View Full Version : Plot

Sir Sputnik
05-05-2001, 01:52 PM
I've just finished reading The Hobbit for Childrens Lit
and we have to do a small project. One of the questions is on the plot. I know there is one overall plot but I can't for the life of me fiqure out what the sub-plot's are. The only one I can think of is the battle between the Lake Side people and the wood elves vs. The Dwarves. I do remember esseys the other class mates have done in previous years and I believe there were 3 sub-plots in total. Please let me know what the other 2 sub-plots are or if it's too close to giving me the answer to the teachers question plz tell me if there are two more.


05-05-2001, 06:05 PM
There's Bilbo's relationship to his unconscious desire for more than life in Hobbiton as evidenced that he took on the adventure in the first place.
The relationship of Gandalf to Middle Earth. All of the evils along the way and how they relate (later on ) to Sauron etc.
The rings relationship to its owners past and present.
Sub plots a plenty if you need to break down the overall plot of a Hobbit on an adventure.

Sir Sputnik
05-05-2001, 06:15 PM
Thanks a heap! :)

Mace McClain
05-12-2001, 02:04 PM
Very good way to put it, Spock1.