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Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 12:39 PM

When I came to, I found my self lieing on the ground with my horse standing next to me. I got up slowly to see if any one was around and to my suprise I saw a large person dressed all in black walking close by. I leaped up and mounted Namarie. I put her to a full run in hope of losing the hooded figure. Namarie ran for a full 30 min non-stop, then I finally brought her to a canter. we were at the camp in 5 more min. and I got off Namarie. "Hello!" I said. I must have scared them half to death because at that moment the all jumped to there feet.

11-09-2002, 12:52 PM
the group were all sitting round a fire except for zavron he wasn't there. losilewen stepped up to them and inquired to where zavron was.

freddy: '' I haven't seen him since he healed your horse he dissapeared straight after it.''

losi': ''what were you doing before you came up to me and aeryn through the forest?''

freddy: ''well listen to this''

and freddy told everyone about when he followed zavron. and the mysterious hooded figure.

G: '' I think we should look for him, come!! zavron's and our lives may be at stake''

ooc: sorry!! can't think of any thing more you invent something good up for me!!

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 01:07 PM
ooc: ok I will think of something good.... I will write in about 2 hours! gotta go!

11-09-2002, 01:45 PM
they left the camp in search of zavron.

eventually they split up gandalf went with aeryn and losi' went with freddy and caelwen.

losi' fred and caelwen wentn round a clump of trees. then losi' stopped and looked around.

losi': '' this is the spot where i was knocked unconcious''
as the last word left her mouth a figure swooped down from above and landed infront of the horses.

It was zavron and he was wielding a large axe in his hands

caelwen: '' zavron wha......."

zap zavron pointed the axe at her and a lightning bolt struck out of it and blasted her of her horse.

zavron growled and leaped forward losi' jumped of her horse and withdrew her blade from its sheath what followed was a battle that nothing could match up too.

zavron with the strange axe which was double sided at the top and at the bottom was a a spade shaped axe with a strange stone in the middle. again and again lightning bolts blasted from the stone in the axe and again and again losi' dodged them and then..

' smash ' zavon struck a heavy blow on losi's sword and it shattered into pieces.


flash there was a huge bang and a smell like gunpowder zavron was down face flat on the ground, just in the knick of time gandalf had arrived.

G: '' quick we must get him back to the camp!!"

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 02:34 PM
ooc:well, I didn't like the cussing part, other then that not bad!And you kinda forgot about me and Fimm, the unisus in that last part, like I said, no one respects a hobbit.

ic:Fimm took his unisus shape against Zavron, but Gandalf came and saved the day. I resheathed my sword but Fimm didn't go back to normal. We were about to follow the rest back to camp when Fimm, wispered to me. "Freddy, we have to talk. I am not going to follow the rest back." He took me further away instead.

11-09-2002, 02:51 PM
ooc: come on fred, reply, reply!!!!! im on tenderhooks here:( :( :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 03:54 PM
wow I sure am a wimp and Cry out "NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!" an awful lot too!

ic: we all started traveling back to camp execpt Freddy, but I decided not to say anything about it now. when we were at Camp I went to my tent and brought out the hilt of my sword. I said a few words over it and put it back in its sheath. when I drew it out again it was my normal sword just as it had been before it shattered. I went to Gandalf's tent and saw him tending Zavron. "Gandalf, What has gotten into him? why would he save my horse and then try to kill me?"

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 04:02 PM
Fimm took me out into the deep of the forest, to make sure we would be alone.
FI:Danger is close, Freddy.

FE: I know that, Look at what Zavron just did! I knew I didn't trust him! Never trust a stranger in black clothes! Espeically if your sences warn you against the person!

FI: It isn't just because of what he just did that you shouldn't trust him. But that is not what I talk of. You are being followed, by another warg, I fear Fred Baggins hasn't been as trustworthy as you belive. You must leave this companynow, or bring them all to their death. Well, exept maybe Gandalf. Take my advice master, leave them.

FE: But I can't Fimm, I have promised to help!

FI: and all along the way, they have adviced you to leave.

FE: Only because I am a hobbit!

FI: Master, please leave them. Not only will you bring them to there death, but I still don't trust Zavron, or Mirial.

FE: Why not Mirial, she is no longer brain washed!

FI:Once a servant of Saruman, always a servant. Remember Naa Tel'raa?

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 04:05 PM
ooc: cool Fred! keep on going! don't stop!

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 04:25 PM
FE: But he's no longer a servant, besides he was Saurons servant, not Sarumans.

FI: That makes no differance, master. Naa Tel'raa is still evil, though he trys to be good.

FE: But I can't leave them, I promised!

FI: I don't think they will miss a hobbit.

FE:*Gets mad* great, my own best friend doesn't respect me! Take me back please.

FI: Very well master *sighs*

*We started going back, when I relized that we where bieng followed. I turned around and a flash knocked me down. I turned around to see Zavron. I fumbled around looking for my horn, It WAS GONE!

ooc: O an that whole thing about Naa Tel'raa...applies to 'The Big Adventure"

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 04:32 PM
Losillewen: "Gandalf, May I talk to him alone? maybe I can bring him back to his senses, but please make sure that no one is around, not even you. He may sense you and then he would think I was tricking him."

G: "Alright Losillewen. but do be careful!"

Losi': "of course I will!"

Gandalf left and Losillewen lifted up Zavron head.

Losi': #Zavron wake up, it is me.#

with that Zavron opened up his eyes and looked at me.

Zavron: "hello. did that work? do they trust you now?"

Losillewen: "no they don't trust me yet. but next time you do it make sure you attack me when I am alone and then dissapear after you knock me out. oh and also next time don't forget to wound me in some way."

Zavron: "Alright. I will remember. now lets get going."

Losi': "now go do something to freddy and I will find him."

ooc: Fred- your PM box is full.

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 04:43 PM
I went to Namarie and mounted her. "Hello ol girl. c'mon time for another ride!" She galloped long and hard and before I knew it there was Freddy lieing on the ground looking for someting.
"Freddy, what are you looking for?"

Freddy: "my horn, it seems to have dissapeared!"

Losi': "I am sorry about that Freddy, C'mon, lets go back to camp."

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 04:53 PM
NO I have to find it! *Contues to crawl around.* I HAVE TO FIND MY HORN! You don't understand it is esentional that I fi-*Looks up and sees a strange shape* What the! NOOO LEAVE ME ALONE! LEAVE ME ALONE! *The shape grows, but only Freddy can see it* GET AWAY FROM ME!

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 04:55 PM
ooc: Write more Fred! Write more! please! hurry up! I am on the edge of my seat! what is going to happen! write more!

ic: Losillewen: "What is wrong Freddy?" then seeing the terrer in his eyes she turned around. "I don't see anything Freddy. Please tell me what you see!"

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 04:58 PM
ooc:*Yawns and leaves the computer*

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 04:59 PM
ooc: Where are you Going? please don't leave me yet!! make something happen!

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 05:07 PM
OOC: sorry just being evil*Grins wickedly*


Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 05:11 PM
ic: Losillewen: "Freddy Stop it!!" I decided to take a chance and go into freddy's mind. #Freddy Stop it!#
he became quiet and looked up at me.

Losi: #yes Freddy that was me. come along we must go back to camp.#

ooc: Evil Fred!

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 05:14 PM
*The creature still lurks behind as he silently follows her.* Lossiliwen, I have to find that horn, or he will attack all of us. I have to leave you. Fimm and I must go.

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 05:16 PM
"Freddy stop!" I yelled "if you must go, I will go with you."

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 05:18 PM
No, I have to go, or I will endanger the whole group. I must go alone, with Fimm. But first I must find that horn, or the dark creature will attack.

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 05:20 PM
"Freddy either you come back with me to camp or you take me with you! chose(sp) quickly!"

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 05:23 PM
I must come back I suppose, to find my horn, but I cannot cotinue with the quest. I will be the death of you all if I stay.

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 05:28 PM
ooc: ok c'mon fred, lets get back to camp!

ic: "alright then lets go!" I helped freddy get up and we rode back to camp. by the time we got there it was pitch black. I went to my tent and sleeped well.

ooc: fred- I will let you go from here! make something good happen.... right now I have writers block..... ack painful....annoying....

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 05:32 PM
*I was up all night looking for the horn. Finally I found it...near Zavron's tent, and I figured i must have dropped it. The next morning I had all my stuff packed, and on Ruell. I was about to climb on, when...*

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 05:35 PM
ooc: make something happen Freddy! I have writers block! please make something happen!!

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 05:37 PM
ooc: Sorry, mom's calling me to tea! Buhbye!

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 05:43 PM
ok see ya later!

11-09-2002, 06:13 PM
zavron walked out of his tent he had burn marks all over his back from last night.

zavron: '' OOWWW!!!" ''ah!!! ohh!!'' '' what the...what are you doing!!''

zavron looked down at freddy.

freddy grabbed the horn and ran off.

zavron: ''I don't blame him, what after last night and all.'' ''owww! Im gonna lie back down for a while''

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 06:33 PM
ooc: hello Zavorn! make something happen! I still have writers block so....

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 06:35 PM
ic: I saw Zavron and grabbing my horn jumped on Ruell. "Tell them goodbye for me will ya?" I said as I rode off.

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 07:04 PM
I decided that I was not going to let Freddy just Leave. so I got up earlier than him and readied Namarie. right before freddy left I went into the wood on our left side and waited there for Freddy.
I didn't have to wait long. soon I heard him get on his pony and canter down the road. after we were riding for 15 min. I rode out in front of Freddy and said: "Freddy, I told you I was going to go with you weather you liked it or not."

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 07:24 PM
I refuse to let you come. I will not put the life of such a fine elven lady in danger, I refuse to! That is why I tried to leave early, I do not want anything to happen to any of you.

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 07:42 PM
"Freddy, how exactly are you going to stop me from coming with you? I am stronger then you and more skilled with the sword and bow. I will ask you again, how exactly are you going to stop me?"

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 07:57 PM
By asking you, begging you, to take the safer road. I know up till now, I've been nothing but a bother, a halfling that must be looked after. But now I must fight my own battle. There are wargs following me, and to come with me would be folly. I beg of you, please. You have not left Areyn leave, which is good, for she is essintial to the quest, but I am mearly a hobbit, who is in danger. Which is why I must go. *There is something different about him now, he is no mere halfling anymore. There is an unknown knowledge about him.*

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 08:02 PM
"Alright Freddy you have made me tell you my secret. I was sent to the shire by Elrond to find you and keep you safe, and eventually bring you to rivendell. If you are going to Rivendell now then I must go with you. I promised Elrond I would look after you and I intend to do just that. you can not stop me from coming with you, you know you can't."

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 08:13 PM
Then go to Rivendale and tell Elrond that I am fine taking care of myself, and I am not going to Rivendale. I cannot risk the death of a elf, much less, the siege of such a beautiful place. Tis a shame though. I much desired to see the land* He remounted Ruell, and rode off*

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 08:17 PM
"Freddy!" I yelled. "I promised to keep you safe, and I intend to do so weather you like it or not!"

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 08:19 PM
HAHAHA, Boy you are stubborn aren't you? Fine. But I'm not going to Rivendale.

11-09-2002, 08:20 PM
Will someone PLEASE give me a basic outlay of what happened?

Also where the heck is my Character?

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 08:22 PM
Aeryn, go back and read the thread! it is turning out really good!! go back to page 13 and read!!

ic: "you bet I am stubborn! it is my nature!"

11-09-2002, 08:24 PM
do you think I can understand what happened? You guys really don't make it easy! :D, Am I the only one who is trying to make their character seem like not god-like?
Zavron, you are doing a good job, you know that whole "other side" thing, and Freddy I like the dark figure, but Ms! Come on, Losi has to have SOME faults!!!!

And again I ask, where is my character through all this?

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 08:26 PM
*Scratches her head.* Was I making Freddy god-like?

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 08:27 PM
Read the Dumb thread!! you will see, I have some faults!

11-09-2002, 08:32 PM
Someone needs some Midol...Geezus, You are own bossy chick ~! :)

I'm out

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 08:38 PM
ooc: ok. I am quiet now. what do you mean by "i'm out"?

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 09:00 PM
um...I think she means she's not in the RPG anymore.

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 09:05 PM
ooc: oh. that stinks. we really need her.

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 09:14 PM
*Later* ooc: I have talked to aeryn and she will be back to this thread soon. she says to keep on going like we have been. also, Freddy we are going to Rivendell!

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 09:42 PM
ooc: no we're not.

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 09:56 PM
ooc: please!!!!

11-09-2002, 10:14 PM
~~~Where I left off in the woods, defeated the Urak, thank you very much, single handedly too. not shabby!~~~

Aeryn's eyes narrowed at the stooping figure of the girl crying, Why would she pursue me? she thought warily. Hearing more people aproaching, she quickly mounted Artamir, and sped off


When the Last Homely Home came into view, Aeryn's heart was filled with gladness. No one was around the vacinity, probably inside, Aeryn thought, for it was already dark.
She dismounted her horse, and sent him on his way to graze on the luscious grounds of Imladris. She walked in on what seemed to be a council, all eyes turned to her, as a tall half elven man, sitting at the head of the table, stood, and said, "And may I ask who you are wanderer?"
Aeryn had no words to express, and she just stood there, looking like a goldfish in a bowl, mouthing words that she couldn't quite convey.....

OOC: Happy now?

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 10:20 PM
Because Freddy has to go somewhere else...and he doesn't want to put rivendell in danger!

11-09-2002, 10:22 PM
Freddy ust come to Imladris, otherwise, freddy doesn't come on to the quest......*threatening voice* JUST KIDDING! Fred, you understand though, if Freddy doesn't come to Imladris, someone needs to go with him. Right?

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 10:24 PM
ooc: ok, fine freddy. then I have decided to change it somewhat. Caelwen was the one that found you and she is also the one that promised elrond. Losillewen will go with the rest of the company to rivendell(or wherever they are going). is that ok? Aeryn- Yes I am Very happy now.

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 10:30 PM
ooc: thankyou

ic: I don't think I have been properly introduced to you.

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 10:35 PM
ooc: are you talking to Caelwen?

11-09-2002, 10:36 PM
OOC: my butt hurts...:D....I bumped it...:(....Man I am not right....at all....get on with the story...I will not reply untill Y'all are in Imladris...so .......okay......*side note: my poor butt*

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 10:47 PM
ooc: yeep.

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 10:51 PM
ooc: okey doke then!

ic: "well, my name is Caelwen. I am from Lothlorien and Mirkwood. I never knew my parents. when I was 100 I left Mirkwood and traveled around middle earth, where I found Elrond and he asked me to come here and find you and keep you safe. where are you from?"

11-09-2002, 10:56 PM
Ms. I doubt elves speak of there age in such...er...unflattering context :D

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 11:09 PM
Well, you speak...quickly. I m from the Sh-well, actually I'm from Bree. I havn't yet come of age, and I never should have asked to come on this quest, because now I've endangered my nice safe dumb little life.

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 11:13 PM
"Bree huh?? I don't seem to remember you? who were your parents?"

ooc: I know Aeryn, but elves don't usually go on adventures like this!

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 11:27 PM
ic: That is of little importance. I am a Burrows, and that should be enough.

Ms. Undomial
11-09-2002, 11:36 PM
ic: ~~~~~Back with the rest of the company~~~~~

Losi' to gandalf: "We must go. I talked to Caelwen, she and Freddy have left back to the shire. We really should get on our way. I have a feeling that evil is near, Aeryn ha-" she was cut short. the whole company looked around and Aeryn was not in sight. "Where is she!?" I yelled. " Come, We must hurry!!"

they all got on there horses and started off.

11-09-2002, 11:44 PM
"Speak child." The half elven commanded, "you are in the House of Elrond and will obey."

"Elrond?" She piped up, This was Elrond? Would he forgive her?

He smiled then, "Yes, I am Elrond, but I have yet to hear your name."

"I---I--" She sputtered, no one had ever made her feel this insecure, she regained her compsure, "I am Aeryn, from the Havens, I came here with Gandalf to help find the Heir, I heard news and I came here ahead of the rest of the company." she finished.

Elrond stood there with narrow eyes for what seemed like minutes then again he smiled, but not a true smile, for it never touched his eyes, "Aeryn is it? Come and sit, for we are about to dine."

She did as was told, and enjoyed the meal, listening intently at the news, and gossip that fluttered around the table.

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 11:44 PM
ooc: *tsk tsk tsk* you really don't know me very well do you? If I don't want to risk Rivendell I obvously don't want to risk Hobbiton. I will meet you at Rivendell my firends!

Ms. Undomial
11-10-2002, 12:21 AM
~~~~~with the company~~~~~

Losi:" when are we going to get ot rivendell gandalf? it can't be too far away."

G: "Very soon."

Losi: "Gandalf I dub you the Wrascally Wabbit!"

G: "who wid what? what wis wa wrascally wabbit?"

ooc:*is on the floor laughing* sorry, HAHAHAHA I just couldn't HAHAHAHA help my self... HAHAHA Aeryn could you please get us to Rivendell?

11-10-2002, 12:30 AM
Shake your skirt and you do it. Make time fly, don't prolong it with dialogue, say something like "A few hours later as the saw the lights of theLast Homely Home..." Blah Blah blah, and I suggest you fix gandalf...or I'll fix you...he is NOT Elmer Fudd.

Ms. Undomial
11-10-2002, 12:39 AM
A few hours later as the saw the lights of theLast Homely Home..." Blah Blah blah,

they ring the door bell and someone lets them in.

Losi:" hello, May we please talk to Elrond?"

Gandalf:"wes weese. welrond wind wu. wot wanyone welse. wank wu wary wuch."

11-10-2002, 12:45 AM

Ms. Undomial
11-10-2002, 12:55 AM
ooc: blah blah blah...... sorry, I am HIPER NOW!!!!!!

IC: Losi': "Hello Elrond. Caelwen is away on other business. where is Aeryn? she did arrive her did she not?" *sees Aeryn* "there you are. well I am glad to see you!"

G: "wes, wo wem wy wewearyn."

11-10-2002, 12:57 AM
Hyper with a Y sweety. Anyway, me too.

Ms. Undomial
11-10-2002, 01:00 AM
ooc: gotta go! see ya tomorrow!

11-10-2002, 01:08 AM

11-10-2002, 07:26 AM
meanwhile zavron had allready packed he had followed freddy and listened to the conversation and then sped off to Imladris.

he burst in on a meeting with Elrond

zavron: '' My Lord......... the young Hobbit is leaving he continually persists on talking about a ........Danger!!!'' he said all this as he was gasping for breath for he had travelled a 20 hour journey in just under 5 minutes.

Elrond: '' come zavron.'' his faced looked grave he led zavron to another room.

Elrond: '' you have done well my fellow elf'' suddenly now when elrond looked at zavron he had pointed ears and his hair had gone fairer. Zavron was an Elf.

zavron: '' what do we do now lord!''
elrond:'' we wait, that is all that is possible of us. Losilewen must finish her task. Freddy will come to I mladris.''

zavron and elrond walked back into the room where the meeting was taking place zavron sat next to an elf he new well and elrond took his seat at the same time that they started talking, Aeryn entered, and all heads turned to face her, except zavron he pulled his hood over his face so that aeryn could not see him.

elrond: ''"And may I ask who you are wanderer?"

"Speak child." The half elven commanded, "you are in the House of Elrond and will obey."

"Elrond?" She piped up, This was Elrond? Would he forgive her?

He smiled then, "Yes, I am Elrond, but I have yet to hear your name."

"I---I--" She sputtered, no one had ever made her feel this insecure, she regained her compsure, "I am Aeryn, from the Havens, I came here with Gandalf to help find the Heir, I heard news and I came here ahead of the rest of the company." she finished.

Elrond stood there with narrow eyes for what seemed like minutes then again he smiled, but not a true smile, for it never touched his eyes, "Aeryn is it? Come and sit, for we are about to dine."

She did as was told, and enjoyed the meal, listening intently at the news, and gossip that fluttered around the table.

after the meal elrond stood up and dismissed all the other elves the only ones left were a hooded elf, elrond and herself.

Elrond: ''let me introduce you to an old friend of yours''

at that moment hte hoded elf pulled down his hood to reveal....

aeryn: '' Zavron..... but, it can't be!''

zavron: '' Hello, and fine greetings to you Aeryn!!''

aeryn: ''but your an elf!!''

zavron:'' yes ive been working for elrond the whole time, Everything that i have done was a set-up the only people in on it are elrond, losilewen and some other warrior elves.''

elrond: '' come let me fill you in on everything thats been going on .''

at that they all sat back down and talked way into the middle of the night.

ooc: How about that ey. Bet yo didn't see that one coming!!!:D :D :D :D :D

11-10-2002, 08:10 AM
zavron: '' so you see why you can't tell anybody why were here, I will tell the others that i am an elf of course but i won't tell them why''

elrond: '' the others should be here in a couple of hours, we should et some rest.''

at that elrond stood up and beckoned aeryn to follow him.

elrond: '' i will show you to your room''

they left, and left zavron by himself. I got up and walked out. I went to the stables and walked over to my horse Hontre he was chewing noisely in his nose bag.

zavron:'' this has been a troublesome adventure so-far Hontre, I wonder how freddy will react to me being an elf.''

He walked out and looked down into the fair valley of rivendell. Many houses once fair and full of occupants were now empty and deserted, since the elves had started to leave to the undying lands the wisdom of rivendell had started to fall.
zavron sighed and decided to get some sleep he walked back to his room and read for a while and then dozed off.

11-10-2002, 09:15 AM
I woke up and dressed in my usual black colours. And walked down to breakfast. In rivendell i felt safe and ate happily i was looking forward to seeing my friends again well they might not think me a friend to them, but i still looked forward to it.

later elrond, aeryn, and me walked down to the entrance hall to greet our fellow travellors.

soon an elf came up the corridor folowed by freddy, gandalf, caelwen, losi' and mirial.

i walked over to freddy.

zavron: '' greetings, master hobbit i said with a warm smile:D . I am glad to see you are well!!''

freddy: '' zavron... but your an elf!!''
aeryn: '' funny those are the exact same words that i said ''
freddy: ''but...... how!!''
aeryn: '' I said that too!''

zavron: '' Im sorry in time i may be able to tell you.''

elrond: ''come let us dine!!''

we discussed long at thedinner table. Losi' pulled me to the side to say something.


Fred Baggins
11-10-2002, 02:27 PM
*puts head in hands and shakes it, muttering something about Fred, not Freddy, and how he is up and how zavron ruined Fred's entire idea now.*

11-10-2002, 02:35 PM
HA!!:D na, im only kidding. well tough with your idea my carachter has his own ideas you know!!:mad:

Fred Baggins
11-10-2002, 02:42 PM
Fine be that way LET ALL OF MIDDLE-EARTH DIE!! Sorry got a little carried away...

ic:freddy: '' zavron... but your an elf!!''
aeryn: '' funny those are the exact same words that i said ''
freddy: ''but...... how!!''
aeryn: '' I said that too!''
Freddy: and how did I get here? Last I knew I was going towards Mordor.

11-10-2002, 02:44 PM
zavron: '' ow!! caelwen is an expert on sleeping gases she knocked you out and brought you here!!''

Fred Baggins
11-10-2002, 03:19 PM
Freddy: GREAT! JUST GREAT! That's supper! wonderful, great! I am so glad you did that! thanx a whole gob!*Storms off*

11-10-2002, 04:25 PM
Im sorry!! you invent something up now i've got writers block!:mad: AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!!

Ms. Undomial
11-10-2002, 04:37 PM
Losillewen had felt that Danger was near so as soon as they got to imladris she had left. She was not even missed untill she came back. "Elrond! there are 50 Uruk-Hai about 20 miles back. we must do something!"

Elrond:" 50 Uruk?? what makes you think they are coming here?"

Losi':" Let me take Zavron, Caelwen, and Aeryn. We should be able to hold them off. don't you think so Zavron?"

11-10-2002, 04:54 PM
zavron: '' Lets go!!!''

at that zavron ran outside closely followed by losi' and the others. they mounted the horses and galloped off to the source of the cries of uruk-hai.

Ms. Undomial
11-10-2002, 05:04 PM
we found the uruk marching along the road not caring about anything execpt the fact that they were going to war. I rode out in front of the group and said: "You have one of two chocies; to leave this place and take oaths never to bother this place again, or, to fight." the Uruk captain came out to the front of the band and said:"we will fight. for it will never be said that the Uruk ran away in terror!" with that they charged us. Zavron got out his axe and started shooting lighting bolts everywhere. I got off my horse and unsheathed my sword. I started swinging left and right in hope of getting to Caelwen. She had been at the back of the band hoping that we wouldn't have to fight. I then saw her and threw her my bow. we finally defeated the Uruks and got back together. Caelwen had got a small scratch that could wait untill we got back to Rivendell. but Aeryn had got badly wounded in the sword arm and could hardly lift it up.

11-10-2002, 05:07 PM
ooc: sorry Ms. i've got to go!! parents are kicking me off bye!!.

Fred Baggins
11-10-2002, 05:28 PM
Los:Elrond! there are 50 Uruk-Hai about 20 miles back. we must do something!"
Freddy: Uruk-Hai, great, why did you bring me here! I asked you not to I told you, I told you! Now He's brought them! I told you! *By the last I told you I was screaming, I ran outside, and kept running, untill I came to a place where no one could see me. I feel to my knees and shouted out* WHY DO YOU CONTIUE TO FOLLOW ME!

Ms. Undomial
11-10-2002, 05:57 PM
From afar I heard a scream that was unmistakeubly freddys.

los':"Zavron take them to rivendell. I will follow as soon as i can! Hurry!" I galloped towards the scream and found Freddy unconcious on the ground. I picked him up and put him on Namarie. I decided not to ride her because we had just been going at a good pace and she needed a rest. 3 hours later we were in sight of rivendell. I took Freddy inside, and saw Zavron, Elrond and Gandalf all bending over a figure on the floor. I walked foward and to my dismay it was Aeryn! her face was deathly white and her eyes were closed. her arm that was wounded was lifeless beside her. "will she live" I asked in a low voice? then Freddy came to and said..........

Fred Baggins
11-10-2002, 06:05 PM
Freddy: O my aching head!*Looks up and sees Zavron* Why won't you just let me be!*faints again*

Ms. Undomial
11-10-2002, 06:15 PM
ooc: Fred- that is not what I wanted you to say!!!!!!!!!!!

ic:with that freddy fainted and I paid my attention to Aeryn. There was a brain storm going on in my head. then suddenly I rememberd something that Aragorn had told me long ago. "Excuse me." I said. "May I try something?" Elrond looked at me and then nodded his head. I walked over to Aeryn and put my had on her fore-head. "use this only as a last resort" he had said "it could kill you and the person if you do not do it right. but if you do do it right, then you will still be bedridden for a few days and so will the person that you healed." I remeberd those word clearly for fear that one day I might have to use it. this was the day. the orc's sword had been posined, and this was a last resort. I then closed my eyes and did what I had been taught long ago. the struggle must have been hours but finally I overcame the pain and we both fell unconscious.

Fred Baggins
11-10-2002, 06:18 PM
ooc: well i'm not a mind reader!

Ms. Undomial
11-10-2002, 06:24 PM
ooc: you should be! I will wait to answer untill Aeryn comes back!

11-10-2002, 08:03 PM
As the battle ensued, Aeryn found it increasingly difficult to see, and to move, as if a hand were over her eyes, and hands around her body. Then as she felt excruciating pain fill her right arm, and cold seep into her bones, all was black.
Nightmares...She was in the dark, and she was but a child, she was playing with a young elven lad her age. Each one shooting arrows at eachother, with no intent to hurt eachother. Just to perfect their skills at hiding, and getting out of the way of danger...Aeryn tried furiously to wake, because she knew what would come next...She shot her arrow at the elf, and it struck him in the heart, he fell to the ground, and knew no more. A Tall brown haired half elven man came rushing to his son, he was crying, and picking up his limp child, Elrond replied as he was wiping the blood off his sons face, "Leave Aeryn, and NEVER return."
No more dreams, no more anything.

Sometimes later she felt a hot hand touch her forehead.

OOC: Thanks for making me out to be a ninny Katie. :p

11-10-2002, 08:11 PM
OOC: Mirial would have fought! You obviously don't know her character...!

IC: As the company left to take of the Urak, mirial followed them. She shot several arrows at forwarding badies, and as the battle calmed, she saw 3 Urak running away, the last of the 50, she thought "This is the only way they will trust me" and went after them. She followed their tracks all that day with growing anxiety. Where were they going?

Ms. Undomial
11-10-2002, 09:01 PM
ooc: Your welcome Aeryn! make something happen! I have writers block!

11-10-2002, 09:18 PM
Pah, like what? I told you long ago that was why I wanted to quit this thing but yu wouldnt leave me in peace.

Ms. Undomial
11-10-2002, 09:20 PM
ooc: well if you put it that way, then I will write!! give me a minute will you?

11-10-2002, 09:26 PM
I'll give you minutes dear!:D Even better eh? *waits patiently*

Ms. Undomial
11-10-2002, 09:30 PM
ic: WHen I woke I saw that I was in a room, in Rivendell, with Aeryn on a bed next to me. When I sat up I notcied that there were clothes lieing on chairs next to our beds. I got up and dressed and then I decided to go see Namarie. I walked down to the stables and when I got there I found Gandalf tending Shadowfax.

Los': "Hello Gandalf, how is Aeryn doing?"

G: "hello! Aeryn is doing fine as a matter fact she was down here a little while ago seeing about Artimir. she would be down here now but Elrond told her to go back and rest. when she gets up we will all dine and then decide where to go next."

ooc: Aeryn- Make your character come do something now!

11-10-2002, 09:37 PM
*mumbles "bossy bossy bossy"*

Aeryn, after taking a short, but much needed nap, sat up and saw the Losi' had left. Aeryn though to herself, "Poor girl, been out for so long..."
She sat, and dressed quickly. She snuck down the stairs to speak to Aman.
He was sitting in a room, lit only by firelite. It was a room good for anything, whether you liked reading or songs, quiet, or company...
He stood when he realized she had entered, "Aeryn, I am glad you came, as I said, the matter is most...peculiar."
He began to speak in rapid Quenya, telling Aeryn of freddy's odd behaviour, and his suspiscion that Zavron knew more about Freddy than he let on.
Aeryn sat listening for a long time, and as Aman finished and sat back she rose, bayed him farewell and left to find Zavron.

~~~20 min later~~~
She found him in the garden, no longer in elf form, but looking as he had when she first met him. She snuck up behind him, drew her sword, and pressed it along his neck, "Again I am suspscious of someone in the company, and...I know who you are..." She laughs, but with little humor and much sarcasm," It took me so long to figure it out, I am dissapointed in myself, but alas, my mind surprises even me sometimes..."

Ms. Undomial
11-10-2002, 09:44 PM
ooc: nicely done Aeryn! no offence or anything but you sound like Arwen talking to Aragorn! :D

ic: I left gandalf and decided to go walking through the garden. Then I saw Aeryn holding her sword to Zavron's throat and talking to him. I quietly walked up closer untill I was about ten feet away from her.

Los': I brought out my bow and fitted a arrow to the string. "Aeryn! what are you doing? don't you know he saved you life?"

Aeryn: "He is evil Losillewen. you are an elf, you should know that."

Los': "Aeryn, if you don't lower you sword and back away in 5 seconds, I will let this arrow fly. "

11-10-2002, 11:34 PM
OOC: He isnt evil, that isnt the point i was making!

IC: Sneers at Losi' "As soon as you let go of that Arrow you die" she nodded her head to show Losi that Aman had an arrow pointed at her head.

Aman:"You decide whether you leave, or die. "

Ms. Undomial
11-11-2002, 12:38 AM
I turned my head a small wase to see Aman pointing a arrow at my head. I was trapped. I could either save Zavron and die my self, or leave and who knows what would happen to him. I said: "you give me no choice." I brought my bow down but not all the way, I aimed my bow carefully and shot. it hit Aeryn in the leg, she fell to the ground. I quickly turned around and drew my sword, I waved it left to right in hope of it hitting the arrow. it did. I ran foward and slashed Aman's bow in half. I took his sword that he was about to draw and threw it at Zavron.

Ms. Undomial
11-11-2002, 12:48 AM
Zavron- please empty your mail box.

11-11-2002, 01:04 PM
the sword went flying at zavrons he caught it with ease and then dropped it purposefully and raised his arms.

zavron: '' none of this can be solved by fighting!! aeryn, the information you ask me to give you is not mine to give, we must wait until Freddy feels the need to propely announce what he keep's trying to run away from!!''

zavron helped aeryn up and helped her inside to fix her wound.

Ms. Undomial
11-11-2002, 01:15 PM
I knew that Zavron was right, we should not fight. I went over and picked up Aman's sword and gave it to him. "I am sorry about your bow. it was something I had to do." I then went to Namarie and mounted her. "we are not needed here." i said. I then thought how stupid I was being, I should not run away, i have to stay and face my fears. I went back into the house and walked to Aeryn's room. Zavron was tending her leg. "I am sorry Aeryn. I had no choice." I then took Zavron aside and asked him: "how bad is the wound?"

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 01:41 PM
**The dream...the fear which is now even growing! But it shouldn't grow! I am safe now, in Rivendell, no one can get to me here! But it must leave me alone!**
*I woke up, looking around me. Where was it? Where was that shadow? I saw it outside the window, Aeryn holding her sword at it's neck. Godd, he would be killed. But no, Losi' shot Aeryn! NO YOU FOOL OF AN ELF! SHE WAS GOING TO KILL THE SHADOW! It was awhile before I relized I had been crying, really crying.*

ooc: Ok, remeber back in the forest, and Freddy saw a shadow, but Losi' didn't? Well, now Freddy thinks that Zavron is the shadow, because the real shadow is messing with his mind. Hopes that explains it to y'all!

Ms. Undomial
11-11-2002, 01:50 PM
ooc: interesting fred......

ic: Zavron said that the wound was not grevious and would heal in time. I then went to Freddy's room and said: "Wake up Freddy, it is late." he then turned his face towards me and I saw that he had been crying. "Freddy, What is wrong?"

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 01:56 PM
*I glared at her* Why didn't you let Aeryn kill The Shadow! I no longer trust you. Please leave this room.

Ms. Undomial
11-11-2002, 02:02 PM
"but Freddy...... do you not understand? " I left his room and went to talk to Elrond.

losi': "Elrond I have something to tell you." i told him about Aeryn and Zavron and about Freddy's strange behavior.

Elrond: "this is indeed strange. I know nothing of this shadow that freddy speaks about. but I can assure you that Zavron is good, and he is not the shadow that freddy speaks of."

I thanked Elrond and left his room.

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 02:11 PM
*I sat up and dressed, but not in the clothes provided. I was able to find my clothes, and thankfully my horn. I washed my face, and walked out, trying to find Aeryn. That is when Elrond stopped me.*

Elrond: Freddy, Losi has told me of this shadow that you speak of. Pray, what is it?

Freddy:*ignores him and keep walking*


Freddy: *turns around* The ever dewlling Shadow, now lives. He is consuming Zavron, and I am the only one that knows anything about it.

Elrond: *Thinking he is dilusional* Come on Freddy, you must rest.

Ms. Undomial
11-11-2002, 03:50 PM
I left Elrond and I knew that he would do something about Freddy. I went to the stables and mounted Namarie. I soon as I was out of site of Rivendell i put Namarie to a run. I thought two people talking in the distance. I slowed Namarie down to a canter, when I was in sight of the strangers I saw that it was Caelwen talking to a dark blue robed figure who vanished into the trees as soon as she caught sight of me.

Losi': "Caelwen! hello! who was that person you were talking to?"

Caelwen: "no one of importance. what are you doing out here?"

Losi: "I decided to come out riding. is there a problem with that?" I then told her about Aeryn and Zavron, and about Freddy's 'shadow'. she listend with interest at the information.

Caelwen: "poor Freddy, he never wanted to come here. Losillewen, is it alright if I talk to you? "

I looked around and then nodded my head.

Caelwen: "Well it is like this, I went out riding a hour ago and then came upon a person all dressed in dark blue. "Hello!" I said, "what brings you to this land?" the figure looked at me and then said "Caelwen? is it really you?" I then ran foward to greet my long lost friend. Minuial was her name, a elf that I met in mirkwood long ago. I told her almost everything about my life after we parted. "

Losi: "May I meet her?"

Caelwen: "I guess so. she knew that I was in this land and came to look for me. there is something dredful going on abroad. I cannot tell you what now. we must talk to Elrond imedeitly!" she called in quenya and a elf came out of the trees. "Minuial this is Losillewen, Losillewen this is my long lost friend Minuial."

Losillewen: "Minuial, it is a pleasure to meet you." Minuial looked up at me and I gasped in suprise. "Aurora!" I started talking rapidly to her in Quenya. "it has been long. too long."

Minuial/Aurora: "yes it has been way too long Rose Maiden. Caelwen I have met Losillewen before. Aurora was my childhood name and Rose Maiden was hers. come we have much to talk about."

Losillewen/Rose Maiden: "we can talk at Imladris. we must get there soon!"

we all rode back and eventually got to Rivendell.

ooc: I will write more later!

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 04:09 PM
*I looked out of the window, trying to figure out why Elrond looked the door. Then it struck me. They thought I was crazy. They thought the Shadow was a figment of my imagination! I grumbled to myself trying to think of a way to prove to them about the Shadow. I knew now that it was Zavron that Aeryn was holding her sword to.*

Freddy's Journal

He haunted only my dreams before, but now He haunts while I am awake to. He trys to make me think others are Him. Today he made me think Zavron was Him. I relized this to late. I yelled at Losi' because I thought she was keeping Aeryn from killing him. I must apoligize as soon as she gets back, but Elrond has looked me in my room. They think I'm nuts! Probably I would think so to, if it weren't that others have seen Him to. I must go, I hear a key in the door.

Ms. Undomial
11-11-2002, 05:02 PM
When we got to Rivendell, we went up to Elrond and Minuial told him that the Shadow was Abroad.

Minuial: "Elrond, The Shadow has taken form and is here, haunting the hobbit."

Elrond: "he said that he thought it was Zavron, I thought he was dilusional, He is locked in his room at this very moment."

Minuial: "May I see him? I might be able to get the shadow out of his mind."

Elrond: "by all means, go ahead."

Minuial: "thank you."

Losi': "I will lead you there Minuial. come, this way."

I led Minuial to Freddy's room. I unlocked the door and saw that he was sitting on his bed.

Losi: "Hello Freddy." with that he turned around.

Freddy: "Hello Losillewen. I am sorry I yelled at you. please forgive me."

Losi' : "it is alright Freddy. this is my friend Minuial, she is going to try to get the shadow out of your mind. "

Minuial walked over to him and put her hands on his temples. she closed her eyes. there seemed to be a struggle going on bettween her and the shadow. it was a hour before she took her hands off freddy. she backed away from him and said: "the Shadow will haunt you no more Freddy. it has left to haunt someone elses mind."
With that we left the room and started walking towards the halls of fire, there we talked about ages past and where we would go after we left Imladris.

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 08:11 PM
*I knew that though the shadow was gone from my mind, it would still haunt me. It always had...it always would, and not even the greatest could rid Him from my dreams. This messenger of death was my eternal companion, and nothing, least of all a struggle for mearly an hour could get rid of him.*

"Thankyou m'am. I am in your debt. The Shadow is not a pleasent thing to have lurking in your mind."

11-11-2002, 08:36 PM
Aeryn, after being shot by that goody goody Losillewen limped into the home with the help of Zavron, her dignity still intact, and hate burning in her heart.
When Losi' came to apoligize, Aeryn ignored her pleas ignored her completely. This was the last time Losi' would get in her way.

Aeryn went to speak with Freddy, when she came near the door, she saw Elrond storm out of it. This got her curiousity going. She went in to see Freddy sitting at a small hobbit-sized desk writing in a small book. A Journal, she thought. She smiled at the back of the Hobbit's head, who seemingly didn't notice her.
"I used to keep a journal, until it was lost. Keep it over your heart Freddy for it may save your life one day." Then she turned slowly and left the blinking hobbit to his rest.

OOC Losi' desnt need to be such a goody goody! come on Katie!

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 08:39 PM
ooc:Um...Aeryn can me freind join please? Pretty pretty please?

ic:*Does not hear Aeryn, except in the very heart of his being, and without knowing it remembered these words for the rest of his life. From that day forth he always carried his journal over his heart.*

Ms. Undomial
11-11-2002, 09:03 PM
ooc: Aeryn- sorry!! I don't mean to!

ic: We were talking merrily in the halls of fire when the door opened and the figure of Aeryn was standing in the door way.

Losi: "Hello Aeryn. I am glad to see that you are up and about! come join us."

Caelwen: "yes please do. I would like you to meet my friend, Minuial. " Caelwen thinking: Losillewen sure seems like she doesn't even remember the fact that she shot Aeryn in the leg..... very interesting....

Ms. Undomial
11-11-2002, 09:08 PM
ooc: Lubyla- of course you may join! we need more people despretly!!!

11-11-2002, 09:11 PM
ooc: Yippie! If you need a descript of Lubyla... PM me.

ic: Out side the window of some type of meeting I sat in a tree, high enough for them not to see me, but low enough for me to see them.* I wonder what all the who ha is about. No matter, I jist need to get home.

Ms. Undomial
11-11-2002, 09:18 PM
ooc: Lubyla- please post your description here; it is what most people do and we don't want to go to all the trouble to PM you! :D

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 09:21 PM
*I wandered out, seeing Caelwen, Losi' and Aeyrn, and wondered what was going on. I also wondered when dinner was.*

11-11-2002, 09:23 PM
ooc: ok, I'll try to find one*sifts through some papers.*

found it!:

Name:Lubyla Greenleaf
Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Age: Uh, *counts on fingers, then toes, then pulls someone else over and counts on thier fingers and toes...* Let me get back to you on that
Description: Tall, has waist long hair as gold as the leaves of Lothlorien, is clad in all white. Has a silver horse with her.
Wepons: Bow and arrows she makes herself, and a blade of Mirthil she keeps at her side.
Personality and tradmark remark: Doesnt like strangers. If she doesn't know you, she wont trust you. "Never Trust A Wizard"
Random Facts Fred wants me to add: She is the sister of Legolas.Has a bird.

Ms. Undomial
11-11-2002, 09:28 PM
ooc: ok, that works. do you want me to tell you the story line so you know what just happed? or did you read it and you understood it?(sorry Aeryn! I just couldn't help myself! :D )

11-11-2002, 09:29 PM
ooc: I read through. Thnx though.

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 09:29 PM
ooc: *Rolls on the ground laughing.* I love you descript every time!*Then glares at her* BUT YOU KEEP FORGETTING ABOUT YOU BRO!

11-11-2002, 09:30 PM
Aeryn spoke no word to Losi' or even acknowledged her...she was very good at ignoring elves. Aeryn made small gestures of friendliness towards Caelwen, but nothing extensive.
An owl hooted...but it wasn't an owl...it was someone immitating an owl. Aeryn's eyes swerved all over the tree's, suddenly feeling watched. She wuickly gathered her things, and pushed past Losi' making no attempt to apologize, when she her Losi' turn to follow, Aeryn's head snapped back and she said ferociously, "Never follow me, ever, you are not welcome near me." and left quickly.

Welcome Lubyla. Fred, mailbox is full.

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 09:34 PM
riiiight! The DRINKS. Gotcha((Emperors new grove referance for those of you compleastly clueless...like I said I'm in one of those moods. Lubyla knows.))*Rolls on the ground laughing at her Increadibly lame joke*

Ms. Undomial
11-11-2002, 09:40 PM
ooc: wow Aeryn! your Harsh to poor little me. :( did we get in a argument somewhere along the line or what?


Losi: "Aeryn! I will do what I like. I do not need to be pushed around by a young elf who knows nothing of evilness! what would have happend if I hadn't shown up? you might have killed him! killed a totally innocent person! at least I don't aim for the heart. if I did you might not be here now! do not throw away friendship like this, it is not the way of elves. "

Caelwen: "stop it both of you! I will not see this kind of behavior between elves! " she then unsheathed a hidden sword by her side and put it between the two. "you will now apoligize to each other. I will not take no for a answer! if you do not apoligize I will chalenge you to a duel. well? "

ooc: sorry, that is just the way Caelwen acts when she is serious.

11-11-2002, 09:40 PM
*at that point I could feel someone comming, and looking back, I fell out of the tree.Looking up I saw, standing before me a young elf.

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 09:45 PM
When I saw the three fighting I turned and left, deciding to find out when dinner was. Somehow I ended up outside though. I thought to myself<Great, now I'm going to be late for dinner, because I will never be able to find the dinning room.Maybe if I blow my horn someone will find me!> Idecided not to though. Blow my horn that is. I wasn't THAT dense...I don't think.*

11-11-2002, 09:48 PM
"You know nothing of anything! You don't even understand the REAL REASON THERE IS A QUEST, YOU WILL NOT FOLLOW ME BECAUSE YOU RUINED MY ONLY CHANCE TO UNDERSTAND! GEt AWAY, YOU ARE LUCKY I DIDN'T KILL YOU ALONG WITH YOUR HORSE!HE HAS SOMETHING TO DO WIHT THE REAL REASON WE ARE HERE! YOU ARE SO IGNORANT! GET AWAY!" She ran quickly and efficiently away, not being followed. She was upset that she had told of her arrow hitting the horse. Losillewen needed to mind her own business. She found a place in the woods down from the Home. She went deep into it, until all was dark, cold, and quiet. It was a good quiet. It was protected. Aeryn knew of whom she sought, she only hoped Treebeard had gotten her message.

Nice intro to a new character huh?

11-11-2002, 09:51 PM
(insert this in the outburst above)
"You think I know nothing of evil?" Aeryn asked shrewedly, "You don't know me, nor do you know of my past, I know more of evil than you could in all of your dull miserable immortal life!" She spat glaring, Losi just stared disbelievingly and uncomprehencively (sp)

11-11-2002, 09:52 PM
*I quickly scrambled into my room, after bumping into a few people...er...creatures?*

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 09:54 PM
ooc: *Shudders* woah! and you told Lubyla and i to stop bickering?

ic: *I eventually found my way back into the Last Homely House(er...castle?) and found my way to the dinnign room. Only in time to realize elves don't have dinner, just supper, so I left to find my room again.

ooc: Sorry, just showing his dumb side for a few cause I'm board and no one respects a hobbit anyway.

Ms. Undomial
11-11-2002, 09:56 PM
ooc: WOW!! you are REALLY HARSH!!!!!!!

ic: With that I left the room and went down to the stables. "Namarie," I said, "we are leaving. I am not going to stand being with her any more. come we need to travel long and hard." I mounted her and rode out of rivendell. Namarie went at a good pace towards Lothlorien. It would take me a week of hard riding to get there, but I was up to it. Anger was hot in my blood and I was eager for battle and adventure.

11-11-2002, 09:58 PM
*I decided to go strolling around, for I was board. I was turning to go back to my room, when I ran into a hobbit of all creatures.*

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 09:59 PM
*I was(Still) heading towards my room when a whirlwind ran past me.* WATCH IT YOU! Why don't you try watching where you are going!*Ok, I admit, after finding out I missed supper I was in a bad mood.*

11-11-2002, 10:00 PM
Aeryn looked through the gloom of the woods, searching for Fangorn's towering figure. Nothing. No one.

Minuted seemed to pass into hours. Then there was a great flash of light, and there, standing tall in a robe of many colors...was Saruman.

"And where are you going, Lady Elf?"

Aeryn was up in arms, but knew a sword and bow and arrow were no use against magic.

OOC: Yes I did fred cause your bickering had no point! :D :p

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 10:02 PM
ooc: yea well-well i forgot.

11-11-2002, 10:03 PM
*hearing his outburst, I spun quickly around, and in my tempermental mood:* These are strange times. A halfling this far from Hobbiton...or even Bree, That is astounding

Ms. Undomial
11-11-2002, 10:06 PM
ooc: Aeryn- I know you don't usually like be coming and killing the bad guy and that sort of stuff, but do you want me to now?

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 10:08 PM
ooc: finally a character that DOESN"T know you!*giggles then pauses watching her (Still) banging her head* hey when do I get to bang my head?

ic:*Grumbles something about how hobbits are too allowd to go on adventures.* Well I might as well do something before I die.

11-11-2002, 10:11 PM
*At that I just whirled around, not realising who he was, and sarted to storm off

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 10:13 PM
ooc: who am I...and why won't you give ME a turn at banging my head*pouts*

11-11-2002, 10:15 PM
No ms.

"I will kill you Saruman. It is a far, far better thing to do, than be your servant once more. Mirial is of course, lucky, she is free of your voice, but I however am not. That is the reason I really came on this quest...to defeat you...and live in peace, with what sanity I may have left."

Saruman laughed. Aeryn began to look at Saruman as an gentle harmless old man. She tried to shake that feeling.

"Aeryn, would you think that I would inhabit your mind?" He asked in hurt tones.

"I---I---" but she never finished, a light flashed out of Sarumans staff, and Aeryn fell unconscious.

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 10:20 PM
ic*Grumbles* I am getting pretty darn SICK of elves. They all think they are all that and a bag of chips. well fine just fine. take that girlfriend ((ooc: Rolls on floor lauging as hard as she can, tears streaming down her cheeks* sorry sorry, I will fix that!))

ic:*Grumbles* I am getting pretty darn SICK of elves. Why can't they just get it through there thick skulls that other smaller... somewhat chubbier hobbits have lives to, and long for adventure...and AREN'T Crazy when they see shadows!

11-11-2002, 10:25 PM
*I was actually surprised to beseeing a halfling. It had een so long, at least since my last trip to Hobbitton.*

*At that point, a black bird came waltzing through an open window.*

11-11-2002, 10:25 PM
(that is my characters exit for the time being)

Ms. Undomial
11-11-2002, 10:27 PM
ooc: o boy. What am I supposed to do? I should arrive in lothlorien, but not for 6 more days! should I just make time fly?

Ms. Undomial
11-11-2002, 10:30 PM
ooc: I gotta go now but I will hopfully be back in 20 to 30 minutes. if I am not back by 7:30ish then I probobly won't be back untill tomorrw.

11-11-2002, 10:40 PM
ooc: Yeah...i g2g too. Hopefully*crosses fingers*I can come back online after dinner

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 10:40 PM
*Walks around in his room packing things and mumbling to himself. when he is compleatly pack he grabs his journal and puts it in his pocket, over his heart...for a reason he couldn't figure out. He heads toward the kitchen ((YEA! He knows where it is now!)) and asks the cheif for some scraps. Once he got those he carefull slipped out of the door, making sure NO one saw him this time.*

11-11-2002, 10:43 PM
*I was in such a fret looking for my bird, my stuff all packed, and I left, bumping into the hobbit again.* Why do we keep meeting like this?!?! Who are you and what is your porpuse?(sp)

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 10:46 PM
I am a mear hobbit leaving to ki- to take care of some buisness. Well at least YOU won't try to keep me here. I am getting sick of it. Once you say you will help someone a little bit, it's like your commited for life!

11-11-2002, 11:13 PM
What would y'all think if I play another character? At least for a while. I need some suspense, and mystery to go on with the whole Aeryn thing....:D

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 11:16 PM
ooc: *yawns* great its wearing off. meanie lubyla had to leave...now I'm not hyper anymore...o yeah I forgot...no prob Aeryn!

11-11-2002, 11:22 PM
Who should I be is the real question, I need to be a character that furthers the plot...who?...*ponders in silence*

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 11:32 PM
*yawns* where is Lubyla! I ish shoo bored! *Yawns* um...be...a person who furthers the plot!

11-12-2002, 12:23 PM
zavron walked down to the hall of fire where elrond was, he had packed and put his things on his horse. He had strapped his sword to his side and strapped his lightning axe to his back.

zavron: ''elrond i have to go to Rohan for a few days, I have a message to give to lord aomere. Also I need to stop off to Lothlorien to see Galadriel, I need some guidance that only her wisdom to give.''

elrond: '' Good luck my friend. I will tell gandalf of where you are going, I will also send news to you as quickly as possible if anything comes up.''

zavron: ''Goodbye Lord Elrond, I am glad that i have been able to see you again!''

elrond: ''same here friend!.''

zavron bowed and left the room. He walked to the stables and mounted Hontre. And soon he was far from Rivendell heading for rohan.

Ms. Undomial
11-12-2002, 12:41 PM
ooc: Aeryn- yea further the plot. i don't know who. pick a name and then translate into sindarin.

ic: ~~~~ time has flown~~~~~~

~~~~~6 days later~~~~~

I had passed over the mountain and was in sight of Lothlorien. I put Namarie to a run and we were at the boarders in 10 min. I then dismounted and walked Namarie, hoping not to be heard. I saw two elves in the distance; they were talking in Quenya.

Losi': "Hello Haldir, I am Losillewen. I have came to see the Lady Galadrial.

Haldir: "it is nice to see you again Losillewen. She has been waiting for you, right this way."

Losi: "Thank you but I can find my own way." I left Haldir and went towards the city. I went in the gaits and found Galadrial sitting next to Celeborn. "Lady Galadrial and Lord Celeborn, I have brought news of Imladris and of the Hobbit. " I then told them about Caelwen and Minuial, and Freddy and the Shadow, but I did not tell them of Aeryn and Zavron. "and now that I have told you my tales, I would like to talk to you privatly. " #Lady Galadrial, you know my mind and my heart, and my past, but now I would have your Advice on something. #

Galadrial: #of course Losillewen, I know of what you talk about. her anger against you will eventually wear off.#
At that moment the door-warden walked in and said:

door - warden: "My Lady, there is a person here that demands to talk to you immeadelty(sp)!"

Galadrial: "Send him in."

with that Zavron walked in and said:.......

11-12-2002, 12:57 PM
I rode for five days towards rohan. I arrived and gave my message, aomere asked if i would stay but i said i could not and left Immediately to lothlorien.

I arrived and demanded to see galadriel. I stood there bickering with the door warden. He kept on insisting that i must wait i lost patience and drew my sword and put it to his throat he suddenly changed his mind and let me in.

The first thing i saw was losi'.

zavron: ''losi'...what are you doing here!''

galadriel: ''she is here for the same reason as you, all will be explained.''

ooc: i'll leave this to you ms.

11-12-2002, 01:02 PM
ooc: I know Fred isn't on:(, but I'm going to talk to her still:)

ic: Well, if you are trying to leave, I can help you. No one can run away like me. Anyway, *i was settling down, seeing that the hobbit ment to do the same as I* I was on my way...er...out.

Ms. Undomial
11-12-2002, 01:11 PM

Losi: "Hello Zavron. I am here because I--- afterall this is my home. "

Galadrial: "I am glad to see that all is well with Aomere. #Losillewen, please leave now. I will meet you at the appointed place tonight.#

I left and went to the room prepared for me.

Galadrial to Zavron: "What news do you bring?"

11-12-2002, 01:47 PM
ooc: What I don't bring any news and your not supposed to leave!!!:mad: :mad: Galadriels supposed to explain everything to them!!! now you go back and sort that post out:mad: :mad: while I hit my head with the plank of wood lubyla gave me!!:mad:
*whack! Ow!!! thats fun lets do that again!!!

*whack! WHACK!!WHACK!!!* ouch, me fall over now!!! * zavron falls on floor in a daze*

Ms. Undomial
11-12-2002, 01:57 PM
ooc: What is Galadriel supposed to explain about?? you do it!!! where is Lubyla, I gotta get a pice of wood from her....

11-12-2002, 02:00 PM
ooc: AWWWWWWWWW!!! do i 'ave to!!!
*whack! Ow!!! thats fun lets do that again!!!

*whack! WHACK!!WHACK!!!* ouch, me fall over now!!! * zavron falls on floor in a daze*

Ms. Undomial
11-12-2002, 02:02 PM
ooc: Yes you have to!!!!!!!! where is Lubyla.... she promised me a piece of wood...

11-12-2002, 02:25 PM
ooc: *hands Ms. a slab of wood.* There you go.

11-12-2002, 03:02 PM
zavron: '' I ask of you if you would allow me to look into your mirror for guidance.''

galadriel: ''you may''

galdriel led me to a grove deep in the forest there stood her mirror.

galadriel: ''gaze into the depths of the mirror and let your heart embrace it.''

I looked into the water and there appeared before me.....

11-12-2002, 03:07 PM
ooc: does any of you have a windows instant messanger service?

Ms. Undomial
11-12-2002, 03:39 PM
ooc: uh, no. what appeared before you??? c'mon, get on with the story!

11-12-2002, 03:54 PM
ooc: i might not want too!!!:D I tell you what if you whack me on the head with the plank i'll reply!:D :D

Ms. Undomial
11-12-2002, 03:57 PM
ooc: Awww, do I have to? well fine I guess it is a good idea, *Whacks Zavron on the head, and annoyingly enough my wood slab breaks in half.* NNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

11-12-2002, 04:10 PM
ooc:awww, sorry:( here have a piece of my wood *zavron breaks his plank in half and hands it to ms.

i stared deep into the mirror and what i saw in it horrified me.....

Ms. Undomial
11-12-2002, 04:15 PM
ooc: thank you so much, this means the world to me! *whacks myself over the head and falls down laughing* btw please tell us what you saw in the mirror.......NOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!

11-12-2002, 04:21 PM

in the mirror i saw freddy he was lying cold with a knife sticking in him and a dark shadow was looming over laughing!!!!.

I ran from the mirror up to where losi' was lodging she was unpacking, she looked up as i blew the door open with a mighty blast.

zavron: '' we need to get back to rivendell quick or freddy will die!!!!!!''

all the colour in losi' face drained away.

11-12-2002, 04:26 PM
ooc: I'm going off line now. I'll be back in a bit, but first let me do this.
*gets piece of wood and whacks it against his head*

wheeeeeeeee!!! look at all the pretty stars and birdies!!!
*falls over*

offline in t- 5 encounting 5,4,3,2,10-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

11-12-2002, 04:42 PM
ooc: *smacks forehead with hand* WHY!!!!!!!!

ic: *I told the hobbit to meet me at the river in oe hour, so we could leave(I'm stalling for time untill Fred gets on)

Ms. Undomial
11-12-2002, 04:46 PM
ic: Zavron told me what he had seen in the Mirror and that we must get to Freddy asap. I packed my stuff back up and bid fairwell to Galadrial. I met Zavron on teh borders of Lothlorien, from there we started teh journey to RIvendell.

Fred Baggins
11-12-2002, 08:19 PM

ic: ~At the river~

Well, here I am safe and sound and away from those ELVES! Er...sorry miss. By the way, I am Fredigar Burrows of...that place*motions toward the Bree Shire area*

11-12-2002, 08:23 PM
ooc: *hands Fred a plank of wood.*

ic: It is alright. Where were you planning on going to ayway?*Andodulin, my bird, flew down and rested on my shoulder.*

Fred Baggins
11-12-2002, 08:36 PM
Yes for awhile anyway, until my business is compleated, then I must return her, to..be..attacked by the elves again...

11-12-2002, 08:48 PM
Well, I guess we shall be able to take you to Lothlorien, the back routes though. I dont wish to be caught again.

Fred Baggins
11-13-2002, 07:46 PM
I am not going all the way to Lothlorin...didn't I just say that!? I am only going part of the way there, until I meet with...my buisness.

11-13-2002, 08:13 PM
Right, well, we will leave now, for you have already throughn me off schedual, and others are starting to follow, I can feel them. We shall take the paths none know of, but I. Wherever the path goes, tell me when you are leaving, for I may follow you, as guidance, if you like* I was trying to be friendly*

11-13-2002, 08:23 PM
For future reference my new character.
Loke - Man of Rohan (it'll be tough playing a dude!)
Tall, blond, blue.
Sword and various knifes.
Personality: Quiet, thoughtful, a gentleman. Knows that any person no matter how small, can have an impact on the future. Is very secretive, and knowledgable, and definitely adventurous. Is often found where he should not be. Doesn't listen to what he considers "authority", and is as wise as any elf...That about covers it.

~~~wont tell you what loke means, it'll ruin the plot, ~~~

Fred Baggins
11-13-2002, 08:27 PM
ooc: I play both dudes and dudets.

* I knew she was trying to be nice, but I wasn't in the best of moods right then. I climbed on Ruell, making sure he wasn't so nervous he would change, and silently followed.*

11-13-2002, 08:29 PM
*Along the road, I took out my flute and played, while riding Ithilsila.(my horse)*

Fred Baggins
11-13-2002, 09:04 PM
*I listened to her play for a while, getting really sick of it. It was beautiful, I just didn't want to hear it. I whispered something to Ruell, and he began to change, lifted his wings and soared abouve Lubyla and her horse.*

11-13-2002, 09:07 PM
*I got sick of playing the flute, and rolled my eyes when he flew past. Fool of a halfling.*

11-13-2002, 09:13 PM
Loke glanced around the bushes, seeing an elf-maiden staring up at the sky. "Fool of an Elf" he thought. Always bloody stargazing and cloud watching. Never interested in things closer to earth than the moon.
Loke was very quiet, always had been rarely quiet, not even elves heard him when they were around, unless of course he wanted to be heard.

Fred Baggins
11-13-2002, 09:13 PM

ic: While flying I was able to see many things, though I was careful to fly low so that they could not see us. I saw the wargs, snffling out my trail. I carefully set Fimm down a bit, to be sure they wouldn't see me.* I wouldn't fly, if it wheren't for the fact that my 'Business' involves certain...creatures not being able to sniff me out.

11-13-2002, 09:18 PM
*I arived next to the hobbit* Freddigar, when DO you plan on leaving, I must take haste.

Fred Baggins
11-13-2002, 09:21 PM
Soon, don't worry. I must first lead them as far away from Rivendell as I can.I musn't let anyone from Rivendell know what I am doing, or have done, therfore I belive I shall be leaving within the day.

11-13-2002, 09:23 PM
Loke followed the elf for a time, then saw something rather unusual, a Hobbit, on a...it couldn't be...A Unisus?

"Ai, Elven maiden, whence did you come? And you little hobbit, *he smiled* nice riding." He said. He then whistled for his horse Iris, and sped off past them.

Fred Baggins
11-13-2002, 09:25 PM
*I was startled, seeing the other elf, and mad that I had been so careless as to let another see Fimm. He soon sped off, probably to announce to the whole world about Fimm.*

11-13-2002, 09:28 PM
*Being as jumpy as I am, I quickly bent my bow at him, and shot.* How dare someone ollow me on my...er...*in a softer tone, yet Freddigar could still hear.* running off. *to freddigar* Well, where shall you be going, if I may ask? Tis indeed odd for a hobbit to wish to run away, though some say it is odd for a princess.*at this I clamped my hand over my mouth, hoping he had not herd my slip up.*

11-13-2002, 09:28 PM
Ahem, not an elf. A man of Rohan. THank you.

IC- Loke laughed out loud at the site of an elf, of all peoples, to shoot blindly. The arrow missed him by a considerable amount.

Fred Baggins
11-13-2002, 09:33 PM
ooc: opps sorry Aeryn

ic: Not sure yet.

11-13-2002, 09:34 PM
ooc: *ahem* she NEVER misses

ic: *the arrow went and did a u turn thing, and hit the pack on the back of this intruder.* * Andodulin flew down* {cawcali kilicaw.} yes* Andodulin flew off after him, and returned with my arrow.* * I shot a second arrow, and this one DIDNT miss.*

11-13-2002, 09:36 PM
OOC: No it missed.

IC: Loke again laughed when the girls bird came after him. he pretended not to notice and then when it came very close, he grabbed it gentley with his fist. It was very tame, and he didn't hurt it.

Fred Baggins
11-13-2002, 09:40 PM

ic: *Fimm pricked his ears.*Master! They are close behind! We must run! *And with that he lifted his wings and sailed into the sky, soaring above all. I tried to pull him back down, but he certantly has a mind of his own!

11-13-2002, 09:46 PM
*Andodulin wasn't very pleased to be held by someone who joked of me, and bit the man. After being released, flew back to me* *I made Ithilsila go as fast as she could after him, and finally caught up.* Who are you and what is your buissiness here?

11-13-2002, 09:50 PM
Loke looked amused, but made no move to answer the angry elfs question, he pointed at the bird, "Very feisty he is."

When the elf repeated the question he sighed, and his eyes became very tired. "I am but a man travelling. My business is my own, m'lady"

11-13-2002, 09:53 PM
Yes, Andodulin is very tempermental to outlanders, as so am I.*I started to rear off the opposing way, to Lothlorien, hoping not to be followed.Andodulin flew quickly after.*

11-13-2002, 09:56 PM
Loke, seemingly to have upset the elf, went on his way. Hoping to find The One that he needed. The appointed place was not far off, only She could tell him what he needed to know.

11-13-2002, 09:58 PM
*to Andodulin* Rangers...They can be soooo rude. And you*Andodulin looked up* you need to be less agressive. You have to be more carful not to reviel yourself. I saw the flames in your eyes when you bit him.

11-14-2002, 12:55 PM
I was on my horse that was going at a supernatural speed but slow enough so that losi' could keep up on her horse. Soon they heard voices just around the corner and they saw infront an elf with a bird on her shoulder and a rohan man. They quickly sped past them and round another corner they spotted freddy hovering above the ground, they screeched to a halt.

freddy: ''Oh NO!!!! I thought i left you's behind!!!!''


freddy: ''What!!!!! YOU CAN"T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!!


losi: ''WOH!!!, Stop Fighting!!! Freddy you know he's right, tell me what you were doing!''

Ms. Undomial
11-14-2002, 01:00 PM
Ic: when we saw Freddy in the sky Zavron began to worry. the started bickering at each other and I tried to stop it but to no avail.

Losi: "Can you two please stop it?"

they keep on bickering and are paying no attention to me.

Losillewen: "BOTH OF YOU STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!"

with that they stoped yelling at each other and looked at me.

Losi: "Can we talk about this in a more sensible manner please?"

11-14-2002, 01:25 PM
ooc: Does anyone know where freddy is!! because i'm waiting for himself to explain what his (or is it a her) carachter is doing!!

11-14-2002, 01:32 PM
ooc: Fred is not here. they'll be on around 3:30 Pacific Time.

ic:* Seeing all the comotion, I went to go see now who was out on the untrodden paths. i bent my bow.* Who are you.

Ms. Undomial
11-14-2002, 01:37 PM
Hearing a voice , I quicklly turned around and unsheathed my sword. "I am a elf. Losillewen I am called. who are you?"

11-14-2002, 01:44 PM
zavron: ''It would be foolish if you point that arrow at us!!! losi' we should inore her!! she can mind her own buisness!''

11-14-2002, 02:05 PM
I am the princess Lubyla Greenleaf of the Stars.I was hired to see this halfling on hs way untill he wished to part. He hath not told me of his leave, so he is still under MY council.

Ms. Undomial
11-14-2002, 02:52 PM
At hearing what ZAvron said and quickly turned towards him.

Losillewen: "Losi is not my name. do not call me that again. don't you know who she is? but no, I am forgeting, you did not look in the mirror. *to Lubyla* Before I left Lothlorien Galadirel told me that our paths would meet before the end. I am sorry about my companions rash words, but he does not know you. "

11-14-2002, 03:29 PM
It is alright. He, like me, seems to be tempermental around strangers. It is just odd to see others on these paths, for they are used only by me. And exuse my harsh mannor, but I truley must be off. You guys sortof messed up my plans of running away.

11-14-2002, 03:31 PM
ooc: losi' is just to save me from saying all of your name.

zavron: ''I may speak what i want to speak, This woman is no concern of us. I am sorry for my harsh words but i am right, you should stick to your own buisness and let us deal with ours by ourselves.''

I turned and continued not to notice her.

zavron: ''losi' we should take back freddy to rivendell,'' he turned to freddy and continued ''freddy if only you would tell us what is going on, I know i have no right to force you to tell me, But i believe you are in grave danger! and i guess you believe that too. Freddy we are your friends allthough you might not think it, we would do anything to help you! We should be going back now, or if you still believe you need to go we will come with you and help.''

freddy seemed to think about it, something struck me, This was no ordinary 'clumsy' Hobbit as i first made out to believe he was something completely different altogether. Freddy continued to think and then he replied...

ooc: I'll wait for freddy to answer, by the way it may seem as if i'm trying to get rid of lubyla I'm not. Lubyla can convince us to take her with us, In fact that is what i'm planning for so no hard feelings Lubyla!!:) :) :D :) :)

11-14-2002, 03:48 PM
ooc: It's ok, she does the same things. by the by. its going to take a lot to get her to come, she was running away.

*Annoyed as i was, I had to go. I whistled for Ithilsila, and mounted her.* Fare you well. *I began to ride off.*

11-14-2002, 03:51 PM
on a sudden Impulse I decide that this elf might be useful with our quest.

zavron: ''Hey!!! WAIT!!!''

she stopped and rode back.

zavron: '' will you join us.''

11-14-2002, 03:52 PM
Why should I want to do that. I have no need of assistance, and you seem not to be going the same way as I.

Ms. Undomial
11-14-2002, 03:57 PM
While Freddy was thinking I thought I heard a scream, but no one else seemed to notice it, so I thought it must have been my imagination. but no, I heard it again. I sprred Namarie to a run in the direction of teh scream. the rest looked at me strangely as I ran off, but I payed no attention to them. I thought I heard someone following me, but now was not a good time to check. I thought that the scream was not far off, but I must have been wrong. I brought Namarie to a stop thinking I must have gone too far. I turned around and saw Freddy trying to keep up on his pony. "Freddy go Back!" I yelled, then it came to me. I looked around. this was the exact place Zavron told me about, the place where Freddy was going to get stabbed.

11-14-2002, 03:57 PM
''that depends on our friends decision''

11-14-2002, 04:01 PM
zavron: ''freddy where are you goi....''

but it was too late he was gone I jumped on my horse and followed. I stopped just in time to call back at the other elf.

zavron: ''If you wan't to come follow us.''

ooc: this may be a good idea if you follow lubyla.

11-14-2002, 04:03 PM
I decided to follow, to see what was going on in the world, and what was keeping me away from what I neeed to do. Andodulin flew ahead of me, as Ithilsila and I ran.*

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 07:17 PM
ooc: hmmm...stabbed I like it! o and I am a girl.

ic: *Fimm chased after Losi, I tried to stop him, but he refused.* FIMM, Our buisness lyes else where! We must go now! Fimm, now! He contiued following Losi, there was nothing I could do, or was there? I started speaking in a language few new, indeed I did not know I knew it myself. The wargish toungh came out of my mouth in a spell.*

11-14-2002, 07:39 PM
*I turned quickly and stumbled into a bush, so as to be lost by the parade.*

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 08:38 PM
*I did not know what the spell was, but whatever it was it worked! Fimm began to soar up and up! We were soon far from any elves...then the spell...which wasn't really a spell after all, backfired. He began to dive as fast as he could, headfirst into the waiting orc below.* STOP IT FIMM! STOP! *He wouldn't stop...we where headed straight towards that orc!*

11-15-2002, 12:57 PM
*Andodulin flew away after some time.*

11-15-2002, 04:14 PM
oc: Am I the only male on this RPG, Aeryn's a girl, lubyla's a girl, fred's a girl, Ms. Undominal's a girl, am I missing anyone out here!!! I'm the only lad!!! OH by the way *turns in to sexy voice* Hello ladies!! * get's slapped in the face* OWW!! I deserved that!!

11-15-2002, 11:05 PM
ooc: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! DONT YOU DARE HIT ON ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*Shoots arrow at Zavron's head and almost hits his head.*

11-16-2002, 06:26 AM
ooc: Sorry only joking!!! *Arrow narowly misses head* Hey!!! careful where you aim those things!!

11-16-2002, 07:06 AM
Gil- galad was an elven king.
Of him the harpers sadly sing:
the last of thosewhose ream was fair and free
between the mountains and the sea.

His sword was long, his lance was keen,
his shinig helm afar was seen;
the countless stars of heaven's field
were mirrored in his silver shield.

But long ago he rode away,
and where he dwelleth none can say;
for into darkness fell his star
in mordor where the shadows are.

`````````````````````````````````````````````````` ``

`````````````````````````````````````````````````` ``
The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if i can,
Pursuing it wih weary feet,
Until it joins some larger way,
Where many paths and errands meet.
And wither then? I cannot say.

`````````````````````````````````````````````````` ``
Upon the hearth the fire is reda,
Beneath the roof there is a bed;
But not yet weary are or feet,
Still round the corner we may meet
A sudden tree or standing stone
That none have seen but we alone.
Tree and flower and leaf and grass,
Let them pass! Let them pass!
Hill and water under sky,
Pass them by! Pass them by!

Still round the corner there may wait
A new Road or a Secret Gate,
And now we pass them by today,
Tomorrow we may come this way
And take the hidden paths that run
towards the moon or the sun.
Apple, thorn, and nut and sloe,
Let them go! Let them go!
Sand and stone and pool and dell,
Fare you well! Fare you well!

Home is behind, the world ahead,
And there are many paths to tread
Through the shadows to the edge of night,
Until the stars are all alight.
Then World behind and home ahead,
We'll wander back to home and bed.
Mist and twilight, cloud and shade,
Away shall fade! Away shall fade!
Fire and lamp, and meat and bread,
And then to bed! And then to bed!

Ms. Undomial
11-16-2002, 06:31 PM
ooc: I second ammotion Lubyla! .............. ok now, lets get back to the story. we need Fred to finish his part; so we will know weather or not he gets stabed. agreed??

11-17-2002, 04:50 AM
ooc: Agreed!

11-17-2002, 02:21 PM
ooc: Agreed. She will be home today, but I dont know if she will be on tonight.

11-17-2002, 04:37 PM
He's here now, oy fred reply!!

Fred Baggins
11-17-2002, 05:01 PM
ooc: *Sighs* such a sad part I have planned out for this, ugh 6 hours in a car is never good for anything but to keep your imagination going. Good thing is...no more writers block...well I take that back, now I'm stuck on a different part.

Lubyla, let me take a wake with Sting. *Grins evily*

ic:*Before I knew it, Fimm's wings, which he usually wraped around me, were held at his sides. I was beggining to slip!* FIMM! I'M SLIPPING FIMM! *He didn't seem to hear me! I feel off and was at the sole mercy to another orc. He swung his sword at my, and it struck me, in my heart. Vagly I could hear the sound of a fight going on around me but one of the elves didn't fight, she came over to me and picked me up. It was the one I had been traveling with me.*
He's not dead, not even unconcious I belive.
*I sat up and reached to the spot where I had been stabbed, and pulled out my journal, with a giant gash in it, and thought to myself what a waste it had been*

11-17-2002, 05:10 PM
I finished off the last of the orcs and turned to face fred he was alive.

zavron: ''How? But i saw you die in galadriels mirror I saw blood around you!!!''

fred: ''Thats not blood, the sword only hit my journal. It also hit my ink bottle. I always write with red Ink.''

Fred Baggins
11-17-2002, 05:13 PM
ooc: I like that Zavron!

ic: o, my journal. What a wast of paper, AND ink. now I HAVE to go ba-ba-ba...uh oh...

11-17-2002, 05:25 PM
ooc: can I ask a favour from everyone could you all please join the search for the seraphim RPG because The thead starter is my cous' and He's newish to the entmoot and he's never been on an RPG before so could you lend him a hand! Please, Please!


p.s. Fred get on with your story I'm dying with anticipation!!!

Fred Baggins
11-17-2002, 05:52 PM
* a voice was heard from behind* Darn right uh-oh halfling. Why do you continuie to try to run! Even in Rivendell you are not safe from us. *They all turn around to see a black warg, as black as midnight, with a white scar trailing down his cheek*

*I knew that voice, I knew that warg, the fire warg he was called, fondly nicknamed by The Dark Lady. I slowly looked at the warg* Naa Tel'raa, our buisness does not concern these people.

Ms. Undomial
11-17-2002, 06:04 PM
I looked around and saw him. the warg that had betrayed me before. why did he have to show up now?

Losillewen: "it has been long Naa tel'raa. too long since you last betrayed me. I will never forget what harm you did to Gwenth. Namarie hardly got over that, and I do not want it to happen again. leave now, or you will never see you mistress again. "

Fred Baggins
11-17-2002, 06:10 PM
*Glances at her* I do not fear you, not as you fear me weakling. And my buisness is not with you, it is with the halfling. Now, if you'll excuse me, i have to take him home. his mind has been poisened. Goodbye.*He picked up Freddy and dissappeared*

*From behind Lubyla spoke up* He is beyond our retrivel. But he will be back, I know much about that halfling that he himself does not know.

11-18-2002, 12:04 AM
Just in case I sent Andodulin after him. Fire was seen along his feathers and in his eyes. You would not reacagnise him if you truely didnt know him. He looked...well...evil.

Fred Baggins
11-18-2002, 08:33 PM
Naa Tel'raa, I am not going back! Not in a million years!I have spent two years in mordor already, and I refuse to go back. NAA TEL"RAA PUT MY DOWN!*Suddenly I remembered something* Naa Tel'raa. What happened to the ring? A servant of Mordor does not carry a ring so freely. *I was right.*

Well, what else was I supposed to do? They would not have let you come if I had not kidnapped you.*She set him down, in a void-like place. There was really no rhyme nor reason to the place, nor could it be reached by anyone but Naa Tel'raa. His fur begane to lighten, and his voicce soften.* I had to figure out something, those elves are pushy!

*At that I had to laugh.* Amen to that! Each one of them thinks there perfect. I have to admit it is nice to get some peace from them. But you scared me half to death Naa Tel'raa! I though you and your army was really after me, especailly with the Shadow and the orcs.

What shadow and orcs? I do not know what your talking about. I wouldn't go that far, and you know it!

You don't mean that. You mean...The messenger of Death...and the orcs...weren't you?

Of course not! It would never be! Not to dear Freddy, or any of you all! I saved your life remember!

*I sat puzzled. But how could this be then? Was there really some form of evil after me?*

11-18-2002, 09:12 PM
*Andodulin flew around for some time, then quickly came back.* Yes, he shall be fine. *to the group.* Return to Rivendell, Freddy shall be there soon. He is attending with an old friend. And I must make haste. I am sure you do not wish to have another elf following around. It twas a pleasure to meet you. May our pathes cross again.*I turned around Ithilsila, and in a slow gallop, began to leave.*

Ms. Undomial
11-18-2002, 09:23 PM
ooc: Fred- Naa tel'raa is a girl???