View Full Version : Ka-ching!

The Lady of Ithilien
10-25-2002, 08:10 PM
This is probably an off-the-wall question, but it came up incidentally while trying to imagine more details about Aragorn for a short story I'm trying to write involving him -- the "writer's help book" I'm using says to write out all sorts of details of a character before you write the synopsis and story, and when I got to "Job," well, it doesn't fit into my story in any way, but one wonders: exactly how was Aragorn supposed to pay his bill at The Prancing Pony when he visited there and other bills elsewhere before he became king?

Possibilities that occurred to me were:
-- the Rangers earned money for their service of protecting the Breeland;
-- they had a stash left over from their glory days;
-- Elrond gave them a stipend;
-- they had fewer compunctions and more practicality than Bilbo when it came to pinching troll hoards that came their way.

Any ideas? References in the works of JRR or Christopher Tolkien? Other?

durin's bane
10-25-2002, 08:20 PM
Well, my advice isn't exactly accurate (check my signature quote for reference) but I think the rangers took any treasure they found during their travels and used it. Or maybe Barliman was scared of Strider and let him stay at The Pony for free. ;)

10-25-2002, 08:45 PM
It seems certain that a ranger, obviously without many high paying gigs, would have a very whatever-I-finds-I-keeps mentality. That alone could probably sustain someone who lived by such simple means as Aragorn. But, didn't he also spend alot of time in Rivendell? I'm sure that in a pinch he could always just mooch off of rich Uncle Elrond.

10-25-2002, 08:53 PM
What an intriguing (and funny) thought! Do you suppose he ended up in the kitchen doing the dishes?
I have no idea, but one of Michael Martinez's essays at Suite 101 dealt with money and the like in Middle Earth. Mostly conjectural, but interesting. Hold on a sec and I'll get the link ..... here it is : money article (http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/tolkien/28208)

10-26-2002, 04:02 AM
Well, if I were Barliman, he could stay for as long as he liked! I mean, if you imagine asking Strider to pay, and he just stands up and looms over you - "No, no, it's just fine, please let me give you the room!"
Of course, I think the rangers would nick any treasure they found. Why not? I see absolutely no problem with that, but maybe I'm just weird. You know, when I was a kid, I found a $20 note on the oval but I still handed it in? I won't make that mistake again!;)
I have no objections to scabbing off Elrond either - just don't get him mad at me! I probably sound a bit of a wimp from this post - I'm not usually, I've just read a bit too much fanfic. That one had Elrond SCARY man, SCARY! Excuse me, I think it's time to go see those nice men in white coats again...

The Lady of Ithilien
10-27-2002, 10:02 AM
one of Michael Martinez's essays at Suite 101 dealt with money and the like in Middle Earth. Mostly conjectural, but interesting. Thanks, Rian! That is an excellent article and I'm going to get Martinez's book, Visualizing Middle-Earth, too. Overall it sounds good, and there's also apparently a section on the Bree economy.

Money, to paraphrase the old saw, makes any world go 'round.

I had remembered Strider's ability to slip over gates when the gatekeeper wasn't looking, and assumed he was just as physically capable of slipping out of an inn room before morning (g). But even if he weren't too noble to do such a thing, practicality would rule it out -- he'd have to come back there again sooner or later.

Hmm, likely the northern Dunadan coinage had long since vanished, and the Rangers of Aragorn's day used a combination of Dwarvish money (obtained in trade perhaps) and monetary support from Elrond. Gilraen did say that without Elrond's help they wouldn't survive, though I hadn't thought of money when reading that the first few times.

10-28-2002, 10:27 AM
I kind of think that as they battled evil, they also took the spoils. They probly gave most of what they took to those who needed it, but kept enough to survive.

10-28-2002, 10:36 AM
I assume Aragorn got paid in serving Rohan and Gondor-maybe he had a good benefit plan.

10-28-2002, 05:49 PM
Let's hope he didn't invest it in stocks ....:eek: :eek:

10-29-2002, 11:52 AM
I think Strider had one huge tab to pay after he became king!

10-30-2002, 12:56 PM
travellers cheques ?

10-30-2002, 01:06 PM
He may have earned his money on gambling or poker...
Must have been easy for him to hide false cards in those clothes...

The Lady of Ithilien
11-03-2002, 07:35 PM
I think Strider had one huge tab to pay after he became king! :) Yes, I'd thought of that, too: bankrupted Gondor the day after his coronation, most likely. No wonder Barliman made that remark about him drinking out of a golden cup. :D

I assume Aragorn got paid in serving Rohan and Gondor-maybe he had a good benefit plan. Maybe :) Though he walked off before being fully invested.

That does lead into another question I've been wondering about: what weapons did he use before the shards of Narsil were reforged. Likely Thengel and/or Ecthelion gave him a sword and mail.

And in light of madeyejay's excellent point about pragmatic Rangers keeping the proceeds, Aragorn as Thorongil did defeat the Corsairs, didn't he? (It was second time he encountered them during the War of the Ring.) Mighty hefty proceeds from that, yet he didn't keep them but moved on (towards Mordor, I think). Maybe the Rangers, even with Elrond's help, weren't very well off, and he sent money north during all his travels.