View Full Version : Boromir's Tail
01-30-2003, 12:11 AM
This is just an idea that popped into my kind for some weeks now. Ok more of this question has been bothering me.
What if Boromir never died?
How would the whole quest change?
I want to do an rpg where we be apart of the fellowship and play as though Boromir never follows Frodo and the Fellowship move foreword before the orcs arrive tp the camp. I do not want to make this a draggy rpg and not a very compicated one as in the tail of the one ring. I just want to make this fun and creative.
I will be Frodo.
Please join this rpg and first come first choose on any character.
01-30-2003, 12:47 AM
Boromir has a tail? :eek:
01-30-2003, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by Wayfarer
Boromir has a tail? :eek:
did you read the story plot thingy.
What I mean is The tail of Boromir.
So do you want to join?????:D
I was trying to catchy attention with the title and I was being kicked off line.;)
01-31-2003, 01:18 AM
Hahahaha. No no no. Either ur really young or you have a problem with grammar i'm guessing you have a problem with grammar a TAIL is like a tail of a cat or dog a TALE is a story. Sounds like a good story line though.
01-31-2003, 03:29 PM
You meant tale and not tail right?cause tail is one thing and tale another...tale=story
01-31-2003, 07:06 PM
I think the difference between tail and tale is now obvious. :) So please stay on topic.
01-31-2003, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by Ithilwin
You meant tale and not tail right?cause tail is one thing and tale another...tale=story
Hey, she said she was trying to find a catchy title!
All right, I'll join. I'd like to be someone new, but I'm not sure who yet ... I'll get back to you as soon as I do. :)
02-01-2003, 10:55 AM
Sorry bout that mistacke but you understand what I meant so just ignore it if you can. I was in a hurry and not thinking straight. My dad was kicking me off.
02-01-2003, 11:00 AM
oh and by the way people who are much older than me,also make mistacks as I did. It has absolutly nothing to do with age.:mad:
Thankyou for explaining that earniel and Silverstripe.:)
02-02-2003, 01:48 PM
BWAHAHAHA!!! That's the greatest thing I've ever heard!! (I say that a lot, though)
Sicirus, you are brilliant. Let's write a story about Boromir's tail!! And I'm dead serious too. Here's the plot: Boromir was born with a tail, and has tried to hide it all his life. Ashamed of his abnormality, he overcompensated and became arrogant and macho. He desired the Ring because he believed it could rid him of his tail. The RPG is about Boromir not dying (the tail has magical healing qualities, luckily), and coming to grips with having a tail!! Eh?
02-02-2003, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by FrodoFriend
BWAHAHAHA!!! That's the greatest thing I've ever heard!! (I say that a lot, though)
Sicirus, you are brilliant. Let's write a story about Boromir's tail!! And I'm dead serious too. Here's the plot: Boromir was born with a tail, and has tried to hide it all his life. Ashamed of his abnormality, he overcompensated and became arrogant and macho. He desired the Ring because he believed it could rid him of his tail. The RPG is about Boromir not dying (the tail has magical healing qualities, luckily), and coming to grips with having a tail!! Eh?
hmm, could the tail and Boromir be seperate characters? If so, I would like to claim the tail. :p ;)
02-02-2003, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by FrodoFriend
BWAHAHAHA!!! That's the greatest thing I've ever heard!! (I say that a lot, though)
Sicirus, you are brilliant. Let's write a story about Boromir's tail!! And I'm dead serious too. Here's the plot: Boromir was born with a tail, and has tried to hide it all his life. Ashamed of his abnormality, he overcompensated and became arrogant and macho. He desired the Ring because he believed it could rid him of his tail. The RPG is about Boromir not dying (the tail has magical healing qualities, luckily), and coming to grips with having a tail!! Eh?
Well thats not really waht I was heading for but that could be his dirty little secret.:D
Frod:"Hey who hit me?
Everyone stairs at supposedly demented hobbit.
Boromir:*giggles* Not me." Tucks tail back in.
02-02-2003, 10:58 PM
Lol, well sorry it's just that very few ppl that are my age or older accidently spell something tail instead of tale so i pressumed making an ass out of myself again. Okay well sorry!
02-03-2003, 07:05 AM
Originally posted by elvishfaerie3088
Lol, well sorry it's just that very few ppl that are my age or older accidently spell something tail instead of tale so i pressumed making an ass out of myself again. Okay well sorry!
Its ok. One thing you must know about me, and all my frineds try to watch out for this, I get offended VERY easily and do not take it easily unless I know its a joke or your a very good friend of mine. And most mooters are very good friends. Sorry if I take it tooo seriously.:D
Ok The fellowship is still yet to be filled. We are to start the story were Boromir is supposidly suppose to die and just say they got ahead of the orcs and had time to continue on their path.
Please post now if you want to be in the rpg. :D
Togo Boffin
02-03-2003, 12:32 PM
I'll be Grima Wormtongue if you don't mind.
02-03-2003, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Togo Boffin
I'll be Grima Wormtongue if you don't mind.
Ok, you won't be in the rpg for awhile though. If it takes too long to get to the White Hall.
02-19-2003, 08:14 PM
can i be aragorn and maybe if you have extra room some one evil? mwhhhaaahhhaaaaaaaaaa! (sorry that side of me has not popped out for a while!lol
02-19-2003, 10:39 PM
Yes, you have the part. Now we need everyone else.:)
02-20-2003, 06:55 PM
thankyou sicirus i am deeply in your debt!
:D ;)
02-21-2003, 03:06 PM
I want to be Sam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02-21-2003, 03:10 PM
Ok so I am a bit happy. But I need characters to get this rpg ctarted and one the road.
So now we need a Legolas
and Gandalf
and any onter extra characters you want. Like we have a wormtoung:D
02-22-2003, 12:00 AM
Oooooo i'll be Legolas or Gandalf or even one of the hobbits! :D
02-22-2003, 01:52 AM
Is this going to be serious or not? I heard talk of a tail...:D
I defintly want to be Legolas(AKA Leg-ol-amb. Baaaah!) That ok, elvishfaerie3088??
02-22-2003, 06:43 PM
Yeah thats totaly cool with me. I'm thinking i might stick to an elf though so if someone else wants the part of Gandalf they can have it but i will take it if necessary. oh and 1 question is this based mainly on the book or the movie?
02-23-2003, 01:55 PM
OOOH I want to be Merry if this starts up. I CLAIM HIM.
ahem excuse me . .
02-23-2003, 09:10 PM
Maybe I should better express my joy on the happy thread on how happy I am to have characters.:D
This is going to be based on the book. Though for those who have only seen the movie we can fill you in.
so now we have a Legolas and a merry. Though I don't know who elvishfaerie3088 is going to be yet. So lets start the rpg off as we are in Lorien. Or sooner if someone wants Gandalf. I don't want to go through the whole tale when we basicly want Boromir to live an go on from there. But we shall see Gandlaf later on as they meet him in Rohan. Or the bordors of Fangorn.
02-24-2003, 09:00 AM
Enter Boromir! Now which of you is my tail?
Just how serious is this supposed to be? Really serious? Tongue-in-cheek? Downright silly?
Sicirus - are you going to start a new thread for the actual RPG once all the character positions are filled?
02-24-2003, 03:12 PM
Just a thought...what kind of tail does Boromir have? Like a monkey? I should think he would have a lion's tail, but that's just my opinion. And when the tail talks, is it for all to hear (like does it have a mouth?) or is just a telepathically linked with Boromir? Thus spoke...~Sam
Lord Manafirogh
02-24-2003, 05:07 PM
The Tail of Boromir was mighty in all living tails! (how man living tails are there) The tail had the malace of Boromir and in him there was no good (just evil). The tail wanted to posses the ring as the ring fitted nicely in the middle and also that way the tail of Boromir was hidded forever from all the eyes of middle earth.
(Im serious here)
The tail did alot of evil things. Some times it had the power to control Boromir. So Boromir came across as a evil character because his tail made him want the ring so bad so he can be free of it forever.
02-25-2003, 06:56 AM
I believe the persong playing the tail is going to say if he/she is going to talk or not. I think that it will speak through Boromir though so that no one will suspect the tail. Or to make it funnier the tail can speak for itself.:D
ic: I sat by the fire after the long journey on the river and sat mezmerized at the glowing crackeling flames jumping around in on the half devoured wood. Bits of ashes rose to the stars and smoke was heavy upone the air. Raragorn was worried the fire would give the enemy our location but did not want to deny our only comfort besides each other.
We had already lost Gandalf and had to leave a land of undying peace and life. And the ring still remained with us as a burden of heavy dread. I sighed and looked over to notice Aragorn pacing. Boromir was talking to Pippin and Merry was listening to the conversation. Legolas and Gimli were debating a subject only kown to their ears. And I was in a half dream trying to see the fire as my fire in Baggend but found it harder then I thought without Bilbo around.
ooc: Lets start. By the way LM state your character if you please.
Lord Manafirogh
02-25-2003, 02:58 PM
I'll be Gnadalf or if he is taken I'll be Imrahil if he comes on later.
Actually can i be 2 characters as they both come in later?
If so My second character is Faramir.
02-25-2003, 05:02 PM
In Character...~"Mr. Frodo, I dunno what's troublin' you but there sure is something suspicious about that Boromir character. Thought so all along." Sam sat down after having said this, biting his bottom lip and thinking about something or another. Like why in god's name hadn't he packed any rope!
02-25-2003, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by Lord Manafirogh
I'll be Gnadalf or if he is taken I'll be Imrahil if he comes on later.
Actually can i be 2 characters as they both come in later?
If so My second character is Faramir.
It may get confusing after awhile but take Gandalf For now and if no one else claims Faramir by the time it comes to his part you can play that character as well.:D I don't know how far we will get in the story but stick with Gandalf for now.:) Imrahil if you wish can be played by you.
ic: "Oh nothing Sam, I am just thinking about home. It seem so long since I've slept on a proper bed and eaten a proper mealfit for a hobbit. Though Boromir is probably still drunk off those blasted libas. I think there was more in those things then meets the taste(sp) I mean he has been talking to Pippin and Merry all day explaining why he was talking to that rock."
(sorry wanted this to be partly funny:D )
02-26-2003, 12:47 AM
ooc: i have an idea if it's okay with everyone that is. I'd like to play Gladriel, Haldir and one other character if thats okay? i was thinking i could play them and then Gladriel could send one of her elves with the company: ME! lol yeah, and the few days that the group stays there i could become really good friends with Legolas and thats why the lady chooses me? I'll reveal my character at that time. what does everyone think? if thats confusing i'll re-type it later but now i have to go to bed :( I wanna stay on the entmoot longer *cries* lol. okay i'm okay now.
02-26-2003, 07:49 AM
ooc: Can we decide which person we're writing in? By that I mean first person (like Sicirus) or third person (like Gamgeegurl). I'm going to write in third person for now, but if you want to change it or something, Sicirus, just say so!
About the tail: I found the idea of Boromir having a squirrel's or horse's tail particularly amusing. But I say we let whoever plays the tail decide.
************************************************** *
Boromir had never met a Halfling before he went on his quest to find the meaning of the riddle in his dream, and now that he knew several, he decided there were Halflings and Halflings, so to speak. Pippin and Merry were laughing fellows who reminded him of younger brothers (not his younger brother, since Faramir wasn't much like a Halfling in any way, but just younger brothers in general), always ready to joke with him. Sam and Frodo were not so drawn to him, although he would dearly liked to have made a better acquaintance with the Ringbearer.
He glanced over at the two less outgoing Hobbits. They were whispering together with serious faces, and he had the feeling that their conversation had something to do with him. Probably not a very favourable something either. He had unfortunately rather lost control of the . . . thing . . . earlier on, and acted a bit strangely. Hopefully everyone would merely think he had drunk too much or that the lembas (ooc: I assume that by 'libas' you mean 'lembas'?) of the Elves had gone to his head.
For Boromir had a secret, a dark secret that none but he, his father, and his brother knew. It was a terrible secret, shameful, humiliating, and very, very wriggly. He was painfully aware of it; in fact, he was sitting upon it at that very moment. At least it was silent now. There were times when it spoke . . . he shuddered. Those were the worst times.
Suddenly he snapped back to reality. Pippin had said something to him.
"No," he answered, "I don't think attempting to get Sauron drunk on Dorwinion wine and then sneaking to Mount Doom and throwing in the Ring while he lay in a stupor would be a very good plan. For one thing, giant Eyes have a hard time drinking."
Lord Manafirogh
02-26-2003, 02:59 PM
ooc: I'll be gandalf. When gandalf comes I'll start writing.
02-26-2003, 05:20 PM
ic: Sam replies to Frodo reasonably, "I've been feeling the same way Mr. Frodo. I think Mr. Pippin and Mr. Merry would too except now they've started to talk to the rock." Sam notices something odd about Boromir. He's been wriggling in place for the past few minutes and its not looking right...
02-26-2003, 06:10 PM
Whos Pippin?
02-26-2003, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by Aralyn
Whos Pippin?
As far as I know no one has claimed Pip yet. he is all yours unless the person who claimed him first speaks up now.
ic: Yeh I am kinda scared of them. I mean its like we are seeing their real selves." I said.
"Iether that or there completely drunk with that rum we packed from Rivendel" said Sam.
"Maybe we should stop satrrin at them. It looks to me as if they are now trying to act as though we are trying to listen inn on their converesations and are covering the rock in a very desturbing way."
"Yeh" said Sam
"Maybe we should."
We turned around and faced the blazing fire and again and watched as Boromir started to speak to a tree and hoped he would not try to explain why he was doing that to Merry and Pippin.
Aragorn came back and left Gimli in charge of keeping watch. He was joined by a puzzled elf who noticed Merry and Pippin and Boromir.
02-26-2003, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Aralyn
Whos Pippin?
As far as I know no one has claimed Pip yet. he is all yours unless the person who claimed him first speaks up now.
ic: Yeh I am kinda scared of them. I mean its like we are seeing their real selves." I said.
"Iether that or there completely drunk with that rum we packed from Rivendel" said Sam.
"Maybe we should stop satrrin at them. It looks to me as if they are now trying to act as though we are trying to listen inn on their converesations and are covering the rock in a very desturbing way."
"Yeh" said Sam
"Maybe we should."
We turned around and faced the blazing fire and again and watched as Boromir started to speak to a tree and hoped he would not try to explain why he was doing that to Merry and Pippin.
Aragorn came back and left Gimli in charge of keeping watch. He was joined by a puzzled elf who noticed Merry and Pippin and Boromir.
"Thats it we are limiting the pipe weed they get." said Aragorn.
"there scaring people."
02-26-2003, 09:12 PM
ooc: I'm Merry but I will play Pip for now unles someone wants to use him. He can be a free character
"Who's the elf?" Merry whispered to Pippin. He looked familiar but . . .
Pippin just shrugged his shoulders. The rock was more intersting and he went back to talking to it.
ooc: Merry asks who the elf is cause he's had too much weed:D
02-26-2003, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by Aralyn
ooc: I'm Merry but I will play Pip for now unles someone wants to use him. He can be a free character
"Who's the elf?" Merry whispered to Pippin
Pippin just shrugged his hsoulders and went back to looking at Boromir. He was acting strangely . . .
Did you read the recent posts?
The efl is Legolas remember?
And Merry And pippin are talking to a rock.:D
02-27-2003, 12:23 AM
ooc: uh could i play a temporary character? Well i could play Pippin until the group gets to Lorien where i will switch to the characters there and then play my main character, 'cause thats where she's meeting up with the group but i don't want to be left out for that long of time.
02-27-2003, 07:12 AM
ooc: Unless we get other people then you can definatly have our sweet Pip. But when you get you rmain character we can switch him back to Aralyn.
02-27-2003, 02:06 PM
ooc: thank-you, that sounds like a very good idea. So right now i'm talking to a rock am i? lol darned pipe weed look what you did! lol.
ic: "So my friend what is new? What things are going on in the world these days?" I said patting the rock. "Good pipe weed hey Merry?" I asked turning to a tree.
ooc: There now you can totaly tell that they should limit their pipe weed! LoL.
02-27-2003, 03:21 PM
ic: Sam shakes his head and says, "No I believe they finished that rum a week after we set out from Rivendell. Must be the weed then."
ooc: don't godmod Sam!
02-27-2003, 03:33 PM
ooc: who god moded Sam?
02-27-2003, 08:41 PM
ooc: Um ... I'd like to join too, but I wish to play a completely new character (the one problem is,I'm not sure where she can meet the company. And, like elvishfaerie, I'd rather not be left out for too long.) :)
02-27-2003, 08:54 PM
OOC: have we started thi rpg yet and also r u guys really going to have a tail lol:p :p :p :p :p
02-27-2003, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by entss89
OOC: have we started thi rpg yet and also r u guys really going to have a tail lol:p :p :p :p :p
LOL yeh we have started the rpg. You are Aragorn and now you are sitting with Sam and myself (Frodo) and we are puzzled by the two crazy hobbits and one human talking to his tail.:D :D
02-27-2003, 08:59 PM
OOC: what type of tail lol:p
and just tell me whn i come in!
02-27-2003, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by entss89
OOC: what type of tail lol:p
and just tell me whn i come in!
We are playing the fellowship now as they sit around a fire on the shores near Amen su(sp) so just jump right in at anytime you wish.;)
02-27-2003, 09:18 PM
ooc: i think i will jump in now
IC: as me and my companions were sitting by the fire i got out my knife and started cutting at a peice of wood. my friend asked me what i was doing and i told them making them a walking stick for our journy!
02-27-2003, 09:26 PM
ic: Leoflas and Gimli ssat together trying to keep their eyes on the distant lands and Merry and Pippin started to chat with the tree about fall.
Sam and I watched as Aragorn carved a stick into a beautiful thin figure. He was making walking sticks for the company and we admired his work with anticipation of what the finished project would look like. Boromir stopped talking to the rock and joined us sitting down on a stump gazing at us curiosely.
:Is it my watch next?" he asked glancing over at the two friends talking.
"Yes, I believe it is. Then it shall be my turn." I replied.
"Who were you talking to over at the rock?" asked Sam.
"Oh no one. Just asking the rock for the stories of the years theve lived to see." He said this with a bit of a nervous look behind him at the two hobbits then down at the stump he sat on.
"Oh." I looking at the stump curiosely.
02-27-2003, 10:18 PM
ooc: See above. I edited it. Sicirus.~NOTICE~ I will not be able to finish this RPG with you guys. We are turning off the computer for two months to simplify life. Sigh.:rolleyes: So I will return but not in time to finish. Someone will have to take up my character.
Miss ya'll.
02-28-2003, 12:17 AM
ooc: maybe Silverstripe could take her spot as Merry? then silverstripe wont' be left out...?
02-28-2003, 07:35 AM
Ok, be honest . . . who here has never played an RPG before? There are a few basic concepts that make things much easier and more fun!
a) Pick a freakin' writing style! Sicirus, if you want the whole thing to be in the first person (that means everyone writes as "I"), then SAY SO NOW!! This isn't the best way to do an RPG because it can get hella confusing, but at least make up your minds!
b) NO GOD-MODING!! You don't write other characters. Boromir only talks to the rock if I want him to. He only says the words I put into his mouth. Play your own character!!
c) Where the heck is the tail???!! Who's playing it??!! Get your butt in here!!
************************************************** *
Boromir looked around covertly. Everyone seemed to have accepted his explanation that he had been talking to a rock . . . but that had been a close call. He shuddered. If they found out about his secret . . . well, it didn't help to think pessimistic thoughts. The important thing now was the Ring and Gondor. And it was high time they got on the road again. Besides, the thing was always quieter when he walked.
Boromir strolled over to Aragorn and lowered his voice.
"Shouldn't we be going? There is daylight yet to travel with."
ooc: See how I didn't write Aragorn's answer? Now the person who plays Aragorn (entss89?) answers Boromir's question and adds whatever he feels like. He DOESN'T make Boromir or any other character say or do anything. The point of having people play characters in an RPG is to have real people doing their own things - otherwise you might as well just write a fanfic. So don't mess with Boromir anymore! :)
02-28-2003, 08:02 AM
ooc: Actually, I think the tail would be getting your butt in here.
02-28-2003, 10:59 AM
ooc: My Illuvatar FF don't have a bloody heart attack. I wanted to get the rpg going and since you and your tail did not show up for awhile I played your part FOR AWHILE. IF you are going to play the character then YOU MUST be here to play him or her. (though some people can't get on line as much as others.) In so don't get so pissed off at people. Its not our fault we want to start the rpg.:mad: :D
I get the point that no on should play others parts but sometimes we must if the person DOES NOT SHOW UP IN LIKE A WEEK. :D ;)
So lets just continue. And were is our lovely tail?
(By the way I am not trying to be mean. But don't kill others.)
02-28-2003, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by elvishfaerie3088
ooc: maybe Silverstripe could take her spot as Merry? then silverstripe wont' be left out...?
ooc: That would be fun, if no one has a problem with it. :)
03-01-2003, 06:50 AM
Originally posted by Sicirus
ooc: My Illuvatar FF don't have a bloody heart attack. I wanted to get the rpg going and since you and your tail did not show up for awhile I played your part FOR AWHILE. IF you are going to play the character then YOU MUST be here to play him or her. (though some people can't get on line as much as others.) In so don't get so pissed off at people. Its not our fault we want to start the rpg.:mad: :D
I get the point that no on should play others parts but sometimes we must if the person DOES NOT SHOW UP IN LIKE A WEEK. :D ;)
So lets just continue. And were is our lovely tail?
(By the way I am not trying to be mean. But don't kill others.)
Sorry! I just get really POed when people mess with my characters! Especially because you guys were making Boromir into a total loser. And I wasn't gone for a week, just a couple of days. If I don't come online for a while, you don't have to write my character - just write the other Fellowship members with the people who are here. And you didn't answer my question - are we all going to write as "I" now?
Who's the tail, anyway? :cool:
03-01-2003, 12:15 PM
Yeh we should probably write "I" when refering to ourselves.
Sorry for playing your character. Boromir is one of my favorit characters. He was explaining to PIp and Merry why he was talking outloud when he was talking to his tail. So to not say he has a tail he said he was talking to a rock or tree.;)
03-04-2003, 01:59 PM
Sorry, I'm going to have to bow out of this RPG. I just can't get online enough. Some one else be Boromir, and treat him well!
*gets into a little Elven boot, plays dead, and floats off down Anduin*
It's not because I'm pissed off or anything, it's just that I don't have the time and energy for this! Oh crap, here comes the waterfall.....
03-04-2003, 03:26 PM
Well someone pm me when we get this all sorted out...Sam's still here though!
Lord Manafirogh
03-04-2003, 03:42 PM
is gandalf n yet?
03-04-2003, 05:49 PM
ooc: oooooooooo god we lost the main character! now i still hope the tail is with us though! lol
03-05-2003, 10:50 PM
I can play Boromir if everyone agrees or someone else has secretly wanted to play him. I won't mind and will treat himwell (evil grin) just kidding about evil grin.:D
Gandalf shall apear as soon as we get half way towards Rohan.
03-06-2003, 03:11 PM
ooc: ok sound good to me
03-06-2003, 09:23 PM
ooc: Please someone add something to the story. I am abit mind blocked right now and cannot wright every part. Please come back and play you characters part.
:D :D :D :D *have just had a bunch of sugar snacks(fish food ice cream* and have gone nuts.
03-07-2003, 11:10 PM
I say, is Boromir in need of an evil, cunning tail? If you do, let me know. I'm not sure how well pleased people will be with my writing, but then again, that isn't the point is it? I shall just give it a try. If you lot think I'm doing too bad of a job in keeping up, let me know. It is a worthy storyline, and promises to be captivating and highly amusing.
03-09-2003, 12:48 AM
is there a gimli
03-09-2003, 03:57 PM
Its the whole fellowship. You can be Gimli if you wish.
But post when you can my friend.
03-09-2003, 08:19 PM
Hee hee! Can i be arwen?
03-09-2003, 08:36 PM
BTW, where are you in the story? you said something about Amun Sul, but boromir wasn't in that part of the story, was he? you also mentioned te river anduin, but they didn't get there until about the end of FOTR. :confused:
03-09-2003, 09:09 PM
ooc: I agree with Topaz where are we i've been playing Pippin and i thought we were at amun Sul and that Merry and I were high on pipe weed and i was talking to a tree or a rock or something.
03-09-2003, 11:11 PM
I think the best (and most logical b/c that is where boromir comes
into the story) place to start is at Imladris after the fellowship
has formed. and wouldn't it be funny if the reason Boromir is so
tempted by the ring is b/c of his tail? may i start if u are still brain-
blocked Sicirus? (will start anyway if no-one answers in a couple of hours) :p
03-10-2003, 11:49 AM
(OK then. I'll start w/ the fellowship leaving Imladris to get the ball rolling, or the tail wagging, whichever the case may be :D)
the sky shines blue as the fellowship start off. as they exit through the bower, Arwen shivers. Her thoughts are bent on one thing, and though she knows her father will dissaprove, she steps forward. slowly, as if drawn by a magnet, she starts to follow the fellowship.
"What are you doing, my daughter?" exclaims Elrond, percieving her thoughts. 'You cannot go with them! surely you see that!". turning to face her father, she thows off her cloak to reveal that she is wearing travelling clothes, a brown leather dress that ends at her shins, brown leggings and light boots like Legolas's. she also has her sword buckled round her waist and a bow and quiver on her back.
"I am going to follow the man i love, father, even if he is only a man in your eyes, and not worthy of my love." then turning, she strode past the astonished fellowship and turned down the path.
"Uuuh, Arwen, baby?"
"What, Aragorn? can't you see i'm making a dramatic exit?" she snapps over her shoulder.
"Well it might be more dramatic if you were heading the right way."
"Oooh. Ooops."
Arwen hurredly turns around and heads the other way.
03-10-2003, 11:54 AM
BTW, is someone playing Aragorn or Elrond? I used them cause i thought noone had claimed their characters. if some one is playing one of them, sorry for using your character, I hope you don't mind. I really needed to have some dialoge in the opening peice.
03-13-2003, 09:27 PM
ooc: I am sorry I really did not want to start at the beggining of the whole fellowship adventure , just were they leave Lorien and head off on their journey again. I did not want to go through the whole journey because one gets bored off trying to go through the whole tale again. I really started this rpg to seek the answer of what if Boromir never died so early in the war and lived to fight by the side of Aragorn. I must have gotten the places wrong and do appologies. Yet I do not wish to start all the way in the beggining of the tale. Sorry to give this so late I was not abloe to stay on the pc to long now a days. Sorry friend. Someone is playing Aragorn but not Elrond nor Arwen.
I am Frodo and Boromir.
03-13-2003, 11:06 PM
ooc: All right then! the thing i posted can just be explaining why Arwen is with the group, and now we can jump to leaving Lorien ;) . so it's all good.
03-16-2003, 09:41 PM
ooc: Cool we shall have Arwen there. That ought to be inetersting. Lets go.
ic: I sat down by Aragorn and hoped that my tail would keep still. I remembered when I was born how my father was ashamed and amazed at my brith and the atil. The maides always tended to avoid me though. I stared to throw sticks into the fire while Frodo was talking to Sam who was talking about a garden in the Shire and an Old Gaffer. I looked over at Arwen who had joined us on the journey. She looked beautiful in the logyht of the fire. I marveled at her for a few seconds before getting up to look at the river for awhile and stare at the mysterious creature following us saying my precious every other word.
03-18-2003, 07:43 PM
I'm not in. I'm just compelled to post here. I saw this "Boromir's Tail" and thought "huh?"... reading the posts, damn... I couldn't stop laughing... really hillarious, people. Hope you don't mind the voyeurism... roflol.
03-18-2003, 11:42 PM
amazed at my brith and the atil.
ooc: do you mean "amazed at my birth and the tail"? LOL, i am sooo slow, it took me two days to figure that one out.
ic: Arwen gazed out into the darkness, then turned and lay down on her side, facing the fire. she quickly fell asleep, as she always did, with her eyes open. She started dreaming that Boromir was staring at her from across a burning fire, but then she woke and realized that he was staring at her. "humph", she thought "First it was Legolas as he 'helped' me up that rock, then Gimli kept pinching my butt as he walked behind me, then Frodo tried to kiss me as i helped get him over that chasm, and now Boromir is staring at me. that's what you get for going on a quest with 9 males. the only person who hasn't harassed me is Aragorn. he hasn't given me a second glance since we left Imladris!" Frustrated, Arwen turned over and came face to face with...
"GOLLUM!!!" she screamed.
ooc: i'm tired of typing, so someone else can handle the fight. i also don't want to direct anyone elses characters anymore than i already have. (if one of you don't like having your characters be harassing Arwen, go ahead and tell me and i'll erase that part.) BTW, i don't mind if people use my character. If any of you want to use my character for some dialog or direct her in the action, go ahead.
03-19-2003, 01:03 PM
ooc: This post is going to be weird, but I'm trying to get my character to the correct place now, although I have writer's block. :(
ic: Ailin, like almost every woman in Middle Earth by now, had heard the tale of how Elrond had sent his daughter Arwen with the Fellowship. Knowing something of Elrond's ways, Ailin had always been puzzled as to why he would let her go. It was not until Ailin had journeyed to Lorien that she heard the true story, from Arwen herself: the elf had gone against her father's wishes.
So when the Fellowship left Lorien, well, how could an adventurous and slightly bored woman like Ailin resist following them? Oh, she had tried not to; at first she had intended merely to see them off. But she kept thinking of how Arwen had bravely ignored her father's orders to stay in Imladris, and become part of the Fellowship.
"Anything an elf can do, I can, too!" said Ailin. Which, of course, was not true. But Ailin, like Arwen, was stubborn -- and unlike Arwen, she had a good sense of direction.
For Ailin, the most difficult part of following the Fellowship was water travel. She had almost no experience with boats, and very little patience. She kept thinking she heard the Fellowship. Once, she jumped out of the boat to meet them. So by the end of her journey on the river, Ailin was soaked, and very grateful that she knew how to swim.
Finally, Ailin heard someone scream, followed by elvish cursing. The woman's eyes widened this had to be the Fellowship, and they were in trouble! She slowly brought the boat to a stop, and, still dripping wet, ran to help whoever had screamed.
03-19-2003, 04:57 PM
ooc: *psst, poke, poke* Where are we? i've forgotten yet again... :( *sniff, sniff*
03-21-2003, 01:13 PM
ooc: we are nearing the place at the end of FotR called Amon Hen (not Amun Sul, that's where we got mixed up!), sleepng on the lawn of Parth Galen. it's in the chapter of the book titled "the breaking of the fellowship" but since the story is about boromir not dieing and also having a tail, the whole fellowship is probably going to go w/ frodo (since having two storyies going on is tedious.) I, Arwen, have just been attacked by gollum, and a new member, Ailin, is about to join us (BTW, love the name, Ailin! i think names that begin with the letter A are cool)
03-21-2003, 04:07 PM
so is evryone picked 4 da parts...cuz im late and id luv 2 join in.....its sooo funny!:):):) :) :) :) :) :) :)
03-21-2003, 04:11 PM
ooooooh is there an eomer or an eowyn yet?cuz dat it aint far away.......:D hinthint
03-23-2003, 04:31 PM
sorry-take it u are all either americans or australians?cuz im from ireland and whenever i am here noone else is dammit!:(
03-23-2003, 11:50 PM
ooc: i know how you feel i'm usaully the only one on too. And i refuse to be called an american thanks, i'm candian. *cuses at Jean Chritian* ooo i hate him anyhow sorry ya i don't think there is a Eowyn or Eomer.
03-26-2003, 11:51 AM
welll....sorry...i ment in general!:)
i meant ppl just bout 12 hours in front of me!u ppl are like over 6 hours ahead of us!
by the way canadians r cool-ive got friends there
heres a queation....whats with the ooc:??????
im a bit thick:confused:
03-26-2003, 12:21 PM
ooc: it's ok, you are not slow. i only just figured out what it meant a couple of days ago. :) it means "out of character", and ic: means "in character".
03-26-2003, 08:23 PM
ooc: That's not interilly true......ooc can also stand for out of conversation or out of context and ic can stand for in context or in conversation. u only really use those two when there is a story going on.
03-27-2003, 06:58 AM
ooc: So snowman are you going to join? It would be nice to have someone play either Boromir or any other character thats needed of and adoptive player.;)
ic:Boromir: I sat idol next to the fire and stared at Arwen who sat across from me smacking Gollum. Wait Gollum?
I ran across and grabbed the little wretch and threw him into the water.
Arwen simply looked at me then sat back down and glanced at the sleeping Aragorn.
A new lady followed Gollum but instead Arwen jumped up at the sight of her and they hugged.
Ailin" cried Arwen and I just stood there wondering if this was a new fellowship member.
03-28-2003, 11:14 AM
Ailin was somewhat taken aback by Arwen's greeting. She and the elf had spoken before, in Lorien, but they had never really become friends. Actually, Ailin hadn't been expecting Arwen to remember her. Still, Ailin was pleased that she had.
The woman explained to Arwen about following the Fellowship here from Lorien. She kept glancing defiantly at Boromir and the others, silently telling them not to question her presence here.
04-02-2003, 12:25 AM
ooc: Keep going silverstripe, cause i'm afraid to post. i don't know what to do with your character and you should at least get the chance to introduce yourself. Cool character!
Going, going, going,
Keep this RPG going,
Going, going, going,
Don't quit! :)
04-03-2003, 02:27 PM
oooooohhhh cood i b merry or pip??theyre so funny and cute...:D
04-03-2003, 07:08 PM
OOC: im sorry sicirus but im in alot of rpgs and cant keep up so if u would plz let me go i would be very so happy.
sorry:( :( :( :( :(
04-03-2003, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by entss89
OOC: im sorry sicirus but im in alot of rpgs and cant keep up so if u would plz let me go i would be very so happy.
sorry:( :( :( :( :(
Oh, thats ok friend. I understand. I am going to try to get this rpg of the ground. Good luck on your other rpgs.:)
ic: We allowed the new member to join our company without question. WE decided to get a move on at once since the threat of the nemy near by was plain from gollums appearance.
Frodo: I must take the ring to Mordor. I agree with Strider that going to your home Boromir would not be the safest path. I am sorry friend but I shall understand if you chose that path and leave the comapny.
Boromir: I will follow you halfling as I have promised in the beggining of our journey.
ooc: Ok now we start our journey to Mordor. Any questiones or suggestions *it rhymes* (I am bored can you tell>)
04-04-2003, 12:21 PM
ooc: Excuse me but there is someone already playing pip idoly ME! Uh i'm getting so into this part as pippin i've forgotten where the company is at the moment. :D
04-04-2003, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by elvishfaerie3088
ooc: Excuse me but there is someone already playing pip idoly ME! Uh i'm getting so into this part as pippin i've forgotten where the company is at the moment. :D
ok I am happy you want to stay as pip so will you post now please???? I am desparate can you tell?:D
04-10-2003, 11:11 AM
ooc: LOL. So now we're trying to get 11 people into Mordor? But now everyone in the Fellowship has someone playing them ... if we want to have a breaking of the Fellowship, we could make that how we break without being too confusing.
04-10-2003, 11:33 AM
ooc: I'm not going to write any type of "breaking" post, so Sicirus can decide what we're doing there. To keep it more open, I'll only include the characters I know are being played in this post, though. :)
ic: As the days went on, Ailin began to understand how Arwen had remembered her (for the elf had an exceptionally good memory, except, of course, when it came to directions) and why the elf had looked so pleased ... and relieved ... to see her.
Before Ailin came, Arwen hadn't had any real female companionship for a long time, and had had to endure the "attentions" of nine males, which, Ailin now knew, could be very trying. While Ailin wasn't nearly as attractive as Arwen, she was still fairly pretty, and besides that, she wasn't attached. Arwen had Aragorn.
Being in something of the same predicament (two females on a quest with mainly males), Ailin and Arwen soon became good friends. Now, most of the "boys" were all right, but still ...
Ailin shook her head in exasperation, thinking about how truly silly males of any race could be.
04-10-2003, 01:46 PM
ooc: the beginning point for this thread was that boromir didn't die, so i am assuming that since he doesn't die, there is no breaking of the fellowship. Is any one gandalf? since we skipped from leaving Imladris to leaving Lorien, i am not sure whether he is there. i am going to assume that he is, but if you don't like that sicirus, i can always edit this post :)
ic: the fellowship, with Gandalf leading the way, moves across Emin muil. everyone is downhearted, exept for the two girls, who are laughing as they help the hobbits over a huge rock.
"Oof, how in the name of Eru are these hobbits so heavy?" Arwen jokes to Ailen as they push Sam up. Ailen then grabs Pippin and swings him up ontu the rock with some effort "Yeah, I didn't know hobbits were made of rock!" laughs Ailen.
later, as the camp stop for the night, Arwen and Ailen start pulling stuff out of thier packs.
"what are those?" asks Aragorn.
"Our beauty products, of course!" respond the girls.
"What!" cries Legolas. "You had this stuff and you didn't tell me!?" He emmediatly grabbs a mirror and some tweezers and starts plucking his eybrows "My eyebrows were getting sooo over grown! I was starting to look like beetlebrow Mithrandir over there!"
"Hey, watch it elf! Dont make me come over there!" threatens Gandalf, eyebrows bristling.
"You dont have to. You just proved my point!" giggles Legolas.
"Oooh!" squeal the hobbits, "you have conditioner!" they grab the conditioner and some curlers and run to the stream to wash and curl thier foot hair.
Legolas finishes plucking his eyebrows and starts looking for something. "Do you have any Nair? I haven't had a chance to shave my legs since we left Imladris."
"Yeah, here." Ailen hands him a bottle.
"I thought that Elves didn't have body hair!" snickers Boromir.
"Yes, that is true, Elves have been blessed with less body hair than humans. The only place we get it is on our legs. thats the reason i usually wear leggings. But now that I have this, i dont need them any more." he walks off in the woods, and when he comes back, he has hawaien shorts on, displaying smooth, beautiful legs. Aragorn :rolleyes: at the maddness, then shrugs and goes off in hope of finding something to eat. When he returns, he sees Arwen painting Legolas's toe nails pink, while Ailen is putting curlers in Boromir's hair. the hobbits are back, with freshly curled foot hair, and are sitting in a row with facial masks on, and cucumbers over thier eyes. Aragorn can't takit anymore, and decides to make ahasty exit before anyone tryes to beautify him.
04-10-2003, 06:53 PM
ooc: Excuse me have to get my character out of this mess!
ic: "AHHHHH back you foul demons back i say! Don't touch me with that stuff. AHHHHH leave me alone!" I screamed. "NO, no...nnnnoooooooooooooo." I wriggled and got free of Sam's grasp. "You shan't get me!" I ran fiercly into the woods and sat down under a tree and sighed.
ooc: If u have forgotten i'm Pippin but i may be giving that character up soon or i may just be playing 2 characters if that's okay?
04-10-2003, 09:21 PM
LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL what a way to get everyone baqck. Thanks SIlver and TOpez.
ic: I decided to curl my hair while the girls tried to catch poor Aragorn who attempted to escape in the forest.
WE stared off again towards Mordor as our descision but I was to take half the group to Gondor. WE had to chose who was staying and who would go to Mordor?
Ok now we decide poll
04-10-2003, 10:30 PM
ooc: Wait. Is anybody playing either Frodo or Sam? Because if they're not, shouldn't we just go to Gondor? We WOULD be able to stick closer to the "real" plot that way... and we wouldn't have to deal with two storylines. But if we do break the Fellowship, Ailin will go to Gondor with Boromir, as he's the central character here! :)
ooc 2: Sicirus, I need to speak with you over PM! :D
04-11-2003, 01:28 AM
ooc: All right, I'm toying with an idea, because I've gone crazy... what the rest of you do about it is up to you, of course.
ic: Ailin considered the choice before her, looking from Frodo to Boromir. She would have liked to follow the ringbearer, and help destroy the ring, but Gondor was her home, too, and she valued its safety and freedom as much as Boromir did. Not to mention that she liked Boromir more than most of the other males in the Fellowship.
Okay, yes, he could definitely be arrogant sometimes. But he was kind, and had been more honorable and ... well, fair towards Ailin and Arwen, than some of the others had. He was also much more interesting.
Legolas seemed shallow and a bit spoiled. Frodo was okay, but the ring was a heavy burden on him and he hadn't been too friendly to anyone lately. Gandalf was so mysterious it was hard to really befriend him. Pippin was way too silly, and Aragorn clearly disapproved of the girls being on this quest to begin with.
As for Sam and Merry, they were all right. But neither of them had really had much of a conversation with Ailin. And Boromir had. He had, in fact, been the first member of the Fellowship to greet her, after Arwen, and he'd been the first of the "boys" to really accept her into the group. She wouldn't forget that kindness.
"I'll go with Boromir," said Ailin.
Arwen gave Ailin a questioning look, and the woman blushed. She knew what Arwen was thinking, but it wasn't true.
No, I'm not in love with him. I haven't known him long enough for THAT! But I do admire him. He was kind to me, and he's courageous and foolish enough to stand by what he believes in, even when everyone else is telling him he's wrong. A horrible fault and a virtue at the same time.Besides, he's going to go and defend Gondor ... my home.
04-11-2003, 10:58 AM
oooooh very good!i like this....tis very interesting!!!!
ar we gonna skiip out rohan then??bit impossible....
04-14-2003, 01:31 PM
ooc: Yeh the whole group should go to Gondor since it has not been done yet. Plus Gondor is nearer to Mordor and they can actually go off from there. I am suppose to play Frodo.
ic:Frodo: I was reminded agian of the ring and wanted to make my descion in peace. Yet a threat was arissing and I wanted to get out of its path as soon as possible. I did not trust men but also did not want to separat from the fellowship.
I chose to go to Gondor. I would beable to go with those who knew the way to Mordor and not go off alon on a trail that could lead to a much heavier doom. (if that was posssible) Sam wanted to come to. He'd follow me anywere and that made mat least smile once since we left Lorien.
Boromir gave the two girls a smaile then Aragorn shoock his head in dissapproval but had no choice but to follow his promise to protect the small ringbearer.
We started off towards Gondor in a swift manner at first leaving the boats behind for we had no longer use for them on our journey. We were headed to Rohan first.
(by the way Gandalf is not with us. Boromir died after Gandalf fell in so not affecting Gandalf's fate)
04-17-2003, 04:34 PM
Borimir has a TAIL :eek: :eek: :eek:
04-19-2003, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Legoles
Borimir has a TAIL :eek: :eek: :eek:
In this rpg, yes.
04-21-2003, 05:00 PM
can i be eowyn when we go through rohan??eowyn wood like to join the fellowship:she's a bit of a fighter.....same as da bk!;)
soooo funny......oromir's tail seems to have gone quite quiet!!
04-24-2003, 07:24 PM
I'll be a renagade elf!!!:D
04-30-2003, 08:25 PM
we would love to have you for di... I mean apart of this rpg.:D
06-24-2003, 11:44 PM
ooc: Oooooh :eek: I am so sorry! I forgot totally about this RPG! *Looks around and sees noone else here* well, i guess it's not that bad since everybody else seems to have forgotten too. *realizes something* Ooh, maybe its my fault! I was one of the driving forces keeping this thread alive, so maybe because i left everybody forgat cause i wasn't here to bump it! So sorry, Sicirus! I will post now, if it's not too late.
ic: Arwen grimaced at Boromir's back. The nerve! Smiling at her like that, when he knew she was dating Aragorn. Her grimace turned into a grin though when Aragorn gave Boromir a withering look. Haha! she sent quietly to Ailin, what a loser!
I don't know Ailin thought, knowing that Arwen would read her thoughts, he seems ok. Not as stupid as Legolas over there. Arwen looked up to find Legolas a few yards ahead of her, skipping and humming "Feelin' Groovy" (sorry, i'm listening to Simon and Garfunkel ;) ).
Yeah, what a total pansy! sent Arwen. He's an insult to the whole elven race.
Suddenly, Aragorn stopped and motioned for the others to do the same. Then he ducked swiftly behind a huge jutting rock, and puzzeled, the others imitated him. Crawling up and around the others, Arwen soundlessly positioned herself next to Aragorn, and whispered directly into his ear "What is it?"
"Riders," he whispered back, pointing at a gradually approaching spot on the plains. "You are an elf. Can you tell whether they are friends or foes?"
Duh thought Arwen of course i can see.. Out loud, though, she played the authoritative elf. "They are from Rohan. No other race breeds horses so swift. The foul races of Mordor ride do not horses of white and grey and chestnut. Their horses are all black, yet these are many shades."
Aragorn nodded, then whispered to the others, "Arwen says that they are Men of Rohan, and not foes. After they pass, we will come out and greet them."
"I could have told you that." grumbled Legolas. "I've got the best eyes in this company!"
"Yeah, and Aragorn might have asked you, lad, except you were too buisy maken' daisy chains to notice anything." added Gimli.
"I was not!" said Legolas indignantly, while hastily hiding his daisy chain behind his back.
"Hush, here they come" interruped Ailen.
06-26-2003, 10:14 PM
ooc: Wow never thought this rpg would return. I haven't been on line for days. I kinda got into a book and never really cared I guess. Thanks for getting this back though. Maybe others will follow. But don't get to excited for some leave the rpg forever.
ic: Rohans appeared in the distance breaking my flirt trans with the dancing Legolas making daisy chains. I walked up beside Aragorn and stood just a bit shorter then him.
Can't believe Elrond stole my high top shoes.
Frodo stood beside Sam with a questioning look on his face.
"who are they?" questioned Pip and Merry stopping their game of who can make the rock talk first.
"I won" said a proud Merry who was gevin a look of "you are tooo wierd" from Legolas still trying to hide the chain.
Rohan man walks up.
"Who are you?" he asked in a stern voice.
He was clearly smoking pot before noticing the group.
"We are travelers of Elrond." declared Asragorn showing a feighnt interest in the pot.
"HOw come.... We.... did .. not see... you before... baby" he said with great difficulty because of the strong dwarf pot.
"er... you know I think we did accidently throw a rock at you before because we thought you were a pile of sticks." said pip.
"But you never moved. BY the way were you singing.... its a small world after all?"
"HEy I love that song." said the soldier braking out into a loud chorous of its a small work after all.
"HElp the agony.
"WE need to speak to your king." shouted Aragorn over the chorous of voices.
The voices stopped and out of the trees came a white figure who spoke loudly and with a hint of empatiant order.
:take us to your Lord."he said and at once he galloped ahead towards The white city.
07-06-2003, 11:49 PM
Hey Sicirus! i tried to pm u, but your file is full, so i will have to tel you here. I am sorry, but i will not be on the internet again until August 5 at least (i am on restriction) I wish i could stay on an help you keep this story alive, but i am afraid my parantal units are quite firm on my punishment. Neway, see you then!
07-09-2003, 09:17 PM
ooc: I don't know how to clear my files. Sorry. I shall see you when you get back. I will be gone for the next three weeks.
07-25-2003, 02:44 AM
ooc: where is everyone? I know sicrius said he was gone for 3 weeks but when did he post that?
08-06-2003, 10:17 PM
ooc: I am back. How about we star off to Lorien?
08-10-2003, 01:49 AM
sounds great but good luck trying to find anyone who still knows this thread is alive.
08-18-2003, 06:24 PM
I do! I'ts my friend Zavrons thread!
thppb nintey second rule this is what I think a u!
08-20-2003, 01:52 AM
ooc: huh? what'd i do? i'm so confused?
08-20-2003, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Sicirus
ooc: I am back. How about we star off to Lorien?
Excuse me I meant we are off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of Mordor*:D Ok so far we are going to go to Mordor all together and Merry and Pippin are not gone. Lets see how about we got away before the hord of orcs and stuff came into the forest and we crossed the river?
08-28-2003, 12:01 PM
OOC: i am getting berry confused. Last post we were on the plains of rohan about to meet the Rohirrim. We already did the part where the orcs attack us at the river. We decided to let Frodo and sam go and continue with Aragorn, Boromir, the 2 remaining hobbits, and the two girls walking to Edoras. Gandalf has just told the stoned Rohirrim to take us to Meduseld. I will continue from there.
IC: The chorus of "I'ts a Small World After All" died down as Gandalf glared at them. Eomer, who was the most inteligble among the Rohirrim, called two horses out and gave them to the group. Arwen emidiatly grabbed the white one, despite protests from Legolas, who grabbed the brown one. "Um, dude, we kinda need at least two more horses." Eomer gave them another two, a spotted gray one, which Ailen grabbed and mounted, and anothe brown one, which Boromir mounted. Aragorn helped load Merry behind Ailen and Pippin behind Gandalf, while Arwen helped Gimli to mount behind Legolas. Then she removed the saddle and bridle from Arod before mounting him. Aragorn protested.
"I need a horse too!"
"No you don't, you can ride behind me" said Arwen. Seeing his obvious disgust at having to ride behind a woman she added "Come on, dear, you know i'm the better rider! Its nothing to be ashamed of. I have had two thousand years more experiance than you. Would you rather ride with Boromir?" Reluctantly Aragorn mounted behind Arwen. Aragorn looked around and found everyone, even Gandalf trying vainly to stifle laughter. With a glare he dug his heels into the horse, trying to make it go. But the horse knew who was in control, and knew not to move without Arwen's consent. With a sigh, he sat back and allowed Arwen to guide the horse. They all started forward, then Gandalf noticed that the Rohirrim weren't following. After talking with them for a while (thier explanation was somewhat scrambled due to the weed) He found out that they had been banished from Rohan by the king. they parted ways and the company continued on its way to Meduseld.
As they approached the city, Gandalf stopped his horse and started a long soliloquey about what the city was called, and who lived there and so forth and so on. Arwen yawned and wispered to Ailen "Like I don't already know this stuff! Everybody does. The only ones who don't know it are the hobbits, and they are asleep, so it's not doing them much good." Ailen giggled.
Finally Gandalf finished, and they entered the city.
08-29-2003, 10:52 PM
lol^that was a great post!
ic: I rode a borwn horse gevin to me by my brotherly warriors of Rohan. Ofcourse the ladies got the colorful horses! Mine happins to be called Borwn mushroom, how original!
We rode to the city of Rohan and had the speech of its history and how we are not suppose to play cruel and unusualle pranks on the guards and Aragorn. HAHA I got my own horse. Oh, no don't!
My horse tripped over a rock.
*Aragorn snikkers*
A large rock might I add!
*looks at pebble of a rock. sighs*
Mounts again and joins group heading towards the city. We enter and seek council at once from the king Theoden who in my opinion looks like he iss possesd. Acts like it too!
They tell us to leave our swords. Oh, but wait Gandalf gets to keep his staff. You know even when he is not using it for magic it still hurts when he decides to randomly hit you with it.
We enter into the large chamber.
*uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!*
09-08-2003, 06:17 PM
ooc: uh....who am i again?Pippin right? i hope so? i'm confused ahh confusion. Wait where am i? were past the ents already? :eek: :(
09-14-2003, 04:47 PM
OOC: Ai, ai!! I forgot! We need to make contact with the ents! My goodness, you change one thing and the whole story falls apart! Shows how good a story teller Mr. Tolkien was. How to do that? Since we eliminated Merry an Pip getting abducted, mabe we could have Wormtongue abducting them when he is exiled from Rohan (cause he probably has been warned by Saruman to keep an eye out for any hobbits).
IC: The company entered the Golden Hall, which, as it turns out, wasn't so golden cause King Doom-and-Gloom was under a spell and didn't like the light. Gandalf spoke first.
"The courtesy of your hall has somewhat lessened of late, Theodan-..."
"AAAAAHHHH!" he was interrupted by Legolas and the Girls wailing. "Ew-ew-ew-ew-ew-ew!!! Look at his nails!" said Legolas.
"I know! They're like nasty yellow claws!" echoed Ailen.
"And his goatee is so overgrown, besides the fact that goatees are so last age." added Arwen. Before Gandalf or anyone else could react, the girls (and Legolas) had begun to give King Theoden a makeover.
"I told you to take the elves nail clippers!" Grima started shouting. The palace guards started fighting with the rest of the company, while the girls continued fileing and painting and snipping. Finally they stood back and admired thier handy work. The king stared in the mirror that Arwen held in front of his face and as he did, the spell broke and he began to smile.
"Dark have been my dreams of late. But it must have been worth it, cause i am much prettier now than i was before." Arwen lowered the mirror and everyone gasped. The hobbits began giggling uncontrollably, until Aragorn glared at them.
"What's so funny?!" asked the New Theoden.
"Nothing!" replied Aragorn quickly. To hide his discomfort, he turned and kicked Grima's hands out from under him. He had been trying to crawl away. Theodan called for his sword and was about to kill Grima when Aragorn intervened. "There has been enough bloodshed on his account. He can't do anymore damage than he has already." Theoden reluctantly allowed Grima to get up. Quicker than a flash, Grima had grabbed ahold of Merry and Pippin and had a knife at each of thier throughts.
"Don't come any closer, or they die!" Grima shouted. "I want a horse and a cart! Quickly!" the compony hurridly got him both. Loading merry in the cart and keeping a knife at pippin's thought, he mounted the horse and rode away. As he did, Aragorn tried to fire an arrow into Grima's back, but the wretch had hiddena a mail shirt under his clothes and the arrow bounced off. The company watched helplessly as thier hobbit friends dissapeared into the sunset. They would have followed them, but Gandalf advised against it, saying that he had a feeling that Grima would find the hobbits more competent captives than he could anticipate, and that Grima probibly wouldn't be able to get them to Isenguard.
OOC: Yeah, i know that last part was totally impossible. But it was the only way to get the hobbits to Fangorn. Once they escape Grima, they can meet up w/ Treebeard.
09-15-2003, 08:46 PM
ooc: ^nice post:D
ic: I watched the two poor hobbits ride away with the snake looking half rodent guy and cried out words I knew my father would kill me for. Aragorn looked at me with that cute concerend look and I decideed to dramatise the situtaion by crying on the nearest shoulder.
"Oh. sorry Arwen!"
The new theodan(Who in my opinion looked creepier than before) got up and declared that we needed to something about the current problem.
"Well Duh!" said Gandalf.
"I think some of us should search for our Marry and Pippin and some of us should saty and help here." I said.
"I shall go to war with king theoden!"
11-16-2003, 10:18 AM
hey is it all to late for me to join?? Im terribly sorry for bing soo late my computers been having problems and my life ... i would be gladly happy to take part in any way.:confused:
11-19-2003, 06:50 PM
Welcome back or as far as I know. *looks confused*
Yeah sure we need some ideas.
11-24-2003, 07:29 PM
ok if u could just give me a run down of the newest events and maybe i can get this kickin again?? oh and hey sicirus.
11-25-2003, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by entss89
ok if u could just give me a run down of the newest events and maybe i can get this kickin again?? oh and hey sicirus.
Ok mellon. Half the group is riding off to Rohan on Horse back with Eomir. But Merry and Pippin (as stolen in the book by the orcs ) are somewere. I thinkg they are off towards the original place they would have been taken in the book anyway.
11-26-2003, 02:37 AM
ooc: Pippin, "Where am i going?" *dazed and confused just like character playing: Pippin*
11-26-2003, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by elvishfaerie3088
ooc: Pippin, "Where am i going?" *dazed and confused just like character playing: Pippin*
Your dazed and confused elf fairy? I guess were gonna take another try at getting this story back on track. Or trail.
11-29-2003, 08:43 PM
all right what character may i be?
11-29-2003, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by entss89
all right what character may i be?
The whole fellowship is taken but... no one is really returning so just chose one of the main characters nad we'll see who has a problem wit it.
11-30-2003, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by Sicirus
The whole fellowship is taken but... no one is really returning so just chose one of the main characters nad we'll see who has a problem wit it.
well i hope this is ok if i get my place back as aragorn? tell me if someone is still playin that spot.
11-30-2003, 08:44 PM
Yep, no one took your spot. Your still our good ol Aragorn. Who right now is riding a horse with ROhanians going to Rohan or fNgorn to search for Merry and pippin.
12-01-2003, 06:40 PM
ok sicirus well if one of the people i am riding with could start i would then reply.
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