View Full Version : Writewights
11-15-2002, 12:41 AM
Calling all Writewights! This is a thread for everyone who loves to write, but tends to get a bit carried away when they're into a story, and winds up working on it long into the night ... or all through the night! I call this "suffering from Writewrath" or "becoming a Writewight." So come on in and discuss the many joys and frustrations of being a Writewight.
Fred Baggins
11-15-2002, 01:25 AM
*Bangs head with 2 by 2* Writers block...can't think...
11-15-2002, 01:44 AM
You, too, eh? *Joins Fred and gleefully bangs head on 2 by 2 over and over*
Fred Baggins
11-15-2002, 02:05 AM
I wonder if an after dinner dinner snack would help? *Gets a big bagful of mushrooms and other stuff*
11-15-2002, 02:33 AM
YUM! Mushrooms! *Runs to steal Fred Baggins's mushrooms, then realizes she doesn't know where Fred lives* Oh well, I'll have to get my own mushrooms. I think I'm going to have another Writewrath night. I'm writing a story and one of my main characters, a centaur, just leapt off the computer and said "Oooh! Write about me some more! Me!" and now all the other characters are demanding that I do the same for them.
11-15-2002, 04:00 PM
yeah i do that too. its fun to write but since i naturally function better at night...yeah....actually i told myself i was going to go work on my story right now.
11-15-2002, 08:11 PM
Get carried away when writing? Not me.
11-15-2002, 11:37 PM
I am currently addicted to reading and writing Lord of the Rings fanfiction. I've written a few stories, but I'm sure they are quite stupid.:rolleyes:
11-15-2002, 11:42 PM
(Fred do you have another 2 by 2? I broke the last one:o )
I'm currently writing a parody of Sir Thomas Moore's Utopia, it's a much bigger project that I thought:rolleyes:
Hence the Late Night 'Mooting;)
11-15-2002, 11:43 PM
I love writing, although it seems that I am better at writing essays and literary criticisms for school, etc, than I am at writing fiction. It's like if I'm given a topic and some guidelines I'm great, but then when I have to write fiction or something like a short story, you know, it just doesn't work! I can write poetry though, and I love it. I think I'm good with poetry because I write it from life experiences and stuff.
11-16-2002, 12:16 AM
I love writing, although it seems that I am better at writing essays and literary criticisms for school, etc, than I am at writing fiction. It's like if I'm given a topic and some guidelines I'm great, but then when I have to write fiction or something like a short story, you know, it just doesn't work! I can write poetry though, and I love it. I think I'm good with poetry because I write it from life experiences and stuff.
Shadowfax, you took the words right out of my mouth!! That's scary, I'm exactly the same way :eek: I LOVE poetry! But I can only write it at night - that's when I get my inspiration. So far I have written about 20 poems, since I started writing seriously last February. They're not all that great, but I enjoy writing them and the mean a lot to me. Actually, 2 have been published, but I haven't submitted anything since last year.
11-16-2002, 02:27 AM
Originally posted by Coney
(Fred do you have another 2 by 2? I broke the last one:o )
I'm currently writing a parody of Sir Thomas Moore's Utopia, it's a much bigger project that I thought:rolleyes:
Hence the Late Night 'Mooting;)
I don't know if Fred has another 2 by 2, but I do! Here you go, everybody. *Hands out 2 by 2s to Coney and the other Writewights* Use them in case of writer's block, boredom, or any other time you want to (so there!)
*Sigh* Sometimes stories just jump out at me and pester me 'til I write them (or at least START writing them) ... and if a story hasn't done that, I can't really get into writing it.
Anyone else get ideas for stories from really odd things?
I got the idea for one of my stories from getting stuck in an elevator (parallel dimensions -- don't ask).
11-16-2002, 10:53 AM
Anyone else get ideas for stories from really odd things?
I get my ideas from people, who are the oddest things there are :)
I wrote a story last night for the first time in months! I've been having my worst-ever case of writer's block (if there's banging of heads going on, I'm a part of it!) and then a little story just came. It was very short, but it was so much fun to write... you know how it is :D
11-16-2002, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by sun-star
I get my ideas from people, who are the oddest things there are :)
I wrote a story last night for the first time in months! I've been having my worst-ever case of writer's block (if there's banging of heads going on, I'm a part of it!) and then a little story just came. It was very short, but it was so much fun to write... you know how it is :D
I do that, too.
And here is a 2 by 2 for you. *hands sun-star a 2 by 2*
11-16-2002, 02:46 PM
Saw your thread Silverstripe and had to come on- you know how I love writing. I've nearly finished my LOTR fan fic and I want to post it for you guys to read but I'm scared!!! Firstly its v long. Secondly its not exactly what I'd call true to the story and I do have to alter a few points to make it work. Thirdly I don't know if the boss will let me post it because of the kids who visit this site- its a bit risky in places (More issues than full blown you know what though!) I tend to write at night because its so quiet and you have nowhere else to be- its great. Mx
11-16-2002, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by Coney
I'm currently writing a parody of Sir Thomas Moore's Utopia, it's a much bigger project that I thought:rolleyes:
thats really weird! i was working on the same thing! ...except for i kind of abandoned working on it because i didnt really have a story. i do remember there were elves in it, but not tolkien elves. it was really stupid.
11-16-2002, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by katya
thats really weird! i was working on the same thing! ...except for i kind of abandoned working on it because i didnt really have a story. i do remember there were elves in it, but not tolkien elves. it was really stupid.
I've "stolen" Moore's concept of society..........thought it might be fun to add a little anarchism to it (basically the story revolves around the invasion of my version of Utopia, focusing on how my major characters deal with the situation). No elves in my book (it's hard enough inventing new human cultures nevermind other species, I'll leave that to Tolkien;) )
Well back to the inspiration, *slap* ow.........*thud* oh there you are my trusty 2 by 2!!!
11-17-2002, 09:48 AM
I get inspiration a lot if I think about a weird situation, and what would happen, then I realize that "hey, I could write a story about that". And I also get inspiration from watching people. Sometimes songs or artwork inspire me too.
One story came from basically a bunch of different experiences that I thought were interesting, basically. Like when we had this weird little toxic watse disposal thing going on. Of course that never made it into the story after all. Sometimes songs or artwork inspire me too.
11-17-2002, 10:23 AM
When I write fantasy, my problem is often that I tend to go off and describe everybody's history and culture, and never do get to the story. Once I started writing a history for one of my worlds, and it was supposed to be short story length, but by the time I had it all written down, the history itself was book length. But writing "current events" is harder *something dawns on Silver as she writes this* Maybe I should write a "dry version" of what I'll be writing as part of the history?
11-17-2002, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by galadriel88
Shadowfax, you took the words right out of my mouth!! That's scary, I'm exactly the same way :eek: I LOVE poetry! But I can only write it at night - that's when I get my inspiration. So far I have written about 20 poems, since I started writing seriously last February. They're not all that great, but I enjoy writing them and the mean a lot to me. Actually, 2 have been published, but I haven't submitted anything since last year. That's amzing! All of my friends are the other way around, they can write fiction way better than essays, etc. Cool. So you've got poems published! That's really awesome. I have 1 of mine published in a book for ESL students. Ah, I love writing.
Fred Baggins
11-17-2002, 06:16 PM
*Wakes up and sees new writewraiths* High low! Guess what! I have a 2 by 4 now! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Talk about writers went away then came back, and I can't figure out my next sentance. I know whats going to happen, I just can't figure out the sentance! I need some more mushrooms. Any one want some?
11-17-2002, 07:12 PM
11-17-2002, 08:20 PM
Ah yes, the ineffable dichotomy of the mushroom and the writer. What would one be without the other? ;)
11-17-2002, 08:47 PM
Ah, Elvellon, you understand ...
*hisses* You'd make a fine Writewraith.
Join us in our staying up too late and head banging!
*hands Elvellon a 2 by 2*
11-17-2002, 08:54 PM
I rather use the writer best friend, also known in mundane circles as coffee.
As the mantra goes:
“It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Brazil that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.”
I’m repeating myself, but such is the nature of a mantra. I'm going for a coffee now :D
hey, it's my 400th post!
11-17-2002, 09:37 PM
Congrats Elvellon:)
Goodevening/morning writewights!!
I'm *thud* having a bit of *slap* trouble:(
I havn't got writers block as much as I've got writers ingnorance.
I don't suppose anyone know how long it takes to put the saddle, bit, reigns etc on a horse? (my characters are about to steal horses from a stable).
*thud* me a couple of mushrooms could ya Fred?.......the 2 by 2 isn't working;)
11-17-2002, 09:41 PM
Coney- your readers will thank you if you don't waste your time telling them how to saddle a horse, unless you have a good reason, and can make it flow from a narration perspective. i have yet to see an author who could.
Simply note that the saddled their horses, and cut to the chase. ;)
11-17-2002, 09:45 PM
Hmm slight problem, the stealing of the horses is part of the chase (the characters are being persued and if preparing horses takes anything more that a couple of mins, the scene is going to lose a lot of its pace).......tis the time involved in preparing the horses I need, not so much the techinicalities of preparing them.
11-17-2002, 10:08 PM
Depends on how skilled your characters are -- if they're really good at this, it might not take more than five minutes. Or possibly they could always grab reins and ride off bareback.
11-17-2002, 10:27 PM
About 5 mins! Close enough for me :D ty Silverstripe:)
I thought about the bareback riding but one of the characters is gonna have enough trouble even with a saddle:eek: ......... he's not exactly the athletic type.
I'll hash it out in a while.......need coffee (and mushrooms) first.
11-17-2002, 10:46 PM
I'M not the athletic type, either, but I can ride bareback if the horse is nicely built for it.
*smiles graciously and hands Coney some mushrooms*
11-18-2002, 12:31 AM
Thanks for the 'shrooms:D
This little 'wraith is off back to his barrow now (4.30am ........ sheesh) Happy all-night scribbling folks;)
Goodnight, said Zebedee
11-18-2002, 12:55 AM
Goodnight, fellow Writewight.
11-18-2002, 09:20 AM
I MIGHT BE GETTING PUBLISHED!!!! I sent the first few chapters to a local publishers and they said they liked my work- WOW!!!! I haven't decided on a title yet but I'm getting to grips with the plot now so fingers crossed- they said it was very mature for someone of my age and a difficult issue to cover but hey- I'll give it a go. If I get published I'll let you know. Hey maybe PJ will make me into a film- I might just have to have a hand in casting- lets say Orlando and I as the two leading roles!!! *girlish giggle as she thinks about her scenes with the elven one!* Chat soon all, Mx
11-18-2002, 10:52 AM
Go for it Miranda!!
*breaks out the chocolate covered mushrooms, the Gaffers home brew and puts the 2 by 2 onto storage for the day*
All those all-nighter are paying off
11-18-2002, 10:59 AM
Go Miranda!:D
You win the first Writewraith Award!
(I don't know what it is ... but you won it)
What is the story about? Genre?
11-18-2002, 03:40 PM
Congrats Miranda! Well done!:)
Fred Baggins
11-18-2002, 08:41 PM
*Passes the mushrooms around* I figured the sentance out! Go me! And miranda! That's compleatly awsome!
11-18-2002, 09:12 PM
Congrats, Miranda!
Yeah, I'm a writewraith, and very proud of it too.
How many of you guys get totally freaked out by what you write cometimes? I wrote a short vignette earlier today. It's from the point of veiw of a serial killer, and it's really disturbing. My whole creative writing group said it was disturbing, so fortunately it's not just me. The whole thing scared me, even. It scares me what I come up with.
I'm real good at starting and planning the plots for stories, but then homework steals my time so I have a hard time finishing them. Also, I keep getting random new ideas!
I'm working on a rather long story that I've actually been writing for nearly two years now, on-and-off. It's getting harder and harder for me because my writing style has changed so much since I began work on it in the fifth grade. But I mean to keep at it, and finish it someday.
Can't do an all-night-write today; have history test tomorrow. :(
Starr Polish
11-18-2002, 09:26 PM
I, too, am a writewight, and am currently brewing a story that goes along these lines.
What is the present? Is it merely a fleeting moment in time, only existing to become the past? The future is a cloud, a mist, or merely emptiness, which is full of uncertainty, and has not yet come into being, and it too cannot escape becoming the past. Neither can really exist, not truly. The only tangible thingthe only constant thing, is the past, and we are constantly told not to dwell on it. If we aren't allowed to look on what has happened to learn about ourselves, where are we to look? Not to the future, because it is known to none. Not to the present, for if it exists at all, its span cannot be measured.
Laurelyn, I do that all the time. I had a story, it was on for awhile, about a girl named Antigone (not from the myth) who was kind of insane, I suppose. It was fairly short and mainly contained her angry pseudo-pshyco teenage rants, until the end. Turns out she had hated her father and had killed him. Hadn't buried him or anything either.
11-18-2002, 09:31 PM
Wow Starr, good quote:)
Have you ever read a book called Sophie's World? explores (in both literary and factual form) many of the the ideas you have included in your extract.
Starr Polish
11-18-2002, 09:55 PM
No, I haven't. I'll have to though, and make sure my story isn't too close to hers (I don't think it will be though). There is no time travel in my story., there isn't.
The writing and some plot developement is going VERY slowly. For once in my life I'm having trouble with a beginning, but I know much of the middle. I usually have a head full of beginnings, but never get around to finishing them off and turning them into stories. I've written little excerpts from the middle of the book, and tried to write the beginning several times. I'm getting impatient.
::chants softly to herself:: It took Tolkien 12 years to write LOTR...12....
11-18-2002, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by Laurelyn
Congrats, Miranda!
Yeah, I'm a writewraith, and very proud of it too.
How many of you guys get totally freaked out by what you write cometimes? I wrote a short vignette earlier today. It's from the point of veiw of a serial killer, and it's really disturbing. My whole creative writing group said it was disturbing, so fortunately it's not just me. The whole thing scared me, even. It scares me what I come up with.
I'm real good at starting and planning the plots for stories, but then homework steals my time so I have a hard time finishing them. Also, I keep getting random new ideas!
Oh, yes! Once I started out with a main character who was supposed to be good, but then she decided that she'd rather be the villain (really, it did seem like she just sort of jumped into the role without my help!) and so much of the story wound up being written from a villain's point of view ... and she WAS a killer, too.
Yes. *chants* "Ban homework! Ban homework!"
And give everyone some mushrooms, some coffee, and a 2 by 2... *bangs head on 2 by 2 over and over and over*
11-19-2002, 12:53 AM
I wrote a short story back in the ninth grade that was a sort of satire on the classic film-noir detective story along the lines of Hammett or Chandler, involving a clash between a down-on-his-money guy trying to make his way in the private eye business, and his rival - not a villain, but an ace detective who seems to take all the business. It was a piece about archetypes.
I'm talking about this because ever since, it's been my ambition to turn the concept into a full-length novel. After several attempts to do so, involving sitting down and typing late into the night, and every time scrapping the thing entirely and never getting past maybe twenty pages at best, I finally made a stab at it that I think is a keeper. Trick is, it's only the first chapter, and I did it back in September... I want to get back to work on it but circumstances keep getting in the way. Oh well.
You see, it's especially tricky to do a satire of archetypes because originality then becomes an issue... and in writing, unoriginal ideas aren't ideas at all. :p
11-19-2002, 06:50 AM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Go Miranda!:D
You win the first Writewraith Award!
(I don't know what it is ... but you won it)
What is the story about? Genre?
Its fantasy (that's all I can write) about a young heiress to a female chauvanistic society who joins a rebellion against the evil empress to stop her brother being sold into slavery. She's called Eliya (the Irish equivilant of my real name- which isn't Miranda!) and is probably in her early twenties. She's the twin sister of Treyune Onsaro (the borther she wants to save.) and cousin to the empress Chanema (the e has an accent to make the pronunciation better.) She's nearly married off to an evil lord Jarelen but escapes to the rebel stronghold with the help of the Lord of the Dragons, Descaminord and her lover, Kaybanarn- the exiled prince of the original royal family (Chanema took the city by force in her younger years) I see Chanema as sort of a Boudicca type figure- a real man beast of a woman. The stories pretty good fun- Descaminord (the talking dragon- he had to it was too boring without him talking) is a formidable warrior but also our comic relief. He's sort of your Eddie Murphy Moushu in Mulan mixed with Smirkinorf from Knightmare. Big and bad but fun too!!!! We'll see how it goes. Thanks for everyone's support and the mushrooms!!!!! Much appreciated. Love ya all Mx
11-19-2002, 11:18 AM
Okay. Thank you. Now, if you get this published and I get a chance to read your book, I'll know that it's your book I'm reading!
11-19-2002, 04:44 PM
Hey I'll PM you all the details and my pen name (which again isn't my real name because my real name is soooooooooooooooo stupid, prisy and boring!!!) so you'll know what to look out for when the time comes. I don't know how long this book will take but I'll keep you all posted- thanks for the support. No-one at college cares so its nice to find kindred spirits who share my love of poetry and writing. (*soppy tears of happiness*) Later Mx
11-19-2002, 04:53 PM
Thanks! *gives Miranda HUGE bag of mushrooms* Since you're working hard on your novel, you might need these...
11-19-2002, 04:55 PM
Thank you! Mx
11-19-2002, 06:54 PM
You're welcome. Now I need to go work on my own novel. *gets a 2 by 2 and another bag of mushrooms, then trudges off to become a Writewraith again*
11-19-2002, 07:38 PM
OK first of all congratulations Miranda!
I am working on this story right now (almost done) and it's really stupid. It's like really bad sci-fi. But I kind of did that on purpose jsut because it's so not my genre I thought it would be interesting. It's not that bad I guess but I've written better. Ishould go work on it. Every time i try to post here I feel guilty thinking about books I should be writing!
11-19-2002, 10:30 PM
Is it almost like your CHARACTERS are pestering you sometimes? I know it's sometimes that way with me. When that happens I... *former Dark Lord Thallin Srevain finishes her statement* "She tells us to be quiet. Sometimes we listen. Other times, we do not. Occassionaly we take over her writing style and make her talk like US!" *evil laugh*
Silver: Um, thanks, Srev. Well, I think everybody sees what I mean (no I'm not going crazy :D :p)
11-19-2002, 10:37 PM
Early finish for me tonight:D (2.30am)
I wanted at least 5 pages added and I managed 7............just gotta edit those now.........but that will wait until tommorow.
Miranda your plot sounds v.good.......keep at it :D
When your published do the writewhights a mention in the dedications?:D ;)
11-19-2002, 10:44 PM
*giggles* If I ever get published, I, at least, will mention my fellow Writewights (LOL, "Dedicated to the Writewraiths.") Hey! I suppose that's how we'll know that we're reading a book by "one of us..."
Fred Baggins
11-20-2002, 12:19 AM
Yea! We should all dedicate our books/fanfic to our fellow writewraiths! I know I am going to! I know what you mean Silverstripe! My charachters not only do that...but they come to life when I'm not even thinking about them...I just start acting like them! No joke!I finally figured out that sentance! Yea! wait... I think I said that last time I was here...o well. No I am going to figure out the rest of that chapter.*Grabs her dinner, supper, breakfast, second breakfast, and tea and trugdes to her notepad praying she will be able to put this on the computer soon.*
11-20-2002, 12:56 AM
4.50am..........still here...........forgot some details.........had to add very
Sheesh more addictive than heroin this writing malarky;)
Typical story, went to bed, an idea popped into my head, made a note of it but couldn't settle to sleep without expanding and adding it to the text proper.
Yeah the 'wights will get a mention in my book as well:D ........ don't expect anything soon tho'.........I've been working on it for quite a while and it's nowhere near completion yet (I only write for fun, I'd hate to have to work to a deadline, although being published would be a nice bonus).
Well anymore thoughts I have on my story will have to resolved in the dreamland............the book is asleep and soon (hopefully) shall I be.
Good luck with that chapter Fred, and enjoy the second breakfast:D
That's it.............sleeeeeeeeppp.
Goodnight, said Zebedee
11-20-2002, 01:24 AM
Okay, now I have writer's ignorance: what large, fairly powerful animals are native to England?
11-20-2002, 05:49 AM
A domestic cat! We've got bugger all when it comes to decent animals in merry old England unless you look in a zoo!!!!!! We did have wolves at one point but they bogged off long ago. We do have the occassional Beast? of somewhere which turns out to be an over sized jack russel that likes scaring people but other than that there's nothing. I will be sure to mention all my fellow writewights when I'm published (sorry wishful thinking!) if I'm published. Its nice to finnaly have people to talk to who have th esame ideals as me and it has really inspired me to continue by work when everyone else here seems to have given up on me as the mad saddo who writes all night and spends her days on the internet!!!!- EXCUSE ME! I go to dance practice too you know- Jeez some people eh? Anyway later all, Mx
11-20-2002, 10:59 AM
Actually, I think that I did find something after deciding what time period the creature had to live in England during: wild boars. They were rather frightening creatures by all accounts.:D
11-20-2002, 11:08 AM
YEAH THEY WERE!!! Vaguely reminisent of my history teacher on a bad day. We were a pretty scary people before the Romans came and civilised us so if you want to go back to the BCs you can use the Celts. We had big, BIG brown hair, uggd a lot, painted ourselves blue and ran naked into battle!!!!!! SCARY!!!! Luckily I'm descended from the more civilised Irish- we had red hair!!! We do have scary beasts knocking about at the moment- they're called Essex girls- Don't ask babe!!! Mx
11-20-2002, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Actually, I think that I did find something after deciding what time period the creature had to live in England during: wild boars. They were rather frightening creatures by all accounts.:D
They still are!:eek: (A family of wild boars were re-introduced to the wild in a forest in NE England a couple of years ago)..........massive things they are...........can move pretty fast too......I certainly woudn't tackle one for the sake of a bacon sandwich:eek:
Yep, we had the brown bear, wolves, wildcats (which still populate Scotland and Northumbria, not massive or anything, can grow up to 3 feet long tho, I certainly wouldn't want to bump into one by accident)and the fox. I suppose the deadliest creature in England at the mo' is the Adder. (our only poisonus snake).
11-20-2002, 12:01 PM
Thank you, Miranda and Coney!:)
11-21-2002, 09:38 AM
hehehe no school for me today so i get to work on my story and finishs the rough draft! yay! too bad it sucks on purpose....but probably not that bad because i am really critical of myself. Anyway...wild boars are scary. The other night i had a dream about getting attacked by one.
11-21-2002, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by katya
hehehe no school for me today so i get to work on my story and finishs the rough draft! yay! too bad it sucks on purpose....but probably not that bad because i am really critical of myself. Anyway...wild boars are scary. The other night i had a dream about getting attacked by one.
Yay Katya!
*shudders* Scary dream. If I get attacked in a dream, it's always a human or a "monster" or a Ringwraith. For some reason a wolf, bear, or mountain lion (or other large predator) is always friendly!
11-21-2002, 12:42 PM
I'm good at writing essays. I really like writing fiction but its hard for me to really write a story, not one of those stupid things we write for school...Grr.
11-21-2002, 12:43 PM
thanks Silverstripe. Actually I get attacked by animals quite a bit. Once there was this freaky squirrel werewolf thing....yeah but this isn't the right thread for this, is it?...
So anyway, Ok this is a problem for me. Whenever I read a book I really like, I want to write a story along the same lines. I have numerous examples. LotR included. Does everyone else do this too, or am I just prone to plagerism? (sp?)
11-21-2002, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by katya
thanks Silverstripe. Actually I get attacked by animals quite a bit. Once there was this freaky squirrel werewolf thing....yeah but this isn't the right thread for this, is it?...
So anyway, Ok this is a problem for me. Whenever I read a book I really like, I want to write a story along the same lines. I have numerous examples. LotR included. Does everyone else do this too, or am I just prone to plagerism? (sp?)
I think everyone does it. You can either try to ignore it or do a blending of the story lines until the story is unique, and your own.
11-21-2002, 03:21 PM
Finished my first dramatic death scene in my story today (off school with flu so dedicated my time to watching LOTR and writing.) Got really teary as its a bad guys victory and it actually got fairly evil- I didn't want to write a torture scene but it happened! Keep finding inspiration in the strangest places- was searching the fridge for food the other night and decided that I wanted night time to be really could in the world I'm writing about and it provoked a new level of suffering for my exiled rebels. Anyway will keep you posted on future developments Much love Mx
11-21-2002, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by katya
So anyway, Ok this is a problem for me. Whenever I read a book I really like, I want to write a story along the same lines. I have numerous examples. LotR included. Does everyone else do this too, or am I just prone to plagerism? (sp?)
I think this is how most people get into writing in the first place. It certainly was for me when, years ago, I started writing Star Wars fan-fiction (ok not technically a book).
It takes a lot of work to create new worlds, races. cultures etc and using an exising world is far easier than starting everything from scratch (tabletop role-players do it all the time).
As for plagarism...........hmm tricky one, especially if you ever hope to make money from your writing it could become a legal problem but if you just write for fun then don't see why anyone shouldn't use others ideas.
As Silverstripe said, eventually your stories will take on their own shape and character anyway, I know mine do, if only they would give a clue as to what shape and character they want to be:rolleyes:
2 by 2 anyone?
11-21-2002, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by Coney
I think this is how most people get into writing in the first place. It certainly was for me when, years ago, I started writing Star Wars fan-fiction (ok not technically a book).
It takes a lot of work to create new worlds, races. cultures etc and using an exising world is far easier than starting everything from scratch (tabletop role-players do it all the time).
As for plagarism...........hmm tricky one, especially if you ever hope to make money from your writing it could become a legal problem but if you just write for fun then don't see why anyone shouldn't use others ideas.
As Silverstripe said, eventually your stories will take on their own shape and character anyway, I know mine do, if only they would give a clue as to what shape and character they want to be:rolleyes:
2 by 2 anyone?
In a way I believe that using some elses work- without the intention of profiting etc from it- is a form of flattery and shows how much you enjoyed their work and want to continue it in your own way. Like you I began with a SW fan fic but I was very young at the time and couldn't get very far because my writing wasn't sophisticated enough. When I saw LOTR at the cinema I was chatting to my mate afterwards and I just quickly made up this little scenario of two girls who go to ME and join the Fellowship. I thought it was really silly at the time but the thought kept nagging me and I wrote the story for my best friend (as she was the inspiration for one of my characters) next thing you know I've been working on a LOTR fan fic for a year and I love it to bits- I'll never publish it as its really personal and I only share it with a few close friends but through it I realised I had the talent to write and started my own story with no relationship to Tokien's work and I'm now a much more confident author. Mx
11-21-2002, 09:13 PM
I am guilty of this condition. so sue me. I often don't have anything planned for my story so I tend to take the better part of the night trying to think up the plot.
11-21-2002, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by Aeryn
I am guilty of this condition. so sue me. I often don't have anything planned for my story so I tend to take the better part of the night trying to think up the plot.
No need to sue.........we're all guilty of it, that's why Silverstripe opened the Writewight thread:D
Miranda: Yes I also think that "plagarism" is a form of flattery.......most sci-fi/ fantasy authors (at least those who publish interviews etc) seem to feel the same:) long as the fan-fic is non profitable of course;)
11-22-2002, 01:06 PM
I think there are a lot of people who write because they loved an author, a novel, or several novels, and they want to be able to perhaps give readers a little of the joy they (author) themselves felt when reading.
Others, like me, just have a story to tell, which nags until it is written. :rolleyes:
How many people write not precisely because they want to (although they do), but because they couldn't live without writing? I know I'm like that, myself.:)
11-22-2002, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
I think there are a lot of people who write because they loved an author, a novel, or several novels, and they want to be able to perhaps give readers a little of the joy they (author) themselves felt when reading.
Others, like me, just have a story to tell, which nags until it is written. :rolleyes:
How many people write not precisely because they want to (although they do), but because they couldn't live without writing? I know I'm like that, myself.:)
I know I couldn't live without my writing. I think in a way I use it as an escaoe from the real world. When I read any of my Tolkien books, or indeed any book I love I find writing about it can take me into that world and I can manipulate it to suit me. When I worte my LOTR fan fic it was that situation. My mate and I just thought up a silly story but I thought hey, I can make that happen so I did. Miranda became a character in the Fellowship and she could live the life I wanted. Its a way of going somewhere we could never really go and I think that's what inspires most writers. Mx
11-22-2002, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
I know I couldn't live without my writing. I think in a way I use it as an escaoe from the real world.
Me too!! :D *Giggles* I'm happy today, look at what I am! Yay! :cool:
Starr Polish
11-22-2002, 05:02 PM
I'm afraid the writing of my book will have to be put off for an indertermit (?) amount of time. ::sigh::
11-23-2002, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by Starr Polish
I'm afraid the writing of my book will have to be put off for an indertermit (?) amount of time. ::sigh::
What happened?
Fred Baggins
11-23-2002, 06:30 PM
11-23-2002, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by Fred Baggins
Go for it Fred!!:D :D
That's brilliant news:D
When/where can read "The Night" then?:)
All those thumpings with the 2 by 4 paid off!!!;)
11-23-2002, 08:24 PM
*tries to give Fred a lifetime supply of mushrooms; mushrooms flood city and thousands of innocent people begin to suffer from Writewrath!*
Fred? Where'd she go?
*has to dig Fred out from under mushrooms*
Oh well, it's the thought that counts ... er, right? *bangs head with 2 by 2*
Fred Baggins
11-23-2002, 08:40 PM
For now you can read it at
11-24-2002, 10:00 AM
Big congrats from London Fred!!!!!!! Will keep eyes open for publication. Much love Mx
Starr Polish
11-24-2002, 01:16 PM
That's great, Fred!
The reason I can't write for awhile, life has been a bit more screwed up than it usually is, and if I try to write it's going to come out utterly dark. There will be dark parts of my story, but I don't want to start writing it that way. Angsty poetry, yes, but not my story.
11-24-2002, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by Coney
As for plagarism...........hmm tricky one, especially if you ever hope to make money from your writing it could become a legal problem but if you just write for fun then don't see why anyone shouldn't use others ideas.
As Silverstripe said, eventually your stories will take on their own shape and character anyway, I know mine do, if only they would give a clue as to what shape and character they want to be:rolleyes:
2 by 2 anyone?
Um, no I don't want to try to make money off of anyting I write for various reasons, so I guess I won't worry about that. As far as creating my own worlds or whatever, usually I just kind of write short stories in an annonymous place that doesn't mean anything so you know. Usually what happens is if a read a sci-fi book I will write a sci-fi story. If I am reading fantasy I will write fantasy. But everything ends up keeping my own style no matter what. I am not sure quite what that is.
11-24-2002, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by Starr Polish
That's great, Fred!
The reason I can't write for awhile, life has been a bit more screwed up than it usually is, and if I try to write it's going to come out utterly dark. There will be dark parts of my story, but I don't want to start writing it that way. Angsty poetry, yes, but not my story.
So what you write goes with your mood, eh? For me, it's sort of the other way around, although only when I'm sad and writing a joyful reunion scene (I feel better). For some reason, if I'm happy, I don't become unhappy when I'm writing a sad scene. However, I have noticed that if I'm upset and writing a dark scene, both that scene and my mood become even darker.
11-24-2002, 06:34 PM
My writing goes hand in hand with my mood almost always. If I am in a happy mood, nothing too bad will happen, and if it does it won't be super sad. I noticed that this is also true with any other art I do say on mario paints for aexample. I was all depressed a while ago so I drew all these crazy depressed pictures like tendin gto go more towards the evil one ring and Sauron's eye than anything else and also there was this freaky thing about the agony at the end of the rainbow. Yeah looking back that kindof is scary. So yeah that's why I don't write when I'm bored because I have no ideas. Which sicks because what better vure for boredom than writing? I get writers block though when I am bored.
11-25-2002, 06:00 AM
My mood affects my writing as I tend to write for comfort! If I've had a bad day I write something really happy for my characters because it cheers me up to see them happy. If I'm majorly sad I can't write anything bad in my stories because I just end up crying and smudging all my ink!!! Mx
11-25-2002, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
My mood affects my writing as I tend to write for comfort! If I've had a bad day I write something really happy for my characters because it cheers me up to see them happy. If I'm majorly sad I can't write anything bad in my stories because I just end up crying and smudging all my ink!!! Mx
Right. I definitely agree there. I can only write the sad scenes when I, in fact, am having a pretty good day!
11-25-2002, 04:26 PM
Okay, now my English characters are refusing to cooperate with me! They are rebelling and they don't even exist, which is sad, is it not?
All right, I'm writing something where two of the main characters are supposed to be British. But, no matter how much I research the differences between British English and American English, the bloody fools won't stop sounding American!!
Yes, yes, I admit it, I'M the bloody fool for not being able to make them talk correctly, I just wanted to vent a bit. Also, this is a fantasy story, and I don't personally know ( person) anyone who's British and interested in fantasy. :mad:
11-25-2002, 06:25 PM
In an absolutely filthy mood!!! Just had parents evening at school and my teachers said I had to get my head out of my fantasy world- you can imagine what I said back. This mood however has prompted a fantastic flow of creativity and I'm off in a mo to write some more of my book. Coming together nicely- especially now I have my stereotype for my evil empress!!! Mx
11-25-2002, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
In an absolutely filthy mood!!! Just had parents evening at school and my teachers said I had to get my head out of my fantasy world- you can imagine what I said back. This mood however has prompted a fantastic flow of creativity and I'm off in a mo to write some more of my book. Coming together nicely- especially now I have my stereotype for my evil empress!!! Mx
Hmmm...sounds rather similar to what my teachers were always telling me!
*snarls at her characters who still aren't behaving properly*
And now my Americans aren't cooperating either!
11-25-2002, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Hmmm...sounds rather similar to what my teachers were always telling me!
*snarls at her characters who still aren't behaving properly*
And now my Americans aren't cooperating either!
Rolled up newspaper- its the only way to control misbehaving characters Silver- works all the time on mine. Tell them if they don't behave you'll bring them all to really messy and painful ends- that should sort them. Mx
11-25-2002, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
Rolled up newspaper- its the only way to control misbehaving characters Silver- works all the time on mine. Tell them if they don't behave you'll bring them all to really messy and painful ends- that should sort them. Mx
Actually I believe I simply need to go on a Grand Quest to find someone who's British. And interested in fantasy. Well, here I go! *takes three steps and runs into the wall*
Or maybe not.
11-25-2002, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Actually I believe I simply need to go on a Grand Quest to find someone who's British. And interested in fantasy. Well, here I go! *takes three steps and runs into the wall*
Or maybe not.
I'm a Brit and into fantasy or do you need to talk face to face. I can give you any grammar (here we go up the apples and pears and talk on the dog and bone!) or customs- like marrying our brothers to our dogs and then running away to Gretna Green with our first cousins- ONLY KIDDING we're quite civilised actually considering we're sprung from blue painted hairy barbarians that went into battle naked!!! LOL!!! Mx
11-25-2002, 07:19 PM
Thank you. I don't really need to talk face to face, all I'm trying to do is find someone who won't steal my ideas, since the person might need to know the storyline and such! :)
11-25-2002, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Thank you. I don't really need to talk face to face, all I'm trying to do is find someone who won't steal my ideas, since the person might need to know the storyline and such! :)
I won't pinch a thing I swear!!! My own story takes up too much time to worry about nicking someone elses work- especially a mate's. PM me if you need some help and I'll see what I can do. I can even through in a bit of Irish Gaelic if you want. Mx
11-25-2002, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
I won't pinch a thing I swear!!! My own story takes up too much time to worry about nicking someone elses work- especially a mate's. PM me if you need some help and I'll see what I can do. I can even through in a bit of Irish Gaelic if you want. Mx
Thanks Miranda! I really haven't gotten very far yet, but I'll PM you what I have.
11-25-2002, 08:19 PM
Easiest way to tell the difference between English and American English:
English just sounds better.
- Watch My Fair Lady
- "Colour" not "color"
- Learn the dialectic things like with cars (not applicable here, I guess), "boot" not "trunk"... "lift" not "elevator"
- There actually are mini-"translation" dictionaries between the two
- Read the proper versions of Harry Potter, not the American edits
- Watch My Fair Lady again
11-26-2002, 05:49 AM
Originally posted by IronParrot
Easiest way to tell the difference between English and American English:
English just sounds better.
- Watch My Fair Lady
- "Colour" not "color"
- Learn the dialectic things like with cars (not applicable here, I guess), "boot" not "trunk"... "lift" not "elevator"
- There actually are mini-"translation" dictionaries between the two
- Read the proper versions of Harry Potter, not the American edits
- Watch My Fair Lady again
Nah mate My Fair Lady's far too posh. You want a proper english accent? Get the good old cockney actors out- Dyck Van Dyke in Mary Poppins or I s'pose you could use the opening Liza in MFL!!! Just throw in a bit of the ol' rhyming slang and you'll sound like a true brit- oh and miss off all your hs and ts- I'm a right ol' Londoner and I can guarantee we have no use for such nonsense consenents as those here!!! Mx
11-26-2002, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
Nah mate My Fair Lady's far too posh. You want a proper english accent? Get the good old cockney actors out- Dyck Van Dyke in Mary Poppins or I s'pose you could use the opening Liza in MFL!!! Just throw in a bit of the ol' rhyming slang and you'll sound like a true brit- oh and miss off all your hs and ts- I'm a right ol' Londoner and I can guarantee we have no use for such nonsense consenents as those here!!! Mx
Well, I've been to England, which helps somewhat on accents, in fact I managed to pick one up which was quite odd, as I've never been able to do a proper British accent before or since then. And I don't truly need the spellings; I'm certainly not going to spell the same words differently for different speakers! Actually my main trouble here IS "the grammar."
11-26-2002, 05:16 PM
I like to write. Just can't finish one story. Keep starting other ones. Too much things in mind....
*bangs head*Is it nice in England?
11-26-2002, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by AudrentheRanger
I like to write. Just can't finish one story. Keep starting other ones. Too much things in mind....
*bangs head*Is it nice in England?
No cold, wet and full of stupid politicians!!!!!!!! Nassssssty little place, we hates it forever we does!!!!!! Ireland is nice though and that's right next door. Mx
11-26-2002, 05:40 PM
Hello, Miranda/Gollum!
Well *I* like England, but I don't suppose I count! Stupid politicians are just about everywhere:rolleyes: and the places there are no politicians are generally places no one would really want to live! Anyway, I like the cold and wet, it's extremely hot and dry where I come from. :( Wish I could live somewhere more like Tennessee or Virginia. Somewhere with trees. Wouldn't mind moving to England for a while either, but at the moment I've got two dogs and really wouldn't want to leave them in a kennel for six months, and it's entirely possible that no one knows what I'm talking about, so... I'll stop now. :p
11-26-2002, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Hello, Miranda/Gollum!
Well *I* like England, but I don't suppose I count! Stupid politicians are just about everywhere:rolleyes: and the places there are no politicians are generally places no one would really want to live! Anyway, I like the cold and wet, it's extremely hot and dry where I come from. :( Wish I could live somewhere more like Tennessee or Virginia. Somewhere with trees. Wouldn't mind moving to England for a while either, but at the moment I've got two dogs and really wouldn't want to leave them in a kennel for six months, and it's entirely possible that no one knows what I'm talking about, so... I'll stop now. :p
I know what you mean- I'd love to move away to France- my fav country other than Ireland but I'd hate to leave my dog Gunner behind or in quarantine- he's a big ol' bugger and I love him. As for old Angleterre- its great until you've lived here most of your life and as for *****y politicians most foreign politicians are better than Tony (smiley smiley I'm never in my God damn country to run it properly) Blair- he's an idiot. Of course there are some politicians I'd rather not know and Tony seems a bit more sane!!! My ideal political world- stick Sauron in charge (aka my old ENglish professer) he'd soon sort out this planet and shakespeare would be THE subject for schools from the age of two. Mx
Starr Polish
11-26-2002, 06:01 PM
My mood can affect my writing in strange ways. For instance, the story "Antigone's Confession" was incredibly dark and creepy, but I was in a fairly good mood when I wrote it. If I'm in a bad mood I have to vent and get things out, and since I'm not into torture writing or anything like that I'd rather keep my characters from suffering anymore than they have to.
11-26-2002, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
I know what you mean- I'd love to move away to France- my fav country other than Ireland but I'd hate to leave my dog Gunner behind or in quarantine- he's a big ol' bugger and I love him. As for old Angleterre- its great until you've lived here most of your life and as for *****y politicians most foreign politicians are better than Tony (smiley smiley I'm never in my God damn country to run it properly) Blair- he's an idiot. Of course there are some politicians I'd rather not know and Tony seems a bit more sane!!! My ideal political world- stick Sauron in charge (aka my old ENglish professer) he'd soon sort out this planet and shakespeare would be THE subject for schools from the age of two. Mx
LOL! Well, Miranda, how about *gets out map* I get North America, you get Europe, everybody rules New Zealand jointly to insure that there won't be fighting among the Tolkienites), and we leave everyone else to fight over the other continents.
Blah! I'd be happy with that arrangement! :D
But I do want to be able to VISIT Europe sometimes, especially England.
Fred Baggins
11-27-2002, 02:28 AM
*bangs head with 2 by 2 to stay awake.* My sister won't finish reading what I have written so far, so I havn't worked on for days, and would go NUTS if it weren't that luckly I have a daily storie that I post on CoE, that keeps me going. Wow...need coffie...I have a feeling I'm spelling that wrong but to tired to care. I'm going to go catch up with some ZZZZZZzzzzs as soon as I can drag my tired but off this comp, then I have to catch up with a few meals...a whole days worth...
11-27-2002, 09:19 AM
Its COFFEE darling!!! You poor thing with your story- don't you have two copies? I always make sure I have access to my Precious (the nickname of my story) otherwise I'd go mad and besides I'd never trust it out of my sight- its not what people would do to it that worries me, its what it'll do- that thing has a mind of its own- Tee Hee. Just drink coffee and write, write...oh and write! Mx
11-27-2002, 01:52 PM
Cold and wet is better than where I live. Here it's a desert. Too much sandstorms during summer and windy during winter. I admit I like gloomy weather. Have you ever been to Wales? I'm trying to learn welsh. It's kind of hard because I don't have lots of time to practice, and I don't know anybody in California who speaks it.
11-27-2002, 01:53 PM
As for politicians I don't like them either. Too much arguing.
11-27-2002, 04:39 PM
Yep. I think we should all just go to Middle Earth and form a Kingdom of Writers, us Writewights all being the royals, of course.:D
Fred Baggins
11-27-2002, 06:36 PM
Siverstripe: we should do something like that in the RPG forum, and you, being the queen could save middle-Earth yourself! *grins* As for gloomy weather, I'd glady trade anyone my California sun for there clouds! Now, I'm going to do what my Rice Crispies tell me...snap, crackel, and pop...into bed.
11-27-2002, 06:36 PM
Happy to! I get royal scribe! :)
11-27-2002, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Yep. I think we should all just go to Middle Earth and form a Kingdom of Writers, us Writewights all being the royals, of course.:D
Ooh a writer's kingdom in ME?!!!! Wow! Can I have Legolas for a pet so I can...uh hum...research the more intimate depths of my charaters. Like your ideas for an RPG Fred- can I join in? Mx
11-27-2002, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Fred Baggins
Siverstripe: we should do something like that in the RPG forum, and you, being the queen could save middle-Earth yourself! *grins* As for gloomy weather, I'd glady trade anyone my California sun for there clouds! Now, I'm going to do what my Rice Crispies tell me...snap, crackel, and pop...into bed.
Yay!!!!!!!! I finally get to save Middle Earth! Yes, I definitely agree with your idea for an RPG, Fred. When should we start?
11-27-2002, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Yay!!!!!!!! I finally get to save Middle Earth! Yes, I definitely agree with your idea for an RPG, Fred. When should we start?
I agree. It would be fun . Are we going to start soon? Who'll start it?
11-27-2002, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Yay!!!!!!!! I finally get to save Middle Earth! Yes, I definitely agree with your idea for an RPG, Fred. When should we start?
I agree. It would be fun . Are we going to start soon? Who'll start it?
11-27-2002, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by AudrentheRanger
I agree. It would be fun . Are we going to start soon? Who'll start it?
I started it up! Everyone, WRITEWRAITHS IN ME has started!!!!!!!:D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :)
11-28-2002, 06:49 AM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
I started it up! Everyone, WRITEWRAITHS IN ME has started!!!!!!!:D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :)
I don't know how to use the RPG!!!!! What do I do? Thos sounds so cool but I don't know what I'm s'posed to do! Help! Mx
Fred Baggins
11-28-2002, 03:22 PM
You don't know how to RPG? Well, it's kinda like writing a storie, just follow what the others sy. I can get you in if you like. just post your character on ooc, out of character, and I'll get you in...
11-29-2002, 05:50 AM
Relief!!! I've finally found somewhere where I can translate some english into elvish so my fan fic is saved!!!!! Yay! I was getting so fed up of Legolas speaking english all the time and I didn't just want to pike stuff from the film but now he can say anything in beautiful, beautiful elvish Mx
11-29-2002, 01:52 PM
Merry Christmas! I mean, Happy Belated Thanksgiving!
11-29-2002, 06:21 PM
I've had the most amazing inspiration for a fan fic all thanks to my dance class- won't give away all the details yet but let's just say it involves the LOTR characters, a ballet, and dancing Uruk-Hai. Oh it'll be fun WATCH THIS SPACE!!!!!!! Mx
11-30-2002, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
I've had the most amazing inspiration for a fan fic all thanks to my dance class- won't give away all the details yet but let's just say it involves the LOTR characters, a ballet, and dancing Uruk-Hai. Oh it'll be fun WATCH THIS SPACE!!!!!!! Mx
LOL. Throw in half-intoxicated Alana who's obsessed with Legolas. Then add Ringwraith obedience trainer Kara, and you could easily have a classic on your hands!;)
11-30-2002, 11:02 PM
Yay . . . I just completed a major revision of part of a story I've been working on for two years. Fun. Now I have to type it up (yucko) and then I can write the new parts! I'm looking forward to this.
Translation: I'm gonna be up all night. :)
Starr Polish
11-30-2002, 11:23 PM
I was up all night last writing as well...but I wasn't writing words. I was writing notes! I set "The Road Goes Ever On and On" to a simple made up tune this morning around 3. It's not very good though.
I've aslo been revising and adding little bits of my many stories for the last couple of days.
12-02-2002, 01:23 AM
Yay Starr! I suppose that means you aren't in a horrible mood anymore. Right?:)
12-02-2002, 04:51 PM
Does anybody here like poetry? At least writing them?
12-02-2002, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by AudrentheRanger
Does anybody here like poetry? At least writing them?
I enjoy attempting to write poetry, unfortunately it usually comes out terribe (I can only write rhyming poetry, free verse just annoys me).
If a story I'm writing calls for a piece of verse then I quickly scribble one down then a friend "polishes it up"........she is a very good poet:)
12-02-2002, 05:54 PM
I like to write poetry, and I do it fairly well. My problem is with prose, actually. Love to write it, but can't write prose nearly as well as I write poetry.
12-02-2002, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
I like to write poetry, and I do it fairly well. My problem is with prose, actually. Love to write it, but can't write prose nearly as well as I write poetry.
Opposite for me!!! Can write prose like nobody's business but poetry- ahh I'm useless. Real tacky stuff I come out with only written a couple of realy good poems. I think I'll stick to prose, doesn't involve as much effort. Mx
12-02-2002, 06:48 PM
Yes, I've heard it's the opposite for most writers. It seems like my abilities do sort of a "reverse" a lot, particularly in writing and chemistry: what others consider easy seems hard for me, and what others consider hard, I find easy.
Fred Baggins
12-02-2002, 08:21 PM
*scratches head* there's a differance between Prose and poetry? Could have fooled anyone else going to join Writewraiths in Middle-Earth? Fr-Faith needs another friend, to journey with her...she's not used to being surrounded by so few people, and what with being seperated from her best friend now...
12-02-2002, 08:23 PM
Calling all Writewraiths, you are now invited to join WRITEWRAITHS IN MIDDLE EARTH!:D :)
12-03-2002, 01:50 AM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Calling all Writewraiths, you are now invited to join WRITEWRAITHS IN MIDDLE EARTH!:D :)
Sorry folks I have enough trouble controlling my characters on paper..........Gods know what would happen if I let them loose in the 'moot:D ;)
Hope you find some more RPGer's tho:)
Starr Polish
12-03-2002, 09:09 PM
Oh, I never says I was in a better mood. Sometimes I am, but the situation hasn't changed much, even though it was supposed to be fixed. ...sigh.
I love writing poetry, but most of it is stupid angsty teenage stuff. I'm not much for rhyming poetry, I'm more into free verse with rhythm, but every now and then a good rhyming poem will come upon me. For example, one I wrote for 9/11 called "A Simple Day".
12-03-2002, 09:31 PM
I'll tell you what, I'll think of a prompt, setting ect. and try to write it for as long as posible. Any good promps would be apresiated, mayby something that you are yousing and you don't mind me stilling, or something else. Lets just hope that there will be no school tomorow so that I can sleep! (It's supposed to snow!:) )
12-04-2002, 02:10 PM
YAY! It looks like we may have a new Writewraith!:D :) :D :) :D :) :D :)
12-12-2002, 11:05 AM
Have had my notebook confiscated by evil teacher!!!! Its got all my work etc in for my book and she won't let me have it back until next Friday!!! Arghhhhhh!!! This school gets worse by the day! Mx
12-12-2002, 11:41 AM
I am working on my story "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Marzipan" I started it at 8 o'clock last night and what felt like a few minutes later it was midnight. I got stuck with a spell to use. What do you think of marzipanus eradicus? Damn writers block:mad:
12-12-2002, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
Have had my notebook confiscated by evil teacher!!!! Its got all my work etc in for my book and she won't let me have it back until next Friday!!! Arghhhhhh!!! This school gets worse by the day! Mx
:eek: Notebook confiscated?!?! Well, thank goodness, that hasn't happened to me in a long time! (I'm homeschooled now) Last time that happened, I grabbed it back while the teacher wasn't looking and took it home, because I couldn't have gone until Friday not having it!
(Wouldn't reccomend it though; I got in a LOT of trouble for that!)
12-12-2002, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by elendili
I am working on my story "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Marzipan" I started it at 8 o'clock last night and what felt like a few minutes later it was midnight. I got stuck with a spell to use. What do you think of marzipanus eradicus? Damn writers block:mad:
Well, that depends on what you're trying to do. If all else fails, get out the Latin dictionary. Don't have one? Buy one!:)
12-12-2002, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
YAY! It looks like we may have a new Writewraith!:D :) :D :) :D :) :D :)
Yup, exsept for I still haven't thought of a prompt, if I do though, then I'll be off! I just need a prompt!:( One time I thought of a really good one, it was just after I finished LOTR and I thought about writing a story that would come after it, yousing Rose, Samwise, Elanor, and the other part of the fellowhip. It was all going grate untill I read the appendix, and untill the disk that it was typed up on broke:(
12-13-2002, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by samwiselvr2008
Yup, exsept for I still haven't thought of a prompt, if I do though, then I'll be off! I just need a prompt!:( One time I thought of a really good one, it was just after I finished LOTR and I thought about writing a story that would come after it, yousing Rose, Samwise, Elanor, and the other part of the fellowhip. It was all going grate untill I read the appendix, and untill the disk that it was typed up on broke:(
Good luck. :)
12-13-2002, 09:10 PM
Thanks, I think that I have found one! It is not fantacy, but it is related to Lord of the Rings, I wont say what it is yet, but I will later if is is succesful.:)
12-14-2002, 04:22 PM
I think I'm a writewraith too. A new one though. I just got into writing this year and I always write something with the whole idea set out, but then I decide thats not very good and try and think of a new one. Right now I am doing a story on A magical harp.
12-27-2002, 04:51 PM
YES! The story I've been working on for awhile now but had to abandon temporarily is now back on the road again!
*does cartwheels*
12-27-2002, 05:12 PM
The story I was writing got pushed back awhile, and now I"m REALLY bored and not in a writing mood :mad:
12-27-2002, 05:48 PM
*Stands in front of the group like its one of those alcholics anno. meetings.* Hi, I'm Starlight, and I'm a writewraith.
*everyone else* Hi Starlight.
Ok, so right now I'm trying to write a history for one of my characters, Starlight/Starletta. O goodness did I take on a job:)
Adrian Baggins
12-27-2002, 10:43 PM
Yes you took on a job that is what writing is. I am a new writwraith on my 3rd Tolkien fan fic. You can't really call me a writwraith before about six months ago because the first two were not satisfactory with my lead character, Adrian Baggins, Frodo's sis, so I threw them out. This one I think is finally going to satisfy me. My history teacher, Mr. Lewis "LOTR FAAVORING TEACHER THAT TOTALLY ROCKS AND IS THE BEST HISTORY TEACHER EVER" Smith has the printed copy but I still have my floppy and hard drive copy. He is going to tell me if it is any good. He is the most Tolkien fan adult I have met at my school. We make up the G.C.S. unofficiall Tolkien LOTR fan club(unofficial because we have held no meetings). Kids in my class think I am mental but I am just obsessed. When I get mad my nickname is Angry hobbit otherwise it is Adrian Baggins although nobody calls me that except for like 6 people.
12-28-2002, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by Lubyla
*Stands in front of the group like its one of those alcholics anno. meetings.* Hi, I'm Starlight, and I'm a writewraith.
*everyone else* Hi Starlight.
Ok, so right now I'm trying to write a history for one of my characters, Starlight/Starletta. O goodness did I take on a job:)
LOL. And if we found enough people, we could have "Writewraiths International"
"Writewraiths USA"
"Writewraiths UK"
Fred Baggins
12-28-2002, 12:58 AM
Ah dear, look at me here, not even welcomin' me own best friend! Welcome to the wonderful kingdom to the Writewraiths m'dear elf!
12-28-2002, 01:08 AM
Ah, yes, we must greet Star, we must. Welcome! :D
12-28-2002, 03:06 PM
*twitches* Mustt..sleep...Must...get...more...sugar... WHY WON"T MY WRITING GO ANY FARTHER!!!!! O, I feel so welcomed.
12-28-2002, 03:55 PM
LOL. If your writing isn't going well, try writing the full history of one of the characters you don't know as well yet. It can be quite helpful.
12-28-2002, 03:59 PM
Yeah, I've started creating a new character, Feitta, a hobbit I think:).
12-28-2002, 04:41 PM
A word of caution, though: last time I did that, it was with one of the villains, and when I wrote HER history, I ended up with the history of a city, a war, and a race as well. LOL. You may get more than you bargained for!
12-28-2002, 04:47 PM
I know. I do not control the writing, the writing controls me.
12-29-2002, 12:43 AM
Yep. It can be almost frightening at times, can't it? But being "addicted to writing" is WAY too much fun to give up.:D
12-29-2002, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
LOL. And if we found enough people, we could have "Writewraiths International"
Lets!! We invite everyone who's ever posted on this thread, and we all start the WrWrInt.!!!
12-29-2002, 11:35 AM
I'd better post on this thread then if that's the qualifications. :)
I don't recall if I did before.
12-29-2002, 11:38 AM
You're back!! Yay!!
12-29-2002, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by Elenka
Lets!! We invite everyone who's ever posted on this thread, and we all start the WrWrInt.!!!
lol, yeah, where Writewraiths around the world can get together and complain about how thier book flopped, of boast about how they wrote a book about a wizard boy who goes to school and kills a big snake started a big book ban, and yet they get payed oodles of cash:) Just Kidding, lol, but that would be fun:)
12-29-2002, 03:49 PM
I started to wright a story, I only got to the second page, but it was hard to wright, so I stopped for the night. I woke up the next morning, and picked it up to work on, but I just couldn't work on it, at all! It was really "painfull" to wright, because it was a story about some random person in the hospital. I didn't mean for it to be an autobiography, but that is what it was starting to be, reflecting on when I was stuck in the hosptale. It was hard to wright though, because it was all true, and I was telling EXSACLY what I had felt like when I was in the hopital. Well, you know, I just couldn't continue, it was really hard. So, I trashed the story. Oh well, I have another one that I might do.
Anyone start writing something, and then it turns out to be the oppasit from what you were planning it to be about? I started to wright this story that was supposed to be a fantacy, and it started to turn into a story that was not at at all fantacy. Oh well, I'm still working on that one!
12-29-2002, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by Elenka
Lets!! We invite everyone who's ever posted on this thread, and we all start the WrWrInt.!!!
You know, we probably COULD start up a WrWrInt. site? Who thinks that's a good idea? I will seriously look into it if at least 5 people are interested in joining.:D
Adrian Baggins
12-29-2002, 04:23 PM
I would join WrWrInt. but make membership free please. You could do story advice and we could post our stories. Cool
12-29-2002, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by Adrian Baggins
I would join WrWrInt. but make membership free please. You could do story advice and we could post our stories. Cool
Well, of course membership would be free. :D
12-29-2002, 04:29 PM
I'll join!!!!!!! I'm good with HTML and have copy and paste codes for LOTR music:) Oooo this could be sooooooooo fun!!!!!
12-29-2002, 04:43 PM
That's two. I'll include myself, so make it three!:)
12-29-2002, 04:58 PM
ARG!! Writers Block!!!!!!! It burnssssssss It burnsssssssssss my precious. Cannot cope, back to poetry.
12-29-2002, 05:14 PM
LOL. *looks at her ring and grins*
I know something you don't know...:D :D :D
Anyone else interested in joining WrWrInt.?
12-29-2002, 05:36 PM
um...*looks scaredly* Is this something...bad? If so...I can turn it into a poem!!!
12-29-2002, 05:54 PM
No, this type of ring is not evil *turns it over*, but most of those who wear one are.
But in an of itself, it is merely an ordinary ring.
Ordinary, is it? I say anything that terrifies most of the world is anything but "ordinary."
These rings scare people because they are symbols of their bearers.
That gives them a type of power that is their own, does it not?
Yes, but -- oh, can we discuss this later?!
12-29-2002, 05:56 PM
Another example of how the writing controls the author!:D
12-29-2002, 05:59 PM
I'd join, with happiness.
12-29-2002, 07:20 PM
Ooh!! Ooh!! I'll join!! Count me in!! Don't skip me!! I wanna join!!
12-29-2002, 07:22 PM
ok...I think that is five...or more...hum.
Fred Baggins
12-29-2002, 07:25 PM
Naturally the advisor to the Empress of Writewraiths will join. (That's me if you don't know)
12-29-2002, 07:51 PM
Hey, I'm not as much as a Writewight as most of you, but I can joun anyways, can't I?
12-29-2002, 07:57 PM
Of course! :D
12-29-2002, 08:02 PM
Seven members so far! We need to start a website immediately!
Possible names for the site:
What do you think?:D
Adrian Baggins
12-29-2002, 08:09 PM
how about because a friend of mine has a group called writewraiths and they used to write about lotr but don't anymore and they kept the name. they are making a site sometime this month I think.
12-29-2002, 08:10 PM
I like it! Especially (or I'm trying to find a place to set the site up now.:D
12-29-2002, 08:11 PM
Well, our writing WON'T be just LotR, probably not even primarily LotR.
Any suggestions on where to set up the site?:)
12-29-2002, 08:15 PM
Oh, but I so liked!
12-29-2002, 08:18 PM
Me too, but I'm guessing that's taken.
12-29-2002, 09:07 PM
Ugh, you're right, it is taken. Oh, but it was one of my favorites:(
Edit: Ok, lets do Its not taken.
12-29-2002, 09:29 PM
Okay, where should I set the site up?:D
12-29-2002, 10:10 PM
Homestead? Or yahoo. Not angelfire. They have too many pop ups.
12-29-2002, 11:57 PM
Actually, Lubyla, will you please set up the site? You're obviously a pro at this.:D
12-30-2002, 02:16 PM
This sounds great! So, have we decided on the name yet?
12-30-2002, 03:03 PM
Well, I think it will be WrWrInt. But I'm having trouble finding a GOOD place that is actually free. Some claim to be, but then demand money!:mad:
12-30-2002, 03:08 PM
I thought that that would be a problem!
12-30-2002, 03:28 PM
How about the geocities place?
12-30-2002, 03:41 PM
Hum, Geocities has no pop ups, or if there are, they are few. I think they are free. I am not a pro at this. I tried once to make a website, but it died:(
12-30-2002, 04:03 PM
Oh, and on this marvelous site, we MUST include a section for art work. I actually managed to draw a satisfactory picture of Galadriel, and I'm DESPERATE to show someone. As soon as I can get my friend to scan it, I'm posting it everywhere.
12-30-2002, 04:53 PM
OOoo!! That would be kewl!
Fred Baggins
12-30-2002, 05:03 PM
Come on Lubyla! We can do it together after school! It will give us an excuse to get together more often! And besides with the talents of the two of us we would have enough fer one pro!
(The only reason that site died was because it was on Neopets and her account got frozen)
12-30-2002, 05:08 PM
Um Faith...wrong site. Yeah, we could! Ooo this will be fun:)
12-30-2002, 05:36 PM
I can't wate untill it is finished! What all will be on this website?:cool:
12-31-2002, 11:44 AM
When we eventually get this up, can I be an assistant manager? Please?
12-31-2002, 02:28 PM
What kind of sight will this be? And will we all be able to add stuff to it when we want? Like, say some websites are updated ect. by sertan people, sooooo.
Fred Baggins
12-31-2002, 02:32 PM
Well, we should have a fanfic area, and maybe a forum, or something so we can post if we have some work of our's published. O, maybe lubyla, we can find out how CoE did there journals and use that. And I think someone said something about a place for artwork, or just plain pictures, which is cool with me if it is with the rest. These are some ideas to start on anywho. Maybe even have a newsletter.
12-31-2002, 03:01 PM
A picture/art work place would be cool with me. How about a place to sher VERY good, but nonpublished work? They would have to be completed of course, and spell checked ect., you'll also have to typ it all onto the computer, but that would be fun! You could see what others think about it, since I'm not sher how to publish any work of mine, and it probally isn't that good anyhow.
12-31-2002, 03:01 PM
And, yes, we definitely should have some "managers." :)
Maybe we should have one area specifically for fanfics, another for poems, and one for short stories/novels that are NOT fanfics? :D
Fred Baggins
12-31-2002, 03:36 PM
That's kinda what i meant by...o wait nevermind. I did have that in thought, just not in words! We should make it a community, so that ppl sign up...that way, we won't have everyone in the world saying "I have something published!" ya know what I mean? But still have stuff that is avaliable to non-members, like if they wanna send us there fanfics, or poems. NOT, methinks novles, that would be going a little to far. you follow me?
12-31-2002, 03:53 PM
I agree! So, how is the sight going? Figure out where your going to make one at yet?
Fred Baggins
12-31-2002, 04:07 PM
Not quite yet, it hasn't been discussed to much yet, and lubyla's out of town, until tonight. But, hopefully, if my sore throat goes away by tonight, I can go celebrate New Years at her house, and We will discuss it, and maybe ever 'reserve' a place for it.
Adrian Baggins
12-31-2002, 08:00 PM
Make it so that you can add to your own story and I do ask so that it is easier to keep up with that we ask all tolkien trail members who join to use their tolkien trail username. This would make it easier for me to talk to y'all. Also on the add to story part is that I don't want to waiyt till I am done with my story to post it and I don't want to have to type it all. I probibly will just copy and paste it.
Fred Baggins
12-31-2002, 09:27 PM
Ok, Ab, if possible, it will be done. Unfortuantly can't go over to her house tonight but will call and talk to her about it.
Lief Erikson
12-31-2002, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Calling all Writewights! This is a thread for everyone who loves to write, but tends to get a bit carried away when they're into a story, and winds up working on it long into the night ... or all through the night! I call this "suffering from Writewrath" or "becoming a Writewight." So come on in and discuss the many joys and frustrations of being a Writewight.
When I get writing my book, I frequently lose track of the time. I'm the last one up, because I like to work on writing my book at night. I have two brothers and two sisters, and our house is generally too noisy for me to concentrate very easily.
At night . . . quiet. There is peace, and I can simply wrap myself up in the book I'm writing. I look at my watch; it's 10:30. I look at my watch again a little while later . . . oh my goodness! It's 11:30. Oh well, I want to finish writing this chapter . . . (Finishes the chapter and looks at his watch again) :eek: :rolleyes: ;) Ahem. 1:45, rauther late.
I'm not an all-nighter though :).
Frustrations? I don't have too many frustrations any more, though I used to. Nowadays when I run into a scene in my book that I don't want to write, I just wait for a few days until I'm in the mood. Then I write it, and write it hard! It's the same with me with reports. I need to get it all finished while I'm in the mood. If the mood passes, then I'm left with a half completed idea that is difficult to get back into.
01-01-2003, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by Lief Erikson
When I get writing my book, I frequently lose track of the time. I'm the last one up, because I like to work on writing my book at night. I have two brothers and two sisters, and our house is generally too noisy for me to concentrate very easily.
At night . . . quiet. There is peace, and I can simply wrap myself up in the book I'm writing. I look at my watch; it's 10:30. I look at my watch again a little while later . . . oh my goodness! It's 11:30. Oh well, I want to finish writing this chapter . . . (Finishes the chapter and looks at his watch again) :eek: :rolleyes: ;) Ahem. 1:45, rauther late.
I'm not an all-nighter though :).
Frustrations? I don't have too many frustrations any more, though I used to. Nowadays when I run into a scene in my book that I don't want to write, I just wait for a few days until I'm in the mood. Then I write it, and write it hard! It's the same with me with reports. I need to get it all finished while I'm in the mood. If the mood passes, then I'm left with a half completed idea that is difficult to get back into.
Yay! Another Writewraith! I like to write at night, too, because there really ARE just too many distractions during the day. For professional writers, now... but they are considered to be working when they're writing. Most of us aren't that lucky. :(
01-01-2003, 02:25 PM
Yup, I write at night, hey! that rymed. Write at Night Write at Night Write at Night ok, I'm done.
01-01-2003, 02:37 PM
LOL, Lubyla!:D :D
I'll have to try chanting "Write at Night" sometime and see if it does anything. :D
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 02:40 PM
I write whenever I get an idea. HAPPY NEW YEAR WRITEWRAITHS!
01-01-2003, 02:44 PM
Write Write Write Write Type Type Type Type Write Write Write Write Type Type Type Type Write Write Write Write Type Type Type Type Write Write Write Write Type Type Type Type ok, con ye tell I have writers block...arg! And this is REALLY bad, 'cause its fer a report due to Mr.Durr on Monday!!!!
Adrian Baggins
01-01-2003, 03:23 PM
Destractions don't bug me they just give me ideas. Weird huh? Then again being an only child the only destractions I have are my 2 cats, 2 dogs, my dad and stepmom or mom and stepdad, and 1 annoing bird. Other then that I can write while I listen to the T.V. and not get caught in the show or lose my train of thought in my writing or I can talk on the phone with my 1 of my BFF's(best friend forever) and listen to her storys and type at the same time without loseing my place. Pretty cool huh? I can write almost any time I want to. I still like to write at night but my stepmom catches me and makes me go to bed. Dern the stupid fact that I don't have a laptop!(if I did I wouldn't have to quit writing I could write in bed till I got sleepy.)
01-01-2003, 06:42 PM
I type at night, because its so-o-o-o much easier writing at night when my parents have already gone to bed and therefore cannot distract me every eleven seconds with new chores and other bothers.
Adrian Baggins
01-01-2003, 06:45 PM
Did I mention that I must be the weirdes Tolkien Fan and Tolkien Fan Fiction writer on the planet?
Gwaimir Windgem
01-01-2003, 06:53 PM
I like to write, as well; I am working on my secondary world, and have thought up several plots for it. I've tried writing actual stories, but I don't think it's a good idea until I've fully developed my secondary world.
I have written a few, though; one I submitted to an international poetry contest, and it is semi-finalist meaing it will be published in a book (I think towards the end of 2003), as well as being selected for an audio album. I might even win, who knows?
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 07:43 PM
HAHAHAH! You may be wierd Adrian, but I promise I'm much wierder! Ask Lubyla, or Silverstripe!
01-01-2003, 07:47 PM
Yes, she is VERY VERY wierd, but I scare her sometimes:D And i have a friend who is scarier than Faith.*cough*N*cough*
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 07:51 PM
AAA*covers head* WHERE! *looks around sheepishly* o...sorry. But she's not a LOTR fan...well not really, I mean SHE CAN"T EVEN REMEMBER ARWEN"S NAME!
01-01-2003, 07:54 PM
I know. hum, anyone know some good facts about Massachuesetts? I need it for my report. *grumbles* Stupid Mr.Durr, Stupid stupid.
01-02-2003, 12:14 PM
Please, please, please, someone get to work on I would myself but I'm terrible with that stuff.
01-02-2003, 01:09 PM
Ok, um, have we decided where we were housing it?
Starr Polish
01-02-2003, 11:53 PM
Hallelujah! I have a printer that works now! This means writing will be far easier.
For those of you who don't know (all of you, I guess) I have a fairly unique way of writing. At least, it's the most comfortable way for me to write. I write down the initial ideas, usually with paper and pen/cil, and make a sort of outline for the main ideas of the story and the plot. I may work out some dialogue I may want to use throughout the book, but am not sure where I'll put it. Then I hop on my computer and start writing a couple of pages, and then add notes at the end. I'll print it off and edit it with pen and go back and edit eventually.
I haven't had a printer for nearly two years. It'll be nice to write this way again.
Lief Erikson
01-03-2003, 03:18 AM
That's an interesting method :). I'm glad you can get back to it now.
When I'm writing a story, I write up only the basic plot and then plunge into it, writing the whole thing freelance. That's if it's ten pages or less. If it's more, I have an utterly and completely different method.
Frequently the ideas for the bigger things I write start very small and innocently. Like writing a few lines of interesting sounding dialogue on the edge of a math paper. It's through something tiny like that that my biggest book ever has sprouted from. It's called The Uirlon Cord, and is a fantasy book. It's currently 318 pages long, and when finished will probably be around 500 pages.
I was doing a grammar lesson when the first starters to it emerged, and I had to form a sentence using adverbs, or something like that. I basically made my sentence "Athor ran quickly across the catwalk and leapt into the moat, where he swam swiftly to the shore."
Then in another sentence, "The demon archers rained arrows down at him as he scrambled up the bank, getting to his horse."
I liked the name 'Athor.' So I decided to use him in a few more of my grammar papers. Then I had a project to do, on the back of the papers, which involved doing some writing for classmates to correct. We're homeschooled, so I had my Mom check it. I started writing a story on the back of my grammar pages. Each day I wrote and gave her a new selection. I started write where I'd first begun: "Athor ran quickly across the catwalk and leapt into the moat," and continued going by hand. Mom got really wrapped up in the small story, and at the very end of it, I'd developed the demons a little better, and the enchantress Sihona, who had another name I really liked.
The final page of the short story involved a scene where Sihona goes to the Rainbow Castle, which I envisioned as the most important place in the world- a place where wizards and diplomats all went to, and the decisions of which decided the fates of countries. A 'castle in the clouds.' That final page got me interested in going farther with that, and I decided to make a map which showed where the country Arla was. Arla is the location of that short story that I wrote by hand.
I made the map, and a lot of history for the different places. I named mountains and decided why they were named that, and what the countries relations to each other were. By then I really wanted to go farther with this, so I decided to launch into the greatest book I'd ever written: "The Last Knight of Iastanva." Sihona was a main character in that one. In that one I introduced a new villain who was called Darkagrin. There I also introduced another somewhat minor character who plays an important role at the end: Thordon Atardii. There were other characters too, of course, who lived in Iastanva. I won't bother with listing them and their relevance to the plot.
When I finished "The Last Knight of Iastanva," it was 105 pages long, the biggest book I'd ever written. Those of my family that read it liked it, and I was still locked into that world. But I didn't feel like stopping, so I wrote a sequal called "The Wraith of Fire." That one was a good deal longer, but I didn't like it as much.
After that I decided it would be a trilogy, and that the first book would be called "The Uirlon Cord."
As I wrote more in The Uirlon Cord, I wanted more character freedom. I was using the same characters as in The Last Knight of Iastanva. Thordon and Darkagrin were important in this one, but their characters had been decided in The Last Knight of Iastanva. So I eventually came to the decision to ignore Last Knight entirely, and The Wraith of Fire, and do The Uirlon Cord as a separate work. That improved my ability to expand or change the characters as I saw fit.
So, what books or stories do some of the rest of you write?
01-03-2003, 05:47 AM
I've always been a writewight but I have bever posted in this thread before because I wasn't quite sure what one was:rolleyes:
Ok, I know I'm not that good at rpg's but when I get into mode my stories are a LOT LOT LOT better than them:D
At the moment I'm writing about a creature that lives in the molten rock under the Earth. There are lots of creatures in it and I think it is one of the best stories I have written yet.
The creatures name is Savóya. Savoy is a cabbage with very wrinkled leaves in France therefore suiting the creature as that is pretty much what it looks like :D ;)
01-03-2003, 10:54 AM
Ok...You people scare me!!! Have we decided on a site yet?? I know, I'm very impatient.
Starr: good luck with your printer. Just wait til it breaks down. They always do so get prepared.
01-03-2003, 11:34 AM
I can be a writewight if i could actually think of a good story/tpic
Adrian Baggins
01-03-2003, 05:07 PM
My tecnique is odd. I just get an I dea and either start writing on paper or hop onto my computer and type the story. I just write and worry about editing later. I bet my history Teacher is editing my fan fic. right now. Hee hee hee! Anyway I just write, I don't know why.
01-03-2003, 05:34 PM
I'm just browzing round the internet and I see a name a.k.a cabbage and I think " HEY! That'll make a good story!! Something that looks like a cabbage!!"
Thats how I came up with my Savóya! ;) :p
Adrian Baggins
01-03-2003, 07:00 PM
Man do you need a reality check Blackboar. That has been done before, needless to say that you don't know about it because it was a rotten story and didn't get past the editors.(my school had a contest and the two winning stories were one about your idea and one by me about lotr, mine didn't get published either though it almost did). When will people ever learn that we need to get to know one another better? Sheesh.
01-04-2003, 12:27 AM
*does a happy donce* I finally got my story started. Who wants to hear it...or at least what I have so far????????
Fred Baggins
01-04-2003, 12:33 AM
I do! even...though...I just read it on IM. I'm gonna be in it! Well, Freida anyway. Have we decided on a site yet?
Starr Polish
01-04-2003, 01:20 AM
With my short stories I just plunge into them. My long in-depth stories require the other way I write.
So far I've written a good amount on a historical fiction based on a girl named Elizabeth (now abandoned), an attempt at a fantasy novel based on elves of my own making, and their war with human kind, another attempt of fantasy in a world I created that dealt with dragons and mythology of the world (both fantasy stories had snippets of their own languages, and this was before I was interested in Tolkien), and am currently working on a slightly philisophical novel that you could say has a fantasy twist, though it's not strictly "fantasy".
Bring it on, Lubyla!
Adrian Baggins
01-04-2003, 01:13 PM
I would most definately like to read your story so far Lubyla. When I can I will post short pieces of my story(like real authors do on the back of their books and in the beginning of books to make you read them). I will post something not to revealing to the plot but mysterious and enticing so that when we get the web site up and I put my story on you will go read it, although you probibly will anyway just to be nice. Oh well. All I can tell you now is the title because I don't have the story with me :(. It is called Winds of Change. I will now admit that I once wrote a book report for history and I only read the first 3-6 chapters because I couldn't get into the book. I got a 100 though because I did so well describing the book because I scimmed the pages getting stuff to writeabout to make it seam that I had read the whole thing.
Lief Erikson
01-05-2003, 02:44 AM
"Winds of Change" is a good title. Does the book stand by itself, or is it part of a series?
By the way, one other question: Should we really post our stories or clips of our stories in this thread, or should we play it sneaky and put these in the Entertainment Forum :D. That would probably work only for a little while though :(. It might be better in the long run just to ask for a new forum.
Posting clips of stories here would be fine, but to keep them from getting utterly and completely lost, I think we should ask for a new forum if whole stories are going to be posted.
Starr Polish
01-05-2003, 03:05 AM
No one asked to see bits of my story (I posted the theme idea of it a few pages back), but I'll put up snippets of it anyway. I'm not shy. :D
Basically in order, though I left a lot of things out.
Wind rustled through the dying trees with the sound of dry bones one day in late autumn. An old man stretched his ancient limbs slowly and sniffed the air, smiling. "Perhaps today," he thought, as he did every morning. Perhaps what, he was never sure. Perhaps something that would bring his fortune, though at his age he had little use for riches. The familiar streets that he had walked on most of his life rose before his feet as they always did, and he slowly made his way through the small town.
He couldn't see her face at first, for her long dark hair fell over it as she bent her head to read. Something about the shade of her hair and the slope of her posture stirred in him a faint memory. He leaned forward on his cane and rested his elbows on the arthritic knobs that had once been his knees. He tried to let the girl be, but the memory was tugging at his mind, trying to make him recall small details that still lay somewhere amidst his mind.
He fell away from his world of pillows and old quilts, and found himself back in the time for which his heart was constantly searching.
"It's you."
"Yes, it's me." She leaned forward and touched her forehead to his, a smile playing on the edge of her lips, but a heavy sadness sat behind her eyes. He traced her jawline with his fingers, which had long ago memorized every curve of her face. "I'm sorry," she whispered, and a single tear fell onto his hand
01-05-2003, 04:48 AM
Originally posted by Adrian Baggins
Man do you need a reality check Blackboar. That has been done before, needless to say that you don't know about it because it was a rotten story and didn't get past the editors.(my school had a contest and the two winning stories were one about your idea and one by me about lotr, mine didn't get published either though it almost did). When will people ever learn that we need to get to know one another better? Sheesh.
Thats been done before!!
I'm sure mine will be a lot better and..oh what the hell
*Gets a piece of paper and tries to think of an idea for another story.*:(
01-05-2003, 03:53 PM
ok, I'll post my story, weather you like it or not, post your opinion.It is a fan fic, so yeah, enjoy...I hope.:
I sat on one of the horses, looking out into the despair of Rohan, of how much it had changed. Many good men had been banished, many killed. Shaking my head, I went back to exersizing the horse. The king wanted 30 horses by sundown of the 7th night. Today was the 5th, and I had only gotten 17 trained. News of war spred through Rohan, many had already retreated to Helm's Deep. I could not, for I had to train the horses, it was who I was. At that point, four strangers passed by the field where I trained. One man, a dwarf, an elf, and old man who I could not make out the face. They wore elvish cloaks, and rode Rohirrim horses, the old man on one of the greatest, Shadowfax.
The company stopped, as they knew i followed. I knew all of their horses, for I had trained them all, all but one, Shadowfax. He was the lord of all horses. The other two horses were Brego, and Arod. The man on Brego turned to face me. He spoke.
"What has become of Rohan?"
I hung my head, for the truth was very hard for me to tell. "Saruman the White is overruling the land. His blasted Uru-kai have been killing all in their path. Many a strong men have been killed, or banished.All of our best warriors are gone.Do not seek friendship here, for it is not as honoured."
"As we have herd" Said the man on Shadowfax. I now saw his face, and knew who he was.
"You are the Grey Pilgrim, or known here as Stormcrow. You are not as welcome here, for as I said, Saruman is the ruling hand, Theoden King but his puppit. Who are the others of you?"
"I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn"said the man on Brego, "And this is GImli, son of Gloin, and Legolas of Mirkwood. Who are you? It is odd that one so young would know so much of what is going on here."
I was amused at his "Young" coment. I looked young, but was much older than he would have thought. "I am Starletta of the Rain, trainer, groomer, and rider of Rohan, and I am not as old as you would like to think. What brings you here? Sureley we have not sent for any aid."
"War is come to Rohan, and I wish to give council to Theoden King. No, we were not sent for, but came, compleatly by chance."
I had to laugh,"Give council to the king?? When he has his beloved Wormtounge??? I shall ride with you, for I need to speek to Eowen." I started riding, now taking the lead. I heard the elf say, 'We are following a child!' And Gandalf had to reply'Things are not as they seem.'
Soon we got to where the king lived, and split paths. That was after getting dirty looks, and people running away from us. Doesn't surprise me, I've always been sort of an outcast, since the day I was hired to train the horses.
Soon we got to where the king lived, and split paths. That was after getting dirty looks, and people running away from us. Doesn't surprise me, I've always been sort of an outcast, since the day I was hired to train the horses.
"You will go strait, and to the gaurds. They will tell you to leave your weopons. Try to keep at least one on you, be it a dagger, or an arrow. Or your staff."I parted, and went on my way. Lady Eowen and I needed to talk. As I entered the dimly lit hall, there were two young travelers there, and their horse.
"You will go strait, and to the gaurds. They will tell you to leave your weopons. Try to keep at least one on you, be it a dagger, or an arrow. Or your staff."I parted, and went on my way. Lady Eowen and I needed to talk. As I entered the dimly lit hall, there were two young travelers there, and their horse.
"Greetings Lady Eowen. I bring news of travelers. Who are these young ones?"
"Greetings Starletta, it has been long.These two are the brave children who have come from Helm's Deep. To alret us. War is coming."
"War has come. You have seen it. There are four new travelers, who I think will be able to grant us aid, if Grima doesn't get his filthy hands on the matter."
"Where is Mama?"Said the young girl.
"Hush Freida, who are these new travelers, I think I saw them, though I only saw one. Are they friend?"
"Yes, I believe. It was Gandalf the Grey, Gimli son of Gloin, Legolas of Mirkwood, and Aragorn son of Arathorn. They are friend to the Rohirrim. And hopefully, they can help us, if help is not beyond."
Fred Baggins
01-05-2003, 03:58 PM
*does happy dance* Frieda's my character!
01-05-2003, 04:02 PM
01-05-2003, 09:07 PM
I don't have time to read it all but what is this sight thing?
I'm a writewight also. I'm still working on this story about a kid who wants to be a bard and his home land is at war. I'm hoping I can get it published someday!
I will read your story when I can Lubyla. But right now I don't have time. Maybe soon I will post mine. It may take more than one post though. And I'm not done so it will be a few weeks. Mine is not about LotR though.
I finished yours Lubyla! Is that the whole story? Freida's the coolest! It is good.
Lief Erikson
01-05-2003, 10:45 PM
Which page is it that you posted the theme of your story on, Starr Polish? The sections that you released of your story are interesting, and I'd be interested in knowing at least a very basic of what the story is about. About how long is it now?
Starr Polish
01-06-2003, 12:07 AM
It's on page 2. The story in it's actual form isn't much longer than what I posted. I write bits of story and dialogue, then I stick in the rest as I go along. Hopefully when finished it will be of decent book length, at least but hopefully more than 150 pages.
01-06-2003, 12:09 AM
How many is it right now??
Lief Erikson
01-06-2003, 01:06 AM
Originally posted by Starr Polish
It's on page 2. The story in it's actual form isn't much longer than what I posted. I write bits of story and dialogue, then I stick in the rest as I go along. Hopefully when finished it will be of decent book length, at least but hopefully more than 150 pages.
That's funny. When I was a lot younger, I used to wish for length for my stories. I got my wish, tenfold. Now I have a lot of trouble writing a book or story that doesn't end up novel length :( :D.
Adrian Baggins
01-06-2003, 11:15 AM
I am posting excerpts from my story Winds Of Change, which I believe will be only one book but I might have to make it two.
__________________________________________________ __
It was a nice cool night during the month of Halimath (September), and Adrian Baggins, Frodo's sister, was lying down outside of Bag End watching the stars. All of a sudden she bolted upright at a slight change in the smell of the wind. She had smelled this before, in Rivendell and Lothlorien. It was the smell that ment things were fixing to change for the better. It might be a drastic change or just something small, but either way something would change. She heard a low humming noise. The hum was something Frodo used to hum on bright June days while they would sit in the woods reading their books. The humming got louder and clearer until it seemed that Frodo were standing right beside her. She started to sing the words she had sung every time he had hummed this tune. When the humming stopped she turned around just as a voice that sounded like Frodo's said,"Well I'm back Adrian, do you know were my pipe is, and where is Sam?"
__________________________________________________ __
I can't post anything from chapter two because it is too plot revealing.This next part is from chapter three __________________________________________________ __
Adrian started to run home and on her way there she ran into her friend Qwin. Qwin was an elf and this was the first time Adrian had seen her in The Shire. "Qwin, how are you?", Adrian asked. "Oh, what happened to you?", she added seeing a big gash on Qwin's beautiful face. Qwin was excedingly beautiful, past normal elven standards. This was because of her deep percing steel-blue eyes which were accents to her pale almost ghostly complection. Her complection was also complimented by he pink lips which reminded most people of rose petals. Her hair was a bright golden color which shone in the morning sunlight. The gash which was freely bleeding did nothing to take away from her features. "I don't know how I got it or how I got here," she told Adrian as they walked to Bag End, "All I know is that I was running away from my uncle (Eleiador) and was attacked by wolves, then I was knocked out. When I woke up I was here." Once they reached Bag End Adrian took her inside and put her in her bed.
__________________________________________________ __
This is from chapter 5 because 4 is too revealing.
__________________________________________________ __
Adrian and Elijah where standing on a balcony stairing up at the stars. All of a sudden she passed out and fell off the balcony on which they were standing. "Adrian!" yelled Elijah as he reached out his hands to try to catch her but she slippped out of his grasp and fell to the ground "Noooooo!" he screamed as her free-fall from sixteen flights of stairs up from the ground increased in speed.
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All I got for now.
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