View Full Version : An Idea How To End the Seemingly Endless Middle-East Squabbling!

11-03-2002, 03:40 AM
Nuke the entire place and use the oil to make a parking lot.

11-03-2002, 06:34 AM
hmmmmmmmmm that may be considered genocise! mind you with bush in charge anythings possiable

11-03-2002, 10:13 AM
Yeah it kind of kills lots and lots of people. Even the most brutal method of ME peacemaking-ship all the palestinians to Jordan and then bulldoze their homes, after bombing the cities from the west bank is a lot less cruel. Though I suppose it's a matter of degree.

11-03-2002, 10:57 AM
Since ME is such a hotbed for religious fanatics of all kinds levelling it would do the trick. The problem would disappear.

11-03-2002, 12:37 PM
G.W. totally on target. :cool:

It could become a resort for all people of terrorist persuasion and then we could nuke it again to rid oursevles of the "crusade" mentality. This is becoming a Muslim vs Christian -Judaic war, again.

11-04-2002, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by Grey_Wolf
Nuke the entire place and use the oil to make a parking lot.

If your talking America I can only agree.............the ME have fought amongst themselves for years why disturb them now:D

11-04-2002, 11:04 PM
Okay, What?

Nuke the USA?

You ingrates.

11-04-2002, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by Dussander
Okay, What?

Nuke the USA?

You ingrates.

hands Dussander a dictionary with Sarcasm underlined...it comes with experience:D

11-04-2002, 11:38 PM
I, of course, was being satirical. Thank you.

11-05-2002, 12:19 AM

#1. Kill Bush. He's not helping anything.

Everything falls into place after that.

11-05-2002, 12:20 AM
Jack Kavorkian for White House Physician ???????????????

heh heh heh

11-05-2002, 06:36 AM
The reason I even began this post was that I'm sick and tired of hearing and seeing day out and day in about israeli killing arab and arabs killing isreali and israeli killing arab and arabs killing isreali and so on forever ever. What makes these reporters and journalists think that regular people are the least interested in finding out EVERY DAY what has occured in the middle-east when it's the SAME OLD STORY every day year out and year in.

So nuking the whole area from Iran to the north of Israel would take care of a multitude of problems.

11-05-2002, 07:21 AM
Yes, but I bet you're not as sick of it as the Israelies, Palestinians, etc.

Alternatively, you could switch your TV off and we could establish a viable, independent Palestinian state. That would also do the trick.

11-05-2002, 01:54 PM
Maybe. Since there are fanatics in both camps who don't want to lay off the suicide bombings (i e Arabs) or retaliations (i e Israeli) and forget their 2 - 3 thousand year old hatred.

And, yes, of course, I could switch channels and watch something else or shut off the TV.

11-05-2002, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by Dunadan
Yes, but I bet you're not as sick of it as the Israelies, Palestinians, etc.

Alternatively, you could switch your TV off and we could establish a viable, independent Palestinian state. That would also do the trick.

That won't do jack sh*t. I don't think the fanatical Palestinians (Hamas, etc) even care about having a Palestinian State - their main goal is the elimination of Israel. After that - they will turn their eyes on the "infidels", which some terrorist groups have already done.

This is a war between the fanatical groups of Islam and the western free world.

You might be interested in these books I bought over the weekend.

A Peace to End All Peace: Creating the Modern Middle East, 1914-1922 (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0805008578/qid=1036518958/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/103-8090208-6043866)
Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0142002291/qid=1036519044/sr=2-1/ref=sr_2_1/103-8090208-6043866)
War Without End: The Rise of Islamist Terrorism and the Global Response (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0415288029/qid=1036519104/sr=1-5/ref=sr_1_5/103-8090208-6043866)

The problem didn't start with Bush and it's about time we have someone in the White House that is taking a tough stand with the situation. Obvioulsy the use of force is the only thing these fanatics understand.

To the people that say that Bush is making it worse - what would you suggest? Sitting down with the terrorists and negotiate? How many years has the Palestinian and Israeli conflict been going on? How is Bush supposed to solve that when the Palestinians blow up people in restaurants and malls and then Israel goes in to retaliate? America has no jurisdiction over Palestinians and Israelis. What about the UN do more? I thought this was the whole purpose of the UN to solve these type of problems. The Israeli/Palestinian situation seems more of shortcoming of the UN than of the US. Does Bush or the US have any control over what these two people do? Oh - we can cut of funding to Israel of course (the only true democracy in the Middle East) and it won't be long before Israel is wiped off the face of the earth by the Arab countries. I guess that might solve the problem too, at least temporarily until the fanatics turn their eyes on the rest of the world that don't believe what they do. I agree with Grey Wolf - nuking the place would solve everything.

The threat of attack on Iraq is finally getting Hussein to open up Iraq to weapons inspectors. Not that I feel he'll be accomidating if or when they finally get there. We just killed a high ranking official in Al Qaeda. We didn't start this war - but by god we'll finish it.

Any country beside the US can get involved in the Middle East conflict if you don't like the way the US is handling. It's strange - I don't really see too many countries running up to grab the banner. Maybe that's because they know it's a losing situation and there is no quick resolution. Most countries would rather sit on the dimplomatic side lines and just criticise. How many times has England or any other European country hosted the Israeli PM and Arafat? The US has brought them close to agreements before - but it's up to them to follow through once they get home.

Well I'm going off to vote now.

11-05-2002, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by jerseydevil
That won't do jack sh*t. I don't think the fanatical Palestinians (Hamas, etc) even care about having a Palestinian State - their main goal is the elimination of Israel. After that - they will turn their eyes on the "infidels", which some terrorist groups have already done.

Why not try it and see? Of course there will always be nutters, but if they are denied the Palestinian cause as a fig leaf, they will lose their support. Look at the IRA.

Fair point re: the rest of the world. So I take it you would be happy to implement United Nations resolutions regarding the Middle East?

11-05-2002, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by Dunadan
Why not try it and see? Of course there will always be nutters, but if they are denied the Palestinian cause as a fig leaf, they will lose their support. Look at the IRA.

Well Bush was going to make an annoucement concerning the creation of a Palestinian state. It was scheduled ot take place a week after 9/11. Obviously 9/11 got in the way. There are still plans for a Palestinian state - but the way everything is right now how can one be created? The fighting on BOTH sides needs to stop in order for there to be any plans for a Palestinian State and peace in the region.

Fair point re: the rest of the world. So I take it you would be happy to implement United Nations resolutions regarding the Middle East?
I'm upset by the armchair quaterbacking that the world seems to enjoy doing. I still feel that US should get out of the UN and the UN basically can do nothing to keep the peace in the world other than debate. They pass meaningless resolutions that they have neither the guts nor the desire to uphold. But if the world thinks that the US is doing such a terrible job - then maybe they should get more involved - instead of hiding behind us all the time and then criticising.

But of course the UN implemented resolutions against Iraq - Iraq snobbed it's nose at the UN and the UN just went "oh well we tried". The UN has NO BACKBONE and refuses to enforce it's own resolutions. I doubt they'd do much better with the Iraq/Israeli conflict - something they had a DIRECT role in creating along with England.

There were two other books I had bought over the weekend.
The Greatest Threat: Iraq, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and the Crisis of Global Security (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1586480391/qid=1036524548/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/103-8090208-6043866)
War in a Time of Peace: Bush, Clinton, and the Generals (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0743223233/qid=1036524712/sr=2-1/ref=sr_2_1/103-8090208-6043866)

I of course haven't had any time to read all these books. Currently I'm reading "A Peace to End All Peace: Creating the Modern Middle East, 1914-1922"

11-06-2002, 12:43 AM
Well Bush was going to make an annoucement concerning the creation of a Palestinian state. It was scheduled ot take place a week after 9/11.
But..but...I thought that the problem was that foriegners had craved up the Middle east and Muslim holy places are in Israel and thus conflict.

Is that wrong? Please educate me, I loathe nothing more than ignorance.

I can't see how foriegn power meddlign and saying, "ok...this over here? That's Palestine now." is going to be accepted, let alone cause peace. I think your right, jersydevil, the violence needs to stop before anyting else can happen, but how?

11-06-2002, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by Human#3.141592653
I can't see how foriegn power meddlign and saying, "ok...this over here? That's Palestine now." is going to be accepted, let alone cause peace.

Well that's what England and the UN did - they created Isreal and Palestine. England also created Iraq.

I think your right, jersydevil, the violence needs to stop before anyting else can happen, but how?
Well that's the big question and I don't see anything happening anytime soon. Neither side is going to stop. Even if Arafat - which anymore I do question whether he is really for peace or not - wanted to stop the terrorist attacks, it's pretty much out of his control. And if I was an israeli and I had to worry about a suicide bomber killing me in a mall or something and my government just sat there and said "let's give peace a chance" - I'd be pissed if my government didn't retaliate and work to protect me and my family. I don't believe Sharon is really working toward peace either. Both sides are on the road of self desruction.

11-06-2002, 05:01 AM
Originally posted by jerseydevil
Well Bush was going to make an annoucement concerning the creation of a Palestinian state. It was scheduled ot take place a week after 9/11. Obviously 9/11 got in the way. There are still plans for a Palestinian state - but the way everything is right now how can one be created? The fighting on BOTH sides needs to stop in order for there to be any plans for a Palestinian State and peace in the region.
Yes, he's made noises along these lines before, and since. Isn't it ironic that it takes a conservative to get away with radical thinking? Can you imagine Clinton saying that?

Clearly, the Hamas/Al-Quaida-type loonies don't actually want an independent Palestine, as they would lose their constituency. That's also why they want to provoke the US into a West v Islam war. So far, they seem to be succeeding.

Thanks for the references; will look them up when I get time.

11-06-2002, 06:20 AM
Would it help if we just ignored them. Treating then like the obstinate three-year-olds they are (meaning both sides). No more "news" from the area EVER.

But I guess not. Ignoring them would only make them madder. HERE WE ARE. SEE WHAT WE BLEW UP. REACT, WILL YOU!