View Full Version : Bali

10-14-2002, 07:01 PM
Surprised there's still no comment about the Bali bombs. Looks like the smart money's on it being down to al-Qaida. Appropriate response would be...?

10-14-2002, 10:04 PM
Well, this is just terrible. It is so close to home (Australia) for me. I have never been to Bali, but I know people who have been. I don't know anyone injured or killed, thank goodness.

The attack was on Westerners, who were mostly Australians. This is very disturbing to me, since all the other terrorist attacks were so far away. I wonder if we can ever feel safe again.

I heard that the group responsible was a Indonesian terrorist group whose name I cannot spell with links to Al Queda. What to do about them? I don't know, I guess what we are doing now, trying to find all the terrorists.

10-14-2002, 11:06 PM
I don't know much about it, but I do know that they're trying to link it with Al-Queda. This one is a little more close to home as, as Cass mentioned, quite a few of the westerners were Aussies, of which a small amount were NZers.

10-14-2002, 11:12 PM
The vice president of Indonesia had a meeting with the leader of the Alqaida sympathizers two weeks ago. Apparently it was an attempt at appeasement. So much for talking to terrorists.

Find them all, hack them into little peices, and mail them home to their families.

10-15-2002, 09:30 AM
This attack totally amazed me:eek:

It had been suspected for a long time that Jemaah Islamiyah, or Al Qaida may bomb a foreign industrial site or a foriegn embassy but to attack tourists...............that really is shooting themselves in the foot, Bali is almost 80%reliant on it's tourist industry.......and since the bombing of the nightclub (a nightclub ffs, not exactly a political statement bombing people enjoying a night out), Bali's economy has taken a nose-dive:rolleyes:

The UN are currently discussing whether to put Jemaah Islamiyah on the list of terrorists that are to be tackled on the War-against-terrorism...........which can only be a good thing if it happens.

33 Brits are still missing. Scotland Yard are currently disscusing whether or not to send terrorist investigators to Bali.

Appropriate response? Do unto others as they would do unto you!;)

10-15-2002, 01:57 PM
I'm sorry, guys, I hope no one you know was involved. That's so cowardly!! :( :mad:

10-15-2002, 09:17 PM
yeah my next door neighbors were telling me about there friends who left there infants in the minding center where they were staying and they went out to one of the clubs and they never came back... i would also like to express my feelings on the scared little wankers who do stuff like this... that is below cowardice that is just scum :mad: :mad: :mad:

10-16-2002, 11:50 AM
I think the West is paying now for not being too fussy about who it supported in the past, so long as they were anti-Soviet. We know what happened to the jihad against the soviets in afghanistan - it became the Taleban. An incredibly unpleasant regime in Jakarta was tacitly supported by the West for years as the country was seen as a bastion against the spread of communism - and this despite what happened in East Timor, a little-known occupation and repression but to my mind one of the most shameful events of the last century.

Guess what? The Red Menace has gone from most of the world. And those factions we encouraged have found someone new to hate.

Radagast The Brown
10-16-2002, 04:28 PM
1. I don't know where's Bali... It's near australia, near the west of Australia, right?

2. I heard about it, and read about it, and I wasn't so socked or suprised, for true, because it seems to happens every where lately. I don't think it will affect the tourism around the world, just on Bali's tourism.

3. Al Qaida did it? that was the thing suprised me. There weren't many terror attacks around the world two years ago, but now... Gah!! at least it didn't come to here. Well, Al Qaida tried to send a terrorist, but they didn't succeeded. The problam is that some other terrorist did get in, and then, it usually ends with a... :eek:

10-16-2002, 04:45 PM
Radagast: Al-Queda did not do it. It was an indonesian extremist group with ties to Al-Quaeda.

The good news is that it looks like the UN are going to put them on the terrorist list.

Edit: The reason that these extremists don't like Aussie and the US is because of East Timor. For over 25 years the US refused to pull out, and then when they finally admitted that their input was not helping, and pulled out, the Aussie (and NZ) peacekeepers went in.

10-16-2002, 05:06 PM
For Radagast

It's more of an information site about Bali than a newsite:) but it does have its own news pages.


10-17-2002, 06:10 AM
I think the West is paying now for not being too fussy about who it supported in the past
i think you are generalising just a bit there Draken you said the west but are you sure you dont mean the USA??? no actually not the USA just the Battle-pigs that run the country.

Find them all, hack them into little peices, and mail them home to their families
Cirdan you have my utmost support... there are only a few people that i think deserve death and they include Pedophiles, Terrorists, some murderers, rapists and i person called Sam Lavender ;)

Radagast The Brown
10-18-2002, 03:49 PM
there was a terror attack in The Philipins today or yesterday, I think. I think it ties to Al Qaida too.

Thanks BoP and osszie.

10-18-2002, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Millane
i think you are generalising just a bit there Draken you said the west but are you sure you dont mean the USA??? no actually not the USA just the Battle-pigs that run the country.

Millane - no not the US or as you termed them "Battle-pigs that run the country". This may be hard to believe - but the source of the world's problems do not all rest at OUR feet.

And Cirdan - I think your form of justice is too kind these scum.

I do like how everyone support this type of retaliation against these terrorist - but the rest of the world generally stays quiet when the suicide bombers blow themselves up in Israel at bus stops, Bah Mitzvahs, Sader dinners. Do you think that the Israelis killed weren't just going about there business and enjoying a night out or on their way home or to the store? Yet everyone complains when the Israeli Army goes in and attacks the Palestinians.

I do agree with ozssie that the terrorists are shoothing themselves in the foot. Don't they know that if they just attack America and Israel - the rest of the world will just say "well they sort of had it coming".

My "cousin" lives in Australia and he said a nukmber of his friends went to Bali just last month. Luckily no one he knows was there when this happened.

I'm glad that he'll be put on the terrorist list - I guess he was untouchable before the UN gave it's blessing. What does a name on a list do? If he's a terrorist - whether the UN puts him on the list or not - action should be taken.

10-18-2002, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by jerseydevil
I do agree with ozssie that the terrorists are shoothing themselves in the foot. Don't they know that if they just attack America and Israel - the rest of the world will just say "well they sort of had it coming".

Pls don't mistinterpret that I was saying anything about America or Israel folks.............I meant that they shot themselves in the foot by driving westerners out of Bali when the country is so dependent on tourism:)

10-18-2002, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by osszie
Pls don't mistinterpret that I was saying anything about America or Israel folks.............I meant that they shot themselves in the foot by driving westerners out of Bali when the country is so dependent on tourism:)

Well that would only be true if the attack was carried out by people that actually cared about the Bali economy and tourism.

10-19-2002, 05:56 AM
This may be hard to believe - but the source of the world's problems do not all rest at OUR feet.
no jersey devil they do not rest on YOUR feet because everyone cops the brunt of it im merely saying that the Battle-pigs that run the country are the source of the problem... by no means am i putting it on the people of America because they are copping the brunt like everyone else and they dont make the decisions... it is idiots like George Bush who are just hungry for bloodshed... can you honestly say that Bush doesnt seem like a 'battle-pig' to you.

Radagast The Brown
10-19-2002, 10:36 AM
originally posted by jerseydevil
I do like how everyone support this type of retaliation against these terrorist - but the rest of the world generally stays quiet when the suicide bombers blow themselves up in Israel at bus stops, Bah Mitzvahs, Sader dinners. Do you think that the Israelis killed weren't just going about there business and enjoying a night out or on their way home or to the store? Yet everyone complains when the Israeli Army goes in and attacks the Palestinians.The Israely Army don't kill Palestinians on purpose, when it kill inocent Palestinians. He kills Palestinnians who shoot at it, or Palestinians who were in a house of terrorist (not on parpose), like in the last thurseday when it killed 8 Palestinians with a tank. The Palestinians, though, kill Israelis in parties, malls etc..

PS. It's Bar Mitzva and Seder.