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Fred Baggins
10-15-2002, 09:54 PM
ic:*sits under a tree scetching*
occ:Please join! welcome to all and has no particular topic.

Fred Baggins
10-15-2002, 10:20 PM
:( Pretty please?:(

10-15-2002, 10:53 PM
Are you trying to start a story?? :)

Fred Baggins
10-17-2002, 06:12 PM
Yeah I guess so. I never started an RP before, just joined them.

10-17-2002, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Fred Baggins
Yeah I guess so. I never started an RP before, just joined them.

Well with the name Belledona Gamgee this looks like a hobbits adventure to me:D

What are these hobbits doing and where are they going? (more importantly why are they going there?):) :)

Fred Baggins
10-17-2002, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by osszie

What are these hobbits doing and where are they going? (more importantly why are they going there?):) :)

Lemme see. What are they doing and where are they going. Well actually I should explain my character first. Her name as the title suggests is Belledona Gamgee. She is the grandaughter of Samwise Gamgee, and isn't at all hobbit like, except for the fact that she likes to eat, laugh(though she laughs so rarely) and she always enjoys a good smoke, being brought up by men. She is extreamly thin, and extraordenarily beautiful, with long golden hair and a beautiful white dress. She is also very fast. She is destined to complete the Quest that Frodo started. (I am writing a Fanfic based on her quest) I am not altogether sure where she is going as of yet, but that shall be found out as the story progresses. They are going there to complete the Quest. Is that a good answer?

Fred Baggins
10-17-2002, 10:02 PM
ic:*She sits in a place called The Wise. As she rests up for her coming travel in the land claimed by her Pappy, she scetches, now a tree, now a crown, and now The Ring, which though she never saw is strangly very vived in her memory.

Fred Baggins
10-18-2002, 06:54 PM
occ: Maybe someone who has started an RPG before can help me with mine? I think it lakes something(like other people).

10-27-2002, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Fred Baggins
occ: Maybe someone who has started an RPG before can help me with mine? I think it lakes something(like other people).

Hmmmm. You could be right, there, about people. ;)
I'd like to join. :)

Fred Baggins
10-27-2002, 03:07 PM
Yippi!!! Someone finally wants to join!*Jumps up and down* Yippi! You can join! I will go try and figure out a better plot real fast.(Good thing i am not an ent)

Ok plot figured. She is going to find her father, who went on an adventure, but never came back. She is not going to compleat the Quest, but to find out what her quest is. You can be any character you wanna. Thankyou for reviving this RP from the dead!

10-27-2002, 06:05 PM
All right, here's my character. :)

Name: Primrose Brandybuck
Race: Hobbit

Primrose pretty much looks like a "typical" hobbit, curly light brown hair and blue eyes. She does have a love of laughter and food. :D However, she actually likes adventures. *gasp* She is related to Meriadoc Brandybuck.

Fred Baggins
10-27-2002, 06:12 PM
ic: that is cool. O I should let you know ahead of time...my character can be a little snappy. Like I said, not very hobbit like...
She has already been on some Adventures, so she know something of the world outside Hobbiton. I shall start now.

occ:*Sits scetching. under a tree in The Wise.Is singing an elvish song* O mor henion i dhu,
Ely siriar, el sila
Ai! Aniron Undomiel
Tiro! El eria e mor
I lir el luitha 'uren,
Ai! Aniron...

10-27-2002, 06:29 PM
What quest did Frodo not finish?
She is destined to complete the Quest that Frodo started. (I am writing a Fanfic based on her quest) I am not altogether sure where she is going as of yet, but that shall be found out as the story progresses. They are going there to complete the Quest. Is that a good answer?

Fred Baggins
10-27-2002, 06:31 PM
ic: Well, technachly it was finished...but there is something else that has to be done(I don't know what yet) before the quest is officaly finished, the most dangerous part of all.

10-27-2002, 06:41 PM
ooc: So should Primrose run into Belledona now? (I don't mean literally, but if you want that to be literal, okay ;) :D )

Fred Baggins
10-27-2002, 06:44 PM
ic: Yep, now is the time. and if you want you can literaly run into her but things won't start to pleasent.

10-27-2002, 07:14 PM
ooc: All right, then I won't have my character crash into yours. :)

ic: Primrose Brandybuck was walking along, feeling a little lost and very confused, which was not unusual for her, when she caught sight of a hobbit who looked about her age, sitting under a tree and drawing. And singing -- in elvish. Good, someone interesting to talk to thought Primrose. "Hello," she called, walking over to the hobbit.

Fred Baggins
10-27-2002, 07:20 PM
Looks up startled, and quickly hides scetch pad. "O 'Ello! What are you doing in The Wise. I didn't know many hobbits left Hobbiton these days.

10-27-2002, 07:28 PM
Primrose frowned for a minute, wondering why the hobbit had been so anxious to hide what she was doing. Oh well. She shrugged. "Oh, they don't, but I'm a little different than most hobbits." She laughed. That was a huge understatement. "I wanted to go somewhere, I was a little restless...oh, actually, I don't quite know." Primrose wouldn't mention the odd dream she'd had which had made her decide to leave Hobbiton in the first place.
"But what are you doing here?" asked Primrose.

Fred Baggins
10-27-2002, 07:35 PM
"This is my land. Welcome to The Wise, named after my GrandPappy, Samwise Gamgee. And as for being different join the club" Laughs then turns somber. Yes she is deffinatly different. Different thatn ANY hobbit alive, or dead. Her hand wanders up to the necklace she is wearing, Galadriels Phial, put on a chain to wear as a necklace. It was her only comfort most days.

10-27-2002, 07:53 PM
So the hobbit was a granddaughter of Samwise Gamgee! Primrose grinned.
"So we have something in common, or is it uncommon? My name is Primrose Brandybuck, by the way."

10-27-2002, 08:51 PM
uh-oh! I'm really sorry, y'all, but I'm going to have to be gone for almost two weeks starting Monday! :( I just found out. Please try to keep the characters (not to mention the thread) alive while I'm gone. (I'll be back as soon as possible, I promise!)

Fred Baggins
10-28-2002, 12:45 AM
ooc: I am sorry you will be gone and will try to keep it alive.

10-28-2002, 01:07 AM
Thank you! :)

10-31-2002, 07:30 AM
ill be called: corbulas cotton from whitwell
description: a post man in the shire postal service who has been around and far outside the shire an expert on maps and has a large collection of them soft hearted sheepish and most of all inteligent an adventurer at heart.
age: a particularly young hobbit who has past the coming of age he's about 37.
objects: has a special amulet and a sword that he recieved of his father the sword is legendry about the shire and out of it.
pony or horse: has no need for horses likes to walk. He is a very fast sprinter. And can keep up with any horse even as its galloping.

Fred Baggins
10-31-2002, 08:59 PM
Thnx, but I have started a disscusion board to post characters on, for futer referance. WELCOME!

11-02-2002, 08:57 AM
ooc:mr corbulas cotton enters!!!

a whistle was heard over the trees and hills as corbulas cotton a shire postman came delivering his daily papers he had been all the way around the shire and as far out of it as Bree and was delivering in the lands that was more commonly known as the wise when he heard voices coming from behind a tree. He stopped and wondered he took another few steps and then his curiosity got the better of him. He hid in a nearby bush where he could see and hear everything he decided to creep closer when he tripped and nearly a thousand thorn needles went in him.


he got up to find the two hobbits (they were hobbits of course), who he had been eaves dropping on, staring down at him.

Fred Baggins
11-02-2002, 02:15 PM
Relation to Merridoc? How interesting. *I pulled out my sketch pad. It is a picture of Merry's Rohan horn* I have just been drawing the horn he got from King Eomer. *I heard a cry and turned around to see a post hobbit standing up covered with thorns. He was young, barely past his coming of age. I recognized him as the local post hobbit, Corbulas Cotten, the type of adventureas hobbit that always got himself in trouble.* Mr.Cotten, what are YOU doing wandering into the Wise?

ic:Just to let you know, The Wise is just outside of Hobbiton, and is not a community, just a little plot of land, which is usually hidden to wanderers, since it's occupant doesn't usualy like visitors. O and the only ways out of it are through Hobbiton one way, or The Barrow-Downs another.

11-03-2002, 06:49 AM
ooc: OK!:) :)

cc:"errrr.... just doin mi rounds! I certainly wasn' eavesdropping if 'ats what you's thinking!!! AAARRGGGHH!!!! ow these thorns OW!!! help get them off me!"

they did help him and soon the thorns were off.

cc: " thats betta sorry abou' tha'!"

bg:" now mr. cotton explain yourself!!"

Fred Baggins
11-06-2002, 12:56 AM
Well, Mr.Cotten EDxplain yourself.

((insert explanation))

Well, then would you two mind accompaning me on an adventure of sorts? *She explains the adventure to them*

11-06-2002, 01:27 AM
Primrose nodded. "Why not?" Any other hobbit would say Primrose had gone mad, of course. But they always did that anyway. The others were usually wrong when they told her that something was crazy or foolish. But her favorite relative, Aunt, had given Primrose one bit of good advice before she'd left Hobbiton; she'd known Primrose was planning on making a long journey, so she told her niece that she would need more supplies. And the younger hobbit had ignored her. Now Primrose was close to running out of supplies.
"Would we have to start out right away?" asked Primrose. "Because I really should get some things from home first."

Fred Baggins
11-06-2002, 07:32 PM
Good, I was hopeing you could come. You sounded like a very able hobbit when I saw you. You may go back and get supplies. Meet me in Bree though, at the Prancing Pony. As for you Mr. Cotten...?

11-07-2002, 01:10 PM
cc:'' errmm..... allrigh' then!! I'm ready to go, i allways carry all my stuff with me i can come with you to the prancing pony did i tell you im an expert on maps!!!''

Fred Baggins
11-07-2002, 08:12 PM
I'll take that to mean you are comeing. Good, an expert on maps we may need, though I doubt you have many maps of the places out far from Hobbiton, which means this will give you a chance to expan your knowledge. now come, you can explain what you where doing eavesdropping on us on the way.

11-08-2002, 01:27 PM
actually i have lots of maps that go well outside the shire and one of the undying lands they came from my grandad and now i use them all though id like to make some of my own.

Fred Baggins
11-08-2002, 10:56 PM
Well, that is good. Now do you mind telling what you where doing?

11-09-2002, 08:09 AM
'' erm... well I overheard you!! and i came closer to get a better look!! nice picture by the way!!''

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 02:17 PM
*When I relized Mr. Cotten saw my picture I quickly hid it away. at least he hadn't seen THE picture.* Well, come on Mr. Cotten, we havn't all day. *I led him out of The Wise, and through the Barrow Downs with ease, for I knew the way in the dark. there was little trouble, which was good, for if the Barrow Wights had seen or tried to hurt us, I'm afraid Mr. Cotten would not have contiued.

11-09-2002, 02:20 PM
ooc: hey my carachters not like that he has to deal with a lot worser things than barrow wights on his rounds!! I demand that you extract that last part :( :( :mad: :( :(

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 02:44 PM
ooc: Sorry zavron, that is the way Belladona is. I know I know I hate it when people think that to, but She thinks that all hobbits are basically wimps when it comes down to it, which is wierd since she IS half hobbit.

11-09-2002, 02:49 PM
thats all right then!:)

11-09-2002, 03:23 PM
belladona led corbulas to her home and there she started to gather her things for the journey.

corbulas took of his backpack and started to rumage through his equipment.

He had loads of light foods like lembas and things like that.

His other equipment was as follows:
A lantern with lots of spare candles.
Some flint and tinder.
A sleeping bag.
Medical Kit.
A flask. ( with his favourite soup inside )
Some rope
A canteen on a strap.
Money bag.
A special Book called 'A guide to the strange and wonderful creatures of middle earth'.
His pipe and plenty of tobbaco.
A good book.
Spare clothes.
Pots, pans, and cutlery.
Lead and plenty of parchment. ( for making his maps )
His collection of maps- Three of the whole of ME, One of the undying lands, One of numenor, One of gondor and Rohan, One of The Shire, Two of the great forest and the wilderness, and one of haradwaith, Rhun and further beyond, And One planatory Map.

Plus he carried his sword allways by his side.
He also wore an amulate around his neck. A special magic amulate.

soon Belladonna returned with her equipment.

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 03:44 PM
*In my house I gathered my stuff, including, my pipe and plenty of pipeweed, plenty of mushrooms, and other vegatables and some fruit, my scetch pad, and some of pencils, a silver eleven whistle, a tattered elven cloak, and two brushes. I wore my sword, Sting, and on a neaklace the Phiel of Galadriel. I also packed a magical looking arrow, of special importance. I then meet Mr. Cotten in the sitting room.

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 09:20 PM
*As we left and headed toward Bree, I senced something. Merry, a white warg came up to me. He told me in his language that a foe was approching. He walked along side me for awhile, until a rustle was heard in the nearby trees. He growled, ran into the trees and soon chased out an elf. I drew my sword and pointed it at the elf, as did Mr. Cotten.*

11-09-2002, 09:27 PM
*After being chased by the Warg, I steped out with my now bent bow, a beautiful arrow in it, made by me:D, and quickly my horse came behind me.I was in a prety bad mood* Ech, Who are you Fowl creatures who dare disturb me* I am clad in all white, my horse is silver. I pointed my bow at one of the halflings.*There better be a good reason.

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 09:29 PM
Havidad Merry! *I looked at the elf, examining every detail of her.* i am so sorry Merry tends to get carried awa-*There was something framilar about this elf* LUBYLA!

11-09-2002, 09:33 PM
*I rummaged around in my pack, and pulled out a silver, star shaped compact. I opened it up and looked inside still looking, I replied* Yes, Lubyla, Princess of the Elves. And who are YOU?

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 09:37 PM
Belladona Gamgee, of the night sky, Keeper of the night ring, leader of The Three, elf friend, and dwarf friend. Better know as Fran Gamgee the simple hobbit.

11-09-2002, 09:42 PM
*not truly listening, I just nodded, and mounted my horse.* Well, if you two dont mind, I'll be on my way now,* at this point I had put down my bow and put my arrow away, after a few trots, It hit me as to what she just said.I quickly turned around after stopping, and feircly said to her:* IF YOU ARE BELLADONA, THEN YOU WILL BE ABLE TO PROVE IT. AND IF YOU BE AN IMPOSTER, MAY YOUR CROPS EVER WILT AND YOUR FOOT HAIR FALL OUT!!!!!!!

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 09:45 PM
*Shuders at the thought of her hair falling out* Fine then perhaps a couple things will refreash you memorie.*Pulls out her neaklace, the phial, and her sward Sting* and if this doesn't prove it to you then I challenge you to a race...that is you on your horse.

11-09-2002, 09:48 PM
A race it would be, if Ithilsila(my horse) were not hurt, at this point, almost any halfling could beat her.

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 09:51 PM
Very well then. *whistles* I shall race Prisca. She is not injured.

11-09-2002, 10:10 PM
Very clever indeed, your own horse. No, if you can tell me of an event that happened when we were in Lothlorien at the council, that totally messed with my brother's head, then meybe I will trust you, and further more on this, show me something I gave you when on our quest.

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 10:14 PM
*Laughs out loud* Ah that one! You mean when Andodulin put a knot in Legolas's hair! Where is Andodulin anyway? And here, the whistle? I asume that is what you want to see? I just don't understand why Merry chased you like that. He's been acting stangly lately.

11-09-2002, 10:20 PM
*At this point, I am totally embarassed, and just dont know what to do.* Fran?! Is that really you??? Andodulin is sitting in a tree back from where Merry attacked me. He shall meet us soon. Where are you off to this time? Sorry for such a harsh meeting.*A black bird came from out of the woods. His feathers glistening in the sun. He perched on my shoulder*

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 10:25 PM
Sorry about Merry again. I just don't know what has gotten in to him.*He still sits growling at Lubyla* We, that is my companion Mr. Corbulas Cotten and i are on our way to Bree, where we shall meet another friend. from there we hope to go to Rivendell, but you know how things get to be with me! What about you? Running away again?

11-09-2002, 10:31 PM
yes, but I do not know to where yet. Perhaps to Rohan, or maybe Isengard, or maybe to explore the unknown of Middle Earth. I now am called more of a ranger.

Fred Baggins
11-09-2002, 10:45 PM
Then you will not be going our way? To bad, I desired to ba able to travel with you again. Actually, my quest may have something to do with the previous quest.

11-10-2002, 07:42 AM
whilst they were talking corbulas turned round pulled a strange stone on a necklace and whistled the stone glowed and out of the sky there came....... a Dragon, a small dragon it flew down and landed next to him

corby: '' good boy xave whos a good boy! Here catch the leg of lamb!!!'' corbulas pulled out a huge leg of lamb from his backpack and threw it into the sky with a burst of speed the dragon leaped up and caught it in its jaws.

corby: '' good boy!!!''

the others were looking dumbstruck then the elf raised her bow and pointed it at the dragon.

corby: '' NO!!, don't dare hurt him. he's my steed for the journey I've raised him since he was an egg!!''

the elf lowered his bow.

11-10-2002, 02:28 PM
ooc: I'm a girl:D

ic: Well, I may be able to go with you for some of the way, untill Rivendell. But we saw where that ended up last time* I took out my compact again, and looked diligently into it.*

Fred Baggins
11-10-2002, 02:36 PM
*I stared dumbstruck. Great, now a hobbit has a pet DRAGON! Well, I guess that isn't to bad, Freddy has the last unisus in exictance.* Well, that's an unpleasant surprise. Glad you can come to Rivendell at least. And I wouldn't worry about comeing in. Mr. Cotten, this is an old friend of mine, Lubyla. She accompanied me on a quest to...Lothlorin.

11-10-2002, 02:42 PM
corbulas nodded and turned around.

corby: '' who wants another leg of lamb!! Here ya go!!''

corbulas produced another huge leg of lamb out of his rucksack and threw it into the air the dragon retrieved it and started to munch happily.

then corbulas climbed on top of the dragon and shouted...

corby: ''lets ride!!''

the dragon unfurled its wings and started to flap its wings, then with a burst of speed it took off.

corby: '' race ya to Bree!!!'' he called as the dragon rose high in the sky.

11-10-2002, 02:42 PM
*I sat indulged in my mirror, not sure weather to trust this new member, and his...pet.Snapping the compact shut, I handed a bag to Fran* You seemed to like these when we first met.*A wonderful sent of rare mushrooms.* I...er...*I looked at the other halfling riding away.* picked them this morning.

Fred Baggins
11-10-2002, 02:46 PM
ooc:*puts head in hands and shakes it muttering something about how zavron always has to put a new twist in things...and that smaug was supposed to me the last dragon.

ic:Well, i would race him...but i don't fell like it today. Besides, I'm not going to leave an old friend behind when she doesn't even have a proper steed.*I looked at the mushroom* right...picked them up...well thankyou!

11-10-2002, 02:47 PM
*I whispered somethin to Ithilsila, and she took off running.* Well, dont feel bad* The black bird fallowed me*You forget, I have a few tricks up my sleve.

Fred Baggins
11-10-2002, 02:51 PM
*Laughs* fine then if that's the way it shall be!*Chases her easily. The neaklace is tucked safly back in it's proper place. Merry follows close behind, haveing a bit harder time keeping pace with the elf and hobbit.*

11-10-2002, 02:55 PM
*the bird cried out, and I stopped. Speeking in bird, I addressed him, and then motioned for Fran to stop too.*

11-10-2002, 02:59 PM
ooc: by the way the dragons only small about the size of a horse.

corbulas steered xave back to the ground fran and the elf were standing still.

corby: '' Hey, whats keeping you guys.. well guy and gal.''

11-10-2002, 03:03 PM
o...nothing*I said dodgedly.*

11-10-2002, 03:05 PM
''well look who hasn't had there happy pills this morning!!'':D

Fred Baggins
11-10-2002, 03:07 PM
*I looked at the bird, wishing he would TRY to mind message a little so I knew what he talked about half the time. So instead I mind messaged to Lubyla* <What is wrong!>

11-10-2002, 03:10 PM
*to her I messaged back* < He sences something wrong, but is not sure of what. It may be just because a dragon is here.>

Fred Baggins
11-10-2002, 03:14 PM
Fran:<Or Merry perhaps?>

11-10-2002, 03:19 PM
<perhaps, but he shall keep us posted> *I only grined a fake grin to the secon halfling* ooc: Sorry if I seem to be a rude charactor...but she just doesn't like strangers:)

Fred Baggins
11-10-2002, 03:22 PM
ooc: *High fives Lubyla*

ic:Well she we be off again then?

11-10-2002, 03:25 PM
I suppose, as long as Andodulin has nothing against it* the bird just cocked his head*

11-10-2002, 04:40 PM
corby: ''come on then!! Lets go!!!''

11-10-2002, 04:43 PM
Alright.*I started to ride again, this time with Andodulin on my shoulder*

Fred Baggins
11-10-2002, 05:37 PM
*I was running behind, when a thought entered my mind. I knew what was wrong with Merry. I could see it in his eyes. He wasn't going to last much longer.<Lubyla> I thought <I think I know what's wrong>

11-10-2002, 05:47 PM
<what? wrong with who?>

Fred Baggins
11-10-2002, 05:50 PM
<What's wrong with Merry. He changing again Lu. Can't you see. His fur is slowly getting darker.>

11-10-2002, 05:57 PM
<I see now, what should we do?>*I pulled out my compact*

Fred Baggins
11-10-2002, 06:38 PM
<Get him as far from Mr. Cotten as possible, and let him vent. Take Mr. Cotten to Bree please. We shall soon be back. o and i'll need yoursword again. You know how he gets when I use Sting.>

11-10-2002, 06:40 PM
Yes*I handed her my Mirthil blade.*

Fred Baggins
11-10-2002, 07:17 PM
Thankyou. Mr. Cotten, Merry and I are going for a walk, in a different direction. Lubyla will accompany you to Bree.*I took the sword, and headed off into the forest. Already Merry was starting to attack me.*

11-10-2002, 07:20 PM
Good Luck. *I jumped ack on Ithilsila, and set out. I wasn't in the greatest of moods to be with a stranger on a dragon, but I went along anyway*

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 08:33 PM
Thankyou.*I nodded and left, takeing Merry out into the woods, before we even got to wear I wanted to go, there was a flash of light, and Merry took on another form!

11-11-2002, 08:37 PM
*I still unhappily went along on the road to bree, wondering if Fran was alright.*Andodulin, go look after her from a far. If anything happens, do nothing, come tell me first.* With that he flew away.*

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 09:06 PM
*As Andodulin searches for them he hears a scream and a long mournful howl. He sees them, the white warg white no longer, but blood red, and the hobbit rocking back and forth on the ground, her formerly white dress the same color as the warg*

11-11-2002, 09:13 PM
*He flew down to Fran unnoticed and asked her in Birdish* What happened?!Do you need help?

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 09:18 PM
*Crys some incoherent stuff about Merry, then finally slowing down enough to talk* I stabbed him! I didn't mean to! And I stabbed him while he was vurnerable to!

11-11-2002, 09:19 PM
*looks at her* CAWW killiecaw cocu? { For those of you who dont speek bird: Do you need Lubyla?}

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 09:31 PM
*Babbles on.* BB;dsfuaiensdkvfhyawerndsyhawe{for those of you that don't speak babble: yes}

ooc: sorry Lubyla , i just couldn't help it*Rolls on the ground laughing again* I'm in one of those moods!

11-11-2002, 09:42 PM
ooc:* bangs head on desk*

ic:*leaves to find Lubyla.*

*as Andodulin approched me, I swiftly turned around and went to go find Fran*

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 09:49 PM
*Watches Lubyla bang her head on the desk for a full two hours and starts to whine* when do I get a turn!?

11-11-2002, 10:05 PM
ooc: NEVER!!!!!

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 10:24 PM
ooc: fine I will find my own desk!

ic: I saw Lubyla comeing toword me but didn't reister it. when she asked what happened I never answered. I just sat there rocking back and forth*

11-11-2002, 10:34 PM
Are you alright?

Fred Baggins
11-11-2002, 10:55 PM
ooc: *rolls eyes*

ic: I-I-I I didn't mean to...it slipped...just slipped...you have to heal him lu, please! He's my best friend!

11-12-2002, 12:43 PM
corby: ''Whats going o.... AAHHH!!! is that blood?''

corbulas had never seen so much blood before. He blinked a couple of times and walked off in a daze and sat down next to a tree andstared off into the distance. Xave came over and nudged corbulas and licked him, corbulas finally came back.

corby: ''what...OH!!!''

Xave: dragula carach uch drago bic craaa!!! *or if you don't speak pure dragon* we should help them!!!

so I got up and asked if there was anything i could do.

Ms. Undomial
11-12-2002, 12:54 PM
ooc: ooh! did someone just get hurt? I will come in now!!!

11-12-2002, 12:55 PM
The only thing you can do, is leave for now. These are strange times, and you are in great danger standing where you are. You must leave now!

11-12-2002, 01:02 PM
corby: '' Oh no you don't, you're not getting rid of me that easily!!! I am great with a sword and am ready to face all kinds of danger!!!, and with my dragon we would be a formiddable team!!!''

ooc: lubyla please stop trying to shunt me out of the way and when is it my turn to bang my head against the table!!!

11-12-2002, 01:05 PM
ooc: Sorry, its just the way she is, my only advice, hid in a bush and watch, er...I dont know. Whatever your charactor would do. O,*hands Zavron a slab of wood* Its your turn:D

11-12-2002, 01:41 PM
ooc: I'm gonna stick around for a while. *lubyla hands zavron a plank of wood* Oh Thanks!!:D *whack* zavron fals over unconcious.

11-12-2002, 01:46 PM
ooc: ok.

ic: * I tried to get him to leave, bt he just wouldn't!!! If only he knew the danger he was in. I talked a bit to Fran, seeing he had no intents to leave, and we decided on sumething(not sure what)*

Fred Baggins
11-12-2002, 09:01 PM
ooc: Bangs head with plank given to her by Lubyla* FIANALLY*Bangs head over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and* OUCH! Sliver.*Whipmers then goes back to banging head*

ic:Very well Mr.Cotten, will you get a damp rag please? *The warg is flickering in and out of his forms, from white warg to black rider.*

11-12-2002, 09:05 PM
What do you wish me to do?

Fred Baggins
11-12-2002, 09:10 PM
*Rolls eyes* Use you...abilitys and HEAL HIM!

11-12-2002, 09:12 PM
Fine. Be glad you already know of them.* I waved my hand, and did all that magicy stuff, and there, sitting before us, was a very much alive, back to nomal, blood stained white warg.*

11-12-2002, 10:28 PM
ooc: Yikes! I go away for a little while, and when I get back, things are just crazy! Well, all right, I'm back now ... so it's MY turn to bang my head against something! ;)

11-12-2002, 10:36 PM
ooc:*hands silver a 2 by 4.* knock yourself out...Literally. j/k *sigh* *sigh* *BIG sigh*

11-12-2002, 11:09 PM
ooc: Okay! *Silverstripe happily bangs head against 2 by 4*

ic: Primrose stared down at the green grass and let out a huge sigh of relief. Finally! It seemed like it had taken her forever to get out of the house, what with Aunt smugly reminding her that she told Primrose to take more supplies, and her other aunt and uncle scolding her for being so adventurous. Now, at last, she was free to find the other hobbits at the Prancing Pony.
It would be a lonely journey until she reached them, though. No one in Hobbiton was willing to accompany her to Bree. Oh well. She was used to journeying alone. Primrose shrugged and began walking.

The fox stood quietly among the bushes, searching for something to eat. He looked up just in time to see a young hobbit passing by him. She looked as if she were planning to go on a long voyage What?! A hobbit? Best to ignore her, though. The fox growled, torn between caution and curiousity. Slowly curiousity won out, and the fox decided to follow the hobbit.

11-13-2002, 12:33 AM
Are you and Mr. Cotten the only ones going?

11-13-2002, 12:40 AM
ooc: I think you and the warg are supposed to go too, and I have introduced a companion for myself (everyone else seems to have one!) :)

11-13-2002, 12:31 PM
ooc: yup, I'm going, but see, my charactor does not know of you *yet*

11-13-2002, 02:41 PM
ooc: *looks up from hitting self with 2 by 4* I think we're the only ones you don't know of yet who are going. *Continues banging head*

ic: Primrose was making pretty good time on her journey. She was impatient to find the others, so she had run most of the way. She sat down briefly to rest beneath the trees when she heard a faint noise in the bushes. Startled, she looked in the direction of the sound, but saw only a swift, cautious movement in the bushes. It looked like someone or something was trying to hide. I hope Lily isn't following me again, thought Primrose. Her younger cousin Lily was nice, but too young for long journeys. Last time Primrose had left Hobbiton, Lily had tried to follow her, and it took a lot of coaxing and threatening in turn to persuade the young hobbit to stay home. Primrose didn't think she'd be able to convince Lily not to follow her again; she had hoped to avoid Lily altogether, so that she'd never even know Primrose had come back. Lily's parents didn't want their child to be influenced by the adventurous Primrose, so they had helped keep Lily from discovering Primrose's arrival. Primrose knew she'd better find out if that was Lily -- and fast!
"I know you're there. Come out!" yelled Primrose.

The fox, Cyrell, chided himself for allowing his presence to be discovered. The hobbit had called to him ... he hesitated, wondering if he should show himself or continue hiding. Well, she knew someone was following her, so he wasn't likely to learn anything more of what was happening. Unless she allowed him to come with her? He liked this hobbit, and if she was doing anything worthwhile, it would be fun to be part of it. Yes, he would come into the open. He ran towards the hobbit, stopped, and sat down a few feet away from her.

11-13-2002, 03:01 PM
soon they were on there way to bree again xave, who had already been mounted by corbulas, was on the ground this time plodding along besides Lubyla and her horse, Whilst fran was next to Merry the white warg.

11-13-2002, 03:29 PM
ooc: Yea! I still have a 2 by 4!

ic: Primrose was surprised and relieved to see a red fox come darting from the bushes.

"Oh! Hello," she said, laughing. "What're you doing here?"

"Following you. What else?" said Cyrell, though he knew the hobbit could not understand him. He hoped she wouldn't try to chase him away.

Primrose yelped. Had the fox just spoken to her?! Why? "I-I why?" said Primrose, speaking aloud the question in her mind. The fox also looked surprised. You can understand me? Maybe there was someone else hiding, too. "Er ... you are the one that's speaking, right?" asked Primrose, hoping she was wrong. Of course! What, do I have to jump up and down to get your attention? asked the speaker, sounding vaguely amused. At the same moment, the fox leapt up and down. Well, thought Primrose with a shrug, stranger things have happened -- but a talking fox! She certainly wanted to learn more about him, at any rate. But she had to get to Bree.
"Since you're following me, you might as well come along," Primrose told the fox. "Hurry!" She began to walk away, the fox trotting along beside her.

11-13-2002, 04:19 PM
Cyrell raced alongside the hobbit, glad that she had let him come along. But how does she know my language? he wondered. Now that he knew the hobbit could speak with him, the fox would go along with her. But he had many questions for her to answer.
I want to ask you a few things, hobbit , the fox announced.
Primrose sighed. "My name is not hobbit, it's Primrose Brandybuck, fox!"
And my name is Cyrell, not 'fox', Primrose Brandybuck, the fox responded. Primrose had the feeling that, had he been a hobbit, his eyes would have twinkled.
"All right, Cyrell. I have some questions, for you, too. First of which is, how can you speak my language?"
But I never did! said Cyrell. He sounded very surprised indeed. I was about to ask you the same question!

11-13-2002, 06:50 PM
Andodulin came back and sat on my shoulder, as often he did. In bird, I spoke to him, as Mr.Cotten looked at me like I was a freak, and Fran sat, inaged in the conversation.

ooc:heeheehee, my plan is working:)

Fred Baggins
11-13-2002, 07:28 PM
ooc: actually Ms. should join shortly...not that she's short*Falls on the floor laughing then slaps her pocets and starts to go crazy* WHERE'S MY 2 BY 4! AND MY NEW SPECIAL EDITION LOTR DVD!

ic: *I sat listeng to the conversation between Andodulin and Lubyla when I heard a rustiling in the bushes*

ooc: Ms. this is the ontro! MY DVD! HERE IT IS!*Points and Silverstrip* YOU STOLE MY 2 BY 4!

11-13-2002, 07:32 PM
*I quickly stood up, knocking Andodulin off, and bent my bow at the rustling.*

Fred Baggins
11-13-2002, 07:53 PM
ooc: *Rolls her eyes* don't kill her yet! She's not even on right now!

11-13-2002, 08:15 PM
ooc: I'm not

11-13-2002, 10:20 PM
ooc: Oh, here, Fred, (saws 2 by 4 in half and hands 1/2 to Fred Baggins) Now it is a 2 by 2. ;) :D *begins banging head against her now shorter plank again*

11-13-2002, 11:08 PM
At this comment from the fox, Primrose became angry and a little nervous. Who did the fox think he was fooling? She only knew one language: her own. "Come on, Cyrell, don't tell stories," snapped Primrose.
But I... Cyrell stopped abruptly, knowing that there was really no way to make Primrose believe him. If he said any more on the subject, he'd only make her angrier, which seemed unfair. Why, he believed her! But perhaps Primrose didn't want to believe him. After all, if the hobbit and the fox should not have been able to speak to each other, how were they doing so, anyway?

Ms. Undomial
11-13-2002, 11:19 PM
ooc: ok I am on now. sorry, I was busy this afternoon.

I had been traveling long and hard to bree to meet a old friend. I then heard some people on the road near me and I went into the bushs. everything would have beeb fine but just then Namarie spoted a snake and she went crazy. I bounded out of the bushes and saw three hobbits looking at me and one elf with a bent bow. I brought Namarie around and said: "Hello! I am sorry to startle you. my horse got a little scared. "

Lubyla: " that does tell us what you were doing following us. explain yourself, and quickly!"

Losi': "if you want me to explain my self, then I suggest that you ask in more friendly manner! but I am a elf and elves are not like that. My name is Losillewen. I am from Lothlorien, this is my horse, Namarie. and if I am not mistaken you are from Mirkwood and perhaps you are a relitive of Legolas? nay do not be suprised, I knew him well. and if you don't believe me, well that is your probolem. "

11-13-2002, 11:39 PM
ooc: I'm taking Primrose and Cyrell to Bree now so I can actually meet everybody. LOL.

ic: On the remainder of their journey to Bree, Primrose and Cyrell never again spoke of how they were able to understand each other, but Primrose did learn a lot about foxes, and Cyrell learned a lot about hobbits. Both learned they had something in common: both were adventurous, and both came from races that typically disliked Adventure. Soon Primrose and Cyrell became good friends, and with companionship, the journey seemed very short indeed. Soon the hobbit and fox were standing at the entrance to the Prancing Pony.

11-13-2002, 11:45 PM
*at the mentioning of my brother, that of all things started to make me not like her.* I am his sister, and do live in Mirkwood, but for the most part, I live in Lothlorien. I have my own home on the outskirts, and am good friends of Galadriel* I lowered my bow, But Andodulin stuck fast, anxiouse for attack.*

Ms. Undomial
11-13-2002, 11:52 PM
Losi: "I know you are his sister but I was not sure you wanted them *motions at the hobbits* to know. I also know you are a friend of Galadriel, for she has spoken of you. #if you don't trust me you can ask Galadriel when you get to her.# by the way, Lovely bird.

11-13-2002, 11:57 PM
Lets see, one already knows of this, from a previous adventure.*At this I just had to laugh, and so did Fran. Andodulin laughed too, almost humanly. pulling myself together* Thank you. I have had him as long as I can remember.

Ms. Undomial
11-14-2002, 12:00 AM
Losillewen: "yes I also know that. Galadrial told me. Andodulin is his name. " With that I put Namarie to a full run towards Bree, Hoping no one would follow me.

11-14-2002, 12:09 AM
"How are we going to get you into the Prancing Pony?" asked Primrose.
Cyrell uttered a series of soft, short barks which Primrose somehow understood to be his version of laughter. We just walk in. There are much odder beasts than myself around here, I can smell it.
"Right," said Primrose. "So we go in and try to find the others?" She had already told Cyrell why she was going to Bree.
As Primrose and Cyrell walked into the Prancing Pony, Primrose noticed that people were staring at them. The hobbit ignored them and strolled casually over to the innkeeper. She told him who she was looking for, their names and appearances.
"No such hobbits have come this way," said the innkeeper, then asked Primrose if he could help her in any other way.
Primrose shook her head, muttered her thanks, and then sat down at one of the tables, Cyrell still at her side.
These hobbit friends of yours are slow, muttered Cyrell.
"They'll be here soon, very soon," said Primrose, trying to sound more confident than she felt. She only hoped that she was right.

OOC: Hurry everyone, I'm all alone here! :D

11-14-2002, 12:48 PM
ooc: *yawns* *sleepily:* Good Mornin everyone:)

ic: She worries me. She knows a bit too much about Andodulin Fran...you dont think she knows about...THAT do you?

11-14-2002, 12:52 PM
OOC: Good morning!:) My character is still in Bree, which is where everybody's supposed to be headed.

Ms. Undomial
11-14-2002, 12:56 PM
ooc: good morning! yea I think that I am on my way to bree right now, and the rest are coming allong slowly but steadly.

11-14-2002, 01:12 PM
ooc: Yay! Well, come to Bree, quick so Primrose has someone to talk to other than Cyrell. She's going to get rather bored sitting around the Prancing Pony after a while.:D

11-14-2002, 01:34 PM
ooc: I know how she feels, considering my charactor talks to a "bird" all the time.

11-14-2002, 01:46 PM
ooc: Well, neither Cyrell nor Andodulin is ordinary, but still ...

11-14-2002, 01:52 PM
yeh, I'd definitely feel bored around a dragon!!!* he say's this sarcastically, Falls on floor and starts to laugh* HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-14-2002, 01:58 PM
Some time had passed since Primrose and Cyrell had arrived at the Prancing Pony, long enough for people to stop staring at Primrose every time she spoke to Cyrell, and there was still no sign of the hobbits they were looking for. The two friends were beginning to get a bit worried. Primrose had thought the others would get there before she did. She hoped that something had only delayed them for a little while.
Suddenly Cyrell cried, Look! Here is another odd creature.
Primrose swung around and saw an elf. Huh? What was an elf doing here? Before Primrose could stop him, Cyrell ran toward the elf and sat down next to her.
Hello. Are you an elf? I've never seen an elf before, said Cyrell. You're very beautiful.

11-14-2002, 02:03 PM
*the uh...four of us went on our way twards Bree. At the gates, we were not stoped, for I am well known in these parts. We entered the prancing pony.*

11-14-2002, 02:07 PM
OOC: The elf was originally meant to be "Losi," but actually, now that everyone's here, it could be either of the elves (whoever's around)! :D

11-14-2002, 02:41 PM
As I walked in, I was attacked with Questions by a small fox.*Well, your quite cute yourself. Yes, I am an elf, now, did you stray in here by yourself, or are you with someone?

11-14-2002, 02:57 PM
I am here with a hobbit called Primrose Brandybuck, and we were looking for two other hobbits, said Cyrell. He knew for certain that he'd made the right decision in coming with Primrose. He never thought he'd get to speak to an elf!

Primrose came walking up behind Cyrell, shaking her head slightly. She had not heard the fox's conversation with the elf.
"Sorry about that. Cyrell is -- well, he's not MY fox exactly, but he's with me. I don't think he's ever seen an elf before."
She thinks I'm cute! said the fox.
"She does, does she? That's lucky for you, Cyrell. But you shouldn't just race over to people like that," said Primrose. "No one expects to see a fox here," And many people fear what is unusual, thought Primrose. However, an elf would be unlikely to.
The elf looked somewhat surprised.
"You can understand the fox?" she asked.
"Yes, I can," said Primrose. "And he's rather annoying at times." She glared at Cyrell, and he gave her the most innocent expression he could.
The elf gazed curiously at Primrose.

11-14-2002, 03:24 PM
Well, tis strange to see a hobbit with the speach of a fox. I have traveled here with two other hobbits, perhaps they are the ones you are looking for.*Andodulin flew over and started to speek to me.*

11-14-2002, 03:34 PM
I told you! See, I wasn't lying after all. I only know one tongue, said Cyrell.
"Who are these hobbits?" asked Primrose, ignoring the fox for the moment.

11-14-2002, 03:45 PM
One is of the name Cotten, the other, one of my close friends, is Fran.

11-14-2002, 03:45 PM
at that very moment the two hobbits walked in.
corby; ''Hey!!! Primrose!!!COOEYY!!!''
Lubyla put her head in her hands.
freddy: ''Hi primrose!!''

primrose: ''What kept you! I've been waiting here for AGES!!!

11-14-2002, 03:51 PM
*At this point, I started to walk off. I figured they needed some time to catch up. but before I walked off, I whispered to Primrose.* Tell them not of the fox, or of your conversations. this is not the time or the place.

11-14-2002, 03:59 PM
Primrose was confused by the elf's instructions, but she nodded anyway. Primrose saw the elf stare hard at Cyrell, who retreated into a little corner where the hobbit could barely see him, and where someone who wasn't looking for him would never be able to spot him.
"So," she asked Mr. Cotten, "what kept you so long?"

11-14-2002, 04:06 PM
*I walked to the back, and sat at a table. there next to me was a hooded figure. Andodulin was no where in sight.*

11-14-2002, 04:27 PM
I told her '' ask fran!! she would answer it better!''

11-14-2002, 05:01 PM
*I began to talk to the hooded figure.* what are you doing? your going to get us both caught!!!!!!

I know exactly what I am doing, and I wont get us caught. You are more of a risk than I. No one even remembers what I look like. I am just a story, myth, legend.

Be it as it may, I want you back into your other for by the time they get over here*I waved my hand in the direction of the hobbits.*

I cant even talk to Fran?

No, not yet. She has too many new friends.

*the hooded figure walked out of the door, and in flew Andodulin.*

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 07:33 PM
ooc: Lubyla that was great! I never would have known! And I wonder why it never stuck you as strange when Fran first started speaking wargish to the warg that attacked her!

ic:We had a little um...accedent I will be able to explain better when we are on our way again. Away from so many crowds. Belive me we would have been alot faster if it had not been for our accedent.

11-14-2002, 07:37 PM
*I motioned for the hobbits to join me at the tabel, where talk would be protected.*

11-14-2002, 07:42 PM
Primrose sighed and followed the others over to where the elf was sitting.

11-14-2002, 07:48 PM
I suggest you book rooms for the night. We shall not be able to leave in this weather, as Andodulin reports it is Raining harshly in the outer skirts of Bree.

11-14-2002, 07:52 PM
But what will I do? said Cyrell from wherever he was hiding. Cyrell! Primrose had nearly forgotten about the fox. The elf showed no sign of hearing him, and Primrose tried to do the same, wondering whether the elf really hadn't heard Cyrell, or was simply ignoring him.

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 07:52 PM
Primrose, this is a very old friend of mine Lubyla, lubyla this is Primrose Brandybuck. *Pulls out her pipe, for she is one of the only female hobbits that smokes a pipe, and filled it up, then handed the pipeweed to Mr. Cotten.* Tis good to be 'ere again. *Looking up she sees the innkeeper, which is no longer old Butterbur, for he died many years before, but her Uncle Frodo*

Uncle Frodo, tiss good to see you again!

Belladona, my dear neice, what brings you out of The Wise this time?

a journy to a beautiful land Uncle. I am going to Lothlorin. These are my friends, Mr. Cotten, Ms. Brandy buck, and of course you know Lubyla. ((I am right in assuming you are not here yet Ms.?)) Tis alright still that Merry stays in here?

Only if you keep him in the room. Strange things are stiring again, and even Bree folks would be afraid of him.

ooc: *takes the 2by2.* Thanx Silverstrip!*Bangs her head over and over and over and over...

11-14-2002, 07:59 PM
Primrose listened to the conversation between Fran Gamgee and her uncle. Somehow, Fran's statement that they were on "a journey to a beautiful land" didn't sound right anymore. It was beginning to seem like there was something more, something deeper than Primrose had imagined. Primrose also wondered who this Merry that Fran had mentioned was.

11-14-2002, 08:05 PM
Well, I belive I have not properly introduced myself to all. I am Princess Lubyla Greenleaf of the Stars.

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 08:06 PM
*From just outside the door there is a howl*

Guess I better go get him, before he scares all of Bree!

*Primrose followed, to see Fran bring a pure white warg in, a beautiful warg. He willingly followed her to the room. She closed the door behind them.*

Merry, we must be careful here, or risk startling friends, as well as foes.*you then hear another voice*

Don't understand personally. Why can't they know? They will be travling with us, will they not?

Yes, but the times are hard.*She starts speaking in the wargish toungh. Not long after she leaves the room and heads back to there table*

11-14-2002, 08:08 PM
*Flys out the window.*

Now dont you do anything stupid!!!!!!!!

11-14-2002, 08:16 PM
Cyrell followed Primrose over to her room, glad he was a fox, cunning enough to avoid being seen as he raced up to the room. He remembered what the elf had told him and made sure he was well hidden, so that he could not easily be sighted.

11-14-2002, 08:20 PM
*To the table a hooded man arrives. He is the same one from before. his eyes are hidden by the hood. He has a harsh voice.*

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 08:20 PM
ooc: 'up' to her room? Hobbits sleep on the ground floor, there are no hobbit sized rooms in uper floors.

ic: *Sits back down at the table* Sorry, had to do something. Where did Ms. Brandybuck go?

Is there anything you fine people might be wanting? Bell, Lubyla, Mr. Cotten?

11-14-2002, 08:22 PM
*The man sits down with them.*

No thank you. I shall be just fine.

11-14-2002, 08:23 PM
ooc: Oops, I meant to put over, but I was thinking of another thread. I'll edit that. :o

11-14-2002, 08:27 PM
hullo. can i join? my thread is pretty much dead as of now so.................. can i join? I have two characters i use. one is a hobbit and the other is an elf. Which do you want me to be? the elf is.......
Looks:long blonde hair and grey-green eyes
Weapons:too many. 5 dagger, 2 scimitars a sword a dirk a rapier and a bow and arrow with 2 knives
Side:good of course
Likes:Adventures, trees and killing orcs while defending hobbits

Hobbit character is..............
Looks:curly black hair. tall and thin for a hobbit
Weapons: a dagger for self defense. can throw stones with accuracy
Likes:adventures, food,mushrooms

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 08:28 PM
ooc: of course you can join, and you can use either, or both. I think we have plenty of hbbits, but then you can never have to many of them!
ic: Nothing for me thankyou. Could you take something to Merry though?
Of course. And what of you sir? *points to the newcomer*

11-14-2002, 08:29 PM
Primrose didn't notice that Cyrell had followed her until she had gotten to the room.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
Being careful, staying out of trouble, and all those other boring things, said the fox.
"All right. I'm going back with Fran and the others, you can come with me or stay here."
Grrr. I'll stay. It's the best way to keep out of trouble. said Cyrell.
"Stay, then," said Primrose, and wandered back over to the table where her friends were sitting.

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 08:31 PM
*The warg, who never was to good at staying put, snuck out of the room, and carefully crept around the Inn, looking for company.

11-14-2002, 08:31 PM
should i be the elf or the hobbit?

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 08:33 PM
ooc: like I said either one is fine...but use the hobbit, I guess. I like them better...can you tell?(look at sig)

11-14-2002, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by Laicalasse
hullo. can i join? my thread is pretty much dead as of now so.................. can i join? I have two characters i use. one is a hobbit and the other is an elf. Which do you want me to be? the elf is.......
Looks:long blonde hair and grey-green eyes
Weapons:too many. 5 dagger, 2 scimitars a sword a dirk a rapier and a bow and arrow with 2 knives
Side:good of course
Likes:Adventures, trees and killing orcs while defending hobbits

Hobbit character is..............
Looks:curly black hair. tall and thin for a hobbit
Weapons: a dagger for self defense. can throw stones with accuracy
Likes:adventures, food,mushrooms

Lily? Primrose's younger cousin (I never said HOW young or described looks) is called Lily! Are you her?:)

11-14-2002, 08:37 PM
okay, i'm a hobbit. what's happening as of now?

11-14-2002, 08:39 PM
Cyrell growled. He was tired of staying out of trouble! Why should he stay in this cramped room? A fox was cunning, sneaky. He would be in no more danger than he ought to be, to avoid growing fat and lazy! Cyrell crept quietly out of the room and turned a corner. Suddenly, he found himself face to face with a huge white warg!

11-14-2002, 08:39 PM
no i'm not Primroses' younger cousin. I'm a Took. grandaughter of Pippen. And some of the foolishness rubbed off on me:D

11-14-2002, 08:42 PM
ooc: LOL! A Gamgee, a Brandybuck, and a Took! *Sings* "Now I have a 2 by 2!" *looks lovingly at 2 by 2, then hits herself on the head again and again.*

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 08:42 PM
*The warg looked startled at the fox* A fox! Well, this is a first. I never knew anyone to have a pet fox.*looks strangly at him.* Do you talk the common toungh...or at all?

ooc: hm...I thought...n/m. Hits head with 2 by 2 again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again...

11-14-2002, 08:44 PM
The fox was startled to find that he could understand the warg. You ARE a warg, correct? I am not a pet! And I do not speak your "common tongue." My speech is the speech of all foxes. He hoped the warg would be able to understand him, too.

11-14-2002, 08:45 PM
Lily walks up to Primrose and says "Hello. Have I seen you in the Shire?"

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 08:49 PM
*I'm sorry, it's just so rarly that nonpets come in here...in fact I am the only one that I have ever known of.*cocks his head* How curious that we understand each other. I am Merrido-er...Merry...the warg. *ahem*

11-14-2002, 08:56 PM
And I am Cyrell, currently companion of the hobbit Primrose Brandybuck, said Cyrell.

11-14-2002, 08:57 PM
"I don't know, but you do look familiar," Primrose told the other hobbit. "What is your name? I'm Primrose Brandybuck"

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 09:00 PM
Really! I am Bell's...or Fran's companion. Best friend really.*His ears prick up* Did you hear that...a human is approching.*Pulls fox into an open room.* 'Ello Frodo, m'lad!

O, 'Ello Unc-*Cuts himself off seeing the fox* 'Ello there Merry.

11-14-2002, 09:04 PM
i'm Lily Took

11-14-2002, 09:07 PM
"Lily Took? Yes, I think I have met you before, but it was some years ago," said Primrose. "I'm glad to see you again."

11-14-2002, 09:11 PM
oh i remember!!! we were in the same class one year. Nice to see you again.

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 09:12 PM
*Is walking towards her room when she bumps into the two.* 'Ello, Ms. Brandybuck. Who is your friend?

11-14-2002, 09:16 PM
the *friend* says I'm Lily Took. From Tookland of course. I'm Pippen's grandaughter. Nice to meet you.................. um..... who are you?

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 09:20 PM
ic: Fran Gamgee...I don't doubt you have heard of my...I tend to rather infamous amoung Shire Folk. Used to make up stories about the witch grandaughter of Samwise.*Shudders* That's why I havn't been in Hobbiton for many years.

11-14-2002, 09:23 PM
yes ive heard of you. youve probably heard of me. i'm as bad as Pippen, my grandfather at causing mischief.once i stole 5 fireworks from Gandalf and set them loose in the Smials. it took 5 weeks to clean up the mess. one week for each firework

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 09:26 PM
*Laughs* Yes I remember hearing of THAT incident! So YOU are the Took I have heard so much of! Nice to meet you.

ooc:*Waves to all* I have to go now! I'm gonna watch me movie! bubye!

11-14-2002, 09:30 PM
everyone in the Shire has heard of me. *flips her black curls back* so where are you going. i know youre going somewhere so don't say you're not going anywhere. is it an adventure?

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 09:33 PM
You might say it's an adventure, but it's really nothing more then a nice calm walk through Middle-Earth. I-we are going to Lothlorin.

11-14-2002, 09:36 PM
ohhh. i've always wanted to go to Lothlorien. well, ever since Pippen told me about it. Can i come?

11-14-2002, 09:37 PM
Primrose grinned. If Lily was as bad as Pippin, they'd definitely get along.
"I don't have a problem with it -- Fran?"

11-14-2002, 09:39 PM
pleeeaaasssseee........ *makes cute puppy dog face*

11-14-2002, 09:47 PM
ooc: Since Fred Baggins is not here we'll just say Fran said you could come. :)

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 09:49 PM
*I glanced nervously from face to face. A Brandybuck AND a Took(Especailly one just like her grandfather) could mean trouble. And I never really ment to let them come with me past Bree.* Um...sure, I guess. If you promise to be on your best. No eating four Lembas like your Grandfather Ms. Took. And nothing worse than that!

ooc: Now I am gone...honestly!

11-14-2002, 09:51 PM
alright *innocent smile* i'll be good. When do we start?

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 09:53 PM
Tomorow hopefully, if all goes well.*Gives her a meaningful look, though she doesn't see it* Yes I belive tomorrow will be good. *Wanders off singing the same elvish song she sang when Ms. Brandybuck meet her.*

11-14-2002, 09:54 PM
or are we all going to bed now?

11-14-2002, 09:56 PM
okay! sings Ah! Elbereth! Gilthoniel............... while heading for a table. *sits at table and orders a pint (evil grin)*

11-14-2002, 10:02 PM
heeheehee!!!! i have a pint!!!!!!!!!!!! *evil grin at Fran*

11-14-2002, 10:07 PM
Primrose came over and sat next to Lily. When she was sure Fran couldn't hear her, she leaned over and whispered to Lily, "Honestly! I've heard about your Grandfather, and I always liked him. Sometimes I don't think Fran Gamgee has a sense of humor. But I suppose we'll have to be good."

11-14-2002, 10:12 PM
Lily wisperes back, Everyone has a sence of humor. it's just buried deep. We'll be good until we reach Lothlorien k? Hey did i ever tell you about the time i flooded the bathroom to make people think that they were gonna drown 'cus the hole had sprung a leak? or perhaps you heard of it in the news? it was funny. No one except Pippen knew it was me who did it. Everyone was running around like the world was ending. I was in hysterics.

11-14-2002, 10:20 PM
Primrose grinned. "Great idea," she said. "Although..." she hesitated before making her next statement. She thought Pippin Took was great, but wasn't sure she would've wanted to confide something serious to him or someone just like him. But she decided that he had been a hero, just like Meriadoc Brandybuck and Samwise Gamgee. "I think this journey may be longer than she's telling us."

11-14-2002, 10:24 PM
i knew that. Frodo told me, Sam told me, Merry told me and Pippen told me. If we go through Moria it won't take as long though. The Pass of Caradras is really snowy and impassable this time of year so we may end up taking the gap of Rohan which is the longest way around. *starts grinning even more as she drains the pint*

11-14-2002, 10:30 PM
"Well, no one told me the journey would be longer than expected, but--" just in time, she remembered that Lubyla had warned her not to tell anyone about Cyrell. "I think it will," she finished.

11-14-2002, 10:33 PM
ohhh............ did you here about the time i put crumbs all over the parlor? i blamed it on my little brother and i got away with it. I'm sure you heard about the time i taught myself to swim by myself and when Pippen my father and i went to visit Merry i "fell" off of the raft into the water and pretended i was drowning. I nearly gave Pippen and my father a heart attack!!! *the pint is now emty*

11-14-2002, 10:42 PM
Primrose laughed in spite of herself. "Yes, I did that kind of thing myself, only not quite so bad. I learned how to climb trees very fast, then climbed a tall one and sat in a high branch. I pretended I couldn't get down, and my Uncle Merry came up after me. He'd almost reached me when I climbed down, and then HE nearly got stuck. He was furious!" Primrose noted that Lily Took seemed to be the boastful type -- at least when drinking.

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 10:54 PM
*Suddenly Lily hears a voice from behind* You don't say Ms. Took? *Fran sits down and gets her pipe and sits down, blowing blue anf green and red smoke rings, a trick she had learned from Radagast*

11-14-2002, 10:58 PM
i gotta go see ya tomorrow

11-14-2002, 10:59 PM
ooc: Okay! See you tomorrow. :)

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 11:01 PM
ooc: *Sniff* and just when I got back to...not to mention I will be gone all weekend.*Sniff*

11-14-2002, 11:04 PM
ooc: Well, I'm still here!:)

11-14-2002, 11:07 PM
Primrose blushed when she realized Fran had overheard the last half of the conversation, but Lily just continued to stare into her empty pint, wearing a foolish grin. "I don't know about Lily, but I was quite young at the time," said Primrose. "Not even in my tweens yet."

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 11:09 PM

ic: *I looked at the fox, really looked at him now, taking in his features, as I am used to doing. I could hear laughing outside the door and recognized one of the voices from my past. The Brandybuck one sounded very familar.*

*Uncle Frodo came by and handed me a pint and I gladly accepted it, knowing I would need it. It was to be a long night I could tell.*

11-14-2002, 11:24 PM
Cyrell watched the warg look around. The fox did not really trust wargs, but more than that, it had just dawned on Cyrell that he had encountered wargs before, and Merry smelled different than they did; MUCH different. Not that Cyrell would tell the warg about that. If my companion's companion is your companion, said Cyrell, Then we, for the time, are companions as well. Though the elf told not to let Primrose's other companions see me. Somehow I think you are an exception.

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 11:27 PM
*Laughs a little* Then we shall be the fellowship of the four legged creatures that can talk...well if that where to be then I suppose we would have to include Will.*Seems rather jumpy* Do you hear those voices? The one sounds familar...I just can't place it...

11-14-2002, 11:33 PM
Which voice do you mean? asked the fox. One is my friend Primrose, the others I do not know.

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 11:37 PM
Prim-Primrose Brandybuck? WHY didn't Bell tell me she was going to be here! I didn't know your companion was Little Rose!

ooc: yep definatly putting a twist on things...except for Lu and I cause we know what the heack he's talking about.

11-14-2002, 11:45 PM
What are you talking about, warg? asked Cyrell. If you don't tell me, I will speak to Primrose about this -- perhaps she'll understand!

Fred Baggins
11-14-2002, 11:53 PM
*Laughs nervously* Nay, not even Little Rose would understand. You know Fran worked for me-er Merry, until he left to Gondor? She was quite young back then, not much over 100. Er did I say young...I ment she was quite..er..matured.*Thinks to self<Frodo m'lad where are you.>

*I carefully sipped at the pint, not at all aware that Merry's follish mouth was blabbing all our secrets again.*

11-15-2002, 12:00 AM
Hobbits, men, dwarves, elves, I do not believe any of them will ever understand us, said Cyrell. He had watched the other races interact enough to form that opinion, and once he he formed an opinion, the fox was not easily swayed.

Fred Baggins
11-15-2002, 12:09 AM
Well actually Bell does. Understand me that is. Tis the only one really, but then she knows who I am...*I started it again. I was going to get in big trouble.*

*I left for a minuet to find Uncle. Going into his room, I saw Merry talking to a warg...and heard what he was saying.* Merridoc Bra-er...Merry! Come on mister! You are in big trouble! *I grabbed his scruff, dragging him to the room.* Merridoc Brandybuck. That toungh of yours is going to get you into grand trouble someday! And not just you, but me and who knows maybe even our friends!
*I sighed* Merry, you have to be more responsible. What happens if the wrong people find out. What happens when, even our companions find out who you really are, and what your true form is.

11-15-2002, 12:36 AM
ooc: Cyrell is a fox, not a warg.:)

ic: Cyrell was beginning to get annoyed with the warg. He had not threatened Cyrell, yet he had been hiding something, and those who walked on four legs, especially if they were companions, had no secrets from each other. Only foes of this kind kept secrets, and Cyrell did not think a secret-keeper could ever be a friend. Something very stange was going on, and Merry had given him no good reason why Primrose should not know this. He darted of to tell the hobbit that something didn't seem quite right about Merry the warg.

Primrose was watching Lily order another pint when she heard Cyrell's voice. Primrose Brandybuck, said the fox, I have been speaking to the warg, Fran Gamgee's companion. He seems to be friend, but I do not trust him. He is hiding something. Beware of him! Primrose looked around for the fox, but he was nowhere in sight.

Fred Baggins
11-15-2002, 12:52 AM
I trust him. I belive he is ok.

NO one is ok these days Merridoc Brandybuck! You should no that! Remember?"Trust no one but yourself"? Remember that!What am I consulting YOU for! your my best friends GRANDAUGHTER! I think I can tell what I want to!

11-15-2002, 01:15 AM
Cyrell ran back over to the warg.I know you do not believe Primrose will understand, and IF it is not necessary for her to know this secret of yours, I will not inform her of it. Please tell me what is going on. If you do not, I cannot trust you, said Cyrell. But the fox thought to himself that the warg ought to have a very, very good explanation! Secrets from friends among the four-legged ones? This was not acceptable.

ooc: Silver grins at Fred and says "Don't steal my 2 by 2!" *bangs head*

Fred Baggins
11-15-2002, 01:20 AM
Then follow me. We must go out into the woods. There it will be safe. Don't worry we will come back.*Merry Leads him into the woods.* You have heard of Merridoc Brandybuck right?

11-15-2002, 01:22 AM
Yes, Primrose's grandfather. She tells me he raised her, said Cyrell. He waited for the warg to continue.

Fred Baggins
11-15-2002, 01:28 AM
And so I did. But you musn't tell Rose who I am. She will want proff, and that I am to afraid to give. You see, my normal form...is a ringwraith. That is why I go about as a white warg. It is less intimidating than a Nazgul.

11-15-2002, 01:35 AM
Primrose sat back in the bar with Lily, who was now singing some nonsense song about beer. Primrose decided to leave Lily Took with Mr. Cotten and go look for Fran and Cyrell, as they seemed to have more sense. Why do I always have to be in the middle? thought Primrose. I'm not as serious and skilled as Fran, but I'm not nearly as silly as Lily, either.
She thought wistfully of her grandfather, Meriadoc Brandybuck, who had been able to understand her love of adventure and cope with both her silly and serious moods. But he had left for Gondor years ago; she knew she'd never see him again.

ooc: heehee, see inconsistency in earlier posts and will edit.

Fred Baggins
11-15-2002, 01:39 AM
*I saw Ms. Brandybuck pass outside and called to her to come in. I hoped Uncle Frodo would bring that pint in. I certantly needed it now.* Ms Brandybuck, I think there is something I must tell you...I'm just not sure how to tell you.*I sighed*

11-15-2002, 01:42 AM
When she saw the expression on Fran's face, Primrose nearly turned around to go and sing songs with Lily! But she stayed.
"What is it you must tell?" asked Primrose.

Fred Baggins
11-15-2002, 01:52 AM
*Closes the door and takes out her pipe, blowing for awhile.*

occ: she takes her time about these things...be patient

ic:*Hears a knock at the door and opens it* O, good my ale. Thankyou Uncle.*Turns toward Primrose and sips her ale* A good, 50 years no I think, since Merry left The Shire right? I remember the night, like yesterday.I was just a lass myself, as you were, but being Tolman's daughter I had to work. Luckly I got a job from one of the few epople who know understand me, your grandfather. I remeber the day he and Uncle Pip where fencing. *Laughs at the memory, for all their experience they still lacked a certain skill.* That was the day you Grandfather got sick. Very sick, and not sick at all.

11-15-2002, 01:54 AM
Cyrell was mildly surprised, but not as surprised as most would have been, for many unusual things had happened to him that day, and he didn't know that Meriadoc Brandybuck being a white warg was any more unusual than an elf, or a hobbit who could talk to him.So that is why you speak as hobbits do. I will not tell Primrose. But if you have raised her, she will have no need to see your other form. Primrose is able to speak to me, though she claims not to know my tongue. Perhaps you yourself can speak to her. And even if not ... she would know you for who you are. It might take her awhile though. -- she IS a two-legger, said Cyrell.

ooc: Okay, Belladona Gamgee, I'm waiting for an EXPLANATION here! LOL. :p

Fred Baggins
11-15-2002, 02:01 AM
I'm a two legger too!...technachly...Bell's calling me, come we have to go back.

Fran: I really don't know how to tell you this. That night, he was not sick...but poisened. When he helped stabbed kill the Ringwraith, it poisened him...somehow. He now takes on the form of a white warg...and here he is now.

ooc: I like making ppl wait.*yawns and leave comp*

11-15-2002, 02:14 AM
Primrose Brandybuck merely blinked in surprise. The white warg Merry was Meriadoc Brandybuck? She was not sure whether or not to believe Fran. She wanted to; she wanted to very badly. But she had to be certain.

"Hello," Primrose said to the white warg. "Fran tells me you're my grandfather. I'm not sure if you can understand me, and I'm certain I will not understand you, though I think Cyrell can. If you are truly Meriadoc Brandybuck..." Primrose saw the warg tense. "Then you, and you alone, will know the answer to these questions. That day I pretended to be stuck in a tree, and you were so furious, what kind of tree was it, what made you so upset about the tree and how did you punish me?" The warg looked relieved.

To her surprise, she could understand the warg when he answered her...

Fred Baggins
11-15-2002, 02:16 AM
ooc: *takes her time getting after dinner dinner, which includes a GIANT back of mushrooms*

ic:Bell...you told her? but why!

Because this time it was something she needed to know.

*laughs* Of course I can understand you. And I myself speak common toungh. I take the form of a warg...not the personality and such.

11-15-2002, 02:18 AM
ooc: Merry, you haven't answered the questions! Do you want me to tell you what I think the answers are, or would you rather come up with something yourself?:p

Fred Baggins
11-15-2002, 02:26 AM
ooc: sure, but PM them.Do not steal my 2 by 2! O wait that's Silver's. Nevermind, go ahead.*hits head*

Doh! Great I hafta go.*pouts* don't do 'nything till I get back!

11-15-2002, 02:28 AM
ooc: All right there you have your answers. Ah, you stole my line! Well, it's only fair, after all, I stole one of yours earlier, did I not?:D Grrr ... I'll wait around and hit m'self with this 2 by 2 'til you get back then. *Waves to Fred w/the 2 by 2 still in her hand, then goes back to banging her head on the board*

Fred Baggins
11-15-2002, 02:32 AM
ooc: now we're fair. I will post this real fast.

ic:A willow tree if my memorie serves me right, Young Rose. And your punishment was listening to me tell you the storie of Old Man Willow and Tom Bombadil...which should have been punishment enough...then making you write the storie out, wile your friends played.

ooc: be back by Sunday! And don't let them do anything in Witches wizards and hobbits that invovles Frodo! I hate that!grrr...or here either.

11-15-2002, 02:38 AM
ooc: Yeah, we're even. I understand not wanting other people to use your character, and I'll try to make everyone behave, but I'm not all-powerful. I think here it will be easier though I will have to say Primrose and Merry talked more (but I won't say what we said! So there!)

Ms. Undomial
11-15-2002, 12:37 PM
ooc: O BOY!! I leave for one night and look what happens! could someone please tell me bacilly what happend?