View Full Version : Anti prejudice

08-31-2002, 11:04 AM
There has been alot of prejudice people in the world. prejudicem caused the September 11 attack. And the kkk(ku, klaux, klan) i have even seen a bit of prejudicem on some of the Anti threads. i want to know what people feel about prejudicem and what should be done. i do not want people going against others because of their opinions by the way. So if you have a problem with opinion then pm me about it or DON"T ANSWER!

08-31-2002, 12:49 PM
There is a lot prejudice out there i see it every day. When i lived in scunthorpe we had a problems with people of Indian and pakistannie extraction and you would get the odd 'these........' well im sure we are all aware of some of the typical abuse people get. Note i didnt use the words minoirtys because i dont think they are any more esspecially in some parts of the country.

i myself have often put people stright on certain issues i dont like people having a go at black people at all and i will bite there head off.

As for me comming across as prejudice which i am sure has been noticed occasionally i try only to be objectional on this board. Im sure everyone else is the same we are all fairly well behaved people.

Unfortnally there will allways be prejudism in the world and i fear greatly in places there is huge trouble brewing.

08-31-2002, 01:31 PM
There has always been a lot of prejudice around. Prejudice concerning races, religions, homosexuals etc. I don't think it has increased after 9/11, only more people now feel comfortable by expressing their opinions openly. Which is sad, because we're all going to live together and we should learn from each other instead of being estranged.

What should be done about it? I don't know, other than to be careful not to be prejudiced myself. I wish I could say I'm always objective, but I know I'm not. The best I can do is try.

08-31-2002, 01:56 PM
People will always believe that they are better than others.
Although, I really can't see what anyone would want with a monotone rainbow.
Hating someone, mistreating someone, etc. for color, or race, or sexual preference, or religion, or whatever is wrong.

08-31-2002, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by Laurelyn
People will always believe that they are better than others.
Although, I really can't see what anyone would want with a monotone rainbow.
Hating someone, mistreating someone, etc. for color, or race, or sexual preference, or religion, or whatever is wrong.

I agree totaly. i have alot of prejudice people in my new school. they are all aka ghetto. i hate prejudicem. especilly when the fact is you can't really controle what race you are or sometimes sexuality preferances. it's not fare for people to punish others for things they cannot controle.

Rána Eressëa
09-01-2002, 10:00 AM
Personally, people shouldn't be so uptight about things. I say what's on my mind. If you don't like it, sorry. *shrugs* I joke about everything. Even myself. :D So don't feel as if you're the only one.

I think my sig goes with this thread. I may yell at you in disagreement, but never will I tell you to shut up. Everyone's got a right to say what they want, even if we don't like it. I don't like prejudice opinions and people, but I don't think there's anything to actually do about it.

09-02-2002, 01:29 AM
i hate it when people are prejudice. especially about things people can't change (not that there's anything wrong with them in tee first place). i especially got mad at this teacher i have. he's really homophobic (among other things) and he'll say things that i think would really make anyone who was struggling with their sexual identity very offended or hurt. once he even asked every boy in my class if they were "hetero" and said "good" when they each replied that yes they were. i know kids will do this type thing a lot but it's particullarly bad when it comes from a teacher. we don't have many racial issues in my town but there are a lot of indian (native american) kids and i think sometimes they are looked down on a bit though people don't say a lot. it's really sad i think.
as a side note i wonder if there are many people who are prejudice against themselves...i can't imagine my family going on a protest against irish catholics...hm...

09-02-2002, 02:58 PM
did anyone report you'r teacher about that katya??
I would. Thats not aloud for a teacher to ask about personal info like that.(at least i think)

09-02-2002, 04:22 PM
well i dont think anyone bothered to report my teacher about it but he has been reported about other things, especially things he does as a basketball coach. i dont think it's likely that anything would be done about it.

i believe strongly in free speech whether you be open minded or not but i do think that it's stupid to be thinking you are better than people over stupid things like race. however there is a limit, i suppose. i dont like it when people in positions like a teacher say things like that.