View Full Version : Do you have any jewellery item of symbolic value like LOTR's ring ?

11-12-2002, 07:58 PM
Do you, or anyone you know, have any jewellery item (or anything similar) that has great (serious or even humorous) symbolic value, like the ring in LOTR does ?

11-12-2002, 08:07 PM
Hmm I have a ring that is very symbolic to myself.

I bought it in the memory of a girl (my partner who died :( ) I knew...........so in that way it is very special to me:)

Treebeard's apprentice
11-12-2002, 10:28 PM
I have class ring that I wear every day. I suppose that counts, right?

11-12-2002, 11:21 PM
Well, I have two categories of symbolism.

Sometimes I take certain jewelery items I have and give them a meaning; they are worn by certain characters in stories that I make up (Yes, I know it's silly!) The item probably won't even appear in the story but sometimes helps me define characters, I'm not sure why.

Then there are things of personal signifigance, such as my grandfather's watch, which he had given to me (my grandfather recently passed away).

11-16-2002, 09:20 PM
I have a replica of the one ring that I wear around my neck all the time because it is too big, which I like for obvious reasons.
I also wear a replica of Griever (FFVIII) which I really like too.

11-17-2002, 06:10 PM
I have a ring that isn't a replica of anything but I like to think of it as Nenya, Galadreil's ring. I always wear it. It has this big crystal on it (not anything real valuable ya know) so I like to think of it as Nenya.

11-17-2002, 07:04 PM
I have half a heart on a necklace and my best mate has the other half. It sort of symbolises our friendship and the distnace between us- I live in the south of england and she lives near scotland. We only see eachother once every four months if we're lucky but the necklace makes me feel that I'm with her all the time and it brings me a lot of luck. I also have a claddagh ring which symbolises a woman's marital status (wear it one way and you're single, the oter you're married) Its part of my Irish heritage and very special because I know one day it will be the marriage way around- permanantly. Mx

12-10-2002, 04:07 PM
I've got a ring.
I never take it off. (Believe me, that has had some hard times with taechers:

Teacher: Take off the ring, you have a detention!


Techer:How dare you speak to me like that! Give me the ring!

Me: NO! I've never never taken it off!

Techer:Fine see me here after school! I shall speak too your parents about this!)

Well anyway. I got it on my10th birthday from my Nan. The day she died.


12-10-2002, 05:20 PM
I have a cheap little replica of the one ring that I wear around my neck, and this weird leather cuff thingy...its too small but I still to think of it as a gauntlet. :rolleyes:

Nazgûl Queen
12-10-2002, 08:02 PM
I have a silver one ring around my neck...

A few other random rings that don't mean much... and a ring that I got on my 14th birthday that my Nanna wore when she was my age...

Ma Uai: Ua Nemti
12-10-2002, 11:51 PM
I have a silver ring I got on my confirmation day. I didn't really value it much until someone stole it and I realized how naked I feel without it around my finger.

12-13-2002, 04:30 PM
I have something that isnt really jewlry its more of an accessory. well the story all began... my dad couldn't have kids so my parents asked a friend to donate. well thats how I came to be but recently we discoverd that he was killed in a car accident before i ever got to meet him:( so we found his brother and his brother gave me some of his things. the thing that i was talking about though is his hat that he got signed by pro golfers. so i guess that might count

12-14-2002, 01:53 PM
I have THE one ring! *swings it round on a chain* *hits herself in the eye*


last time i do that...heh heh...

oh yeah! i also have 'Gandalf's ring of power' which i wear when i want to (which is hardly ever) and i have an elvish-looking ring. It's got swirls and a perdy green gem on it...:D