View Full Version : Do you sleep on the clouds, or on the floor?...
10-17-2002, 08:38 PM
Ummm... yeah, I am very bored. I don't think that this exists, yet, but... I could be entirely wrong. Anyway, I was just wondering what your bedroom(s) is (are) like.
My bedroom at mee mum's has walls and ceilings painted like the night sky. ('Twas my summer project.) I have a fouton that lays nearly on the ground and beads hanging over my window. Besides the night sky, my walls have a bunch of my artwork and writing pinned up... so that I have stuff to criticize. It's very small, but very comfortable. And has some, but not much dance stuff and the like.
My bedroom at mee dad's is very big, especially compared to that at my mom's. It's more of my 'little girl' room. It has a large bed, desk, and two huge dressers. My I have three bookshelves. This room has a lot of dance stuff and glass dolls and barbies, all stuff that I collected before my parents divorced. I also have a lot of trolls. And, obviously, a lot of books.
So... what's your bedroom like?? (Don't mind me... very bored.)
10-17-2002, 08:54 PM
My room has a long story behind it...
When my parents first built the house, my current room was a guest bedroom, and it was African themed with cream-colored paint. (My mom grew up in South Africa, go figure.) When I grew out of my nursery, my parents painted it light pink. About four years ago I decided I had out grown the pink, so me and my mom sponge painted it....purple and blue-green! Very cool for little fourth grader me :cool: That's what it is now, and I have TONS of posters all over the walls. I have so many that I now have one on the ceiling! Also I have my collection of name tags around my mirror, and my banana sticker sollection on the mirror. Strange, I know, but hey, that's me! :D
10-17-2002, 09:12 PM
my room could be summed up in a word: mess. but, I will give a more detailed explanation. My door faces east as do my two windows. my bed is in the other corner and has a ton of pillows and a sleeping bag (which is very warm, really). There is a dresser and a tab;e where i do homework. the walls:there is a print of the painting "Midsummer's Eve" and also a Smashing Pumpkins poster that has a cool picture that I like. And a Clockwork Orange movie poster. And a mirror, and there is also a full bookcase, a full CD rack (i have roughly 80 or so) another book shelf, and a couple other pictures. i like my room because the decorations and whatever is very ecclectic but very nice and homey. Oh yeah and how could I forget: my stereo. and my TV. hope you arent bored to death those of you who took the time to read this.
10-17-2002, 09:20 PM
I have 2 rooms sort of:p After the house was built someone added an extention so i have a little room attached to my bedroom. My room is light blue with dark grey/blue trim in the bedroom and the opposite in the other one. I have shelves above my bed covered in a lot of weird stuff i've collected in the 15 years i've lived in at room, and my walls are covered in 2 art posters, a giant horse poster, postcards from places i wanna go, photos and tons of horse pictures and pictures of pretty pretty mountains i got from the internet. and Chilli pepper lights!! My back room over looks and backyard but all the windows are almost covered in branches from me olive tree, and that room is filled with books!!! its very cozy, but as its an addition and has no insulation, it gets to be about 13 degrees in there in the winter!
10-17-2002, 09:45 PM
My bedroom is rather boring really. I rent an apartment, so I'm not really allowed to decorate it, and my tastes are pretty spartan and minimalist... I don't like ornaments and the way they clutter up everything and gather dust; doesn't stop people from buying them for me though. :rolleyes: Anyway, lets see... I have a large queen sized bed, a bookcase over flowing with books, and a dresser thingie with all my stuffed toys on it. Oh, and a closet. That about sums it up. ;) But it's very light and airy, lots of windows, and the sun comes through in the morning... lovely! It's great to loll around on the bed reading a book with the sun shining on my legs! :) No posters either. :p
Fred Baggins
10-17-2002, 10:24 PM
MY BED ROOM IS BLUE!!! All a pretty blue! it is soo perrty. I call it the Shire because the happeness in it reminds me of the Shire. Get it I live in the Shire?! and all the posters are pictures I have drawn from my picture of Middle-earth! Anywho. Rûdhaglarien, I absoulutly, beyond a doubt LOVE your icon!
Ma Uai: Ua Nemti
10-17-2002, 11:08 PM
I sleep in a closet.
samwise of the shire
10-17-2002, 11:48 PM
I'm afraid to tell about my room. Despite the ugly stained peach carpet and the mismatched furniture and the mildewy windowsills and the messy floor my room has alot of qualities where I can just rest and think. Lord of the Rings posters(movie posters mostley though I have one based on the book and I have a Jesus Poster and a Redwall Poster up on my closet), pictures (once again hobbit pictures from the movie though I have John Howe's Gandalf and the comics based on the WWYD thread are up there), and Banners (I have a Gondorian banner with an off center tree, crown and stars and one of my own invention. A white blade with a black hilt and a yellow ring around the middle of the blade on a green field. It has alot of simbolism and what not. I'm planning on another) adorn the east and west walls and closet doors a dragon poster is on the back of my door.
The rickety bedside table sports a lamp, two candles, a notebook and pen, and a crimson Bible. Above that are two percariously balanced shelves with all sorts of cards and figurines I've gotten over the space of time. The West window has a picture of a hobbit and a dragon, a jewelry box with and elf on the front and my name plaque. My bookshelf is black and filled with LOTR and Shakespeare along with some other stuff. The closet is a mess.
My bed is a white canopy bed which is falling apart...but it's comfy. My desk is tattoed with pen ink and burns and's been through ALOT.
But I love my room,
10-18-2002, 12:11 AM
my room is pretty basic, got my desk, bed, dresser(which i dont use), a microwave stand for clothes, a console tv, and clothes all over the floor, i also got a couple of bean bag chairs for my friends. my room also smells, but the smell periodically changes, it will go from ciggarettes, to pizza, to weed in a day, its kinda crazy.
10-18-2002, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by Fred Baggins
Rûdhaglarien, I absoulutly, beyond a doubt LOVE your icon!
Thank you.:D
Treebeard's apprentice
10-18-2002, 12:48 PM
I have two rooms now. I just moved into my college dorm room a few months ago and it's just starting to feel like a second home. It's fairly plain, but I like it.
Back at 'home' home, I've shared a room with my younger brother for 15 years. That one I actually like less because I never spent as much time there as I do now in my dorm. My brother has actually started to take over my bed and piles laundry & stuff there when I'm gone.
What's weird about going back home is that I live in a tiny town that gets really dark & quiet at night. I never noticed it until I lived in the city for a few weeks. Now I love sleeping at home because I'm used to normal campus noise and home is so quiet and peaceful.
Starr Polish
10-18-2002, 02:22 PM
BoP, you sound like my dad. He doesn't like a lot of clutter (though goodness knows he has enough of it, guitars and books and papers scattered everywhere).
My room at my mom's is in the basement, which is nice, I guess, but very cold. It's a really strange shape, so I'm not even going to try to describe it. Nice boring white walls, and dark blue carpet (that is equally cluttered). I have a crappy small desk I've had since I was in fifth grade, and it's falling apart. I also have a vanity, a dresser and a bed that are a set of this old antique-y furniture set, and I wish I coudl get rid of them. I have cow poster above my desk, some old artwork I'm getting rid of soon, a dolphin 'tapestry' and two framed pictures on my walls (the framed pictures are one of a poem that has my sister, cousin's and my names in it and one from a play production I was in when I was eight). It also has three doors, one to get in/out, one to my closet and one to the attached bathroom.
I don't have a room at my dad's. I usually sleep in his room and he sleeps in the living room.
10-18-2002, 02:33 PM
the wall of my room are some kind of grey/brown. There are many holes left from the many tacks put in by the many other people that have lived in this dormatory over the years. I have the top bunk. When I'm laying in bed, I can roll over and see the "living room" (couch, coffee table and rocking chair). the "den" (the long desk space against the window iwht my computer on it), the "kitchenette" (a sink and a fridge), and the "dressing area" (the two portable closets pushed at right angles of each other, with a curtain hung for privacy) My roomate has pictures of her trip to Venice on the walls, and I have some of my favorite collages here's one that I put up once upon a time on a geocities page that I don't update anymore:
collage (
I'm quite proud of it.
My room at home is inthe basement, so it is very quiet, dark, and cool. to compensate for this, I have piled three quilts on the bed, and have hung christmas lights that stay up year round. the walls are textured white wall paper with kind of a candlelight glow color ragged on top--the upper 2/3, anyway. the bottom is cedar panelling. I've got blue gingham curtains on the windows, and my projects is to stain-glass the one window that looks out into a gross and yucky window well.
10-18-2002, 04:39 PM
I have pink walls, but you can't see them because of all the things stuck on them: three LOTR posters, a few reproductions of paintings (mainly Pre-Raphaelite), postcards, newspaper cuttings (going yellow), pictures of my favourite writers. Very typical of me. I also have hundreds of books, a desk, a chest of drawers, a very old computer and my iron bedstead :)
10-18-2002, 05:57 PM
My room is in the unfinished basement. For walls, I have sheets which keep falling down despite by best intents. I have TOO MANY bugs in there. Actually, it's a bit better now that winter is approaching. I have a double bed, which is perfect for me, because I can roll my short self over without feeling totally lost. I have a stand-up lamp for light. It doubles as a hand heater when it's cold out. My dresser has broken handles and the bottom drawer of my desk is broken. Some inspirational/funny/religious / memorabilia/LOTR items decorate the room. But the best part is my blue trunk where I keep everything precious to me for lack of shelves. I call this trunk a treasure chest, and love it!
10-18-2002, 09:18 PM
Boring... White.... Messy.... Thats my room!!! Not posters or anything.
I would love to do a picture on hte walls though. Make it like a grassy knoll looking down on hobbiton.
10-18-2002, 09:38 PM
Hmmm my room is my whole house (I sleep where I drop) and my house is just like me, slightly chaotic but very well presented;)
10-18-2002, 09:45 PM
My room right now is boring, especially now that I've packed up the artwork (I had a couple of my dad's paintings up, but since we knew we didn't want to stay here we never really "moved in"). But when I was a teenager, I had a light pink room with lavender hearts stenciled around the top. As I got older the walls got completely filled up with heavy metal posters, and then I covered the ceiling with posters. It was just lovely:rolleyes: . Then I took the posters on the ceiling down and hung all differently colored streamers from there. It was pretty cool. Then my friend (now my husband) tied them all together. When I was in college I painted the room a deep powdery blue with bright pink trim (it's still that way, although my mom really wants to paint it. I still think it looks great:D ). I was at that time more discerning about the posters I put up. I had a Grateful Dead poster, a poster of "Les Printemps," and a poster of a Renoir painting, plus some of my dad's artwork. I can't wait till we move into our new house so I can really feel at home enough to decorate however I want -- with renting I've never felt that way.
10-19-2002, 06:07 AM
i like what appears to be boring bedrooms (no posters) my bedroom is just a nice green with a dark green stencil of leaves around the top, come to think of it it is sort of elvish... really dark green carpet... table where i am supposed to do my study meh and a big bed... i have a beanbag with flames on it... it used to be a mess but then the walk in closet came about to conceal it hehehe... puty used to be in it but the noise of it used to disturb the tranquillity of my room so i ditched it in mams study...
really quite classy
09-27-2005, 12:16 AM
Does anyone know anything about feng shui? I have a friend, she's really adept at designing her spaces perfectly feng shui. For instance, what is the best direction to sleep with your head toward - north, south, east, or west? Stuff like that. :)
09-27-2005, 01:58 AM
I've always thouht Feng Shui was a crock :p.
09-27-2005, 02:05 AM
Frankly, so have I , but it would STILL be interesting to find out what the feng shui people say about what direction one's head is best facing for a proper night's sleep, and stuff like that. :)
09-27-2005, 09:02 AM
Frankly, so have I , but it would STILL be interesting to find out what the feng shui people say about what direction one's head is best facing for a proper night's sleep, and stuff like that. :)
Feng Shui has always reminded me of dogs......why is it the go around in tight small circle around and around and when they get just the right "instinctual" direction they lie down.... :rolleyes:
Arien the Maia
11-27-2005, 10:58 PM
hmmm what's my bedroom like...well let's see... not much really
kinda small...consists of a quessn size bed (no head or foot boards) a dresser. another dresser with a mirror on it and a night stand...all in all kit's WAY to small for 2 people plus I wish it were a different color! blue doest' really suit my tastes...I'm more of a red person...but alas...I must settle for it right now... :(
11-28-2005, 12:16 AM
Nice bump Lotesse. I don't know what Feng Shui says about what direction you should face, but it had better be north or south - there's no way I could turn the bed in an east-west direction in this room. ;)
This thread is awesome, nice one Rûdhaglarien. :D
My bedroom... it has pale yellow walls, and a white ceiling. The ceiling panels are held in place with half-inch thick boards. They're spaced about a foot apart, and make quite a nice effect. I have a wall to wall light grey carpet.
The important thing to know about this room is there are no perfectly right angles or straight lines. It's a room in the ground level suite of an 80-year-old house, and it has been through a number of renovations.
The room has base-board heating and it's quite pleasant. I have an open closet, a hand-me-down dark brown dresser, new shelves from Ikea I put together mostly full of books, and classical guitar and music stand, and a computer desk.
My desk is always covered with projects, dishes, and random handy objects. My floor is currently strewn with my insect damage collection, and my framed black belt certificate, which I've really been meaning to put up. Maybe I'll do that right now, then finish my damage collection. :D Then, my floor will be much much neater (but I still keep a lot of things on the floor. I just don't have enough shelves/drawers).
How many of you have your computer in your room?
11-28-2005, 02:56 AM
As far as I remember, the best way to sleep it with your head to the north and feet to the south. It`s supposed to improve dreams? But I don`t really know anything about feng shui. Just that it sounds really complicated.
I had a computer in my room at home. It was nice. I could go on Entmoot all the time without my little brother saying "What IS that website anyway? You`re always on it. I don`t like the colours."
My bedroom here (thought I`m moving to a new house on Friday) is a traditional Japanese bedroom. There`s a futon bed thing, but it`s not on the floor; it`s off the floor and there are drawers under it. But it is still hard like a regular futon and that took some getting used to. There`s a rack right out there for my clothes (not in a closet or anything) which are hanging on it, a stack of drawers, a desk and chair, and a small couch. The couch thing has wood handles, and a really thin cushion, so that I hardly sit on it. The floors are tatami mats. The walls are a sage colour. The window slides open, and has a paper "curtain" thing on it that it held in place by waffle patterm wood. The light it in the middle of the ceiling and the string that you use to turn it on and off hangs down really low to that I run into it all the time.
And, as hasn`t changed since my last post in this thread, it is a total mess. There`s clothes, books, papers, plastic bags from department stores, candy wrappers, CDs, tissues (I have a cold), some kendo stuff, and my school uniform scattered all over the place.
11-28-2005, 03:47 AM
Wow, this is a cool thread. I haven't read all the posts yet (yeah I know it's two short pages but it's also 2:30 am), but I'll reply anyway. You can really get a feel for a person from their bedroom.
Mine is simple, probably too boring to explain. Many odd touches, like a crappy blue card table, holes in the walls (one of which has a guitar string half-way in it), glow-in-the-dark stars all over the ceiling, walls, and even blinds (two windows), a funky furniture set from the 60s, including a rectangular slab with three drawers underneath and a twin matress on top, bright green old carpet, immitation silly putty dried to the wall above my desk, and it kind of looked like a face the way it dried so I took a pen and drew in more detailed features, milk crate full of LEGOS (not very practical). Lots and lots of details like that are what make it my own, but the holes and Gak were originally my brother's fault. The only real decorations I have are barely noticable: an Obi Wan snap on bracelet on my ceiling fan, a carved horse on the closet door jamb, an Austrian hat and an emu marionette hanging from my curtains, a 3-D puzzle in the corner, and a Rodin's Thinker statue on the table. I bet most prison cells are in better condition.
EDIT: I think I'll take some pics; I just found my brother's digital camera.
Feng Shui has always reminded me of dogs......why is it the go around in tight small circle around and around and when they get just the right "instinctual" direction they lie down.... :rolleyes:I wonder if what we do, toss and turn at night, is somehow related.
Katya, that would be my dream room!
11-28-2005, 05:08 AM
Nice thread! :)
As far as I remember, the best way to sleep it with your head to the north and feet to the south.
Wow, then my bed is just in the right direction! (Totally by accident, not intentionally feng-shui-placed...)
And what is my room like anyway? Hmm, it's upstairs, and quite big. There's a big window facing eastward, with blue-green-yellow curtains; plain white walls with some decoration - some Andy Warhol reprints, a painting (bunch of flowers) of a family friend, a calendar, a tiny corkboard to pin things up, and... well, that's all.
I have a wall-to-wall carpet - difficult to clean :rolleyes:... A desk with lotsa stuff piled upon it; three bookshelves, reaching up to the ceiling and yet scarcely enough for my books; a messy wardrobe; and two aquariums for my turtles. Oh, and an armchair. And another bed, which is seldom used - mostly when my cousin sleeps at us.
And, of course, most of the time it's messy. :rolleyes: My bags, and papers, and plastic bags from supermarkets scattered all over the floor, not to mention the books EVERYwhere... :D
11-28-2005, 05:24 AM
The window slides open, and has a paper "curtain" thing on it that it held in place by waffle patterm wood.
Is that a shoji? Your room sounds really neat Katya. I hope you're having a great exchange!
Bombadillo, you inspired me to take pictures of my room. :D Of course, doing so reminded me what a dump it is in here, but nevertheless...
View towards my door (
View from my door ( (that door you see is just a storage closet)
11-28-2005, 07:49 AM
Is that a shoji? Your room sounds really neat Katya. I hope you're having a great exchange!
Thank you, I am! And it is a shoji. I had to look it up in the dictionary to check though. I lost...
And here is a picture. It was taken a long time ago (I still had the summer blanket thing on the bed) and it`s even messier now, even though I`ve cleaned it since then. I have accumulated a lot of things... You can see the *shoji* and the couch, an empty Dars box, an empty bottle of green tea, my "Recommend Writer- makes ones feel relief and safe" t-shirt, clothes, CD cased, my host brother`s backpack with holes in it, the cat from Trigun, the drawers I mentioned, the Mickey Mouse towel pillow that is even worse than the Clark Gable pillow my dad has issues with, the floor walls and clothes rack I mentioned. It`s not that cool really. If I go to Esben`s house again (another exchange student) I`ll take some pictures. He`s staying with a family who lives in a really really old Japanese house. There`s a garden in the back yard and everything (and I mean a real garden, with trees and a pond with koi fish and everything). It`s a cool, cool house. And they sell kimonos out of it.
And here`s my bedroom from America taken maybe a month before I left (I recall doing some remodeling since then... to more of a Lord of the Rings feel. Seriously.) It looks homey. Looking at it makes me wanna "Blue skidoo" into it and jump into the lazy boy chair. Or turn on the computer and moot. Or most of all, to turn on the PS2. The PS2 is on the bookshelf. You can also see the Clockwork Orange poster I mentioned 3 years ago. It changed positions but it stayed up longer than the Smashing Pumpkins one. There`s a Canadian flag in an old bottle that had Jones soda in it at one point. Oh, I guess I was still using the sleeping bag from three years ago two, only I have a super nice comforter too now. It`s clean too. I wonder if I cleaned it for the picture or after cleaning it it occured to me that I should take a picture. Actually I really like cleaning. I like having my room clean. But it gets messy again in a day or two, I`m afraid. At home I had gotten pretty good at keeping it clean but now I have no time for stuff like that. So... You get the idea.
11-28-2005, 10:18 AM
You can also see the Clockwork Orange poster I mentioned 3 years ago.
cool! i us to have one of those :D
The last sane person
11-28-2005, 04:25 PM
Hmm, my room, white, all of it, bed in a corner near the wall (best bed in the house, had to guard it like a dragon guards gold) across from that is my little composite board desk/workspace/dinnertable with a laptop and lamps precariously rigged on it. To the right is my little dresser wherein I keep almost all of my clothes, that's white too. Then right next to that is the closet where only half the space is mine then the rest is storage for various stuff. To the left of my desk is my over loaded bookshelf. Only thing I like about my room is that it...erm...well, I dont like it, just the bed.
Lady Marion Magdalena
11-28-2005, 04:38 PM
My sister and I just recently switched bedrooms, since I'm now living in a dorm for most of the year.
My current room at home is kindof a chunky L-shape. The ceiling is a light, warm-water blue, the walls are a cold-water green-blue, and the trim around the window and door is forest green. About an inch below the ceiling there's a floral, wall-paper trim leftover from when my sister had the room.
I've got my two bookshelves against the south wall, and my bed facing them, parallel to the east wall of the room. My bed has a white-painted, wooden frame (that we've used since I was first old enough to sleep out of a crib) and a newer mattress that's insanely soft and which I used all of my persuasion skills to convince Dad to buy for me several years ago. It's piled with two comforters (one old, one newer) and an old, pink blanket. Next to the bed is my dresser, which I inherited from my grandfather. The floor of the room is pale, fake hardwood, I intend to find a nice rug to cover it with.
My room used to be three closets. Dad took out the walls seperating them to make a usable room, and added a wall where two of the closets connected to the former master bedroom. He never got around to putting a proper door in, so most people think the room is a closet, right up until I open the door to show them. The door is one of those where it's slatted on the top half and the hinges are in the middle of the door so that to open, it folds outwards.
One of the corners is taken up by four crates/boxes filled with the stuff that I now have no shelf or closet to store on/in.
My dorm is pretty generic. Bed, desk, closet, counter... I've got a bunch of photos up now, with some books and a few choice items brought from home to personalize it. I try to keep the clutter down so as to maximize space.
The last sane person
11-28-2005, 04:45 PM
Least they are both somewhat clean, which is a far shot from what your room was like prior to leaving for college....And yeah, I was confused about that door to no end until you pushed it open. I thought you were leading me to some sort of broom or towel closet at first.
11-28-2005, 06:31 PM
Very small and full of stuff. Much too small for 2 roommates. Hopefully I'll get a private room soon...
11-28-2005, 08:01 PM
Your room was three clostets LMM? That's so cool.
Katya, in the picture of your Japanese room, I can see a green plastic bottle next to your bed. Is that cold, flavoured green tea? I think I've had it with honey. You can buy that over here too! I haven't had it in ages. *craves*
11-28-2005, 10:27 PM
Katya Why didn't you mention your mural?
Hmm, my room is a mess, and there isn't really a theam. My walls are covered with: J-rock posters, anime posters, poems, pictures, stickers, a pappoose, and a fox fur (there are also some posters on my ceilling). My floor is covered, although i finaly picked up all my mangas, and in the process i found out they will only stack to 104 high (with help) and about 40 high (without help). There is also action figures from the wall, pocky boxes, a yan yan box, and various bottles of hair dye to use for reference if i want to do my hair that colour again. There is also a mosqutio net over my bed, and a legolas cut-out that guards my door.
11-29-2005, 01:13 AM
Ha! Pocky boxes. I just spotted one in the pic of Katya's room, too. :D
Yours sounds like an interesting room. Where did you get the papoose and fox fur?
THe camera I found can't transfer pics to the computer without seperate hardware, so in a couple of days I'll have scanned in some actual photos.
11-29-2005, 04:01 AM
Nurvi- yes, it`s the cold kind. We drink it as often as water or more over here. There are about 5 varieties of the same thing in the store, and only 2 or 3 of soda. I didn`t like it at first but not I prefer it.
Melfena- I didn`t mention the mural because it`s not in the picture.^^ There`s a mural of a cherry tree on the opposite wall in my room.
Bombadillo- Her room is interesting. Especially the posters and the Legolas. He`s some roomate. And Pocky is good. There are lots of good foods here but Pocky is classic. "Anata mo watashi mo Pokkiiiiiiiii!" is a commercial song that got in my head. I believe I was using the box for keeping pencils in.
11-29-2005, 07:49 PM
I wonder if my old haunts still sell that wonderful, refreshing tea. Of course, now I have to remember where I bought it in the first place. I think one of my friends from Forestry brought me some.
Bombadillo, I'm impressed at your dedication to showing us pictures of your room. (Hey, aren't you Canadian? Why aren't you in the election thread? :p)
11-29-2005, 09:27 PM
Katya I (finally) re-arranged my posters, now i have large white spots, and they keep me awake at night ^^;
Bombadillo I got the papoose at a pow wow, a really really long time age, and the fox fur has a long story. I'm a native american, and my dad is a pipe carrier, and he is fox clan, so he keeps his pipe in a fox fur. Children inharet their clan from their father, so i am also fox clan, and the one on my wall was the first one he kept his pipe in, then he got another and gave me this one, then he made his second one into a quiver to wear with his regalia, and he got a third. I have always had that fur up though because the fox is my protector, also now that i think about it there is a medallion with fox fur on my door that keeps bad spirits out. I will post pictures as soon a i find batteries that work in my camera
11-30-2005, 05:46 PM
Sorry, double post ^^;
12-26-2005, 10:21 PM
Whoa. I didn't know you were Native American. I'm impressed, as silly as that makes me sound. I'm actually thinking about spending this coming summer on an Indian reservation that my dad went to at my age. Since a history lesson on Andrew Jackson in the 6th grade, I've been ignorantly fascinated with your peoples. Aware and deserving are the two best adjectives I can think of to describe them. And I think I could use an atmosphere like that for a change.
On a related note, the brother from whom I've inherited my room (and who caused most of the damage in there) just picked Andrew Jackson as his idol or something. :eek:
Pics soon. It's a half-assed dedication, Nurv, nothing to be impressed about. :o :D
10-07-2009, 02:06 PM
the two portable closets pushed at right angles of each other, with a curtain hung for privacy
just out of curiosity, how do u like ur portable closets?? i was reading about them here, and they seem too flimsy.
10-07-2009, 02:48 PM
So... what's your bedroom like??
Light and airy!
I guess i "sleep on the clouds" :) I decorate our master bedroom in a very soft, airy style. Light blue is the main color, along with soft white. The furniture is a creamy blonde wood carved with curvilinear, leafy patterns, accented with light marble. The bedclothes are fine cotton in pale aqua with a subtle satin stripe, the comforter and pillow shams are a pale silvery blue/aqua with a curvy leaf pattern in an even paler shade. The curtains are simple, long panels of antique lace, in a subtle and not-too-frilly pattern. On the dresser i have a white seashell tea light holder and blue silk roses in a blue glass vase. The room has three tall windows that let in lots of light and air. Overall, it's spacious and light, despite the romantic touches borrowed from the Roccoco style, it's not overdone. I like a soft, calm, airy setting.
Gwaimir Windgem
10-07-2009, 04:45 PM
Sounds very elegant, I have to say.
10-07-2009, 04:48 PM
I love this thread. :) I've had so many different bedrooms since it was started... probably 16 or more. The bedroom I have now is tiny, shared with my honey and my kitty. I'm in it now, sitting on the (big and comfy) bed with them. I have red sheets with matching curtains and a green blanket. There are a ton of books and a dresser with a turntable/tape player on top of it. And a space heater and an air purifier. That's about it! There's not room for anything else.
10-07-2009, 06:34 PM
Sounds very elegant, I have to say.
Thank you, Gwaimir! :)
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