View Full Version : Boo hoo Arwen

01-17-2003, 08:47 PM
I was greatly irritated when I realized Arwen had a part in the Two Towers. In the Fellowship of the Ring, I would have enjoyed seeing Glorfindel, an interesting character portrayed in the book. Hollywood seems to have a defect in which they attempt putting more women in movies, you know, the tough-looking but not-so women. Arwen is one of these, and whenever I attempt arguing this subject to others they reply with the fact that the movie supposedly needed more women. They are not correct, I believe. Then they anger returned when Arwen had the most boring part in the Two Towers. I am angered that they turned the movie into a love story and I am sure Tolkien would not be so pleased with that. I know there was the occasional appearences that Arwen made, for example in Rivendell, but they have stretched it too far. I have read the Two Towers a third time and Arwen has no part, or for that matter, a name mentioning throughout the entire thing. Her parts in the Two Towers were not needed and were not necessary at all. They happened to be the only boring part in the movie. :mad: I am worried about the Return of the King. Considering she has three paragraphs of things to say to Frodo, she'll probably take up half of the movie.

01-17-2003, 11:02 PM
Unfortuanetly its obligatory for almost all films to have some sort of 'complicated' love interest as a status quo. Otherwise film makers and board directors get scared of its audience asking...

"Yeah but where's the love interest?"

and then the sky would fall in.

Like all films for the masses they also have to include an 'unlikely' protagonist, an 'impervious' antagonist, some form of 'comic relief' and an aging 'sage' like figure who explains whats going on.

Of course its arguable that the origainal text pioneered most of the stereotypes.

Arwen's terrible. We all know that. But as far as the director was concerned the film needed a continuous romantic theme. And there aren't many alternatives (probably due to the lack of female characters :rolleyes: ). It was either Aragorn and Arwen's relationship or Sam and Frodo's.

But that's another thread altogether.

01-17-2003, 11:13 PM
Yeah, I used to really hate movie arwen, now she just irks me alot. I think I heard PJ say that is kinda supposed to be all one movie and thought of together. They wanted to have things not get all new and strange all of a sudden in the third movie, like 'hey whered this chick come from?' So I can kinda understand the need for her involvement in Fotr now.(Even though I would have loved to have seen Glorfindel;) ) :mad: Im still trying to let it sink in for TT. (still trying to let *alot* of things sink in from TT) So yeah, Arwen still sucks tho..

01-17-2003, 11:41 PM
I agree that Jackson/Boyens' Arwen sucks. I disagree with the assertion that a love interest is obligatory. There are plenty of serious movies made for the masses that have no romantic subplots. The two female screenwriters have amped up the love story in the mistaken belief that audiences would not warm to a movie that doesn't have two people (or a person and a horse) kissing. The story was written by a man from a man's point of view. I watched the movie froma man's point of view. I believe the movie would have succeeded without the woman's touch.

The point is that the Lord of the Rings is not a love story. There are certainly romantic themes, but the story is an epic. I don't remember any other epic movies where a minor female character had 15 seconds of lip-quivering because her father told her that she couldn't be with her boyfriend.

It's been said often in many threads that the romance need to be played up because people would be confused by the wedding at the end. I certainly wasn't confused when I read the books for the first time. Boo hoo indeed.

01-18-2003, 12:16 AM
Welcome to the moot, straight_face. Arwen's movie role is a pretty popular topic of discussion. Because there is already a thread going about her here (http://entmoot.tolkientrail.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2748&highlight=arwen) , I'm going to close this one. :)