View Full Version : I want a 6 DVD TTT Extended edition

01-10-2003, 04:57 PM
Hiya everyone!

Watching the supplemental material in the extended FotR set made me really wish that Jackson had included the complete animatic, Pre-Vis and Model movies he made in the set. I mean, come on! You've got 4 DVDs to work with (each holding 4 hours of Audio and Video), why not throw those items on as well? It'd be a lot of fun, in particular, to see the entire animatic with the sit-in voices. Not to mention that we'd get to see some ideas that were left on the cutting room floor, and catch a glimpse (well, hear at least) a very early version of the script.

I'm tremendously pleased with all the bonus stuff we did get, but I'd probably be willing to pass on a few of the documentaries in exchange for full versions of the pre-production materials.

I am pretty sure you can fit 4 hours of video and two audio tracks on a single DVD. Perhaps the other 3 audio tracks pushed them over the limit to fit the entire film on a single DVD. Still, though, it seems like they had an *awful* lot of room to play with.

I hope Jackson & Co. will consider popping some of this stuff on the later editions!


01-10-2003, 05:02 PM
Yeah it would be pretty cool to see that kinda stuff on the next DVD's.......although much of the info your talking about is usually presented on those "Making of [insert film title]" programs for TV:)

01-11-2003, 05:10 AM
what i was really looking forward to for the FOTR DVD was out-takes, but they weren't included!:mad:

Tawfret Melee
01-11-2003, 05:23 AM
Hey, yeah! :( I got so into scouring all four disks, that I completely ignored the absence of out-takes. That would have been great!


01-12-2003, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by Elf.Freak
what i was really looking forward to for the FOTR DVD was out-takes, but they weren't included!:mad:

That would have been great.

Beleg Strongbow
01-13-2003, 09:20 AM
I do want to see a lot of TTT extended: there seem to be a lot of deleted scenes.