View Full Version : My 500th post! with thanks to lots of Mooters!

10-25-2002, 11:43 PM
OK – here it is – my 500 post thread!! Whee!!! I'm starting it in the Middle Earth thread, because that's where I hang out the most, although I have reliable information that it will soon be moved to the General Messages forum.... ;)

First, I’d like to thank the academy - er - **wads up paper, gets out other paper** First, I’d like to say thanks to all the admins and mods who work hard to make Entmoot such a pleasant place to post. This is the first board that I’ve ever been on, and I’m so glad I discovered this one first! Thanks, Michael Martinez, for your recommendation and the link from Suite101!

For my 500th post, I decided to choose the title “Halfelven”. Although I really like LoTR (I’ve read it 8 or 9 times) and am deeply touched by its beauty, my heart is really with the elves. And though I know that it’s not real (don’t worry, you don’t need to call the men in the white coats), still I like to imagine that I have just a bit of elvish blood in me, because I am so deeply touched by the beauty of Tolkien’s works. And although R*an was a human woman, like me, (I chose her name because I have always thought it so lovely, although her story is a sad one) she was the great-grandma of Elrond Halfelven, so it’s not entirely inappropriate!

Now, I just wanted to mention and thank a couple of people:

First, I want to thank Khamûl (surprise!) – we’ve never even “talked” on a thread together, but you were the first admin I had contact with, and your pleasant and prompt answers to my newbie PMs really encouraged me to stick around. (I really really did check the FAQ’s first!!) BTW- umm, which team is the War Eagles?

Next, I’d like to say a big thank-you to my favorite admin, Sister Golden Hair! **throws Nargothrond-shaped confetti**. I’ve really appreciated your help, your common sense, your humor, and I’ve especially enjoyed talking over Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth with you!

Which leads me to the threads – SGH and Artanis, I’ve so enjoyed posting with you in Athrabeth and now Laws and Customs – our ladies’ “gab sessions” over the lesser-known works in Morgoth’s Ring have been absolutely wonderful. Thanks!

And my beloved Writing in Tengwar Characters thread – such fun to find other Tengwar writers from around the country (and the world!). What a neat thing to send some Tengwar thru Entmoot across the country and have someone else read it! Let’s get that Kansas Starbucks meeting going, TinuvielChild, katya, sminty, Menelvagor and Eärniel!

The CS Lewis thread – what amazing works this man wrote, and how I’ve enjoyed discussing them here, especially with crickhollow, the only other person in the entire world that I know of that has read and likes Till We Have Faces!

The Horses thread - (check 10/29 post - ran out of room!)

And some other Mooters not tied specifically to the above threads, but with whom I have enjoyed posting very much:

Elfmaster XK, a fellow archery lover that I can discuss the finer points of fletching and finger ledges with, and who so kindly shot off an end for me while I am tied up in the soccer season and can’t go myself.

BoP, who pops into a thread in her sheep-ly way with good posts when I least expect it - oh puhleezze stop teasing me about my lack of HoME books – I can’t staaannnd it anymore! And whatever does your name mean, anyway?

Ñólendil, whose knowledge of ME and use of diacritical marks I have enjoyed so very much (and I’ve enjoyed his wit even more, when he includes it in his posts! I’ll always think of you when I see a goose, Ñólendil! If you guys are wondering, check out the Fantasy vs. Reality thread…) He very kindly sent me all the special keyboard codes so I could put the diacritical marks in Tolkien’s characters’ names myself. Not that my stupid keyboard worked, and I ended up having to put them in my sig to cut and paste into my posts, but it was the thought that counted. (I almost wrote “diuretical marks” once – whoops!)

All my fellow Christians on the board – Go God!! He’s the greatest!! Let’s keep praying for each other – wonderful, isn’t it? And the Bible is even more beautiful than all of Tolkien’s works put together, as I’m sure he would agree.

And finally the lady that I am exchanging emails with across the miles that separate us over a sorrow that we share – I wish I could give you a hug in person, but I’ll just have to keep emailing instead. Let’s keep encouraging each other! (and yes, I can type terrifically fast – that’s why I can write such long-winded posts and still get dinner on the table! Except we had Pollo Loco tonight, to celebrate my new status.)

And I’m sure I forgot some people, so please forgive me and keep posting with me anyway. Thanks again so much, people! Now I absolutely MUST go and do some laundry!!

--Sharon (aka R*an)

Sister Golden Hair
10-25-2002, 11:48 PM
Moving to general messages.:)

10-25-2002, 11:50 PM
Well CHEERS! Rian, I'm so glad you are happy! It's nice to have friends who understand! Liz

10-25-2002, 11:52 PM
Geez, SGH! You are one fast queen of Nargothrond! I was busy typing in my edits (adding all those diacritical marks cut from my sig!) when I suddenly was whooshed into General Messages! My head is still spinning!

Hey Liz! Thanks! And Cheers to you, too!

Sister Golden Hair
10-26-2002, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by R*an
Geez, SGH! You are one fast queen of Nargothrond! I was busy typing in my edits (adding all those diacritical marks cut from my sig!) when I suddenly was whooshed into General Messages! My head is still spinning!

OOPS! Sorry.:eek:

10-26-2002, 04:27 AM
Typical SGH. I'm sure it's a plot to steal our HoME books. *counts 'em.* Yep, still have 11 of the 12. :p

Congrats Rian. It has been a pleasure "encountering" you in the threads. :)

(Will stop bragging about my HoME books now. ;))

10-26-2002, 07:11 AM
Congrats to you R*an, and I've been enjoying talking to you as well. :)

10-26-2002, 10:54 AM
Thanks BoP and Artanis :)

Pretty new avatar, Artanis - is it Galadriel?

Sister Golden Hair
10-26-2002, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by BeardofPants
Typical SGH. I'm sure it's a plot to steal our HoME books. *counts 'em.* Yep, still have 11 of the 12. :p

(Will stop bragging about my HoME books now. ;)) Nope BoP. Have all the HoMe books I want. Watch out for your"letters" book. I am eyeing it.:p

10-26-2002, 12:48 PM
*tosses more confetti* Congratulations, Sharon!

10-26-2002, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by R*an
Pretty new avatar, Artanis - is it Galadriel? Yes, she is on the swan-boat singing her lament when the Fellowship is leaving Lórien. It's a detail from a lovely, much larger pic by Ted Nasmith.

10-26-2002, 02:23 PM
Congrats! I wonder what my post count would be now if I hadn't left forever. Oh well! Excellent choice for your title! Can't wait till I hit the big Five Double Zero! Who knows what I'll choose for my title, or how many times I'll change it. :p Even though you don't know me, I am still insulted that you did not include me individually in your list of thanks, so I will assume you nicknamed me academy. There. No hard feelings! ;) :p

10-26-2002, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by R*an
First, I want to thank Khamûl (surprise!) – we’ve never even “talked” on a thread together, but you were the first admin I had contact with, and your pleasant and prompt answers to my newbie PMs really encouraged me to stick around. (I really really did check the FAQ’s first!!) BTW- umm, which team is the War Eagles? Thanks for the thank you.:D Actually, to tell you the truth... *whispers* I'm not an admin. I'm only a super-moderator.:p And the "War Eagles" are actually my beloved Auburn Tigers. They're the tigers, but their battle cry is War Eagle. It's a long story...

Anyway, I'm glad that you have enjoyed your time here at Entmoot.:)

10-26-2002, 05:45 PM
Aragorn - LOL! :D

10-26-2002, 11:10 PM
Don't know you, but I suppose it's a big event (for some) so Congrats.:D

10-26-2002, 11:52 PM
Thanks, crick! *throws Lewis-shaped confetti* :D Whee!! See you over in CSL thread :)

Thanks, Dussander - and welcome, and I hope you like it here. Start planning your custom title, you get to choose one when you reach 500 posts ;)

Khamûl - hmmm, should you start a thread explaining that one? (eagles, tigers - ??? - lions, tigers, bears - oh my??) I'll ask my Dad if he's heard of them - he's a Ramblin' Wreck from Georgia Tech :)

*runs to hide "Letters" from SGH* .... :eek:

10-27-2002, 04:54 PM
Awww, I'm mentioned! *wipes a tear away* ;)

Congrats on hitting the 500 posts, R*an! Hope to see you around here long enough to double that postcount or so. :)

Watch out for your"letters" book. I am eyeing it.
Good thing mine is in Dutch then.

Radagast The Brown
10-27-2002, 05:07 PM
Congrats R*an!!! :D you're very fsat, you know. In my first month (two monthes) I had 50 posts, I think.

10-27-2002, 05:14 PM
i well done. Unlike me some of your posts are also spelt correctally (and have a point)

10-27-2002, 07:50 PM
Thanks, Eärniel :D Do I get any of your famous chocolate bars? I haven't ever had any :( :) What, do you think I'm overweight or something? But yours don't have any calories! (at least by the time they squeeze thru the phone wires :) ) How's the Tengwar - I'm hoping someone will post some soon, I'm dying to see more samples from people!

*SGH runs by the bookstore and picks up "Dutch in 10 easy lessons" *

Sister Golden Hair
10-27-2002, 07:56 PM
Nah, that Dutch edition is safe. Too old to get interested in learning a new language. However, if your copy is in English, BEWARE!!!:D

10-27-2002, 08:00 PM
Off course you get one! *runs to the cupboard in the kitchen, takes one nice tasty Belgian chocolate bar, runs back upstairs, crams it into the computer, makes it virtual and sends it over*:)

Tengwar's coming along slowly, I'm starting to recognize some of the symbols. But I'm still three phases away from actually writing something down.
*SGH runs by the bookstore and picks up "Dutch in 10 easy lessons" *
Oh no!:eek: Quickly hides nice shining white copy of 'Brieven' (Dutch translation of 'Letters')

Later edit after reading SGH's reply: *sigh of relief* :D

10-27-2002, 08:00 PM
Thanks, Radagast The Brown :) And how did your bar mitzvah (sp?) go? What a special day - hope it was nice. Yes, I really dove in, didn't I? But there's so many interesting topics that it's hard to resist :) My laundry has suffered, though... :eek:

Thanks, Sween :) I like Christmas, too. It's getting close! Don't worry about spelling, just keep posting :) I hope to see you more often on the threads I hang out in (mostly ME forum and Sil).

10-27-2002, 08:05 PM
Thanks, Eärniel - yum!

And I found out, strangely enough, that the actual WRITING of the characters is what really helped me to learn them. I don't know if it was just pulling it into a physical, vs. wholly mental, area that helped, but it sure did. Maybe it will work for you. But I think learning English and Quenya at the same time would be really difficult - I know I would be totally confused. Good luck!

10-27-2002, 08:10 PM
Yes, writing them does help me too to learn them, well at least that's the way it went when I learned the dwarf runes. But I want to be sure that I use the tengwar the way Tolkien used them, so I plan on reading the part about writing Tengwar in LOTR as soon as I can at least tell them apart and afterwards I'm going to look at Letters how the great man himself used them. As soon as I got there, I'm moving to the writing stuff.

Maybe I should have put that in the tengwar thread...

Oh well... :p

10-27-2002, 08:59 PM
Congratulations, R*an!

Entmoot rcoks . . . oh, do have fun with that laundry, please, your Elf Lord-liness!

(note: I put this post in this thread on purpose: This, for anyone who cares, is my 1000th post! Figured it'd be on topic here. :D)

Sister Golden Hair
10-27-2002, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by Laurelyn
Congratulations, R*an!

Entmoot rcoks . . . oh, do have fun with that laundry, please, your Elf Lord-liness!

(note: I put this post in this thread on purpose: This, for anyone who cares, is my 1000th post! Figured it'd be on topic here. :D) Why don't you have a custom title Laurelyn?

Starr Polish
10-27-2002, 10:07 PM
The CS Lewis thread – what amazing works this man wrote, and how I’ve enjoyed discussing them here, especially with crickhollow, the only other person in the entire world that I know of that has read and likes Till We Have Faces!

I never said I didn't LIKE it! Uh! ;)


10-28-2002, 01:06 AM
I got a mention! I'm so proud! Congradulations Rian! Great choice for you title. I promise I'll try and post some tengwar soon!:)

(woah, many exclaimation points :rolleyes: )

10-28-2002, 01:13 PM
Thanks, Laurelyn - and congrats to you, too! :D

and I just LOVE doing laundry ................. NOT!

(hard to picture elves doing laundry, isn't it? "oh, those darn lembas stains are so hard to get out!!")

10-28-2002, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Starr Polish
I never said I didn't LIKE it! Uh! ;)

Sorry :) Put it on the shelf for a few years, let it age a bit, and try again - you might come to like it in a new way. :D I'll try to comment some more on the CSL thread on the areas that I really like, and why, if you're interested. I'm glad you're over there, I really like discussing his works with other people.

And thanks for the congrats!! :D

10-28-2002, 01:21 PM
Thanks, Menelvagor! I'm really looking forward to seeing your writing :D

re my title - do you feel that way, too?

Ms. Undomial
10-28-2002, 01:30 PM
Congraulations Rian!! btw how do I find Tengwar??? I have been looking for it but have never found it.(not the thread, the real stuff) PLease PM me with information how! I am very good at learning how to write in different langueges. I found Greek and learned it fluently in a week! I am hopeing my next one to learn will be tengwer!!! Congrads again!

~*Ms. Undomial*~

10-28-2002, 01:37 PM
Ms. Undomial - thanks for the congrats! :)

Let me just say quickly here that in the Tengwar thread in the ME forum you will find lots of info - links, references to books, etc. I gotta run now, so can't give you more details at this point - let me know by PM or a post here or the Tengwar thread if you found what you needed. YAY! Another Tengwar person!! I hope you have a scanner and can share some of your stuff with us.

10-29-2002, 07:32 AM

10-29-2002, 09:40 PM
Thanks, Elenka! :D :D

Argh! I knew I would forget some people! :eek: Believe me, horse people, I had intended to put you guys in here. I had been thinking of the various people that I wanted to mention in the days before my 500th post, and you guys were definitely in the group. But in posts like this, you are absolutely fated to forget someone, and I forgot the horse thread when I actually sat down to write the post. Sorry! I'll amend my post.

10-29-2002, 10:01 PM
Argh AGAIN! Apparently I hit the post length limit - it wouldn't let me add all this. But this is what I tried to put in:

The Horses thread - where we discuss all the joys of being around the most beautiful animal in all creation (IMHO :) ) - everything from shovelling muck to winning ribbons in a tough class! :D It's been great sharing with Elenka, Erawyn, Shadowfax, ArwenEvenstar, LadyMelia, Iron Parrot, Duddun, and Azalea - the only people who really understand why, after having been kicked, bitten, stepped on, thrown, etc., I still want to be around horses!

Keep riding, guys! And kiss your horses for me, please, I miss them so much! :( :)

11-18-2002, 12:14 AM
Well, this is my 1000th post.:)

I just wanna say thanks to everyone for making these past 8 months here at Entmoot great. It's been lots of fun.:D

Sister Golden Hair
11-18-2002, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by Khamûl
Well, this is my 1000th post.:)

I just wanna say thanks to everyone for making these past 8 months here at Entmoot great. It's been lots of fun.:D Ok fella, want a custom title?:D

11-18-2002, 12:44 AM
Hey, congrats Khamûl!! *throws War Eagle confetti*

Originally posted by Khamûl
Actually, to tell you the truth... *whispers* I'm not an admin. I'm only a super-moderator.:p

Oh, moderator-schmoderator! You'll always be a super admin to me :D

11-18-2002, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
Ok fella, want a custom title?:D Nah, I'm kinda partial to Super Moderator.:D

Whoa, I just realized that I can change that myself. Cool!

Sister Golden Hair
11-18-2002, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by R*an
Hey, congrats Khamûl!! *throws War Eagle confetti*

Oh, moderator-schmoderator! You'll always be a super admin to me :D Shhhh! Don't tell anybody, but there is very little difference between the two.:D

05-07-2003, 01:01 AM
i just got my 1000th posts in 2 and half months. does that mean im a spammer:confused:

05-07-2003, 01:10 AM
Yes, you're a real spammer:D
It took me 3 months just to get 500 posts.

05-07-2003, 05:16 AM
Originally posted by gimli7410
i just got my 1000th posts in 2 and half months. does that mean im a spammer:confused:

Me too. *calculates how long she has been here* Actually, I am nearly 1000 but I've been here for less than 2.5 months. I may beat you yet....(Though I am trying not to spam too much)

Radagast The Brown
05-07-2003, 05:40 AM
It took me a year to get to 2000, I think. Or even more.

05-07-2003, 06:26 AM
I've been here over a year and I don't have 500 posts yet. I'm a good girl :D

05-07-2003, 10:21 AM
I think SGH told me to go to the anything post. you can get a lot of post there

Gwaimir Windgem
05-07-2003, 10:34 AM
I've gotten c. 4343 posts in less than five months. Yes, that makes me a spammer. But at least I don't cheat for posts. :p ;)

05-07-2003, 10:37 AM
I just noticed I'm registred before Gwaimir! 2 months! And he has four times as many posts as me! :eek:

Ah, well, means I'll have to spam more ;)

Gwaimir Windgem
05-07-2003, 10:38 AM
Who's Gwimir? :p

05-07-2003, 10:39 AM
Notice that I edited my post before you posted :p

Gwaimir Windgem
05-07-2003, 10:43 AM
I suppose you want me to take your word for that? :p

05-07-2003, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by Gwaimir Windgem
I suppose you want me to take your word for that? :p
Yes :p

Gwaimir Windgem
05-07-2003, 10:46 AM
Hehe, we've both managed to get a couple more posts out of this. :D

05-07-2003, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by Gwaimir Windgem
I've gotten c. 4343 posts in less than five months. Yes, that makes me a spammer. But at least I don't cheat for posts. :p ;)
yea well there seems to be a lot less threads in the lotr forums so i dont usually have anything to do there and i haven't read the silmarillion(its never at the library) and im not much of a creative writer. but i do go in the entertainment forum:D

05-07-2003, 10:48 AM
Hehe, we've both managed to get a couple more posts out of this.
Hussh, before SGH enters this thread! We'll have to edit our posts so they sound meaningsful...;)

Gwaimir Windgem
05-07-2003, 10:51 AM
I very rarely post in the Silmarillion board, so neh. :p And the Writer's Workshop is new, so neh. :p :p Admit it, I'm the better spammer. :p

I bet you mispelled Gwaimir on purpose, didn't you, Falagar? ;)

05-07-2003, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Gwaimir Windgem
I very rarely post in the Silmarillion board, so neh. :p And the Writer's Workshop is new, so neh. :p :p Admit it, I'm the better spammer. :p

I bet you mispelled Gwaimir on purpose, didn't you, Falagar? ;)
Me? Why should I do that? :rolleyes: :p

05-07-2003, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by Falagar
Me? Why should I do that? :rolleyes: :p To gain post count ;)

05-07-2003, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by Artanis
To gain post count ;)
Are you accusing me for spamming? ;)

Sorry I havn't answered your PM yet, will do so asap :)

05-07-2003, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by Falagar
Are you accusing me for spamming? ;) Me? *innocent look* I was just answering your question. :p

05-07-2003, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Gwaimir Windgem
Admit it, I'm the better spammer. :p

You're really begging for the 'Smelly orc' title aren't you? :p

*regrets, just for once, that she doesn't have admin-powers to make it come true :D*

05-07-2003, 02:00 PM
We could try to PM SGH, you know....;)

Radagast The Brown
05-07-2003, 03:50 PM
Or we can torch him, until he will agree to ask that from SGH. :rolleyes:

05-08-2003, 09:52 AM
-No, no, no. Falagar mispelt Gwaimir because no one knows his name. ;)
-Gwai is the BEST spammer. I think his posting rate breaks records easily.