and quiver to my back and we continued on.
04-15-2003, 05:01 PM
ic: Another hawk appeared in the air. My hawk noticed it, and it noticed mine. Before I could stop him, he leaped up into the air and screeched at the other hawk, and flew towards him in challenge.
04-17-2003, 07:30 AM
ooc: I'm going on a school trip abroad tomorrow and I'll be back next Saturday.Can we pause this rp until I get back
ic: The hawk noticed Gwairim.He screeched and flew towards him.Narcalen stopped and looked up,neighing once at the hawk's sound.Gwairim did not seem to care;he settled on my wrist and gave a strange glance at the hawk.I looked up as soon as I heard the hawk's screech,yet it stopped its diving when he saw that Gwairim was not alone,and flew back to its master.
04-17-2003, 01:08 PM
ic: A hawk appeared from were the shadow had been and I noticed at once that the bird was after another nird who hadbeen my companions bird (oocTooooo many birds) But Gwairin ignored the other hawks challenge and it returned to the shadows.
"I wonder whose bird that is?" I said to Ithilwin who merrily shurgged.
We stared off towards Gondor were we would meet up with the king who was to tell me any recent news. Then I ws to dress in my old faded black clothing and figure out some dark elf clothing for Ithilwin. My faded cloack had been powdered with dirt and I was to mask myself with such dirt to cover up my recent holiday.
I told Ithilwin of this but she still searched for the shadow saying she had a feeling it was following us.
04-17-2003, 01:57 PM
Nerindel wasn't far behind the pair now, she saw something, no someone moving in the shadows, she decided it was time to catch up to the pair and introduce herself.
she had a friend in gondor, she could pretend to be visiting.
04-19-2003, 11:10 AM
ooc: When do you think I should join you??
ic: Silently I calmed my hawk and asked why he had flown at the other hawk. He didn't reply, but instead said, They sense you, Sulfea. You should leave before they discover you.
I replied, No, I can't leave yet! I must find out who they are!
He fluffed his feathers and replied, As you wish, Sulfea. But do it soon.
04-26-2003, 08:28 AM
ooc: you can join anytime you like
ic:I looked back at the shadows;I couldn't drive away the feeling that someone was watching us.I stroke my horse's mane and decided that we should go on.The one that was hidden was free to reveal himself/herself at any time;I decided not to give much heed to it.
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-28-2003, 09:33 PM
A lone warrior rode over the deserted field. He is rather puzzled, because this is where he was instructed to meet his captian. All the message said was to be at the field to discuss important matters. Suddenly, a faint moan rises from somewhere in the distance. The warrior quickly rides to where he heard the sound. He sees a bloody and wounded body laying in the grass. That person was his captian! "Captian, what happened?" the warrior cried.
"Gulio, you're late. And that's good, for once. A band of orcs too numerous to count came at me. It surpirsed me."
"Here, I will get you onto my horse and get help."
ooc:Hey can I join? If u don't want me to just let me know and I'll stop ok?
04-29-2003, 06:12 AM
ic:Nerindel finally caught up to the pair and introduced her self,
"vedui', My name is Nerindel Nimsûl from Lothlórien, I'm travelling to Gondor to visit friends"
she smiled at the pair them continued,
"do you mind if I join you, the road is long and I would enjoy some company"
And without waiting for them to answer she asked: "so what brings you out on this fair morning?"
04-29-2003, 09:19 AM
ooc: yea,you can join
ic:I was ready to turn around when I heard footsteps behind us and as soon as I did I saw an elf before me.Sicirus also turned and the elf introduced herself.She said she was Nerindel Nimsul from Lorien;I believed her,for as Lorien was my second home,I knew the elves that dwelt there.She what brought us out on this fair morning. I did not introduce myself,assuming she would know me,yet I did not answer her second question "You may join us,but better ask Sicirus,for I follow her also" I said gesturing at Sicirus,who introduced herself.I waited for Sicirus to answer both of Nerindel's questions,for it would be better if she was the one to do so;perhaps we shouldn't say where we were heading to.Gwaimir ruffled his feathers and gave a strange look at Nerindel,but he approved her to join us in his own way.
04-29-2003, 05:16 PM
ooc: Welcome Gulio!
ic: Another Elf joined the ones already gathered there. I assumed that this would be a good time to introduce myself, as my hawk was getting rather restless. So I stepped out from the protection of the shadows, and greeted them.
"Elen sila lummen omentielvo, mellyn," I said, and waited for them to reply in turn.
A familiar sensation tickled the back of my mind, and my hawk told me he had spotted a lone warrior in a deserted field.
I thought back: Nothing of importance, then?
Nothing, he agreed.
04-30-2003, 09:04 PM
ooc: Have hoad loads of homework the past week so had no time for moot(oh what a horrible thing to type)\
ic: An elf stepped from the shadows that had puzzled my companion and myself.
She greeted her self as Nerindel Nimsûl from Lothlórien. She wanted to join us.
JUst to Gondor. I thought to myself not to Mordor.
"It would be quite nice to have more companions" I said to the elf who gave me a look of curiosity.
I decided not to tell her of Ithilwin and myself's journey. Or not untill we had a full knoledge of her and trust. Another shadow elf came out and I rubbed my eyes to make sure that these shadows were all shadows or not.
The elf greeted us with a friendly gesture. A hawk was perched on her shoulder and it seemed to be looking at something else in the distance but decided to ignore what vere it was.
(I don;t know quenya sorry)
We greeted the new comer with equa; welcoming tones. I wanted to get on the road soon for we had to get to Gondor. And soon.
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-30-2003, 09:14 PM
Gulio hoisted his captian onto his horse, preparing to take him to the Houses of Healing.
"No, Gulio. It's my time. Leave me," the captain said weakly.
''I can get you to Gondor in time. Just hold on!"
But Gulio knew it was too late. He laid the captain down, and watched as his beloved captain breathed his last.
"Your death will not have been in vain, dear captain." Gulio vowed to avenge the death of his captain and best friend. He set off in a blind rage to destroy every orc he could find.
05-01-2003, 12:15 PM
Another elf stepped out from the shadows.A hawk was sitting on her arm;it was the hawk that screeched at Gwaimir.He didn't give any sign of agressive additude this time;after all,Gwaimir seemed to ignore him.The elf greeted us. "Mae govannen.I am Ithilwin,daughter of Elrond and they are Sicirus and Nerindel Nimsul from Lorien" I replied,gesturing to the other two. "Who may you be and whence do you come from?" I asked her.
05-01-2003, 05:04 PM
"I am Sulfea, of the Laiquendi Elves, and I have been following you for many days. From where do you come and to where are you going?" I asked.
My hawk ruffled his feathers and said, Finally we can get out of here.
Not quite yet, I replied.
If I didn't know better, he grumbled, I would think that you intend to stay with these people!
05-03-2003, 05:14 AM
Laiquendi elves? I thought. She comes from Ossiriand of old..."Rivendell is my homeland" I answered and tried to ignore her second question;we couldn't tell her where we were going,and if she joined us,we should tell her after we had gained her full trust.I tried to change the subject "Why were you following us?"Gwaimir blinked his eyes and stared at Sulfea at my question.
05-03-2003, 10:01 PM
ic: We seem to have a very eager company now. Why do so many want to go to Gondor?
We must reach the city sooon so my friend if you can explaion your path of choice then we can continue. THe king askes of my service as soon as I can.
05-04-2003, 10:45 AM
((hey got room for another??????? just tell me what's going on.....))
05-04-2003, 02:57 PM
ooc: of course we have room for another. We met in Lorien,Sicirus and I are going to Mordor(right?) and Nerindel and Sulfea joined us,not knowing were we are really heading though;that's pretty much it
05-04-2003, 03:01 PM
ooc: Hello Lalaith_Elf! As you may have noticed, this RPG doesn't have a plot and it's set in the time of the Silmarillion. Currently we're all headed to Gondor. There's always room for more people!
ic: The elf who called herself daughter of Elrond asked why I was following them. I paused, feeling more and more uncomfortable in the bright sun. Finally I decided to say, "I wanted to discover who you were." And without waiting for an anwswer, I sank back into the shadows.
05-04-2003, 03:56 PM
((k........ just let me know if i post anything out of place and i'll change it))
Lalaith sat on a small rock watching a small party of people approach her. She frowned not many passed this way, she wondered why they would now. She shook her head, reminding herself to keep to her task.
Gulio, Strength of Many
05-04-2003, 05:58 PM
Gulio was charging through the forest when he happened upon a large band of orcs. "YAHAAAAAAA!!!" he yells. He quickly kills them all, still thirsty for more.
05-04-2003, 07:13 PM
Hey can I join?
Name: Aewionen
Gender: female
Hair: redish brown
Clothing: a beautiful green and blue cloak that covers her light blue dress
Weapons: Sword and hidden daggers.
lives: Gondor
If i can join just tell me where I could come in the story.:D
05-05-2003, 05:11 PM
ooc: Whoa! So many new people! Sure you can join, Aewionen, but you'll have to ask Ithilwin where you can come in 'cause I'm not sure.
05-06-2003, 08:30 AM
ooc: of course you can join Aewionen.I guess you could join us in Gondor,if you want
p.s: it's not in the time of the Sil,it's set in the Third Age,year 2510.The Silmarillion's acts were in the First Age:)
ic: I didn't reply to Sulfea,I just looked at Sicirus,as if asking when we were going to move on
ooc:I know it's a really short post,I couldn't write more;their's nothing 'exciting' happening
05-06-2003, 05:06 PM
ooc: Sorry about that, Ithilwin! Funny, I thought we were in the Sil.....
Gulio, Strength of Many
05-07-2003, 11:15 PM
Gulio was hunting orc when he saw a rather large group of people heading toward him. 'I wonder what they're doing,' he thought. He decided to find out.
ooc: I wasn't sure how to meet you guys, but will this work? I'm not sure where to go from here.
05-08-2003, 11:06 PM
Aewionen looked out the window of her small room of her house. Now, at the age of 17, she was about to be orphaned. "Unless a miracle happens upon father," she said quietly. Her father was deathly ill. A small tear started to roll down her cheek. "Is that a tear I see my darling?" Her father, Rogale, was standing beside her. "No," she said as she quickly wiped it away with her sleeve, " not at all." He smiled at her. "I am getting better, yesterday I could not even..." he started to cough. "Lie down father." she told him as he sat. "that will not save me, not now. You must remain strong." he said sadly. "I will." He smiled as he went to sleep. Aewionen looked at the sun setting as she cursed herself for crying in front of her father. "He doesn't need a weak child....a daughter," she said," he needs a son. A son couldv'e helped him out more than I" Finally, she curled up in a chair and cried herself to sleep.
ooc: i'll keep reading to see when you get to Gondor then meet you wherever you are
05-11-2003, 06:23 PM
ic: I tapped my companion on the shoulder then declared our departure.
"If you are to join us then we must be on our way. The kibng asks of me to meet him as soon as I can." At that I did not glance back but turned to leave. Yet our shaodwed friend gave a shout and found that we were facing more orcs?
I wipped out my sword and commanded everyone else to do the same for preperation. WE had to fight now.
What else is goint to delay us now?
05-12-2003, 05:05 PM
My hawk winged his way through the sky, screeching. His eyes met my own golden ones as they flashed. I understood his meaning. "Orcs!" I cried, and from the way my hawk was panicking, there were a lot of them. I drew my blades and prepared to do battle.
ooc: Sicirius, by "shadowed friend" you meant me, right? *well, bit too late now*:D
05-12-2003, 07:13 PM
"orcs" at that Nerindel automatically readied her bow, swiftly pulling an arrow from her quiver and knocking it.
As they came apon the orcs she let fly her arrow hitting the first charging orc right between the eyes, she continued letting loose her arrows until they were spent, then she throw her bow across her back and drew her sword it glimmered in the afternoon sun.
An orc came up behind her thinking to take her by suprise but she elbowed him in the face, hearing the loud crunch of its nose breaking. she kicked him out of the way as the next orc ran up, almost right into the path of her sword but at the last minute he sidestepped, but she followed though slicing through the orc's midsection. Without looking to see if the orc was dead she moved on to the next one.
During the battle she was sure she had seen a man joining the fray, he had looked wild with bloodlust.
After the battle as she was wiping the foul smelling blood from her sword. she saw the man again, the others had too and they were now walking towards him. He didn't look like one of the enemy and she had seen him killing the orcs, sure that she would no longer need her sword she sheathed it and went to join her companions, collecting any undamaged arrows she could find.
05-13-2003, 08:09 AM
Gwaimir suddenly turned back and his golden eyes flashed.At the same moment Sulfea's hawk flew high up;danger was nigh us.I fitted an arrow to my bow and didn't have to wait long;orcs attacked us.The others drew their swords.I released my arrow quicker than wind and immediately fitted another one to my bow.The horses backed away and waited.The battle didn't last for long;we were quite many and easily defeated the orcs.My arrows were almost all spent,thus I collected all the undamaged ones I could find.We cleaned ourselves and went on.Then we saw a man sheathing his sword;he had joined the fray,yet we had not heeded him and now we walked to him;he was not an enemy.
05-13-2003, 05:10 PM
As th orcs charged at us, I instantly flew into them like a whirlwind, silver bades spinning and twirling. The orcs sensed that I was strong and started to edge away from me, but I madly gave chase. My hawk flew at an orc and tore at its face.
After the battle I noticed a stranger by the side of the battle field, eyes wild with excitment. I noticed the others converging upon him and joined them.
05-15-2003, 04:30 PM
ooc: Um, shouldn't Gulio post? Or should we just go on without him?:confused:
Gulio, Strength of Many
05-15-2003, 07:42 PM
ooc: I'm still here, just not sure what to post.:)
05-18-2003, 10:27 PM
ooc: I guess you should say "Hi" or something, or introduce yourself, or....something. Why don't you decide, it's your character. :confused:
Gulio, Strength of Many
05-28-2003, 07:21 PM
ooc: sorry it took so long, my internet didn't work.
ic: Gulio glanced at all the people crowdng around him. The sight of normal people sobered him up a bit. "Hello, what are you doing out here?" he asked them. "please make it short for I have business to attend to."
05-29-2003, 06:10 AM
ooc: this post is to tell you that I have read the new posts and will post soon but right now have school and ALOT of work. So it may take awhlie. See you later friends.
Gulio, Strength of Many
06-17-2003, 11:59 PM
ooc: this thing going to go on or are we just going to drop it?
06-18-2003, 12:45 AM
ooc: I dont know. Are you guys in Gondor yet??:)
06-19-2003, 07:01 AM
ooc: here I am :) I had utterly forgotten about this rp:o .We should go on, as soon as someone posts something. And no, we haven't reached Gondor yet, but we will be there soon I guess...
06-19-2003, 02:38 PM
ooc: Oh, ok:D
06-24-2003, 12:06 PM
Hail friends of the RPG! May I join thee?
Gulio, Strength of Many
06-25-2003, 12:31 AM
Why of course! As soon as someone starts this thing up again. I would, but I'm waiting for a respone from someone if you read up higher.:D
06-25-2003, 10:24 AM
OK, thanks!
06-27-2003, 07:25 AM
Of course you can join. Now will someone post please, so we can get this thing continued? I'm not posting because I don't know what to post *rolls eyes*
06-27-2003, 03:01 PM
ooc: ok:D I will leave Gondor and meet up with you
ic: Aewionen decided that she wasn't going to sit around. She got on her horse and rode, to where, she wasn't sure. She soon saw a group surrounded by orc carcases(sp?). She stayed back not sure of what they would do if she just rode up to them.
06-27-2003, 04:00 PM
Aewionen heads through the carcasses (sp?) slowly, head down to the ground.(not literaly) Then she spots movement, she draws her sword ready to deafend, a human hand pops up from the dead bodies, she sheaths her sword and helps the person up. "You are wounded" She says. "I think I have a cut on my side"says the wounded stranger, as she draws her hand from her side, Aewionen sees the blood dripping off her hand. "Come, sit down, I shall tend you" Aeionen says as she tends to the wound. "what is your name? Where are you from?"She askes. "I am Silme, I live in Gondor."she replies.
06-29-2003, 08:04 AM
A new stranger was coming now towards our company, a woman and as I saw better, she helped another woman, who seemed wounded. It was an unusual sight, as we hadn't seen the wounded woman in the battle with the orcs. This stired my interest, though they did not look to be foes. I decided to ignore them for the time being, as my interest now turned to the man next to us. "We are heading to Gondor if you wish to know, though our business does not concern you. Who are you and what business have you in Lorien? Men haven't set foot in this elven realm for a very long time and we don't let them go beyond the Golden Forest, if that was what you intended to do." I said, staring at him, while lowering my bow.
06-29-2003, 06:52 PM
"Gondor? That is my home as well," Aewionen said while finnishing tending to the Silme's wound, " Funny, I haven't seen you there. Maybe I should get out more" Aewionen added with a smile. "Have you been gone for some time now?"
06-29-2003, 09:48 PM
Thank you for helping me. I thought I would be left there, no food, no water, left to die.
06-29-2003, 10:57 PM
"No Problem." Aewionen smiled as she helped Silme to her feet. She looked around at all the dead orcs. "Did you do this alone?" she asked.
07-02-2003, 08:38 PM
ic: I had waited long enough. My hoped on the back of my horse and signaled for the rest to follow. I had been patient for a a long time and for what I had seen so far at the strange out come of orcs arriving and fighting for reasons unknown to me I did not want to be seen by one that got away to tell Sauron of my business. I I started off going slow so the rtest of the company could follow.
What about Silm? asked Ithilwin.
"Shw can come as well, I guess." I said with a slight sigh at one more person to keep in order while we avoid un welcome eyes.
07-03-2003, 10:52 AM
"Thank you for letting me join, I have my own horse, if she lives through the battle."turning to the dead orcs, Silme gave a good loud wistle, then she turned back towards everyone and said,"As for your questain if I killed them all myself, no, I did now. I disguesed(sp?) myself as a man and went with a small company of men here, I slowly watched them die, one by one, as ocs came pouring out of all directions, I must have turned away for one minate and when I looked back at the men, they all lay dead. I turned to the battle once again, I could not win, so I tried to run, I omly killed two orcs when a surprise was hidding for me behind a boulder, he jumped out and slashed me, I fell to my knees and killed one more orc, before it hit me behind the head. Then I awoke, I tried to struggle up, but my wound was too deep, I had lost a lot of blood."Just then, they all saw a grand dapple-grey arabian horse come twards them."Ahh! Elwing, you still live." The horse winnied with aproval.
07-03-2003, 03:52 PM
Aewionen turned and looked at the horse that was now coming towards them. She smiled as she watched her own horse,
Arolia, perk up his ears and watch as well. "Where are you headed?" she asked turning back around.
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-03-2003, 05:01 PM
Gulio got tired of waiting for an answer to his question, so he walked off, looking for more orcs. He saw yet another group of people standing around and talking. "Maybe these people will talk to me," he thought. He went up to them and introduced himself.
07-03-2003, 07:42 PM
Silme: I head wherever you go.
07-04-2003, 06:49 AM
ooc: Gulio I did answer your question. Just read my last post:)
07-04-2003, 10:26 PM
OOC: Moving on...
"What are we to do now?" Asked Silme.
07-07-2003, 12:39 AM
ooc: Gulio, did you walk up to me and Silme?
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-07-2003, 01:56 AM
ooc: Oops, my bad. Sorry.:o
ic: "I was following this party of orcs, they killed my best and only friend. I was seeking revenge. It matters not to me on whose land they are on. As for going past the golden forest, there are no orcs there, I assume, so I will not be going there.
"I have stated my business, now tell me yours." Gulio said to the Elf.
07-07-2003, 09:44 AM
OOC: Mine ?
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-07-2003, 05:41 PM
ooc: No Kalile's. Sorry about the confusion.
Gar!!!! 90- Second rule must DIE!!!!
07-07-2003, 08:51 PM
OOC:Ohh, I see.
IC: Silme eyed the drwarf suspitouesly (sp?).
07-08-2003, 07:31 AM
"As I said, our party is heading to Gondor. We have business there." I told the Man, looking around at my companions for a brief second. It was time for us to continue.
07-08-2003, 09:42 AM
"Who are you?" Asked Silme. "I know your business already."
She did not trust dwarfs. Men, reluctantly, but nonetheless she trusts them more than dwarfs.
07-09-2003, 06:20 PM
I stepped away from Gulio and joined Sicirus, my hawk flying to my shoulder. I followed her horse and after a while, we stopped, waiting for the others to come.
07-09-2003, 10:16 PM
ooc: Sicirus (not sirius friend):D
ic:I rode off: going slow enough for the others to catch up and not get lost.
My horse became impatient with this act but I only patted its side.
When my friend Ithilwin caught up I set off at a more comfortable pace.
We set off with no trouble for five days and arrived in the vast fields off Rohan. I let my horse graze some and sat in the shade a a berch tree. IO took a swig of water then watched as the sun set into the horizon leaving a thin golden mist of light across the lands.
The rest of the company set down for camp and I could care less for when we slept. I could walk all night if it weren't for my horses needs of rest.
I wanted to reach Gondor within the next week. I was behind enough because of all the interuptions.
07-09-2003, 10:37 PM
Silme sat down on the cool damp grass. She watched her horse galop over the plain.
07-10-2003, 08:08 AM
ooc: who's the dwarf?:confused:
ic: We left the green paradise of Lorien and the land of my kindred and rode on to Gondor. We reached the grassy plains of Rohan after five days of untroubled riding. As we stopped and set our camp for the night, the golden shpere of the sun was already setting behind the mountains of the west, painting the sky with shades of red, orange and lavender. I let my belongings under a tree and walked away from the others, to watch the beautiful sunset. Now the sky had turned deep blue and I could hear no sound, except for the soft wind and Narcalen grazing calmfully beside me. I stood quiet, watching the night sky for a little longer and then silently walked back to the tree I had left my things. I leaned against its trunk and closed my eyes. Narcalen lay next to me; it was a tiring day for him as well. The wind and the calls of the night birds slowly lulled me into an untroubled sleep.
07-10-2003, 07:39 PM
ooc: sorry but am I in your company?:confused: I ain't that good at following along:D :D
07-10-2003, 08:49 PM
ooc: Sicirus (not sirius friend)
ooc:Sorry about that Sicirus friend! Just had HP's fifth in my mind, that's all...
07-10-2003, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by Arcala
ooc:Sorry about that Sicirus friend! Just had HP's fifth in my mind, that's all...
I could tell.:D
My friend told me once that she could tell I liked Sirius. Because of how similar the name sicirus is to thast name. But thats not why I am named that.:D
07-11-2003, 05:06 PM
Really? So then, why are you named Sicirus? *just curious*
07-11-2003, 07:18 PM
Did you know Sirius is the dog-star that the ancient Egyptians used to date their calander?
07-11-2003, 07:40 PM
Yeah. Sirius has an elvish name too, I think it's Helluin, or something like that.
07-12-2003, 01:59 PM
So be happy that you were called by the name of the most important star.
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-13-2003, 02:14 PM
Cool you're named after a star!:D
07-15-2003, 04:23 AM
Yeah, being named after a star is great. Some of them have really nice names. Now, shouldn't we get back to the rpg?
07-15-2003, 05:54 PM
Er, right. Er, where were we?
07-15-2003, 07:17 PM
OOC: If I recall, then we just left Lorien and are headed for Gondor.:D
07-16-2003, 06:36 PM
ooc: yep, sounds about right
07-17-2003, 03:13 AM
ooc: right. Oh, Aewionen I guess you are following our company, if you and Silme followed us after leaving Lorien, and since we haven't introduced to one another yet...
07-17-2003, 10:15 AM
OOC: I get ya.
The copany rode on through Lothlorien. Silme corrected her horse at a gallop to catch up to Ithilwin."Hello,"She said,"I do not think I have properly intoduced myself to you."She looked into Ithilwen's eyes as she turned her head to look at Silme."No, we have not."She replied. "I am Silme, daughter of Perheled." Said the Elf.
07-17-2003, 04:05 PM
I watched as a strange elf came up to Ithilwin and introduced herself. Too many people, I thought to myself. I sent my bird up into the air again. See if there are any more orcs, I told him.
07-17-2003, 05:24 PM
Aewionen thought this was as good a time as any and the only name she knew was Silme, so she introduced herself. "I am Aewionen of Gondor," she said riding up to Gulio, "and you?"
07-18-2003, 04:24 AM
I quickly opened my eyes and stood up, as the sound of an approaching galloping horse came to our ears. Narcalen perked his ears and got up to his feet. Sicirus and Sulfea turned their eyes to the newcoming rider as well. The rider was a female elf, the elf I had seen at the confines of the Golden Forest. She rode up to us and introduced herself to me as Silme, daughter of Perheled. It seemed strange to me that I was meeting another female ranger. Yet, I let that thought pass and smiled slightly at her. "I am Ithilwin, daughter of Elrond." I told her and let a few seconds of silence prevail before I spoke again. "What business have you in Rohan, Silme?"
07-18-2003, 10:22 AM
"I was wounded in Gondor, Aewionen gave me care."She replied.
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-19-2003, 03:33 PM
"I am Aewionen of Gondor. And you?" a young girl asked Gulio.
"Gulio, Rider of Rohan." he replied. "Are you all right then?" he asked Silme.
07-19-2003, 10:10 PM
"I am fine at this moment."She said. "Though it oft spasms."
07-20-2003, 03:26 AM
"Where are you headed?" I asked Aewionen and Silme, looking back at my companions, who were slowly approaching, clearly interested in these two.
07-20-2003, 10:10 AM
"I was hoping you'd tell me." She replied with a grin. "I am skilled with a sword. And am not afread of death." She added. (hint hint;) )
07-20-2003, 02:48 PM
"I was out taking a ride but it seems I have gotten myself into something a bit bigger," Aewionen said looking at the others, "I am skilled with sword and bow as well and am not afraid of death either. And where might you all be headed?"
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-20-2003, 04:07 PM
"Will there be orcs?" Gulio asked eagerly. "Oh yes, I am skilled blah blah and not afraid blah blah blah."
07-20-2003, 10:08 PM
OOC: Dems be fightin' words.:D
07-22-2003, 07:51 AM
"We are headed to Gondor, for we have business there." I answered.
07-22-2003, 10:39 AM
"I heared a little of that earlyer, when following you."
08-06-2003, 10:12 PM
ooc: My gosh we have a large company now. There goes secrets.
ic: I trotted ahead searching for a the grassy land that marked the end of Lorien and the beggining of Rohan (I think) I would travel untill I reached Mordor and hoped that my company consisted of elves so we could achieve that course.
The grassy lands appeared and the stream was not shadowed any more. i followed it and watched the clear sky slightly cloud up and trickles of rain washed the dry grounds.
It would take us, as elves, about a week to reach Gondor then I would have to slip away to my old spot (hell). back to my duties, and my old uncomfortable garments. I had to be an orc again. My wolf friend trotted beside me and knew our fate. He despised the jail cell to but was happy to have my company at least.
WE made our way towards the mountains and started down a trail unfermiliar to humans and mortal eyes. It was a trail that took you far beneath the river and towards a short cut through Rohan that brought you closer to Gondor but still some ways.
08-13-2003, 08:53 PM
ooc: Are we still doing this RPG?
08-15-2003, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by Arcala
ooc: Are we still doing this RPG?
I am.
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