View Full Version : THe adventures of Sméagol
01-07-2003, 05:03 PM
*THis is about anything and everything that happens (within extremely unrealistic boundaries) to Sméagol after he gets kicked out of his village and before he crawls under the mountian (just because he's so awesome, and the book doesn't say much about that time). He starts out more normal looking and sounding, and ends up weird. This is the story of his weirdening (That's not a real word, but it sounds neet and i like it so oh well). It's very loose, and may evolve into anything, i don't really care, i just wanted to do a RPG about Sméagol because he's one of my favorite characters. People can be their normal characters or anything else.*
Followed by by a rain of stones, dirt, and loud abusive remarks, Sméagol (currently 18) fled from his settelement, slipping on his ring, and muttering to himself about the cruelty and unfairness of the world. then he ran smack into something strange.
01-07-2003, 07:53 PM
ooc: I shall join, as, um, Starletta. O yeah, and Illali her panther that only she can understand:)
ic:"O Illali! What are you playing with now?
The panther looked up'I'm not playing with anything, this...creature ran into me as I just layed here. Do you think he would make a good snack?
"No! Ew! Why would you want to eat him?" I looked at the creature."Hullo."
Fred Baggins
01-08-2003, 12:03 AM
ooc: *smaks head* he has the Ring on Lubyla, he can't see you. I will join as Frieda, journing with you.
ic: "I got dinn-ok, what re you two doing?" A white tiger at her die, nodded her head, in agreement.
Gwaimir Windgem
01-08-2003, 02:22 AM
Hmm, that brings up an interesting question: at what age would Smeagol's people have come of age? 18? 33, like with Hobbits? Or somewhere inbetween?
01-08-2003, 01:44 PM
ooc: Okay. I'd like to join as Aralle. She's unusual, because, well, she's actually a griffin. But most of the time she appears to be a woman in her 20s.
ic: Aralle flew across the sky, searching for a good place to land. The day was drawing to a close now, and she was very tired. And then she saw a very strange sight.
Two young women (Aralle could not tell their ages; only that they were young) sat next to a-a panther? And a white tiger? But they both seemed so unafraid! Aralle decided to explore this matter further.
She landed at a spot away from the group, so that they couldn't see her, and quickly shifted into the form of a young woman. Then she walked over towards the group.
Of course, she knew her sudden appearance there would still seem odd. After all, she was traveling alone, and without a horse, which was highly uncommon for a woman, though not so uncommon for a griffin.
"Hello, my name is Aralle. I was about to make camp when I noticed you. What are you doing here, and with such unusual creatures near you?"
It was not an unfriendly question. Aralle was simply curious about them.
01-08-2003, 01:58 PM
I walked through The Gladden Fields .
01-08-2003, 02:10 PM
I was a Gnome. No, not the Noldor kind of Gnome. A true Gnome, a Hill lord. I looked like an ordinary Gnome. Incredibly small (about two feet in height), Incredibly Intelligent, small sharp teeth, Large feet (I had no toes, like any ordinary gnome) and A little Stump of a tail, I had no hair, and a large Head with a pointed face and blue eyes(ooc:Kind of Like The gnomes of Harry Potter). Gnomes usually wore a large Jumper that goes down to their Knees and a Large Wooly scarf, a belt went across my waste to seperate my top half and bottom half. I Had a Small Battle Axe strapped on my back. I was picking up some FireWood to make a Fire of course. I walked into a clearing with a bundle of sticks in my Arm. I saw several Large people and a Huge Tiger. I squeaked and jumped behind a bush trembiling.
01-08-2003, 08:14 PM
occ: wow, i'm so glad people joined, Happy, happy, YAAAY
Meanwhile, smeagol is scrabbling about in the leaves, unaware of all the strange people gathered around him
Aralle: And what are you doing?
Smeagol, fiercly occupied with his searching, does not hear
Aralle (a bit louder): who are you and what are you doing?
Smeagol (muttering under his breath):...must have fallen off..when i bumped into that tree, Ach...precious can't be lost, not lost, not, not forever precious, ach where issss it??? *makes wierd golluming noises in his throat, still completly unaware of all others*...
Illai: *growls as if to inform him that (she? he? i dunno) is not a tree at all*
Starletta: Yes, i know you're not a tree, he didn't mean it as an insult, i just don't think he saw you...
Suddenly, a small creature with big boney hands and feet swings down out of a nearby tree, directly in front of Smeagol. She has goldish-brownish, blondish curls, currently strewn with leaves, twigs, and bits of bark. She loves to sing, constantly. She is somewhat like an elf/hobbit, short and happy, but more thin and fair (in hair and sikn color, i mean). *this is my character, by the way* She is called goldiegollum (otherwise known as Frances)
GG (landing directly in front of smeagol): La de da, la de da, la de da lay, ladeda ladelay oh joyous day...happy happy! (noticing Smeagol) oh, hello, i'm Goldiegollum- Hey, what's this? OOoooooooooooo! Pretty shiny ring! Were you looking for this? Is it yours? Can i try it on? (she does so, without waiting for any answers, and promptly disapears)
Smeagol: PRECIOUUUUUUSSSSS (lunges madly at where GG used to be, bighting and kicking fiercely)
GG: hey, what the? AAAAAAHH! GET OFF ME! OUCH! ACH!
Smeagol: ACH, AHHH, SSSS
the Gnome in the bush that they acadently kicked: OUCH!
an innocent worm they happened to roll on: OUCH!
Alarmed, the others try to pull them apart, which is difficult, as one is invisible. they succeed in getting a hold of Smeagol
GG (taking the ring off and becoming visible): Fine, gosh, what'd i do? i was just trying it on, gosh, i'm sorry, geez... *mumbles incoherently*(throws it on ground)
Ring: *glint glint, shine, shine*
All: ooooooOOOOOoooooo!
Smeagol: that's mine!!MINE! MY birthday present, LET US GOOOOO *gollum, gollum*
Others exchange puzzled glances
01-09-2003, 01:35 PM
I was watching and all of a sudden I was kicked and sent flying in the Direction of the one called starletta. She managed to catch me just in time and she set me down on the ground.
''Errr...Thanks!'' I said in my Usual High-Pitched, squeaky voice.
I Rearanged my scarf nervously as I always did when I was intimidated by Big Folk.
01-09-2003, 06:44 PM
"Well, such a large croud we have here. And a very strange one too."
Yawns'What do they want? Tell them I am not to be hunted.'
"I dont think you have to worry about that."
01-09-2003, 08:20 PM
Aralle shook her head a little. This was turning into a very odd day! First the two young women with their unusual pets, then those two er, whatever-they-weres fighting, and now a gnome! And they still hadn't told Aralle what was going on.
01-09-2003, 08:23 PM
"It is all right if you make camp here, that is, it is ok with me miss. What is going on? I do not know."
Fred Baggins
01-09-2003, 08:35 PM
I smiled and petted Sin, the tigeress. Then turned to Starletta. "This IS a crowd, I'll be back in a bit, you know..."
01-09-2003, 08:36 PM
"Alright." I sat down, there was too much going on and my mind started to spin.
01-10-2003, 01:34 PM
''Errr...I don't supposed you need wood for a Fire? I would like to camp here also, that is...errr...why I came here.'' I lied,
Re-aranging my scarf.
Fred Baggins
01-11-2003, 06:42 PM
I came back, with wood in my arms, dropping it, into a pile, and staring at it. It burst into fire, after a few seconds of staring at it. I nodded at the others, and turned and left again. Sin stayed near the fire.
01-11-2003, 06:45 PM
Illali sat next to Sin. 'She problebly shouldn't be doing that around all these people.'
Fred Baggins
01-11-2003, 06:58 PM
*Sin smiled* 'No she souldn't, but she doesn't know remember. Neither she nor Starletta know they are of the Elementals. She's just doing what comes naturaly to her.'
01-11-2003, 07:06 PM
'Alright. It's a good thing then that they dont know, exept for the fact when I first was sent out to meet Starletta, I kinda killed her father.'
Fred Baggins
01-11-2003, 07:12 PM
'You WHAT!' I yelled, almost forgetting not to let the humans understand me, as I scrambled to my feet. 'Aies won't like that! The Heart Broken will find out Illali. She won't be happy...' Killing a father or mother of an elemental human is disasterous, a common known fact that the hunters will most certantly kill an animal or even a skin changer who killed a parent of an elemental human, or any elemental.
01-11-2003, 07:15 PM
'NO no no no no! It wasn't ME that killed him. A hunter shot at me, trying to get me for my coat, and I got out of the way, and the arrow hit and killed her father by the creek'
Fred Baggins
01-11-2003, 07:19 PM
I setteled down in relife. 'Don't scare me like that Illali! You KNOW what the Heart Broken would say if she thought it had been you, not to mention the hunters.' I wondered if she knew about...
01-11-2003, 07:21 PM
'Right. Sorry. I just didn't know how t word it at the time.'
Fred Baggins
01-11-2003, 09:41 PM
*I settled my maw onto my paws, the worry leaving my eyes, after shooting a sharp look around, closed my eyes. None of these where Hunters, or...*shudders* Him. I was the only one that could sence Him when he was near, the only one that had the ability. I don't know why, but I am thankful for it.*
01-12-2003, 12:34 AM
Aralle noticed how easily the woman called Frieda had made a fire, but did not question her companion about it. For if Aralle began to question them about any unusual things they did, they would almost certainly question her in return.
As Aralle was the last of her race, it was probable that no one would be able to guess that she was a griffin. But a wise, knowledgable person might be able to find out that Aralle was not human if he or she searched carefully enough.
Of all those who were present, the Gnome was probably the most likely to find out she wasn't human, but that wouldn't be a problem. He wouldn't reveal it to the others if he did know. Aralle liked Gnomes, at least all the ones that she had known. They never gave away the secrets of others unless the need to do so was urgent.
Aralle looked around at the group. Every person who'd come into that area since Aralle got there was still here. It was almost as if some unspoken command was keeping them there, as if everyone knew that being here was somehow important. But perhaps it was just out of curiousity that they had all remained together.
Either way, Aralle knew that all this DID have some importance. She stared into the fire, thinking about what might be in store for the small group gathered here.
Fred Baggins
01-12-2003, 01:26 AM
*The Tiger looked at Aralle, a confused look on her face, though for anyone besides Freida it would be unreadable. There was something about Aralle, something different, that almost seemed to...but she put it out of her mind. It was imposible...wasn't it?*
*Frieda walked by herself, grateful for the silence. She wondered if she should have done that back there, bt it had been nothing, just something she taught herself to do. And yet she worried that she brought danger upon herself when she did it. But then that was nothing new, she was often in danger. That is why she was often disguised. She had not worn her disguise this time though, to many risks. She and Starletta would just get done what they had to get done, and be on with it...she hoped.*
01-12-2003, 12:17 PM
I broke into a sweat and started to rock back and forward where I was sitting.
When were they going to Leave!! I thought. I must make sure it is safe! I can't do it know infront of all these people! thousands rely on me to keep them safe! I hope they don't discover it...
I glanced down on the floor at the very spot. I started to shake even more, Rocking backwards and forwards. I re-arranged my scarf and my eyes met The Woman called arralle's. She was a Griffin, I noticed that much from her eyes.
I clasped my hand over my Mouth.
Oh no!! No!no!no!no!! I can't speak!! As long as I keep my mouth shut no one will ever find out!!
01-12-2003, 02:15 PM
I walked over to Illali. "Who do you think they all are Illali?"
'I do not know. You and Fraida keep on the look out. You still need to compleate your task.'
"Should I have broughten Fraida with me? I never bring her along, though I do not know why."
'Yes, this time it conserns you both.'
"Right." I leaned against Illali, as often I did, and took out a notebook, and a blue feathered quill. I started to scribble down a poem, Illali looking over my shoulder.
Fred Baggins
01-12-2003, 03:13 PM
*I snorted.* 'You would never have gotten here if not for Frieda any way. You can't time travel without a real time traveler.' *I wondered if anyone had heard me, or cared.*
*I began to wonder if I should have agreed to take them into the past. It was risky, for my job, even if I WAS the silver time traveler.*
01-12-2003, 03:20 PM
'''I know she cant understand you, but I can perfectly.''' 'Star, what are your writing this time?'
I tore the paper and let it fly away into the distance."Nothing that anyone will see again."
Fred Baggins
01-12-2003, 03:41 PM
'It's the truth.'
"What is Sissy?"
'Nothing Frieda. I was just talking to Illali.'
*I sat down next to the fire, wishing I could make everyone forget about my making it, but I couldn't now. I burried my hands in Sissy's warm coat, glad she was there. But I felt a tension between her and Illali, and that is a rare thing.*
01-12-2003, 03:47 PM
"What are we to do? There is nothing here for us, and we must continue on Freida."
'Stay for the night.' """ That may be true, but...well, just forget it. This is a hard time in Starletta's life, this was when...o nevermind.""""
Fred Baggins
01-12-2003, 03:56 PM
"Move on? Fine with me, this place gives me the creeps."
'No, we stay here. For tonight anyway. We HAVE to, the Heart Broken comes tonight.'
*Shudders* "The Heart Broken? She gives me the creeps to. She looks at me as though she suspects me of something..."
01-12-2003, 03:58 PM
"The Heart Broken? What this time?"
Fred Baggins
01-12-2003, 04:02 PM
'The same as always. She's our mistress, and has to cheak up on us once in a while'
I relayed the message to Starletta.
01-12-2003, 04:56 PM
The Gnome suddenly began to act very strangely. Aralle looked him in the eyes, in a manner that griffins often did, when they wished to find out more about certain people. It was not "mind reading," exactly; it was perhaps more the reading of the emotions of others.
Aralle found out two very important things.
One, the Gnome did know what she truly was.
Two, he was worried -- very worried -- about something important.
Fred Baggins
01-12-2003, 05:02 PM
*I began to wonder about the people surrounding me. Why where they here? Was this soms sort of unknown gathering. She looked at the gnome, smiling as he looked nervous, and at the human watching him. There was something about her she didn't understand.*
*I puxxled over her some more, and knew Frieda was as well. There was certainly something strange about her, but I couldn't place it.*
ooc: Silver, can you get on Aim? I have a question to ask of you...
01-12-2003, 06:48 PM
Aralle continued to stare at the Gnome, trying to find out more, frustrated that she couldn't actually see his thoughts. For it was important, the secret that he hid, and the fate of many depended on this secret...
Then she noticed that she was staring. She turned away, not embarrased, simply troubled.
I followed my bobcat Alina as she led me over mountains and through forests, insisting that she knew where she was going.
'Not far now,' murmured Alina, 'not far.'
I shook my head and smiled. This was the eighth time she'd said that! Still, I trusted my companion to know what she was doing.
She walked into the middle of a clearing and then stopped. In the distance, there was a group of people sitting near a fire. I started to approach them, and continued when Alina followed.
The people all looked over at me, as if expecting me to say something.
"Hello. I'm Lenda. Er..." I paused, because I wasn't sure what to say next. I'm not very good at starting conversations with strangers. I looked at the darkening sky, and I got an idea.
"It's getting late. Alina and I wanted to make camp. Do you mind if I stay near here?"
For some reason, one of the women -- the tall one with tawny eyes -- burst out laughing. But it was a merry laugh, and not unfriendly.
Aralle heard the newcomer ask if she could stay, and began to laugh. Her laughter did not last long, however; it never did.
"I cannot speak for the others, Lenda, but I don't mind," said Aralle, with a smile.
Fred Baggins
01-12-2003, 06:57 PM
*I scrambled to my feet. She did make it after all! Good, now there was only one more to be expected, the snow leopard. I nodded, and spoke.* 'Alina, I was beggining to worry you wouldn't make it in time to see The Heart Broken again.'
I smiled. "Hello Lenda. It's fine with me if you stay as well, and I think I speak for Starletta as well." With this i gave Starletta a look that said she WOULD stay. This was because I overheard Sissy. A bobcat, and Sissy knew her. One of her friends no doubt. But just in case I whispered to Sissy, "You know them?"
'The bobcat, Alina, I know. The human must be her companion.'
01-12-2003, 08:05 PM
'Good, the bobcat made it. Starletta, please move, I need to go speek to her.'
"O alright"I stood up. I too wanted to meet the newcommer.I walked over."Hullo."
Fred Baggins
01-13-2003, 12:56 AM
*Illali and I got up, walking over to Alina. I nodded to her, asking questions. We had not seen each other since we left the montain.*
"Alina, hello. How have you been? Is that your companion?
*There was something that drew me to Lenda, the same something that had made Starletta and I fast friends. I wondered if Starletta felt the same way. I introduced myself.* "Hello, Lenda, I'm Fredia of the fire, child of Helms deep. Nice to meet you."
01-13-2003, 12:32 PM
'I have been well, and you? Yes, this is my companion.'
"Hello. It's nice to meet you, too. And I'm from Rohan." I turned to the other girl. "You look familiar. What's your name?"
Aralle sensed that there was something very special about Lenda, similar to what she sensed in Starletta and Frieda. However, the griffin didn't try to find out more about them; to read their emotions as she had the Gnome's.
To "question" anyone this way was to invite questions by them in return. With the Gnome, this had been an acceptable risk, but not with humans she had only met recently.
Anyway, it was dangerous for Aralle to even meet someone's gaze and hold it, for this always gave away the fact that she was not what she seemed.
Aralle was much older than she looked, but not as old as one might imagine, for a fleeting moment, after looking into her eyes.
01-13-2003, 03:11 PM
I looked around nervously. I was going so nervous that everybody was noticing now. I hit my self across the Head several times and then legged it into the forest.
01-13-2003, 06:46 PM
'It is good you have come. Starletta has heard the wind say that there is to be a gathering of the four.'
"Aye, I am Starletta of the Rain, I fought in the battle for Helm's Deep. I train, groom, and ride horses for Rohan. That is where you may have seen me."
Fred Baggins
01-13-2003, 08:11 PM
*I giggled and jumped up and down, acting like the child I was.* I SAW the Battle of Helms Deep!!! Then Starletta raised meh!
*I looked over to Frieda, and jumped around her feet. When she was ever this happy, I was to! Then I turned back to the others.* 'Actually, if you refear to THE gathering, with the Heart Broken, then it's all Five of us, but of course the lioness doesn't count, being HER companion.'
01-13-2003, 08:20 PM
'True, that is why I was not counting her.'
"Yes, I did raise her. Twas a trying time trying to be a Mother like thing, and train the horses, though you really were a great help."
Fred Baggins
01-13-2003, 08:24 PM
"Well, I don't think I was THAT bad, just when I got really bored. Most of the time I wasn't helping with the horses, I was teaching myself about the Fire."
'We where supposed to keep that as secret as possible remember!?'
"O, opps."
01-14-2003, 03:58 AM
ooc: Hey! You two! If you've now finished gabbing! You may want to follow me! It is important!
01-14-2003, 10:23 AM
ooc: LOL! Well, Aralle will follow you, anyway. Someone might want to keep an eye on Sméagol and Goldiegollum too...
ooc2: What is all this about the battle of Helm's Deep?! Remember, if this is before Sméagol "weirdened," then we are hundreds of years before that occurred. Although it does make some sense for the time travelers to be talking about that.
ic: The Gnome darted off. Without even thinking about it, Aralle leapt up and ran after him. She could sense something very special about this Gnome, and knew she should follow him now.
I ignored the completely incomprehensible statements about the 'Battle of Helm's Deep,'whatever that meant. "So, you're a horse trainer, Starletta? Yes, that's probably where I saw you though I don't remember seeing Frieda there."
'The Heart Broken IS coming, then?'
01-14-2003, 12:14 PM
I soon got lost and could not find a way out. I stopped and heard someone following me. I spun around looking for a suitable tree root. I saw on and dashed towards it jumping straight at the gap in the roots. I squeezed through it and started burowing down. I reached a dark tunnel. This was an old, well made tunnel. I glistened. A light came from deep down the Tunnel. I dashed down the tunnel. I got to a certain point and jumped onto a Deep tree root and clung to it. I started to burrow another tunnel towards the surface. I reached the top and dusted myself off. I turned and bumped straight into the person I was trying to escape from. The griffin.
''What're you doing?'' She asked folding her arms and looking down.
The shock, and the fact that I bumped into her, had knocked me off my feet with a bump. I crawled backwards trying to getaway. I re-aranged my scarf nervously. I continued to scramble away backwards until I was stopped by a Tree Root. I was cornered.
''Errm...Ha...ha...erm...doing...doing nothing! That's what I'm doing! Absolutely nothing!'' I again re-aranged my scarf. Beads of sweat were breaking out on my Forehead.
''Why did you run away?'' She asked sternly.
''Running...Running away! Is...that what you think I was doing! No, no, no ,no, no! I was just...just....just stretching my legs! Yes! That's it! I was just stretching my legs! Ya' know....going for a j..j..j..jog!'' I re-arranged my scarf.
01-14-2003, 01:42 PM
Aralle laughed again.
"Surely you don't think you can fool me with that? You know what I am."
But you do not know WHY I am. Very few beings in Middle Earth do.
Her expression turned more serious, and a hint of sadness crept into her voice.
"You're afraid of me, aren't you? Though I am not sure why. Your race and mine have ever been friends..."
Aralle saw a shadow on the ground, a shadow that did not belong to either her or the Gnome. She turned swiftly and saw to her horror that another member of the group had followed them.
ooc: In case you're wondering, the person I have in mind is Goldiegollum (or possibly Sméagol, though that would be quite weird), but Starletta and Frieda are welcome to come, too. :D
01-14-2003, 03:12 PM
On being found out, goldiegollum turned to run away, but bumped into something, tried again, bumbed into it again, and becaue quite frustrated as she couldn't see what she was bumping into. (she was bumping into smeagol of corse, who in the midst of all the talking had recovered his ring and was following to see what trouble he could possibly make for these rather confusing people)
GG: I'm sorry, i was just so curious, and i have really no clue about anything that's going on, and well..PLEASE DON"T KILL ME!!!!!!! I'm a helpless creature who likes to climb trees and i seem to have lost my mind as well, as i appear to be running into air.
Aralle: You do seem rater pitiful... I certinly won't kill you...and by the way, you have not lost your mind, but simply are bolcked by your invisible friend, that golluming person.
Smeagol begins to wonder if this person can see him, or if she simply has very good smell, is very intelligent, or...anyways, he was very disturbed at being found out, and tried to slip away from this strange situation, but as soon as he turned around, something grabbed hold of him (it was Aralle). He twisted around, bit it, sliped away up a tree.
GG: hey he's visible, again, he's going up a tree!
Aralle: Yes, i grabbed his ring when he bit me, *wonders if it was worth it as creature had extremeley dirty sharp teeth* I suppose i'll have to go get him, he's heard too much...
GG (hoping to redeem herself): Let me do it! *scrambles up tree*
Smeagol, who fancied himself a tree climber, was surprised at the agility of GG.
GG, who fancied herself a tree climber, was surprised at the agility of Smeagol.
Gnome looks more worried than ever...two sneeking spying lunaticks in a tree, one of whom turns invisible at will...who knows what else be had heard, sneeking around, (of corse, Smeagol had heard nothing about Gnome until the recent encounter, but but being invisible does rouse suspicion) Then, taking advantage of the curent confusion, the Gnome tries to run away again but is stopped by Aralle.
01-14-2003, 03:23 PM
"Don't leave yet, please," said Aralle. She watched as Goldiegollum attempted to retrieve Smeagol from the top of the tree. She looked at the ring in her hand, then threw it down in horror and jumped back, as if the ring had become a venomous snake. Of course, that might not have been the best of ideas, because it frightened the poor Gnome even more. Smeagol saw that Aralle no longer had the ring, and tried to go after it.
01-14-2003, 04:34 PM
I ran back to the area where the fire was and ran towards the key-hole. That was it! I didn't care if they found it! As long as they could not get it....that was enough! I produced a large key from a chain around my neck and crammed it into a Keyhole which had now apeared in the ground. A vast door swung up and I jumped inside. I walked over to the book picked it up and crammed inside a crack in the wall. I went round trying to hide as many things as I could.
Fred Baggins
01-15-2003, 12:50 AM
* I Hissed into Starletta's ear* "Good going, mentioning Helm's Deep. That could get me into MAJOR trouble! Remember, this is YEAR"S before Helm's Deep!" *Out loud to Lenda I said* "Actually Starletta and I have been separated for long years, when neither of us remembered who the other was."
'You doubted? You doubted that Aies...Er...The Broken Heart would come? What little faith you have Earth Sister. Or do you still not fully belive. I know that SHE doesn't.' *With she, the Tiger motioned to Illali. The Tiger was the only one that had ture faith in the Heart broken, and she knew that. Not even the lioness fully belived.*
*As the gnome came back I stared at him as he opened a door, of some sort. But wrapped up in troubles of my own I shrugged it off. The creature Smeagol was near-by, but not very close to camp. I could since the "Gollum" in him, a thing I picked up from Liat, who often had to be aware of the "Gollum" in Fran.*
ooc: Yes, sorry Starletta's not used to Time traveling.*Glares at Star* Nor is Star used to the thought of having Time traveled with me.
01-15-2003, 03:45 PM
GG: drn, just when i catch up to him, he darts around , steps on my face, climbs down my back (gets dirt all over me, even more dirt than i already have) and jumps out the tree.*sighs, and pulls a dragonfly shaped clip out of her hair, squeaking it in her ear. This always made her feel better. THen she proeeds to climb down the tree, dejectedly* sorry i couldn't get him *shuffles feet*
Aralle: i'm afraid that was partly my fault, i dropped that *shudders* ring of his, which imediatley made him dart around. Unfortunatley, he got to it before i could realize my mistake, and slipped away, invisable again.
GG: drn.
Aralle: well, we must find him, that thing is far too dangerous for that sneaky creature to be carrying around.
GG: where's the Gnome?
Aralle: i think i frightened him a bit past his limits; he took off back towards the camp
occ: i'm a bit confused about the actual number of people playing, who they are, etc...would someone mind laying it out for me?:confused:
01-15-2003, 05:12 PM
I managed to hide all the secrets I could. I went to a cupboard where an Orb lay. I whispered into it and it glowed. I immediately felt releaved. I hid the Orb.
01-17-2003, 03:38 PM
GG: so... what should we do now?
Aralle: I'm going back to the camp
GG (edging in other direction): OK, i'll just go...
Aralle (grabbing GG by arm and dragging her): You're comming too.
GG: *grumble gerumble grumble*...drn *grumble grumble grumble*
Aralle: Quit grumbling, you're annoying enough as it is
GG (thinks to self) : i hate it when i get myself into things...this girl is a bit harsh...needs to climb a tree i guess *ding!(light bulb appears above head)* i've got a great idea!
GG: Aralle, didn't you say we needed to keep track of that golluming guy?
Aralle (disturbed from thoughts of her own) : What?
GG: you said before, we needed to find him... i was wondering... i mean, we both climb trees, and we're both little, and maybe i could find him, and he wouldn't be so scared of me?
Aralle considered. She had been worried about Gollum, and intended to look for him after...but maybe this could save her the time. Then again, she could sense the carfree youthfulness of GG, with the tint of irresponsibility that comes with it. Could she be trusted? But she could also tell that GG was honest, and well meaning (however strange she seemed) Anyways, the worst that could happen would be that GG would fail, and she would have to find Gollum herself as she had initially planned.
Aralle: Well... OK.
Aralle: But first tell me your name, so that i can ask of your whereabouts...
GG: Goldiegollum (otherwise known as frances) the holder of the squeaky.
Aralle: the Squeaky?
GG pulls dragonfly hairclip from her hair, clamps and unclamps it rapidly with her fingers. An adictivly inticing squeaking sound is produced. *squeaka-squeaka-squeaka*
GG: the squeaky *holds to her ear, an insane smile passing across her face* eeeee, ooooo,...
Aralle (beginning to doubt her decision): ...right.
GG (putting clip back in her hair): BYE! *scampers-dances-leaps away, singing loudly*
Aralle continues on her way to the camp, shaking her head.
GG went off in search of her friends and a very dirty slimey hobbit-looking thing. He needed a name. She decides to call him Gollum, after the sound he so often makes.
occ: i'm still a little confuzzled about characters and such, could someone please tell me????:confused: :confused: :confused:
01-17-2003, 04:41 PM
Gabby the Gnome, Aralle the Griffin, Lubyla, Starletta and her tiger, GoldieGollum and smeagol.
01-17-2003, 06:41 PM
ooc: Zavron, its a panther.
Fred Baggins
01-17-2003, 08:01 PM
ooc: AND YOU FORGOT ME!!! HOW COULD YOU! *Beats him with purse filled with bricks* Frieda and the tiger, Starletta and the panther!!!
01-17-2003, 08:05 PM
Hi, I'm galadria, nammarie all. What quest have I stumbled upon?
01-18-2003, 01:24 PM
Hooves were weard in the distance, as a snow leopard made it's way to camp. A black horse and rider entered a few seconds after the leopard.
Fred Baggins
01-19-2003, 06:21 PM
*The tiger growled at the Leopard* You're late! She approches even now *For some unknown reason the two of them despised each other, though where gentle toward anyone else.*
*Frieda gawked at the black rider. Was it a Nazgul?*
01-19-2003, 06:30 PM
ooc: Colours for me characters, making it clear. Starletta Illali Dark Rider:D Leopard. ok? ok.
Ic: The leopard growled back: Stupid horses dont listen.
The rider looked around.
Fred Baggins
01-19-2003, 06:33 PM
*The tiger snorted, whish when coming from a tiger sounds more like a deranged growl.* 'They do well enough if you know how to make them. And besides, you lead your companion not her stupid horse. She leads the horse.'
01-19-2003, 06:36 PM
The rider's face was covered as they looked down from the horse. The horse snorted, and started to back up. The rider stopped it.
"Who are you?"
Illali walked over to the leopard.'Where were you?'
'You try telling the princess of darkness there to hurry up.'
Fred Baggins
01-19-2003, 06:38 PM
"What are you?"
'Ugh, well, not her maybe. But she should no better. She is the only human that has ever MET the Broken Heart!'
01-19-2003, 06:47 PM
the rider hopped off the horse and patted the leopard.
'You sure got the short straw on the deal.'She had more humor in her voice than anything.
'Princess of darkness, hurry it up before they try to kill you...again.'
The rider removed her hood to reviel a girl of about 20. Her hair was long and a dark black. It looked like blue flames licked he ends of it. Her eyes were a dark green, and her voice soft."I am Serenity of the wind, and this is Dagger.'She pointed to the leopard.
Fred Baggins
01-20-2003, 12:50 AM
"You're a human Nazgul?!"
'Frieda. Are you that stupid child. She's not a Black Rider.' Turning back to the Leopard 'Dagger? She called you Dagger?!'
'Heh you're one to talk SISSY!'
'I've told you a million and a half times, Illali, it's Fain Ringnar. Ignore the fact that that's a guy's name. She doesn't know much about elvish.'
"O, right. I knew that..." *To Serenity* "It seems a lot of us here today have feline companions. Why exactly are you wearing black?"
01-20-2003, 03:48 AM
ooc: Excuseme! Isn't anyone going to follow. I've just opened a Huge Cave right in the middle of the camp.
01-20-2003, 02:34 PM
"Black is the colour I chose to wear, I am a ranger of the east, and an assasin, it is easier to hide in black robes when all who see you run at the sight of it."
'Hey, what do you expect, at least it sounds feirce, Illali. Heart, o so lovey dovey' Mockingly, Dagger went to Serenity's side.
"The east? The wind? Assasin? All I am afraid of, for none are good to me. What gives us reason to trust one who parades as a black rider, and who comes so heavily armed."
Fred Baggins
01-20-2003, 03:34 PM
"Because she travels with an accepted one."
A big lioness walked into the clearing, bigger than any of the other Felines there. She spoke so that everyone understood her.
"Is anyone going to follow that gnome? It is not always safe to let a gnome travel alone."
"I will." Frieda found herself jumping to do the lionesses will. She started to go down the hole after the gnome, but was stopped.
"Not you Child of Helms Deep. You are to stay here." The lioness motioned to the Griffen "You. If you don't mind. It seems proper that you should follow the Gnome."
*The tiger was soon standing next to the lioness, ready to help, in any way, as though she where the servant and the lioness was the mistress. 'The Broken Heart comes soon?'
01-20-2003, 06:35 PM
Aralle was not surprised to hear the lioness speak, though the fact that no one else seemed surprised, either, puzzled her.
When the lioness gave Aralle instructions, she nodded and went to follow the gnome, grateful that the lioness had not revealed that Aralle was a griffin. For Aralle sensed that the lioness knew. As soon as she was safely away from the others, and certain they couldn't see her, Aralle began using her natural sight.
ooc: That's much better than normal human sight, but causes her eyes to glow in the darkness, revealing the fact that she can't be human.
I was very confused. How had so much happened here in such a short time?
Fred Baggins
01-20-2003, 07:12 PM
"Yes, she does. The Broken Heart approches."
*I stared at the lioness. I had only seen her once before, this one, but never her mistress, for the broken Heart alwyas stayed hidden, never daring to show herself. But Hunter on the other hand,and her companion, always announced her arrivel, by comming before her.*
01-20-2003, 08:24 PM
At the arrival of the lioness, both Illali and Dagger bowed, and looked ready to serve.
Serenity bowed to the lioness as she entered. Her eyes went a bit pailer than usual, and her voice softer. "Greetings."
Starletta too, did bow,though she did not know why, she just, did.
Fred Baggins
01-20-2003, 08:47 PM
*Her eyes darted to the two of them, bowing, and she growled.* UP! Do not bow to me, I'm just the companion. And you would do wise not to bow to the Broken Heart either, she would get upset.
Starletta, Serenity, Lenda, and Frieda. She will speak to each of you this time. Matrim will arrive soon.
Dagger, Illali, you may rise. Alina, Fain Ringnar, the four of you will come with me.
01-20-2003, 09:01 PM
Dagger and Illali nodded.
Serenity's eyes darted as they often did,"Right" Her tone was low, as were her eyes.
I stayed silent, and did nothing, for there was nothing for me to do.
Fred Baggins
01-20-2003, 09:31 PM
*The lioness turned around walking back the way she came*
01-20-2003, 09:35 PM
"So...who ARE the rest of you, truely."
Fred Baggins
01-21-2003, 12:12 AM
"Freida of the Fire, Child of Helms Deep, those who do not know me fear me, and those who do, fear me more. I travel by night, with my companion, a white tiger, Fai Ringnar." *Motions to the last feline dissapearing into the trees.*
01-21-2003, 12:22 AM
"I am Starletta of the Rian, Rider, Trainer, Groomer of Rohan, and that was Illali, my panther."
01-21-2003, 03:00 PM
Unknown to any of the others, smeagol crouched invisibly in a tree, looking down on the scene below, wide-eyed. He had no clue about half of what they were talking about, but he sensed something important about this gathering. He was very afraid of those large feline animals that kept prowling about, and wondered if they could see him. He thought he saw them glare at him every once and a while, and he would cower back in the branches. But something held him there, his michevious nature compelled him to stay and see what he could do to make these people miserable and or confused, or at least turn a few things up side down. Now that the strange human (meaning Aralle) had followed the gnome into the hole, and the large cats had gone, he felt safer.
Scarcely making a sound, he begn to creep down the tree, plotting gleefully, with a wicked gilnt in his eye.
Meanwhile, goldiegollum, who was not an excellent tracker, was tramping off in the opposite direction. She was following a set of footsteps, which she assumed to be Gollum's (but of corse were not).
She sang as she went, hop-skipping around, stopping every once in a while to climp a tree.
Fred Baggins
01-21-2003, 05:07 PM
Instinctivly my hand wrapped around the hilt of my sword. If only Liat where here. I was not trained as well as she..* I thought. But he was near. I turned around, I knew he was behind me. But he had the Ring on. I couldn't see him, and my sences of him where faint.
01-21-2003, 07:03 PM
I saw Freida's hand moving to her sword, and I myself took out an arrow, just to have. My bow was in my other hand.
01-24-2003, 04:02 PM
Meanwhile, GG was having a rough time of it. She was hungry, and beginning to doudt weather the footsteps she was following were Smeagols. Eventually, she turned back in defeat.
She was walikng slowly back to camp, dragging her feet, when on stepping out from behiend the tree, she bumped right into him(he was invisible still). She was just about to yell, "i found him!" when he slipped his grimey hand over her mouth and dragged her up a nearby tree.
01-26-2003, 09:06 AM
ooc: How about someone come and follow me!!
01-26-2003, 03:16 PM
ooc: Zavron, Aralle already DID follow you! LOL.
ic: Aralle descended into a dark tunnel, which grew wider as she went on and became an open cavern.
"I am Lenda of the Earth (ooc: or should it be Trees? I think that might sound better than Earth). That was my bobcat Alina," I said. Suddenly the girl called Frieda spun around. I know that whenever someone I'm traveling with does that, it means trouble! I turned in the same direction.
I saw only trees, though Frieda seemed to be looking for something. She didn't find it. But to be on the safe side, I took out my dagger. Not usually one to fight if another option was open, I carried no sword. I had no way of knowing, then, how soon I would need one.
Fred Baggins
01-26-2003, 06:36 PM
ooc: Earth...trees...I like trees better, yep yep yep!
ic: "Gollum's out there." I got strange looks, before remembering he wasn't Gollum yet, he was Smeagol. "Smeagol. He's out there, I can feel him."
*I ran to catch up with the tiger.* "Where are we going. To meet with the Heart? Or Matrim?"
*The lioness laughed, a silvery, powerfull laugh. It made you want to laugh and cry at once.* "No, the humans will all meet her together."
"But how can that be? From what I understood..."
"O, they won't all see her of course. That would kill them, most likely. Besides, she doesn't often show herself remember?"
*I nodded, something I picked up from Frieda.*
01-27-2003, 03:55 PM
Meanwhile, GG is beginning to relax, being in a tree always made her more comfortable. Smeagol sensed this and removed his hand from her mouth.
Smeagol(whispering): You mussent yell, or they'll find us, then i drag you up other tree, yes?
GG (rather loudly): huh, what?
Smeagol: Shhh!
GG(whispering): all right. what do you want?
Smeagol fidgits uncomfortably, he is not used to talking in a civil manner with other people, not since he found the ring a few years back.
GG: Oh, and please make yourself visible, could you? this is very odd...
Smeagol for some reason feels comfortable with GG, so after a momen'ts hesitation, takes off the ring and quickly slips it in his pocket.
GG (wispering in his ear): I said, what did you drag me up this tree for, i mean i like to climb trees and all but you have to admit that was a little rude dragging me like that and all-
Smeagol: Stop stop wispering in my ear, it tickles, too many wisper words...can't hear them all at once, no...(tralis off into mumbles, then gets back to the point and adresses GG)...All right. You know those peoples over there, the big ones, with big cats (shivers)...are you friends with them?
GG: sorry to disapoint you, but i don't know anything about them. I've been looking for my own friends, but can't seem to find if you would just let me go I'll be off and won't bother you anymore (begins to slip down tree)
Smeagol catches her wrist
GG: I'm sorry, but i really do lack the information you seek about those odd people, (and that's probably a good thing since you would only cause mischief and quite possible mess up something of great importance) but since i'm of no use to you, let me go!
Smeagol, however, has other plans. Slipping on the ring, he drags her back down the tree and away from the gathering of unusual people...
Fred Baggins
01-27-2003, 06:44 PM
*I soon lost track of him. He was quiet, and must have slipped away. Hobbit-like creatures If that's so, then he's more quiet that I would have thought. But I couldn't seance him anymore. I'd had little training of this. But I knew i must try and follow.* "Stay here. I'll be right back." *I crept into the trees, hoping, praying I was going the right way. It's wasn't before to long I could seance him again. I smiled to myself, swaord drawn, as I saw feet quickly dissapearing, but it seemed as thought they where being dragged. I followed them.*
01-27-2003, 07:07 PM
Aerenity looked around, almost scaredly, and pulled up her hood. Again she looked like a Ringwraith, accept for her hands. She sniffed the air, and pulled out her sword. It was a black silve, and struck fear into ones heart.
01-30-2003, 04:04 PM
GG and Smeagol are now out of hearing distance from the camp, and smeagol takes his hand of GG's mouth.
GG: you forgetting something?
Smeagol grumbles inaduibly and takes off the ring
GG: Much better. Now, how about this. I won't tell them where you are if you promise not to bother them. THen you won't have to keep dragging me around.
Smeagol: but... no i have a better idea *mischevious/evil grin* We can play riddles... if you win, then you get your way, if i win, then you have to help me to trix them.
GG: Uhhh...i'm not great at riddles.
Smeagol looks disapointed. It wasn't any fun to play with someone who wasn't good. THey both sit and think for a while
GG: how'bout a tree climbing contest?
Smeagol (perking up): All right...*grins*
GG(whips stopwatch out of her pocket): Don't know where this came from...oh well *hands it to smeagol* press this button when i start
Smeagol: 123go!(presses button)
GG winds between branches, swiftly reaching the top and coming back to the bottem.
GG: your turn *takes stop watch* 123go!
Smeagol races crawls swiftly up tree and down again
GG (shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot): uh, well *looks at stopwatch again* uhh...
Smeagol: I win!!!!! *frolicks around in a manic victory dance, chuckling evilly* I winiwiniwinIIIIIIII WIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNN!
GG: yeah, thanks for rubbing it in...
they make their way back to the camp, (because GG is a little too true to her word). GG drags feet (saying that she's all tired from climbing, but of corse is not), and calling a pee break every five minutes (not really using the bathroom of corse, but to give her a chance to wander off and hope she runs into a friend)
Fred Baggins
01-30-2003, 08:58 PM
I walked through the bushes, and heard the debate, and watched the tree climbing race. And then I started to follow them back. Then, when I had let my attention stray GG ran into me.
01-31-2003, 11:54 PM
::ChibiStrider wandered in the woods singing to himself::
the road goes ever on and on.......? ::looks at a forest:: I wonder whats in there......::walks into forest & looks at all the trees:: ......
02-04-2003, 03:18 PM
GG (after funning into freida): ah! Oh, it's you, oh, that's so happy, i was hoping i'd run into one of you!
Freida: WHere is that gollum you were with?
GG: shhh! i hear something!
THey both listen, and can faintly hear ChibiStrider singing, the road goes ever on and on...
02-04-2003, 03:36 PM
''EEEK!! I turned and ran down another passageway. I turned and glimpsed the Griffin following me. I tripped on a Protruding tree-root. I went flying forward and smashed my head against the side of the tunnel. I sat up dizzy.
02-04-2003, 03:46 PM
"Are you all right?" Aralle asked the gnome. "I'm not going to hurt you, you know. Why are you so afraid of me?"
02-04-2003, 10:03 PM
....down from the door where it began.....? .......did i hear something?.....::the chibi looked around but didnt see anyone. he thought of another song:: there was an inn, a merry old inn, near an old grey hill. there, they brew a beer so brown that the moon himself came down one night to drink his fill......hmmm...where did I hear that one? oh well ::ChibiStrider saw some apples in a tall tree and went to climb it:: ..........
Fred Baggins
02-04-2003, 10:15 PM
ooc: ChibiStrider, please to remember those songs you are singing where written by Bilbo, and this RPG occurs before Gollum goes into the mountains to hide, before Bilbo gets the Ring or writes those songs.
ic: "Reluctantly I hushed. I did not like Smeagol, or Gollum whatever I was to call him. And considering GG was of the same race, I wasn't to sure to trust her either. I had to remember that they are only an ancient race of hobbit. Not Yerch.
02-04-2003, 10:22 PM
ooc: thanx i forgot ^_^
::cliiming tree and lookng at apples:: ::looks down to see a bunch of people talking:: ........?? ...... ::leans too far and falls out of tree:: woah! uff!........?
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