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Fred Baggins
11-18-2002, 09:26 PM
ooc: when she's white. That doesn't apply for BIG adventure though, it's something I just made up.

11-18-2002, 09:32 PM
*I began to follow,hoping now, more than ever I wasn't being Followed.*

Fred Baggins
11-18-2002, 10:17 PM
Naa Tel'raa, you know I hate this place. Lemme go back.*I began to look around, fearing the other fire warg, though I knew he coul not reach this place.* Let's go back Naa Tel'raa, please?

*She stood up* Fine. I will leave you to the mercy of the ever tauntin elves!

You mean your not staying with me?

Nah, I was just cheacking up on you, making sure you're taking care of yourself...like you have a tendency not to do. I can see you're doin' pretty good though. I'll see ya later pal!

Fred Baggins
11-18-2002, 10:23 PM
Freddy's journal
~picks up where I left off up there~

Then the next thing I knew I was sitting amoung a crowd of elves, all bombarding me with questions. I belive I did something then I've never done before. I yelled at the top of my lungs for them to shut up. Well, I had had enough of them, bothersome creatures they can be. I noticed the one I had travled with was gone, but the rest where there, including Fimm. I jumped on the Unisus' back, and lifted into the sky, heading back to Rivendell.

11-18-2002, 10:32 PM
*I walked on in plain sight, for I feared not what was around. I needed no protection. No one was around.*

11-19-2002, 12:43 PM
I felt angry, everything was to complicated!! who was this dark wolf and what had the wargs got to do with fred! What was this all about he must find answer's!!!!!!!

zavron: ''I am leaving!!''

losi': ''Where?''

zavron: ''I do not know and I may not be back to see the end of the quest!''

at that I mounted my horse Hontre and left

11-19-2002, 12:50 PM
I rode well into the night and soon hontre went at
the speed of light. Then there infront was a cavern A huge cave opened out and I galloped in.

11-19-2002, 12:53 PM
I sat on the side of the rode, nibbling a bit of Gingerbread Lembas, and gazing into my compact. No one was around, yet I felt the presence of another...

11-19-2002, 01:10 PM
ooc: Have changed my carachter, I strongly suggest you all read it because if you don't you won't know whats going on with my carachter. My carachter info is on page 31 at the bottom. I will wait for you all to tell me that you have read it and then I will carry on with the part of my story!

11-19-2002, 01:23 PM
ooc: 31? there is no page 31.

Ms. Undomial
11-19-2002, 08:05 PM
ooc: maybe he ment 13...

11-19-2002, 08:25 PM
Aeryn awoke in a black room. Feeling no pain, and not pained by memories. She didn't know who she was. But she knew whom she served. She looked around, she sat on a small couch, no window was in her room. and a strange amulet hung on her neck. She fingered the thing, but somehow knew terrible things would come if she took it off. She had no emotions, she only knew what to do, or what not to do. A small ugly creature walked bowleggedly in hissing and sputtering. An Orc.
"He will see you lady" He hissed. She nodded, and stood walking gracefully in a long flowing black dress.
She found herself in a huge round room with a huge black throne. A man, Saruman, the one she served, was seated upon it.
He stood and spoke in an authoritative tone, "Go now, to those of your old life, and old purpose. Find them, and bring them here. Never forget who you serve." He walked towards her, and blessed her.

She knew she must find the fellows of the quest.

Fred Baggins
11-19-2002, 08:33 PM
* I stood up, avoiding the questions, and all that was going on around me. There was another reason to Naa Tel'raa's visit than what she had told, and I intended to find out. That wasn't the Naa Tel'raa I knew. Naa Tel'raa would have come up politly and introduced herself. Something was indeed wrong. I remembered of some famous words in the Shire. "Trust no one but yourself" and I knew that from no on that is what I had to do. They where seeking me again, I knew it. Naa Tel'raa HAD been trying to take me back. But what had stopped her?*

11-19-2002, 08:35 PM
Sitting on the rode, felt them comming again, thogh it seemed, not after me.

11-19-2002, 08:41 PM
OOC: I will now color code my entries that I have two characters.

Loke finally made it to the clearing. There before him stood the Lady of Light, Galadrial. Her long golden hair whipping in what seemed like slow-motion. He stood in awe. She was indeed beautiful. He bowed low, she spoke, "The ones you passed, the elf and halfing. Find them. They will be with others. You will be needed." and seemed to disappear. Loke stared around, okay, he was supposed to find the lady with the crazy bird and the little guy with the unisus? THAT shouldn't be to hard in a FOREST!

OOC: What happened, I am going to be lazy and not read the posts. No matter what YOU tell me Ms. :p

11-19-2002, 08:48 PM
*I quickly scrambled to my feet and doged into a bush*

Ms. Undomial
11-19-2002, 08:48 PM
ooc: :D :D :D :D :D :p :p :p :p :p when did you leave!!??

11-19-2002, 09:10 PM
Who? Me? I've been gone for a few days...man...I am not even missed...I am sickened...:confused:

Ms. Undomial
11-19-2002, 09:25 PM
oh no! I didn't mean it that way!! I just have been busy with other threads and wasn't paying attention to this one that much! trust me, you were missed!!

11-19-2002, 09:39 PM
:D GOOD! THAT MAKES ME FEEL GOOD! :D and I know you live to serve me *snorts* anyway. grrrrr....can you write about the thread? Like reply...I'm bored outta my mind

Ms. Undomial
11-19-2002, 09:43 PM
ok, I am looking for when you left...*searching through pages with the most hilarious, serious, expression on her face*...

Ms. Undomial
11-19-2002, 09:46 PM
I found it!!!!! ok, um... Zavron and I got to where you guys were, a arguement started, I thought I heard someone and started riding after it, freddy followed me, freddy got stabbed by a orc, but it only hit his journel, and ink bottle, then freddy was captured by a warg, then he found out that the warg was good, he left the warg, and now we are all back in Imladris crossexaming Freddy. does that answer your question to what happend??

I gotta go for a we bit, and I am hoping to be back in about 30 min or less.

11-19-2002, 09:48 PM
ooc:everyone is there exept me, I am on my way to Lothlorien.

11-19-2002, 09:56 PM
Aeryn seemed to make it to the borders of Imladris with superhuman speed. She couldn't cross the borders, everytime she tried she seemed to become frozen inside. Nothing helped this, she sat on the main road, waiting to be noticed. Hoping to be noticed.
Loke, after seeing Galadrial, road Iris back down the road, following the tracks of the two, the converged and met others along the way, several times, a track or two would lead off the road, but he stuck to the main road. He decided they were headed for the elven city of Rivendell and road hard all night to find them.

Fred Baggins
11-20-2002, 12:10 AM
ic: Will you stop asking all the questions! I will explain it to you briefly, then I want to go to bed*grumbles something about stupid elves* The warg is a friend of mine who was mearly cheacking up on me. He's- she's-it's not really evil<I think> just wanted to get me away from you<hopefully>

11-20-2002, 12:52 PM
(In bird talk) They are comming, resent it as you want, but you MUST go back to Rivedell. Not only are they following, but another is too.

Fine, *I quickly mounted Ithilsila. I wasn't very far from Rivendell, and on Ithilsila was able to make it there quickly, taking uncharted paths, that no one could trace.*

11-20-2002, 01:13 PM
ooc: I meant page 31 of this story you know the numbers at the top!!!!!! I'm still waiting!!!


I entered the caveand inside there was a number of sleeping dragons. I crept in between the sleping dragons stopping and listening every so often. I stopped at a small cavern at the end of the cave where a smaller dragon was sleeping apart from the others.

''Psss...xave.. come here!'' I hissed.

the dragon perked his ears and crawled over.

''come lets go!''

I led the dragon to the cave entrance and tied a rope to Hontre's harness and the other end to xave's neck.

I set Hontre to a gallop and xave followed by the side.

Ms. Undomial
11-20-2002, 01:20 PM
ooc: there is no page 31 of this story... there is only 27 pages.

11-20-2002, 01:27 PM
ooc: ZAVRON'S CONFUSING ME:( *Bangs desk on head...er...hand on fish...no no...uh...HELP ME!!!!!!*

11-20-2002, 01:39 PM
ooc: were up to page 106 now!!!:mad: :confused: Of this story!

Ms. Undomial
11-20-2002, 01:45 PM
ooc: that is not what it says on this thread!!! we are in page 27!!

11-20-2002, 02:31 PM
do you see the numbers at the top in the right hand corner? what number do you see?

Better still how many replies do you fit in one page?

Ms. Undomial
11-20-2002, 02:55 PM
they are in the top left hand corner, and I see the number 27. I don't have a clue how many replies fit on a page. how big is your computer screen?

Ms. Undomial
11-20-2002, 03:12 PM
ooc: is this what you mean?:

Name: Lord zavron Commander of the ancient fifth legion.
Race: Half elf half dragon.
Description: A tall elf fairish hair always wears flowing black robes.
weapons: A lightning axe, Keeper of the elemental weapons, Fire sword, Ice sword, weather staff, stone spears, and the Earth mattock able to cause earthquakes.
Has the dragonsbane and was raised by dragons.
Horse or creature: Has horse called Hontre and a dragon called xave.

???? it was on page 8, not 31.

Fred Baggins
11-20-2002, 07:26 PM
ooc: *Rolls her eyes and bangs head on desk* Everyone has different page numbers! It depends on how many messages you want one a page!

11-20-2002, 09:10 PM
Lord christ almighty, when you sign in in your options you determine how many responses will be on your screen before another page will follow, you probably have every 10 zavron. will everyone else please shut it? :D Thanks! *rubs aching temples*

Ms. Undomial
11-20-2002, 10:48 PM
after talking to freddy I went outside to take a breath of fresh air; Rivendell was very stuffy this time of year. when I was out side I saw Aeryn siting on a log doing nothing. I wouldn't have noticed her but for the fact that she was wearing all black, with a white necklace. I was debating on going to her, when I remembered Galadriel's words. "she will eventually forgive you." she had said. I walked over to her and said: "you have been gone long, have you not?" She looked at me strangely as if she didn't know me.

11-20-2002, 11:02 PM
A tall elf came to her side. She stared up at her with big blank eyes. "I need to find the company, but I cannot pass these borders...id it some kind of devilry?" She said in a tongue she couldn't understand, but the elf seemed to.
Two elvish maidens came into view, he sped his horse on. He approached the two cautiously, and then smiled. "Is this the way to Rivendell, I must find a group of ...adventurers..." He said quietly.

Ms. Undomial
11-20-2002, 11:05 PM
I looked at Aeryn with doubt in my eyes, she was not the Aeryn I knew. then a man came up to us and asked us where the "company" was.

Losillewen: "I am one of the "adventures" as you call us. the rest are up at rivendell." I again looked at Aeryn strangely and asked her: "What is your name?"

11-20-2002, 11:15 PM
A small uncertain smile crossed over her face. She seemed to remember this elf...Had she been one of the company? She spoke softly as so the Man would not hear, "Aeryn, don't you remember who I am silly?" \\
Loke looked at the two uncertainly, "I am Loke, I am here by message from the Lady Galadrial, if you would kindly but point me the way--" He said, he of course, knew where Imladris was, but wanted to see what little odd things he could now.

Fred Baggins
11-20-2002, 11:15 PM
*I was dreaming again, it was Her, Naa Tel'raa's mistress, ans she was calling me, calling. I woke up in a cold sweat, threw some clothes on and looked out the window. Ther She was...that is why I had thought I knew Aeryn at first...She had been my mistress!

11-20-2002, 11:19 PM
*confused,* Fred, I am your dream girl? :D that's creepy.

Ms. Undomial
11-20-2002, 11:19 PM
Losillewen: "What is my name Aeryn? *to Loke* you know where Rivendell is. I will be there in a moment. " I looked at Aeryn long and hard, there was something different about her, something evil.

11-20-2002, 11:23 PM
Aeryn probes her mind, searching for the answer..."Losillewen, do not look at me in such a way, I mean to apologize...for my behaviour at our last meeting..." She said in a would-be genuine voice.

Loke couldn't believ what a snappish answer he got, he replied, "How many rude elves can one Dunedain find in a day?" muttering under his breath he left towards the lighted roof tops of Rivendell

Fred Baggins
11-20-2002, 11:23 PM
ooc: no your not me dream girl! Your Freddy's old Mistress, from the dark lands! perhaps I should explain? Freddy spent two years brainwashed in Mordor, following the commands of a dark mistress, (you) but when she broke the spell, he was able to leave Mordor, and suposedly be ride of it forever. That as you can see is untrue...hope you don't mind Aeryn.

ic: *I ran downstairs and looked at Aeryn, about to tell her to please stop playing, that it wasn't funny in the least, and almost ran into a tall dunidain. He looked familar, then I knew, he was the one we had meet on the rode.* Sorry, you're...Loke right?

11-20-2002, 11:26 PM
OOC: Oh, great addition Fred!!!

Ic:A funny little hobbit came down and was yelling at her to quit...What was going on? He too, looked familiar...an adventurer perhaps? No, from before that...from her black years...

Ms. Undomial
11-20-2002, 11:27 PM
Losillewen: "come then, follow me." I could feel her looking into my mind, but then I closed it, and turned and faced her. "Aeryn, if you have indeed talked to Galadriel, then tell me, What did she give me at our last parting? "

ooc: Galadriel gave me Nenya, but you don't know that, and, my mind is closed.

Fred Baggins
11-20-2002, 11:35 PM
Aeryn, that is not funny, take that garb off i..m..d...opps.*She wasn't fooling like I had thought, I could feel it this time, I began to back away, trying to get away from her, pry my mind away from her evil thoughts.

11-20-2002, 11:35 PM
Aeryn looks at her oddly, "I never claimed to have spoken to Galadrial. I ..left...and I didn't tell you that either. That Man told you that."

11-20-2002, 11:39 PM
Loke looked at the Halfing he had saw earlier, "I remember you sir. You had that very interesting ...horse...did you not?"

The day began to fade, the sun was setting behind distant mountains, and all was not right in Rivendell.

11-20-2002, 11:39 PM
*I rode up to see such a site! Elves confusing each other and a delarious(sp) hobbit. Oh what jolly good fun I could have, but no, I needed to find him. I walked up to Freddy.* Gooday, I see ou have reached friends. Am I to be off now? Or do you wish to leave again?

Ms. Undomial
11-20-2002, 11:40 PM
Losillewen: "no man told me that. you told me. don't you remember? but of course you wouldn't!! you are brain washed into helping Saraman!! excuse me, I have just been called..." I ran to rivendell and went imedeitly to Gandalf. "She is not her self. she has become evil, she told me she knew nothing of Galadriel, and she herself told me that. what are we to do?"

11-20-2002, 11:44 PM
No, that isn't what I meant Ms. I meant the conversation of the last few pages...

Fred Baggins
11-20-2002, 11:44 PM
*I heard her, but could not answer. She was calling me. with what will I had left, I reached down and pulled out a horn, my last resort. It broke her Aeryn's concentration, and brought Naa Tel'raa...but instead of showing up in her white form as she should have, He showed up in His Black form. It was all true then. I might as well have given up then and there, for The Darkness was calling all of it's servants, myself included. Somethings stoped me though. I felt Lubyla behind me, and-and Fran! But Aeryn kept trying to draw me.*

Ms. Undomial
11-20-2002, 11:47 PM
ooc: well I meant the conversation we had in bree.

11-20-2002, 11:48 PM
WHAT? Was that my duty...?

Aeryn erected herself to her full height, "Freddy, come. He is waiting..."


Loke stood and watched this interesting theatrics, when the little hobbit seemed to want to go to the obviously dark maiden Loke put a huge hand on his shoulder and muttered in his ear, "Stay strong halfing." He then walked forward toward the dark elf, and abstructed her view...

11-20-2002, 11:52 PM
*On a great silver pegasus, I found myself rescuing the lad. Though his Unisus was with us, I feared his will was too weak. Plus, now that I had reveled myself to Aeryn, of course I had to get away.* Lasto beth nin Freddy, tolo dan nan galad

Ms. Undomial
11-20-2002, 11:53 PM
I left gandalf and went to my horse and mounted her. I rode towards where Aeryn and the hobbit were, but before I got in sight I made my self invisible. (I can turn my self invisible but you can still see my horse) *to aeryn* <you should have killed me when you had the chance, servant of Saraman!> I dismounted and drew my sword, there was a pale light gleaming from it, as if it was eager for battle. I then brought out Nenya and put it on. Aeryn could now see it, gleaming on my finger, one of the three.

Fred Baggins
11-20-2002, 11:55 PM
*I looked at the Dunidain, and then at Lubya. Not quite sure what was happening, I asked a silly question.* Do you know belladona Gamgee, Lubyla? She's here, helping me. *Naa Tel'raa shot me a Look. I'd blown it. I had mentioned Bell, Fran. He begane walking toward me unoticed.*

11-20-2002, 11:56 PM
Aeryn looked coldly at the she-elf. "Kill you?" she could still see the elf. *hee hee* "I do not possess such power only He does..." she frowns slightly, "He wishes to find the heir, but..her is found!" She laughs now, not really malisciously, but saddly.Do you think I fear death? She asked, "When I don't know who I am. When I don't feel anything. I don't even remember what it was like to not bear my burden." she spat

Loke quickly came between Aeryn and Losi, he looked furiosly at Losi, "Would you kill an innocent? Would you have the good die? It was not long ago that you too couldn't remember your past Elf." he said quietly.

11-20-2002, 11:57 PM
Belladona Gamgee is a great friend of mine, and now we must ride.*Up in the air on Ithilsila, all my problems seemed to fade away, but one thought struck me...* Freddigar, is he calling ALL his servants?

Ms. Undomial
11-20-2002, 11:57 PM
ooc:Aeryn- a part of what you posted made no sense...

11-21-2002, 12:01 AM
Custous Sanctus, what does that mean?
Also, Bye! Night people.

Zavron when you get on...later...Why do you get on either after me or before me everytime? :D

Fred Baggins
11-21-2002, 12:03 AM
Yes, all, or so it would seem. After all he doesn't have much use for me, exept my magic, which is minimal, and yet he is calling me. She saved my life you know. Came riding in on that warg, yelling out in elvish swinging Sting. Saved my life, she did...

Ms. Undomial
11-21-2002, 12:03 AM
ooc: Custous Sanctus is Latin for "Guardian of all things Holy" please don't leave yet!!! what did your last post mean??

11-21-2002, 12:05 AM
Just saying that the Heir is among the company. And how Saruman brainwashed me to be a cyborg or something.

Ms. Undomial
11-21-2002, 12:06 AM
ooc: ok, I now get that, but what about what Loke said?

Fred Baggins
11-21-2002, 12:10 AM
ooc: Well, Lubyla's being a feeber jeeber soo...

ic:Lubyla:Who? O Bell. So you think he is calling all of them? This is not good, not good at all.*looks at Andodulin*

Freddy: She was beautiful then to. now she's trying to help again. your all so ind for tyring...to...help...*Falls asleep*

[COLOR=green]No Freddy wake up! Wake up Freddy, now! O wake up Freddy*She got no responce from him*/COLOR]

Ms. Undomial
11-21-2002, 12:15 AM
I looked long and hard at Loke. <do not arouse my past young one> I then paid all my attention to Aeryn. <What does Saraman want?> I sheathed my sword as if to show her that I too was a sevant of him. She laughed at me as if she knew I was acting it out. I again brougt out my sword. <I challenge you to a duel. if I win, you will take message to saraman that he will not get the hobbit or anyone else for that matter. and if I lose, you may take the hobbit or someone else with you. is it agreed?> Zavron was at the back of the group and I said to him: <do not interfeare with Aeryn and I. it would be fatal on your part. I am hoping she has not grown stronger since our last meeting.>

Aeryn: <I do not have a sword, only this.> she brought out a black staff.

Losillewen: <then we will have a duel with magic.> I threw my sword in the air and when it came down it was my Azure colored staff.

Fred Baggins
11-21-2002, 12:29 AM
* I slept a nice long nap, and Dremt of Bell, it was a strange dream though, for I was fighting her. I pinched myself* Where are we going Lubyla?


I'm sorry Lubyla, but I cannot. She's calling me. Goodbye.*I jumped of the pegasus, a foolish thing to do, but was caught by the unisus. I directed him down and landed beside Aeryn.* You need my help mistress?

ooc: don't worry if you defeat her then it will snap Freddy out of his trance, cause that's all that's wrong for now, she can't compleatly change him.

Ms. Undomial
11-21-2002, 12:32 AM
ooc: I think she is going to win, but I am not sure.... I know who the Heir is!!!!!!!!!!!! I found out by pure logic!!!! remember when Aeryn said that she was not going to tell us what Loke's name meant because it would ruin the story? well, he is a dunidain! so by using pure logic, I found out that he is the heir!!!

11-21-2002, 01:02 PM
ooc:THANK YOU FRED FOR READING MY MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was hoping you would say something about Andodulin. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ic: *Seeing the hobbit jump off was one thing, but what startled me, was the fact that Andodulin was gone. That would bring us all to destruction. I had to find him. I sifted through my quiver of arrows, and pulled out a pure black one, with gleaming raven feathers attached to the end. I was the only one who could bring him down when Sauron first made the One Ring, and I am now the only one who can do it.*

Ms. Undomial
11-21-2002, 05:55 PM
ooc: I invited a friend of mine to join this thread, (I hope that is alright with everyone) and I am going to help her start out. here is her profile:

Name: Alasse
Race: Human (Woman)
weapon: sword
Backround: ??
horse name: Ellaire
(I hope I didn't forget anything)

ic: Aeryn and I were standing face to face, she still debating on weather or not to take the challenge. then from out of nowhere came a Figure on a Galloping horse heading strait for us. she came into view and I saw her face. <Alasse, it has been long.> she saw that I had my sword drawn and she got off of her horse.

Alasse: <can I help you?>

Losillewen: <no, do not interfeare with us. do not talk out loud yet, but we can still mind message untill she decides weather or not she will take my challenge.>

ooc: Silverstripe- I will let you take over from here.

11-21-2002, 06:31 PM
ooc: I'll try...

ic: I wanted to ask Losillewen why she had challenged the other in the first place, but knew better than to demand what was sure to be a long explanation when my friend was so obviously getting ready to do battle. But the other elf, the dark one, looked familiar, though I could not quite remember who she was or where I had seen her before.
<This one that you have challenged: what is her name?>

11-21-2002, 07:02 PM
I touched down with Ithilsila, as she changed back into her gleming silver horse self, and Iwent off into the woods, hoping to find Andodulin.

Fred Baggins
11-21-2002, 07:39 PM
Aeryn turned to him seemingly telling him to wait with his sword drawn, for they WOULD win, even if it invovled cheating, for that is a little matter to the dark lord. She told him to be ready with his "magic".

Ms. Undomial
11-21-2002, 08:02 PM
ooc: Silverstripe- very good entry! Fred- Sweet!

Ic:Losillewen: <she is called Aeryn. how have your travels been?>

11-21-2002, 08:27 PM
Aeryn, Aeryn ... where had I heard that name before? I knew that I should recognize her, and somehow that made me uneasy.

<They have been--informative.> I could not quite keep the bitterness out of my thoughts. <These are dark times, Losillewen, as you know well.>

11-21-2002, 08:54 PM
May I make something perfectly clear? Loke ain't the heir. And Aeryn doesn't WANT to be evil.

Ic:Aeryn would not play these petty games. "I will not fight you, but by the same power the dark Nazgul had any weapon the strikes me the pain it inflicts will come back 3 fold on it's owner." Aeryn would not fight, Saruman was beginning to wrestle her conscience. She began to feel herself going mad as she once had. "So little one," She said her eyes turning onto Loke, ignoring th eothers who seemed to think they could stop her, "Are you a servant of the Lord of the Earth?"

Loke couldn't believe the gall of Losillewen. "I shall say anything that I must lady." he said in stiff tones. Then Aeryn turned her gaze on him, he could feel her trying to read and brainwash his mind. It didn't work. "Are you the servant of the Lord of the Earth?" she asked. He smiled in an unobscure manner. "It depends on who he is today..." he said simply. This seemed to enrage the elf. Why were elves so testy?

Ms. Undomial
11-21-2002, 09:28 PM
ooc: well if Aeryn doesn't want to be evil then make her be good!

ic: to loke: <if you say anything you must then someday you will find your self in big trouble.> to Aeryn: <let the Man be.>

Fred Baggins
11-21-2002, 09:31 PM
Freddy: *Stands in a trance still, unable to wake up from it. He seems...happy though, as though this is what he truly wants.*

11-21-2002, 09:38 PM
Loke once again laughs and waves his hand nonchalantly. "No it won't. So tell me, where is Caelwen?" He sees the look of surprise on the elfs face as he mentioned her. Losillewen looked around, noticing that her friend was not there, seemed to be in shock. "Elf, I can take care of myself. And I would appreciate you staying out of my mind. You didn't ask my permission to speak to me in such a manner, and I find it offensive. Never knew the Galadhrim were of such a rude breed."

Ms. Undomial
11-21-2002, 10:44 PM
I leaped upon my horse and said to Loke: <I am sorry that you find it offensive, and we Galadrim are not a rude breed. I do not need someone's permission to speak into there mind.> to Aeryn: <We will meet again!> to Alasse: <Follow me please!> with that I spered Namarie towards the forest.

11-21-2002, 11:48 PM
I got on Ellaire and followed Losillewen. Now that it appeared that she was not going into battle after all, I was ready to ask her what was going on; but that I would do when we reached our destination.

Fred Baggins
11-21-2002, 11:53 PM
ooc: Well I am tired of being in a trance now so...

ic:*I heard a voice in my mind, and though I was not fully concous I knew it. *

Freddy, wake up now. Come on wake up you foolish hobbit! You let yourself fall asleep, and if you don't wake up then you will be caught and Fimm will be dead. Now wake up Freddigar Burrows! If you don't wake up now I will come find you and give you a waking up you'll never forget!

*Needless to say I woke up, Belladona Gamgee is no one to mess with, and a quick travler. I slowly moved Fimm away from Aeryn, whispering something into his ear. He took off into the sky, flying like an angel. I felt the wind in my hair, glad to be free of Her for awhile.*

Ms. Undomial
11-21-2002, 11:54 PM
We went deep into the forest and I finally brought Namarie to a stop. I turned around and Faced Alasse. "What do you want to ask me?"

11-21-2002, 11:57 PM
"You have been busy since last I saw you." I shrugged. "As usual. But there seems to be something different this time. What's going on?"

Ms. Undomial
11-22-2002, 12:07 AM
I Laughed. Not just a any old giggle but a real laugh. "Yes, as usual. yes, deffinitly something different. She, Aeryn that is, is a ex servant of Saraman. "

Alasse: "but if she is a ex servant than why were you two about to battle?"

Losillewen: "he has ensnared her mind again. She was here to get Freddy back to Saraman, I think. it is harder to read her mind now. she is getting smarter. but that is not the reason I brought you here. do you remember Caelwen?"

11-22-2002, 12:15 AM
I snorted. So Saruman had managed to ensnare her mind again, had he? I hate it when people who seem to be redeemed from evil go bad again, but it seems to happen so frequently now. I still couldn't remember where I had met Aeryn before, though. "Yes..." I nodded, signalling Losillewen to go on with her explanation.

Ms. Undomial
11-22-2002, 12:25 AM
"well, it appears that she has dissapered. she was with me a moment ago and then just Vanished. I thought that I had heard noises over here--" I was cut short. there was a scream close by. I brought out Nenya, it was glowing again. "there is evil VERY near!" I motioned Alasse to follow me and we galloped towards the scream. I suddenly stoped, and turned towards Alasse. "Stay here!" with that I left and went towards the scream. I came upon a band of orcs, and on the other side of them was Caelwen. She had a sword in her hand and was waving it about, slashing orcs left and right. I brought out my sword and after fighting for a little while all the orcs were dead. "Come Caelwen!" I lifted her up onto my horse and we galloped back to Alasse.

11-22-2002, 12:29 AM
"Caelwen!" I cried upon seeing Losillewen with my other friend. "Can you heal her?" If Losillewen could not, I might be able to. I have very good healing skills and Losillewen's greatest power has always been her thought-speech...that, and perhaps Nenya, if you counted that as one of her powers.

Ms. Undomial
11-22-2002, 12:34 AM
"not now Alasse. I am-am-" Alasse then noticed that I was hiperventilating.

Alasse: "Alright then. let her down gently, and I will see if I can do anything."

11-22-2002, 01:00 AM
I began trying to heal wounded Caelwen, praying I was not too late. I knew that she would live, but what wounds she bore ...I labored long before I was finally sure that my healing was working. I nodded to Losillewen, showing that I had done my job, at least all I could do for the moment.

Ms. Undomial
11-22-2002, 01:04 AM
I let her down gently, and suddenly felt a great pain. My eyes went a dark blue, and my face turned deathly white. Alasse looked up at me and gasped in suprise. she stood up and was about to touch me when I said: "don't Alasse! let me be! don't touch me!" I then leaped off of my horse said: "can you bear pain right now?" I did not wait for a answer, because I had read her mind. I touched her head and she dropped to the ground. my eyes went back to normal and there was color in my face. I knelt next to her and said: "I am sorry Alasse. the pain does not last long. I had to do it, it was my only choice. please forgive me."

ooc: I got to go now! talk to you tomorrow!

11-22-2002, 12:30 PM
*Following Freddy was a dark, unseen hood figure. He looked like a ringwrath, but it was not a ring he was after, it was a person. He was a good friend of Freddy's, so he bt only walked up to him. Fire glazed in his eyes.* Hullo the Freddy, do you remember me? Andodulin?

Fred Baggins
11-22-2002, 07:22 PM
*I drew back slightly, not used to seeing Andodulin in this form.* O, Andodulin, I did not know it was you. *Though I knew who it was I knew that there was something different about him this time.*

11-22-2002, 07:32 PM
SSorry to sstartle you Freddy boy. Do you want to get away from all them? Because I know a nice sspot we can go to, and there will be no one but ussss.*grins evily*

Fred Baggins
11-22-2002, 07:45 PM
Well, actually I was just going to go for a fly. It helps me take my mind away from the evil that haunts it. *He was starting to act like Bell now, and that was to freaky. I had to get away. Fimm spread his wings high and sailed toward Rivendell*

11-22-2002, 07:49 PM
*quickly he started sending mind messages, the hypnotising ones.* <Freddy, come back, you know you dont want to go away. I just want to talk to you. there are many dangers up there. The Nazgul have flying horses.>

Fred Baggins
11-22-2002, 08:01 PM
<I do not fear the Nazgul. You know that, and you are not yourself Andodulin. I just want a nap and a pint of ale, while sitting at my harp playing. I will not be myself any longer if I listen to you! I have to get away!>

11-22-2002, 08:05 PM
<O, come now Freddy, you are the one that'ss not themsself. You need a good resst.And I beleve, why yess I do, I have some of Lubyla'ss mushroomsss. Come, you can eat them ALL!>

11-22-2002, 08:11 PM
The world seemed to shimmer into nothing, there was blackness...then she realized it was not an empty void, but Sarumans throne room. Glossy, sharp stone decorating the sides. She stood tall to him. Saruman was very displeased. "How come the Hobbit and the One have not been brought to me?" He asked, trying on his silky voice. "Because lord...there have been delays--" "DELAYS? What exactly do you speak of? What happened to the elf I knew before this time?> So full of yourself. So fiery and rebellious?" "Lord, I do not remember." she replied dumbly. He laughed, "Yes, an unfortunate side-effect." he said more seriously, "You have failed me." those words echoed in her mind...she had failed someone before...2 people...both very dear to her,she searched her mind, but no memories came. "You will be spending your time ...with the Orcs." He laughed. Aeryn's eyes went almost comically wide, "NO PLEASE MASTER, DONT MAKE ME!" She wailed, but he did not hinder to her pleas.

OKay is that good?

Fred Baggins
11-22-2002, 08:11 PM
Well...but...Mushrooms? nap? that I can get at Rivendell...*The trance like messages were working, but I was fighting with what will I had left.*

11-22-2002, 08:15 PM
<O Freddy, why do you ressisst me so?you know what theyll do to you in RIvendell, you know those botherssome Elvess. Cant keep out of your bussinesss. Come back here, where your ssafe.*

Ms. Undomial
11-22-2002, 10:22 PM
ooc: WOW Aeryn! "your master" is really Mean!!!! Please make something happen. (I said please :D ) Silverstripe- will you please reply soon!?

11-22-2002, 10:30 PM
Yes he is... I don't know what to make happen....

Loke was looking at the dark elf Aeryn, he spoke "Who are you really?" but all of a sudden she disappeared. He was slightly shocked, but appeared unfazed. He took his horn, and blew hard. This horn would call aide from any good creature or person within the area, and since he was now perfectly alone, he sat on a feld tree trunk and waited.

11-22-2002, 10:31 PM
ooc: Okay, here I go!:D I'm going to assume my character knew perfectly well what was going on.

I wanted to tell Losillewen that I knew that she'd had to do this, that she didn't need my forgiveness now. I had, after all, known what she was about to do, and had given her permission to do it. But I could not speak; I could barely even breath. Even if I had been able to talk, there was too much pain... The pain won't last long...won't last long...won't last long...won't last long... I kept thinking these three words to myself over and over, and suddenly I was looking at a most unwelcome sight. I was helpless at the moment, and Caelwen wasn't in much better shape. And Losillewen hadn't killed all of the orcs.

11-22-2002, 10:34 PM
OOC: Girls, (Ms. and Silv) can we just like ooc our new rpg ideas here because my private mail ting is fillin' up REAL quick, PLUS I have some of them I'm saving. (Avatar info.) So is that...errr.."Groovy"?

11-22-2002, 10:50 PM
Iris came galloping toward Loke, he smiled, "Always faithful aren't you girl?" he said lovingly as he hoisted himself into the saddle. He heard other hoof beats, which wasn't a surprise, he did call for aide, but it was odd. Soon a tall old man dressed all in white sitting on a proud horse came. Loke noted he did not ride with a saddle. "You need help on your deed?" He asked in a warm voice, Loke said "Yes Mithrandir, I do. I am afraid I must go into Mordor, were Saruman has rebuilt the tower of Barad-dur with his magic..." he sighed.

Ms. Undomial
11-22-2002, 10:50 PM
ooc: ok Aeryn. Silverstripe- I like it!!! :D also, I every two months that happens to me and I have to take someone energy, if I don't I will not live long.

ic: I saw the fear in Alasse's eyes and I looked around. I saw orcs by the hundreds. "Namarie ar Quel Kaima." most of them turned around and left, but the leaders stayed. I brought out my bow and shot left and right. I then brought out my sword and quickly despatched of the rest. I came back to Alasse, who was almost better. I wistled and two horses came running. I helped Caelwen and Alasse get on there horses and we started going towards rivendell. the then heard a horn and said to Alasse: "take Caelwen to Rivendell. I hope to be there soon." I smiled at her and she smiled back. "don't be too long." she said. I nodded and sped off towards the horn call. I came out into the clearing and saw Loke.

11-22-2002, 10:53 PM
Loke wasn't yet quite ready to forgive the elf her mistakes, he said, "Are you lost Lady?"

Have you noticed I can be really angsty?

Ms. Undomial
11-22-2002, 10:55 PM
that comment was very insulting but I decided to ignore it. "Nay, I am not lost. I heard a horn call and came towards it. can you tell me which one of you two called?"

Fred Baggins
11-23-2002, 12:03 AM
ooc: can you take my energy next time?*Grins evily*

ic: *I heard the call, and wanted to follow it...but it was sure to be those pesky elves. I began to agree with Andoduiln. What he said was right...good. I carefully set Fimm down next to Andoduiln, and looked at him. Why there was nothing wrong the whole time! Just my foolish imagination...my imag-*

*At this time Freddy's thoughts are cut off, for he falls into darkness once again. I, Freddy's...steed... Fimm shall resum the telling of the tale.*

*I was figity, dancing around, and my horn glowed brightly. I had never really liked Andodulin, even in his normal form. I did not one to do as Freddy told me, but I had to, for the only time I can disobey him is if I feal he is in Grave danger, and this was nothing...considering.*

11-23-2002, 12:12 AM
"It was I. But I don't think you will want to come. It is concerning the one who you would so readily kill." he said, but in a quieter tone. He never liked to be unkind. Especially to a lady, but his emotions got the better of him.

Ms. Undomial
11-23-2002, 01:57 AM
ooc: Freddy- :D

ic: "you are wrong," I said looking into his mind, "I am never ready to kill anyone. even if I won the duel, I would not kill her. it is not her fault that her mind is again ensnared. May I say something?" <you do not know me, so please don't say anything like that again. I find it offensive.> with that last remark I smiled, and said: "when shall we be off? for before we go I would very much like to explain something to Alasse and Caelwen."

Loke: "go ahead. we will wait for you."

I galloped towards rivendell and went to see Alasse. "Alasse, I am going again. please take good care of Caelwen. I hope to be back shortly."

Alasse: (ooc: I will let you take over from here. :) )

11-23-2002, 05:11 AM
I travelled long into another day, But still I wen't on.
I travelled to Gondor And there I left my horse Hontre In their care and took off on the back of xave.

11-23-2002, 04:12 PM
Alasse: "Where are you going? I may wish to accompany you. Caelwen will be in good hands here. It seems there is something I must discover."

Ms. Undomial
11-23-2002, 04:22 PM
Losillewen: "oh Alasse, I am going with Loke and Mithrandir to do something about saraman and Barad-dur." -pause- "What must you discover?"

11-23-2002, 04:27 PM
"Saruman!" I made the name a curse. "Yes, I will definitely want to go with you! As for what I must discover, I am not quite sure, but it has something to do with this Aeryn."

Ms. Undomial
11-23-2002, 04:59 PM
"Then come! quickly! we must be off." *"Aeryn," I pondered, "why would it have to do with Aeryn?"* we went to the stables and got Ellaire and Namarie, and started for the clearing. on the way I said to Alasse: "once we get to Mithrandir and Loke do not talk to me execpt in our minds. " she nodded and we came out into the clearing.

Losillewen: "Alasse would like to join us." to Alasse: <how is Gondor in this day and age?>

11-23-2002, 08:44 PM
Before the elf left he said, hissing through clenched teeth, "Speak not in my mind. For things fowl you could say." The elf, somehow realizing the anger that stirred in him, abided.

~~~~At Barad-dur~~~~ (Oh boy, I hopw this is intrigueing)

Aeryn woke. Her body ached like nothing she had ever felt before. She tried to open her eyes but they would not obey her minds commands. She could feel stones and steel in her back...she was laying on it, and it was excruciating. She couold remember being dragged to the courtyards...and a large Orc and taken a rock to her head, everything else was blackness. What would become of her?Then she heard it. Then she dreaded it. That endless hissing and cursing in the Black Speech...they were coming.

Fred Baggins
11-23-2002, 08:47 PM
*I looked down at the thing Freddy was looking at and noteced all to soon that it was Aeryn. i wept for this fate that has come upon the sevants of the darklord.*

Ms. Undomial
11-23-2002, 09:15 PM
ooc: Aeryn- it is Very intrigeing! I like it very much! oh btw, my sister said that (for the new RPG) it should be based on Arwen or Eowyn, some girl....

ic: I noticed that Loke did not at all like the mind stuff. I quickly brought my head up and looked around. "come! we must go faster or we will be too late! "

Alasse: "too late for what?"

I did not answer her, for at that moment I said something to Namarie and she sped off like the wind. "Come!" I yelled back.

11-23-2002, 09:26 PM
Loke and Mithrandir left after the departure of Losillewen. Surprising it was Mithrandir's idea. They trotted at a good pace in a direct line with the far lands of Barad-dur, not in sight, and not anywhere close.

11-23-2002, 09:27 PM
*Seeing that Freddy was under his control now, Andodulin started to guid him out of the back way of the stables where he stood. Walking quickly through the woods, Lubyla came through, clad in a sparkling silver, Bending her bow with a pure Black arrow at Andodulin.*

Leave the boy be Andodulin, he is of no service to you.

*Backs up a bit, seeing the arrow and recagnising it as the one that she first almost killed him with.* He is wanted by my master.

O, When did I send for him? *I pulled the string back a bit on my bow, ready to shoot.*

You are not my master, He is my master.

I have hit you once, and I fear not to do it again. Come back to the light.

NEVER!!!*Turns to leave.*

*At that point, I knew I had to shoot. He would understand, I hope. Pulling the string back, I aimed carefully, as the arrow whent wizing through the air, hitting Andodulin in the back of the neck, as he fell to the ground. Freddy then broke from the trance.*

Ms. Undomial
11-23-2002, 09:32 PM
ooc: it was not mithrandir's idea! it was my own!! how long is it going to take us to get to Barad-dur??

11-23-2002, 09:37 PM
Noooooooo, you left for your kin, we were left in the forest, so we left ahead of you, hoping you would find us...and I am thinking...that I will be another character (I am juggling alot right now :D) as a dwarf and there will be an underground tunnel, for the dwarves know of the danger in Saruman and have been planning for attack. Thus, we get there quicker, AND we have the support of an army...

Ms. Undomial
11-23-2002, 09:45 PM
ooc: wait a second! I left for my kin? where did I go? I thought I left for Barad-dur..... That is where I was planning to go. where am I going now?

11-23-2002, 09:48 PM
I was under the impression that you...left to Rivendell where Cae and Ala was and then you turned around, with them, to come to Barad-dur

Fred Baggins
11-23-2002, 09:54 PM
ooc: darn I wanted to be evil. *pouts* I never ge to be evil

ic:*I woke fom the trance and saw andodulin and a wave af fear and relive broke over me.

Ms. Undomial
11-23-2002, 10:00 PM
ooc: Where am I going now?? no, I already got to you and I sped ahead of you!!! i am infront of you!

11-23-2002, 10:01 PM
don't be evil Fran, it is against your very nature :D

Fred Baggins
11-23-2002, 10:03 PM
ooc*shrugs* ok. Well I have to go 4 now. Buh bye!

11-23-2002, 10:04 PM
*I whistled for Ithilsila.* Take him home. he must not be left unattended.

Fred Baggins
11-24-2002, 02:15 AM
Fimm: *I fell in line with Ithisila, and we fell into deep conversation. Every time I would feel Freddy start to fall asleep I would nudge him with my wings to wake him up. It had been a long while since I was able to talk to Ithisila, and it was nice to catch up on things. I begane to explain y current situation.* Actually I was sent to Middle-earth only recently, to take care of Fredigar. I have grown to care for the undersized creature, but it still feels strange to have such a small thing riding you all the time*

11-24-2002, 02:21 AM
(since a pegasus cant talk.) <It is true, haveing one to ride you is strange, but I have gotten use to it, for Lubyla asks little of it. And plus, she rides bare back, as all elves.>

Fred Baggins
11-24-2002, 02:30 AM
"Well yes, Freddy to rides bareback, as he learned in.*shuders* But it is still strange. But you wonder of what quest I have been sent this time? I will tell you then. I was sent by a friend of his, calls himself Naa Tel'raa.

Ithisila: <Naa Tel'raa, but isn't he here?>

Fimm: Yes, actually this was many years ahead! Of course his is a long and complicated story, but that is for another time. He sent me to protect Freddy, saying something about, Freddy being the last hobbit alive!

Ithisila: <I do not understand. There are many hobbits alive.>

Fimm: Yes, there are, NOW. But there is great devistation in the futer. Have you not seen this?

Ithisila:<Yes, I have, but I feared it greatly. I had hoped it was not true.>

Fimm: Well unfortunatly, it is. I hear a human on the road!*I took on the pony form.*

Freddy: *Though I heard all of this, I was to sick to pay it any attention. o the things that had happened of late. And the Shadow only seemed to grow on my heart...*

11-24-2002, 02:34 AM
<I am deeply sorry, but I must take Andodulin here to Lubyla's home. Seems he went a bit crazy tonight. It has not happened in so long. It s a good thing Lubyla keeps that arrow with her at all times.>

Fred Baggins
11-24-2002, 02:47 AM
*I nodded.* <Freddy as well.>*shuders* <and I think I know why...>

11-24-2002, 02:56 AM
<He is calling them. All of them.>

11-24-2002, 09:43 AM
I rode on xave for a long time until i reached Imladris.I flew down and put xave in a special stable and there i was confronted by several dark figures I bowed to them and they bowed back.

Fred Baggins
11-24-2002, 03:28 PM
ooc: wow...i'm board now...nothings happening...ah well...

Freddy: *I'm not sure I quite understood, nor was quite back to normal...no I'm sure i wasn't back to normal, something was most definatly wrong. Like I wasn't all there, like a part of me was missing, the bad part.*

ooc: Yes folks, I wanted to be evil so bad I made Freddy into a kinda dr. jeckel mr. hide...type...thing...

ic: Evil Freddy: *I watched Aeryn from above, as the orcs marched in chanting. What was about to happen, was something she deserved. O well, I was back now, back home at last!*

11-24-2002, 03:32 PM
<Andodulin, why did you do it. you know you answer to one master, and that is Lubyla.>

*rubs the back of his neck.*

<you deserved it. now, rest. It is a long journey.>

11-24-2002, 11:16 PM
Okay, I am lost, someone speak now or forever be ignored. :D

Ninety Second Bull Dookey

11-25-2002, 12:53 AM
ooc: Oh! I'll speak! I'll speak! Oops, is it too late? *bangs head with 2 by 2 while shrieking, "Conspiracy! Conspiracy!" at the top of her lungs.*

ic: I smiled, a sad little smile. I had been away from home for so, so long. <I have not seen Gondor since the last time I saw you, my friend.>

Ms. Undomial
11-25-2002, 12:55 PM
ooc: Who did what? I didnt' hear about a conspiracy??? AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! oh well, lets get on with the story.

ooc2: ahem. we are going to catch up to you guys about now. (I am going to play along with you Aeryn; though it is not what I had in mind....)

ic: "so long? I am sorry, it is a beautiful city, but I have not seen it since the Great War of the Ring. :( come! we must catch up to the others!"

11-25-2002, 01:45 PM
ooc: *whispers* The Dark Conspiracy!

ic: "Right." I continued to follow Losillewen.

Ms. Undomial
11-25-2002, 01:52 PM
ooc: yes, the dark conspiracy......
ooc2: no offense or anything, but you sure dont' make us do anything!!!

ic: we sprred our horses to a run, and were soon in sight of Loke and Mithrandir. "well, there they are. " I was thinking about how much Loke disliked me speaking in his mind, so I decided to refrain from doing so now. but I forsaw that I would have to do it before the end, he would not like it in the least bit, but it would save someone's life.

ooc: Silverstripe- will you please make us catch up to them??

11-25-2002, 02:09 PM
Down below me i flew down and entered a clearing where gandalf, a man, aeryn and losi'.

''Hello!!! my friends it is good to see you again!!!''

ooc: I think we should pick colours for our own writing I'mm making a list and am giving everyone colours to type with.

zavron : Firebrick
losilewen: Purple
lubyla: Green
fred: tomato
aeryn: blue

if you do not agree post a reply!

Ms. Undomial
11-25-2002, 02:11 PM
ooc: you forgot Alasse!!

zavron : Firebrick
losilewen: Purple
lubyla: Green
fred: tomato
aeryn: blue
Alasse: deep pink

Aeryn is not in the clearing!! grr... only Losillewen, Alasse, Loke, and Mithrandir are in the clearing!!!

11-25-2002, 02:12 PM
who's allase?

Ms. Undomial
11-25-2002, 02:15 PM
ooc: I am going to die! I am going to die! I am going to die! I am going to die! I am going to die! I am going to die! I am going to die! I am going to die! I am going to die! I am going to die! grr....

Alasse is a friend of mine; Aeryn is in mordor!!!

11-25-2002, 02:17 PM
ooc: MORDOR!! Oh Dear!!

Ms. Undomial
11-25-2002, 02:18 PM
ooc: have you read any of the thread??? I am going to kill you!!! I am going to kill you!!! I am going to kill you!!! I am going to kill you!!! I am going to kill you!!! I am going to kill you!!! I am going to kill you!!! I am going to kill you!!! I am going to kill you!!! I am going to kill you!!! I am going to kill you!!! I am going to kill you!!! I am going to kill you!!! I am going to kill you!!! I am going to kill you!!! GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!..........

11-25-2002, 05:19 PM
ooc: Well...actually i did skip a bit of it it was one time when I went offline for a day and then when I came back you'd all done about several hundred replies and i got bored and skipped.:o Oh well! I'll have to go back and read it all again some day!

Ms. Undomial
11-25-2002, 06:06 PM
*hits forehead with palm of hand, and shakes head* oh boy.:p :D :) :cool: :rolleyes: :eek: :confused: :( :mad: :confused:

11-25-2002, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by zavron
ooc: Well...actually i did skip a bit of it it was one time when I went offline for a day and then when I came back you'd all done about several hundred replies and i got bored and skipped.:o Oh well! I'll have to go back and read it all again some day!

ooc: *laughs* Bit of an exaggeration, that. Oh well. Anyway I don't have a problem with my color but I'm having trouble thinking of what to say next..grrr! *hits head with 2 by 2 again*

Fred Baggins
11-25-2002, 07:53 PM
*Freddy rode Fimm carefully, looking out for strangers. He dismounted the pony and pulled out a bare meal. While eating he did not notice an approching figure, walking lightly on her toes, so as not to make a sound. Her dark brown hair lay piled delicatly on her head, and she owre clothes that matched the blue sky above. The elf carried a black bow, with two panther eyes painted on it, and a quiver of black arrows, delicate and deadly, though she did not often use them. She walked up behind Freddy*

A servant of Him, eating and not watching! Fredigar Burrows, what do you think you're doing!

*Freddy nearly choked* Never mention that Awartha! Never mention that! I warned you last time!

*Awartha mearly shruged* I'm sorry Freddy, but you really ought to pay more attention.

*Freddy rolled his eyes* O, like you did last time I almost killed you. I thought elves where supposed to be aware of everything. Grrr...<I hate elves>

I was tied to a tree! I hardly think that counts!

Exacttally, and why where you tied to a tree?

*Awartha rolled her eyes.* What ARE you doing anyway, I thought you where never going to leave Bree again!

Well, apparently I've left, and now, I'd like to leave here and attend to my buisness, if I may?

11-25-2002, 08:30 PM
Aeryn opened her eyes, a warm water compress was being put to them. It had all been a terrible dream. She was back home. Her vision swam into focus, and a southern man was attending her. Tall gruff and ill mannered. It wasn't a dream. She tried to speak, but her throat was on fire. The man only replied, "you shut your mouth you, you are much more trouble than your worth. Curuman should have let them finish you he should, but no you are" He rolled his eyes and mocked the wizard, " 'the only one that can change the future' Blah blah blah." He scurried off, Aeryn became more aware of her surroundings, she was in a dank dark dungeon, shackles lined the walls, the stench of blood (of every kind) made her nostrils flare. When would this hell be over?>

OOC: Ms. I should not be expected to write your lines for you, I do sometimes need to gather my wits, and figure out what to say next, thank you.

Also Zavron, Loke is darkblue, Aeryn is red. Unless you want me to me to be bold.

Fred Baggins
11-25-2002, 08:38 PM
*A small figure watched Aeryn from a distance. When the southron man walked away he approched her, glaring at her. A look of recognition dawned on her face, but she did not notice Freddy's dark apparel.*

ooc: Awartha is light blue and EFreddy indigo is k?GFreddy will still be tomato though!

11-25-2002, 08:40 PM
To below message, alrighty :D I was getting ready to prove my point too.!

Fred Baggins
11-25-2002, 08:42 PM
Sorry Aeryn I noticed my blooper and fixed it before you posted that.

11-25-2002, 08:44 PM

Loke looked at this new fellow, Zavron. An (insert what you are...I can't member). One of the strangest he had ever seen. Losi' had also come back. Loke slowed Iris down to the pace in which Losillewen was going. And soon they were trotting side by side. "I'm sorry lady for ...my behavior, but you must understand, ...That way of communtication does not appeal to me even if someone asks to...and not asking is even worse in my eyes."

Aeryn saw the strangest sight, someone she remembered. From her dark days, for the days in which she was good, was quickly fading. "Freddy, has he called you too? I thought for sure if anyone could ...Well, it is rather silly nonsense..." she croaked, throat becoming inflamed, she could no longer speak...

11-25-2002, 08:58 PM
*Lubyla sat in the woods, talking to Ithilsila, who had just come back.* How could I have done it again?? This time I fear he will never trust me again. Perhaps I should find Freddy?

<I am sorry, but you musn't, not tonight Princess, for I fear he is in the shadow relm, with Andodulin, it would be no help.>

WHY?!?!?! How is it that I seem to find trouble where ever I go? *at that, the bird Andodulin flew down.* *quickly pulls out the black arrow* How dare you?!?!?!?! We'll see if you get to walk about as an elf for awile. I wouldn't be surpised if I killed you tonight!!!!

Fred Baggins
11-25-2002, 08:58 PM
*EFreddy finished her sentance* You thought if any one could resist the call it would be Fredigar Burows of Bree, eh?
~Far away~
Awartha: Listen do You hear that Freddy?

GFreddy: *listens* No, I hear nothing...

Awartha: It's...an elf...it Lubyla! Come on Freddy! Lets go see her!

*They walked a ways until the approched her tree. Awartha waved at her, but Lubyla just stared at GFreddy*

ooc: At the time no one knows that there is two of them.

11-25-2002, 09:18 PM

10 questions that make you go huh?

How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges?

What happens if you get scared half to death... twice?

If the #2 pencil is so popular, why is it still #2?

If all the world is a stage, where is the audience sitting?

If you write a book about failure, and it doesn't sell, is it a success?

If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?

If you ate pasta and antipasta, would you still be hungry?

If Superman is so smart, why does he wear underpants over his trousers?

If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?

Why is it that if someone tells you there are 1 billion stars in the universe, you will believe them, but if someone tells you a wall has wet paint you will have to touch it to be sure?

Yeah, I'm bored.

Freddy, great twist!!!

11-25-2002, 09:35 PM
Freddy?!...You are...aalright?!

Fred Baggins
11-25-2002, 09:37 PM
*Grumbles, and shrinks form Andodulin.* As well as can be, considering a "friend" of ours.

11-25-2002, 09:48 PM
Quick Q, is EFreddy still with me?

Fred Baggins
11-25-2002, 09:51 PM
ooc: yep E is!

11-25-2002, 09:55 PM

Aeryn, dispite her condition, sat up. she rocked back and forth, slightly losing her balance. She brought her hand up to her forehead, as if it would steady her. She croaked, "I must look a fright, what did the demons do to me? for I cannot remember."

Fred Baggins
11-25-2002, 10:02 PM
*Glares at her* Only what you deserve. They rufed you up a bit that's for sure. Should have killed ya. But never mind that. I have to be gone by nightfall because of you! Master says I have to find someone, hasn't even told me who yet!

11-25-2002, 10:09 PM
*I glared at Andodulin* Do not worry about him, if anything, next time I might kill him.*to Andodulin* Care to press your luck?

11-25-2002, 10:10 PM
Snorts with laughter, then groans because of the pain that it caused. "You certainly are out of the loop Freddy." she said malisciously, not knowing why. "It's the heir. You really are a stupid creature." somehow being around Freddy for however long a time made Aeryn meaner than she intended to be.

Fred Baggins
11-25-2002, 10:17 PM
*He shot a look at her* O really? I did not know that the heir was a halfling. I'm not stupid, but I know what I hear and he and his little friend talked about a halfling, NOT a man.


But I feel fine now, like a great evil has been taken from me...or out of me...

11-25-2002, 10:29 PM
Tis odd.

*hops over a bit.*

And where are you going?*holds arrow to his throat.* Step one step closer, and you are dead.

11-25-2002, 10:39 PM
"Why dear Freddy, the halfing is you."

Fred Baggins
11-25-2002, 10:44 PM
Are you that stupid 'Mistress'? Do I have to spell it out for you? Here, exaclty what the said was "Yes, I have rounded up the orcs, and put the halfling in charge of them to find the...OTHER...halfling.

11-25-2002, 10:48 PM
This was entirely to much for Aeryn she got up, rising to her full height, she struck the hobbit. "don't you dare speak to me this way, for even though I am HERE I am still above you in rank in the long run. I also out-strip you in power. So perhaps you should rethink that statement FRE-DY" She said, fuming. How dare he? then a thought came to her, very quiet in the back of her mind, Why did I just hit him? Remorse was not something she could portray in her current state, so she remained angry.

Fred Baggins
11-25-2002, 11:15 PM
*I received the blow, staggering back a few paces. It was certantly unexpected, but strangly it did not hurt. I turned around, ignoring her, and left. Then I turned around again, decideding to offer another bit of information I had overheard.* I heard something else 'mistress'. They're replacing you, with someone more capable. O, but don't worry, they still have a nice little job for you, tell me what it's like to be Sarumans personal slave. *I turned and left, not really listening to her cries of anger...and not really carring.*

11-25-2002, 11:28 PM
How could her Master treat her this way? Damn, what was she going to do? An plan began to form in her mind, for good or evil...

Ms. Undomial
11-25-2002, 11:52 PM
this is going to be my exit to this thread for the time being; I am haveing personal problems with this RPG, so I am hoping that time will help.

"it is fine Loke. I am sorry for doing so in the first place, it is just what I do." I suddenly felt limp, which I thought was very unusal for I had already had my energy difficiencecy for the past two months. My horse and I then started phaseing, and Namarie screamed. Gandalf looked back towards us just before the final phase. And with one last yelp from Me we had dissapered compleatly. Forever after that we were only seen by those few people that came to that place after night fall; but there was a exception for the company, My spirit would still haunt them when ever they were together. It was said thereafter that Losillewen and Namarie stilled lingered in a different dimension, waiting, waiting for a moment in time when they would be able to come back.

ooc: when I will be back only time will tell. good bye!

11-26-2002, 12:45 PM
"Losillewen!" I screamed as my friend disappeared. I tried to follow her, but someone pulled me back -- Loke.

Wait! the voice of Losillewen whispered before fading forever, You will be able to follow me when you wish, and someday you may need to. But when you do join me, you, too, will be trapped.

I alone heard this. I nodded, and did not try to follow my friend. "We'll get you out of there, Losillewen. I promise."

Ms. Undomial
11-26-2002, 01:56 PM
ic: I smiled at Alasse. Then, with excrutiating pain, I faded. Not to be seen again for a long while.

11-26-2002, 02:03 PM
"I will get you home, my friend," I whispered again. Then turned from the place Losillewen had been, knowing she would want the rest of us to go on and find the others. However... "This is bad, very bad. Especially with Saruman already in Mordor," I said. "Do you know what Losillewen carried?"

11-26-2002, 02:12 PM
ooc: we really need to find aragorns heir!!!

losi' faded away, like all the others one by one, until our journey was over. Even though i did not realise this would be my last adventure.

11-26-2002, 02:14 PM
ooc: Now, Zavron, don't be so hasty! We're all right, it won't happen to anyone else, Alasse will at some point go looking for Losi' though!:)

11-26-2002, 02:36 PM
Gandalf: "Yes, Alasse, and this is why you must find her. The Three...the Three have become the last protection from Saruman. If Nenya and Losillewen do not return to Middle Earth, without all of the Three present, Saruman's evil will prevail. You alone can follow Losillewen. Even I cannot. Go, gather a company to help search for Losillewen. Then you must go join her, for she must not be alone for long."
I nodded, leapt on Ellaire, and sped off to find others to join me on my quest.

ooc: That's my cue to be off for a bit! Don't worry, I believe Losillewen and Alasse will return!

Fred Baggins
11-26-2002, 07:51 PM
*The sun began to set, and I noticed Awartha looking strange. I knew something had happened with the others, but I did not know what, though Awartha probably would, but she would be gone for the night. She walked away, and I let her leave, I chated with Lubyla, who did not understand why she is leaving.*
~Later that night.~

*A figure in baby blue robes walks up to the gates of Rivendell, and lets herself into The last Homley House. She is a wizard and carries a Mithril staff, with a ring of gole set on the top, and susppened in the middle of the ring is a blue topaz gem, carved so that one half looks like a moon and the other half a sun. She walked up to Elron and bowed.*

11-26-2002, 08:04 PM
*trys to hobble over a bit, to say hello to Freddy.*

Do not move fowl beast of burden. I took you under the promise you would serve only I. And therre you go, back to the old master. do not even think you have been forgiven.

Fred Baggins
11-26-2002, 10:09 PM
Lubyla Greenleaf it's not his fault! Leave him alone!*shudders* that was wierd-Awartha. Stupid elf...

11-26-2002, 10:13 PM
WELL MASTER FREDDIGAR, IF YOU DID NOT WANT MY HELP, YOU MIGHT HAVE SAID SO.!!!!!!Well, I believe I must be off now.*evil lingered in her eyes.*

Fred Baggins
11-26-2002, 10:22 PM
*rolls eyes* I was not refering o you when I said stupid elf! I was refering to Awartha she- never mind. i have to go...come on Fimm.*I jumped of Fimm and rode off. We soon approched what I was looking for, for we had flew, and Fimm is faster than the wind when flying. We approched the camp. I do not know why I was lookinf for it, for I felt it was of importance. To late I relized it was an orc camp.

ooc: no rescuers pwease.

11-26-2002, 10:44 PM
Okay, I'm tryin' to get an heir...but I don't know if she will play a he, and she idn't often on the net...:)

Loke was startled by the disappearance of Losi' and more surprised at the leaving of Alasse. He muttered, "Elves.." but kept his feelings quiet. He looked to the companions that were left...Gandalf and Zavron. Why were their numbers dwindeling so swiftly. "Gandalf, I believe I can help get to Barad-dur...faster...though I do not know...And please Zavron I mean no effence. But I don't know if the dwarves will be likely to take kindly to you if you wander across their paths alone." Gandalf nodded, and Zavron seemed to understand WHY he said such a thing. Loke took the lead and paced his horse slightly to the west. A tunnel was there. A tunnel that led 'cross country, and straight in back of the entrance of Barad-dur.

Aeryn was summoned to the main-chamber room of Saruman. He was grinning. "Well, I have a lovely surprise for you..." he said, Aeryn was nonplussed, no emotion did she feel. "You get to leave." he said smiling. Aeryn looked up suddenly, no servant could just leave. "And what would you have me do Master?" she asked quietly...he replied, "Only this.."

Could someone figure out the rest of his line? :D

Fred Baggins
11-26-2002, 10:53 PM
*The wizard was soon seen leaving Rivendell and walking as swiflty as she could to the stop where Loke, Mithrandir, and Zarvon where. She bowed to them introducing herself to the Zavron and Loke.* Hello, I am Awartha, Wizard of the Sky. *She bowed again, especailly low to Mithrandir* Gandalf the white sir, I am honored to be in your presance once again. Elrond has sent me to help you during the night.

*When the orcs attacked i could do nothing. I was compleatly helpless. I belived at first that they where going to kill me...then I saw the strangest thing. i-er or someone who looked like me walked up to the, telling them in the dark toungh to lay off, but for the first time that I could ever remember(he can't remember before he was in Mordor for two years) I didn't understand.* Who are you?

More importantly who are you. What are you doing attacking my armies? Pray tell stranger.

I-I don't belive i understand...you just saved my life, and yet that is your army? *Suddenly it struck me. That was what was wrong! The last time I had been taken out of trance I must have lost the evil side of me, it became it's own person! This was amazing...and dreadful. It would be harder killing myself than a totla stranger...*

11-29-2002, 10:24 PM
Aeryn quietly schemed she would get out. Not many knew officially that she was being demoted, tonight was her only chance of escape. Midnight was the set time.

"Awartha? I have heard many an interesting thing about you, and what pray tell are you here for?"

11-30-2002, 07:17 AM
''we should leave to find aragorns heir or Middle-Earth should forever be doomed!!!!''

Fred Baggins
11-30-2002, 03:17 PM
I have been sent by the high council, for though I am but a young wizard, I am one of the wisest. I was told to help you seek for Aragorns Heir, so that the Doom of Mi-*I had spoken to much. To be sure, Loke undoubtedly knew of the Doom, and the other to, but it was still unwise to speak out loud of such things.

11-30-2002, 08:45 PM
*I rode on to find the others,(whoever is left) and reached the campsite.*

Fred Baggins
11-30-2002, 08:49 PM
I-I have to go...*I stood up and started to stumble back to Fimm.

12-01-2002, 01:25 AM
ooc: Explanation of what happened -- after Alasse left to find Losillewen, she followed her friend into the second dimension. Now, her mind (but not body) has returned to the first dimension, at almost the exact place and time she left the questors (for fuller description see "The Search for Losillewen".)

ic: Though I could not be seen, I could see them: those who now searched for Aragorn's heir, Gandalf, Loke, and Zavron; standing in almost exactly the same place they'd been when I left them. But surely this couldn't be? I had been in the second dimension for several days, and that was after a month seeking others to accompany me on my search! I tried to speak to them, to warn them of my presence, but this I could not do. I could only watch, helpless as they faced the growing danger in the East. Again and again I tried calling them, even tried sending mind messages to Gandalf. Why could he not hear me?! Finally, in desperation, I tried one last thing.
<Loke....> I "called." He could hear me, and I sensed his anger at my speaking into his mind. <Loke, it's Alasse. Please forgive me, I had no other choice...>

12-01-2002, 12:13 PM
ooc: Awww come on guys your messing everything up!!! The story started of simple and now it's too complicated!!!! Fred wheres your original carachter!! WHY Has losi' been dragged into another dimension and why is everyone everywhere!!!!!!

Fred Baggins
12-01-2002, 06:45 PM
Freddy's comeing back, just hang on, I was just about to bring him back!

Awartha heard a voce in her head, but she could not tell where it had come from, or who it was.<You know how hobbits are so quiet and so good at not being seen that you wouldn't even know they exicted until they stepped out from behind a bush and yelled boo?>

*Freddy stepps out from behind a bush.* Boo!

*Awartha spins around reddy to cast a spell on him, when she sees that it's only Freddy.* Stupid Burrows. Be more careful next time, you could give someone a heart attack like that!

Sorry, I had to have a bit of fun. What's going on? Where's Losi, and Alasse?

12-04-2002, 10:11 PM
*I rode on, ever diligant in reaching where I was going, though I did not know where I was going.*

12-05-2002, 01:21 PM
''Erm...I'm not so sure. One minute Losi' and allasse were here and then they were gone. But whatever's happened I don't think we should hang around! It is time we left for Gondor to find aragorn's heir.''

12-05-2002, 07:20 PM
Loke responded in his mind, "<Speak then, it is forgiven>" But to Zavron he said, "I agree with you, things have gotten more complicated then when we began, perhaps...I know who the Heir is." He said, Gandalf looked amused, but Zavron looked a bit mad about this revelation.

12-05-2002, 10:52 PM
<Perhaps he is the reason I have been brought here, then, for the Heir is my brother> I said, hearing what Loke was saying aloud, <I hope whoever brought me here can take me back again, for I must rejoin Losillewen in the other dimension.>

12-05-2002, 11:00 PM
<He is your brother? But he is no elf. He is mortal man, interesting enough> Loke said.

12-05-2002, 11:13 PM
Had I been able to, I would have smiled. <I'm only a half elf, and he ... is Aragorn's heir, while I am Arwen Evenstar's heir> I said. It was the only explanation I could give.

12-05-2002, 11:22 PM
Loke was confused <It is an impossibility, for I know his heir, and he is not Aragorns kin, but his friend. Or was his friend rather>

12-05-2002, 11:33 PM
Now I, too, was confused. <Losillewen tells me that my brother lives...yet I know you speak the truth. Who is the Heir?> I smiled, for I had suddenly realized what Losillewen had meant by what she said.

12-05-2002, 11:40 PM
<Gloscalan, man among the dwarves.> He said proudly, not realizing he was saying it aloud too.,

12-07-2002, 06:09 AM
ooc:where am I?

Fred Baggins
12-07-2002, 04:17 PM
ooc: *Bangs head with 2x2.* The same place you always are Zavron. The same place I always am. Frogotten. No one respects a hobbit.*Mopes*

12-08-2002, 09:34 AM
ooc: No one respects a half-Dragon either. *goes off to join Fred in moping*

12-08-2002, 03:04 PM
ooc: this is my exit from the story, for I have too much to contend with.

ic:I walked into the woods, and there, I dissapeared, unknow to where I may be. Where I vanished, a white bird sat laughing, as he turned back into a wizard, and walked away.*

12-08-2002, 06:51 PM
This certainly isn't going well, no one knows where they are, or who they are, so I hereby declare, that I will ask for this thing to be closed.

12-13-2002, 03:43 PM
ooc: Let's sort this out! I don't think it should be closed it's just people making it too complicated!! Losilewen's ruined her part by vanishing into another Dimansion. Lubylas dissapeared, although she really isn't needed much. Fred's carachters disapearing too much and she should explain the buisness with the Wargs and stuff! If we manage to sort those things out I'm sure we can get back on track!

12-16-2002, 04:53 PM
ooc: come on lets get sorting out!!


suddenly Losilewen was back among us and all the fellowship was here. It was time to go to Gondor. We set off.

Ms. Undomial
12-16-2002, 07:18 PM
ooc: Losillewen is not there yet; please take that out of your post. I will post here when SFL is finished. I have already written a ending to this, and at that time every piece of the puzzle will fall into the correct place. untill then please keep me out of this story.

12-17-2002, 02:23 PM
ooc: Awww...nobody likes that Rpg!! Aww all right it's Ok, but you should finish it soon.

01-01-2003, 05:13 PM
Time to reserect this rpg from the dead.

01-03-2003, 01:26 AM
I've read this, well most of it, and I think it is the funniest thing!

Nobody agrees on what's going on, the starter of the thread gets pushed aside by some body who has a character that has no flaws and the only person who wants to continue is the only person who has a realistic character...Life is good.

01-03-2003, 07:41 AM
Am I the one with the realistic carachter?:confused: :eek:

Fred Baggins
01-04-2003, 07:43 PM
I thought my character was realistic. I dunno, guess not.*sniff* now that my whole life and my fave character is ruined, I'll go moap in some corner. And by the by Zavron, if you didn't notice, Aeryn left. She's not really coming back either. So I don't think we can reserect the RPG without the creator of the RPG...can we?!

01-06-2003, 01:01 PM
It is possible.