View Full Version : Previous Tolkien Theatre Experience

12-30-2002, 04:58 AM
This is my first visit to this forum, and I was wondering, has anyone seen anything by Tolkien in theatre before? I saw The Hobbit as a play, and thought it was quite good. However, I don't believe it would make sense to anyone who hasn't read the book first.

So two questions:

Do you think the musical will be able to stand alone?

And, what are your, if any, previous Tolkien theatre experiences?

Lady of Rohan
01-01-2003, 02:44 PM
I've never seen any tolkien plays or heard of any been preformed, but if some one was to make one then it would be really long.

01-02-2003, 12:27 AM
Here is a link to a theatre company that has produced at least two Tolkien theatre productions. http://www.cincinnatiovation.com/twotowers/index.html

01-17-2003, 07:36 AM
I did a graphics project on redesigning 'the hobbit' as a production. Some of the photos of productions I have seen are fair, others are completely speculative rubbish. There's one production where Gandalf has an arabian-type hat on and a decapitated hand on the end of his staff. Clearly somebody has not read the book.

01-17-2003, 09:36 AM
I've done a play of the Hobbit before! Many years ago though and it was very simplified. I got to play Gollum which was great fun! I've seen a professional version of the Hobbit advertised around London but never got around to seeing it. Can't see how they'd do it though- we had a narrator to do most of the tricky bits. Mx

04-08-2003, 10:33 PM
I've never seen a Tolkien play before, but I think it would be really cool to act in one.

Willow Oran
04-12-2003, 10:25 PM
I've never seen one but we did a youth production of The Hobbit at our local theater last summer, It was awesome, we put the entire thing together by ourselves in the space of four weeks and did six performances. We got really good audiences and the last performance we did the theater was filled to the point where we had to be careful not to trip over little children sitting in the ailes and we were forced to start turning people away. I wish we could do it again or do more Tolkien stuff on the stage, it's a lot of work, but it's really fun.

04-14-2003, 11:49 PM
I've never seen a Tolkien play either.

05-21-2003, 03:55 PM
The drama camp I am going to this summer has been known to perform the Hobbit. If they do it, I'll get info on it and bring it back.

Hans Moleman
08-08-2003, 08:49 AM
Most plays are boaring, even the LOTR play

08-10-2003, 06:11 AM
You are so mistaken you even spelt 'boring' wrong.

I'm afraid I have no further conversation to hold with the uncultured.

08-12-2003, 03:29 AM
Hi Agburanar...

Considering that yours is the first post here in over a month, it seems no one has further conversation to hold with anyone.


Hans Moleman
08-12-2003, 04:36 AM
Originally posted by Agburanar

I'm afraid I have no further conversation to hold with the uncultured. [/B]

OOOOhhh look at me i'm so perfect because i go around watching stupid plays and thinking that thats cultured. I was merely expressing my humble opinion on my previous post and quite frankly i am dissapointed by your total lack of gusto.

PS I cant help that i am not the best typer in the world and sometimes spell words incorrrrrectlyy. (Note the deliberate spelling mistake and the sarcastic tone in my typing !!! )

Rosie Gamgee
08-20-2003, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by Lady of Rohan
I've never seen any tolkien plays or heard of any been preformed, but if some one was to make one then it would be really long.

And require about thirteen bazillion extras :D. No, I've never seen or heard of any Tolkien-based plays. I think they should make a musical out of the story of Tinuviel and Beren. That story's better for the opera-type setting.

08-20-2003, 08:55 PM
I went to see The Hobbit at the theatre a few years ago. Bilbo and the dwarves were puppets, but Gandalf was an actor. It was very good. And I got my own hobbit mug as well! I found a review of it from TORN here (http://www.theonering.net/perl/newsview/2/943133750)

10-16-2003, 05:22 AM
i think puppet dwarves would freak me out loads
those little things with such big beards aaaaaaaaahhhhh:eek:

01-22-2004, 08:10 PM
i also saw THE HOBBIT as a play, in main when i was about 11 and had just finished reading it. it was one of those really kinda cheap ones when college drama students want to make a play. they had about 7 people who all changed costumes to represent all the charecters.:rolleyes: they only could show 4 dwarves on stage at any one time.

smoug the dragon was this huge puppet that blew smoke and red and orange its of tissue paper, that was pretty cool!

01-23-2004, 03:33 PM
i've done the hobbit twice with two different children's theatre groups i work with (ages 9-18)... it's a great show, obviously we just stick to the main points (and no battle of five armies :) )... theatre requires even more brevity and "to-the-pointness" than film does

basically you pick the scenes you want to feature, and then add dialog to fit the important parts you missed... you also want to try and not get too deeply concerned with plot and character complexities... in theatre it is usually best to pare things down to the essentials and then make the most out of each scene you decide to feature

and avoid a narrator at all costs!! they always slow things down

01-29-2004, 01:53 PM
i saw the hobbit as a play not that long ago, its was extreamly good, and the prop for smaug was amazing, it was HUGE and gorgeous, made out of wood. and the acting was cool too, those dwarves all had amazing singing voices.
the spiders were cool as well - they were people in suits on all fours and with wires so they could leap from trees - they moved so life like!