View Full Version : The perfect murder/crime
11-22-2002, 05:12 PM
I hope this hasn't been done before but here it goes. EVeryone has had the discussion on how to commit the perfect crime. (Or at least my family has;then again, my family's not exactly normal...) anmyway, how would you do it? How would you commit the perfect crime?
Ms. Undomial
11-22-2002, 05:17 PM
it is quite simple.......... I wouldn't!!! :D :p :D :p :D
11-22-2002, 05:51 PM
Oh come now, surely no one here would ever dream of breaking the law? I'm mean just because we've all bent a few rules and all, that doesn't mean we would ever plot a crime, I think. Really, we're all just innocent Mooters.
11-22-2002, 05:52 PM
Oh, BTW, I like both of your sigs a lot.
11-22-2002, 05:56 PM
The perfect crime hmm? (Not that I'd ever dream of commiting one- my Dad's a copper!!!!) I suppose the best way to commit a crime is to go through every crime ever commited and every novel written about it, find where the bad guy always falls down and don't do that!!!! Not that I'd know though as I can never get through crime fiction- no dragons- boring! I suppose you need the will of a crim as well to be able to contemplate the perfect crime and I just don't have the wish to be on the wrong side of right as Bon Jovi would say. Mx
11-22-2002, 06:10 PM
Um...why are you asking? Because it's starting to give me a story idea where a murderer goes on the internet asking people's input on how to commit a perfect crime, pretending of course that it's just a friendly little innocent discussion of murder. And the murderer gathers all these ideas from people, and goes out and commits real murders based on the ideas he/she has gotten. *clamps her hand over her mouth*
Sorry, I can't help it, I always think of these things!
Of course, that isn't what's really it? :eek:
11-22-2002, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Um...why are you asking? Because it's starting to give me a story idea where a murderer goes on the internet asking people's input on how to commit a perfect crime, pretending of course that it's just a friendly little innocent discussion of murder. And the murderer gathers all these ideas from people, and goes out and commits real murders based on the ideas he/she has gotten. *clamps her hand over her mouth*
Sorry, I can't help it, I always think of these things!
Of course, that isn't what's really it? :eek:
Scary incidental music!!!!! Are we safe in our beds- is the Moot a secret underground crime network and are we helpless victims *falls off chair in a faint*- *recovers, sniggering at corney drama sequence* Mx
11-22-2002, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
Scary incidental music!!!!! Are we safe in our beds- is the Moot a secret underground crime network and are we helpless victims *falls off chair in a faint*- *recovers, sniggering at corney drama sequence* Mx
If the Moot is a secret underground crime network or one o' them scary secret societies, and we're the 'mooters, what does that make us?! We wouldn't be the victims, everyone else would! And then we'd probably all kill each other off, too. I wonder who would be left standing? In all honesty, I'd probably be the first person to get killed. :rolleyes:
durin's bane
11-22-2002, 06:38 PM
Hmm...I'd commit the perfect crime by...breaking into Coles, showing them a book for a dollar (it's expensive there; I saw a mini dictionary for $20.00 Can.) and they'll faint! Mwa ha ha ha! Then I'll steal all the books I want! *eye twitch*
11-22-2002, 08:29 PM
Well, I much prefer the ongoing saga of Stephano Demara brainwashing his victims, and getting THEM to do his dirty work.
But here goes.
1] Get a hazmat suit
2] steal someones shoes that are too small for you
3] plan your murder, but randomly select your victim
4] watch your victim for a number of days to discover their dailt routines, any family/friends that MAY interupt your "killin'", and the like.
5] go to the doctor for your checkup, steal a pair of his rubber gloves.
6] decide whether or not to kill "up close and personal" or from far off.
7] put all that planning into good use.
8] commit the perfect murder
and 9] Eat Ben & Jerry's and take a relaxing bubble bath.
WAY to much thought was put into this.
11-22-2002, 11:36 PM
I wrote this and it's sort of on subject, I guess . . . . :eek:
But yeah . . . if I ever go as insane as the character in this scene, then my perfect crime would have something to do with mistletoe. That plant always creeped me out.
I knew when I heard her shriek that she had found Elaine, hung dead and limp from the rafters. Just as I had left her.
Katie’s shriek quickly became a wail with words in it, a terrified opera too high for her alto voice.
“Oh, God, not another, not Elaine, my Elaine; oh, god . . . .”
I smiled in satisfaction at another job well done, at Katie’s terror. All this because of me. The power I had was electric; I felt it sizzle through my bones every time I killed and waited for the screams. They were afraid of me.
They were even more afraid as long as they didn’t know it was me killing them one by one.
“Henry – please come . . .” Katie sobbed, calling her husband’s name, then her daughter’s. Her daughter would never answer her again.
I could hear the thudding of Henry’s feet as he came down the stairs, not knowing what exactly had happened.
He would know, and I could see his anguish, his fear, and his pain, which he tried to shove aside in an attempt to calm and comfort his hysterical wife. His eyes betrayed his heart. Brave fool. Maybe he’d be next.
I saw him lead her from the room and then run to call Officer Shaley at the police department. She was assigned charge of my case, trying to find me.
She wouldn’t, of course. If I were caught, I would lose my power. That couldn’t happen, not now, when I controlled half the police force with every person I killed. They were trying so hard, but failing so easily. I controlled half the town with their fear. That was the weapon I fought mostly with; their own fear. And I knew I would not be caught. I was so very careful in who I killed, where I hid.
They were so slow, and only just connecting the packages of mistletoe I sent to each victim before I killed them, to me, and my deadly power.
I needed a new plant to send before they got too cautious, though. Maybe holly, or a vine that could represent the rope before it even thought of twisting round their necks . . . .
And I needed someone new to send it to.
Tired of Katie’s cries and Henry’s terrified voice on the phone with Shaley, I slipped away into a faraway shadow. They will never find me, I thought, my mind high with power, and then I was gone.
(Am I scaring you yet?)
11-23-2002, 12:24 AM
it's starting to give me a story idea where a murderer goes on the internet asking people's input on how to commit a perfect crime, Has anyone ever read the Perfect Murder? The plotline is, a man who wants to kill his wife writes to five well-known crime authors and asks for their advice, and each of them has a different idea. The plot twist is, they all turn out to hate each other, so by the end of the book everybody is planning to kill everybody else.
But I digress.
There can really be no 'perfect crime' because there are no set criteria. Does it include not getting caught? Getting lots of media attention? Going down in the history books?
It also depends on your motivation. Most seriel killers are mentally or emotionally unstable, and thus incapable of carrying through logically. Most theives have material motivations.
As far as what my idea of the perfect crime is, I make it a point to never do the same thing the same way more than a few times. Avoid having an MO. If you're really insecure and need attention, you can leave a calling card of some sort, but I don't bother with it.
11-23-2002, 12:27 AM
Actually, I SAW a perfect murder, not exactly the saem, but movies stretch the book plots. Obviously. I liked Murder by Numbers plot line. Or at least the creepy kids speech. anyway...
11-23-2002, 01:40 AM
Originally posted by Wayfarer
If you're really insecure and need attention, you can leave a calling card of some sort, but I don't bother with it.
All I can say about that is, I hope you meant wouldn't, not don't. :eek:
11-23-2002, 05:22 PM
i have no idea how i would commit the perfect crime :confused: i should think about it
Ms. Undomial
11-23-2002, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by Elenka
Really, we're all just innocent Mooters.
so true, so compleatly true.
I don't know... a perfect crime.... ok, I will dream about it tonight and let you know what I come up with! Lauryln- nice story!
11-23-2002, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by Ms. Undomial
Lauryln- nice story!
Thank you, Ms. Umdomial!
Was it Professor Plum in the Ballroom with the Candlestick?
Ms. Undomial
11-23-2002, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by Laurelyn
Was it Professor Plum in the Ballroom with the Candlestick?
No, it was Miss Scarlet in the Billard Room with the revolver!!
11-23-2002, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by Ms. Undomial
No, it was Miss Scarlet in the Billard Room with the revolver!!
Funny, but didn't you just see Mr. Green in the Library with the Knife?
Ms. Undomial
11-23-2002, 11:28 PM
Really? I thought I just saw Ms White in the Hall with the candle stick?
11-24-2002, 12:07 AM
Perhaps it was Mrs. Peacock in the Conservatory with the Lead pipe?
11-25-2002, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Um...why are you asking? Because it's starting to give me a story idea where a murderer goes on the internet asking people's input on how to commit a perfect crime, pretending of course that it's just a friendly little innocent discussion of murder. And the murderer gathers all these ideas from people, and goes out and commits real murders based on the ideas he/she has gotten. *clamps her hand over her mouth*
Sorry, I can't help it, I always think of these things!
Of course, that isn't what's really it? :eek:
no, I'm not plotting a crime based off of people's inputs. It's just a game my friends and I play once and awhile.
11-25-2002, 06:11 PM
I would probably not kil anyone but lets see.
First you must wear gloves.(No fingerprints)
Then you go to the persons house and use a cell phone to tlak to them. (No id on the id thingy)
Then use a one bullet sniper gun and go to the persons house.
Don't use a car just use a horse.(He he)
Shoot the person then drop gun and gallop away wearing mask. Fake sized shoes and all black outfit.
I know I would get caught though.
11-25-2002, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by Laurelyn
Perhaps it was Mrs. Peacock in the Conservatory with the Lead pipe?
I've got it! The answer is: all of the above! Everybody killed Mr. Boddy. Case closed.
:D :p
11-27-2002, 11:28 PM
[note:I went on and on and on so this is in two pages. both are important]
[page one:]
Have any of you guys read Crime and Punishment? It would give a lot of insight early on about having "the perfect crime" all planned out then getting there and what happens, why people get caught, etc. etc. ...I don't think I could pull the perfect crime off even if I did plan it and even if I was not completely against murder (and stealing, and a number of other things).
However, I guess it depends on your definition of crime. I have commited numerous crimes in the past wtih no chance of future consequence at all.
But I like the idea of the murder crime. (again, I am agaist killing) I will have to think of what would be the best but in the meantime, some ideas...
1. Use the other people living in a country for an excuse and kill a ton of innocents. This one I think could really have some possibilities. I mean, you could get away with thousands of innocent deaths without even technically breaking the law as long as you have the power...hmmm...must run for president...
2. ...OK quit.
I quit now. I think of all these things that might work if it weren't for human nature. I mean, after the murder was carried out, if you even got that far, you would have to deal with the guilt, or fear, or both, or maybe mental problems from before (hey you are a killer after all) and I don't know that I would last long with out calling attention to myself with out being a sociopath. I guess if the victim lived far away it would be easier if you just went home afterwards but friends might even jokingly be like "hey, that's odd. you left for [city], a crime was commited there, and then you came was you!" which if they were serious you would be a suspect already and if they were joking, it's probably going to end up getting to you unless you have almost no emotion at all. They would porbably notice if they weren't stupid. But think about it. There are so many things like that that you would never notice, but they pop up to haunt you.
One thing you could do to avoid problems with the whole leave town thing is obviously don't just go, kill, and come back. That's like being poor, robbing a bank, then buying a boat the next day. You just don't do that.
Your friends might cause poroblems. Then you would have to lie to them and tell them you were going somewhere different. Your close friends would want to get in touch with you, and you might end up getting caught not being where you are supposed to be unless you are careful. It would help even more to have no frineds. Of course, if you have them, you can't just break off all your friendships suddenly with no explanation. That's suspicious especially if you leave and come back, as I said before. The good friends would be worried about you and not just let you shut them out. So you would have to do it gradually. This is a constraint with this plan. It's not impossible to keep your friends however, although it would be better overall. Friends ask a lot of questions. "Are you OK?" and so on. If you freaked out after the murder, they are sure to notice. It's likely that you would, whether do to guilt, fear, or whatever else. Your friends would want to know why. This might arouse suspicion.
11-28-2002, 12:10 AM
[page two]
You could also go move to somewhere for the summer, say. Then you could find a victim. This random victim thing is odd but since you would have no ties, there would be less evidence linking you to them. I am not sure what this would do to your motivation. The thing is, with a random victim, you have to preferably spend some time getting to know their habits. There is the risk here of getting caught spying. There comes along with that a whole new line of potential discoveries and suspicion here. However, it's important that you know a bit about the person. Are they home then? When does company usually show up? and so on...
Back to the moving thing. This might seem a bit less suspicious. What else might work, is moving somewhere, establishing NO friendship with anyone for a couple months; no one knows you're there. Everyday you commute out of town to somewhere else where you chose the victim and and watch them. When you are prepared to actually commmit the crime, you simply include it as part of your commute. You might want to get home quickly before anyone finds out about it so you have no trouble on your way home. I keep thinking about crossing the border because I live so close to it, but this is right out. Anyway, then you continue to stay at your home, with no one knowin gwho you are. The town of residence should be an adequate distance from the town of the murder. After anothe couple months continuing your daily commute, you move back home. Assuming you don't flip out and give yourself away, you probably are not in much danger. If you do flip out, you might want to stay home and not communte. After all, you no longer have anything to do in city B. This brings up another issue. That would be about what you are going to actually do in the town. You shouldn't get a job there since this ties you to the town. You might park your car in a place where people go, maybe work, say a mall or something. Then go and wait out a few hours somewhere wher eno one would find you. This seems obsessive but what else are you going to do? Ther must be a way without spending hours in the same place everyday. You could wander through shops or malls and cafes and such but eventually people would recognize you. Make sure city B is really big. Yes that would be best.
After you have done it (when did this become second person??) i suppose wait a month or two keeping still away from human contact more than ever. Then move to city C. It would be good to be out of state perhaps. If you feel up to it, resume human contact, and gradually become part of society again. if you are having feelings of guilt (which is likey throughout the whole ordeal) I guess you shouldn't have been dumb enough to kill someone for no reason anyway. If you don't then there's a chace of getting away with murder. Of course the actual murder is obviously a whole 'nother story so I'll maybe come back to that.
Of course this whole thing is messed up because something is bound to go wrong. The possibilities are endless.
11-28-2002, 12:34 AM
Oh i forgot to say. You could also just go somewhere where murder is the norm or something else like that where no one would care, but that's kind of cheap. It's too easy and deletes the purpose of having the perfect crime in the first place. Or you could do a million other things. But I'm gettin ahead of myself nwo again. The thing I was goin to say would fit under that thing about what happens during the actual murder that i said i would come back too.I never realized how interesting this was.
12-13-2002, 05:15 PM
the perfect crime to me would be killing someone you never knew in your life. well it would all start with me picking up a hitch hiker. then take them to a rural area out in the woods. kill them then feed their body to the dogs. wait thats kind of... not right forget i said this
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