View Full Version : Bored (I don't want to depress you but)
Radagast The Brown
09-15-2002, 02:43 PM
It happened to me a lot of times. When I get bored I usually go to the internet or go down to play with friend something....
But, in Yom Kipur I can't do that cause my friends does not home and probably very far away and I can't go to them. I need something to do and I don't know what. h-e-l-p
When you get bored, what do you do?
I know it's a *very* strange thread but... amm....... ... I hope it won't be closed tomorrow.
09-15-2002, 02:57 PM
It depends on the situation, but usually I try to find something to be doing. At my family reunion I went to on Labor Day, I knew practically nobody and had nothing to do. So I found a couple of relatives with babies and helped them out. I love kids so that worked great for me. In your case, Radagast, are there gonna be any kids close to your age there? If so, strike up a conversation with them. If not, see ifooyu can help somwhere, with serving food or somehting like that. The adults will appreciate it and you'll at least have something to do. Hope this helps!
Radagast The Brown
09-15-2002, 03:03 PM
Actually, no one in there. I'm fasting becaus I have to (mom) and my friends doesn't. almost no one is in the homes today, and tomorrow. no tv. no radio. no driving cars. no movies. no shops. nothing!! :mad:
09-15-2002, 03:12 PM
Aaah, now I see. I mistakenly thoguht it was some kind of gathering...stupid me for not remembering what all the Jewish holidays are! Anyhoo, there is stuff to do. Do you write or draw? You can do that. And read. Good time to brush up on your LOTR knowledge...;) If I think of more, I'll post it.
The Lady of Ithilien
09-15-2002, 04:35 PM
When I'm bored, I come to Entmoot :) Actually, when I need a break from the heavy things of the world and also have the time: there's always so much interesting going on here.
I'm getting in way over my head on this, but I came very close to converting to Orthodox Judaism before becoming (or discovering that I was) a buddhist, so I understand a little of the meaning of the fasting, and the no this, that or the other thing during this most solemn holiday.
But "No nothing" at this holiday? That's something indeed!Perhaps it would be helpful to talk about it with a friend or family member, or with the rabbi or another in the congregation?
09-15-2002, 06:28 PM
i go to the pub, or to my gfs or just stay home and have a w***
09-15-2002, 06:33 PM
Have a shower. You can never be too clean. :p
09-15-2002, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by BeardofPants
Have a shower. You can never be too clean. :p
But sometimes its nice to be dirty :D
09-15-2002, 06:51 PM
Who says you can't play dirty in the shower? *whistles innocently* :p
09-15-2002, 06:54 PM
we should not suggest that to ragagast shes only 14. But it does pass a few hours i suppose :D
09-15-2002, 07:55 PM
Radagast is a young man. Reading is the best way to make time fly, or creative writing, or art work, or organizing your collections, or rearranging the furniture, or cooking something different, or working in the yard/garden. :)
Starr Polish
09-15-2002, 08:08 PM
I agree with Lizra, I do most of those thinsg (though it's hard for me to rearrange furniture) to pass time. I'm not a young man though. :eek:
09-15-2002, 08:17 PM
I sleep, read, go to Entmoot, write, do homework, practice my violin, surf the Internet, go to the movies/shopping (although that doesn't help in this instance), dance, talk on the phone to friends, work on my LotR costume for December enough ideas? If not...:
work in the garden
make chainmail
play computer games
do random research
sew random things
edit my wardrobe (that is, slightly modify my clothing)
come up with new ideas for Harry Potter fanfiction
plan ways to blackmail people that I hate
research Wicca for friends
Radagast The Brown
09-16-2002, 12:10 PM
thanks, but I decided what I'll do. I'll go to ride on bike. :rolleyes: I didn't wanted to, but my friends came somehow. there are no cars on the roads so I could ride on the roads. anyway, I didn't fast, but my mom doesn't angry. :D
we should not suggest that to ragagast shes only 14.I'm not a she. :mad: I hope it wasn't on purpose. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Elfmaster XK
09-16-2002, 12:13 PM
I do a lot of those things TC!!! If all else fails for me, i proof read my writing. And sometimes my friends writing, i prefer to do other people's as after you've done your own a few times it gets annoying! Or correct my friends spelling. She hates it when i do that. :D
Radagast The Brown
09-16-2002, 03:29 PM
I rode on the bike too many hours... :( and I usually don't ride on them. I rode 7 hours and I feel terible. And, my bike are old, cause I usually don't ride on bike (as I said). :(
09-16-2002, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by Radagast The Brown
I'm not a she. :mad: I hope it wasn't on purpose. :mad: :mad: :mad:
And I'm not a he. It's not like you ever muddle up the sexes.... twice. :rolleyes: :p
09-16-2002, 05:05 PM
It's all about yom kippur boredom. I should really be doing work in between praying (even if that's not very fitting for the day) but really who can concentrate when you're this hungry...
09-16-2002, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by BeardofPants
And I'm not a he. It's not like you ever muddle up the sexes.... twice. :rolleyes: :p
no ur defintally a woman and the world shuld be thankful :D
09-16-2002, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by Sween
no ur defintally a woman and the world shuld be thankful :D
Thankful for what exactly? :rolleyes: I warn you, I am just as capable of demonically planning to send you all to an alternative universe where the evil pink fluffy bunnies will be ever at hand to take on the zombie hordes.... Oh man: I gotta cut back on the coffee.
09-16-2002, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by BeardofPants
Thankful for what exactly? :rolleyes: I warn you, I am just as capable of demonically planning to send you all to an alternative universe where the evil pink fluffy bunnies will be ever at hand to take on the zombie hordes.... Oh man: I gotta cut back on the coffee.
what the **** has that got to do with anything? babes are you on drugs?
09-16-2002, 06:39 PM
No. Caffeine.
I was just querying in a rather verbose fashion, why it was you were thankful that I was not a man. And then I thought it was because you thought I'd be a genuine threat to all of humanity if I was a man. But then it occured to me afterwards that it was probably because you'd feel funny oogling me if I was a man.
09-16-2002, 06:45 PM
ild go with the later :D . the world needs all the dirty women it can get and u strike me as one ofn the dirtyest :D .ne way im off to sleep cya ya all tommrow form more bad flirting and sexual inuendo lol mawwwwhahaha
09-16-2002, 08:25 PM
Ewwwww, "Bad" flirting is right! :rolleyes: Downright painful! :)
09-16-2002, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by Lizra
Ewwwww, "Bad" flirting is right! :rolleyes: Downright painful! :)
You get that too? :D He's terrible at it; which is, I guess, the point. :p
09-17-2002, 05:44 AM
i blame the lack of alchol in my system
Radagast The Brown
09-17-2002, 07:07 AM
originally posted by BoP
And I'm not a he. It's not like you ever muddle up the sexes.... twice. :rolleyes: :p Me? I did that just once. :rolleyes:
[EDIT] well, now after I saw the second one twice... :rolleyes:
originally posted by Markedel
It's all about yom kippur boredom. I should really be doing work in between praying (even if that's not very fitting for the day) but really who can concentrate when you're this hungry...Are you jew?
well, as I said, I didn't fast in the end. though I wanted to in the begining.
Hasty Ent
09-17-2002, 08:25 PM
back on topic, maybe?:)
I remember getting bored when I was younger, and wish I had the time to get bored now...:( I remember being bored as having too much time and not enough to fill it with...what a luxury!
Too many projects and responsibilities keep me from getting bored now, I guess. I wind up on Entmoot as a way of avoiding that which I should be doing. Sort of an enforced boredom? Or simply a form of work displacement.:D Other outlets would be books, movies, music, and daydreaming, in that order.
The bike ride sounds like fun, Radagast. I actually envy you your day -- it would be healthier for most of us to spend a day quietly, thinking, meditating, whatever, instead of frantically trying to catch up on work. I know I'm usually running around too fast to pay attention to the details of what makes life rewarding.
09-17-2002, 09:21 PM
Oh I fasted, but then I gorged afterwards so it was all good. I'm bored again now. One of the problems of university, there's so much to do, but when you actually have empty space do you do something-nope. Tomorrow night I'm busy, and that's when I'm going to want to have dead time. Oh well...
Sister Golden Hair
09-17-2002, 10:52 PM
Next time Radagast, I would gather up all the Tolkien I could get my hands on. God knows there is enough of it to occupy us for a life time.:)
09-18-2002, 05:54 AM
No kidding, SGH.
09-18-2002, 06:46 AM
i built a little fort the other day then sat in it and watch tele and eat chrisps. that helped pass a few hours :D .
Cannot wait till i have my kid i can act like an idiot and have a good excuss :D
09-18-2002, 07:03 AM
Oh, that explains why you're practising now.
Radagast The Brown
09-18-2002, 01:48 PM
ok Markedel.
SGH, I hope you didn't think I'll read a whole day Tolkien and won't get bored. I get bored from everything after a while.
09-18-2002, 05:21 PM
Radagast....You are making me depressed. :( Drink some coffee!
09-18-2002, 07:00 PM
I write, I read, or (if it's nighttime, obviously) I go out in the field at my father's... the woods at my grandmother's... or the sidewalk at my mom's and just look up at the stars.
Radagast The Brown
09-19-2002, 03:58 PM
originally posted by Lizra
Radagast....You are making me depressed. :( Drink some coffee!I said sorry in the start if that helps? :p
And lately I do have lots of things to do because my aunt gave me work. She pay 4 dolars an hour. :)
09-19-2002, 04:19 PM
Work! Work! Work is the answer to your problem! and Rudhaglarian too! You need some chores or work to keep you busy. :) Then when you "have nothing to do", you will see this as a special treat, a time to relax, to do nothing! That's why most grown ups aren't bored, we're working ourselves to death :D. Ahhh boredom, bring it on!!!
Radagast The Brown
09-19-2002, 04:25 PM
You know, I have suddenly a strong feeling that saying me all the time "you like to be bored"... :D
yeah, guess I could work an hour or two every day.
09-20-2002, 12:28 AM
You should sleep.
09-21-2002, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by Lizra
Work! Work! Work is the answer to your problem! and Rudhaglarian too! You need some chores or work to keep you busy. :) Then when you "have nothing to do", you will see this as a special treat, a time to relax, to do nothing! That's why most grown ups aren't bored, we're working ourselves to death :D. Ahhh boredom, bring it on!!!
I do have chores... plenty o' them... and dance... and karate... and lots of homework... all honors *yuck*... and babysitting... and writers workshop... and Leo club.... and Gallery meetings... that's plenty to try and keep straight... I just get bored easily. Oh yea... and sleeping too and eating... those are very important!!
Sorry... in a ranting kind of mood... Venting Thread... here I come!!
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