View Full Version : The Bad Guys
11-29-2002, 01:36 PM
this R.P.G is for all who want to be a bad guy!!!! The story is that a group of Bad Guys are plotting to take over the world and they need a way to do it!
My carachter:
Name: Lord zavron ruler of all things Evil.
Description: claws like on the game Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver, a scar on his right cheek, Sharp teeth, drifts on a black cloud, as black as the night and with black flowing robes, Upon his head a black Iron crown with the silmarils set inside them.
Personality: Strong sense of Humour Evil witha a wicked heart.
weapons: A huge black sword that glows with a black radiance, An amulate which gives him emense power.
Ms. Undomial
11-29-2002, 02:05 PM
This is extreamly funny, and interesting. I always wanted to be a bad guy! :D
Name: Losillewen
Race: Dark Elf
Wepon: Staff, Sword, And Bow. Very powerful when put to the test.
Appearence: looks like a Nazgul
Horse: Namarie
When do we start?
11-29-2002, 05:04 PM
can I join? This is different, and it sounds like fun!!
Name Ssiana
Race An elf I think that wears black!! :)
Looks Black!! Dressed in flowing
black robes, rides the black steed Finadas.
Weapons Black staff with silver bands around it, topped with a
blue sphere. One long knife with a black handle,
same deco as the staff.
Looks, Personality, Black hair, and grey eyes. Normal height, not
too tall, not too short. A wierd, twisted sense of
humor, and loves to be evil!
This sounds like soooo much fun!!
11-30-2002, 07:20 AM
ooc: ok, I'm calling our group the dominion of evil I might wait for another carachter to start.
Elfmaster XK
12-01-2002, 08:15 AM
Okay Zavron, EXK is here!!!
Here's my character profile.
Name - Malacia (Latin for 'dead calm,' as in there was a deadly calm in the air. A silence percieved to be wrong.)
Race - Daemon
Looks - Takes elf-ish form, though her true form is a grey, gargoyle-like daemon. With red eyes, dark hair.
Wears - Anything black, deep red, or dark green. Bright colours hurt the eyes...
Weapons - Usually death threats from a daemon suffice, but still, has a short sword named Nightshade, some throwing stars and three silver daggers.
Hates - Gold. Eugh! Pain! Also 'heroes,' and hell.
Personality - Bitter and twisted. Has very sick and perverse sense of humour, and is angry that she has been banished from hell.
12-01-2002, 09:26 AM
ooc:Good One Exk!!! So losi' is a Drow which is an evil elf cool!!!Now to start the thread!!
Scene: Evil Headquarters, A long table in the middle of a dark dungeon, Several prisoners chained to walls, 4 people surrounding table.
The Lord of all Evil *eerie silence* stands up!!! *bom bom boooom!!!* He walks over to a BlackBoard at the back of the room and starts to right down on it.
It reads <Taking Over The World Drawing Board>
The Lord Of All Evi l*eerie silence* CLEARS HIS THROAT!!!!
*Bom, Bom, Booom*
T.l.o.a.e. (The Lord Of All Evil):Stop that!!!
several musicians step from the corner.
Musicians: Sorry...
T.l.o.a.e.: Now as I was saying before I was Rudely Interupted!!
*Dark glance to the musicians*
T.l.o.a.e.: We are all gathered here today to discuss our anual taking over the world event Codename; Bad Breath.
prisoner on wall: You Got that Right!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!
T.l.o.a.e.(The Lord Of All Evil) points finger at prisoner and the prisoner turns into a chicken.
T.l.o.a.e.: Who's up for chicken Dinner!!
prisoner: PACAWWW!!!
Later that evening the bad guys were sitting around the table eating a nicely cooked plump chicken.
12-01-2002, 02:58 PM
Ssiana *eating chicken* But why is it code named Bad Breath? I mean, seriously, Bad breath is like the name of some evil tooth decay union striking against some toothpaste ad. Why couldn't you name it something else, like -
T.l.o.a.e. Exactly!! I named it Bad breath, because breath is bad! It's evil!!
Prisoner Ya! Especially yours!!! HAHAHAHA!
T.l.o.a.e. more chicken anyone??*general mumblings of dissent from everyone* Your right!! TURKEY!!!!!
12-02-2002, 03:50 AM
T.l.o.a.e.:'' Ya know maybe I should change the name how about.....Chicken run...Oh!! Wait thats allready a film!! Oh lets just stick with BadBreath. Back to discussion!!
T.l.o.a.e. walked over to a projector at the back of the room and loaded a film.
T.l.o.a.e.: Now I tell you not to scream at the sites that are on this projector.
He was about to press the start button *BomBomBoooom*
T.l.o.a.e.: You do know I'm looking for something to cut from the budget.
The Muscisians start to hum and whistle and walk out of the room.
Elfmaster XK
12-02-2002, 07:50 AM
Malacia sighs and looks at the food on the table.
Mala - Bah, meat. Pass me the salad Ssiana. *she passes the salad, much to inquisitive looks* What? Daemons can be vegetarian too y'know.
Tloae - No wonder you got chucked outta hell...*BANG*
Mala - WE NEVER TALK ABOUT IT *Throws knife at prisoner*
Prisoner - Hey! Ow..okay, that hurts... ow...
Mala - *evil laugh* So, what are we here for then? Some devious plot i expect. Go ahead and tell us 'Lord of all Evil.'
Yes, she's a sarcastic, sadistic, evil daemon bint. I know.
Ms. Undomial
12-02-2002, 12:30 PM
ooc: yea well, I could have told you that. :)
ic: I looked at the meat on my plate, threw off my hood,(which I hardly ever do) and finally said: "Who cooked this stuff? it is horrific!!! grr..... Malacia, please pass the salad when you are done. " she did and I looked at it in disgust. "THATS IT!!!!!!!!! I AM SICK OF THIS!!! " I brougt out my lovely staff and my plate turned into dark lembas. "now this is the good stuff. dark elf waybread. yum...."
12-02-2002, 04:32 PM
T.l.o.a.e.: ''Hey i cooked that!!! I'm deeply offended!!! And salad!!!!What the hell are you guys playing at!!! No wonder people allways say were saps!!!They say were not even slightly scaryanymore, were just norziating (sp) Thats why we need to straighten up our acts thats why i have all brought you here!''
Ms. Undomial
12-02-2002, 05:48 PM
"ok then Mr. noitall, What is your idea??? "
Ms. Undomial
12-02-2002, 05:48 PM
oops. accedentily posted twice....
12-02-2002, 09:08 PM
Ss *pushes plate away* Yay! motivational speech! *waites eagerly*
T.l.o.a.e Yes! motivational spe- No! Not a motivational speech! This is a rousing lecture! Raising the fire and brimstone! *waites dramatically*
Mala Ya, ya, fire and brimstone...been there, done that. *yawns*
Losi *chewing on Lembas* ok, ok, hell raiser, what were you saying?
Ss *dejected* I found it motivational...
T.l.o.a.e. Yes, as I was saying, we need order! Perfection! And most importantly of all!! *waites dramatically again*
Mala *throws a drumstick of the chicken at the prisoner* HA!!! Now that won't be a waste of chicken!!
Prisoner *whining* owwwwww....
T.l.o.a.e. Will we ever finish this meeting?? YES!!! We will!!! If I must keep you past your bedtime....I wil!!
*gasps from everyone*
12-03-2002, 05:00 PM
T.l.o.a.e.: Are we ready to listen!!!
everybody shouts *yes!!*
prisoner: NOOO!!!
prisoner gets hit by another Drumstick.
prisoner: OUCH! I deserved that!
T.l.o.a.e.: Damn right you did!! Right time to continue...We need to buck up our acts!!! Right back to the projector! Switches on projector.
Music plays in back ground.
*hahe ha he ha ha ha ah dum dum dum dum dum der dum, Dum Dum Duum dum! Dum der de dum dum, dum dum dum dum dum de dum!!*
pictures flash by of Evil things beeing laughed at by people and no scary thing effects them, picture goes to a man sat at a couch with chips in hands eating them suddenly the chip turns into a small evil looking scary monster and the man, unefected, eats it. *Argghh, Help me! Help Me! (Gulp to late!!*
The dominion of evil Gasp and go pale. T.l.o.a.e. switches off projector.
T.l.o.a.e.: Now you see why we should shape up!!
Elfmaster XK
12-04-2002, 10:26 AM
ooc - I quote thee, 'norziating' What the hell? You mean nauseating, neh?
IC -
mala - Oh, so we're supposed to eat the prisoner! That's why he's here. No problem. *bears fangs, turns into daemon form*
Losi - I thought you were a veggie?
Mala - Humans don't count.
SS - Oh i see, it all makes perfect sense now. *rolls eyes*
Mala - *glares* Don't make me bite you...
Tloae - Hey! No. You are missing the point people. If we want te world, we are going to have to do something about it.
Mala - Like eat the prisoner?
Prisoner - NO! I, i could be useful Please don't eat me!!!
Mala - At least i'm scary *grin*
Losi - You have an unfair advantage.
Mala - *glance at others and whispers* I can grow mine back...
12-05-2002, 03:41 PM
T.l.o.a.e.: Shut it you!!
picks up spoon and points it at mala.
12-06-2002, 06:58 PM
tloae Now, as I was saying...*whispers are being heard around the table* EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL-
mala *whispers to losi* I've been there you know...
tloae *boils over* YES YES YES!!! WE KNOW!! SHUT UP!!!
Ss I heard something about information...*narrows eyes at prisoner and smiles evilly*
Losi Aw, c'mon, you nearly strangled the last one getting information!!
tloae Not yet!! Patience, please! *turns back to the projecter, bangs it* DRAT!!! It's not working!
Ss Oh no! We're not going to see more pictures of *gasp* demons...getting...e-e-eaten...b-by...*gasps again, nearly faints*
Mala I hope no one eats me, because I sure miss Hel-
tloae No! This is the plan of our attack!!
Ss *sits up* O goody!!
Mala *continuing* ...and I want to see it again someday.
12-07-2002, 06:06 AM
T.l.o.a.e.: ''Confusticate and bebother these new-fangled machiner!!''
projector starts too work.
mala: ''Ya'know I really do miss Hell.''
T.l.o.a.e.: ''Quiet you! The films starting!!!''
everybody takes out popcorn from no where and starts to eat.
12-07-2002, 12:14 PM
Ss *pokes Mala* Mines white cheddar, what's yours?
Tloae Watch the film!
Losi *munching* Yummmmmmm caramel
Ss I don't like the cheese stuff, sticks to my teeth
Tloae Maybe if I gave you cheese you'd shut your mouth!!
12-10-2002, 10:40 PM
*One of the old newsreels played in USA movie theatres during WW2 comes on, narrated by a deepvoiced dwarf*
DVD (deep voiced dwarf) The dominion of evil has moved there armies to the south. The alliance of elves believe this movement will lead to an assault upon their cities.
Ss The dominion of that us?
tloae Ssh!!
DVD The elves plan to counterattack moving their armies north, and west. While the men move north and east resulting in a pincer movement. GOOD WILL PREVAIL!!
12-12-2002, 02:03 PM
ooc: continue...
12-12-2002, 06:52 PM
OCC ok
IC The projector turns off. The meeting becomes very serious
tloae *ahem* Now, we move against M-E!!!
Losi How? They know everything we're doing
tloae Nope! That was the fake army of stone figurines that they're talking about!! Our army is much smaller!! We kill M-E from the inside out! Corrupt the kingdoms! Make false alliances!! Crush every living thing!!!!!
Mala living? don't we need people for our armies?
Ss Yea, take our eenemies into our ranks?
tloae Why not?
Ss what?
12-14-2002, 07:00 AM
T.l.o.a.e.: ''WE shall hide ourselves among the great cities and turn people to the Dark-Side!! Muwhahahahahahahahaha!!!! Do you understand?''
12-14-2002, 02:14 PM
Ss I understand, Zavron, but what cities did you have in mind? This choice is crucial. We cannot appear evil in a place of good. *shudders* We will need to be able to communicate.
12-15-2002, 05:00 AM
T.l.o.a.e.: We will all be in the same city at the same time. There we will disguise ourselves. The first city we go to is Minas Ithil.
12-17-2002, 03:17 PM
12-24-2002, 08:21 AM
T.l.o.a.e.: We will take back what was once the Morgul Kings throne!
12-25-2002, 10:17 PM
Ss YES!!!! Another motivational speech!! *waites eagerly*
12-26-2002, 07:43 AM
T.l.o.a.e.: Gather what evil things you can and bring them here A.s.a.p.! The numbers must be few!
12-26-2002, 12:40 PM
Ss YES!!!! *runs off* I love traveling!!!
12-27-2002, 02:03 PM
T.l.o.a.e.: Come on then what are you all waiting for!! Gather your most loyal subjects!!
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