View Full Version : A Modern Middle-Earth
11-30-2002, 02:32 AM
Well, it is just a concept I like alot. In today's society what if there were elves and dwarves and hobbits? What if the were ever so clever, and hid among today's people? What would happen?
Story line: In the west (of America) scientists unearthed a grand finding, a creature petrified, very ugly and seemingly mythological, in it's hand was a beautifully crafted ring. The lead scientist, Lauryn Kale, knew immediately that it would be valuable. She hid it in a grand museum.
Now the old creatures of Middle-Earth, the ones who remember and the ones who were told are greatly uneasy for in today's times, with the One Ring, it would be infinitely possible for total genocide, if the owner of the ring so chose.
There societies, units and groups in countries (very well orginized) are meeting now in London to figure out how to get the ring back, and how to destroy it.
Note to the Reader: THis is my first attempt at an rpg, but I think it is an interesting topic, but if it fails I know why.
Character I will be playing most-
Older than the ages past
A very fun loving elf who has a terrible time being serious.
Modern clothes, keeps hair long to cover her ears, originally born in the jungles of Africa.
Please join me on an adventure. (I sound like the Carnival cruise commercials.)
11-30-2002, 03:01 AM
ok, sounds like fun, I'll join.
Name: Lubyla
Age: She's been around since the one ring was born, even before that.
Lives: What use to be Mirkwood, now known as New Zeland
Looks: Deep Forest Green Eyes, 'bout 5'9, always wears white. Hair is blonde, down to her waist. Still most beautful creature(if Fred don't join) Has little humor, not known by many, keeps to herself and a few friends.
11-30-2002, 06:35 AM
somebodies allready done a thread like this and it's still going I'm afraid that this Rpg may be closed by earniel.:rolleyes:
11-30-2002, 01:40 PM
No, I don't think I will, Zavron. :) Unless when asked or when it goes off topic. The storyline is simular to that of the 'Return of the Ring' RPG but not identical. I see no reason for closing it.
11-30-2002, 02:04 PM
I'll join! I always imagined I was secretly an elf!:)
Name known in present day:Jack
Name known in Middle Earth:Duddun
Wise for a hobbit, never stayed long near hobbits, his favorite place to go was Mirkwood.
Looks:Always cahnging he can look old, young, or even like a dwarf:D
11-30-2002, 04:06 PM
I is kinda like Return of the Ring, but it sounds different, and neat-o. Can I join? I also sort of imagine I am an elf in secret :)
Name (modern) Dione Jandel
Name (Middle Earth) Avanier
Age (modern, Middle Earth) 20, Been around since the Third Age
Race Elf
Lives In the Western Community of the Elves in the Rocky Mountains, USA
Description / History Tall, long black hair, grey eyes. When in the company of the Elves, traditionally wears the Dark Green tunic, skirt, leggings, and boots. Carries a knife, and a bow with a quiver of arrows. The bow is black, with silver etchings of the trees of Valinor. The quiver is also black, as is the knife with the same etchings.
When with the humans, wears the traditional clothing of a tour guide. Guides tours into the Rocky Mountains, wears her hair in different ways to cover her ears.
Fred Baggins
11-30-2002, 04:28 PM
Sounds good! I'll Resta or Awartha...or both? Well...
Elf...or wizard...elf at during the day, wizard at night!
age: Um...well she was only 280 1000 after the destruction of the I'll knows!
Appearance: elf-wears modern day clothes, which are always baby blue, and always wears a hood to cover her ears. She carries a black bow, with yellow eyes painted on, and wiskerlike arrows to go with it. Wizard-wears baby blue robes, and lets her hair cascade down her back, to her knees. Carries a Mithril staff, with gold ring at top, and suspended in the middle is a blue topaz stone, one half looks like a sun, and the other half like a moon.
I probably won't use Resta, but if I do...
Appearance: Wears dark robes, with a dark hood which always covers every thing about his face.
12-04-2002, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by Dolenloteiel
I is kinda like Return of the Ring, but it sounds different, and neat-o. Can I join? I also sort of imagine I am an elf in secret :)
Name (modern) Dione Jandel
Name (Middle Earth) Avanier
Age (modern, Middle Earth) 20, Been around since the Third Age
Race Elf
Lives In the Western Community of the Elves in the Rocky Mountains, USA
Description / History Tall, long black hair, grey eyes. When in the company of the Elves, traditionally wears the Dark Green tunic, skirt, leggings, and boots. Carries a knife, and a bow with a quiver of arrows. The bow is black, with silver etchings of the trees of Valinor. The quiver is also black, as is the knife with the same etchings.
When with the humans, wears the traditional clothing of a tour guide. Guides tours into the Rocky Mountains, wears her hair in different ways to cover her ears.
We all do don't we?
Do we have enough to start?
Radagast The Brown
12-05-2002, 05:16 PM
Name - Malloth
Race - elf
age - 500 years
Lives - What use to be Mirkwood, now known as New Zeland
12-06-2002, 06:44 PM
can't wait!! When do we start?
12-06-2002, 07:02 PM
I hope soon! Can I start?
12-09-2002, 07:31 PM
ummm, this isn'tmy call, but go ahead!!! :)
12-09-2002, 08:38 PM
IC: I traveled to New Zealand for a meeting about the ring returning now in Modern times. It was a long boat ride and when I got there Dione Jandel was waiting for me...
12-09-2002, 08:42 PM
I saw an old friend get off the boat. "hello! I was waiting all morning! Your boat must have had some problems! Come you must tell me everything!" In my mind I said <Aaye, Biredon! What do you make of this business!> I steered him into a small cafe, where we sat in a corner.
12-09-2002, 08:45 PM
I did not feel safe in here so I said: <We cannot speak of it now! We must wait for the counsel.>
12-09-2002, 08:47 PM
I nodded, and looked over the menu. "tea?" I asked, "Come, what delayed your boat?"
12-09-2002, 08:50 PM
"Yes please!" i said. "We were shot by a pirate ship. Close call" i reached my hand down to my hilt to signal what I meant.
12-09-2002, 08:54 PM
I nodded, smiling, then I did a double take. <what do you mean, wearing that about?>
12-09-2002, 09:00 PM
<It was in my baggage but when the pirates jumped us they captured many people and the rest were blinded. I fought them off. No one saw do not worry!>
12-09-2002, 10:00 PM
I shook my head. <caution is of the utmost importance. > Our tea was brought. <Where are you staying?>
12-09-2002, 10:38 PM
<I have no plans made, if you know a good place then I would be glad to accept the suggestion. Caution is not the Utmost importance when the pirates are after the ring!>
12-10-2002, 06:37 PM
I shook my head, and sipped the tea. <I'm sorry to disagree with you my friend, but caution and speed are fo the utmost importance here. But I can see that this is getting us nowhere. We'll agree to disagree then. I know of a little place, near the location for the meeting. It is a small inn, The Red Vole, where most of our friends will meet up with us. Come.>
12-10-2002, 06:44 PM
*I sat, tending to my horses, as Awartha(I think she is playing her) Approached(now to wait till she gets there.)
12-10-2002, 07:22 PM
I got up and followed her.
12-10-2002, 07:27 PM
ooc:Fred here, on Lubyla's account.
ic: "Princess Lubyla Greenleaf of the Stars. How are you m'lady?"
ic:"Who is that which calls my title?"
"My name is Awartha, I have no title."
"And how do you know of my title?"
"If we go inside I will tell you m'lady."
*Finishes feeding a silver horse* "Fine, come, and speek.
12-12-2002, 11:58 PM
The Red Vole is a small inn, made entirely out of wood and brick. The stables were on the opposite of the inn, and that's where I first went to. I found that they had stabled my grey stallion Asforoth satisfactorily. "Did you bring your horse?" I asked pleasantly as I fed Asforoth a carrot.
12-13-2002, 12:57 AM
"They would not let him on the boat sadly. So he is swimming across as we speak, he is a great swimmer and follows me everywhere. I believe he is almost here."I said praying it was true, because he was my best friend, Joachim.
12-13-2002, 04:01 PM
I started at the news. "Oh really? Wow, how is he getting on? I hope is age isn't progresseing as fast as is normal." I said, as we walked towards the inn.
12-13-2002, 07:35 PM
"Yes, he is getting old. But he is still healthy, his son is under my care also. Joachim is training him" I said.
12-13-2002, 09:29 PM
"Ahh, Aranince is it? When did I see him last? hmmm, I can't recall. My daughter is also growing up. She knows naught of her heritage or her history, Ssiana will know when the time is right. But I fear that her preferences are the night and the dark, not the stars or Telperion. (the moon)
12-13-2002, 09:38 PM
OOC: I meant Joachim's son. But oh well...This will work!:D Joachim is my horse.
IC: "Yes, Aranince knows. But he was around in old Middle Earth so he should know. Aranince is well, but he is worried for he has heard this news."
12-13-2002, 11:01 PM
OCC Shoot! I'm sorry, I'll edit that if you want me too.
IC "Yes, Aranince is wise for his age." I sat at a table, and we talked to pass the time.
12-14-2002, 02:37 PM
OOC: Don't worry about it.
IC: "He is not very young anymore, you know. He is trying to come but I demanded he stay."
12-14-2002, 03:04 PM
*A man clad in black came out to greet the two.* Hullo, whats this? We have a visitor?
*Looks at him* One I am a bit wary of, she knows of my title, though I am thought to be dead. Come Awartha, where have you traveled from?
12-14-2002, 06:20 PM
"Ssiana is also growing, though I fear she may become tempted to join the Dark Forces. She knows nothing of her heritage, and I fear if I tell her, she may join the forces of...the evil ones."
Fred Baggins
12-14-2002, 07:28 PM
*Laughs* You don't have to be wary. in fact, if I where to tell you my real name you would now quite well who I am, though I may have changed a bit since we last spoke. I have come from...(Modern day meaning america and all that stuff right?)...Ireland.
12-15-2002, 01:10 PM
Ireland, I have flown there before, quite nice, quite nice.
Well, please do come in, and tell us how you know who we are.
Fred Baggins
12-15-2002, 05:21 PM
*She followes them in and sits down.* Perhaps...if I told you my real name, you would know me... but first, does the name Princess Galu, ring a bell to either of you?
12-15-2002, 05:47 PM
*Looks at Lubyla* Um, Lu, please dont do it...*looks a bit scared*
*stands up in a rage* How DARE you bring that name up in my house!!!!!!! I have long since herd it, and hoped to be the last time. What bussiness have you, to bring up my dark past, my full name...
Fred Baggins
12-15-2002, 05:55 PM
*tears filled her eyes* I had hoped you would forget it by now, but when one will kill to get her blessing back...if my real name is such an offense in this house then perhaps I should leave. *Gets up and walks out the door.* Goodbye.
12-15-2002, 05:59 PM
*A young girl runs in through the door, running into Awartha* Oops, sorry bout that.
*My face softened a bit.* so you are the one who has haunted me all these years. I never did try to kill you, I but only ran away, and was not going to return anyway. I would have raised you myself, untill Resta came*my eyes darkened*
Fred Baggins
12-15-2002, 06:10 PM
*Her face darkens* Why did you take me with you then, if you where only running away? You know that was quite possiby the stupidest thing you could have ever done? *She spoke quietly, almost to herself. She had not noticed the young girl that had run into her. She looked up again, off into the distance, spying a figure in dark robes holding two horses. No one else saw him though.*
12-15-2002, 06:19 PM
*hears her* because I did not want you to have the life that I had, the things to deal with, and if you think me stupid, you are blind. And do you not see Starletta there? Or do you even remember her?
Fred Baggins
12-15-2002, 06:25 PM
And you are blind to not relize what you where taking from the kingdom. Have you forgotten already what the blessing WAS, what it meant to the safty of Middle-Earth. You could not have helped me take care of it alone! Yes I saw Starletta, and I remember her. *turns to Starletta* Sorry hon, I wasn't thinking correctly. How are you? *A yip was heard, and a small black puppy ran up to Starletta*
12-15-2002, 06:29 PM
Well, that may be so, but if you will escuse me, I have horses to tend to.*storms out*
*laughs* Greetings Awartha.
Fred Baggins
12-15-2002, 06:35 PM
She hasn't changed much has she? Starletta, would you like to come with me and help me take care of my horse...and perhaps meet my...'Friend'?
12-15-2002, 07:38 PM
No, she has not changed much, not even to me.
Alright, I will come with you. Helping the horses is my job after all.
Fred Baggins
12-15-2002, 07:49 PM
*I at him puzzled. Who is he?*
Well come on Slowpoke, I want you to meet my-! *Should I say it out here? With Lubyla so close? She would disapprove greatly, I knew...* My friend! *I whispered* But you have to promise you won't tell Lubyla about him, ok?
12-15-2002, 07:51 PM
Alright! I promise.
*Laughs a bit* You still don't remember me, do you Awartha?
Fred Baggins
12-15-2002, 07:55 PM
*Still looks puzzled* No, sir, sorry I don't.
12-15-2002, 07:57 PM
Would a little bird change your mind?
Fred Baggins
12-15-2002, 07:59 PM
What do you mean sir?
12-15-2002, 08:00 PM
Ah, tis been many years since I have done this.*changes into a black bird, and rests on the couch top.**cocks his head*
Now do you remember him?
Fred Baggins
12-15-2002, 08:04 PM
*Stars puzzled* Andodulin? Well...I guess it's no suprise you're still hanging out with Lubyla...guess I'm just not used to seeing you as an elf...Well then you must meet my friend als-well...maybe not...actually I don't think either of you should...I'll go get the horses...
12-15-2002, 08:06 PM
*turns back into an elf*
Why not? Why can't we meet your friend?*starts to pet the puppy*
Fred Baggins
12-15-2002, 08:11 PM
It-it would not be wise, I do not want to get you in trouble with Lubyla...or him for that matter. I'll be right back. *Runs outside, and quickly dissapears. She soon comes back leading her own horse. She is alone. She hands the rains to Starletta.*
Starletta:Why do you think she would dissapprove?
Awartha: Because he is my husband.
Starletta: *smiles* Who? Who is he?
Awartha: Resta.
12-15-2002, 08:14 PM
OOOooooo. Wait...who is Resta?
An old friend...well...maybe not, of Lubyla's. She truely would not mind Starletta seeing him.
Seeing who?*stands at the door* one my dear.
Fred Baggins
12-15-2002, 08:19 PM
*jumps up* Resta, I told you to wait.
Lubyla knows me. Come on Awartha, enough is enough. Give it up.
I can't and you very well know that LORD Resta.
Don't call me that, you know i hate it.
Why do you think I call you that?
12-15-2002, 08:41 PM
Hahaha, they fight as much as you two.
Resta...What a surprise.
Fred Baggins
12-15-2002, 08:48 PM
A pleasent one, I'm sure. *smiles at her*
*blushes* We can't stay long, I'm afraid. *winces a little*
12-16-2002, 07:53 PM
*smiles a bit* I hope so. Why must you leave so soon?
Why cant you stay? you just got here?!
Fred Baggins
12-16-2002, 07:59 PM
"To stay would be the death of us all. I wish to stay, but the Nameless one is on my tale again."
The dog whimpered.
12-16-2002, 08:06 PM
Awartha, please meet me in the stables, there is something I need to give you.
Fred Baggins
12-16-2002, 08:11 PM
"All right" *nods to the others, and follows Lubyla*
"Andodulin, good to see you to! And Starletta!
12-16-2002, 08:13 PM
Aye, to see you to Resta.
*sits on the floor* It has been long since we have seen someone from our time in these parts
Fred Baggins
12-16-2002, 08:16 PM
"Well, it's been long since we've been in these parts. Awartha tries to keep my away from Lubyla."
12-16-2002, 08:17 PM
Ah, she thinks you will fight.
Fred Baggins
12-16-2002, 08:22 PM
"Ssssssomething like that!" *Laughs nervously*
"What is it?"
12-16-2002, 08:26 PM
Aye, you still like her, dont you?
There is something I must give you, before you leave.
Fred Baggins
12-16-2002, 08:28 PM
*blushes* " know how it is..."
12-16-2002, 08:30 PM
HAHAHA, Too bad, she is already taken. is of no use to you now, that I know of, but it should have been given to you when you were a child.
Fred Baggins
12-16-2002, 08:35 PM
"What is it?"
"You mean she actually let someone marry her? Who's the poor guy?"
12-16-2002, 08:39 PM
*reaches into her pocket, and pulls out a silver pouch*It is your birthright to have it, as it is mine to have mine.*From inside the bag, Lubyla pulls out a necklace, it is mithril like hers, but is the shape of a cresent moon.*
Fred Baggins
12-16-2002, 08:43 PM
*Takes the neaklace rather hesitantly* It's beautiful...are you sure it belongs to me? I'm so unused to such nice things, I might...lose it or something... *The gem on her neaklace glows a little* Thankyou.
12-16-2002, 08:45 PM
You shall not lose it, as I have not lost mine.
heeheehee. I think that he is actually not too bad of a guy. Actually quit nice.
Fred Baggins
12-16-2002, 08:52 PM
"Well I feel sorry for him, whoever he may be."
"Of course." *Puts it on*
12-16-2002, 08:55 PM
Ah dont, he is not miserable.
It is like mine, though you are Princess Galu Greenleaf of the Moon
Fred Baggins
12-16-2002, 08:59 PM
"Pri- o, right." *Thinks of Lubyla's compact, and wonders...*
"Well let me meet him!"
12-16-2002, 09:00 PM
You already have!
*smiles* Do you like it?
Fred Baggins
12-17-2002, 12:13 AM
"I have?! When? mean to tell me...YOU...
"It's beautiful. I love it."
12-17-2002, 06:53 PM
Yes, it is I who has married Lubyla.
I thought that you waould, it is from your past.*pulls out compact, and gazes into it*
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