View Full Version : Book Talk help!

10-18-2002, 08:02 PM
Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone here could halp me with something called a book talk on TTT. A book talk is a 5 minute presantation on a book that you had read within the last month, and my book is TTT. I need some help making a creative, exsitting, and A+ presentation, so any help will be greatly apresiated.

These are my plans:
1. Tell about the book from a couple of diffrent charicters points of vews.
2. Menchion Gollum, and use his point of vew, because my class has read The Hobbit.
3. read a paragraph or a sentance out of the book, a port that made me get teary- eyed while reading the book.

What do you think? Any sugestions?

I am about to go to my daddy's house (divorsed parents) so I'll check this out on Sunday when I get home.

Thanks in advanse, and please remember that I have only 5 minutes to present this and a teacher that will dwell on my every word because she is absessed with Tolkien!

10-18-2002, 08:15 PM
How many points of view are you going to do?
Ones i might do would be Frodo obviously, or maybe Sam, Aragorn, Eowyn, Gandalf, and Gollum...

10-18-2002, 08:23 PM
Okay, leaving in about two minutes. I am doing maybe three or so, that is all that I have time to do. I would do Gandalf, but that would be a dead give away on his return to anyone that dosn't allready know, and I don't wont to do that.

Have to go pack to go to daddy's house!:) :D :p Can't wate untill he gets here!!!!:) :D :p

Ma Uai: Ua Nemti
10-18-2002, 10:50 PM
I'd suggest reading the portion where Sam thinks Frodo has died. Or is that in the third book? It's been a while since I read them last. Anyway that section stirred some emotion in me the first time I read it.

Starr Polish
10-18-2002, 11:33 PM
Plus, it might encourage others to read the book to find out how Tolkien could 'kill' the 'main' character.

Actually, that may not be a good section to read, unless you can be very dramatic. I would have been ablaze with anger if that section had been given away before I read the books. It moved me so much that I ended up throwing the book across the room.

Ma Uai: Ua Nemti
10-18-2002, 11:35 PM
Legolas is mine! No Moria is mine. Legolas is elf.


10-19-2002, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by Starr Polish
Plus, it might encourage others to read the book to find out how Tolkien could 'kill' the 'main' character.

Actually, that may not be a good section to read, unless you can be very dramatic. I would have been ablaze with anger if that section had been given away before I read the books. It moved me so much that I ended up throwing the book across the room.

i agree that that section should no tbe given away. and also, i think i might've thrown my book to but that was after i had finished so it was part out of sheer emotion and part out of happiness. I was happy that whole night because he was ok, more or less. but seriously don't give that away.

10-20-2002, 05:09 PM
well, thanks, but I should have mentioned that I am not allowed to read out of the book, exspesially a part that long, anyways, the techer will think that I didn't read it if I read out a section, unless it is only a sentice or two to prove why I gave it four stars (you have to give it one to four stars, 4 is best, 1 is the worst). :) thanks for trying to help, ceep on thinking of stuff though, because I probally wont give my book talk for a while, because my last name begins with Th, and she gose in ABC order, with 30 people in me class!:)

10-20-2002, 10:11 PM
If you are going to use three points of views, I would use Gollum's, Frodo's and Aragorn's. Gollum's because you have already decided on that (and it is a good choice), Frodo's because he is after all the main character, and Aragorn so you get a viewpoint from the other half of The Two Towers (but not Gandalf's as you don't want to use his). So Gollum, Frodo and Aragorn.

If you don't want to do Aragorn, maybe you ought to have a go with Saruman? If others are doing presentations on the Lord of the Rings, they may not be doing much with the villains, so you'll stand out if you do. Saruman is a very interesting character to look at too: his wicked pride and deceptive ways, and his sad, pathetic misery when he is defeated at last and rejected by Gandalf. Take a look at the scene where Saruman is talking to Gandalf in The Voice of Saruman (I think that's the name of the chapter). Notice how Saruman almost repents and agrees to help the Free Peoples, but out of pride does not, and remains in his tower.

The portion you'll be reading out of the book (whichever it is) isn't going to take up a lot of time, if it's just a paragraph or a sentence; a good thing to do will be to make sure you explain why you chose that passage. What about it really got to you? That's the important thing. As for the passage you're using, you'll know best about that. It's about your personal expierience, after all.

10-21-2002, 07:08 PM
The passage that I am using is when Sam takes Frodo's hand in his, and he holds it, and it says that he did not kiss it, but his tears fell on it. I'm not sher why, but it made me get teary-eyed. That would be to present the thing to show why I gave it four stars.

Sauraman? I was thinking about that to, it would make it intresting! The fellowship dosn't seem to me that it would be to good to say it from there point of vew's, because I think that it would be sorda boring. So I was thinking about Sauraman, to tell about Aragorn, Gimli's, and Legolas's part of the journy (I won't mention Gandalfs name), an ork's thoughts for Merry and Pippon, and Gollum's thoughts for Sam and Frodo. What do you think?

Help me everyone!!! I wont to prove to the class that Tolkien books arn't that bad, because most of the class didn't like The Hobbit, wich we just finished reading!!!

01-23-2003, 02:44 PM
You might want to talk about some of the minor characters instead, i.e. Faramir/Eowyn. You've only got five minutes, of which only a part will be used to discuss things from the characters' points of view. Why not impress your classmates and teacher when you finish off by menchioning that these are only the minor characters!

01-23-2003, 04:56 PM
Personally, I would try talking from Gollums point of view. Since Tolkien doesn't talk too much about Gollum and his personality in the Hobbit, that could be very intresting for your class. Also, it might be kind of funny to talk with a Gollum-like voice(The Two Towerssss issss a four SSStar book, Preicous:))

01-23-2003, 05:10 PM
I think the idea of different points of view is a good approach. IMO, Sam is the point of view character in Book IV. I think a writer has to choose which character we will experience the adventure through, and that can change in different sections of the book, but mostly it is the same POV character throughout.

So there can be an experiment that goes: what if we only knew the story from Treebeard's perspective? What if we only knew it from Eowyn's perspective?

Being a fan of Sam, you will want to include him, because, you know, what's in it for you? You passion will help sell the story even if you slip up in other ways.

01-23-2003, 05:34 PM
I already did it, but thanks! My teacher gave me a 100. I think that it was b/c I included the book in it so much, by quoting it, also b/c she is a beg "hobbit head" and understood that I had to REALLY read the book when I said "I can't tell you what happens to Sam and Frodo next, (at the end of Shelobs lier) becuase it will give away the ending, and if your like me then you'll want to know what happend really badly, but I will tell you that Shelob dose cach Frodo and Samwise, and that Frodo is cout in her pousenis webs and it is up to Sam to save his life." When I got to the part where I said "...then Merry and Pippon meat this ent, and an ent is (explanaton)... and there is this really sad song about them and the entwifes, because the ents can not find there entwifes (more explanation), that made me cry" then, of course, the class wanted me to read the song to them, so I did, and I told them that I had made up a tune to go with it, but that I was a really bad singer and so I wouldn't sing it to them. They all understood. She also liked it because I went back and explaned FOTR, really shortly with little deatal, but did mention that even though the movie left him out, there was a charicter named Tom Bombadile who was misterios and neat, and that Boramire really didn't die untill The Two Towers, wich made the presentation better. So, all in all, she thought that it was wonderfull, and I did to.

01-23-2003, 06:57 PM
you rock!