View Full Version : Ancient Japan rules all! (Thanks to the hard work of our local Ninjas)

11-05-2002, 01:05 AM
Being completely and totally honest, I love all things that have anything to do with Ancient Japan. It's just so very different form Eroupian style fantasy, and Westner cultures ingeneral, that I am famillar with. The art, the dress, the character system, the philosophy...It's just so incredibly fasinating!

Samurai are cool.

But Ninjas are better! (Here speaking form the side who likes to flip out and be sneaky...) Here's a link to a very cool ninja online movie thing.

I've decided that, for a day of fun and excitement, I want to dress up as a ninja, call myself Takeshi Hosoi -san, go to school and run around and be all sneaky and stuff...*yuck yuck*

Lief Erikson
11-05-2002, 01:16 AM
I read a history book on Ancient Japan also, and found it fascinating. I assume you know how the kamikaze got its name, and about the Mongul invasions? The history of Japan and its culture, art, etc. were really interesting to read about.

Did you know that they were actually able to abolish gunpowder from Japan after it was brought in? It of its impact upon the honor and usefulness of the samauri, but I found it very surprising that they could do that. I didn't read much about the Ninjas, but the samauri were very interesting.

11-06-2002, 12:33 AM
Yeah, I do enjoy reading about the way the code of honnor was set up with the Samurai. Once I tried writting about a ririon (SP? I can't remeber the excat spelling, but it's like that,) samurai, and the story kept getting pushed back because of the research I was doing. Eventually, the story was abandonned altoghter, but that's the catlyst of my interest.

I really don't know much about ninjas either. I just like them because I'm a spaz and like to pretend to be a ninja and sneak up on my house cats. :D