View Full Version : Giving up smoking
11-06-2002, 02:00 PM
I gave up in May this year then, like the total @rse that I am, started again a couple of weeks ago. I am going to stop this coming Monday (11th November). Anyone care to join me? We could use this thread for moral support...
Beleg Strongbow
11-06-2002, 02:23 PM
I don't smoke... I can't even buy tobacco products anywhere in the US... but you've got my support! Good luck!
Treebeard's apprentice
11-06-2002, 04:12 PM
Oh my! Please don't ever ever smoke again. Do you realise how nasty that is?:( You're lighting a dried dead plant on fire and sticking it in your mouth. And that's not all . . . arsenic . . . formaldehyde . . . the list goes on and on.
11-06-2002, 04:30 PM
Thanks for the reminder... over 4,000 toxic compounds, 50% chance it'll kill you, but not before you have your limbs amputated and need oxygen just to be able to sit up in bed. etc etc.
But the thing that really motivates me is the thought of not knowing my grandchildren. That and my 8-year-old, who gets really upset.
I blame Tolkien, though. I just wanted to be like Gandalf and blow smoke rings round the fire.:rolleyes:
11-06-2002, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Dunadan
I blame Tolkien, though. I just wanted to be like Gandalf and blow smoke rings round the fire.:rolleyes:
Don't say that too loud - you'll wake up the pro-censor people. Right now it's just the nutty religious fanatics that are against it - we don't need to the smoking censors getting on the band wagon too.
By the way - good luck in quitting. My grandmother stopped when she was 65 cold turkey - after having smoked since she was 16. I know - why stop at 65. I had bugged her continously I guess while I was growing up (didn't realise it). Then when I was over her house and didn't notice that she wasn't smoking - she got upset. At least she quit. :D
Treebeard's apprentice
11-06-2002, 07:10 PM
You know what's wierd? When I was a kid, smoking never bothered me. I used to go to taverns with my grandpa a lot and I actually thought it smelled kinda good. It was an old and exotic smell.
Now that I know where that smell comes from and what it does, I try to avoid it whenever possible. If a friend smokes, I won't go into a rage and tell them to put it out, but I do occasionally remind them of the terrible effects it has. My dad has a cigar with friends once in a while, and that's okay with me.
If someone wants to smoke, there isn't much I can say to stop them; but if you want to quit, Dunadan, more power to you. Kick that addiction's a**.
Smoking is bad, you shouldn`t smoke!
Drinking is wors, yet I couldn`t immagine a life without alcohol!
durin's bane
11-06-2002, 07:23 PM
Well, as my D.A.R.E officer would say: "Never ever do smoking, because it's dangerous and can kill you. NOW LET'S REPEAT DEFINITIONS OVER AND OVER!!!"
That's not encouraging, if you ask me. :p
Well, good luck stopping! You'll get over it, trust me!
11-06-2002, 08:07 PM
Well, as my D.A.R.E officer would say: "Never ever do smoking, because it's dangerous and can kill you. NOW LET'S REPEAT DEFINITIONS OVER AND OVER!!!"
That's not encouraging, if you ask me.
Oh, for real. I remember the days of DARE, in 5th grade....:rolleyes: It was actually fun then, but last year we had "Reconnect with DARE" and it was really stupid...and we have to do it again when we're sophomores!:rolleyes: But enough about that...;)
Good luck Dunadan! Kudos to you for setting a good example for your kid! :) And to anyone else here who smokes, I would encourage you to stop now...I know it sounds stupid to you because it's the same message you've heard over and over again, and it's coming from a 14 year old! But it really truly is dangerous. The effects may be longterm, but they come up faster than you think. And who wants yellow teeth and smelly breath & clothes anyway?
11-06-2002, 08:34 PM
good luck, ive been thinking of quitting myself. ive got a fake ID so even though im not techically "legal" i can still get stuff.
hey why not quit together?
hehehee, don't moke, you'll get dain brammage.:D
11-06-2002, 08:47 PM
Ach, I started the cigs again as well:(
I must be mad:mad:
I only managed 2 weeks and 2 days off the accursed things and I'm now in the "I'll stop again tomorrow phase":rolleyes:
Oh well, when the doxy tells me I've got lung cancer I'll probs sob my heart out.............hopefully I'll be stopped and clear before that. 'Orrible ciggies.......stole my soul:p
11-06-2002, 08:55 PM
Well, actually you are more likely to kill someone else with your cigeratte smoke then you are of dieing of it yourself.
So think of your spouse(s) and kid(s) when you lite up!
This encouraging thought has been brought to you by The People Who Make You Cry
11-07-2002, 05:13 AM
JD, G88 and others: thanks for the support. Cold turkey is the way to go. Hope your granny is thriving, JD; it's never too late!
Coney, LuthienTinuviel: fancy giving it a go? You sound like you're fairly young and haven't been on the tabs for too long. The sooner you do it, the easier it'll be. Though, you might find that other people get pissed off with you, as it makes them feel threatened.
I've got about 20 pack-years behind me and believe me, those 5 months were the hardest of my life, worse than getting divorced! (why did I start again??? aaaarg, what a numpty!!) We could use this thread for non-judgmental encouragement and withdrawal-symptom venting!
If you can do 2 wks 2 days, you can do it. It's just that you have to go through the same thing each and every day, with the difficulty diminishing only imperceptibly over time.
My biggest problem is that I get really depressed with the thought of never smoking again. For that reason, I've promised myself I'll start again if I make it to 75. Hopefully by then I'll not be that bothered, and I might have the hair and beard to match Gandalf.
Finally, think on this: the tobacco companies chemically extract the naturally-occurring nicotine from tobacco then replace it with a refined, more volatile form. This means the nicotine degrades more quickly in the body, increasing your withdrawal and making you want to smoke more. So when you hand over your money with your fake ID, you are lining the pockets of Sauron.
Beleg Strongbow
11-07-2002, 08:36 AM
Good luck quitting, all.
You guys have, at the very least, encouraged me to never start smoking!
11-07-2002, 10:00 AM
I'll be quitting on Nov. 11th with ya :D .......... I was gonna make quitting my NYears resolution but I may as well quit sooner and make the head start:cool:
I've been somking 15+ yrs:( ...........started when I was a kid (I shudder to think of the damage I did to my immature lungs).
Do you use any of the nicotine replacement stuff? I found a lot of relief from the vomiting/headaches/anxiety etc from the nicotine patches at my last attempt at quitting...........I know the patches are still feeding the addiction but they are a lot better than smoking.
I'm gonna start cutting down the smokes from now till Monday, I'm on 40+ cigs a day at the mo':mad: ............. hopefully by Monday I'll be down to 10-15/day.
10 reasons to stop!!!!!
1 Smoking ages the skin prematurely
2 Teeth and fingers get stained brown with nicotine
3 Makes hair clothes and breath stink
4 A typical pack a day smoker spends over £112 a month and nearly £1,500.00 a year! Imagine if someone handed you a lumpsum like that right now!!!
5 Smoking makes you 10 times more likely to die early from a major heart attack or stroke
6 9 out of 10 lung cancer deaths are as a result of smoking
7 Male smokers have a lower sperm count and more abnormal sperm than nonsmokers
8 Female smokers have more trouble getting pregnant than nonsmokers and also have a higher rate of miscarriages during pregnancy.
9 If you smoke regularly for a long time you may get a disease called "peripheral vascular disease" this disease cause narrowing of the blood vessels which restricts blood flow to the hands and feet, leading to gangrene and the amputation of limbs.
10 If you don't smoke you'll be fitter, have greater stamina and get a lot more enjoyment out of life!
£224 quid (or more) a month, no wonder my bank account looks so aneamic:rolleyes: The first thing I'm gonna do with saving that amount of cash is buy a new car:D
11-07-2002, 10:44 AM
I hardly ever smoke. I'm thus a goody two-shoes.
The only time I ever smoke is when I do drugs. When I smoke weed (which is incredibly ultra-seldom) I'm smoking (but obviously not tobaco...)
When I go rushing (pill dropping), I end up lighting one while I wait for the initial rush, and one immediately after I start chilling.
The one time I did coke, I think I smoked about six cigs, which produced such a headrush that I mistook it for the cocaine! Wow!
I haven't done heroin. Yet. :)
But then again, I don't think I smoke like normal people. I normally finish a typical cig in about 8-10 inhalations. That pretty much explains the headrushes.
Lately I find that I like to smoke a few after I've had about 8-10 beers (or 5-6 vodka (or similar) shots).
Kids, don't smoke. One time it made me a little nauseus. Bad stuff, I tell you.
11-07-2002, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by Anduril
I haven't done heroin. Yet. :)
Before you start heroin - maybe I should have you talk to my friend. You can see how it's ruined his life - although currently the drinking is doing more to ruin his life (it's more readily available).
11-07-2002, 01:43 PM
i gave up all forms of smoking a couple of mouths ago i dont even get stoned anymore :( .
no seriously unlike beer tabbacco has no upside to it :D
11-07-2002, 02:07 PM
Before you start heroin...I'm not even starting. The smiley was meant to indicate the joke, but alas sometimes not even a smiley can alert one to my strange strangeness.
I believe a little bit of clearing-up is in order:
I don't smoke weed anymore. The last time I did was about three years ago.
I haven't done ecstasy since december last year, and I don't plan on doing any more of it.
I did acid once, about two.5 years ago, and it altered my mind. :)
I have done coke once, and it did nothing to me. That's how I was fooled by the cigarettes.
Heroin is pretty much a definite no-go. I have done my research.
Oh, and from January until July, I did not consume any alcohol.
11-07-2002, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by Anduril
I'm not even starting. The smiley was meant to indicate the joke, but alas sometimes not even a smiley can alert one to my strange strangeness.
I figured it was a joke. Just wanted to make sure. The smiley face could have just meant that you thought it would be the ultimate high. He also said that he would never touch heroin - but even afetr seeing numerous friends die from it - he still decided to try it. Got hooked - was living on the streets of Seatle, Portland and San Francisco at various times.
Still maybe you should talk to him - not that being in and out of rehab has done much to help him overcome his addictions.
11-07-2002, 08:43 PM
A typical pack a day smoker spends over £112 a month and nearly £1,500.00 a year! Imagine if someone handed you a lumpsum like that right now!!!
hmm right at this moment i'd prolly go buy a pack! but as sad as this sounds, i DO need one more party before i give all this up for good.
our party is next wed. night. thursday is my first day as a quitter!
i started when i was in 8th grade, and now im in grafde 11.
i also do a variety of other things, but im usually careful unless it comes to pills, those i will pop w/o concern.
heh..heh.. character flaw.
11-07-2002, 09:12 PM
Anduril, do you think what you do, no matter how little or how inoften (er is that a word), infrequent you do it, has no consequences on your mental and physical health?
Speaking from someone who has done about everything, and regrets every bit of it, it is hard to quit (no matter what drug, alcohol, or tobacco...heroin...never did crack or ecstacy...thank goodness) and it is harder, once you quit, to get the trust back from the people you love.
Anduril, you may not hink you have a problem, but I didn't either.
Okay, now I am going to get happy, and say
Sween Congrats, keep up the good err...not smoking...same to everyone who doesn't smoke, and encouragement to those who are thinking about quitting! :)
Starr Polish
11-07-2002, 11:50 PM
Congrats to all of you! I don't smoke, and I have no desire to ever light up, but I have seen close family members either try to cut down or quit smoking. The most succesful person being my mother...she started smoking when she was fairly young, and quit when I was a child, but I've caught her lighting up a bit. Luckily, not often (I can usually tell if she's been smoking).
My sister smokes, and thinks I don't know.'s so disgusting. She brought some old clothes for me a few weeks ago, and they stank up my room...and she had washed them. Disgusting.
I'm particularly sensitive to smoke anymore, since I'm rarely around it in enclosed spaces.
I really don't see the appeal in it (or drugs, either), and it's incredibly stupid that kids are starting now. Why? It is not attractive, and it smells disgusting! If anyone can seriously answer my question as to why they decided to smoke, I'd love to hear it.
DARE didn't do much for me either, but that's because by then I already knew I'd never do drugs. My mom even jokes about not having to worry about me taking drugs, since I react very strongly to most prescribed medicine, and I'm even affected by Tylenol.
11-07-2002, 11:54 PM
Congrats all!
*speaking of quitting, I saw a bumper sticker the other day "Rehab is for quitters." relevant? probably not!)
11-08-2002, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by Starr Polish
I really don't see the appeal in it (or drugs, either), and it's incredibly stupid that kids are starting now. Why? It is not attractive, and it smells disgusting! If anyone can seriously answer my question as to why they decided to smoke, I'd love to hear it.
Sheesh that's the million dollar question Starr:)
I started smoking when I started drinking in pubs (bars), I could easily pass for 18yrs when I was 14. Everyone I knew in my social circle smoked but I didn't begin smoking through peer pressure, if anything smoking seem natural, even to us as teenagers it was nothing special, just something everyone did.
My first cigarette was handed to me while I was having a conversation with friends, then of course it only polite to offer the cigarettes around the table when it's "your turn" so I bought a pack, the rest is history.........I've smoked from that night onwards:(
I think that one of the good things about the current time is that smoking is now seen as an unsociable activity...gone is the image of the "cool" or "rebelious" teen smoker, now they are considered "sad" and cliched:)
Starr Polish
11-08-2002, 12:25 AM
Yes, but most of those mopey, 'rebellious' teenagers don't even know what the word 'cliche' means. There are plenty around where I live. You know the kind I'm talking about...the ones that talk about cutting themselves because their live is so bad, and that their parents hate them, blah-de-blah. Grr...don't they know that the majority if not all serious cutters don't usually FLAUNT THE FACT? GRRR!! This is why I'm suspicious of the huge number of 'depressed teens with online diaries'.
11-08-2002, 03:13 AM
Luthien Tinuviel:
i also do a variety of other things, but im usually careful unless it comes to pills, those i will pop w/o concern.Without concern? Be careful -- I have a horror story (my [u]own[/i] horry story) which occured as a result of a "lack of concern". Needless to say I don't drop anymore.Philia:
Anduril, do you think what you do, no matter how little or how inoften (er is that a word), infrequent you do it, has no consequences on your mental and physical health?I am certain that it affects both. In fact, I am still mentally/physically affected by my new years party last year, enough to make me think twice about touching pills with a ten-foot pole.
The cocaine did nothing to me (probably very poor quality), but I am pretty certain that I won't be trying it again.
I only smoked weed a few times (at most six), and was never really impressed by it. Therefore, I don't smoke it anymore, nor do I desire to.
In any event, I'm okay with the way I am now (as opposed to how I would have been had I not experimented in the manner that I did).More:
Speaking from someone who has done about everything, and regrets every bit of it, it is hard to quit...The key is to not get into it.More:
...and it is harder, once you quit, to get the trust back from the people you love.That is, if you love anyone...More:
Anduril, you may not hink you have a problem, but I didn't either.I don't have a drug problem. If I have any problem, it's a sorry lack of a social life, incurred by not hanging out with friends that were into the scene.
11-08-2002, 04:33 AM
Oh, plus I've done shrooms, ephedrine, speed and roofies. Go me! :D
11-08-2002, 05:28 AM
Coney! Welcome aboard. Enjoy your last weekend of tabs; I intend to.
I've tried nicotine replacement therapy several times before. It does work, in that it takes away the worst of the physical cravings, leaving you to concentrate on the psychological aspects.
However, last time I used the patches, I had real problems when I came off them. I was getting symptoms of anxiety and depression; couldn't sleep, couldn't concentrate, irrational thoughts, knot of acid in the stomach. I started smoking again and the symptoms vanished; I decided I'd rather smoke and be sane.
This year, going cold turkey, I had no such problems. Having said that, I'll probably use the gum to fend off the worst of the cravings.
My mental routine is mostly around recognising and embracing the craving. I try to think "here it comes", breath deeply, and it goes pretty quickly. Then that's one less craving you'll have before you've truly kicked it. There's no denying it, we will suffer, but we're Celts, it's in our nature to suffer. :rolleyes:
More generally, actively look for positive feedback in your environment. Relish the stench smokers give off, and remind yourself that you don't smell like that. Give yourself a pat on the back every time you see a Stop Smoking ad.
Some people recommend avoiding the situations in which you used to smoke. I found that unhelpful, since it would mean having no social life. Better to go for a full-frontal assault. You'll soon find that you have more time for your mates and you have less crap to take with you when you go out.
Another suggestion is to smoke roll-ups in the run-up to stopping, since the tobacco is not doctored to enhance its addictiveness (see previous post). Silk Cut don't work.
Here's why I started smoking: I tried it and couldn't believe it was legal! I'd smoked dope before I tried fags (US readers please note: fags = cigarettes; cannabis does NOT lead to homosexuality), then someone gave me a roll-up. I got this beezer head rush and suddenly realised why people smoke.
It's also why anti-smoking and anti-drugs education doesn't work: they don't tell you that they are pleasurable and they don't tell you that nothing bad will happen to you in the short term. Should we be surprised that kids treat such "advice" with contempt?
11-08-2002, 05:59 AM
well i was a party and was offred smack (herion) i refused my mate would not no matter how much i told him. Now hes near deaths door and been disowned by his family :( . Ive moved away theres little i can do to help i offred that he comes here and ill cold turkey him........sod it i think ill just drag him up here.
ive done a few lines of coke in my life but it allways leaves me wanting more (i see this as a very bad sign) LSD gave me a weird ass trip so i just lefty that one well alone.
Did a few E's at gatecrasher which was crap had to keep buying water and its sh** expensive there
11-08-2002, 09:16 PM
So what would it take to convince a young person to not experiment? What would you change about current antidrug/anti-smoking campaigns to make them more effective?
11-09-2002, 02:02 AM
Well I can tell you what I think is definitely wrong with the ads geared towards teens - they're stupid! I'm sorry, but seeing a poster that says "Tobacco is whacko if you're a teen" is not gonna keep me from smoking. I'm gonna laugh at it becuase a)The rhyming thing just doesn't speak to me; b) The drawing looks like it could be done by a 5 year old; and c) So smoking is only bad for teens? It's suddenly healthy when you turn 21? C'mon, gimme a break! I like some of those "truth" commercials, and also did anybody see that one that was aired a few years ago with the woman who has this really raspy voice and talks about how she's addicted to cigarettes, and then she brings one up and has to smoke it through a hole in her neck b/c of all the surgeries she's had to have? Wow, that one was really good!
11-09-2002, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by mirrille
So what would it take to convince a young person to not experiment? What would you change about current antidrug/anti-smoking campaigns to make them more effective?
I don't really know. But a good start would be to ban all advertising and sponsorship, ban packs of 10 (these are designed to make it easy for kids and ex-smokers), ban all displays (under the counter only). As far as advertising goes, role models might work better.
Two days and counting...
11-09-2002, 09:24 AM
saying dont do this and that is just stupid. i think the ads we have here at the moment are more along the lines they show people doing stuff which is a bit naughty trying to pull or shock (eg getting tattos and pretending to be in a wheelchair to pull) and its stuff like does take risks or does shock then as a plus doesnt smoke.
thats a much better image to put across. we smoke a fag once in our life and some like it but me personally just makes me feel sick in the morning.
its allabout strengh of character i think
11-09-2002, 02:04 PM
Never smoke. Never will smoke. Never will have the urging to.
All of my uncles smoked at one time or another and 5 of them quit. My youngest uncle (who happens to be the craziest one :D) quit a few months ago. Before that he pretended to quit and stuck his cigarette under the couch whenever someone was looking. My aunt and mom found out and proceeded to empty him of his stash. Since then, he's gotten nicer. And he doesn't smell like an ashtray.
DARE??? I'm not sure if that had a lot of effect on me... except for the time that they brought two dissected lungs, one healthy and one icky. That made me banish any notion of smoking from my head.
That commercial with the woman who had to breath through a cut in her throat was very good. I especially like those TRUTH commercials. They work better than "Tobacco is Foul".
11-10-2002, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by Claenoic
That commercial with the woman who had to breath through a cut in her throat was very good. I especially like those TRUTH commercials. They work better than "Tobacco is Foul".
Yeah the woman smoking through her throat is a good one. There is a new one I saw here - it shows a teenage girl and then speeds up the aging process caused by smoking. That one is good too.
I think the more graphic the commercials are - if they really show the damage smoking causes - gets the message across. Before, the anti-smoking commercials were just "don't do it because we say so" or they just have some stupid slogan that everyone made fun of. Seeing a person with half their mouth missing from cancer gets the point across (not that a lot of peole accept the fact that it can happen to them - but it's better than the stupid slogans).
11-10-2002, 06:37 PM
I don't know what DARE is. Maybe it's an American program that we don't get here?
Anyways, my class is organizing this thing where we get to go around to local schools and talk to students and encourage them not to smoke. I think it would be cool to volunteer, so I signed up. Now, I was never tempted to try smoking...probably a combination of me knowing the risks and heavy discouragement in my home environment. So I don't really understand the mentality of people who do start smoking, which might make me a less effective presenter.
So far, I'm hearing:
lots of gruesome pictures is good
lay off the slogans
Anything else?
11-10-2002, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by mirrille
I don't know what DARE is. Maybe it's an American program that we don't get here?
This is what D.A.R.E. ( is.
This year 36 million school children around the world--26 million in the U.S.--will benefit from D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), the highly acclaimed program that gives kids the skills they need to avoid involvement in drugs, gangs, and violence. D.A.R.E. was founded in 1983 in Los Angeles and has proven so successful that it is now being implemented in nearly 80 percent of our nation's school districts and in more than 54 countries around the world. D.A.R.E. is a police officer-led series of classroom lessons that teaches children from kindergarten through 12th grade how to resist peer pressure and live productive drug and violence-free lives.
Actually I think NJ has found it to be less successful than they claim. I know they're planning on revamping the program here and some schools are abandoning it all together.
11-10-2002, 07:06 PM
ummm i would but how could i give that up? he he
:p ;) :D :p ;) :D
11-10-2002, 07:18 PM
I stopped about 2 hours ago:)
So far everthing is cool............tomorrow I'll be posting on here sobbing like a baby:(
11-10-2002, 11:31 PM
Oh Coney! My brave hot dog! :) My husband has smoked for 30 plus years. When he tried to quit, He was awful to be around! We (the family) were actually relieved when he started again after four or five weeks (months? I can't remember) I think he needs to just keep trying, cause eventually he could do it. But I also think he's afraid to now. (fear of failure) Go to it, Coney!!! You will be a non-smoker someday! Today just might be the day!!!!Yea!! I'm ready to celebrate!
Now, DARE makes me mad, my first grader has come home with some DARE stuff already, he asks what D.A.R.E.spells (whatever they said, was about lord knows what, and apparently meaningless to him) and when I get to "D" (drugs), I say what??....medicine that make you feel good? Well that sounds dumb, that's what I tell him the medicine from the doctor will do. So...medicine that makes you feel bad? Well why would someone take medicine to feel bad?...Cause it makes you feel good? :rolleyes: Geez, I do not even want to talk about such nonsense with my little darling. He's not ready!!! I wish they would back off, it's just too confusing.
I think they should have the awful commercials, like people talking with that artificial voice box after their larynx has be removed, Or show a person inhaling a cigarette through that hole in their neck that they use when something's been removed, or the people with the oxygen things on wheels in the grocery store cause they have emyphsema. If my kids ask me about this, I say it's cause the people smoked too many cigarettes. Could be a lie, but could be true!
Anduril, don't brag about your drug use, It's tacky!! Cheech and Chong? Everyone I ever saw shooting up heroin always immediately threw up. Looked pretty pathetic to me.
11-10-2002, 11:53 PM
Go coney.
YOu know crystal meth?
My friend last year made some, she sniffed it or whatever they do...and it eroded (sp) her insides until she died by erosion from the inside out...sad huh? Died particularly painfully... Insentive to never to Crys. Meth.
11-11-2002, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by Lizra
I think they should have the awful commercials, like people talking with that artificial voice box after their larynx has be removed, Or show a person inhaling a cigarette through their trachometry, or whatever you call that hole in their neck that they use when something's been removed, or the people with the oxygen things on wheels in the grocery store cause they have emyphsema. If my kids ask me about this, I say it's cause the people smoked too many cigarettes. Could be a lie, but could be true!
Now that's good incentive for me to stop permanently this time:)
Ty for the kind words of encouragement Lizra:)'s been a good few hours now and the hots-sweats have started, I don't know if its the nicotine deprevation or if I'm going through a premature
I stopped for 2 weeks and 2 days not very long ago so I know what to expect this a few more hours it'll be the vomiting and dizzyness (yes I'm a pretty bad nicotine addict):(
I'm pretty bad to be around too when I can't get a smoke........but tell your husband to keep trying.............hell if a mutton-head like me can stop then your hubby should be just have to keep trying (I know that sounds very simplistic but IMO it's the truth).
Yeah Aeryn, to my shame, I've done Chys......only twice, it was just too damn powerful for me to handle any more than that.........not that I have any ambition to take **** like that anymore. (older and wiser these days).
Sorry to hear about your friend (I terrible at platitudes)'s absolutely terrifying how fast drugs can take someone:(
11-11-2002, 03:27 AM
Anduril, don't brag about your drug use, It's tacky!!I wasn't bragging. The "go me" + smiley addon was meant to indicate my shameful guilt :rolleyes:.
Actually, I don't really feel anything at all (about the drug experimentation). At this point, I won't say that I should not have experimented.
11-11-2002, 05:04 AM
1 hour and counting. Arg. Have already contemplated rooting around in the bin for douts and putting a minging roll-up together. Fortunately, dignity prevailed. Deep breath and get on with some work...
I went to see Body Worlds last night. It's an exhibition of plastinated bodies, a method of preservation which hardens the flesh so you can display whole bodies in all sorts of weird modes of dissection. Lots of smoker's lungs, so that image is helping. The furred-up aorta was pretty gruesome too.
11-11-2002, 09:30 AM
Found some tobacco! Picture Frodo at the Fords trying not to put the ring on. Binned the baccy, making sure to sprinkle it over sludgy bits in the bottom of the bin. Not even I could smoke that. Decided to post this instead. No offence, but it's a poor substitute.
11-11-2002, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by Coney
I stopped about 2 hours ago:)
So far everthing is cool............tomorrow I'll be posting on here sobbing like a baby:(
Coney! Just noticed this. Gaun yersel big man. It's hell on earth.
11-11-2002, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Lizra
and when I get to "D" (drugs), I say what??....medicine that make you feel good? Well that sounds dumb, that's what I tell him the medicine from the doctor will do. So...medicine that makes you feel bad? Well why would someone take medicine to feel bad?...Cause it makes you feel good? :rolleyes:
Hmmm...that's strange. I didn't have that problem. Interestingly, the word for "recreational drugs" in Chinese is the same word that means "poison". So the non-slang way to say something like "smoke up" translates roughly into "inhale poison" in English. So I can't say that as a child I had the same problem as your kid.
11-11-2002, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by Dunadan
Found some tobacco! Picture Frodo at the Fords trying not to put the ring on. Binned the baccy, making sure to sprinkle it over sludgy bits in the bottom of the bin. Not even I could smoke that. Decided to post this instead. No offence, but it's a poor substitute.
Good man there!!!:)
I'ts just gone 24 hrs for me (I think)........sheesh I couldn't so much roll a few dog-ends as I could pick them up and physically chew them:( ...........and suck the filters for any nicotine residue:(
Luckily I threw out all my smoking parafanalia last night, so rooting around in the dustbin is not an option :)
No more nasty side-effects at the mo', except for the vomitting. I'm rapidly becoming very bored of throwing up every 20mins.........thank the gods for lucozade:)
11-12-2002, 05:08 AM
That's gruesome! Stick with it, it can only get better from here. Are you sure it's cigarettes you've been smoking, not heroin?
I get an acid stomach - like the feeling of being nervous. Is this what you're getting in spades?
Do you think nicotine replacement would help?
However, this morning feels better than yesterday already. Even managed to go to the pub last night.
cheers, and good luck
Beleg Strongbow
11-12-2002, 09:17 AM
So what would it take to convince a young person to not experiment? What would you change about current antidrug/anti-smoking campaigns to make them more effective?
Listening to you guys about how hard it is to quit, and how much you still want to. Good work; keep it up.
11-12-2002, 09:32 AM
Ah the beautiful healing power of sleep:)
Today is ok..........the vomiting has stopped (yeh) and except feeling a little light-headed and having the most amazing coughing fit this morining it's pretty cool. I'm a little short of breath as well, probably just my lungs protesting at breathing thin air as opposed to thick, clogging smoke.
Yeah the vomiting was mainly acid and bile, I think I'll buy shares in the Zantac company lol.
Dunadan: Yeah I used the nicotine patches last time I stopped. They did stop nearly all of these withdrawal effects.......but using the patches wasn't doing a lot to stop the addiction (in fact in hidsight it was just feeding it) so this time I've gone cold-turkey (actually more like a gibbleted, vacuum wrapped, deep frozen turkey).
Yeesh glad it wasn't heroin..............if nicotine has this much hold on me than an encounter with heroin would be the final nail in the coffin;)
11-12-2002, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by Coney
Yeesh glad it wasn't heroin..............if nicotine has this much hold on me than an encounter with heroin would be the final nail in the coffin;)
It could be that nicotine is more addictive than H. Not sure how you'd measure it though.
I agree with you about patches etc. However I must confess I've had a couple of bits of gum this morning. Takes the edge off it at the worst time of day for me (morning). Also under a bit of work pressure (hence posting instead of working...), not helping.
11-12-2002, 02:13 PM
I'm not so sure about nicotine being more addictive than herion.
From the research I've done, it seems that an incredibly low percentage of first-time heroin users don't progress to habitual users. Additionally, if someone is using heroin for the first time, chances are that person has either tried, or as easy access to a variety of other class-A drugs, and that it isn't really experimentation persay.
I don't know any stats, but I highly doubt that someone is going to be a first-time cigarette smoker, who has previously experimented with, or habitually used class-A narcotics.
And from what I've heard of heroin, it just takes one or two hits to develop the craving. I've never heard of anyone who has developed a nicotine addiction from one or two smokes.
11-13-2002, 08:53 PM
Give me a motherloving............femaledogslapping......... ...unknown fatherperson..............cigarette:mad: :mad:
Rant over, feel better now;)
11-13-2002, 08:57 PM
Hee, hee, good. I'm sure the thread is glad to be of service. :D
11-13-2002, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by Aeryn
Hee, hee, good. I'm sure the thread is glad to be of service. :D lungs feel like they're gonna crawl out of my mouth and run (hop, skip wotever lungs do) to the shop themselves and buy a pack..............naughty lungs:mad:
11-13-2002, 09:08 PM
Lungs skip. And yes, naughty.
11-13-2002, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by Anduril
I wasn't bragging. The "go me" + smiley addon was meant to indicate my shameful guilt :rolleyes:.
Oh.......Sorry, I didn't quite hear that right, I guess! Probably the less said the better!
11-14-2002, 05:57 AM
I know exactly what you mean, Coney. I'm afraid to go and buy a paper at the moment; it's so easy just to say "10 bensons" and that's that.
(BTW wasn't that the name of a band?)
Mornings definitely the worst for me. I'm trying to fill this yawning void inside with work and biscuits but it ain't working.
Still, day 3 is past, and that's usually the worst, ever.
Think of all those moments when you completely forget about having a tab. I know you can probably count them on the fingers of one hand, but gradually the proportion will increase. Pretty soon it'll be most of the time...
11-14-2002, 07:04 AM
Originally posted by Dunadan
I know exactly what you mean, Coney. I'm afraid to go and buy a paper at the moment; it's so easy just to say "10 bensons" and that's that.
Ain't that true?:D
The woman in my local shop asked me if I wanted my usual brand of cigs:( I didn't say yes is anones guess:(
I'm taking solace in Blackcurrant&Liqorice sweets, Airwaves chewing gum and lots of coffee.
It's amazing (well for me anyway) what to do to distract yourself from the thought of a cig............this morning I did the hoovering and it didn't even need doing!:D .............. I must be going mad:rolleyes:
11-14-2002, 08:50 AM
Just a reminder of what non smokers might think about cigerette smoke. Ugh! That nasty, stinking stuff! Clouds of fowl, dusty car exhust type of air, coming from someones mouth! Ewww! Get me out of here! Whenever they light that hateful "burning stick", the white and yellow gagging smoke spirals up right to my nostrils, and burns up my nose in an overwhelming cloud of dusty polluted, acrid exhust. I think I'll just have to leave, I like this person, but I can't bear that nostril burning smoke! :(
11-14-2002, 09:38 AM
It's really hard to explain to a non-smoker what it is about tabs. But once you're hooked, giving up is like not being allowed to eat. I'm sure it carves out its own little receptor in your brain so that you'll never feel whole again. Actually, not entirely unlike Frodo when he was back home but going about fingering Arwen's gem (who wouldn't?).
However, that'll pass. Onwards and upwards.
On my 75th birthday I'm going to make a massive Camberwell Carrot consisting of tobacco salvaged from the douts of a hundred Woodbines. If we're all still around I'll set up a web cam (or web -virtua brain dump) and you can experience my brain exploding and see what you've been missing.
Sorry, think I'm getting delirious.
11-14-2002, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by Coney
Ain't that true?:D
The woman in my local shop asked me if I wanted my usual brand of cigs:( I didn't say yes is anones guess:(
I think that's one of the reasons it harder for my friend and a lot of other people to stop smoking and drinking than it is to stop taking drugs. Cigarettes and alcohol are all around and almost impossible to get away from. I have always felt that holidays - particular Chirstmas/New Years are the worst for people that are giving up smoking or drinking. In the US Memorial Day and 4th of July would also be a really hard time to stop drinking - with all the picnics and barbeques.
But Coney - at least you had the willpower to decline the cigarettes.
Dunadan -virtual brain dumps. :) That would be scary. I don't know if you've seen this movie - but it's the last one Natalie Wood made (she died (was killed?) in the middle of making it. Brainstorm ( is a cool movie.
The story involves the development of a headset recorder that can replay one person's experiences--even their emotional states--into the mind of another. The device obviously invites corporate or military exploitation, and Cliff Robertson plays a ruthless executive determined to tap into its lucrative potential. But when a scientist (Louise Fletcher) records her own death experience with the device, along with incriminating evidence, the technology's inventor (Christopher Walken) must unlock the mysteries of his colleague's suspicious demise and the very nature of death itself.
With this device - people that say "why don't you just stop smoking" or drinking or doing drugs - can see what an addict is really going through. I've never gone through it myself, but after seeing so many people go through this - I know it's not easy.
11-14-2002, 03:26 PM
Why anyone would want to stop drinking is beyond my comprehension.
11-14-2002, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by Dunadan
Why anyone would want to stop drinking is beyond my comprehension.
Well I guess you'd have to experience the pain my friend goes through and the fact that he's only in his mid 20's and already is developing liver disease.
11-14-2002, 03:45 PM
It depends on how often you vomit
11-16-2002, 06:58 PM
Have to admit it's getting better
Getting better all the time
Still fancy a tab.........wouldn't commit murder for one now tho;) :D :cool:
11-16-2002, 07:02 PM
Good! I used to smoke but never addicted like my husband. When I finally quit, it was liberateing to get away from...Do I have some, do I have fire, Do I need to buy more, is this a good time to have one, will anyone here be grossed out if I have one. It's so wonderful just to breathe air and leave it at that! Go Coney! :)
11-16-2002, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by Dunadan
Why anyone would want to stop drinking is beyond my comprehension.
Now that is a whole different boilling utensil of marine life!
(although I do only drink on a Friday or Saturday night)
Thanks for the support Liz (and others):)
My taste buds are returning:D .......... if this carries on I'll have to downgrade my favourite curry from a Madras to a Bhuna:D :D
Your right Liz.......the constant panic for a supply of nicotine/smoking equipment is terrible.......the chore of having to pop to the shop 2/3 times a day is something I'm certainly not missing:D (I never bought cigs in bulk......if I had 100 cigs in the house I would have smoked 100 in a day:eek: )
Dunadan. How's it going with you?
11-16-2002, 08:52 PM
I think I might check into a membership in the health club (Gym) in our town. If my husband had something else he could obsess over, he might be able to try again. If he could focus on exercise and diet, health and strength, and stuff like that, he could let this thing go. Worth a try. :)
11-16-2002, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by Lizra
I think I might check into a membership in the health club (Gym) in our town. If my husband had something else he could obsess over, he might be able to try again. If he could focus on exercise and diet, health and strength, and stuff like that, he could let this thing go. Worth a try. :)
Excellent idea! Exercising also releases endorphins that help to combat the depression/anxiety etc that many ex-smokers feel (I throw weights around myself.........might as well take my frustration out on those;) )...........with all this unrefined oxygen getting to my system I'll become muscle-bound:eek: .
Also an idea might be to drag him to places that do not allow smoking.............movies, theatre, endless xmas shopping at the mall etc.................not really a solution but if he spends 2/3+ hours in a non-smoking environment then for 2/3+ hours he is not smoking;)
11-19-2002, 07:56 AM
Great to hear you're going strong, Coney. I have to confess to a slight derailment on Saturday night (I plead intoxication), but it was only one puff on someone else's tab.
I have flagellated myself continuously since.
It definitely made it more difficult on Sunday and Monday, but today I feel better again. And yes, it's great to be liberated from all the nonsense associated with losing your lighter and going to the shops at 2am.
I also find exercise a great help. Like banging your head against a brick wall, it feels great when you stop. Also, if there's something which totally absorbs you (I sometimes get it when writing or drawing), make more time for it as it makes you completely forget about smoking. Long, hot baths are great too (ever tried smoking in the bath? I have and it's gross).
11-19-2002, 08:11 AM
Any ideas to help me stop my teenage friend from smoking. She's underage so its illegal anyway and she's ruining her singing voice. She's doing it because she says everyone in her year is and she wants to fit in. I've told her its stupid trying to kill yourself to be popular but she won't listen! What can I do to convince her she's ruining her career? Any help would be appreciated Mx
Tobu, Son of Toba
11-19-2002, 11:59 AM
I gave up smoking when i passed my driving test, i needed to, i couldn't of afforded the petrol otherwise, petrol in the u.k is well expensive, unlike our american cousins(you guys are so lucky!)sorry that is different subject but my point being is that you need to set yourself an aim , a reason to stop!
11-19-2002, 12:50 PM
its about six mouths now since i got stoned :( i kinda miss it
11-19-2002, 01:20 PM
It's been almost eleven months since I last rushed. I don't miss it at all. I'm still scared. :(
11-24-2002, 09:33 PM
This is when it's worst.
When ya bored/peeid off/sober/alone:(
Self pity-city:( *sob*:mad:
Miranda: I'll post her some of what I cough up every morn' if it'll help;)
11-24-2002, 10:10 PM
that is gross. If you are bored, do something. If your pissed, stop. if your alone, go to a bar. also the cure for being sober.
*No i am not promoting getting hammered*
OOC: Coney, is that Offspring?
11-24-2002, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by Aeryn
that is gross. If you are bored, do something. If your pissed, stop. if your alone, go to a bar. also the cure for being sober.
*No i am not promoting getting hammered*
OOC: Coney, is that Offspring?
Doing something: Posting irrelevant shite on here:p
Must be sober, willpower dimishes quiclky while drunk:(
Bar: ach no...........british pubs suck donkeys:rolleyes: (full of old blokes, usually talking excrement:rolleyes: ( I live in a very small village).
Offspring: Yep:D
Edit: it gave me a tongue when I wanted a pee.
11-24-2002, 11:02 PM
That doesn't even come across right Coney, *Are you really alone?*
Im sorry, that was ....yeah...
11-24-2002, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by Aeryn
[B]That doesn't even come across right Coney, *Are you really alone*/B]
Deffo alone............I could clear a room in 0.5 secs at the mo', trust me.
No sense at the mo' (scoobied).......not that their was much before the nicotine depravation:rolleyes:
11-24-2002, 11:14 PM
Ye really don't make any sense...I'm confuZzled.
11-24-2002, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by Aeryn
Ye really don't make any sense...I'm confuZzled.
Story of my life:rolleyes: (but if I don't make any sense, why are you replying to the posts:rolleyes: )
11-24-2002, 11:21 PM
good point...because I like to talk? O well, I'll stop replying.
11-24-2002, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by Aeryn
good point...because I like to talk? O well, I'll stop replying.
Soz I'm just in an arsehole of a mood tonight :o ;)
11-24-2002, 11:39 PM
No I honestly see your point, I just like to jaw. :D A flaw of mine I suppose...I can talk about nothing if you get me started on the subject...
11-24-2002, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by Aeryn
No I honestly see your point, I just like to jaw. :D A flaw of mine I suppose...I can talk about nothing if you get me started on the subject...
You do surprise me;) ...............erm, you don't have a spare cigarette on you, do you?;)
11-24-2002, 11:50 PM
Oh yeah sure..*lites it..drags on it...pretends not to cough*
*continues to drag on it, smoke coming from her nose*
*puts it out*
So, why did you want to know?
11-24-2002, 11:57 PM
'Cos I want,need a ciggy................but I know they will kill me:( *breaks down and sobs like a baby*:( :( :( :mad:
[insert appropriate expletive here]:mad:
11-25-2002, 12:21 AM
If you smoke one, I'm pretty sure you will feel worse! :) Take a tylenol PM and go to sleep!
11-25-2002, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by Lizra
If you smoke one, I'm pretty sure you will feel worse! :) Take a tylenol PM and go to sleep!
ty momma Liz ;) *big kiss*j/k ....... grief, I could do with my mum now:( :(
No Worries tho, no-way I'm going through these withdrawal sympton again:mad: ..........any potential quiters out there, it is worth it.
11-26-2002, 06:59 PM
I'm surprised nobody has posted Mark Twain's quote yet...
Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I've done it dozens of times.
I was able to go anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks before I would start smoking again. Whenever I quit, I would round up all my cigarettes (usually at least a carton (10 packs) or two), throw them in the barbecue grill, soak them with charcoal starter, then start a fire that would make Beavis proud. :)
I was finally able to quit when I moved. I threw my last pack of cigarettes in the trash when I got off the airplane, and never smoked regularly again. :)
Smoking is a strange habit. There were mornings I would wake up and lie in bed for 15-20 minutes with no thought or desire at all of smoking, then suddenly realize that I hadn't smoked my first cigarette of the day, then had to run outside to smoke one. There were days I could spend 12 hours on the beach and not smoke a single cigarette, but as soon as I got home and had nothing to do, I would light up again.
Oh well, good luck to everyone that's trying to quit, and hopefully nobody else will start. :)
Starr Polish
11-26-2002, 07:07 PM
One of the teachers at my school can't smoke for awhile because he has holes drilled in his mouth to prepare him for dental surgery. He is having ALL of his teeth removed prematurely and he's getting dentures (he's in his early to mid forties, I'd say). He's going crazy because he wants a cigarrette. He also says that the reason he is having the surgery is he's always had some problem with the enamel, but I'm sure the smokign didn't help it.
11-29-2002, 11:07 AM
Ok, 's'been 2 days, Coney, Dunadan... how are you doing? :rolleyes: :( :confused: :)
11-29-2002, 10:26 PM
Man, I have no where to post tonight so I'll post...well it's obvious isn't it.
Lizra, does smoke from other people's cig's bother you or do you like it? (Now that you've quit)
Other: Same question.
Purpose: I want to see if there is a difference from someon who has quit for a long time, and someone who recently quit.
11-29-2002, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Aeryn
Purpose: I want to see if there is a difference from someon who has quit for a long time, and someone who recently quit.
Good question, I can't answer it because I started on the cancer-sticks again at about midday (smoked 4 tabs):rolleyes:
Good luck Claenoic and Dunadan..........I'm back with the withdrawal symptoms again tomorrow:(
11-29-2002, 10:55 PM
Bad Coney!! Bad ! BAD! :D Good luck, my Da says it is harder to stop if you recently stopped and started again :p
11-29-2002, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by Aeryn
Bad Coney!! Bad ! BAD! :D Good luck, my Da says it is harder to stop if you recently stopped and started again :p
I know this is/was my second attempt :(
Sheeite looks like it's back to the vomitus and hot flushes again:rolleyes:
11-29-2002, 11:19 PM
Must you be so graphic? You are like a pregnant woman, hot falshes, vomiting, soon you'll be complaining about how the very site of some certain food makes you ravenous. :D
11-29-2002, 11:22 PM
Huh! wait 'till you see my swollen ankles:rolleyes:
Seriously..........the WDrawel effects are terrible........although not as terrible as the long-term effects (I hope).
11-29-2002, 11:25 PM
Lol, well cones just keep a good sense of humor about it all, that's the toughest part of any hard job. Again, good luck.
11-29-2002, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by Aeryn
Lol, well cones just keep a good sense of humor about it all, that's the toughest part of any hard job. Again, good luck.
TY:) of now (about 10 hours) I've stopped again:D .........just need to find an answering machine for the God-phone (toilet):D ;)
11-30-2002, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by Aeryn
Man, I have no where to post tonight so I'll post...well it's obvious isn't it.
Lizra, does smoke from other people's cig's bother you or do you like it? (Now that you've quit)
Other: Same question.
Purpose: I want to see if there is a difference from someon who has quit for a long time, and someone who recently quit.
I absolutely detest it, Even if I was alone with Aragorn, and nostril burning cig smoke wafted up my nose, I'd split! I was not as phsyically addicted as someone like my husband though. I was more of a habitual, social smoker, I got nervous when I couldn't smoke, because I was used to the ritual of doing it, particularly when talking on the phone. I don't think I ever actually enjoyed the toxic exhust going down my windpipe though! I would think, if you were a reformed addict, second hand smoke would just make you nervous and bum you out, causing you too leave.(?) This is good (IMO), the more people can be conditioned to think of smoking as pathetic and uncool, the less there will be!
11-30-2002, 11:51 PM
Very good luck to everyone quitting smoking! Good job! Not everyone is strong enough to do that.
Personally, no smoking experience whatsoever. I couldn't; I choke whenever I smell cig. smoke! It's awful walking into Wal-Mart, 'cause all the employees stand outside in any weather, just because they're addicted to little sick sticks. Part of me feels like going up to one, grabbing their pack away, and be "Little Miss DARE officer." But since I'm NOT Little Miss DARE Officer...I practice for scuba diving and hold my breath until I'm safely past the cart line.
Anyway...good luck again! Try to do something a lot of chocolate!!! :p (Hey, it helps everything else....:p )
12-01-2002, 04:42 PM
Me? Smoke? Good gracious, I'm not even old enough to drive, let alone smoke.:D
12-01-2002, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by Claenoic
Me? Smoke? Good gracious, I'm not even old enough to drive, let alone smoke.:D
lol same here! I just found this thread, too bad if its old :)
Need some inspiration go here Cancer Sucks (
Its made in memory of my Grandma. :)
I cant even be in a room with someone who smokes. Seriously. My mom takes my younger sisters to this all ages club to watch local bands and I stay home because ppl smoke and I cannot be around smoke. Just cant. I used to be able to stay around it but i guess since everybody in my family quit I've lost my immunness to it.
Yeah those anti smoking ads for teens suck. Really bad. I dont think all the ads in the world are going to help. Theres a store RIGHT next door to my school. And everybody knows that they dont ID. They will give anyone a beer or ciggerete for money. ppl have called to cops and everything but they havent been shut down yet. *sigh* those poor poor ppl.
Oh hey, inspiration for anyone who's doing ecstacy/speed. I went to a HUGE concert (actually worked at it w/the cancer thingy ^^) And there was this girl that had been crowd surfing. Well they ran over with her and put her on a strecher. A few minutes later she was having convulsions. He had broken her neck/back, and to make it worse, she was on speed. Let me tell you, i thought i was going to vomit seeing her have convulsions like that. My mom and sisters on the other hand watched like they were in a trance.
Oh and talk about DARE! lol here (in oklahoma) they have Operation Aware. And they even tell you how to use the drugs! lol oh yeah, no wonder we're like the #1 state to make Meth!
Good luck to ya all! You can do it! (of course that "you can do it!" is in the You can do it guy voice you know what i'm talking about if you have seen just about any adam sandler movie ;))
12-02-2002, 05:46 AM
Originally posted by Coney
Good question, I can't answer it because I started on the cancer-sticks again at about midday (smoked 4 tabs):rolleyes:
Good luck Claenoic and Dunadan..........I'm back with the withdrawal symptoms again tomorrow:(
Ah... well, ahem. (turns red and averts eyes)
Bless me, Mooters, for I have sinned. You know how it is, weekend in Paris, smell of Gauloises, late nights in bars drinking cognac, isn't it? People in dark polo necks earnestly discussing semiotics. Oooh! They might as well give you a packet of Gitanes when you get off the train and hold a gun to your head. So, I smoked. You have to. It's the law there.
I know, I know. And now I'm paying. Back to square 1 and all that. But it's not square 1, it's square 4 or 5. So keep at it. The strongest "prognostic factor" for successfully giving up is "number of previous attempts".
Liked the Mark Twain quote on the previous page. That's me now. Hope to make it through that stage sometime soon.
Good luck everyone.
12-02-2002, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by Firekitten2006
ya all
OMG i just realized that i said that! HELP ME THE OKIES ARE RUBBING OFF ON ME!!!!!
Anybody have an extra plane ticket lying around? Say for Austrailia???
12-02-2002, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by Dunadan
I know, I know. And now I'm paying. Back to square 1 and all that. But it's not square 1, it's square 4 or 5. So keep at it. The strongest "prognostic factor" for successfully giving up is "number of previous attempts".
Yep just got to keep quitting. I know that at least one night over the xmas hols I'll be out at a pub/club with friends, get blinding drunk and probably have a cigar or similar (alchohol really does reduce willpower)............but next day I'll be stopped again:)
It's just strange how much more "normal" you feel when smoking:( I guess it's just the psyke playing tricks to fool me into having a smoke:(
12-03-2002, 05:56 AM
Originally posted by Coney
It's just strange how much more "normal" you feel when smoking:( I guess it's just the psyke playing tricks to fool me into having a smoke:(
Yeah, there's something right down in the brain stem or somewhere which makes you feel empty without a tab.
Still, it gets better, and it seems easier giving up from a lapse than it did at the very beginning.
12-03-2002, 11:23 AM
No, no, no! You are not normal when you smoke! You are a freak!!! Remember that! :)
12-03-2002, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by Lizra
No, no, no! You are not normal when you smoke! You are a freak!!! Remember that! :)
Yeah that's true.
THE INSANITY OF SMOKING: I had to pop into the main office building this morning and I saw dozens of folks outside the main doors, huddled together trying to shelter from the wind and rain, trying to smoke there little lungbusters as quickly as possible.............and I think I'm a freak:rolleyes:
I walked past them into the lovely warm building with great satisfaction:D .......... a while ago I would have been stood shivering and coughing with them:D
My little relapse didn't seem to effect me much, withdrawal symptoms only lasted about a day:cool:
I've got some nicotine-replacement chewing gum in case a I have another relapse (expensive stuff and tastes like crud, but better than smoke);)
12-03-2002, 12:52 PM
Yes, being liberated from all that stuff is tremendous (note to self: cling on to that thought). No longer is the first thought whenever going somewhere: "where and when will I be able to have a smoke?"
However, it has a down side. I find, at conferences and the like, the most interesting and sociable people are the ones hanging about at the door smeurking tabs.
Then again, maybe it just seems like that because you can talk about hanging about outside the door smeurkin tabs.
Originally posted by Coney
I've got some nicotine-replacement chewing gum in case a I have another relapse (expensive stuff and tastes like crud, but better than smoke);)
I've found it to be the most effective form of NRT: near-instant relief! (Gotta remember not to chew after the first 30 secs tho)
12-03-2002, 11:39 PM
What you said, Coney, about seeing all the people standing around smoking outside the office building reminded me of something. All of you need to read the short story "The Ten O'Clock People" by Stephen King. It's in the book "Nightmares and Dreamscapes". Check it out from the local library and read it. It's freaky, but I think all you (ex-)smokers might like it.
12-05-2002, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by Khamûl
What you said, Coney, about seeing all the people standing around smoking outside the office building reminded me of something. All of you need to read the short story "The Ten O'Clock People" by Stephen King. It's in the book "Nightmares and Dreamscapes". Check it out from the local library and read it. It's freaky, but I think all you (ex-)smokers might like it.
Hmm, I'm not the biggest lover of King's work but I'll give it a go;)
12-05-2002, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Khamûl
What you said, Coney, about seeing all the people standing around smoking outside the office building reminded me of something. All of you need to read the short story "The Ten O'Clock People" by Stephen King. It's in the book "Nightmares and Dreamscapes". Check it out from the local library and read it. It's freaky, but I think all you (ex-)smokers might like it.
Is it the one about the Quit smoking business where they'll kill your family if you smoke (Talk about motivation).
Or was that in Cat's Eye?
12-06-2002, 04:49 PM
sorry i haven't been around!
wow, that sounds absolutely horrifying, Coney.
why haven't i had any of it?
i got butterflies the day after that little "party" that's it. i'd gladly take some of what your going thru to help out if i could. that sounds like having the flu times 36!
i can't under stand why it's so, absent (the withdrawls i mean.) i was at like a pack a day for over two years i think...
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
i too have the boredom
12-06-2002, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by LuthienTinuviel
sorry i haven't been around!
wow, that sounds absolutely horrifying, Coney.
why haven't i had any of it?
i got butterflies the day after that little "party" that's it. i'd gladly take some of what your going thru to help out if i could. that sounds like having the flu times 36!
i can't under stand why it's so, absent (the withdrawls i mean.) i was at like a pack a day for over two years i think...
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
i too have the boredom
To be honest I have no idea why I suffered the withdrawel so badly:confused: ............ apparently my father was exactly the same when he quit..........maybe some are more susceptable than others.......
It's brilliant that you've quit so easily LT:) ....... I'm soo jealous;)
How long have you been quit?
EDIT: I recognise that avatar LT:eek: :D Can think of a few folks I could brew a cup of that for;)
12-06-2002, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Aeryn
Is it the one about the Quit smoking business where they'll kill your family if you smoke (Talk about motivation).
Or was that in Cat's Eye? That was "Quitters, Inc." (yet another fine Stephen King story about smoking) and it was in the book Night Shift.
12-06-2002, 08:17 PM
*prepares the noose* And I CALL myself and KING FAN! *stand on a rickety chair, *Note: Dog too is being hung** Any way, I'm not seriously gunna kill my on-line self, *Looks at the floor, slips, SNAP of neck, face turns blue...dies*
O Captain! my Captain! :D :p
12-06-2002, 08:18 PM
Okay, Aeryn, that was just scary!:eek:
12-06-2002, 08:29 PM
O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
For on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
12-06-2002, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by Aeryn
O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
For on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
OK, is someone smoking more than just tobbaco here I wonder:rolleyes:
12-06-2002, 08:37 PM
I love that poem!!
I'll read it ALL to you! Here goes: (Takes a long drag off of the..."cigarette"...:D)
O Captain! my captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But-O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the desk my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up -- for you the flag is flung -- for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths-for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father !
This arm beneath your head!
It is some dream that on the deck,
You've fallen cold and dead.
My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still.
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will,
The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done,
From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won:
Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
but I, with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
By Walt Whitman, about the death of Abraham Lincoln. . :D
Edit: the thing didn't take my form, so I had to read do the poem.
2nd Edit: I'm gunna cry! No.
12-06-2002, 08:48 PM
Yup, just as I suspected;) (intrestin' poem tho':) )
12-06-2002, 08:54 PM
Yeah, it really is, but it didn't make me cry, I cried over a poem once. Yech. I'm an idiot :D
12-07-2002, 12:20 AM
Aeryn, maybe you should consider giving up caffeine? :p
12-08-2002, 07:14 PM
:D, as you can see, that is out of the question. ;) You must know that caffiene is the best thing that EVER happened to me! I have a boring life. :rolleyes:
12-09-2002, 01:41 PM
It may interest fellow ex-smokers that caffeine is something you DON'T have to give up.
As long as you are not pregnant and have no existing cardiovasular disease, four cups a day may even help to prevent Parkinson's Disease.
Also, moderate, regular intake of alcohol can prevent heart disease!
Now, I can do the "regular intake" part; all I need to do now is master the "moderate" bit
12-09-2002, 10:58 PM
I'm doing a debate in school involving smoking and here's something I came across. It's a list of all the additives that the 5 major American cigarette companies put into cigarettes. I think you might be surprised.
12-10-2002, 05:38 AM
Originally posted by Khamûl
I'm doing a debate in school involving smoking and here's something I came across. It's a list of all the additives that the 5 major American cigarette companies put into cigarettes. I think you might be surprised.
Whoa. That's some list. Something you might like to add to your debate is that they chemically extract the nicotine during manufacture, then replace it with a more volatile form which degrades more quickly in the bloodstream. This means that you start wanting another tab more quickly, and smoke more. It also gives the lie to their claim that smoking is not addictive.
I'm afraid I can't back this up with evidence, though it was told to me by a leading chest physician in the UK.
12-10-2002, 11:23 PM
I'll have to look into that Dunadan. In the meantime, here's something else that I found: a list of 'ingredients' in secondhand smoke.
12-11-2002, 12:03 AM
Blech. Ta for that Khamul, I think.;)
*wonders how much of that chemical crud is still in his system and lungs*:(
The stuff in the 'baccy is bad enough but when you also think that the paper has been bleached and then treated with Salt Peta (sp) to keep it as dry as possible:( ........... no wonder my chest used to ache:rolleyes:
Of course thats not even metioning the filter-tips.........goodness know what was in them, I've heard rumours of fibre-glass:(
*wanders off muttering and looking for his nicotine chewing gum*
12-11-2002, 12:34 AM
Yeah, I wonder how many people would smoke if they knew what companies put in the cigarettes.
12-11-2002, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by Khamûl
Yeah, I wonder how many people would smoke if they knew what companies put in the cigarettes.
But smoking has been known to cause cancer for years and people still smoke.
I have never had one cigarette in my life, even though some of my friends smoked. It probably isn't good for my asthma anyway. :rolleyes:
I can't fathom how excruciating that must be... to begin such a habit at (often) an impressionable age, only to wish that you had never started... before, I'd assume smokers were unintelligent... I'd think things like "come on, knucklehead... you're paying for a shortened life", but now it pains me to know that many of you realize that yourselves, and do try to break that habit. I wish you the best.
12-11-2002, 01:49 AM
Ta Nibs, tho' you were probably right with the "knucklehead bit";)
What can I say? I was young......I was stupid (still am:p )........ I was in the pub:o
As soon as someone invents a time machine I'm travelling back to that pub to kick my own arse:eek: ;)
Until then, good luck. Live long and prosper.
12-11-2002, 05:00 AM
I started smoking because I couldn't believe it was legal. There was this tremendous buzz, and I thought that smokers went around in a blissed-out haze all the time. Also, when we're young, we don't believe that the consequences will happen to us, or if they do, we'll be 60+ at the time, which seems like nearly dead anyway when you're 13.
Of course, the buzz disappears pretty quickly, and, like heroin, you end up needing it just to feel normal.
Why do people smoke? The same reason they eat. There are some chemical receptors in your brain which nicotine carves out for itself. As I said above, the tobacco companies know how to optimise nicotine's ability to satisfy this craving. It is powerful stuff, believe me.
03-05-2003, 07:19 PM
Yeesh long time since I posted here!
Started smoking again today *shrugs*.
A momentaory lapse?.....I hope so.
Will I regret it in a couple of days?....Probably.
samwise of the shire
03-05-2003, 10:07 PM
I'll have to look into that Dunadan. In the meantime, here's something else that I found: a list of 'ingredients' in secondhand smoke. And my big brother inhales HUNDREDS more of those ingredients into his lungs? And his girlfriend forces that sh*t into MY soon to be born nephews blood stream? *scowls* Not if I can help it.
A very determined Samwise.
03-06-2003, 02:08 AM
Originally posted by Coney
Yeesh long time since I posted here!
Started smoking again today *shrugs*.
A momentaory lapse?.....I hope so.
Will I regret it in a couple of days?....Probably.
Don't blame you though, I've quit & have been a non-smoker for 3 days now (I wanted to quit last week, but then the weekend happened - but technically I wasn't "smoking" ;) )
Problem is I have 3 full packs at home taunting me...........just one bottle of good red wine & I'll be puffing away again
*saunters off humming Puff the Magic Dragon*
03-06-2003, 07:24 AM
Bad luck, Coney. I've been back on the weed on and off (i.e. on) since New Year and have been studiously avoiding this thread. Am currently steeling myself for another assault. If you can do it for 5mo+ then you can do it for ever.
Baby-K, the feeling of achievement after going out drinking and coming back having NOT smoked is tremendous. Give it a go. (It's either that or stay at home for the rest of your life drinking mineral water.)
I think you should cut your bro some slack, SW. I understand that it's upsetting to think of people you love harming themselves, but you have to understand that these folks are addicted. No amount of rational argument will make someone give up. They might just end up avoiding you if you nip their heads all the time. If they decide to do it for themselves, that's the time to support them.
If it's any consolation, my first wife smoked throughout her pregnancy and our son is in the 98th centile for size, so it isn't necessarily going to harm the bairn.
03-06-2003, 01:13 PM
i wish good luck for all you people who are trying to stop...
I am defiently not going to smoke at all when i grow older thanxs to health class and you guys...but i might try like pot and stuff(maybe) and probably get drunk more than enough times
Insidious Rex
03-13-2003, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by Legolas_Frodo_Aragorn
but i might try like pot and stuff(maybe) and probably get drunk more than enough times
*laugh* enjoy it L. Yer gonna be a popular one in college with the upper classmen no doubt.
Anyway, anyone have any tips on how you can influence someone close to you to stop smoking? I mean short of taking a gun to their throat.
03-13-2003, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by Insidious Rex
*laugh* enjoy it L. Yer gonna be a popular one in college with the upper classmen no doubt.
Anyway, anyone have any tips on how you can influence someone close to you to stop smoking? I mean short of taking a gun to their throat.
hang lots of pics of smokers lungs and all that bad stuff in their house...and lots of pamplets
03-14-2003, 04:10 AM
I've noticed how certain things really irritate me since I've quit smoking:
Like when someone points at my watch & asks the time........I know where my watch is (btw where's yours?) do I point at yer crotch when I ask where the toilet is?
Or when someone is willing to get off his *rse to search the entire room for the remote, but is too lazy to walk to the tv to change the channel.
Or when someone says: "it's always in the last place you looked". Of course it is, why the hell would you carry on looking after you've found the bloody thing? Do people do that? Who & where are they?
Or when yer watching a movie & someone asks: "Did you see that?" - no *rsehole, I came to the cinema & paid 30 bucks to stare at the floor!
Or if someone asks: "Can I ask you a question" - well that just illiminates the option of refusing since you've already asked one!
Or advertising idiots who claims their products are "new & improved" - if it's new there hasn't been anything like it before & if it's improved it means that you've made an existing product better, so how the f*** could something be new & improved?
When someone says "Life is short" - bullsh*t, it's long! Can you think of anything you'd be doing for longer?
But the worst is when I'm sitting & waiting for the bus & someone asks if the bus has come yet..........if the bus had come would I still be sitting here waiting d*ckhead?
03-14-2003, 10:58 AM
Geez, B-K.
can i ask u a question?
03-14-2003, 11:37 AM
Sorry, I've never had the occasion to wear one.
03-17-2003, 01:40 AM
Originally posted by congressmn
Geez, B-K.
can i ask u a question?
I shall pretend that I do not get it.............;)
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Dunadan
[B]I gave up in May this year then, like the total @rse that I am, started again a couple of weeks ago. I am going to stop this coming Monday (11th November). Anyone care to join me? We could use this thread for moral support...
Gwaimir Windgem
03-17-2003, 09:34 AM
Ah....I don't think he wanted to be preached to. And being a Christian, I could go into detail about all that, but I'll leave it. :)
03-17-2003, 09:37 AM
I have no intention of giving up my bad life, thank you very much. I just want to have one, that's all.
03-17-2003, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by JCL2
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Dunadan
[B]I gave up in May this year then, like the total @rse that I am, started again a couple of weeks ago. I am going to stop this coming Monday (11th November). Anyone care to join me? We could use this thread for moral support...
What the..........?
Ok, I'm not gonna comment.
Oh Dunadan, you were quite right re the sense of accomplishment - this weekend proved yer point ;)
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