View Full Version : The war of 4 powers

01-25-2003, 03:42 PM
this rpg is about a great war on middle earth. it involves four big powers they are:

MORDOR:you are the evil power.your troops are mainly orcs but have shock troops of trolls and the odd balrog.
you also have control of isengard.
Army size:15,000

MEN:rohan and gondor.you have the valiant warriors of gondor and of the rohirrim.you also have control of dol-amroth.
Army size:7,000

ELVES:lorien and mirkwood.you have the elves at your command.
Army size:5,000

DWARVES:erebor and the iron hills.the stout dwarves are your soldiers.
Army size:3,000

this rpg will be played by the first four who choose to be the leader of a power.but others can join as captains,advisors etc.

the setting is once again the dark lord of mordor (you choose a name) wishes to consume middle earth but the other 3 powers stand in his way.

this is an example of how the game will be played:

lord of mordor dispatches 5,000 heavily armed uruks for minas tirith.now the leader of men must prepare for the attack and call for reinforcements from his allies.many battles can go on at once.

join the war now!

01-25-2003, 04:23 PM
as i created this rpg i choose to be MELKOR! LORD OF MORDOR!!!
when you choose please state a bio of your character.

MELKOR:after being cast into the eternal void i was brought back to middle earth by the destruction of sauron.he directed the energies to me his master.i placed my self in the ruins of barad-dur and with the powers i had which were of the valour i went began creating vast pits and dungeons and rebuilding mordor.after many years mordor was completed the black gate was again raised and minas morgul was rid of the filthy men and was stocked with uruk-hai.but soon enoughi created three great armies.
my greatest was the last - two thousand strong totally comprised of black war trolls armed with iron axes and hammers and coated in black iron mail.their captain was Gonrok the balrog.
i was now prepared for the war of four powers

Gothmog the great
01-27-2003, 06:41 PM
the dark enemy of the world has a new advirsory leading the elfs from mirkwood against the black wrath of mordor. The great elf-bane gothmog the great takes leadership of the 5,000 strong army of elfes and joins the two great remaining powers of men and dwarfs to ovethrow the dark lord and free middle earth from his evil grasp.

01-28-2003, 11:58 AM
melkor sat at his iron throne at the top most reaches of barad-dur.he look over middle-earth and his heart burned with hatred.there was too much peace in this land.he would have to act.

his eyes scoured the earth until they fell on moria.he felt a great strenght of orcs there but ever better was the sight of the balrog.
(i told you some things were different.the balrog in moria was not destroyed by gandalf)
melkor immidiatly sent thought to the balrog.As i have said before melkor was of the valour.his gaze could pierce earth and rock.his thought and will could travel miles.

the balrog was commanded to take the orc army to the deserted fortress of isengard and to rebuild it to a greater strenght.
The balrog did as melkors will and he took his army south through the misty mountains to isengard.

01-28-2003, 12:04 PM
as the balrog came upon isengard he found that the gates were broken open but the tower of orthanc still stood strong.
He set the orcs to work immediately.they fixed the gate with three doors of great iron plates.and were opened by a complex working of cogs and chains.no force of body could open them.
the balrogs set the orcs to dig a rock chamber beneath orthanc and this was the balrogs chamber,from here he set his orders.

the old pits saruman used to breed his army of uruk-hai were once again back in action and orc messengers went to dunland to round up the dunleding men.the women were made to harvest crops and materials for the army in isengard.

01-28-2003, 12:24 PM
melkor saw that his power in the west was growing.he now looked to swelling his forces in the east.he sent the khamul second in command of the nazgul to fly on a winged steed to the sea of Rhun to recruit the easterling men.they could nit refuse the power of melkor and sent what force they could of chariots and cavalry to mordor.
meanwhile the mouth of sauron rode on a black horse to the deserts of the south to harad were he advised the kings of that land to fulfill their pact with the dark lord as if they didnt their lands would be overcome with a black plauge and their children would not be born.
So the lords of harad were terribly afraid and gave the power of harad to melkor.under the banner of the red serpant came an armie of haradrim,cavaly,archers,spearmen and what melkor wished for the most - the mumakil.
mordor was swelled with the greatest force ever mustered.

Gothmog the great
01-28-2003, 02:07 PM
In fear of the spiders that dwelt in the dark corners of mirkwood the chief stain of the elven army ordered that a great hunting party should be gathered and go destroy the danger that the spawns of shelob presented. For in time of war and the great shadow’s power rising in arms and fear none but allies could be trusted. Gothmog spoke to elrond “Melkors army had grown in great hords to the great number of 17,000 and the alliance of men,elves and dwarfs would come to 15,000.” Elrond answered “A number great enough number to turn the tide of evil.”
Melkor knowing this would never allow the formation of one great alliance and face them head on therefore thought the alienation of Rohan+ Gondor and the dwellings of the elves (divide and conquer). After the great hunt there was a great fire that burnt in mirkwood, like no other in the age before. The spider’s corpses were burned in there thousands and any spider that remained hid in fear. The massacre of the spiders was forseen by every elf that went on the hunt because even though the spiders were in great numbers they were no match for the armour and weaponry of the great elves.

Gothmog the great
01-28-2003, 02:10 PM
A great host of orcs was seen in isengard but the thing that stood out the most apart from the tower orthanc a giant winged figure glowing red as if it were covered with a blanket of lava. The creatures moan’s echoed in the air. The creature that the eagles could see was a BALROG and at once they turned towards mirkwood. Once the elven lords leant of the coming danger they set up their defences and sent word to the dwarfs.
When Gothmog learnt of the great host was not worried but when he heard of the balrog the power of melkor called to him but the light of the valar saved him and he battled a great battle in mind and drove melkor out. Gotmog the lord of all balrogs was now enraged and waited for the attack.

Gothmog the great
01-28-2003, 02:19 PM
As the elves lords learnt more news they new that they could not attack the fotress of the balrog:isengard by land for the gates were now refortified and the Ents caould not be called upon for they feared the flames of the balrog and would easily be burned.

Lord Manafirogh
01-28-2003, 02:28 PM
As word came to lord Manafirough of the coming of melkor to Isengard he immediately sent 200 men and asked for 100 of the dwarfs to come and help him reinforce helm’s deep. Helm’s deep was to have a new gate built in metal and the walls would be built by the dwarfs with great care. He would also protect his people. Lord Manafirough would have his men ready to defend Minas Tirith. 1000 archers were ready upon the wall of the great town. No doubt he would sent word to Rohan for they were to in danger of being attacked. Helm’s deep would be Rohan’s strong hold and together with minas tirith they would not fall until all evil was banished from middle earth.

Gothmog the great
01-28-2003, 02:41 PM
The eagles were the eyes of the elves in the sky and reported any changes and offered there alligence to the alliance.
Gothmorg decided he could not wait and the forest would not offer protection from the flames of the balrog. gothmorg took 2500 elves and left the rest if any of the allies needed reinforcements.
Gothmorg marched to the great gates of isengards and shook orthac when he rammed the gates. The great company of orcs was astonished at the great dark figure at the gates and paniked for gothmorg appeard much biiger and fiercer then the balrog from morio. At the confusion a great number of eagles soared down from the sky and attacked the army of the shadow. After each pass that the eagles made the enemy was showered with arows from the elven archers. now the enemy was trapped inside a cage. Then the balrog hit many eagles down and the orcs started there defence.

01-28-2003, 03:44 PM

Melkor was enraged to see that an attack had came down so quickly upon isengard.But was confident that the balrog there would win the day.this balrog was a veteran of a 500 year war with the dwarfs in their own halls and his might had been too great for them.

the orcs were being hit by the eagles from above and the deadly accuracy of the elven archers but soon the orcs had formed a three fold wall of sheilds slanted at a 45 degree angle to parry any arrows that came over the wall.but the slant allowed the orc archers to get off shots at the eagles without being hit.

many of the great birds fell into the ring of isengard to their deaths.

01-28-2003, 03:53 PM
the windlord of the eagles saw how many of his people had been shot down and was dismayed.He called off his attack and fled to their eeriys in the misty mountains.the elves and gothmog lost their air supiriority and the battle continued.

The balrog of isengard who was named Gonrok by melkor had ordered the 450 dunleding men to get on the wall and use their archers too attack the elves.Gonrok cared nothing for these men and did not fret as he saw many of them being easily shot from the wall.The 2,500 elves had hardly lost any and gonrok estimated their number at 2,400 - still a great force.

The uruk-hai he had begun to spawn in the pits were called forth.as the attack had come so swiftly there were only 500 of them but they were fully armed in black mail and bore iron swords,spears and bows.The last of the dunleding men were shot from the wall and with them went another 30 elves bringing their number down to 2,370.

01-28-2003, 03:59 PM
the 500 uruk-hai left isengard from a secret gate a little to the north.they came down upon the attackers with a hail of arrows and a charge of spears.
If it wasnt for the great might of gothmog the elves would have been halted in their seige but gothmog kept them together and charger their ranks while being hit by poison arrows from the defenders of isengard.

A fierce battle raged but the supirior numbers of elves and gothmog destroyed the uruk-hai.But at a cost.the elves lost 350 the the 500 uruk-hai.
the elves resumed their attack.

01-28-2003, 04:08 PM
Meanwhile back at mordor melkor looked north to mirkwood and saw that their captain gothmog the balrog was not with them which meant that it allowed him a chance to attack.

He called for khamul to lead a host of 5,000 uruks,heavily armed mostly archers.also to take another four nazgul to help with the attack.they immidiately left from the black gate and hastened north.

Melkor then focused on the world of men.his ideas were to use his army of isengard to attack helms deep but the recent turn of events prevented him to do this.So he called for Gundred - balrog and high captain of mordor.gundred was great in size and strenght and was even a match for gothmog. Gundred rounded up his 500 war trolls.armed them in heavy black chain mail and gave them great iron hammers and axes.

''FOR OSGILIATH!!!!'' roared melkor.

01-28-2003, 04:12 PM
Gundred came upon osigiliath with his trolls in a cloud of fear.The defenders fled from the city for minas tirith.this force was too great for them.Gundred and the war trolls then proceeded to lay waste to the city.when all was just rubble and flame they returned to minas morgul unhindered.The man had no idea of what they were up against.

Gothmog the great
01-28-2003, 04:18 PM
The strenght of the lord of the balrogs was to great for the gates of isen to contain. Gothmog broke the hinges of the first 2 gate and the 3rd was opened by the ors so they could attack the elves. The two great balorogs clashed and the screeches overtook all the cries from the battle and the sound was deafening like monut doom erupting. All the land was struck with the fearsom roars. The 2 might giants crashed against the mighty orthanc wich still stood tall and uneffected crushing many worriors both orc and some elf.Gothmog with all his might held the balrog of the deep and and fell into a deep pit used for the forging of sarumans army. Gothmog and his powerful enemy were now battling deep underground. Now the elves and the orcs could fight freely above. then as the eagles saw there chance they swooped down as the elves charged.

Lord Manafirogh
01-28-2003, 04:23 PM
hey man you can never get 500 trolls thats too many! I bet u can only round about 50! Minas Tirith will not fall without a fight.
the help of the man from the sea and the summoning of the dead will soon be upon the orcs.

01-28-2003, 04:27 PM
As the orcs of isengard saw their leader fall into the pits with the other balrog they were dimayed.they were left alone with the fierce elves of the wood.
The orcs fought bravely for what they were but they could not beat the elves.their strenght in arms was too much.the battle went right to the feet of orthanc were the captain of the elves struck down the last of the orcs.
The elves had been seriously reduced in number.only 700 remained and most bore wounds they would remember for some time.They all went to the edge of the pit to look down on the clashing titans.

01-28-2003, 04:30 PM

Gothmog the great
01-28-2003, 04:31 PM
As the battle raged elrond the chiefstane grew heavy of heart. He could end the battle in one swift move but doing so would endanger gothmorg. Then the darkness faded away and he felt the passion of gothmog. Elrond summoned Ossa the wrath of water. Ossa answered the call and there was a great rumble. He entered from the mouth of isen and went through the dam that the Ents had distroyed drowning all that lay before him. His wrath was so strong that the rings of isengard cracked before his might. the water poured as once before into the deep pits of saruman. The fire of the balrog of moria was dimiished and gothmorg was taller and more stout injured the great beast deeply that he cold not climb/fly away. Gothmog rose from the pit to find distruction brfore him. Only968 elves remaind.

Gothmog the great
01-28-2003, 04:36 PM
As the battle raged elrond the chiefstane grew heavy of heart. He could end the battle in one swift move but doing so would endanger gothmorg. Then the darkness faded away and he felt the passion of gothmog. Elrond summoned Ossa the wrath of water. Ossa answered the call and there was a great rumble. He entered from the mouth of isen and went through the dam that the Ents had distroyed drowning all that lay before him. His wrath was so strong that the rings of isengard cracked before his might. the water poured as once before into the deep pits of saruman. The fire of the balrog of moria was dimiished and gothmorg was taller and more stout injured the great beast deeply that he cold not climb/fly away. Gothmog rose from the pit to find distruction brfore him. Only968 elves remaind.

01-28-2003, 04:36 PM
occ:lord manafirough just do a search on melkor and youll beleive that i can get an army of trolls.

OSGILIATH IS GONE!! the hordes of mordor roar in unison.

now the easterlings and the men of harad shall make themselves known.

two great armies left minus morgul for the fortress cith of minus tirith.They felt they could not lose with the lord of darkness behind them.

Gondor was in for a battle for the histories.



Lord Manafirogh
01-28-2003, 04:37 PM
1000 riders were ready to go and aid their ally Lord Manafirough.
The men of Rohan had invented a huge machine called Mortan.Mortan was a weapon of mass distruction, it would shout out 15 huge spears in great power and speed. 100 Mortans were sent to Minas Tirith as word came to then that trolls had attacked.
This weapon would take out a troll or any living thing that stood on its way.

Back in Minas Tirith trolls were being shot with hundreds of arrows but this would do little effect to the huge trolls. The man upon the walls were told to aim at their heads. The walls were being smashed but behold a horn sounded in the north.
“Eomer, Eomer has come to our aid”
and with that 1000 riders were fast riding like a wind upon a field. One men held out his sword and with that a huge cry came out.
“My Lord Here I Come at Your Aid”

01-28-2003, 04:42 PM
hold on lord manafirough my troll armie did not attack minus tirth after they sacked osgiliath they returned to mordor.

An army of men is coming for minus tirith though so be ready.

Lord Manafirogh
01-28-2003, 04:55 PM
ok but minas tirith wont is being joined by Rohan and Helm's deep is reinforced.
1000 men went to Minas Tirith with 100 mortans
3000 to helms deep
and 2500 are already in In Minas Tirith

Gothmog the great
01-28-2003, 04:59 PM
as mirkwood was attacked the elves were still not challnged by the coming of the orcs. The 500 orcs were no match for the 2500 elves. Mirkwood was the home of the elves and the knew the land well whereas the to the orcs it was a darlk wilderness.
Many orcs where snipered down from the dark and the orc convoy was distroyed. The shriek of the nazgul pireced the thick undergrowth of mirkwood and was heard by the elves.
remainig orcs were caught and killed by only portion of spiders left.

Gothmog the great
01-28-2003, 05:22 PM
Now the mirkwood was no longer safe for the treachury of the dwarf lord would cause an an attck from the south.
The elves saw a the return og gothmog and the remaining elves from isengard. Gothmog had entrusted isengard to the Ents for now they were safe from the flames of the balrog. Now that isengasrd was secured the ppasage for the servents of melkor was now perilous. Gothmorg ordered that 2000 elves go to the hidden realm of thigolin. The realm of the7(cant remmeber) gates.
the rest remained in mirkwood and prepeared for battle.

01-29-2003, 12:01 PM
The 500 orcs sent before the 5,000 uruks were totally slaughtered by the southern defences of mirkwood.but by attacking the elves had given away their positions and the winged nazgul directed the attack from the air.

The uruks swarmed over the elven defenders and washed them away in a black floor of spear and sword.
Southern mirkwood had been won with very small loss to the uruks.

The army then hastened to dol-guldor the old stronghold of sauron.it still reeked evil and the uruks were joyed to be able to man it.the gates were once again forged strong and the balconies of stone were manned with many archers.they faced north so any attack from there would be hindered by a hail of black arrows. 3 of the nazgul stayed in dol-guldor as captains of that army but khamul returned to barad-dur with the tidings.

01-29-2003, 12:08 PM
Away north in the lands of erebor in the hall of the lonely mountain sat durin the deathless.he pondered over the recent events of the south and he made the decision to join forces with melkor.At this decision the eyes of the dwarves became dark and evil.At once durin set messengers east to the iron hills were 1500 grim dwarves came ready for war.with them came many supplies and means of craft and forgery.

They were immediately put to the forging of armour and weapons for a grand army of dwarves.Durin looked to the empty stronghold of moria and sent 1000 of his srongest warriors there.They were called the longbeards of moria.They wore black mail and plate of steel.their helms were of tempered black steel and were an inch thick.runes of their language were ingraved in red in the brow.They wore cloaks of crimson and bore great battle axes of steel and mithril.They reopened the old mithril mines and began forging weapons and armour of mithril.
Moria was once again in the power of the dwarves.

01-29-2003, 12:14 PM
Melkor was pleased to see that the north was under his command.and the dwarves there were gathering in great numbers.an army of 4,000 had arose.

Melkor then focused on his own campaign.He had a great army and fortress in south mirkwood which was well manned and guarded.plans for that stroke could wait because the more pressing thought was that of gondor and rohan.their strenght together was great indeed.

Melkor still had an army of 10,000 in mordor and the shock troops of 500 trolls and their leader gonrok the balrog.for now they would stay in mordor.

But melkor sent his will and malice to the easterling man and the army of harad who were close coming upon minas tirith.
soon an army of men would be destoyed but which one melkor knew not.

01-29-2003, 12:32 PM
(in the last post i meant to say gundred instead of gonrok got mixed up)

Khamul was sent by melkor to fly to moria and check on the longbeards that were stationed there.Khamul found a great fortress with gates of black iron and steel cut into the mountain side were bunkers of stone were the dwarves could look out east.
Khamul was seen a long time before he reached the gates there he was welcomed and brought inside.The dwarves had in deed been busy.another 600 had come from the blue mountains to swell moria.they were all fully armed and alert.Khamul was shown the mithril mines and he was held in awe at the beauty of them.Azaghol captain of the longbeards gave Khamul a girt to show that their alliance was fixed.He gave to Khamul 6 bows of steel with a full quiver of arrows for each but these arrows were speacial,for the head was edged with mithril and could pierce any armour on middle earth.the 6 bows were for each nazgul on his winged steed.Khamul took the gifts and returned to mordor.

01-29-2003, 02:20 PM
the hordes of harad were first to behold the sight of minas tirith.It was a city of white silver and shone on the sunlight.
a large company of harad archers placed themselves in a cresent ring about minas tirith.they let loose a hail of arrows as footsoldiers closed in with battering rams.But the men of harad did not see the 5 mortans that came from the gate with a force of men holding large sheilds to protect it.The mortans fired at the captains signal and the first wave of harad man were totally destroyed.The mortans caused terrible damage.

Gothmog the great
01-29-2003, 02:23 PM
the treachery of the dwarfs had goton to the elven lords and to the dwellings of man. Much doubt was now on the last defenders of middle earth. The forces of morgoth were now to great to attack even wiith the combination of elves and man for the dwarfs had left them and the commander of the elven army gothmog was badly injured in the battle against the balrog of morio at the fords of isengard. Dwarf numbers were great but when the elvs saw the movement of a 900 dwarfs to mirkwood they thought that the nubers were not suffieicent enough to overcome the elves. The dwarfs were a small fraction that shunned the idea of surving the lord of darkness and surve the master of any dragon that had plundered any dwarfen treasures.

Gothmog the great
01-29-2003, 02:26 PM
The elves welcomed the new hope that arrived. The dwarves ammiedeatley started to forge defences and told all the new about the plans of the allies of the darlk lord. News was sent to rohan and gondor of arriving dangers.

Lord Manafirogh
01-29-2003, 02:37 PM
Hearing of the destruction of OSGILIATH Lord Manafirough prepared minas Tirith well.
Mortan was put in front of the line of the battle. Behind 1000 archers with shield of great resistance and swords of great power. Has soon as mortan had fired man would step in front to protect it. It did take a long time to reload but when it was finished great damage was done to those that stood before it.

Gothmog the great
01-29-2003, 02:38 PM
Gothmog was not at his full strength but coulnd now a leat lead an attack or defend from one. The dwarfs built great catapults which would defend mirkwood in waht time they could. The eagles that could be spared by the king of eagles were used as messengers beetween the allies of freedom. In isengard only the great orthac now stood and the wad lain bare. Half the ents were ordered to go to minis thirith to the aid of lord manafirogh against the hords of easterlings and the other portion of the ent army liad in wait biding there time(disappered in fangorn or mirkwood).

Gothmog the great
01-29-2003, 02:46 PM
the ents that were sent to rohan were retreated for the danger of the uruk hai was great and the elven lords new of a rising danger.

Lord Manafirogh
01-29-2003, 02:55 PM
The man of Gondor were to use all their power to kill all who stood to chalange it. Men upon the great walls of Minas tirith threw great huge rock below were the enemy stood. 50 enemys would get squashed like bugs under the surface of the ground. The rock were of huge size. Two long rales were created to role the huge rock to the surface. The rocks came down at great speed and smashed to the ground.

The man used their sheild to protect the Mortans. The created a square of sheild (like the one in helm's deep by the orcs) then once mortan was reloaded they would step back and fire.

Archers on the wall would fire arows with fire on top to set the enemy into flames.

01-29-2003, 03:12 PM
(gothmog and lord manafirogh join my dwarven army in kings of chaos. its FREE gothmog ive already joined but i need soldiers so i can buy weapons and armour youll be officers just go to this site
http:/www.kingsofchaos.com/page.php?id=150459 thankyou)

now back to the story.

The men of harad were being slaughtered at the gates of minas tirith.they had underestimated the strenght of gondor.they swarmed about the walls and rushed the mortans hacking the sheild wall from it and smashing the mortans to pieces.they saved 2 mortans and turned them onto the wall of minas tirth.They used the same tactic as did the men of gondor and created a sheild wall about the mortans.they fired and destroyed the rails for the giant stones that smashed their ranks.just as the rails were destroyed the stones fell on the mortans crushing them and the sheild wall to death.

01-29-2003, 03:18 PM
The battle did not seem to be coming to an end.thrice the men of harad scaled the first wall of minas tirth and thrice were they thrown down.the man of harad were in despair as they saw the great piles of their own men dead.But still they fought on.Then it was to call forth the mumakil. Five of these great beast of war rumble forward.they shook the very earth with their feet.Archers on their backs fired onto the wall dislodging enough gondor men to let the men of harad scale the wall and get into the first courtyard of minas tirith.

By now 3000 of the 5000 army of harad were slain but the other 2000 were pouring in like ants.a ferocious battle raged but the men of gondor were pushed back into the second courtyard were they closed the gate and the men of harad had to scale another wall.

01-29-2003, 03:26 PM
The mumakil burst the first gate from its hinges and entered the courtyard. 2 were shot down as they were hit in the eyes many many times by the great steel bows of gondor.As they fell they smote the ground and cause death to any beneath them.but as a third one was shot down its great mass fell upon the second wall and broke it open.
The man of harad rushed in with new force of attack and fought right up to the third gate were a battle was fought which lived forever in the songs of men.

From the citadel upon the highest reaches of minas tirith was heard the silver horn of lord manafirogh with his guard of the citadel.they were armed in glittering mail and bore lofty helms with wings on either side.Lord manafirogh raised his sword and stormed in the battle. Such was his skill and power of arms that none could stand before him.
Upon the third wall of minas tirith the army of harad was destroyed.the remaining two mumakil still fought on but were surrounded and shot down with flaming arrows.

01-29-2003, 03:32 PM
But as the last of the army of harad was destroyed the forces of gondor had suffered heavily.4,000s did they lose in that battle and still the army of the easterlings was still at full force.
they were positioned at the gate of minas morgul and were waiting for the instuction to attack.

Lord manafirogh stood upon the first wall and looked upon his men and roared
''hither the darkness comes swiftly but i tell you now people of gondor i swear an oath that as long as i live minas tirith shall not be taken by the enemy!''

Melkor heard this oath then said
''if i cannot take minas tirith while manafirogh is alive i shall take it when he is dead!!

01-29-2003, 03:44 PM
Soon melkor became full of rage and his heart burned with hatred for the world.The orcs trembled before him and named him morgoth enemy of the world as they saw his power unfold before them

They burning in his heart could not be contained and mount doom exploded a river of swift flame.the river sped west to the shadowy mountains and across the land of gorgoroth.the river of flame clove a road through the thick rock and smashed against the mountains were it pooled and gathered strenght.here it burst through the mountains and collided into the ruins of osgiliath until it reached the river Anduin were it was cooled but the river of flame was continuous and cut the path of gondor off from the north.No longer could gondor use the road of North ithilien as it was barred with fire and no bridge could be built to cross it.

But also from mount doom came from the deep lava caverns Angrodouk the mighty dragon of morgoth.

01-29-2003, 03:53 PM
For long had morgoth kept Angrodouk a secrect in the vast caverns beneath mordor but he could contain him no longer and wen he came he was at full power.He flew with vast wings like that of some bat from hell.His scales were of steel his horns of iron.The rage of his eyes could melt the bone and his flame could consume the earth.He flew in three circles around barad-dur then went west at the bidding of morgoth his head was pointed for rohan.

The men of Gondor were in great fear and terror as they saw the massive monster of Angrodouk pass over their heads and off into rohan.They sent their prayers for rohan for no horse could run fast enough to warn them.

Agrodouk came upon the vast fields and pastures of rohan and laid them to waste in an inferno of blazing fire.He first went to helms deep were he broke the wall and destroyed the keep,he allowed the men women and children to depart for Gondor and to their safety he would have allowed the men to leave as well but they chose to fight him which was their deathwish.They were destroyed.Angrodouk then flew to an empty edoras were he laid waste to the wooded villiage and burnt the harvest to a dust on the wind.With his mission done Angrodouk returned to mordor and to the side of his master who was filled with a great fulfilled desire.

Gothmog the great
01-29-2003, 04:11 PM
the elven lords now new of the terrible new force that had risen from the firey pits of mount doom. Rohan and gonodor would fall to the might of the dragon of morgoth. 200 dwarfs were dispatched to rohan and to the aid of lord manafiroug. the dwarfs wore thick armout that could resist the burning flames of the beast. also the ancestors of the dwarfs had fought many dragons when they were attcked for there vast amounts of wealth and riches so the dwarfs had knowlegde of how to defend from an attck.

Gothmog the great
01-29-2003, 04:24 PM
the dwarfs arrived at minis thirith with great spheres that the had taken from the armouries of moria. Spheres that rivaled the arrows that were given to the nazgul. They were placed in the mortars and the wait began. Also other defences were set for the dragon that will become aparent soon(one major one)

01-30-2003, 11:29 AM
of the 900 dwarves that entered the realm of mirkwood to the aid the elves 200 of those were spies sent by durin to penetrate the walls and discover the secret paths and weaknesses of their fortresses.
After the other 200 left for minas tirith the 200 spies waited till nightfall then fled south to dol-guldor.
There they brought news to the nazgul of the dwarves that had gone to gondor and of the defence of mirkwood.The nazgul were very pleased.The strenght in dol-guldor was now immense.With 5,000 heavily armed uruk-hai, 3 nazgul ringwraiths armed with bows of mithril and flew on winged steeds now it was reinforced with 200 stout dwarves.They began work on seige weapons such as catapults,ballistas, iron capped battering rams and many crossbows.The final stroke against mirkwood was coming soon.

01-30-2003, 11:38 AM
Morgoth sat on his iron throne and was happy with the way that the war was falling apart.
The army of mordor was 10,000 strong and morgoth put much time and energy into them.they were trained rigourously none stop save to eat food that was touched by morgoth.

For them The dwarves from moria sent great armours of steel and mithril.For the first time ever the orcs wore shining armour.
Their mail was of steel but 250 of the first had mail of mithril.
They all bore helms of steel which was plain but strong.they had brestplates of dulled iron and wore cloaks of black.

For weapons all bore steel longspears with broad black heads they looked like a forest of steel great and strong.
they were girt with straight swords of iron and sheilds of thin steel covered in thick black leather.The best part of the host had longbows strapped to their backs with a whole quiver of iron arrows.Morgoth was pleased with what he saw assembled before the gates of barad-dur.But in memory of his old fortress morgoth renamed barad-dur to Angband the 'iron prison'

01-30-2003, 11:46 AM
As morgoth persieved the dwarves could withstand Angrodouk so a new plan was hatched.
Angrodouk was to lead the army of the easterlings to minas tirith and as the battle begun would depart for dol-amroth and the unprepared King Imrahil.

The 4,000 strong easterlings were delighted to hear that they would be led by the wrath of morgoth for they knew not that Angrodouk would leave them to their doom.

So they marched off with heads held high and spears higher.
When they came insight of the city Angrodouk flew high and roared ''ATTACK!!'' such was the feroscity in his fell voice that the easterlings found themselves running towards the wall.
Angrodouk watched then flew south.

It did not take long to reach the city by the mountains and the sea.And neither did it take long for Angrodouk the mighty to break open the walls and cause an inferno of all that liver there.
But Angrodouk was amazed to see that frm the rubble crawled a man.Prince Imrahil.

01-30-2003, 11:58 AM
Angrodouk saw that this was no ordinary man.he was part of the race of the elves which he was forced to hate with a terrible vengence.But Imrahil did not flee before the monster but said
''why is it that a creature of your strenght must come upon my city from the rear and without notice and destroy my people with out a chance,do you fear us?''

But this did not enrage Angrodouk he just smiled and showed his great fangs and said
''No imrahil king of dol-amroth i do not fear thee but i sense in you a strenght,would thy put that to the test?''

And as Angrodouk finished his sentence Imrahil drew his white sword and it shone and glittered like ice.and Angrodouk feared it.
For on the ground he was not as agile and imrahil smote him heavily upon his snout causing an expolsion of blood.a great flame burst from his jaws and imrahil recieved the flame on his right side.then Angrodouk tried to get airbourn and finish this pest off but imrahil jumped to his feet and clove the wing of Angrodouk redering him flightless.Three more blows came to Angrodouks head and flank before he hit Imrahil with his tail and smashed him into the rocks.Thinking him dead Angrodouk turned and headed back to mordor on foot cursing the name of Imrahil.But with the last strenght in his body Imrahil threw his sword and it smote deeply into the back of Angrodouks head slaying him instantly.there they died together and that battle was never forgotten or forgiver by morgoth.

01-30-2003, 12:16 PM
(this isnt part of the story but ive just found out that you dont need register or join or sign up to anything to help me.all you have to do is click on this site and thats all.my army will get money just by people looking at the site so pleeeeease help me.
www.kingsofchaos.com/page.php?id=150459 and thats all thank you)

Gothmog the great
01-30-2003, 02:23 PM
the forest of mirkwood was now not safe
the elves were now gainst a to power full foe
the elves by the cover of night made there way to minis thrith were the was the strongest prescance of man.
there the final battle between the forces of morgoth and the last alliance of freedom would be fought.
the elves, dwarfs and ents marched over anduin through lorien and then finally fengorn to reach there destination gathereing any force they could.

Lord Manafirogh
01-30-2003, 02:25 PM
Hearing of the death of Prince Imrahil lord Manafirough told all his man and dwarfs to reinforce Minas Tirith. They would build the gates that were distroyed and also the mortans would have dwarf's spears instead of the normal ones of Gondor. Lord mannafirough would not flee hes home. He would defende it as long as he lived.

01-30-2003, 02:37 PM
The force in dol-guldor was now ready and decided the time was nigh to end the world of elves.one of the nazgul flew to erebor to rally the whole force to leave immidiatly.the forces of erebor and dol-guldor would come upon the halls of mirkwood like a hammer on an anvil and smash it to pieces.

But as the armies crashed through the forest they came to empty halls and deserted forts.A great panic arose and the 2 armies fled to mordor to the safety of their lord morgoth.

now morgoth saw the elves ents and men prepare minas tirith so he prepared his force.
10,000s he had of orcs bearing great force of war.
5,000s of the mighty uruk-hai.
500 war trolls armed in black mail and held iron axes and hammers.
2,000 dwarves of erebor and still 1,000 in moria.
then he had his captains.
8 of the winged nazgul armed with mithril bows.
and the high captain of angband - Gundred the balrog.

The easterling men that had attacked minas tirith before Angrodouk had left them had been totally wiped out and had caused little damage to the great city.
Soon the army of Morgoth was assembled and mobilsed and stood before the gates of Angband before Morgoth.

Lord Manafirogh
01-30-2003, 02:49 PM
The elfs of mirkwood were greatly welcomed in Minas tirith. The elfs had brough with them the finest bows in middle-earth. Elfs were laid upon the wall of Minas Tirith. Dwarfs started to reinforce the gates. Ents moved huge rock for for the dwarfs to craft and place on defence of the gates. Suddenly a horn was heard from distance. A message came to lord Manafirough.
"Sir its the man from dol-amroth its looks as some of them have survived and come to fight with us in revenge of Imrahil"
"Please welcome them and aid the enjured" said the lord.
The man of dol-amroth looked weary but they were of tall sructure and grim faces. They bore long spears that shone in distance and helms greatly crafted. Some of the man had taken their armour of because it was burned by the dragon Andrpdouk. The man of dol-amroth looked to be around 500.

Gothmog the great
01-30-2003, 02:56 PM
now the men of gondor marveled at the coming army for the elves were tall in silver/gold armour with beutifully carfted armour, shields and great elven blades.Follwed by the remaining dwarfes. There was a cre from the dwarfs in minis thrith wehn they saw there fellow comrades. Finallt the great ents could be seen as great giants that moved in great strides. Now morgoth had realsied what had haped but it was to late to stop the coallition being formed.

01-30-2003, 02:59 PM
Durin had not left with the host of erebor for mordor he had stayed behind with 200 of his most greatest warriors.He left erebor and 50 of them stayed behind as Durin did not wish to leave his halls empty.

Durin and his 150 joined with the remaining 1000 in moria and left from the west gate of moria.With great speed they marched north and assailed the city of rivendell.

As elrond was not there and most of the elves had departed for war the battle was brief.Durin led his 150 warriors right to the gates of rivendell while being supported by a vast hail of steel arrows which flew over the walls of rivendell causing much damage to all inside.Durins great red axe clove the wooden gates and they poured in slaying all in their path.they then torched the beautiful city and watched it burn.
When all was black dust and soot Durin departed with his host for mordor and the last battle.

01-30-2003, 03:17 PM
Morgoth laughed to himself at the petty gathering in minas tirith.
Ents! what could the ents do against the black axe and hell flame of Gundred the mighty.

Morgoths armies were now savage and bloodthirsty they wished nothing more but to destroy their enemies.
Morgoth laughed at the stupidity of his enemies.they had cornerned themselves with no escape.No rashional general would place their whole remaining force in one place.
and to remind his enemies of his power Morgoth climbed from his iron throne deep in Angband.He took upon himself GROND hammer of the underworld and he wore great iron armour of deep black.
He was huge as a tower and stonger than the foundations of the earth.He towered above even the height of Gundred.
The armies of mordor cowered before him but morgoth bellowed
''Soldiers of Morgoth you should fear me more than your enemies and you should fear the consequences of my deepest rage if you fail!''
all heard this and now a black fire was lit in their evil hearts they marched for minas tirith with morgoth behind them.

Gothmog the great
01-30-2003, 03:26 PM
now it was the coming of the final battle
50 elves were set out being backed up with some ents to the ships of the harads. They sat sail for the valar and two eagles were choosen, the 2 that had the most stamina to caary on the miisions of the ships if the elves should fail. Morgoth now had no way of finding out abou this unti his spies wouldreach him but they were stiill far.
(he was not on his throne and could not c all the land)

Gothmog the great
01-30-2003, 03:28 PM
the ships of the hards were pushed to there limits as they rode the giant waves of ossa beng pushed faster and faster.
After many hours the ships were out of reach of the warth of morgoth.

01-30-2003, 03:49 PM
Now it was for the time of the last battle.
first that came from the gates of minas morgul was durin his 3000 dwarves and above them flew the eight nazgul.their shrieks and cries of terror now echoed across the lands and struck fear into the hearts of men,elves and dwarves.
Morgoth knew that the force inside minas tirith could not be more than 5000 as it was impossible because he himself had kept track of the sizes of his enemies armies.

The nazgul came down like black meteors from the heavens.many men were struck down by the mithril bows as not even the armour of the dwarves could stop.But 10 times as many arrows came up after them and after four times round three of the nazgul were shot down and their great winged beasts fell into the courts of minas tirith and on the heads of all beneath.
Khamul led the remaining 5 back to the dwarven army which had many artillery units such as catapults and ballistas.

At the head of his host durin ordered the catapults to fire.10 great rocks of flame crashed onto the wall and gates of minas tirith causing much devastation.but on the wall were the skilled elven archers and they focused their line of fire on the catapults.one more hail of rocks smashed into the wall then the catapults were broken and many dwarves fell with them.

01-30-2003, 04:00 PM
Now the host of durin charged and with them came 3 seige rams which were as great houses coated in armour and sheilds inside were 20 dwarves and with a battering ram of iron.such was the strenght of the dwarves that the rams got right up to the gate and they proceeded to batter it.mean while the other dwarfs were being hit by mortans and catapults which destroyed their formations.but soon they climbed aboured the seige rams and onto the wall.Above the battle thousands of arrows flew and hundreds of either side fell.It was a terrible battle and the axes of the dwarves could not be stopped by any armour in minas tirith.but the elves dwarves men and ents fought valiantly together and the dwaves were pushed from the wall.
The gate was opened from the inside a 4 huge ents destroyed the siege rams and bounded into the serried ranks of dwarven halberds.roars and cries of pain erupted across the field as a company of men charged out and the gate was closed.
the men clove a path through the dwarfs but soon found themselvs surrounded.then came durin the deathless.

He flung himself into the battle and slew 2 of the ents with his red axe.he smashed the sheild wall of men and they were trampled and slain.the their ent was shot many times with flaming arrows and then hacked down and was killed.
Durin called back the assault and retreated recieving many arrows in the rear of his host.of his 3000 dwarves 2,032 had been destroyed .He went back to minas morgul and the siege had begun

Lord Manafirogh
01-30-2003, 04:11 PM
Lord Manafirough cried out "BRING OUT 5 MORE MORTANS" and with that the ground shook and loud rolling came from the wheels. “Bring out the net” A huge net made especially to capture the balrog came out. This net was made out of thin strong wire that could not be cut or burned.
The dark lord did not know what was waiting for him. The huge net was raised in the air and the balrog flew straight inside it. The beast was tangled and could not keep elevated and fell into the ground. There waited many mortans. Now the chance had come to attack with the mortans.
"ready, aim. FIRE!". 15 spears of the dwarf masters came down at great speed went straight into the massive neck of the balrog. Many spheres pierced his armoured skin and the screeches could be heard in the throne room of morgoth. The huge balrog gave a huge cry and crashed on the ground.

01-30-2003, 04:15 PM
Still the defenders in Minas tirith were still at strenght and had lost but three hundreds to the dwarven loss of 2,032.

Morgoth did not worry and sent the dwarves back with the nazgul and the 5,000 uruk-hai with a new force of catapults and battering rams.Also a unit was formed of uruk-hai and dwarves.the unit were called the entslayers as the 50 dwarven axes and 100 uruk-hai flaming crossbows were made only for the destruction of the ents.they did not join the main battle as they waited for the ents to come out to open battle.

the uruk-hai collided with the beaten wall as a hammer colides with the head of a nail.The walls shook with their attack and the air was filled with flailing arrows,mortan spears and catapult rocks.Carnage was all about the dead were piled high and fire erupted on the first wall.The mortans were now rendered useless as the smoke from the fire clouded their vision.this allowed the urul-hai to bring their battering rams to the already weakened gate.fire rained down upon them but they did not stop.They surrounded minas tirith and assailed it from all sides.

Khamul then led the 5 nazgul over the city dropping works of explosive devilry onto the heads of the defenders.some ents were caught in the flames and rampaged in pain in their pain and confusion they broke open the gate from inside and rane out afield were they were slaughtered by the entslayers.
But still the battle raged.

Lord Manafirogh
01-30-2003, 04:22 PM
Many man tried to hit mongoth but he was to strong for any of the man standing around him. When the orcs attacked with a huge cry suddenly they all fell in a huge pit dug up by the ents. The ents then picked up huge rock and threw them down the pit. Many orcs had been squashed to death. The trap was a success. Elfs on the walls of Minas Tirith were shooting fire arrows at the body of the nazgul’s. Some hit their heads and one was hit in the eye from the lord of the Elfs. Two Nazgul’s fell on the ground and shook middle-earth with huge cries.

Gothmog the great
01-30-2003, 04:47 PM
as the battle raged gotmog recovered came out of ithilien. He flew high killing any remaining winged nazguls. The great beast remainded many dwarfs of moria of the shadow an fthey feard it but not as much as the wrath of morgoth. He landed on the ground with a huge bang and the casue great shockwaves that put the nemys on the floor. The exes of the dwarfs done liitle damage as he flung many enemys with ease. He aimed for the great siege weapons like the catapults and rams.
Then the great shadow aimed for any archers that were firing fire arrows that could hurt the ents for the ents were to precious to lose.

01-31-2003, 11:51 AM
(I TOLD YOU BEFORE READ THE POSTS CAREFULLY! i havent sent gundred the balrog to battle yet neither has morgoth gone to battle or the 10,000 orcs with shining armour.all you are fighting now are 5,000 uruk-hai about 900 dwarves and some nazgul.

Morgoth watched as the battle unfolded.the defenders were much more prepared than he had expected.
traps,spears,arrows all fell onto his uruk-hai and they were smahed from the wall.Now the gates opened and many came out to open battle.The uruk-hai were drawn in from around minas tirth and the battle of the gates erupted.Gothmog prevented the entslayers from charging the ents and they uruk-hai were seperated by them.elves still upon the wall fired into the battle.such was their great aim that they did not hit there fellow comrades.Bodies uncountable lay strewn about fires were about the field from the flame of Gothmog and from the arrows of the entslayers.Durin and his last dwarves decided it was up to them to get Gothmog.They formed a solid formation and charged through the battle up to the thrashing feet of gothmog.They leaped on him heedless of their own hurt and began hacking at his firey body.His great voice roared across gondor and Morgoth smiled.

01-31-2003, 12:02 PM
Durin climbed up Gothmogs body all his dwarves were dead.Durin threw down his axe and drew Angrost 'iron cleaver'. i was a thin but long white blade forged an age ago in the deeps of the world.
Durin struck deep into Gothmogs chest but it was not enough to slay the powerful maiar.Durin was flung far from Gothmog and landed heavily on his head breaking his neck and so ended the line of Durin the deathless.
But more damage was done to gothmog than could be seen by the eye.the blade had gone in right up to the handle and Gothmogs huge hands could not pull it free.Angrost burned him and sent him into an uncontrolled frenzy.

Morgoth now seized the moment and unleashed his full power.
ten thousand orcs swept into the battle on either flanks.Their weapons of steel punctured all.Gundred flew in with his 500 war trolls and many from either side were slain.The trolls with their hammes and axes went straight for the huge ents and they fought a seperate battle.Gundred smashed into the back of Gothmog and Broke out into a furious battle.Deep clefts were cut into the ground from their pounding feet.
Tremendous mushroom clouds of flame exploded from them.
It was terrible to watch but the defenders of minas tirith had no time.The tide of 10,000 orcs on open ground had smashed them back inside minas tirith with much loss.The huge amounts of orcs spilled over the walls slaying the elven archers.Morgoth came thundering into the melee with grond raised above his head.

01-31-2003, 12:15 PM
Morgoth bounded into the gates of minas tirith and smashed them from their hinges with one great blow from grond.
He pounded the ground and a shockwave was unleashed upon the second wall which shook the foundations and part of the second wall collapsed falling on the heads of orcs and men.
Lord manafirogh was at the top defending the citadel.The orcs could not get him.But morgoth came.He was shot by hundreds of arrows but they did nothing to him.He swung grond and broke open the citadel.The men of Gondor qualied as they saw the heart of their kingdom destroyed.But it also made them fight with a burning feroscity and the orcs fell before them.But Morgoth was above their rage and he slayed the Bodyguard of lord mansfiroug.
The lord of gondor now stood alone at the top of minas tirith while the battle raged below.He was surrounded by many orcs but he showed no sign of yielding to Morgoths power.
They orcs would have rushed him but Morgoth said
''look at your city man.It is gone you have lost,use what will power you have left and save your men.what do you care for the elves.join me and gondor shall not be laid waste''

Morgoth waited for the reply but lord manafirogh just leaped into the orcs and slaying heaps of them without mercy.So Morgoth bellowed and grabbed manafirogh by the waist and squeezed him.until he dropped his sword and passed out all went dark for manafirogh. Morgoth now fled from the battle with 500 orcs and back to Angband with his prize.

Lord Manafirogh
01-31-2003, 03:48 PM
Morgoth was stupid to think Lord manafirough was in darkness.
He opened his eyes but dared not to move. He saw that he was carried by morgoth himself. Morgoth's sword was there in his waste and Behold Lord manafirough drew it out in cut morgoth through his waste. The orcs were alarmed and quickly jumped upon him. Morgoth was in great pain but not dead. Suck an evil Lord would not die from his own sword. Lord Manafirough cried out in honour of the people of gondor "Gondor I come back to you"
and with that he whistled and behold his black horse had fallowed his master and was now riding at great speed to reach his lord. Such a faithful horse he was that later on he was named "Black Demon the saver" The Lord swung the dark lords sword and the orcs would not dare get near it for they knew its power. The Lord jumped high upon his horse and with that he was gone to return to the only place he would die. Minas Tirith

Lord Manafirogh
01-31-2003, 03:58 PM
A dark figure was riding fast and closing in minas Tirith. A huge horn sounded up the walls of Minas Tirith. “ride with rohan” Lord Manafirough shouted. With that 700 man on horses of great height charged down on the orcs and uruk-hai.Lord Manafirough was a great rider his horse was black and covered with silver armour. A rider though to be his servent came to him and said
"My lord your Sword Ravier, i found it after you were taken"
With that Lord manafirough pciked up his sword and raised it in the air.
He charged down on the enemy and slay 70 orcs with his huge sword called Ravier. He was a man of great strength and the enemy saw hes strength unfold in front of their eyes. The riders took down many uruk-hai and orcs. “FOR GONDOR AND ROHAN. RIDE! RIDE!” shouted Lord Manafirough and with that he cut of the head of the first dwarf. Hes sword was long and could reach the dwarf’s neck. The collar on the dwarfs neck was split in half and hes head flew in the air. Lord Manafirough was surrounded with man enemys around him. He swang his sword around and killed man orcs and any one that stood in front of him. He was cut by orcs crawling upon him. He retreated back to the gate and upon his castle. The riders remained there and fought like they never had done before

Gothmog the great
01-31-2003, 06:00 PM
the battle was now turning to a one side attack. The forces of melkor were now wining and minis thrith was barley holding. Gothmorg law fataly wounded on the ground and as grundred rose his might weapen for the finall strike he was assaile dby a great number of mortan fire. The spheres from the dwarfen faction fullfiled there porpuse. Many trolls were also shot down by the heavy fire power of the mortans. As the elves saw there lord lying on the battlefield on the brink of death they were filled one thought, to protect him. The rallied out of the city and went to the aid of there lords. They slew many enemys but they were slowly lossing the war.

Gothmog the great
01-31-2003, 06:21 PM
now morgoth was filled with rage a rage he did not feel sice the battle of sudden flame and the battle with fingolfin 4 he was smitten by a king of man by his own blade. Recovered from the wound but not fully morgoth left his dark fotress with all his force for there was no force greate enough to challange him in middle earth. The wrath of morgoth darkened the sky and the ground shook in his fury. As he arrived at the batlle his 10,000 orcs were halted at his command. In his malice hes head turned towards the fallen lord of the balrogs and he spoke "gothmog greatest of all balrogs u choose the serve the allince of my enemies when i offerd u great power but now u ly before me and all that stand before me have there life in my hand". As he spoke all figured stood still.

Gothmog the great
01-31-2003, 06:28 PM
All the orcs were now ordered to stop the attck for morgoth wanted to show his minions and enemys his strength. He spared gothmog so he could witness the demise of middle earth. He drew out his might hammmer the hammer of the underworld.
He distroed the city (utterly decimated) any that stood in his path.
Then no more then 2000 of the allince stood before morgoths fury in a final stand. Morgoth laughter fille dwith malice roard mightier then thunder

Gothmog the great
01-31-2003, 06:40 PM
elrond and lord manafirough now stood at the front and all hoped seemed lost for now nothing seemed could resist the darkness. and morgoth new also new this. Then the sky cleered and the air seemed to freesen up as a light but pure breeze blew in from the sea. Then there was a great light that covered all the sea. The elves that were sent now came with reinforcements. The valar had hided the call of there children. Great ships of beutiful designs came and landed on the shores and a sea of elves came to the aid of middle earth. Led by Tulkas, Turin Trumabr and Eonwe. As elond saw the generals he new of what washappening for he recalled the prophecy of the last battle.
Prophecy of The Last Battle

Thus spake Mandos in prophecy, when the Gods sat in judgement in Valinor and the rumour of his word was whispered among all the Elves of the West.

"When the world is old and the Powers grow weary, then Morgoth, seeing that the guard sleepeth, shall come back through the Door of the Night out of the timeless void ; and he shall destroy the Sun and the Moon.

But Earendil shall descend upon him as a white and searing flame and drive him from the airs. Then shall the Last Battle be gathered on the fields of Valinor. In that day, Tulkas shall strive with Morgoth, and on his right hand shall be Eonwë, and on his left Turin Turambar, son of Hurin, coming from the halls of Mandos; and the Black Sword of Turin shall deal unto Morgoth his death and final end; and so shall the children of Hurin and all Men be avenged.

Thereafter shall Earth be broken and remade, and the Silmarils shall be recovered out of Air and Earth and Sea; for Earendil shall descend and surrender that flame which he hath had in keeping. Then Fëanor shall take the Three Jewels and bear them to Yavanna Palurien; and she will break them and with their fire rekindle the Two Trees, and a great light shall come forth. And the mountains of Valinor shall be levelled, so that the light shall go out over all the world. In that light the Gods will grow young again, and the Elves awake and all their dead arise, and the purpose of Iluvatar be fulfilled concerning them.

But of Men in that day the prophecy of Mandos doth not speak, and no Man it names, save Turin only, and to him a place is given among the sons of the Valar.

Thus everyting dies

but only mortals die forever

the others watch and wait

eternally in the shadows.

MORGOTH also new of this and fled back to angband with all his minions that could make it with him for he fled in great spped.

Gothmog the great
01-31-2003, 06:58 PM
at his fotress morgoth feareing hi dismise created balrogs and dragons tha would distroy the elven force but morgoth new that his end was near but would not quivrer for his strength was mghty(morgoth ucann add what u want cause im waiting for a reply).

02-01-2003, 11:11 AM
For morgoth the end had come for he had not forseen that the lords of the west would come a second time to the aid of middle-earth.He sat on his iron throne in Angband and what remained of his army awaited him.Still he had a tremendous force of balrogs and Dragons at his command but he knew they were of little worth.The Host of the valour hastened on mordor and morke open minas morgul and the mountains of shadow.Their feet renedered Gorgoroth and huges cracks appeared in the earth.

Morgoth sent his armies to a futile battle as all were utterly destroyed by the unquestionable power of the valour.
This had befallen morgoth before in a time past in beleriand.He had fled into the deepest vaults of Angband and begged for forgiveness but not this time he would do battle for he also was of the valour.

He came from the doors of Angband in a cloud of inpenitrable darkness.And with him came balrogs and dragons they fought with the elven host from valinor and each army was destroyed now alone amist the chaos and Darkness stood Tulkas,eonwe and turin son of hurin the black sword.

02-01-2003, 11:23 AM
Morgoth looked into the eyes of tulkas but did not see his death for it was not for tulkas to give it.
They clashed in the wastes of Mordor like a storm cloud and the rays of the sun they hit.
The ground quaked,the Air thudered,Rain poured down,lighting struck and tulkas was cast to the ground his body was broken.
No weapons had been used in that battle save for the might of each ones body.
Morgoth stood triuphant but Turin stood forward and raised Gurthang high
''The curse of the children of hurin shall end on this day that the fates of all collide''

but morgoth feared not this child of man for he was but mortal and morgoth stepped forward to crush him and so the prophercy of the last battle was complete turin struck deep with the blacksword and morgoth was burned and rendered he fell onto His fortress and Angband was destroyed beneath him.And so the doom of morgoth ended and the darkness was swept from middle-earth.Turin then spoke to eonwe and said:

02-01-2003, 01:22 PM
''The curse of morgoth is over and now i shall leave the earth and finally be at ease with my family farewll mighty valour''
and turin son of hurin vanished from the earth.eonwe clasped tulkus and lifted him from the ground as was the might of tulkas he recovered quickly and they looked over middle-earth at the destruction morgoth had reaped.
Mirkwood had been defiled and burnt.
Rivendell had been totally destroyed.
Rohan and the lush fields and meadows had been eternally scorched.
Dol-Amroth had been destroyed as had minas tirith,plus the unnumbered that lay dead and slain.
But the prophercy of the last battle was not finished and all the elves that had been slain rose up again to the light of the sun.
Again from the halls of mandos came all the sons of finwe and he himself finwe came back to stand on middle-earth.
The valour now would let the elves dwell on middle-earth forever and valino shall be emptyed for that if another evil shall arise so much greif and pain shall never be allowed to proceed ever again.

02-01-2003, 04:20 PM
Many of the old cites were once again rebuilt by the noldor to a new form of glory.
Fingolfin and feanor once again brothers in love dwelt no in the rebuilt city of minas tirith with many of their folk and the men of gondor that survived the war of 4 powers.
It was Rebuilt to thrice the size of the old minas tirith and had 10 walls instead of 7 it was beautiful to behold.
Finrod,fingon and finarfin rebuilt edoras and named it Himlad.
Helms deep was also rebuilt by the noldor and it kept its name in memory of the great warrior helm hammerhand.
The seven sons of feanor took mordor as their kingdom a great many of the noldorin elves went with them as mordor was a natural fortress with mountains south,west and north.
Mount doom was broken and cast down into its own pits of fire and the dark cloud over mordor was blown away by a wind from the valour.

02-02-2003, 10:51 AM
In the realm of mordor five great citys were erected by the seven sons of feanor and the great number of the noldorin elves that went with them.
First minas morgul was retaken and washed clean of all foul beings inside.It was given back its old name minas ithil 'the tower of the moon' and was occupied by Caranthir and a few hundreds of his followers.
The second city of mordor was Dorthonium which was built just south of the black gate.It was built by Curufin and celegorm and many noldor went to dwell in that city as it was the most prone to attack.
Next built was the city of sirion and the greatest in mordor.It was governed by Maedhros and he put many defences across the ash mountains and they were renamed the march of Maedhros as he kept an unceasing watch northwards and the the easterling men who would never again be allowed to rise in power.
Then the great city of mithrim was built in the very midst of mordor it was the largest and housed most noldor elves.It was owned by Maglor.
The last city in Mordor that was built was the city of thargelion which was raised on the nothern shore of the sea of Nurnen as the two brothers Amrod and Amros loved the sight of water and the slave workers that were thralls of sauron and melkor in that area were set free.Mordor kept its name as it still struck fear into all enemies of the elves.

02-02-2003, 11:03 AM
Now prince turgon roamed far and wide looking for a place to rebuild the white city Gondolin.with him went Glorfindel and Ecthelion of the fountains and also a great host that were also used to dwell in the hidden kingdom.
He was advised by the men of gondor to go to Isengard and the mountain ring.It was just what he desired but much worked was need as it was somewhat destroyed in the war.But soon enough the white city of Gondolin was rebuilt around the black tower of orthanc and at the very top Turgon made his chamber.
Gondolin was held to be the most beautiful city on middle-earth and one of the strongest as the seven gates were once again forged.
Elrond and Idril rebuilt the ruins of Rivendell and dwelt there forever with Arwen and many elves from mirkwood and of the noldor.
Gil-galad and cirdan the shipwrite made great the grey haves and once agint set to work building ships and setting off for voyages into the unknown.
To the abandoned forest of mirkwood went Orodreth,Angrodand Aegnor with The elves that rightfully dwelt there.Dol-guldor was taken by Orodreth a made into a mighty fortress to guard the south.The others went back to the north and dwelt in the halls of thraindul.Also those that used to dwell in the forest of doriath came forth to greenwood the great.Thingol,melian,beleg and mablung all made their homes there.
And lastly Arradhe;,celeborn and galadriel went back to their old forest of Lorien and now such was the host of elves on middle-earth that there was none that could ever destroy it.
But something stirred in the vast waste lands to the north.......

Lord Manafirogh
02-05-2003, 03:28 PM
Minas Tirith was great as it was rebuild again, and there dwelled two sons of Finwe, Fingolfin and Feanor. Feanor the greatest craftsman to ever live stared to make gems of power that never had any men, dwarf, elf or anyother liveing thing had ever made. So much was he devoted to his work that he would put his spirits on the gems he made. Lord Manafirough was aware of him and knew him very well. When they first meet Feanor said to him "I hear you are the Lord of this town and fought for your people welll. I ask of you to let me work on your sword as i hear you fight well."
Lord Manafirough smilled and said " I am honored that such a great elf is asking me to lend him my sword. I trust you will make my sword much stronger but better i don't think" He drew out his sword and gave it to Feanor.
Days latter the sword was send back to Lord Manafirough and Feanor explained the gems. "The green gem you see on your right handle is a light gem. Light will this give you in all dark places and orcs, trolls or any dark monster will feel the power as it burns in your blade. The gem in your left handle is a fire gem. The spirit of my fire has it got inside it and any living thing will burn inside his skin as the blade cuts. Use your sword well."
Lord Manafirough said " I thank you son of Finwe. Great things you make that none can."
With that Lord Manafirough was amazed and recieved his sword Ravier.