View Full Version : Songs

12-21-2002, 04:26 PM
I realize you'll be putting music to the songs Tolkien wrote (nothing cheesy, I hope--maybe you should ask Sondheim for ideas, he rocks) but are you gonna do other songs not in the books and/or leave some to be chanted? Just wondering. Curiosity killed the cat, but I'm not dead yet, so I proved that wrong:D lol.

12-22-2002, 02:06 AM
You can find the lyrics to many of the songs from the musical here on Tolkien Trail. Go to the main page and click on the link to the right. As for putting music, cheezy or otherwise to Tolkien lyrics, I only considered one. That was Frodo's "I sit beside the fire and think." Unfortunately, I chose to cut it because of time constraints although the melody I wrote for it is used as a refrain in much of the underscoring of the scenes between Frodo and Sam. Tolkien is a great linguist and an obviously brilliant writer but either because he never actually envisioned his lyrics being sung or because of lack of talent in that area, he sucks as a lyricist.

As for Sondheim, yes he is brilliant and he "rocks." As a member of the stage actors union I have been fortunate enough to perform many of his works and I know him personally, although not closely. However, we have discussed this project and he agrees that he would be perhaps the worst possible choice of writer/composer to tackle LOTR.

01-06-2003, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by hama1
. . . either because he never actually envisioned his lyrics being sung or because of lack of talent in that area, he sucks as a lyricist.
Lol! I don't know why I find that statement so amusing. But I do. :)

01-07-2003, 12:03 AM
:D I am glad I could brighten your day!