View Full Version : The Shire Postal Service

01-02-2003, 05:32 PM
This is about the PostMen Or PostWomen that wonder through the Shire delivering Letters To Places Like Bag End, Or Sharky's End and see the people of the shire on your Daily Postal Journey. You will go to places like Hobbiton, Tuckbourough, Michel Delving and to BuckLand at CrickHollow. I will asign each Hobbitan Area to work in.

Here is My carachter:

Name: Corbulas Cotton from Whitwell
Description: A post man in the shire postal service who has been around and far outside the shire, an expert on maps and has a large collection of them, soft hearted sheepish and most of all inteligent an adventurer at heart.
Age: He is 43. He has grown up since his Adventure with Belladonna Gamgee.
Objects: Has a special amulet and a sword that he recieved of his father, the sword is legendry about the shire and out of it. Carries A Hobbit Ring.
Pony or Horse: Has no need for horses likes to walk. He is a very fast sprinter. And can keep up with any horse even as its galloping. Has a pet Dragon Called Xave.

01-02-2003, 06:10 PM
Interesting idea... I'm not sure if I get it or not... please explain yourself in simpler terms... THANX:)

01-03-2003, 02:41 PM
Can I join, Can I Can I??

Name: Byrel Aldhelm (Oldhelm) Took-Brandybuck from Crickhollow

Origin: Parents are Dinodas Brandybuck (Son of Gorbadoc/ Brother of Primula [Frodo's mother]) and Edrie Took (Daughter of Aldagrim/ Sister of Paladin [Pippin's father])

Description: A bit tall for a hobbit, but with otherwise normal hobbit features. A member of the Shire Postal Service since his youth. Has been known to be a bit adventurous at times (must be the Took side). He is bold and a little rash at times, but tactful enough to keep him safe.

Age: He just turned 40. His birthday is on Astron the 20th.

Objects: Carries a little knife (to us it's little, to him it's a shortsword) and wears a trinket around his neck that's been in the family longer than anyone can remember.

Pony or Horse: a pony named Thor (short for Thoris, meaning noble or courageous) He is brown with a white belly and a white face with a pink nose. His tail is black, as is his mane and his feet.

01-03-2003, 04:36 PM
In simpler forms It is about The Postmen Or PostWomen of the Shire. I am the Boss and I will asign all of you an area for posting.

01-04-2003, 07:04 AM
Give me a couple of day's to think up a character.

01-04-2003, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by zavron
In simpler forms It is about The Postmen Or PostWomen of the Shire. I am the Boss and I will asign all of you an area for posting.

Alright, I will make up a charecter and get back to you on...... well......... later.... *scratches head, trying to think of a good hobbit name*:)

01-04-2003, 12:45 PM

go on the all in one name generator.

01-04-2003, 01:17 PM
Name: Milo Gamgee from Binbale Wood
Age: 35
Occ: POSTMAN YEY!!!!!!!!
Weapons: Stamp attack! & Letter Netter (lol only jokin)
Has a dwarven shortsword in house as a family heirloom.
Possessions: A hell of a lot of stamps I can tell ya.

01-04-2003, 01:21 PM
Another carachter!! Yay!!

01-04-2003, 01:24 PM
Can I join?

Samwise Roper of Grindwall
Height: Shortest hobbit!:D

Weight: Chubby

age: 33

Description: Rather clueless (Everyone always thinks he's going to get fired.)

Bio: He was a little rascal when he was young

Possesions: A magical book.

01-04-2003, 01:27 PM
wow! Thanx Zavron... here goes....
Name: Linda Proudfoot from Binbale Wood

Description: Lively girl, with dirty blonde curly hair. Averge hobbit-height. Considered very smart and forgttfull. Is known to make stupid mstakes and get into trouble easily. New member of Shire postal service

Age: 33, just coming of age

Objects: carries a small dagger everywhere she goes. Also is known to where a golden locket around her neck, though no-one knos why...

Pony or Horse: Owns a small pony named Cotton Diasy... not very fast, but he suits her needs:)

01-04-2003, 01:46 PM
Yay!! Were all set to start!!! Here we Go!!

*Dingalingaling!* The bell above the Door Rang out loudly deep into the Large Post Office.

01-04-2003, 05:43 PM
Linda runs to answere the door yelling "I've got it!" Trips over her own hobbit feet and goes flying into a stack of letters waiting to be delivered. "Don't get it" Linda mutters...:)

Ms. Undomial
01-04-2003, 06:10 PM
May I join?


Name: Estella Gamgee from Hobbiton.
Discription: A young out-going hobbit; daughter of Frodo Gamgee.
looks: Blond hair, white dress with green embroidered leaves.
height: 3 1/2 feet tall.
Age: 38
Object(s): Sting; which she inheritted from her papa.
Pony: Alclotiel.

Adrian Baggins
01-04-2003, 06:13 PM
ooc: Zavron can you have 1 more person pleasee please please?
if so here is my character, if not pm me and I will delete this or something like that anyway so I will give you a character discript now and you can tell me if I can join later maybe the discript will make you let me in on the fun of delivering mail.anyway:
Name: Adrian Bagins the 2nd (knew it was comming didn't ya, well sort of)
Family history: daughter of Adrian Baggins, Frodo Baggins the Ringbearer's sister. Her mom married a guy who took her last name instead of the other way around. Her younger bro. by 1 year is named Frodo, ironic that her uncle and mom were the other way around isn't it?
Age: 33 B-day is Sept. 22
Personality: likes to talk about adventures her mom had, and resorted to trying to get this job because she has had to quit all her others because of her looks, boyish, mysterious.
looks: short straight brown hair, blue eyes, as tall as Frodo(how tall was he anyway), warm smile, thin and wears boy clothes esp. hand-me-downs from her uncle, hand-me-down cloak from her uncle Frodo.
objects:loads of books, lives with friends sometimes with Merry or Pippin and sometimes with Sam, a wolf she rides like a horse, sword, bow, and other wepons in conciled places in her clothes
Horse or pony: none she rides a wolf
last job: A secritary for a very prestigeous garden suply shop owner, she quit because he tried to date her but she said no but he wouldn't give up, he was married.

Fred Baggins
01-04-2003, 06:14 PM
Can I join? character is Sarah Baggins. Look for descrip in Lost Seeing Stones.

01-05-2003, 01:04 AM
I ran to work, I was late again! Oh the yelling that would come was going to be terrible.

01-05-2003, 07:11 AM
''Linda!! What the...Tidy that up now!!!'' I walked towards The door to answer it when another flew in bowling me over. ''ARRGGHH!!''

01-05-2003, 07:16 AM
''SamWise!!'' I got up and turned to The Hobbit that had just entered The Post Office Of Bywater. ''Late again I see! Well...I am not taking it any longer! You should be responsible enough to come in on TIME!'' I shouted at Samwise.

I walked off behind The counter Muttering where Linda was cleaning up all The Letters on The Floor. I grabbed her by the Arm and pulled her up. I was the strongest Hobbit in The Shire.
''Stop messing about Girl!!!''

01-05-2003, 01:23 PM
"I-I'm sorry sir!" I half said in fear. Everyone laughed at me for being late.

Fred Baggins
01-05-2003, 02:56 PM
ooc: fine, then Zavron, I'll join on my own.

ic: I walked up to the door timidly. Now I'm not normally timid, but this being my first day of a job of any sort, and being just days after comming of age, I was a little scared. I opened the door, and could tell that things haddn't started to well today.

01-05-2003, 04:17 PM
"Hullo Sarah! I heard you--" I was cut off from the boss yelling "Shut up Roper! Get to work!" "Yes sir!" I responded, then whispered to Sarah "I better get going."

01-05-2003, 05:13 PM
Can I join??

Name Evermind Bracegirdle from Hardbottle
Race Perian (hobbit)
Hair Brown
Eyes brown
height 3'4

Adrian Baggins
01-05-2003, 06:57 PM
ooc:Zavron I will join by myself as well since you didn't answer me.

ic: I walked into the post office looking for a job. I had put on my best hand-me-down from my uncle which happened to be some he had never worn. I looked like a guy to anyone who didn't know me and I acted like one too. I stepped in to find the place in shambles while a man who looked like the head of the post office scolded another hobbit for talking to the girl I had walked in behind. I had my little babe cousins with me. Their names were Fredric and Fieona. "Come on Fred, Fi, let me see if I can get a job here since I have worked everywhere else," I said moving foreward. The girl in front of me turned arround and told me she was applying for a job here too. She introduced herself as Sarah. I was about to just slip my resumé onto the counter when the man I had assumed to be the head asked Sarah and I to step into his office.

01-05-2003, 08:52 PM
ooc: I think Sarah already applied and is on her first day.

01-05-2003, 11:02 PM
Linda finishes picking up papers... and organizing them by size... and alphebetically filing them... only to have a breeze waft in from the open door and send them floating to the floor again! Linda sneekes off beofre anyone can blame her for the mess...:)

Fred Baggins
01-06-2003, 12:56 AM
ooc: Yea this is my first day.

ic: As I walked into the room, I stared at the scattered papers, and a late Mr. Roper. The girl called Adrian was applying for a job. I nodded. "This is my first day. Seem's the posta; sevice is poular this year." Not that I needed a job, being a Took, but I found it easier to have something to do. Besides, I had another reason. When the wind came in a blew the papers around the girl just stacked I almost bent down to help, but she walked away. Then I saw Mr. Cotten.

01-06-2003, 01:04 PM
OCC Umm, I'm going to jump in, ok?

IC I wandered into the post office, munching on an apple. Papers were scattered everywhere, Mr. Cotton had just come in, and there was a line a mile long. I joined at the end of the line, and cntinued munching on my apple.

01-06-2003, 04:41 PM
ic:Milo laughed the most. He loved pranks and jokes and he found this highly amusing. He laughed so much that he knocked a fragile parcel over. They knew what was inside: Athelas plants.

Milo had crushed them. His boss went psycho with him. He set out to find more...

01-06-2003, 05:05 PM
[maybe it would be easier if we all wrote in the third person to avoid confusion of who is what charecter]

Linda watches as Milo squashes the Athelas packege and cringes as he is sent to find more by his boss. Linda then walks around and tries to look busy as to avoid any *shudder*accual work...

01-06-2003, 06:53 PM
Byrel walked in a few moments after the door had opened. He stood around, snickering at the others as they tripped over each other in such a hurry to get to work. Then he slowly, calmly walked to the back of the postroom and opened the door, stepping gingerly into the office. He wasn't in a particularly adventurous mood today.
"Mr. Cotton, sir?" he said. "Have you an assignment for me today?"
Corbulas looked up. "You're late."
Byrel stared at his feet. "Yessir. Sorry, sir. Thor got spooked and it took me a mile and a half to calm him back down. He went off the road, sir."

01-07-2003, 02:42 PM
''Thats IT!!!!! SHUT UP!!!'' I screamed at the top of my voice. I waved my hand and the paper piles reorganised theselves. I sat down rubbing my temples and breathing heavily. I stood up and walked into my office. I sat down again and slumped back on my chair drinking a now cold cup of tea.

01-07-2003, 04:37 PM
Linda knocks on Corbulas Cottan's office door... "Uh... sir?" she says meekly, "I know that I have not been the best postgirl in the world, but I am turning over a new leaf! I would like a harder job!!! Also" she adds, "I am tired of answereing all of the fanmail addressed to Frodo Baggins, he had been gone for quite some time now... do think he will ever come back?" She waits holding her breath for his reply... "Oh, and a brought you a hot cup of tea!!" she says as a bribe to get him to open the door.

01-08-2003, 01:37 PM
I opened the door took th cup of tea, handed the cold one to her and slammed the door.

An Hour later I left my office and found a Huge line full of new aplicants for the Postal Job.
''Errr...Come in one at a time.'' I said going back into my office.

01-08-2003, 04:52 PM
LInda very descreetly cuts thw whole line, to be in the front and enters Mr. Cottons door! "Uh, sir... about that new job..." she starts

01-08-2003, 07:03 PM
Evermind sees this, throws down the apple and burst in. "Hey!!! You weren't at the front of the line!!! I'm sure of that!!! That's not fair you - " seeing Mr. Cotton, "Oh, sorry sir, for shouting I mean." she apologized. "I'm Evermind Bracegirdle, Mr. Cotton. If you don't need me, I'll just..." she starts backing out towards the door.

Fred Baggins
01-08-2003, 09:12 PM
I tried to speak up before the door closed behind Mr. Cotten, but for once in my life I was to slow. "ARGH! IF HE DOESN'T TELL ME WHAT THE HEACK I'M SUPPOSED TO DO, I'M GOING TO GO CRAZY!!!" I looked around and smiled at the others, and sat down. I'm afraid I tend to be a bit impatient.

01-08-2003, 09:30 PM
[ooc: Can we please write in Third persoN??? A few of us here are getting confused. And where is the post office located anyway?]

Byrel sighed. THe younger (or, rather, less experienced) ones were starting to irritate him. He turned to Corbulas. "Should I take the West Farthing route to Hobbiton and Overhill as usual, sir?"
Corbulas waved his hand. "Yes, yes. Just as soon as the mail is sorted."
"Thank you sir." Byrel left the room and the others crowded in to get their assignments. He started sorting the mail and was finished, packed, and gone before anyone else had left the office. "Silly little dwarves, they are," he whispered to himself as he coaxed Thor to giddyup.

01-08-2003, 09:45 PM
Linda smiles as Evermind backs away slowly... "That's right you better run!" she calls after him! "You don't want to mess with Linda Proudfoot!" Some older hobbit comes by and talks to Corbulus like he is an old friend, and Linda is forgotten at the moment. She goes off to find another cup of tea and some little cakes to try to persude Corbulus to talk to her. 'This time', she promises herself 'I won't let him have them untill I get a better job!':) Linda knocks on the door. She nibles on one of the crackers as she waits for the door to Corbulus's office to open...

Adrian Baggins
01-08-2003, 10:40 PM
ooc: can I come intop the story now.I am sorry about not being on line yesterday I had a load of Homework.

c: Adrian got skipped by a hobbit with an apple. "Hey," she shouted, "I was in line here. You can't skip me. You wouldn't want to skip me. Do you know who I am? I am Adrian Baggins, Frodo's neice. Now get in the back of the line, please." "Um, okay," the hobbit said. A girl somebody had shouted out a name to and called her Linda was complaining about answering Adrian's uncle, Frodo's fan mail. Why Adrian wasn't doing that at Bag End she would never know. She walked up to the office door and walked inside sitting down. She presented her resume to the guy sitting behind the desk with a little sign on his desk that said C. Cotten. "Mr. Cotten, I am Adrian Baggins, Frodo Baggins's neice and I really need a job right now."

01-08-2003, 10:52 PM
But before Mr. Cotton could reply, Linda burst in through the door, and sloshed hot tea all over Adrian! "oh... sorry..." she says"... now mister Cotton! I really need a new job@ I swear I will do better!" she is making elaborate movements with the cookie plate and sending crumbs flying all over the office! "Please!!!" Linda begs "Please? Mister Cotton! I can handle an easy road! please??":) "I could even sort the mail for you! Or lick all of the envelopes! Or... Or..." she falters at the look on Cotton and Adrians faces...

01-10-2003, 02:05 PM
ooc: This thread is using First Person.

01-10-2003, 02:09 PM
''There is a simple way to do this.'' I said. I walked out my office and into the Main Entrance.
You, you, you, you and you are now our new PostMe...Err...People!'' I pointed at Linda, Evermind, Belladonna, and the rest who were now fighting with each other.
''The rest of you can go away!'' I walked into my office and out a secret door at the back. I sat on a Dustbin and took out my pipe and tobbaco. I lit my pipe and blew out an enormous smoke-ring.

01-10-2003, 06:22 PM
OCC editing...

Adrian Baggins
01-10-2003, 09:32 PM
ooc: did you point at me?

ic: The hobbit called Linda spilled tea on me so I had to go and change. I was not happy. When I got back Elanor asked how things had went. I sort of smiled and said, "Okay I guess. I have to go back though, see ya later."

01-11-2003, 12:50 PM
ooc: I'm giving the assignments. So come back in.

''Adrian. You have...Let's see!'' I got out my map ''Here we are!TighFiled, Number.11, No.13, No.56, and No.109 Baylad street. Also, No's 9, 12, 15, 16, 17, 39, 47, 100 NewInn street. The whole of Archbank street. And then HardBottle, No's 21, 33, 44 ByHigh Way. The Whole of Bramble lane and PaddyWay Through. You'll have to go through The White Downs, be careful! I've heard there are wolves gathering there. Good Luck!! Next!''

Fred Baggins
01-11-2003, 06:49 PM
I slaped my head as I went in. I already HAD a job, I wasn't applying, just waiting for my assignments. I sat down, and smiled. The nerves where compleatly gone, now that I had my first official blowup-on-the-job. I looked at Mr. Cottne expectantly as he sipped his tea, and when he seemed to not see me, I snapped my fingers. "Hello, sir, Sarah Baggins? you where supposed to give me my assignment an hour ago..."

01-12-2003, 12:26 PM
''Don't flick your fingers at me girl!!'' I snapped my nerves reaching breaking point. I went in my Office and handed her a List. ''The streets and Numbers are there. Michel Delving, UnderTowers, Waymoor and Nobottle! Come on then! Hop to it!!'' I snapped.

Fred Baggins
01-12-2003, 03:08 PM
*I smiled and took the paper, with all signs of dissaggrement ion my face gone. As I headed out I quickly picked up my bag, and headed out. Whistling, a pony trotted over to me, Will, as a joke, though her real name is Prisca. She is the offspring of Bill, Uncle Sam's pony. And she could talk, well, in a way of speaking any way. I mounted her and headed out, cheaking the list. My first stop was Michel Delving.

Adrian Baggins
01-13-2003, 09:46 PM
I had my assignments: TighFiled, Number.11, No.13, No.56, and No.109 Baylad street. Also, No's 9, 12, 15, 16, 17, 39, 47, 100 NewInn street. The whole of Archbank street. And then HardBottle, No's 21, 33, 44 ByHigh Way. The Whole of Bramble lane and PaddyWay Through. "Swift," I called, "let's get goin'. I want to get donw in record time. Luckily I knew the people who lived in all the houses I had been assigned so it went quickly. All I had to do was sort the letters before I got to the house which was easily done on Swift's back. When I got back to the Post Office I foundI had only been gone abou an hour or so.

01-13-2003, 09:53 PM
OCC editing

01-13-2003, 10:43 PM
Linda slips into Mr. Cotten's office. 'Sir' she says resonably, 'I wont leave you alone untill I get a better job! And that's that!' Anything would be better than answereing Frodo's fanmail! he has been gone for 7 years now!!! I don't think he's coming back...' then adds quickly 'Look! I brought you a fresh cup of tea!' She nervously awaits his desician...:) :)

01-14-2003, 12:51 PM
ooc: Dolentoeil! Your carachter isn't doing Hobbiton! I assigned yours awhile ago! Look back! Someone else is going to do Hobbiton. Please edit your two posts.

01-14-2003, 04:51 PM
ooc: Just a little controlling ar we there Zavron?:) :)

01-14-2003, 05:12 PM
ooc: I'm setting everybody an area.

01-14-2003, 05:33 PM
occ: I was just joking but...

'Where's my area?' Wailed impatient Linda after several hours of waiting? 'I want to deliver the mail too'!:) :)

01-14-2003, 06:49 PM
OCC Zavron, I read back and you never gave me any assignments

01-14-2003, 09:58 PM
occ: What does occ mean... stand for?

Dolenloteiel, whenever I read what you wrote for location I get this funny feeling like I'm being watched and have to turn around EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!!:) :)

Fred Baggins
01-15-2003, 01:00 AM
ooc: Ooc means Out Of Character, and Ic means In Character.

ic: Number 18...the number sounded vagly familar, as I knocked on the door. It opened and I groaned. The first one on my list was DROGO TOOK! My cousin, and sworn enemy, but he didn't know he was my enemy. He stood there smiling at me, as I handed him his mail.

"Ah, Ssssarah! Good to ssssee you again Ssssarah. It'sss been ssso long? Are you doing my route with your new job? You have a new job? Why aren't you working at the grocer with me any more."

I Mumbled, "I think the answer is obvious. You have a hard time remembering that was the first job I was fired from, don't you. And all because of you to."

"Me? Ah well. Come in Ssssarah, and make me one of your wonderful apple piessss."

"O shut up, I have work, and I wouldn't come within ten miles of your house if I had any control over it."

01-15-2003, 12:16 PM
OCC Eown I have no idea what your talking about, I'm sorry if I bother you, but I can't corect it if I don't know what's wrong.

01-15-2003, 02:59 PM
ooc: maybe we can post the name of the character before we go, so that everyone knows who one person is talking about... like this:


Thor wasn't heeding to my commands. Something wasn't right. He was normally a very cooperative pony. Today, it seemed like he had had a few to many sips of the bottle I had opened last night. Ah, well. I was arriving in Hobbiton and as usual, the townsfolk were standing about, waiting for their mail. I immediately went to the town square and stood on the tree stump that served as the crier's post. I took the letter out of my bag and began to read off the names.

ooc: more later...

01-17-2003, 05:07 PM
ooc: Who said you were doing Hobbiton!! Please will you not go off on your own!! I will asign you places. It is hard pouring over The Shire Postal Map!! It's got all the names and places on it, and I'm trying to arrange it that you'll all bump into each other at some time!! Please be Patient!

01-18-2003, 06:45 PM
OCC "Inye nyere, Zavron. It will not happen again."

01-18-2003, 07:14 PM
ooc: Pardon me, good sir! I posted a while back and since you posted thereafter and did not address the situation I assumed that you did not have a problem with this. However, I will have to resolve until waiting for you to post. Curse my impatience!