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10-23-2002, 07:04 PM
Okay, this is a new rpg, and I don't think it should start until at least 3 people have joined.
The basic plot is, Aragorn's dead, Frodo and all the other fellowship members are either dead or in the Grey Havens, except for Gandalf, who knowing that Arwen now is ailing, needs to find a new king for Gondor.
There is a prophecy to finding him: He shall be where a company finds him, a group of Elves, hobbits, dwarves and men. (can be altered if one of those is not present, also needs a Gandalf) He shall be fair and loyal to all he calls friend. A scar upon his hand, shall show the blood pact in which Aragorn gave him.

Everything else is, changeable.
What ever you yourself want to be go ahead, evil characters? great, I really don't care.
(I can't find a template so I am winging it)

Mirkwood Elf (accompanied Gandalf on the trip from the grey havens)
Female: Name- Aeryn
Age: 108 summers.
description: tall, slender, brown/blue.
WoC (weapon of choice): bow and arrow/ also a light elvish sword.
Attitude: Considered impulsive by other elves, being so 'young'. A planner, thinks ahead, but can get a little too carried away with details. Fun loving, and yet cynical. Yes a box of contradictions.

Opening Scene: In the bar room at bree. late at night (stormy weather)

Many of the locals notice a shadowy figure in the corner, but don't pay much mind. In the past, as they know, there have been strange folk abroad.
When the figure comes out of the shadows to motion for Butterbur, they are amazed to see a She-Elf.
~~~In the corner~~~
Aeryn notices a few astonished glances come her way, but pay no mind.
"Butterbur," she speaks soflty,"You wouldn't know of anyone who would...like an adventure around these parts, now would you?" she smiles winningly at the old man, whose face was full of doubt and suspiscion. (sp).

Fred Baggins
10-23-2002, 08:14 PM
ooc: Freddy Burrows
Go to "Characters" to see my description of him
ic: I saw the elf talking to Old Butterbur. He was getting hard of hearing though and she had to repeat herself. I heard her this time.
"An adventure you say? I'm game for an adventure."
Maybe I was a bit to eager, but I soo wanted to see more then just Bree and Hobbiton. Butterbur looked confused.
"I think you have had enough ale for tonight Freddy. You are not yet come of age." I couldn't help but laugh inwardly. "I said ADVENTURE!" Butterbur understood this time. "O adventure. Why didn't you say that in the first time?"

10-23-2002, 08:30 PM
Aeryn eyed the hobbit, measured him up. She smiles warmly.
"So, you are looking for adventure? And what exactly do you hope to find?" She said kindly. Freddy, as she presumed his name, was a happy looking fellow, brighy intelligent eyes. She liked intelligence.
She looked at Butterbur who seemed to have forgotten what he was doing, and stood in front of her, scratching his head.
"Thank you Barliman." She said abruptly. Nodding her head in an affirmative. And the fat man ambled away.
She again turned her gaze to the hobbit. "Well?"

Fred Baggins
10-23-2002, 08:57 PM
"Well, something besides what I have seen for 29 years. Mountains, rivers, and most of all danger." That is what I wanted right. Ever since I was a lad I had longed for danger like in Bilbo's storys. That wa what I wanted. 'O and of course, I hope to see Ents. You know like the ones in Merridocs and Perrigrins storys!"

10-23-2002, 09:10 PM
"You remember alot for a hobbit of Bree, I was beginning to think that everyone here was like dear old Butterbur."
She pulls out a chair for the hobbit to sit. She fills him in about the search for a king of Gondor and the prophecy. "Gandalf left not long ago to scour the woods for other willing companions. He will be going to Rivendell where I was planning to meet him next. We, of course, may go on to Imladris in the morning, I still hold out hope for some other willing adventurer."
Aeryn cocked her head to the window, and sat motionless..she heard what sounded like a scream but...could it really have been?

Fred Baggins
10-23-2002, 09:27 PM
I sat down and introduced myself, makeing sure not to mention anything that needent be mentioned. She told me what the adventure was, and as I was pondering it there was a scream outside. I filled me with fear, what was it? I tried not to show my fear, after all what would an elven lady think of a hobbit who could not even handle strange events in his own town?

10-23-2002, 09:38 PM
"Wargs." Aeryn whispered quietly, eyes dark. She looked at Fred who, was obviously trying to hide fear, but failed to quit shaking.
"Don't worry," she soothed, "I'll be back." She drew her long, thin sword, and took strides to leave the Inn.
As she stepped out into the cold and rainy night, she saw a hooded figure, walking quickly in the direction of the warg screams. She shadowed the stranger, who seemed oblvious to that fact. They travelled like this for sometime, until she spoke, "Why do you feel the need to protect Bree?"

OOC: Anyone jump on in, anytime, :)

Fred Baggins
10-23-2002, 09:52 PM
"Wargs" She said. I thought to myself "Of course it is only wargs. I must be nervous. How can I not know the scream of two of my best friends kind! What a fool I am." I soon calmed down knowing that if it were my friends they wouldn't have dared coming so close to Bree. As for the rest, I had no fear of them. They were all talk and no bite. Besides, Prisca was in the stable nearby, and if anything would happen...but now I talk to much.

OOC: The wargs being friends kinda ties in with WHO Freddy is.

10-23-2002, 10:04 PM
OOC: Ouch, okay, my mistake? no no no it was my charcters mistake, shes very er 'jump the gun!' yeah yeah...uh huh.

Aeryn saw with disgust that the person she was following was none other than Daran, A Rogue half-elf, an outcast of Rivendell, a waif.
D."I do not plan on protecting anything" he said almost lazily. "I know the creatures from around here, so does your companion." He smirked.
Aeryn hated when people smirked. She continued to stare at him stonily. Aeryn povited on her heal to go back to the Inn, but Daran grabbed her arm. He whispered in her ear."Ask him what he is." then he let her go.
Aeryn dusted herself off, disgusted, and paced back to the Inn. Intending to ask her little companion just that.

Fred Baggins
10-23-2002, 10:31 PM
OCC: why are you apoligizing? :confused:

She came in and asked who I was. And she hadn't even told me HER name yet! But I told her. Maybe not all the truth, but does she really need to know about the quest?
"I am Fredigar Burrows, an ordinary hobbit with a natural lust for adventure. That is all."
A lust for adventure, and a love for HER. But she only ignores me. Just because everyone else hates her, doesn't mean everyone does.
I wondered if the lady knew that I knew wargs. Probably not. not many knew that, or cared to know. After all I have no important title, what would they care. unimportant hobbits like myself can do things without many people thinking them queer. That is what i liked about my station.

10-23-2002, 10:40 PM
OOC: you did introduce yourself, everyone hates my charcter? I knew she was angsty but I didn't know it went that far? ;)

Aeryn eyed the hobbit warily, What's he hiding, she thought.
"Why did ..." She struggled to bring herself to say it,"my friend say that you knew some of the...inhabitants of the wood?" She inobstrusively jerked her head towards the windows.

She watched the little hobbit, looking for signs of deception, She prided herself on being able to irradicate liars.

Fred Baggins
10-23-2002, 10:49 PM
occ: I don't hate your character.:confused:
ic: "The inhabit-? O you mean-? Well that is no secret. Yes I know Fred and Merry, the-the wargs. Good freinds of mine. actually... well I could go on and on about them, but they are on the good side, or Merry is anyway. I'm afraid Fred doesn't have a side, what with not REALLY being a warg and all."
I could see she was crafty. I musn't let on that I know to much. That is all right though. She may be good at detecting lies, but I am even better at hiding them. Besides I was under a oath anyway. Never tell anyone they said, and for good reason. "I know two wargs, and the rest are nothing to be worried about, for they are weak."

Occ: Comon this is fun, are we going to be the only ones doing this RP or is someone else going to join?

Fred Baggins
10-24-2002, 07:19 PM
I could tell that my pony needed food, so I went outside to the stables to feed him.

ooc: I am opening it to any otheres who wanna join, to come join!

10-24-2002, 07:36 PM
OOC: Okay, I'll be Mirial! (hmmm wonder where I got that...)
-Spy for the rising Saruman(although I (me) is from Rohan)-
-5'7-(' means feet right?)
-Blonde, blue- (urgh another blonde-blue yeah)

Never done this before!!
Watches the little hobbit feeding his pony, very pretty pony she thought to herself. She edged forward through the bushes not making a sound. Should she interigate the little one? Saruman was hoping,of course, to take over Gondor...could the hobbit and the elven maiden hinder his wishes?

Fred Baggins
10-24-2002, 07:51 PM
occ:Pony descrip:
Brown, with a silver glint in places. Tall, not really pony size.
Welcome Mirial! Glad to have ya!

10-24-2002, 08:14 PM
Sighs inwardly as she sits in her room, wondering exactly how to go about getting to Imladris. It takes days yes, but it is much quicker with a light load, and a fast horse. Then again, what was the rush anyway? Imladris wasn't going to get up and walk away now was it?
Aeryn really wished to take it easy, she hadn't seen middle earth since she was but a child. It was quite interesting, and all the old tales of the creatures and peoples really had sparked her interest.
She began to wonder where Freddy had gone.

Fred Baggins
10-24-2002, 08:25 PM
I was feeding Prisca when, my pony, my best friend. He understood me. I began to talk to him as I often do, telling him what was happening, but not out loud of course, ion his head, that was the only way he could respond. Then I pulled him out and he bent down and I climed on, I ride bareback, and Took him around Bree, to excersize him before I went back in. Then when we got back to the stables I cooled him down and put him back in the stall. "Well Prisca I have to go back in now, I will be out in the morning." I turned to go back.

10-24-2002, 08:43 PM
When the hobbit came back, Mirial decided she should introduce herself, get information. She stepped out of the bushes, and putting her most charming face on (she considered herself VERY charming, and everyone of course agreed) nad said in the sweetest voice possible. "Oh fair hobbit, where are you going?"

Fred Baggins
10-24-2002, 09:35 PM
Fair hobbit? Well that was a first, no one calls a Burrows "Fair". Must be out of town...I think, but i decided to play dumb...or normal for how a Burrows should appear.
"Back to the Inn, to meet a friend"

10-24-2002, 09:38 PM
Aeryn found herself drifting off to sleep. So to keep awake she went back to the smokey din downstairs.
"I wonder what Freddy's up to." She whispers to no one imparticular.

10-24-2002, 09:42 PM
Mirial bats her lashes, "Well, sir. Would you mind awfully if I joined you?" seeing the look of dismay onhis face she quickly added,"I am a stranger in these parts, and have found many an unfriendly face here."
She hoped the ruse was working.

10-24-2002, 09:46 PM
Glanced out the window of the room and saw Freddy, with a tall pretty women Aeryn didnt recognize. She grinned "Go Fred."
She honestly thought it was odd for a Human to show interest in a Halfling, but stranger things have happend, like Elves falling in love with Men.

Fred Baggins
10-24-2002, 09:52 PM
Hmm...Stranger indeed. And unfreindly faces? In Bree? Hmm...
"Well Ma'm, I'm not sure. You see if you come along i am afriad I am the only nice face you shall see." Think fast Freddy! "However, you look tired, and i shall take you."
Real bright. Good one Freddy, just take her along. Well maybe she isn't as bad as you think? But just in case I whistled, a silent whistle, and close behind followed a white four legged figure.

occ: and it's Freddy Fred is another character.:)

10-24-2002, 09:56 PM
A shiver runs up her spine as she walks with the hobbit, an odd feeling of being watched came over her, she ignored it. "My name is Mirial, and you are?"

10-24-2002, 10:00 PM
Glances over her shoulder, not being able to shake that paranoid feeling, and...nothing...hmmm...I wonder, she thought.

Fred Baggins
10-24-2002, 10:02 PM
"Freddy, son of Ereddy."
Ereddy was my father, a craftsman, always tinkering with new ideas, and "inventing" things.
I did not trust giving my whole name to her.

10-24-2002, 10:07 PM
Mirial, almost reading the little hobbits mind says "Do you not trust a weary traveller?"
She nods, as if he answered, and walks in a different direction, "Everyone in these parts seem to think I am a bad person, just because I'm from Rohan, does not mean I am untrustworthy!"

Fred Baggins
10-24-2002, 10:15 PM
Rohan? Well that spriked my interest. Surly I needn't be untrustworthy of someone from Rohan.
"Rohan? Really, well maybe you can help me with something?"
I held the door to the inn open, opeing the lady would accept my invite. My friend lay outside in the shadows.

ooc: I added something to Freddy's descrip. in "Characters"

10-24-2002, 10:19 PM
Mirial's eyes flashed briefly, she loved being evil, it was all there was...She walked into the in, giving a small smile to Freddy. "I would be happy to help you."
Walking into the Inn was an experience, smoke, and a strong smell of mead poured over her in waves, she seated herself on a chair at a small table, ignoring the looks of the men at the bar.

10-24-2002, 10:21 PM
Watching the young women and Freddy come into the, she saw the Maiden sit at a dwarfs table.
Aeryn raised her hand to get Freddy's attention, motioned him to come sit in the corner table they had sat in before.

Fred Baggins
10-24-2002, 10:25 PM
I sat down and lit my pipe, and seeing Aeryn, motioned her over.
"Aeryn this is Mirial a stranger in my good town. I belive she may be able to help me with a problem of mine." I tried to send a thought message to Aeryn, but it is harder to send to humans then to animals. This was my thought message. "She is from Rohan, so I belive I can trust her, but my friend is restless, so we should be careful not to reveal to much.

10-24-2002, 10:28 PM
OOC: *hums along with the radio*
IC: Saw the elf in the corner, ugh, not elves...Saruman said not to be around them...his doom would be because of it he said. Mirial gracefully stood and spoke in a more than chipper voice, "Well, is it a pleasure! I have never met an Elf, how old are you?" She could have laughed at the look of disgust that flickered on Aeryn's face.

10-24-2002, 10:31 PM
Aeryn's hand went to her blade, she sensed something dark on the girl, something evil. Not only that but she was deeply offended, you should never ask an Elfs AGE!
Aeryn looks at Fred, is seemed like he said somthing like "Rohan...Don't Trust.." but it was very muffled. Or perhaps it was "Rohan-Dont Tell"?
"What did you say?" Not knowing if she was speaking to Mirial or to Freddy.

Fred Baggins
10-24-2002, 10:39 PM
Good one Freddy. I shouldn't have treid that, and not only that but I think that she would know if Mirial was bad.
"Nothing, just muttering to myself." I hoped against hope that she would drop the subject. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my freind lying under the window, but out of the light. He was still worried. I turned to Mirial.
"Well, I hope you can help me friend. You I have been trying to find out if there is perhaps some kind of magic involved with your horses?"
I leaned back and let out a beautiful smoke ring, and watched it shange colors and go where I told it to, till It went up the chimeny.

10-24-2002, 10:39 PM

10-24-2002, 10:43 PM
"Magic," She smiled coyly, ignoring Aeryns glares."Well, I am not quite at liberty to say...I mean it is an old art ...is it not?"
She reached up with a hand touching the smoke ring which currently, disappeared.
Ahe let out a squeak, Aeryn's hand was on her arm, and her face was to her ear whispering,"You shall tell whatever we ask girl."
Mirial's eyes bulged, and she looked at Freddy helplessly.

OOC: Man am I mixing up the names!!

Fred Baggins
10-24-2002, 10:44 PM
I tried harder this time to send the thought message.I think that we may trust her for the time being. just tell nothing of the quest,it isn't like she is Bell- I cut myself off.

10-24-2002, 10:46 PM
Aeryn grinned at Freddy, she understood everything he said perfectly this time. "Bella. who?...Belladonna perhaps?" she said.

OOC: Ms. Undomial, your Pm box is full, delete it.

10-24-2002, 10:48 PM
"I-I" then stops, she was grasping for words making herself seem guilty, "I apologize for whatever I said wrong Miss."

OOC: I have to go!

Ms. Undomial
10-24-2002, 10:49 PM
May I join??


Name: Losillewen (Rose maiden)
Race: Elf (Galadrim)
Age: OLD
Backround: She does not know what house she is from. She is one of the Galadrim. She left Lorien when she was 200 and has been wandering middle earth for most of her life.

there, how is that?? please let me know whether or not I can join soon!

Fred Baggins
10-24-2002, 10:49 PM
Hmm, magic. Well not quite, just a little faith. And yes I did mean Belladona. Belladona Gamgee, as a matter of fact, but she is of no concern. I meant not what I said.

10-24-2002, 10:52 PM
OOC: me too in about 10, I hate weeknights if I stay up too late I;m a crank and if I go to bed to early....Im a crank?! Join us Ms. Your Charcter is fine!

"It is fine, but mind your tongue otherwise" she spoke sharply.
Mirial nodded solemnly. Good, she thought.
"Freddy Why you you be curious about the horses anyway?"

Fred Baggins
10-24-2002, 10:56 PM
occ: me too! grr.

ic: I sat back and blew another one, concentrating hard on this one. There I mde it. Shapes are so much harder than rings. It was a unisus, a cross betewn a pegasus and a unicorn. It gave off a silver glint.
"I think I know of a pony who is magic. A pony that came from Rohan."
I gestured to the unisis, which floated above me.
"have you ever seen one of those?"

10-24-2002, 11:00 PM
OOC: Gotta go! Ms. Undomial, my pm wont go through, I do see your post, if Freddy here ;) is gunna stay for a bit, you go ahead anf continue.

IC: "No, but I have hear tales, of such things...not that I believe them," she quickly added.
"Freddy, If I may take your leave tonight, I must rest before our journey. Goonight!"

OOC: mirial already left huh?

Fred Baggins
10-24-2002, 11:04 PM
I stood up as the elf left the room and when she was gone I sat back down and contiued to smoke my pipe. The two ladys were gone for the night, in their rooms. My friend would have followed Mirial, but I warned him not to.

Ms. Undomial
10-24-2002, 11:06 PM
ooc: thank you!!

ic: I had just come to the gate of bree when it began to pour down rain. the gatekeeper let me in and I hurried to the prancing pony. I knew where it was because I had been there many a time. I walked in and went to old butterbur and asked for a room. He looked at me as if he had never seen a elf before." Hello miss. I don't get elves in here very often. espiecally not pretty ones. of corse you can have a room" He told me which room and I thanked him. I went to my room and changed my clothes and went downstairs to have something to eat. when I sat down I noticed that there was another elf across the room talking to a woman and a hobbit. I was just thinking about going over there when....

Fred Baggins
10-24-2002, 11:17 PM
occ: Sorry, Ms. the ladys went to bed.

Ms. Undomial
10-24-2002, 11:24 PM
ooc: yea i know. i will try to make up for it.

ic: before I had a chane to talk to them the two ladies went to bed. the little hobbit was all alone sitting at the table. I decieded to go and talk to him. i stood up and walked over to him. "Hello young sir." I said "I am quite lonely and I thought you might be able to cheer me up a bit. Hobbit are quite good at that you know."

Fred Baggins
10-25-2002, 06:46 PM
Well, this certinatly was my day. Every one wanting to talk to a Burrows! Wait'll I tell the guys! I stood up and puled out a chair for the lady.
" 'Ello M'lady. Freddy Gamgee at your service. How exactly would you like me to entertain?"
Before she could answer, a few of the hobbits begane to yell at me saying"Play 'er the 'arp Freddy!"
I turned red.
"Is that what you want m'lady?"

Ms. Undomial
10-25-2002, 06:53 PM
Yes please my dear perion. freddy is it??? hum.... I once knew a freddy... but that was long ago. yes please do. the harp is one of my favorite instruments!

Fred Baggins
10-25-2002, 07:14 PM
"I will be right back"
Walks out of the room and soon comes back rolling a big harp on wheels.
"Any requests M'lady?"

Ms. Undomial
10-25-2002, 07:31 PM
No Freddy, no requests. anything is fine. thank you though.

Fred Baggins
10-25-2002, 07:37 PM
I sat down and began to play a faroite of mine, "May it Be". The Inn hushed and listened as the music floated around the room. As I played I begane to think of the most beautiful creature alive, as I always do when I play. My mind focased on her, as the music became increasingly beautiful. Belladona Gamgee is who I saw, with whome I am in love. It is the thought of her that makes my music so beautiful.
ooc: sorry if that is too lovy dovy. I can change it if you want, it just that thinking of her is the only thing that can make his music happen.

10-25-2002, 09:03 PM
OOC: Hello, again, dearies!

10-25-2002, 09:09 PM
Walk up early in a small room of the inn, the irresistable smell of eggs wafting through the corridors. Mirial didn't quite know where she was. Then she groaned, that stupid little town with that evil Elf woman, and the ignorant little hobbit.
Mirial jumped two feet in the air, what was that? she thought. She looked out the window and thought she saw something white run passed.

Fred Baggins
10-25-2002, 09:16 PM
Hmm, must have drifeted off while playing. Someone helped me to my room though, that was good. I made sure that no one had taken my horn, then climbed out of bed, I was still in my clothes from the night before so I changed and wandered out to the Common Room.

10-25-2002, 09:21 PM
Had gotten up before the sun rose. Was busy in the stables, tending the horses.
Yawned as the sun gleamed into her eyes, wonder when those bunch of ninnies will get up.
Aeryn smiled at the memory of Freddy sitting at the harp snoring the night before, the common room had been deserted. She thought that the Halflings were such cute creatures.

Fred Baggins
10-25-2002, 09:25 PM
*As she looked at Freddy's pony, she noticed a faint silver glint in the brown coat.*

I sat down to some mushroom pancakes. As I was eating i heard a crash, and out the window I saw my friend.

10-25-2002, 09:33 PM
*watches Aeryn in the stable* "This is the perfect chance!" she whispered. *quickly gets dressed and brings her sword with her.**heads for the stables smiling pleasently*

10-25-2002, 09:34 PM
OOC: what country y'all from anyway!? Isn't Friday the BEST!

Ms. Undomial
10-25-2002, 09:36 PM
After Freddy played the harp, he fell asleep, and a fellow hobbit helped him to his room, and I went up to my room and started unpacking. at about 8:00 in the morning I went out to the stables and found a elf tending the horses. when I looked at her more closely I noticed that she was the elf that had been at Freddy's table the night before. "good morning" I said. she looked up at me quickly as if she just now noticed that I was there. "I am sorry," i said "i didn't mean to startle you".

10-25-2002, 09:41 PM
"You didn't startle me." She says, in an odd tone. "I just thought you were..."Shakes her head." Thought you were someone else..."
Eyes go distant briefly, then swin back into focus, "So where are you from? and I dont think I caught your name?"

10-25-2002, 09:42 PM
Mirial saw another girl talking to Aeryn. Aeryn seemed to snap a reply and answer in a calmer manner.
"Damn!" she hisses through her teeth.

Ms. Undomial
10-25-2002, 09:44 PM
"I am from Lothlorien. I just got here last night. My name is Losillewen. what may I ask is your name??"

Fred Baggins
10-25-2002, 09:44 PM
I finished my 1st breakfast and decided to take a walk. I love the morning, when it is so quiet, and all lazy hobbits and Big People are alseep. i went outside and found my friend, the warg. We talked awhile in the ally, and he told me what he had learned about Mirial."I don't trust her at all. If I were you I would take her out." he said. I looked at him surprised, and said "Hush Merry. How could you think like that! You know I don't 'take out' people."
He grumbled, and I went to the stables to say hello to Prisca,y pony. In the stables were the lady from last night and Aeryn.

10-25-2002, 09:48 PM
"Losillewen, yes Lothlorien is grand this time of year is it not?" She said her voice more than slightly reminisant," Aeryn, I am originally from Mirkwood. What brings you to Bree?"

10-25-2002, 09:55 PM
Takes a deep breath and runs head on towards Aeryn, sword gleaming, thinking all the while, :im gunna get you!:

Fred Baggins
10-25-2002, 10:00 PM
I had just climed on my pony when i saw Mirial jump out at Aeryn. I Grabbed my horn and blew. Fear stricks the heart of foes and joy the hearts of friends.I felt a flash of light around me and now, instead of my pony was my unisus. He pointed his horn at her before she could do anything. He was soon joined by a growling white warg, Merry my friend.

Ms. Undomial
10-25-2002, 10:00 PM
She heard Mireal running in she unshethed her sword and turned around and caught miral's sword with her sword just in time! "What in Middle Earth are you doing?" I said

10-25-2002, 10:00 PM
Quickly strings her bow with arrow and shoots, hitting the charging girl in the heart with an arrow. Sees Mirial stop abruptly, and look down in horror, she began to shreak something in her own language, looking murderously at Aeryn the entire time.

Ms. Undomial
10-25-2002, 10:02 PM
ooc: ack aeryn! I will try to fix that.

ic: before I knew what had happend Aeryn had shot a arrow that was aimed for Miral's heart. thankfully my sword was right in front of her heart so the arrow never hit the flesh.

10-25-2002, 10:04 PM
OOC: I imediately stop? Man, I am a wimp.

IC: Begans to rock back in forth, drawing strange signs allow the ground in dirt and blood.
She looks up to see the women looking at her wide eyed, and mouths agape, Mirial quietly says, "He is coming" and smiles, a terrible triumphant smile, "You will not find the heir, He will come, and you will die."

OOC: Okay I am hypothetically talking like Saruman never died okay? He never went to hobbiton and took over, and Wormtongue never went either.
Ms. Undomial, it's okay if there are mistakes! :) This is for fun, right?

Ms. Undomial
10-25-2002, 10:07 PM
Miral edit your post!

10-25-2002, 10:11 PM
why? I like the fact something exciting is going down!

Fred Baggins
10-25-2002, 10:12 PM
I spoke a word of warning to Merry in wargish. My sward was drawn, though I would not hinder anyone with it unless needed. Ruell tried to fold his wings around me to protect me but I would not let him, it wasn't I that was attacked. I did not want harm to come upon anyone, but it was to late. Aeryns bow had hit it's mark. I treid to trade thoughts with Ruell, sk him to heal her, but I doubted he would.

Ms. Undomial
10-25-2002, 10:14 PM
Yea I know but look at my post before! ok lets try this again.

ic: My sword didn't wholely block the arrow. it hit my sword but didn't totally stop. it hit Miral in the lower heart. "why did you do that Aeryn??" i said. I didn't know why she shot her in the heart, she could of done something less fatal like the leg.

10-25-2002, 10:16 PM
saw Freddy come up with his 'horse' as he called it. Aeryn made a mental note to talk to him about this wonderful surprise, but she had bigger fish to fry.
"Who is coming?" she asked kneeling next to Mirial, desciding to take a risk. "Who is coming girl?"
Looks at Loriswellen (sorry about spelling) "We have known she was something dark, I--I always aim for the heart!" Furrowed her eyebrows, what else was she supposed to do?

Fred Baggins
10-25-2002, 10:20 PM
I could see that I was not needed. Ruell went back to plain onld Prisca, and I took her back to the stall. Merry followed. I talked to them.
"Why!Why would anyone want death in such a happy place. I hate death."
Prisca thought to me,"But it is nature for evil to want death. That is why I am here."
I brushed her down and went back to the Inn. i couldn't bare such pain. Merry went back to the woods.

Ms. Undomial
10-25-2002, 10:22 PM
"Always aim for the heart"? "too young to know better". *shook head* then I thought "who is comeing"? I had learned a little bit of telepathy from Galadrial and I tried it on Miral. it was hard at first but I kepted on trying and finally succeded. "I will only tell them if Miral does not tell them" i thought.

10-25-2002, 10:26 PM
Laughs hysterically, "Curuman...He does love to kill know a days," her eyes flash at the hobbit."especially nosey little hobbits who get in his business."
Although inside she was feeling dizzy and scared, she was wondering why she had believed Curuman in the first place...she knew his voice was poison, but she couldnt have been effected could she?
A loud POP came and the area filled with dust, along with a high pitched cackling.
"He is here."

10-25-2002, 10:28 PM
she was now pissed. Why would anyone take sides with that idiot? She stooped down and grabbed the smiling girl...putting her in the stables. Why were people so gullible.
A tall old man stood outside, a staff in hand. He wore a robe of many colors.
"Saruman, you are not allowed to use magic." came another voice, one that Aeryn was happy and relieved to hear, Mithrandir.

Fred Baggins
10-25-2002, 10:30 PM
I knew i had left to soon. I ran back and got on Ruell, he had changed back, and was again standing out side on Ruell.

10-25-2002, 10:31 PM
Tells Losillewen to quit holding her blade in front of her.
" Do not worry ~!" wanders where the hobbit went.

Ms. Undomial
10-25-2002, 10:33 PM
I brought my blad down. Mithandir I thought. wow. it was very nice to have him turn up.

Fred Baggins
10-25-2002, 10:34 PM
i couldn't belive it. Was it really Gandalf? The only wizard I ever meet was Radagast, who was told to look after Belladona. but here in front of me was Gandalf. I would have bowed if I could have.

10-25-2002, 10:37 PM
OOC: G: is for gandalf speaking s: is for saruman

G:"I said no magic, and no mischeif."
S:"You stupid soft hearted fool, you will never find the heir! I shall rule Gondor!"
G: "You know of the prophecies, Saruman, you were there when they were told, have you become so deluted in your plotting and schemeing you cannot see that good always wins?"
S: "Where is my servant? What have you done with her!?"
G: "I believe that she was not your servant Saruman." Gandalf said in a threatening voice, erecting himself to his full height, and seemed to grow in malice "take your voice out of her mind, or I will."
S: laughs crudely "You cannot harm me gandalf! I have eh..a Divine wind shall we say?" although fear was prevelant in his voice.
G: begins speaking in tongues.
S: eyes become wide and he too mutters spells, but currently disappears.

10-25-2002, 10:44 PM
Screams in protest and in pain,"you stupid old coot! Make him come back!" then begins to cry again, incoherent, yet heated words coming out of her mouth.
"He said he would bring him back! He swore if I helped him he would! Bring him back ----"

Ms. Undomial
10-25-2002, 10:45 PM
Thinking " wow, that was cool." I went to my horse, Namarie I called her. it was a weird name for a horse but when i was young I vowed that my 10th horse would be named Farewell. It was a black horse and one might think it was a ringwrathes horse. It could go faster then a ringwrath though. for his mother was Asfolth, and his father was unkown. I smiled at him as I thought of Asfolth and Glorfindel and how Asfolth had out run the ringwrathes, for the blood of Asfolth flowed in Namarie's veins.

Fred Baggins
10-25-2002, 10:46 PM
I turned around surprised and relized I must have left the stable doors open. Merry quikly warnd her to be silent though.

Ms. Undomial
10-25-2002, 10:48 PM
ooc: Fred- what do you mean by "her"?

10-25-2002, 10:50 PM
"Shut up!" she said to mirial, "do not speak to mithrandir in such a voice, I should-"raises her hand, which is caught by Mithrandir.
He said "You- go- you have failed me- go somewhere and stay there-" he really didn't mean it but he was angry, putting people at risk, neaerly killing an innocent.
He stooped over the sobbing Gondorian woman, "Hush," he said as he magically healed her wound, " He promises many things, and does not follow through-"
Aeryn heard nothing else, she had feld from the compound. Furious and heart broken.

Fred Baggins
10-25-2002, 10:51 PM
occ: Mirial.

Fred Baggins
10-25-2002, 10:53 PM
I stared at him. Galdalf. It was amazing. I almost forgot I was on Ruell.

10-25-2002, 10:53 PM
OOC:Yeah Freddy-poo?

Fred Baggins
10-25-2002, 10:55 PM
ooc: I was answering Ms. Undomial. O and I am Fred. My chacter is Freddy and I am Fred. Big dif.

Ms. Undomial
10-25-2002, 10:56 PM
I ran after Aeryn. "Aeryn!" I shouted. when I caught up to her i said "Aeryn, He didn't mean it. he was just angry. will you please come with me for a ride??" I hoped it would work. if she agreed I could find out what she was up to and mabe something else...

10-25-2002, 10:56 PM
Once she had reached the gates of Bree, blood running through her veins, adrenaline pumping, she whistled shrilly. Artamir, her horse would be coming soon, if Gandalf did not want her around, fine, that's how it would be. She turned to Losillewen, and just looked at her. How would he know such a thing?

Fred Baggins
10-25-2002, 11:00 PM
"Gandalf?" I got off Ruell, and once again he was Prisca. "Galndalf? Hi, I am Freddy Burrows. I-I think it is a great honor to meet you, Gandalf.

occ:I have to go now, getting kicked off.

Ms. Undomial
10-25-2002, 11:07 PM
I callled for my horse and he came running. I mounted him and rode towards the gate. I thought I knew what Aeryn was up to and I decided to catch up to her and find out where she was going.

10-25-2002, 11:11 PM
Artamir, (a honey color) galloped up neighing with excitement at the propect of a ride. Aeryn managed a small smile. At least some friend last, she thought bitterly.
The gate keeper was gone so she opened the gates.

OOC: mirial left too! :( where's everybody think they are going?)

Ms. Undomial
10-25-2002, 11:15 PM
ooc: I don't know where everyone is going but I will be here for a little while yet.

ic: I caught up to Aeryn. she had opened up the gates and was about to close them when i rode up. "may I join you?" i asked. she looked at me doubtfully and for a second I thought she would get angry.

10-25-2002, 11:19 PM
"Come along then." was all she could manage, she was thankful that she wouldn't have to leave without an explanation.

~~~~Back at the prancing pony~~~~
Gandalf and put Mirial into an enchanted sleep, and put her in her room. He had got quite alot of imformation out of the 'great spy' she claimed to be.
He sat in the chair smoking his pipe, thinking about where the rest had gone off to.

Ms. Undomial
10-25-2002, 11:26 PM
"what do you intend to do now?" I asked. "where are you from? for I have noticed that you are a sweet spoken elf, so that can mean one of two things; either you are one of the Galadrim, or you are one of the race of elves from Mirkwood. for only thouse two races of elves are sweet spoken. as i have all ready told you, I am one of the Galadrim from the fare land of Lothlorien. sience you are an elf, may I ask what are you doing so far from your own country??"

10-25-2002, 11:29 PM
Waves a hand in the air, "Mirkwood, but I do not remember it well...I was a child when my family went to the Grey Havens."
Smiles despite herself, she- sweet spoken? no one had ever said that before. She figured this Elf-maiden to be even younger than herself.

Ms. Undomial
10-25-2002, 11:33 PM
I had tried to use my telepathy on Aeryn and it worked. "Nay I am not younger than you but much older. when was the last time you have been among fellow elves? it must have been a while ago for it is true that you are sweet spoken.

10-25-2002, 11:37 PM
Let herself laugh out loud, "My fellow elves, --well--we do not always see eye to eye you see-- we in fact--never see eye to eye--and so I am sort of a recluse, I have my friends among the foxes so I am not yet a Rogue...but my day will come...I "Argue with authority and don't listen to intructions" apparently."
"You knew Galadriel? She has not spoken of you." seeing the shocked look on Losillewen's face she continued, " I have spoken with her before, one of the only people I get along with now-a-days"

Ms. Undomial
10-25-2002, 11:39 PM
ooc: I gotta go! I will write more tomorrow!

10-25-2002, 11:44 PM
OOC: Later

Ms. Undomial
10-25-2002, 11:50 PM
ooc: i am back!!

ic: "you have spoken with Galadrial?? she has never spoken of you either." I marvelled at this for not many elves of Mirkwood have seen the Lady of the golden wood. we talked for a while about nothing. I was hoping to get knews of her backround and family and why she didn't go off to the west with them. "where do you plan to go now?" I asked.

Fred Baggins
10-26-2002, 01:01 PM
occ: Sorry i had to leave in a bad spot, so am wraping that up for now.

ic:I took Prisca back into his stall, wondering if a hobbit such as myself was really fit for such an adventure. Perhaps not, I was only a Burrows after all. I headed back to the Inn and instead of going to the common room, headed to my own room to smoke in peace and ponder wether or not to go.

10-26-2002, 07:06 PM
OOC: Ms. I ((Aeryn the charcter)) did go to the grey Havens.

IC: Losillewen seemed to be digging for something, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it, when dusk came, she talked me into going back to Bree for the night.

Fred Baggins
10-26-2002, 07:20 PM
Before I knew it I spent the entire day in my room. I grabbed my horn and headed to the common room for a meal. I noticed that Gandalf was there and I introduced myself.
" Gandalf, it is a pleasure to meet you sir. I am Freddy Burrows. I have asked to go along on the quest to find King Aragorn's heir."

10-26-2002, 07:34 PM
OOC: Fred, you mind when you have a convo with G you do his response? My computer (sucky thing) keeps locking up.

*chants* kill him kill him kill him!

Fred Baggins
10-26-2002, 07:43 PM
occ: Sure I am used to talking to myself, while RPing, since I usualy have more then one character. Though, I am really better with characters i make up my own, but I will try. Sorry if I kill Gandalf!

Fred Baggins
10-26-2002, 07:49 PM
G- Well, Freddy it is a pleasure to meet you. And why may I ask do you want to come along.

F-Well to begin with it was just to go on an adventure and see new things. But now that I know more about it I wish to go to help, and I think I may be able to. I wish only to be able to help, I offer my services to the quest.

We talked for awhlie about the quest then Gandalf changed the subject.

G-Where did you find that unisus?

Fred Baggins
10-26-2002, 08:11 PM
He asked a question wich I could not answer. I told him the best I could.

F-Well, when I was a child, I found a pony in the forest. I never knew he was a unisus untill I inhearited the horn from Uncle Merry. The first time I blew it he changed to a unisus. I am not sure how he got here, since there are no unisus' on Middle-Earth. There is more about him, but I do not know what.

We discused the matter of my pony for awhile.

Ms. Undomial
10-26-2002, 09:24 PM
when night came I perswaded Aeryn to come back to bree. She was supisicious about me asking all the questions about her family i could tell. in bree i went to my room and changed my clothes to a pretty white and blue dress. then I went downstairs and had somthing to eat. while I was there I noticed Freddy talking to Gandalf. I decided to go over there and talk to them.
"Hello Freddy" I said "how is your pony doing?" he looked at me stragely as if he was saying "buzz off. I am in the middle of somthing can't you tell?"

Fred Baggins
10-26-2002, 11:12 PM
occ:Actually Freddy isn't at all like that, just to let you know. I will go along with it this time though.

ic: We talked long hours about unisus, mainly mine. I was getting very involved in the conversation when Losillewen came up and asked about my pony. I surprised me, having another person talk to me and I turned around and looked at her. It must have been a killer look because she backed away. "Fine, he is fine." I answered. I didn't mean to sound so mean, but she had inturupted Gandalf, just about as he was going to say something about how the unisus might have gotten here.

10-26-2002, 11:26 PM
Interesting read, but it is getting a little boring, do some battle, get pig drunk, something.:cool:

Ms. Undomial
10-27-2002, 05:04 PM
ooc: Dussander- since when were you telling us what to do?? :p okay I will make somthing good happen soon....
Freddy- Ok. sorry about that.

ic: I left freddy talking to gandalf and went upstairs to change to some riding clothes. while I was changing I thought I heard a Scream, but then everything went quiet so i decided to let the matter rest. I went out to Namarie and mounted him, I decided to go riding out side bree in hope of some adventure. I went to he gate and told the gatekeeper that I would be back in two or three hours, little did I know then it would be more like two or three days.

Want to know what happens to Losillewen?? want to find out what the scream was?? want to know more??? stay logged on and in a moment we will bring you back to "The Quest for Aragorm's Heir"!

10-27-2002, 06:43 PM
OOC: I'm even interested to know, get on with it :)

Ms. Undomial
10-27-2002, 07:02 PM
ooc: really?? that is good. why should I get on with it?? I mean it will be more intersting if I keep all of you in suspence....just kidding! :)

ic: as she is riding she hears another scream and this time she is sure it is not her imagination. she gallops towards the Scream and is supprised to find another elf, siting on the forest floor and crying.(this a young elf; 50 or so) she appeared to me as a very young elf that twisted her ankle. I asked her what happend in quenya and she answered me in the common tounge, "I am being followed by a large group of orcs and i fell and twisted my ankle, they will be here any minute. can you help me please??" I felt very sorry for the poor girl and smiled gently at her. "of course I will help you." I quickly helped her on my horse and I mounted in back of her. "which way are they comming?" I asked. "from over there" she answered. well I was very dissapointed. if they were coming any way exepet that way we could escape to bree but now there was no chance of us getting there. "Namarie, lets go" i said in Quenya.

want to learn more??? stay logged on and you will find out next time on "THe Quest for Aragorn's Heir"!!

10-27-2002, 07:23 PM
Tossed back in forth at her room in the Inn. She couldn't sleep, and she certainly didn't want to show her face in the Common Room. what with Gandalf down there in all.
In the distance she heard a scream, but only thought that the maker of the scream was one of Freddy's many secrets.

Fred Baggins
10-27-2002, 07:30 PM
ic:Woah! One of Freddy's secrets? If you think Freddy has secrets You don't know Belladona well do ya?

occ: Losillewen, left after that. I don't know where she went. Maybe to inspect the scream. Gandalf didn't seem worried about it so neither was I. We talked long into the night.

Ms. Undomial
10-27-2002, 07:37 PM
ooc: ok here is some more of my story. Freddy- you got ooc and ic backwards. Ic means "in content" and ooc means "out of content". ok??

ic: when Namarie finally stoped running i decieded we were far away from the orcs for them to think that we had gone towards rivendell. I dismounted and set up camp decideding that we would spend the night there. I layed down some blankets and took a look at the elf's ankle. "My name Is Losillewen. I am from Lothlorien. what is your name and where are you from?" I asked. "I am from everywhere. my name is Caelwen. I was walking in the wood tonight and sudenly orcs sprong up from nowhere and i started to run. I sliped and twisted my ankle, I think." "alright" i said. "tomorrow I will take you anywhere within 10 miles of here. or if you like i will take you to bree, and there you can rest for a while before you go 'everywhere' again." "May I decide in the morning?" she asked. "sure" i said. in the middle of the night after I had tended her ankle I thought I heard something. then suddenly out of nowhere came....

want to learn more?? stay logged on and we will be right back to hear about "The Quest for Aragorn's Heir"!!

10-27-2002, 07:40 PM
After laying awake for more than a half hour, she decided to get up and face facts. She needed to speak with Gandalf about what happened and get the information for when the Ship would be back to take her back to the Grey Havens, and also to tell him that they were going to leave today.

She quickly dressed in her usual attire and went done to the smokey din below.

Ms. Undomial
10-27-2002, 07:43 PM
ooc: are you guys getting board of my story?? if so I can make it stop quick....

Fred Baggins
10-27-2002, 07:44 PM
ooc:I knew that I just got it confused this one time

ic: We were smoking, When Aeryn came. I nodded and left. I needed some sleep anyway.

10-27-2002, 07:48 PM
OOC: Go on Ms. Undomial, continue!

10-27-2002, 07:53 PM
Nodded at Freddy who wuickly scuttled out of the room.
She sat down next to Gandalf who was quiet for a while, smoking his pipe, a disgusting smell emitting from it.
"Gandalf, I'm sorry about...about the girl, Mirial, I knew she wasn't good but I-"
"Don't apologize Aeryn." He said quietly, "I wasn't really upset with you, I was just generally upset."
Aeryn sighed,"Where did she go?"
Gandalf actually smiled at her, " Late last night I had Daran take her to Rivendell she will be ready for the adventure then. She must be rid of his voice."
Aeryn looked at him cynically, " You can't honestly trust her Gandalf, she was going to kill me, and probably Try to kill Losillewen and Freddy, you can't trust a murderer!" she said loudly banging her fist on the table causing several people to turn her way.
"I trust you don't I?" Gandalf asked, not really wanting an answer.

Aeryn became quiet and still, the past blazing in her mind.

Ms. Undomial
10-27-2002, 08:21 PM
ooc: okay.

then out of nowhere came about 100 ranger of teh north(they gaurded teh shire then. remember??). "Elen Sila lummen omemtilmo. I am a elf from Lothlorien, and we were pursude by orcs a little way back." i said. he answered in the common tounge; "hello. for a moment there we thought you yourselves were orcs. but now I see that you are not. there was a band of orcs heading this way and we just finisher them off." the leader of the rangers said. "My name is Losillewen. I am a Galadrim heading for Bree. My companion is sleeping and she must not be wakend. Her name is Caelwen, she is a elf and she says that she is from everywhere. we will be heading for bree in the morning so please leave us for the time being. I thank you for destroying the orcs and I hope to meet you again before the end of the world for Aragorn was one of your kindred and I knew him and loved him." after we talked for a while the rangers left, and we were once again alone.

I will right more later!!!

10-27-2002, 08:35 PM
Stared blankly at Gandalf, "You know that I don't like to talk about...about that...I've asked you not to talk about it either...I hope you certainly didn't tell Mr. Burrows...He has enough secrets of his own that I can't quite figure...I don't want them to have reason not to trust me......" her voice faded at the end.
Gandalf chuckled, "You do not care what people think of you remember?" He was of course speaking of a conversation she had before they split up... 'You must be careful to be kind to the people you will meet, they may think something of it if you...if you are as curt with them as you are with your kindred' he had lectured, she had just nodded lamely and replied,' and you think I care what they will think Mithrandir? I care not for the perseptions of others'.....
She shook her head. What was she supposed to say to that?

Ms. Undomial
10-27-2002, 08:50 PM
ooc: people lets get this thread to the morning so I can make somthing happen(morning of the thread; not real morning)!! please!!! Aeryn, I think you are well suited for the job.... so if you accept...... well is it a yes, it should be because...... thank you for saying yes! I would like it to be morning within 5 minites.... t-5 and counting....

10-27-2002, 08:53 PM
She shook her head, and took her leave of Gandalf. She went to her room and remained awake when dawn came.

Ms. Undomial
10-27-2002, 09:06 PM
ooc: thank you aeryn! *later* I am back now!!

ic: when Morning came I awakend Caelwen and helped her get on Namarie. she had decided to come with me to Bree, so we started off on the journy. Namarie had run long and hard the night before so we had no clue how far we were from bree. I knew the general direction though so at least we were not totally lost. we talked long and so I learned about her backround. She was born one of the Galadrim....

Ms. Undomial
10-27-2002, 09:16 PM
ic: She was Born one of the Galadrim and when she was very young her parents took her to mirkwood. later there her parents were killed by orcs and she was taken care of by teh mirkwood elves. she has no Idea who her parents are, and neither did the elves of mirkwood. I told her that I did not know who my parent were either and they were also killed by orcs after they left Lothlorien with my younger sister. we sleped in the forest that night and figured that the next day we would get to bree.

10-27-2002, 09:19 PM
When the sun finally began to peak over the earth, Aeryn went outside, packing her horse, Artamir. She could tell he was still mad about the fact they didn't leave last night.
Mithrandir accompanied her, saying he was going to wait for an old friend, and they began to speak of the quickest way to Imladris.
"The Road, Mithrandir, is the only way, it is quick enough as long as the horses are fine with riding all the way through, a quick rest 24 hours after we start and then anoth 15 hours. There is no other exceptable way, especially with a Hobbit. You know how they wander. AND this Hobbit has never been far from Bree, you musts see the logic in travelling the roads." Aeryn lectured.
Gandalf said with little interest."Yes, but the roads are now watched by orcs, looking for a band. They have been plundering anyone they came across, especially Elves. You know of the rivalry, it is a pity they do not remember their heritage." His voice drifted.
"Please do not speak of such things, they are far from where they originated. The orcs are no problem to for us. Losillewen, you, and myself could fend them off. I am sure even Freddy would get a few wacks in. But the Urak-Hi (sp) they are also watching the roads, but they to are in the woods. The Road is by far safer."
Her ears perked up she heard swift hoof-beats. Running very fast, and without burden. She smiled, must be Shadowfax. "An old friend, Mithrandir."
His eyes twinkled and he smiled back, nodding.

Ms. Undomial
10-27-2002, 09:24 PM
ooc: will someone please take care of the day that I just went through??

ic: we got up the next morning and ate our breakfast then got on the road. by noon we were in sight of the gates of bree. we went to the prancing pony and I told Caelwen to go to my room I would be there shortly. I took Namarie to the Stables and found Aeryn there tending Atramir. "Quel Andune." i said. "you will never believe what I have been through the last two days!!!!" I told her about my adventure and she said she wanted to see Caelwen's ankle and see if she could do anything about it, I could tell that was not the real reason, but I took her up to see Caelwen anyway.

10-27-2002, 09:31 PM
Aeryn smirked at Caelwen. "You consider this an ankle wound?"
The girl nodded timidly, and Aeryn rolled her eyes."It is but sprained girl!" She firmly wrapped the ankle, all the while mentally feeling for darkness on the maiden.

Ms. Undomial
10-27-2002, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by Aeryn
Aeryn smirked at Caelwen. "You consider this an ankle wound?"
The girl nodded timidly, and Aeryn rolled her eyes."It is but sprained girl!" She firmly wrapped the ankle, all the while mentally feeling for darkness on the maiden.

ooc: Aeryn, That was a bit hard..... what do you want to happen?? where do we go from here? Rivendell?

10-27-2002, 09:43 PM
OOC: As I said in my Charcter info, she's cynical, and right now I imagine her feeling angsty so it wasnt hard for the situation. Let's go to Imladris, but we have to get Freddy up, and such first.

Ms. Undomial
10-27-2002, 10:04 PM
ooc: okey doke! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!!

ic: I talked to Aeryn, and she said that she and Gandalf were going to Imladris and we could join them if we wanted to. I talked to Caelwen about it and she said she would love to go. while we were packing we got on the Subject of Aeryn.

Caelwen: "I guess she is nice but she was rather mean to me."

Losillewen: "well that was just your first meeting. when I first met her it was kind of weird too." I told her about Miral and Aeryn's "I always go for the heart", and that she was probably older then Aeryn.

Losillewen: "what is your weapon? for you might need one on the road. I have a sword and bow so I can lend you which ever one you prefer"

Caelwen: "I like the bow best. I am okay with the sword but I am best with the bow. "

Losillewen: "well that is good because I am better with the sword." and with that I took her out to the stables showed her the horse I had bought her. "his name is Bregedalagos." i told her.

Caelwen: "he is Beautiful!! thank you so much!!"

we met Gandalf, Aeryn, Freddy, and Miral at the bree gate, and started off on the journey.

ooc: how is that?? lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!!

10-27-2002, 10:08 PM
OOC: YECH! Calm down !

Aeryn saw that the Elven girl was coming. She looked at Losillewen with a bit of disdain. "I have not packed another horse, I don't even know if there is one in bree. And where do you get oof bringing a child on sucha dangerous quest?"
Aeryn's mind wandered as Losillewen floundered for an answer. Wow, she thought, Caelwen looks almost identical to her...

Ms. Undomial
10-27-2002, 10:14 PM
ooc: Nice going Aeryn!!! you must have been reading my mind!!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! is this annoying yet??

ic: Losillewen: I have already gotten a horse for Caelwen. And also, She is NOT a CHILD!! SHE IS OLDER THEN YOU ARE!!

Caelwen: If I am not wanted I will stay here....

Losillewen: you will do nothing of the sort Caelwen. also Aeryn, if you think Caelwen is a child then is Freddy a Man???

ooc:lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!! lets go get freddy up!!

10-27-2002, 10:20 PM
OOC: Impossible Ms. I said I'm 108 you said she was 50...ahem, in elven standards that is just coming of age! And Freddy is up NITWIT!

Looked daggers at the two of them, "Have I lost control here? What you fail to realize is that I am leading this expedition, and you must consult me before you take in every waif up off the streets of Bree!"
Gandalf quickly jumped in," You two stop your bickering, we will get no where with the two of you acting this way!"
Freddy piped up, sitting on his 'pony' Prisca, "Yeah, we are only as strong as we are united, and I don't see any unity!"
Aeryn threw her hands up, "Fine, just...fine." She hoped on her horse, and put him into a gallop. The others had to hurry to keep up.
Gandalf looked grave, and was thinking of Boromir. Would it happen again, he thought wildly.

Ms. Undomial
10-27-2002, 10:30 PM
ooc: actually I never said that she was 50, and if she is my sister(we will soon find this out) then she must be older that 50! I am 300+ so if she is my little sister the she is about 150+. nice story line. :)

ic: Losillewen: I am sorry Aeryn, If I had known it was your expedition I would have not come at all!! but it is not my way to hold a grudge, so I apologize for talking rashly. it is just I have felt somthing in this girl that I haven't felt for a long time. not since my family went away. to speak plainer I feel like I have a connection to this girl. as a matter of fact, before I came here I asked Elrond to find out if my younger sister is still alive, and he said he would find out asap. and that is one of the reasons I am going with you to Imaladris. Because you see I don't know who my parent were, or my sister, so I don't know weather or not I have any living relatives. :(

10-27-2002, 10:35 PM
Aeryn made no move to answer. It all made sense. It wasn't her quest. And it wasn't her desision. But she wanted someone to be angry with. Everything had seem to be going wrong, and she didn't want to blame it on herself.
She waved her hand finally disinterestedly and said in a half commited voice. "Tis all right, no harm is done." and quickly directed the horse next to Gandalf, "What is on YOUR mind old friend?"

Ms. Undomial
10-27-2002, 10:42 PM
ic: Caelwen: I think it would have been better if I never came. all I have done is cause trouble between you and Aeryn. maybe I should turn back...

Losillewen: you should do nothing of the sort Caelwen! it is alright, Aeryn was just Angry.

Caelwen: yes I know she was angry but she doesn't like me. she thinks i am a child.

Losillewen: I know she thinks you are a child, but oh well. you will show your use in battle. I promise. then she will think better of you. as you well know orcs roam these woods so well will have a battle weather we like it or not.

Caelwen: how long will it take us to get to Imladris??

Losillewen: Why don't you go ask Aeryn? I know how far it is but you should talk to her.

Caelwen: okay, I suppose I will. *she rides up to Aeryn* Excuse me?? How far is it to Imaldris?

10-27-2002, 10:53 PM
" -- No Gandalf, I won't make any such mistake aga-" Aeryn was cut short.
"Excuse me, how long is it to Imladris" Asked Caelwen.
Aeryn looked at her long, their horses hoof beats falling into rythme, "Well, it is about 40 hours straight through, but I doubt the horses will make it that far, or Mr. Burrows for that matter, He's already complaining about his butt hurting. So I think We she ride at least until midnight, have a short rest, and continue on, but only time will tell." She said in a kind way, trying to make up for her rudeness earlier.

Gandalf had fallen back and was now talking animatedly and laughing with Losillewen and Freddy. Aeryn wished she could be like that...but the past was to close to resurfacing, and to close for comfort.

"Who are you really Caelwen?" She asked suddenly and earnestly.

OOC: Gotta go in 5 minutes

Ms. Undomial
10-27-2002, 10:57 PM
Caelwen: what do you mean?? I am from Lothlorien, and a little bit of mirkwood. I do not understand the question "who are you really?". I am Caelwen, I am unsure of who my parents are, one thing I do know though, I had a older sister named Losi. the elves of mirkwood told me that.

*Meanwhile back with gandalf and Losillewen and freddy* Losillewen:Gandalf Where do you intend to go after Imladris??

Gandalf: I don't know yet.

Freddy: I do!! I do!! WE GO ON A QUEST!!!

Losillewen: we are on a quest Freddy Dear. A quest to try to get to Imladris.

Gandalf: what do you mean by 'try to get to Imladris'??? of course we will get to Imladris!

Losillewen: what make you so sure?? there are tons of orcs on the road. how do you know we won't get killed or something??

Freddy: killed?? you mean we might get killed on this quest??

Gandalf: no Freddy, We wil not get killed. *trying to sound hope ful* we just might have to kill a few orcs before the journey is over....

Freddy: kill some orcs!!! I am outta here!!

Losillewen: *also trying to sound hopeful* oh Freddy, it won't be all that bad...

Freddy: not all that bad???

Fred Baggins
10-28-2002, 01:02 AM
ooc: Sorry, I had to leave to youth group and couldn't put up a bye sign. Will wake him up for tonight. then we can cont. tomorow night. O what he is up sorry. tomorow.

10-28-2002, 07:43 PM
Looked at Caelwen long and hard, "I knew this ...Losi ... of which you speak, and so do you...I don't think you should make her wait much longer..."

Heard Freddy ask, "Not all that bad?"
"What is not bad Freddy?"
He looked at her, his pallor was an ashen grey color,"Orcs...killed...I don't want to be killed..."
Aeryn laughs with relief, "The Orcs are push-overs Freddy, just your size. You can hew them down, as long as you are a swordsman, the Uruk though...they are nothing for you to toil with..." A disgusted look flick on her features.

"On, on now! We are losing pace!" Gandalf exclaimed jovially.

Fred Baggins
10-28-2002, 07:47 PM
ooc:WOAH!!! FREDDY IS NOT THAT WACKED! I AM BUT NOT FREDDY! Hey I know he is just a hobbit, but he is more than that...he is, he is, well do you think a normal hobbit would have a unisus for no good reason? Grr...

Fred Baggins
10-28-2002, 08:08 PM
ooc: humph. He isn't Bilbo ya know! I think he knew about the chance of getting killed...

ic:The thought of getting killed shocked me at first. Aeryn told me that orks were really nothing though, which calmed me down, besides, I was prett sure Merry was following, he had been since Fran had got mad at him. Poor Merry, did nothing to get Fran mad at him, just was him is all. But he hadn't left me alone since then. And besides I had my sword, and lessons from Mr. Perigrin and Mr. Merridoc as well. And on top of that my protector, Ruell.

10-29-2002, 10:37 AM
I would so love to join this rpg

here is my charachter

Name: Lord zavron Commander of the ancient fifth legion.
Race: Half elf half dragon.
Description: A tall elf fairish hair always wears flowing black robes.
weapons: A lightning axe, Keeper of the elemental weapons, Fire sword, Ice sword, weather staff, stone spears, and the Earth mattock able to cause earthquakes.
Has the dragonsbane and was raised by dragons.
Horse or creature: Has horse called Hontre and a dragon called xave.

zavron staggers into barlimans bar
z:another beer barley!c'mon hurry up man!!
b:allright allright sir im goin'!
z:any news tonight barley!
B:why yes sir actually ive just been talking too two people just now i dont know their names but they said they were looking for people in an adventure!, BRRR! adventures hate the damn things
barliman turns and starts pooring a beer, there was a strange amulet that was shining on zavrons neck it flashed and it wasn't seen in bree again
B: well sir here it is .... WHAT!!!

he said these words as he turned round as he faced his customer there was no customer he had dissapeared!

B:well I never!

10-29-2002, 11:16 AM
zavron gallops through a glen on his faithful stead hontre when two marauding orcs drunk and lost jump out at him hollering and cursing they drew there long bent swords but not fast enough he was off his horse and they were dead with a flashand soon he was on his way .

flash the horse dissapeared from sight flash there it was again a COUPLE OF MILES ALONG THE ROAD FLASH IT WAS GONE AGAIN the horse moved with a unnatural speed for this horse was of the breed of the horse shadowfax infact it was shadowfax's female offspring.

zavron was led by a strnge force to a certain place where he knew not.

by sunrise he was finally at his destination

Ms. Undomial
10-29-2002, 12:35 PM
ooc: sorry I wasn't here last night, my computer was having problems.. :rolleyes: but ah well. Welcome Zavron!! glad to have you!!

ic: Caelwen: *in a wisper* I don't know what you mean. I have noticed how close Losi and Losillewen are, but I don't know if we are really sisters.
*in the backround*
Freddy: but if the Balrog had wings then he couldn't have possiblly fallen in the abyss.

Losillewen: but they didn't have to be funtional(sp) wings.

Gandalf: will you please stop the bickering about the balrog.

Losillewen: why?? it is something interesting to talk about.

Freddy: yea it is something interesting to talk about.

Losillewen: if you don't like it gandalf you can join Aeryn and Caelwen up ahead.

Gandalf: I just might do that. anything to get away from your arguments(sp)!

ooc: Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!!

Fred Baggins
10-29-2002, 07:34 PM
ooc:great! She made it apart of her sig! A little over board maybe Ms. Undomial? FREDDY IS UP!!!GOLLIE! O and welcome Zavron!

10-29-2002, 07:56 PM
OOC: ZAVRON! HURRAY FOR ZAVRON!!!! I could give you a kiss...but I won't!

Aeryn's eyes grew dark, roomer ws going through the glade. The bickering of her companions didn't help matters. The birds had gone quiet. But, why?

Fred Baggins
10-29-2002, 08:42 PM
ooc: sorry I changed the ponys name. It is Ruell, and the Unisus is Fimm. Got that? Do I even have a say?*Grumbles* I am preactically not even playing my own character any more.

Before I knew it we where have a discussion about the Balrog.
"But if the Balrog had wings then he couldn't have possiblly fallen in the abyss. "
Gandalf got mad and joined the elves ahead. I grew silent, as noticed strange behavior from Ruell. The birds where quiet, something wasn't right.

10-29-2002, 11:38 PM
Due to a request from the thread starter Aeryn, I am closing this thread.

11-02-2002, 02:37 AM
Due to another request by the thread starter Aeryn, this thread will now be re-opened.

11-02-2002, 02:12 PM
zavron stopped imediately he had heard voices getting closer he had no idea where he was all he knew was that this was where he was supposed to be, he crepped behind a bush and waited for them to go by there was a hobbit, three elves, and.... GANDALF!!! Gandalf allmost certain of it! what were they doing they seemed to be talking about balrogs strangely enough!
zavron made his mind up to step out..

z: "hello there, who might you be!!!"

gandalf quickly drew his sword but once he saw who it was he put it away again.

g: " zavron my old friend! how are you!"

z: " Fine, fine thankyou very much, what are you doing out here with three elves and a hobbit?"

g: " depends on why your interested? were on a Quest?"

z: " a quest for what and why?"

g: " thats confidential unless youd like to join us?"

aeryn: " gandalf shouldnt we here more about this " zavron" and shouldnt we have some say on this before we jump to conclusions."

g:'' go on then''

ooc: hows that? :D :D :D

Fred Baggins
11-02-2002, 02:42 PM
ooc: love your avatar, if you come back Khamûl!

ic: I looked at the man Gandalf called Zavron, looking him over. I heard his tone of voice when he asked where Gandalf was going with three elvs, and a hobbit. Where was I going? Perhaps I had no place here, perhaps Mr.Pippin was right, that you shouldn't go looking for adventures, that you should let them find you. Perhaps I should go back and actually try to live like a normal hobbit.But then Gaffer says, when there are too many perhaps, do what your heart tells you, and my heart told me to stay. Still, no one respects a hobbit.

Ms. Undomial
11-02-2002, 04:19 PM
ooc: Thank you Aeryn!!! Freddy- empty your mailbox.

Losillewen: *I looked "Zavron" over and noticed freddy didn't like him.* "Gandalf, How have you come to know this Zavron???

ooc: Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!! Lets go get Freddy up!!

Fred Baggins
11-02-2002, 07:44 PM
ooc:Ok, lets get this straight. I am Fred, my charachter is Freddy. Fred, Freddy, Fred, Freddy. There is a difference!

11-02-2002, 08:44 PM

Fred Baggins
11-02-2002, 08:52 PM
I will ignore that...

11-02-2002, 08:57 PM

Fred Baggins
11-02-2002, 09:05 PM

11-03-2002, 06:39 AM
ooc:WHOA!!!!! whats all the ruckas!!!

I noticed the staring eyes of the group that were before me especially the hobbit. I could sense that he disliked me in some way.

Gandalf eventually gave me all the details of their quest and that it was a quite important one for that

z: "Hmmm..... I understand what you are looking for. So you say you are heading for Imladris I will come along with you and help! I may be able to offer my service you might need it, especially with a hobbit in your group I hear that they are rather clumsy!"

freddy: "cough, cough!!"

G: " well that may be so but as I said to frodo baggins 'there is more about you than people say!' "

z:" well that may be right but I think I can help none the less"

I got upon my horse 'Hontre' and joineed the group at the end next to the elf called Aeryn and started to talk about some of the details of the quest.

G:" come, come!!, we still have many Hours before we reach

ooc: what do you think of that :) :D :) ;)

Fred Baggins
11-03-2002, 02:24 PM
ooc:Boy, you must not like getting off on a good start with my characters do you Zavron?

ic: <I don't like him one bit> I thought to Ruell. <There's something about him that just isn't right, and i don't just mean insulting me.> I looked behind at him, taking in his features. I didn't like it, worse then a ranger if you catch my meaning. "Not one bit" I muttered to myself.

I pulled Ruell to the back, wanting to walk by myself for awhile. I thought about the newcomer, trying to figure out what it was I didn't like. Besides the insult. Clumsy? That's dwarves thankyou.

Ms. Undomial
11-03-2002, 04:32 PM
ic: Losillewen: *I went to Zavron in hope of getting some information out of him* "Zavron is it? My name is Losillewen. I am one of the Galadrim. May I ask where are you from?" we talked for a little while about Galadrial and about his backround. I didn't like him or trust him at all. "But," I thought "Gandalf seems to trust him so I guess he must be alright. he is not telling me all of his backround. I don't think he trusts me either"

ooc: where is Aeryn?? has she left this thread??

11-05-2002, 12:33 PM
ooc: no offense freddy this sorts everything out :D

I rode forward a little and trotted along beside the hobbit.

z: " so... from your looks i think you don't like me, also i sense that you are uneasy about something please there is no reason for any of you to be afraid I understand your Quest and why you are on it so please tell me."

suddenly freddy felt that he may dislike him, but there was another side to this person.

Freddy:" how do you know?"

z: "I have a secret too" i let out a huge sigh a glazed look came over my face that glinted in the moonlight "Please do tell me what your feeling uneasy about."

Fred Baggins
11-05-2002, 09:01 PM
*I looked at him, and decided that even though there was definatly something about him i didn't like, he was all right.* I don't really know what it is that makes me uneasy. It is almost like I can sence Mordor on you, or something to that affect. Like, a traitorism. And here I go blabbing all this to the very one I am talking about. *I relized how stupid I was being and clamped my mouth shut. But I did have this feeling as though, he would be the one to kill-no not quite kill, but harm me at least.*

ooc:Don't worry it has something to do with something I am going to have happen towards the end.

Ms. Undomial
11-05-2002, 09:07 PM
ooc: something interesting towards the end?? is it tassty? is it scrumtiously crunchy? tell uss... yess precious make him tellss usss.....TELLS USS NOW!!! PLEASE!?!? my patience is lesssining.... yesss preciousss, make him tell uss NOW!!!!!

Fred Baggins
11-05-2002, 09:18 PM
occ:Sorry Ms. That would ruin it! But I will tell you that Freddy isn't going back to The Shire or Bree anytime soon!

Ms. Undomial
11-06-2002, 03:54 PM
ooc: Freddy isn't going back to the shire? WELL I COULD OF TOLD YOU THAT!! well anyway, get on with the story!

Fred Baggins
11-06-2002, 07:34 PM
*Sighs* I ment after the adventure he isn't going back.

Ms. Undomial
11-06-2002, 08:28 PM
what is he going ot do? find Belladona? marry somebody?

Fred Baggins
11-06-2002, 08:36 PM
ooc: I told you that I can't tell you!

ic: I begane to stroke Ruell, makeing the hiden unicorn flicker slightly.

Ms. Undomial
11-06-2002, 08:52 PM
ooc: where is everybody? are we the only ones keeping this thread alive?

11-06-2002, 09:20 PM
Mirial decided after making it to Rivendell, to go back with an elven prince to look for the others. Would she be welcomed? Or would they snub her for her actions?

The elven lad (dude? guy? what am I supposed to say huh?) Aman, kept talking, and talking, and talking. It got rather boring hearing the same stories over and over again, and hearing his entire life's story, 573 years worth...She inwardly begged for a release from the lunatic....

OOC: How is that?

11-06-2002, 10:20 PM
OOC: I'll go for a while.

Aeryn made no acknowledgement of Zavron, Not really fully comprehending what he was doing with them. Although she sensed Freddy's uneasiness, but oddly, didn't share it.

Ms. Undomial
11-06-2002, 11:09 PM
ooc: Mirial: it is fine. c'mon, Catch up to us!

Aeryn- your mail box is still full

11-06-2002, 11:22 PM

Ms. Undomial
11-06-2002, 11:26 PM
You want to Bet? How come I can't send you anything?

11-06-2002, 11:31 PM
I dont know but I have deleted everything so...pah!

Ms. Undomial
11-06-2002, 11:32 PM
did you delete everything in sent messages? and in message tracking?

11-06-2002, 11:38 PM
errrrrr *surpressed guilty look* *looks innocent* YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Ms. Undomial
11-06-2002, 11:39 PM
it still doesn't work.

11-06-2002, 11:43 PM
Okay well what exactly do you want to tell me?

Ms. Undomial
11-06-2002, 11:44 PM
I don't know... log off and then log on again. I will do the same.

*later* is there any mail in your PM box? if so Delete it!

11-06-2002, 11:55 PM
No for chirst sake Ms. it isnt me!

Ms. Undomial
11-07-2002, 12:00 AM
I am FEd up with that PM box!!!!


i AM GOING OT KILL IT!!!!!!!!!!!

ok, that is over. I will pm bmilder and see if he can fix it. sorry about that.

11-07-2002, 12:40 PM
ooc: can we get on with the story now!!!hey has any of you heard of peace on earth:D :D and good will to all men and women. oh!! by the way wheres Imladris!

z: '' hmmm....the story about me is....'' lets out huge sigh ''you may not think it but i was once an emporer a great general but that was a long time ago'' sighs again ''until... the dark powers arose then my legions and armies and great cities were destroyed and i was nearly kille3d but i escaped and now i live wandering gandalf helped me escape thats how i know him, i know a lot about evil freddy and the things ive seen and been through nobody should have had to endure!'' a tear rolled down his cheek ''ex..ccuuu...sseee mmmeee!'' he dropped back on his horse and went behind everybody.

ooc: is that all right oh by the way i have an rpg called the big adventure would anyone like to join!!!

Ms. Undomial
11-07-2002, 09:22 PM
I rode up to Freddy and asked him: "What did you two talk about? It really isn't any of my business but now he is at the back of the company sulking. well apart from that, how is the ride going? :) lovely Pony you have. what is his name?" I thought that Freddy could tell that I wanted something out of him and it definatly wasn't his pony's name. before he answered, I heard Aeryn and Gandalf talking in the backround.

Aeryn: "Who exactly is this 'Zavron' person?"

Gandalf: "A very old Friend of mine. do you not like him or something? because you are trying to get all the information you possibly can out of him."

Aeryn: "It is not that I don't like him, it just I am unsure of him."

Fred Baggins
11-07-2002, 09:29 PM
ooc: I don't think Aeryn was as wary of Zavron as I am. Not as wary as you make her to be anyway.

ic:His name is Ruell. What is it that you really want Losillewen?

Ms. Undomial
11-07-2002, 09:31 PM
"what is it that I really want? well, I want alot of things.*her eyes suddenly make a quick flash and then are back to normal* why are you here?"

Fred Baggins
11-07-2002, 09:34 PM
ic: I thought you knew that. I am here for the quest. To help find Aragorns heir.

occ:If you are trying to find out what is going to happen at the end you won't find out by asking Freddy. He doesn't know anything.

Ms. Undomial
11-07-2002, 09:35 PM
"Why did you come? you could have stayed at home enjoying your self. why didn't you?"

ooc: I am not trying to find out what will happen in the end. I am working on a plot that will come to light at Rivendell. or earlier if I can not help my self...

Fred Baggins
11-07-2002, 09:41 PM
I am a hobbit lusting after adventure is all. I agree that few hobbits like adventures."Nasty uncommfortable things, make you late for dinner" Bilbo Baggins once said. But I have always longed for adventure. I think that I was born with a purpose, to be different, to make hobbits known.

Ms. Undomial
11-07-2002, 09:43 PM
" THis quest will come to a bad end freddy. I advise you to go home as soon as possible. *there was another quick flicker in her eyes*

ooc: I will be back in a few minutes!

Fred Baggins
11-07-2002, 09:49 PM
I don't wish to go home. As long as we are not in the lands past Rivendale Merry and Fred will protect me, and once past I have Ruell, and my sword. I am not such a clumsey hobbit as some may belive. *Looks at Zavron* I have been well taught how to handle myself in the presence of Orcs and the like.

11-07-2002, 09:51 PM
Aeryn listens intently to the two, Elf and Hobbit, speaking to eachother. Everything was alright, except for the fact the Losillewen was holding out on something, or knew something she didn't. And Aeryn didn't like being out ot the loop.

Her eyes looking forward, she saw in the distance, along the road, two travellers. A Women and an Elf. Although she could not tell who they were.

Ms. Undomial
11-07-2002, 10:16 PM
ooc: Welcome back Aeryn!

ic: Losillewen: Hello Aeryn. you look worried. *then I noticed that she wasn't really paying much attention to me, but she was looking at two far off people* Who are they?

11-07-2002, 10:37 PM
"I DONT BELIEVE IT!" Aeryn cries out in out rage, glaring at Mirial in the distance. "GANDALF!" she yells, eyes ablaze.

"Calm yourself, what is it?" he said sternly, but not unkindly.

"What is SHE doing isn't she supposed to be in Rivendell?" she said gesturing ahead

Gandalf said nothing, but put Shadowfax into a full run. Aeryn and the others had to do the same to even THINK about keeping up.

Ms. Undomial
11-07-2002, 10:39 PM
ooc: cool Aeryn! get on with the conversion! btw, your mail box is still full.

as Aeryn cried out I saw that the person far off in the distance was none other Mirial! We galloped towards her and then Gandalf said......

ooc: Aeryn, I will let you go from here.

11-07-2002, 10:59 PM
OOC: Ms. Undomial If you tell me anymore about My mailbox, I will find where you live, sneak into your house, and strangle you! :D OKAY?!


"I was hoping she would come," Gandalf said quietly.

"WHAT??!" Aeryn yelled in dismay and utter horror.

Ms. Undomial
11-07-2002, 11:03 PM
ooc: first of all Aeryn you wouldn't be able to find out where I live. so there is no point in trying.

ic: Losillewen: And what is wrong with that Aeryn? as long as she doesn't try to stab you again i would love to have her with us!


Ms. Undomial
11-07-2002, 11:04 PM
ooc: IT WORKED!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fred Baggins
11-07-2002, 11:08 PM
*Looks at her, wary* I think that she is no longer brainwashed, right Gandalf?* Fingers his horn, feeling very nervous, not about the new comers, but about something else*

Ms. Undomial
11-07-2002, 11:12 PM
I noticed that freddy was nervous about something. what it was I could not yet tell. I went back and wispered in his ear: " what is bothering you Freddy? you have been acting strange as of late. please tell me what is ailing you."

Fred Baggins
11-07-2002, 11:15 PM
ic: I don't know, something just isn't right.

occ: and on that note I have to leave you. My parents are kicking me off.

Ms. Undomial
11-07-2002, 11:16 PM
aw shoot. well catch you later Fred! Aeryn- I will be on for another hour or so.

11-07-2002, 11:17 PM
OOC: I emailed Lindsey, she'll be on soon! (aka Mirial)
By Fred!

Feeling more than a slight pang of betrayal, hung back behind the rest of the quest. didn't gandalf care about the danger he was putting everyone in?
Gandalf spoke quietly,"I believe her time in Rivendell cured her, at least as much as is possible, she has yet to heal from the pain Saruman has caused..." his voice drifted off with the wind as he spoke to Freddy.

Ms. Undomial
11-07-2002, 11:21 PM
I looked at Aeryn and noticed that something was also bothering her."oh no," I thought "now two of the company are down."

Losillewen: "What is the matter Aeryn? " I asked hoping she would answer me.

11-07-2002, 11:29 PM
OOC: Aw, Hello!

ic; smiled ferociously at the sight of gandalf, she quickly spurred her horse, and was bounding down the path, she was surprised how far the company had gotten, they were only about 3 hrs away from rivendell (yeah realistic I know:))

Ms. Undomial
11-07-2002, 11:31 PM
ooc: Freddy is it just me or are you still here??

ic: Losillewen: Hello Mirial! how was Rivendell?

11-07-2002, 11:44 PM
*laughs openly* well, I learned some things...*her eyes become slightly melancholy* some ...important things...Lets just say Saruman keeps some of his promises *looks off quickly while her eyes begin to glisten*

Aman butted in "Her brothers dead. Curuman killed him" He said nonchalantly.

Mirial looked at him in an injured way. "You idiot!" she mumbled.

"Are you feeling up to par?" Gandalf asked her, "You know what you must do if you attend our company for the rest of the quest." he said this in a conspiritorial voice, knowing that the others knew nothing of what he was talking about, for that, he was thankful.

Mirial nodded slowly, all the while glaring at Aman. Who also didn't know her duties within the group.

Ms. Undomial
11-07-2002, 11:53 PM
I walked up to mirial and said:" Hello Mirial. I hope you don't stab anyone in the back any time soon. :) how are you doing?"

11-08-2002, 12:00 AM
...Is that supposed to be funny?" mirial says not exactly feeling in the mood for sarcasm.

She then turns to gandalf, "What are we going to do about ...her ..." She says very quietly, not specifying who she was talking about.

Aman was looking at Losillewen oddly, when Mirial noticed she yelled at him, "Why don't you just go up and lick her!" where Aman presently blushes.


Ms. Undomial
11-08-2002, 12:02 AM
Where are you going?? don't leave me yet!!

ic: Losillewen: who do you mean by her?

11-08-2002, 03:53 AM
zavron rides up to the others who were talking to this mirial person and started to listen intently.

zavron: '' excuse me, but i haven't been introduced to this mirial ''

Ms. Undomial
11-08-2002, 03:18 PM
Losillewen: alright then, Zavron this is Mirial, and Mirial this is Zavron. a very good and old friend of Gandalf.

Fred Baggins
11-08-2002, 07:25 PM
Ruell shifted nervously, I think he was scared for some reason. I tried to ask him but he wouldn't reply. His unicorn was shining brightly though, which was kinda funny, to see the bright unicorn in contrats with the still brown pony. I don't know why just the unicorn showed. I tried to tell him to stop it so the others wouldn't see but again he didn't answer.

Ms. Undomial
11-08-2002, 07:32 PM
After I had introduced Zavron to Mirial I turned around to find Freddy looking more than a little bit nervous. then to my suprise I noticed that Freddy's Pony was glistening with a unseen light. at first I kepted it to my self, but later that day I was over come with curiosity.
"Freddy," I said, "I saw your Pony this after noon. are you going to tell me who your pony really is? if you tell me, I will tell you something that you would very much like to know. Think about it. I will talk to you again at midnight."
He seemed very starteled(sp) about what I said. I knew now that his pony was not an ordinary one.

Fred Baggins
11-08-2002, 07:50 PM
Los asked about him. I decided to tell her, not because I wanted to find out her secret(I don't pry) but because I wanted someone to know, besides gandalf that is.

Ms. Undomial
11-08-2002, 07:58 PM
I met Freddy at the appointed place and he told me about his "Pony". I decided to postpone my telling him my story till the next night in hope he would forget. we went back to our tents and sleped well. I got up early the next morning and found Aeryn pacing outside of her tent.

Losillewen: "Hello Aeryn. how long have you been up?"

Aeryn: "all night. I did not sleep because I still do not trust Mirial."

Losillewen: "you should trust her now. I know she tried to kill you, but that was before Gandalf talked to her. I don't think she will try it again."

Fred Baggins
11-08-2002, 08:07 PM
ooc:You didn't even let me explain my pony.

Ms. Undomial
11-08-2002, 08:11 PM
ooc: sorry! oh well. please tell me now!

Fred Baggins
11-08-2002, 08:15 PM
I meet her at the appointed place. "Ruell is a unisus, part unicorn part pegasus. He is able to disgues himself to look like a normal pony though. He was sent, I think from another world. Glandalf says possibly to protect me, though from what I do not know. Ha, a normal hobbit like myself haveing a unisus, protect me." We then departed, and I noticed that she withheld her information. i decided to ask her about it later though.

Ms. Undomial
11-08-2002, 08:20 PM
ooc: ok now lets get on to the next morning!

Fred Baggins
11-08-2002, 08:35 PM
fine by me

Ms. Undomial
11-08-2002, 08:41 PM
ooc: ok, we will go on when Aeryn replies.

11-08-2002, 09:17 PM
As she packed her bags, Losi asked her why, and she said in return "Gandalf may think she is cured, but ...Mordor...is still on her, hanging over her like a cloud, still inside her soul, I am going to go ahead to Imladris, I do not know if I will continue with the Quest. For to me, this seems to have taken a bad turn. I feel a little like Bo- " she then abruptly stopped, looking frantically at Losi to see if she had caught that, mercifully, she hadn't, Aeryn went on, tying her hair back, as she did before a fast ride. " I feel like a stranger to this quest, and I don't really understand what we are doing anymore. Plus, some news has been brought to me of the Queen, and I must see what I can do. Perhaps another quest shall be in order...for I do not yet know."

Aeryn became quiet as Losi contemplated this, and left sometime later, without saying a word. Aeryn then spoke briefly to Aman, "You know of your duties Aman, don't let your feelings for her get in the way." she said quietly with no one around.

After Aman departed, she went to the fire, where Gandalf and Freddy were talking merrily and eating ALOT, "Gandalf, Freddy, I am taking my leave of you...I hope that I will still be in Imladris when you arrive." Gandalf looked up in an alarmed manner, Aeryn found that odd, for Gandalf knew just about everything that went on....

OOC: Long and drawn out, but feed off of that people.

Ms. Undomial
11-08-2002, 09:22 PM
After Aeryn told me she decided to go on to imladris without us, I decided to follow her. I went to my tent and told Caelwen I would wait for her in Rivendell. then I went to Namarie and mounted her, then we were on our way.

11-08-2002, 09:34 PM
OOC: Ms. try different transition words ;)

Aeryn's heart was heavy as she left the company, but she knew that this was something she had to do. She needed to find herself, she needed to discover why she had volunteered for this quest. *call it a midlife crisis*
As she hurried on the road, her horse's hooves beating quietly on the ground in repetitive and predictable time, she heard something else. 2 other horses, one behind her, and one behind the person following her farther down. Who was following her, and who was following HER follower?
Aeryn decided to take a back road, off of the main road path, that not many knew well, including herself.
Artamir, a horse always willing for adventure, jumped the huge ditch, and as Aeryn warned him of being quiet, and being difficult to find, he ran more swift and stealthily than Aeryn ever remembered him running.

Ms. Undomial
11-08-2002, 09:55 PM
As I was following Aeryn I thought I heard another horse following me. "oh no. Caelwen didn't" I sprred(sp) Namarie to a run in hope of catching up to Aeryn. I was looking intently at the hoof prints in the ground before me when they suddenly turned into a clump of bushs. "Aeryn, why? you know most people don't go that way." but I was in a hurry to catch up to her so I followed the prints.

11-08-2002, 10:05 PM
OOC: Ms. it isnt Caelwen :)

As she road deeper into the wood, she had a distinct feeling of being watched, she ushered her horse on, trying to find the main road once more. Where was that road?

Fred Baggins
11-08-2002, 10:52 PM
Journal of Freddy:
Aeryn just left, though I don't understand why. Hope she comes back, she is nice, she and Gandalf are the only ones that respect me as a hobbit. For that matter respect me at all. Now it is just Gandalf, Zavron, Los, her friend(to whom I was never properly introduced), Miriel, and myself. Los dissapeared to though. Still don't know what it is about zavron that makes me and Ruell so nervous. A Mordor feeling, a betrael feeling I think.

Ms. Undomial
11-08-2002, 11:01 PM
ooc: ok. Nice journal Fred!

ic: as i followed Aeryn into the woods I noticed that the prints swerved. "She hasn't got lost already." I thought. "C'mon Namarie" I said "just a little bit faster". I was hoping that Aeryn wasn't far ahead so I would catch up to her soon.

11-08-2002, 11:08 PM
Aeryn's heart was in her ears, a blinding pounding resonated inher temples, evil was so close, what had she gotten herself into?
Then she saw them, a gang of about 10 Urak-Hai, sneering and yelling in the Black Speech. Artamir was even more excited than before, he loved battle more than he loved adventure.
As the first blows began to fall, the rich clanging filling the quiet wood, the Urak-Hai were being defeated monstrously.
Aeryn was oddly enjoying this battle, killing these smelly and fowl beasts as she sat atop her beautiful horse. When the dust had settled All were dead save one, who instead of aiming his arrow for Aeryn, shot to her left. Aeryn not paying any attention to this, hopped of her horse and decapitated the Urak.
When she finally looked to what he had shot at, she saw Losi weeping next to her dying horse Namarie, blood pouring from her neck, and her eyes already distant and glazed.

OOC: Sorry Ms.! :D

Ms. Undomial
11-08-2002, 11:23 PM
ooc: either you edit your post or bring gandalf to come and save her! take your pick! sorry I love my horse I do not intend to let her die!

Fred Baggins
11-08-2002, 11:26 PM
meanie Aeryn!

11-08-2002, 11:42 PM
Bite me ! :D

Ms. Undomial
11-08-2002, 11:47 PM
Sure! next time we are in a fight I will! I will fix my horse tommorrow. gotta go! bye!!

11-09-2002, 07:50 AM
ooc: this kind of through the eyes of freddy if you don't mind it of course fred.

meanwhile back at the camp freddy had just stepped out from his tent smoking his pipe he was wondering alot about zavron and low and behold there he was in a huge black cloak with his sword strapped around the middle he headed for his horse Hontre stooped looked around him suspiciously and then leaped up at a super quick speed he was on his horse and was galloping away. This time freddy was not going to let any info on this strange carachter escape him he ran to his pony and quickly started to follow zavron. zavron was still galloping when his horse started to slow down and soon was in a steady trot. Freddy matched his speed zavron went round a corner and there was a hooded figure leaning on a tree smoking his pipe it stood to attention as zavron got nearer, freddy got of his pony and started to creep quietly forward.

zavron: '' be very careful with this!! or you'll have to answer to him got that and you would have to suffer a pain worse than death''

hooded figure: '' YES SIR!!! ''

the hooded figure crept off into the forest. zavron turned away and 'crack!' freddy had just stood on a twig he looked down

freddy: ''DAMN!!''

he looked up at zavron only to see he had dissapeared.

freddy: '' where'd he go!''

a figure leapt out of the forest next to him. It was zavron, before freddy could do anything freddy was knocked to the ground with zavron on top of him. he lowered his hood.

zavron: ''freddy? what are you doing here?'' he said surprised.
freddy: '' I was just about to say the same thing. ''

zavron opened his mouth to say something but what he was going to say no one will ever know because at the same time a scream was heard deep from inside the forest. And a loud thud and the horrible cries of uruk-hai.

freddy: '' that was losilewen!!"

and as quick as lightning they started to run towards the spot where the sound came from.

losilewen was nealing next to her horse which seemed to be on the brink of death. Aeryn was also there next to losi' holding her.

with a last shudder her horse was no more.


quickly zavron was beside the horse and put his hand on the wound there was a flash and the horse's eyes opened soon it was up and standing, it looked a little bewildered but it was ok.

losi': '' How!....but...''

zavron: '' explanations later lets get you's two back to the camp"

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 11:58 AM
ooc: ack! Zavron you shouldn't have done that! I was going to do something! oh well.

ic: After Zavron had Saved my horse, with what skill I could not tell, I went to Namerie. "My Beautiful Horse!" I cried. I leaped upon her and we ran like the wind. how long or how far we went I did not know. then suddenly as if lighting had hit me, I fell to the ground and knew no more.

11-09-2002, 12:20 PM
ooc: sorry!:( I just took advantage of the situation to put a twist in my carachter!!

please reply because i don't know whats going on with the soppy yay stuff and all of a sudden you're struck by lightning!!
Hey!:D who said lightning never strikes in the same place!