11-05-2002, 01:05 AM
Being completely and totally honest, I love all things that have anything to do with Ancient Japan. It's just so very different form Eroupian style fantasy, and Westner cultures ingeneral, that I am famillar with. The art, the dress, the character system, the philosophy...It's just so incredibly fasinating!
Samurai are cool.
But Ninjas are better! (Here speaking form the side who likes to flip out and be sneaky...) Here's a link to a very cool ninja online movie thing.
I've decided that, for a day of fun and excitement, I want to dress up as a ninja, call myself Takeshi Hosoi -san, go to school and run around and be all sneaky and stuff...*yuck yuck*
Samurai are cool.
But Ninjas are better! (Here speaking form the side who likes to flip out and be sneaky...) Here's a link to a very cool ninja online movie thing.
I've decided that, for a day of fun and excitement, I want to dress up as a ninja, call myself Takeshi Hosoi -san, go to school and run around and be all sneaky and stuff...*yuck yuck*