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01-08-2003, 05:31 PM
all my friends have seen the movie and are convinced that they originated the gollum impersonation Hey! ive been doing that for years but back then they all thought i was crazy (it used to be the best way you could identify a tolkien-freak like your self) and the next person who refers to the ents as "those tree people" or worse just "trees" im going to....
does any body else have this problem?

01-08-2003, 06:07 PM
I don't have that problem, but the fact is that John Lennon (one of The Beatles just in case someone didn't know) loved to do his Gollum imitation as a lark back in the 60's.

Lady of Rohan
01-08-2003, 06:08 PM
Yes I do. One of my friends saw the movie with me but hasn't read the book. Now she's doing the gullom impressions and was making fun of him because he had the split personality (where he was arguing with himself).

01-08-2003, 08:33 PM
It is very exasperating!:mad:

01-08-2003, 09:55 PM
I have the same problem! One of my best friends hasn't read the books and was calling Faramir mean!! He is one of my favorite charecters in rotk! It made me soooo mad, but I couldn't say anything to change her mind! She kept saying 'But he tryes to kill Gollum and captures Frodo!' (I know this happens in the book, but you get to heart his side of the story more in the book, and he does not take the hobbits to osgiliath in the book!) Even though my Gollum impression wasn't that good, it was still mine before it was hers!!! Aaah! And when ever I say that the movie did something exactly how I pictuered it, she says 'Suuuure they did!' Like I am making it up or something! I pictured in my mind Edoras just like they showed it! I also pictured Eowyn pretty close to what she accualy looked like in the movie!

Also, and this makes me sooooo mad! One of my friends thinks that Frodo and Sam are gay! The nerve! Their relationship is so beautiful! But they are not gay!:)

01-08-2003, 10:05 PM
A couple of my friends keep talking about how Haldir's death must have been described beautifully in the book and keep saying how they cant wait to read it and cry. Im just like ooookay :rolleyes: Ill let them find out on their own.

01-08-2003, 10:11 PM
heee heee heeee.... that's funny! My friend who hadn't read the book really thought that Gandalf was dead, we let her believe it... When she saw him in the ads for TTT we told her that it was Rudolf! his identical brother!!:) LOL very very finny!

01-09-2003, 01:04 AM
I can count my friends on one hand, so all of them have read the book. I do have to deal with co-workers complaining how it was the slowest, longest, most boring thing they'd ever seen (?!!!!). The other Tolkienite co-worker takes it in stride, but I takes my fan-geek loyalties seriously.

Elfhelm wrote: the fact is that John Lennon (one of The Beatles just in case someone didn't know) loved to do his Gollum imitation as a lark back in the 60'S.

GOD, where did you get that? Source please! Like I say, I takes my fan-geek loyalties seriously. I have read dozens of Lennon bios. WHERE did you GET that???

Incidentally, I played Gollum in a school play of The Hobbit in seventh grade. It was based directly on the cartoon, because of the class, only one of my friends (not even me at the time) had read The Hobbit. We sang the songs to the cartoon's melodies: "Chip the glasses and crack the plates" etc. The teacher insisted during rehearsals that I keep going more and more intense with Gollum. I didn't get her off my back until I finally hurled myself literally into the cardboard set backdrop of Bilbo's home. The costume, believe it or not, was a grey sweatsuit, rubber cleaning gloves!, and a paper sack mask! with slimy green ribbon things hung from it with glue. My mom made it.

Gwaimir Windgem
01-09-2003, 01:09 AM
Someone I know said that Gollum was very much like Jar-Jar! He saw the movies, but he's supposed to be reading the books soon. (I don't know him personally, he's one of the regulars on another forum I post at)

01-09-2003, 01:20 AM
Originally posted by Huan
Elfhelm wrote: the fact is that John Lennon (one of The Beatles just in case someone didn't know) loved to do his Gollum imitation as a lark back in the 60'S.

GOD, where did you get that? Source please! Like I say, I takes my fan-geek loyalties seriously. I have read dozens of Lennon bios. WHERE did you GET that???
I'm a big Beatles fan too, and I've never heard that either. Sounds like John though. I did know they were going to make a LOTR movie. Just a plug for a thread I started: Huan, there is a Beatles thread in the entertainment forum, if you search for it. :)

Back OT, my sisters talk about LOTR all the time, but they have only seen the movie. They seem to think they know everything about it. And they only like the movies because of Elijah and Orlando. :rolleyes: I managed to get one of my friends to watch the movie (this was about June last year, in the FOTR's last weeks) and he promised he would read the book, but I'm doubtful......

01-09-2003, 01:40 AM
Cassiopeia wrote: I did know they were going to make a LOTR movie.

Are you talking about The Beatles? Where did you get THAT?

01-09-2003, 04:37 AM
Originally posted by Huan
Cassiopeia wrote: I did know they were going to make a LOTR movie.

Are you talking about The Beatles? Where did you get THAT?

Yes, I am talking about the Beatles, there is a thread here (http://www.tolkientrail.com/entmoot/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4033&highlight=beatles)

01-09-2003, 05:35 AM
Yup, I can't remember where I read it ... read too many Beatles bios. :o

01-09-2003, 04:45 PM
Ahhhh! Today in school I overheard some guy call a girl with long blonde hair 'that gay elf dude'! Aaaahhh! That made me sooo mad! I could barely stop myself from screaming! Legolas is not gay!! You *descriptive noun*!! eer! It made me so mad!:)

01-09-2003, 04:51 PM
I only have two friends who have read the books, and one of them has just gone home to New Zealand, so I'm left in a desert of Legolas-loving movie fans :rolleyes: Still, a partial interest in even the movie is better than nothing at all - I had a debate in German (the subject and language) yesterday about whether or not LOTR is "childish". What do you think I was arguing ;)? Also, I keep hearing: "the talking trees are stupid" They're not TREES, they're ENTS! When I say that, I get funny looks :D

Varda Oiolosseo
01-09-2003, 04:54 PM
One of my friends has read the book!
None of the others will!
None of them know what ents are they call them " the talking, walking tree thingies"
and Gollum "The slimy thing with fish"
oh and they called the Wargs "The nice cat things with big teeth that kill people" or even "the creepy, cute cat things"

01-09-2003, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by Varda Oiolosseo
One of my friends has read the book!
None of the others will!
None of them know what ents are they call them " the talking, walking tree thingies"
and Gollum "The slimy thing with fish"
oh and they called the Wargs "The nice cat things with big teeth that kill people" or even "the creepy, cute cat things"

I have to agree with them about the wargs, only they looked like cute puppies with ADD who were trying to look like Stitch from the Disney movie, Lilo and Stitch!:) :)

01-09-2003, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by eowyngirl14

One of my friends thinks that Frodo and Sam are gay! The nerve! Their relationship is so beautiful! But they are not gay!:)

Lots of my friends think that to. AAAGGHH. It drives me NUTS!

Firhithiel Greenleaf
01-10-2003, 02:34 AM
Originally posted by WallRocker
Lots of my friends think that to. AAAGGHH. It drives me NUTS!

Read my signature ((second paragraph)). I am going to be killed for this........ --F. G.--

P. S. If their relationship is so beautiful why don't they just make it MORE so?!?! I mean if they love each other so much they should get together. I'm not saying they have to get married ...no that would be rather bad for Rosie wouldn't it? Personally, I despise her...

01-10-2003, 05:15 PM
i am not alone!
one of my friends thinks borimir is gay:mad:

01-10-2003, 05:33 PM

My friends are always doing Gollum impressions, You know in LotR, in Moria when he's looking at the camera, they always impersonate that.
One of my mates thinks that Gimli is gay! GIMLI!!
Another thinks that Sam & Frodo are.

durin's bane
01-10-2003, 07:08 PM
My friends don't care. They never talk about it. That's when I start poking them. :D

Lady of Rohan
01-10-2003, 07:10 PM
i read this article on some web-site and some one said that Bilbo, Frodo, Sam, Legolas, and Gimli are all gay! I couldn't belive it when I saw what they said (about Sam especially because he gets married in the end).

durin's bane
01-10-2003, 07:21 PM
Well, those people are obviously jerks who write about stuff like that just for kicks.

Gwaimir Windgem
01-11-2003, 04:58 AM
Kinda like Shapiro. ;) Either that, or it was a comedy website; I read this one "secret diaries" where EVERYONE was gay, and nearly everyone turned out being a "pervy hobbit fancier" (no offence to hobbit fans ;) ). I found it to be rather over-the-top, but there was some funny stuff, like Aragorn would always sign off with Not King yet, or Still not King. Legolas would sign off with Still the prettiest; prettiest in the fellowship. Then someone (forgot who) spotted Elrond trying on Arwen's dresses, muttering about Legolas not being the prettiest NOW.

01-11-2003, 07:38 PM
i cant talk with some of my friends about the next movie,well, b/c they didnt read the books and they dont want the next movie spoiled but they wont go and read the next book so me and my book loving friends cant discuss much when they are around

01-13-2003, 04:58 PM
try this: one of my friends thinks i ruined the MOVIE by reading the BOOK riiiiight:rolleyes:

01-13-2003, 10:53 PM
I reas the secret diary thingy too! At first I kept thinking how funny it was (I thought blowing the horn of Gondor was suppost to summon great armies from the south?) But then I started thinking how mean and juvenile that was. It is funny if you look at it at face value... but quite demeening in charecter.

I think it it terrible that we live in a world where to men, well Hobbits I guess, like Frodo and Sam, are considered gay because some people can't handle their relationship! They have a brother to brother relationship! It is very beautiful, but they are not gay!

There is nothing wrong with being gay either! Ian Meckellan is gay and he is a wonderfull actor and person in general! I hate the way so many people look down apun gays. Someone can still be a good, honest, nice person if they are gay.:) :)

Sorry... really bugs me when people say lotr charecters are gay! :) :)

01-14-2003, 11:53 AM
For my friends:
Gimli: the short guy with the beard
Legolas: the hot guy with blonde hair
Merry & Pippin: THose two little....what do you call them? Oh! hobbits!
Gandalf: The wizard guy who died
Ents: The talking trees
Aragorn: That one guy
Boromir: That other guy.

You'd think they slept throught the first two hours or something!


01-14-2003, 04:53 PM
That's funny, but I think you made a mistake in your list. You see for Legolas it should say...

Legolas: The ugly tall guy who can walk on snow!

And for Aragorn it should say...

Aragorn: The really hot guy with the sword:)

01-14-2003, 10:51 PM
My my friends dad calls Biblo, Balbo buggins!And Frodo, Frubdo . :rolleyes: And calls Legolas : 'That elf sissy your obsessed with' :D
My family calls Gandalf: 'That old wizard dude' and calls Elrond: 'The drag queen' and 'that guy....you know....he was blind in that other movie' :rolleyes:

01-15-2003, 04:50 PM
well, my friends call Lord of the Rings 'That thing you like'. How bad is THAT?!:mad: >_<

01-15-2003, 05:13 PM
This weekend a bunch of my friends and I are going camping... only in a cabin! about 6 of us aer really obsessed with lotr! We are going to blast the soundtrack and quote lines from the movie! I am bringing my portable Aragorn-shrine! (well... more like a lotr shrine...well... it's not really a shrine at all... FINE it's just a binder? Are you happy now?):) :)

Sylvee Estel
01-18-2003, 08:28 PM
Some of my friends haven't read the books, but some have. The non-book readers keeps asking us readers what will happen at the end. They want to know if Frodo dies, or if Aragorn and Arwen get married etc. So we made up an ending. We told them that Frodo turns evil and gives the ring to Sauron, and he takes over Middle Earth. They believed us too it was really funny.

01-19-2003, 05:03 PM
My friends make Gollum impressions you know my own my love my own my love my precioussssssssssssss

And they really suck @ it!!!!!!!!!

My friend goes KRAZY when she sees this drink called Bibo she thinks it's Bilbo???!!!!! Watz up with that?????????:confused: :cool: :cool: :rolleyes: :p

01-19-2003, 06:28 PM
Don't forget to play Tig with them! hee hee hee... my friend Caroline... we tryed to teach her during our camping trip this weekend... very ery funny... everyone knew exept for her!:) :)

01-22-2003, 07:13 PM
the few other LotR freaks (self-dubbed) in my school and me have formed a group called The Sons of Frodo and we hav a ring that we pass around from week to week...as a matter of fact i have it this week...my presciousssssss!:p

01-22-2003, 10:18 PM
COOL! I want my school to have a tolkien club!
We could be the Ladies of Gondor! :)

01-25-2003, 01:55 PM
One of my friends was asking some comments that just made me smile. Things like,"Sam seems a much better person to carry the ring, why don't they give the ring to him?" and "Wish Eowyn had come out to fight, since they portray her as if she is going to." I tried to explain some things to her without giving the story away, but it was funny.