View Full Version : UFO's
08-25-2002, 07:23 PM
This seems to be popping up in other threads so i though we may as well have a thread about it.
Do we all believe in them? Think we will see them in our lifetimes? Think the government have allready made contact? If so who knows?
I personally think that there has to be other life out there i mean the universe is pretty damn big. As with people i believe that some will be nice and some will be like us lot.
And if they are out there theres a pretty good chance they know we are here. We are all pretty much young here (well the majority) so do you think we will get interstella travel in ourlifetimes?
08-25-2002, 07:27 PM
Yes I do believe there are Unidentified Flying Objects.
... Oh, did you mean, like aliens and stuff?
Well, I think it's rather dubious that the only place that seems to have alien abductions is American... Land of the Delusional. ;)
Seriously: Sure. I believe that there is life out there. Odds are just too great for there not to be. However, I don't think they take their Saturday picnic trip to earth. :rolleyes:
(whoops, flying NOT foreign.)
08-25-2002, 07:31 PM
yeah kinda odd how they dont visit anywhere else. Seem to spend a lot of time in the south of america hmmmmmmm could they be taking control of the stupidest people on the planet in an attempt to concer us with bad grammer and inbreading. Wait a minute isnt George Bush from Texas? Its all making sence now :D .
They have to be out there but what use are we to aliens we would only teach them a few things worth knowing how to cook a balti, how to manage to not get along ever and how to mess up a planet very well in a short space of time.
08-25-2002, 08:48 PM
I don't know why, I just don't belive in them! It is sorda wierd but I think that we are the only living things (all of Earth) and that ther is no life in space. And since I believe that, then ther is no reson for me to reply to the other questions.
:eek: No one kill me!:eek:
08-25-2002, 09:45 PM
It's interesting how this went from about UFOs to making comments about America inside of 2 posts.
There have been UFO sightings all over the world. I'm not sure about the abduction thing. Maybe they just want to study the most intellegent people on the planet so they concentrate around America. Remember all of you are using an American invention right now known as the World Wide Web and the Internet - so lay off already.
And Sween you really shouldn't talk about American's having bad grammar. :) Only the people in the northern American states can make fun of the people that live in the southern states. :D
Concerning UFOs - as I said in the ghost thread -
Statistically - UFOs would more likely exist than not. With billions of stars and billions of planets and billions of galaxies and possibly billions of universes and the billions of things that may contain the universes - there is bound to be intelligent life on other planets. Most likely many of them have discovered ways of travel and technologies that is beyond our wildest dreams. Even a hundred years ago - if a person tried to descibe the things we live with on a daily basis - they would not have believed it. Being able to communicate with anyone in the world instantaneously, being able to send pictures, video, audio all in a split second, satelites that can broadcast or display the weather for any part of the globe, spy satelites that can zoom in on a newspaper headline in the Middle East - all this would be incomprehensible to someone from the 1800's. The commercialized World Wide Web is only 10 years old - yet we consider it as a very important part of our lives. Something that I know I have a very hard time living without.
Rána Eressëa
08-25-2002, 10:30 PM
UFO's have got to be real. A good deal that you hear about, though, are fake.
Think about it: there are millions upon billions of planets out there highly capable of governing life with similar, if not exact, atmosphere and surface as ours. I mean, to say we're the only ones around implies one huge, useless waste of space. What the heck is it all there for? Cause it certainly isn't all for us.
08-25-2002, 10:31 PM
Okay, I know this is more on the alien side of things, but here goes.
Ya know, most peole seem to think that aliens would have super-advanced technology, but I don't understand how we came to think of it. We know of no other planet supporting life. We cannot leave our solar system. Why should aliens do any better than we have?
Also, we are under the idea that aliens would be intelligent. But it is very possible that our first encounter with aliens will be when we make a study of outer-galaxy slugs.
Then remember, aliens will not speak our language. And what ever language they speak, I'm willing to bet it won't have roots in Latin. Leaving us no way to comunnicate.
And lastly, we tend to think that aliens will share earthly, human views, such as it is wrong to kill people. Aliens may have very different views on such matters, which would make it difficult for us to get along.
Rána Eressëa
08-25-2002, 10:35 PM
There is a possibility of far more intelligent life from ours because they could've been around for thousands or millions of more years than we have. That's why.
There's smart aliens and there's dumb aliens. Believe it or not, to them we'd be aliens. And we're definitely not smart. :D
08-25-2002, 10:41 PM
Well, it really depends on which theory you buy into. Some say that evolution would occur at a similar rate throughout the universe, therefore, they can not be more advanced than us. Some say that divergent evolution IS possible (and hence, non-carbon based life forms possibly, and developing at different speeds from us.)
Also: you have to consider... what are the appropriate conditions for intelligent life? If it is only possible on planets similar to earth, then, it's quite possible that WE ARE the most advanced beings in the universe.
It really depends which theory you buy.
And JD, ease up. It was a joke man. Are you trying to tell me that I'll have to get American residency before I can lampoon americans? :rolleyes: Geez, I have just as much derogitory stuff to say about New Zealand as well. You never tell me off for that. :rolleyes:
08-25-2002, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by Elenka
We know of no other planet supporting life. We cannot leave our solar system. Why should aliens do any better than we have?
Is that like less than 10 years ago we didn't think that the volcanic vents in the ocean could support life? Recently we found out that life does exist in those ultra hot areas. Or is it like the fact that less than 50 years ago we couldn't leave our atmosphere? If everyone had your attitude it would have been a miracle if we could even develop an alphabet. We'd still be swinging from the trees in Africa if everyone that came before us looked at only the impossibilities of everything.
08-25-2002, 10:48 PM
Swean, nevar underestimate hte powur o bad speeling in large numburs. :D
08-25-2002, 10:48 PM
Whoops. Wrong button... Move along, nothing to see here.
08-25-2002, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by BeardofPants
And JD, ease up. It was a joke man. Are you trying to tell me that I'll have to get American residency before I can lampoon americans? :rolleyes: Geez, I have just as much derogitory stuff to say about New Zealand as well. You never tell me off for that. :rolleyes:
I had smiley faces on some of the post. But I really don't care what you say about your fellow New Zealanders (Kiwis) - so why should I say something. If you want to say something bad about New Zealand - that's your business. :) And south versus north thing was directed at Sween and it was a joke - so you should lighten up I think.
08-25-2002, 10:51 PM
I said it first. :p
Rána Eressëa
08-25-2002, 10:52 PM
I was bringing out the obvious; using planets like ours for example because most people don't believe there could be lifeforms who live off different substances than we do.
And everything is a possibility. Just doesn't mean it's necessarily true. ;)
08-25-2002, 10:53 PM
Tessar's sig
Beardofpants. The blinking sheep and mighty insulter of all things! All bow before the blinking sheep!!!
You're a traitor Tessar. :)
08-25-2002, 10:59 PM
with me having power like god and all (j/k, dont FREAK OUT)
i grant you my personal american citizenship whenever you need to rag on us, BoP. we can trade for however long it takes for you to make that joke and heave it read, then we be back. :D
don't take me seriusly, ive been travelling all day. OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOooo *shudders*
08-25-2002, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by Rána Eressëa
And everything is a possibility. Just doesn't mean it's necessarily true. ;)
And I was of course bringing up the other possibility... that we're the biggest accident the universe has known. ;)
Personally, I don't believe that life could be so restricted to convergent evolution. I'd like to think that we (or our carbon copies half way across the universe) are not the sum entirety of existence. On the same token though, I don't see them visiting us either. If I'M not impressed with what we have to offer, then why the hell should they be?
Oh, and we all know what a big greaser Tessar is. We don't need to cover that again. :rolleyes:
08-25-2002, 11:02 PM
Well with MY super duper godly powers I say she CAN'T rag on Amaricans! ;)
08-25-2002, 11:03 PM
"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us." - Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes
08-25-2002, 11:03 PM
Eh. not worth it.
Rána Eressëa
08-25-2002, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by BeardofPants
And I was of course bringing up the other possibility... that we're the biggest accident the universe has known. ;)
I'm not alone! :D
08-25-2002, 11:13 PM
That depends. Is it your dream or mine? :eek: :D
08-25-2002, 11:19 PM
I believe that UFO's exist. Unidentified Flying Objects are objects that people can't identify (Duh!) and have nothing to do with aliens. I believe that aliens exist somewhere in the universe - there are billions and billions of galaxies out there. They could be billions of years ahead of us as the Big Bang occured about 16 billion years ago and Earth is only 4.6 billion years old. We could communicate with aliens using the periodic table of the elements and mathematics.
If aliens are here and so are years ahead of us in technology - why do they insist on being very secretive and keep giving anal probes to unimportant people? If they are so smart, why do they need to abduct so many people? Surely about ten people would be enough for thier research. Surely many people of government would know about it. Anyway, if the president knows, wouldn't Dubya had blurted it out by now - "Aliens and humans must learn to coexist" :D :rolleyes:
08-25-2002, 11:23 PM
Regarding aliens, yes there are billions and billions of stars and presumbly billions of planets, but there are many problems with intersteller travel. The fastest you can go is a bit less that the speed of light - 300,000 kilometres a second. Since the closest star is about 4 light years, away the fastest any alien will get here is 4 years. It would take us with current technology thousands of years. So the chances of aliens coming here - let alone a government conspiricy - is very small. The best way to determine whether there are aliens is to communicate via radio signals.
To say that the current view of space travel is the only way to travel in outerspace is narrow-minded in my view. We hardly understand anything about the world around us. We can't say that anything is impossible - history should teach us that by now. There could be billions of technologies yet to be discovered that will enable us to travel from star to star system.
I firmly believe that someday we will use the power available to us to travel in space. And I don't think it will be via a vehicle, but rather via something similar to wormholes. This is how I imagine that we will eventually explore the universe. Even if we manage to travel at 100 times the speed of light (which would probably kill us) we still wouldn't get very far. However, with the power of wormholes, the whole universe is literally at our fingertips in an instant.
08-25-2002, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by cassiopeia
If they are so smart, why do they need to abduct so many people? Surely about ten people would be enough for thier research.
Well we use thousands of animals for our research. I'm sure aliens would just think of us as animals (which we are) and wouldn't treat us any different than how we treat monkeys.
08-25-2002, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by jerseydevil
Well we use thousands of animals for our research. I'm sure aliens would just think of us as animals (which we are) and wouldn't treat us any different than how we treat monkeys.
Actualy I disagree JD. We are obveously a bit more than monkeys :).
But I can see what you mean.
08-25-2002, 11:32 PM
It's all relative. To an advanced race, we might seem like monkeys. We still do horrifying "animal" like things like violence and rape and murder. We're really not that far elevated above monkeys in the first place.
Need I point out the overwhelming similarities between George Bush Jnrs facial expressions, and that of a chimp? :p In fact, watch any child lose his temper. You'll be able to see the similarities between the child and George... er... a chimp.
08-25-2002, 11:35 PM
I really don't think we can build a spaceship that goes faster than the speed of light - Einstein is correct. I agree with BoP (again!), they only way would be by wormholes, although I don't think many people would like the thought of a black hole near the Earth.
Well we use thousands of animals for our research. I'm sure aliens would just think of us as animals (which we are) and wouldn't treat us any different than how we treat monkeys.
Good point, but is there any evidence of side effects or implants that can't be explained by Earthly reasons? If the aliens are using us for experiments, what would the use be? We experiment on animals to help find cures for diseases. Alien biology would be different from ours, so I can't see the point.
08-25-2002, 11:35 PM
Ok, good point.
But then again I would think that a race of such high INT that INT wise they make our brains look like monkeys would be able to do something to scan us or whatever so that they would only need 10 people right?
08-25-2002, 11:45 PM
BoP - you really have it in for Dubya, don't you?;)
We share something like 98% of our DNA with monkeys. I think we are equal with monkeys (and all animals) just a bit smarter (most of us anyway).:D I would hope that aliens would have a better society than ours. If they didn't perhaps they would have blown themselves up with nuclear weapons before they had advanced to interstellar travel.
08-25-2002, 11:51 PM
Well, I didn't want to bring up the DNA as there are many who are not quite ready to know that a chimp runs America. ;)
08-25-2002, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by cassiopeia
BoP - you really have it in for Dubya, don't you?;)
We share something like 98% of our DNA with monkeys. I think we are equal with monkeys (and all animals) just a bit smarter (most of us anyway).:D I would hope that aliens would have a better society than ours. If they didn't perhaps they would have blown themselves up with nuclear weapons before they had advanced to interstellar travel.
Yes, I think that we are going to need to make peace after a while or else our tec won't actualy get any better.
08-25-2002, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by cassiopeia
Good point, but is there any evidence of side effects or implants that can't be explained by Earthly reasons? If the aliens are using us for experiments, what would the use be? We experiment on animals to help find cures for diseases. Alien biology would be different from ours, so I can't see the point.
We don't only experiment on animals to make improvements on human lives. We also experiment on them to learn about them, such as their physiology, what they eat, the size of their brains, etc, etc. And i'm sure that aliens would want to know the same things about us.
Starr Polish
08-25-2002, 11:53 PM
Shall I bring in the theories about quantum foam?
Naw, not now.
08-26-2002, 07:40 AM
I think the whole presumption that life will only be carbon based is wrong. as if the asumption they they will need oxegen and water. Im a great believer in evolution and the natral world and both are needed. the thing about planets and animals and plants is they need all 3 to work. if there is plant life of anykind they need animals to manage it that is why we are here to support the world we live in.
I think there is a small possiablity that aliens may have made contact and the government is rightly keeping it a secreat. But what would aliens want with us? Sure we have a degree of intellegence but asuming they have mastred inter stella travel they probably could not learn much from us and if they wanted to surely it would be easier to to look on the internet.
WE would not offer much to a more advanced species. Infact if they are out there and they have studied us they would know that we are not the friendlest and understanding of people and will want little do with us.
I think the film first contact summed up pretty well when we will meet aliens and thats pretty much as soon as we develop a means to get to them then they will probably come and have a look in at us and say hello.
08-26-2002, 07:54 AM
Well, as I said before, I'd like to believe in divergent evolution. However, since there is no evidence (either of how life began, or of other "alien" species) to base this upon, I am forced to consider both models of evolution as possibilities. (Convergent vs divergent)
08-26-2002, 08:38 AM
I believe in UFO's but not as sweet humming flying saucers filled with little green of grey cute looking aliens. Unidentified, flying objects, that could be a lot.
I saw the Belgian Triangles and it was pretty cool, but it wasn't more than a couple of eerie dots of light at night and a lot of excitement. (In 89-90 Belgium was hit by a massive wave of UFO sightings. With a peak of more than a thousand reported sightings by both militairy and civilian sources on March 30-31. The lights were mostly flying into triangular formation, hence the name. They were said to be both capable of hovering and flying at high speed. Two F-16's were sent up. The images were pretty nifty.) For all I know it could have been the Americans testing their new stealth aircrafts. ;) That was also one of the foremost accepted explanations since it was roughly of the same shape. I think real intelligent aliens have a something better to do than put on a lightshow for us.
More information on the Belgian triangle can be found here: and
There is little doubt that the universe holds other intelligent life. But where and how, we don't know yet. They may be more technological advanced or they may be not. But if they happen to pass our little planet I sure as hell hope they've got something like a non-interference directive. Any alien with a little sense should make a very large detour around earth.
08-26-2002, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by Khamûl
"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us." - Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes
UFOs . . .
Unidentified Food Objects.
Unidentified fried objects, too, depending on what you eat.
Unidentified Feared Objects . . . things that go *bump* in the night.
Unidentified Flying Objects . . . *Is promptly struck with some unknown type of hammer her 3-year old brother just lobbed in her direction.*
Yeah, I believe In UFOs. I see 'em daily -- and they're UFOs until I figure out what they are. *Ducks to avoid another badly launched missle*
As for aliens . . . of course we're not alone. The universe is huge.
Rána Eressëa
08-26-2002, 12:24 PM
You know, UFO's could be secret experiments by the government. :eek:
08-26-2002, 12:40 PM
99% probably are the government just testing out new planes and stuff.
Comic Book Guy
08-26-2002, 02:09 PM
Who says that Aliens have more intelligence than us? I'm just as smart as anybody on Earth.
08-26-2002, 02:36 PM
"What Planet Are You From" seems to apply. Watch it next time you have a few minutes.
08-26-2002, 02:37 PM
Comic Book Guy:
I'm just as smart as anybody on Earth.Including Dubya.
08-26-2002, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by Comic Book Guy
Who says that Aliens have more intelligence than us? I'm just as smart as anybody on Earth.
*Misses all the good puns and the joke*
But you arn't an alien. I ment that aliens could be smarter than us. :rolleyes: :D
08-26-2002, 09:29 PM
My point on animal experimentation was that we need many animals to test new drugs and things. We need a large sample to give a good idea of how the drug reacts. Since I think aliens will be different from us, they wouldn't experiment on us like that, they would just like to get samples of humans to study them. If we, say, study chimps, we wouldn't take thousands of them, ten would be enough to get some knowledge about they're anatomy.
I would think that aliens would come here because they are curious about us, not that we are more intelligent. If they got here, I would assume they are more intelligent than us.
From what I remember from chemistry, only carbon and silicon lifeforms are reasonable, as only those elements can form long chains. Water is nearly certainly needed for life. But other than that, we have no clue what they would look like. Do you really think that the so called grey aliens would really look so much like us? Seems a bit fishy to me.....
08-28-2002, 10:56 AM
If you believe in them no argument is necessary.
If you do not believe in them no argument will change your mind.
...Strawberry Fields Forever.....
08-28-2002, 11:42 PM
If you believe in them no argument is necessary.
If you do not believe in them no argument will change your mind.[
You should change your mind in view of the evidence, not what your feelings are. I know thats not easy in practive, but its the scientific way.
Rána Eressëa
08-29-2002, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Comic Book Guy
Who says that Aliens have more intelligence than us? I'm just as smart as anybody on Earth.
I'm pretty sure there's ones as dumb as us *snicker*, ones smarter than us, and ones even dumber than us.
08-29-2002, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Rána Eressëa
I'm pretty sure there's ones as dumb as us *snicker*, ones smarter than us, and ones even dumber than us.
I knew George Bush was a dumb alien! :p
08-29-2002, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by BeardofPants
I knew George Bush was a dumb alien! :p
why did you amercans vote him in? i mean could you not do better?
08-29-2002, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by Sween
why did you amercans vote him in? i mean could you not do better?
Well it was either him or idiot Gore. As it was the country was split down the middle. Just sad how many Americans didn't even understand our own election process and were so shocked. "Electoral College? What's that? You mean I don't vote dirtectly for the president?" No - read the Constitution. :rolleyes: :D
This is off subject - but I like Colin Powell ( and Condoleeza Rice ( I don't trust Ashcroft that much though - if at all. Wish Colin Powell or Condoleeza Rice would run for President.
08-29-2002, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by jerseydevil
Well it was either him or idiot Gore. As it was the country was split down the middle. Just sad how many Americans didn't even understand our own election process and were so shocked. "Electoral College? What's that? You mean I don't vote dirtectly for the president?" No - read the Constitution. :rolleyes: :D
This is off subject - but I like Colin Powell ( and Condoleeza Rice ( I don't trust Ashcroft that much though - if at all. Wish Colin Powell or Condoleeza Rice would run for President.
Are u saying you picked the lesser of the two idiots? Except instead of just going for a dull safe idiot u picked a hick. This is another example of where you have much power localised instead of nationally.
08-29-2002, 07:06 PM
This is the exact reason why New Zealand no longer uses FPP (First Past the Post) any more. Now we run a system, where it is the majority of votes that passes legislation, instead of the two big parties competing. This way minor parties get a chance to get a say, and the big party with the big stick is held accountable by the smaller parties.
Not that that has any thing to do with UFOs... unless you count Helen Clarkes insatiable urge to commit art forgery... it must have been aliens! :rolleyes:
08-29-2002, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by Sween
Are u saying you picked the lesser of the two idiots? Except instead of just going for a dull safe idiot u picked a hick. This is another example of where you have much power localised instead of nationally.
Well this thread is about UFOs and maybe if you were really interested in why our country is more localised - maybe you should read about American History. Especially about the war where we kicked your country out. The rest of the world really should worry about their internal issues and let us worry about our political system. How we vote for our president or whether he favor state rights over a beaurocratic federal government is our business, If you want a say in it then become an American citizen. I personally can care less how you elect your prime Minister or house of Commons. Maybe you should do away with the antiquated House of Lords.
Oh and Al Gore isn't a hick? I suppose you don't know what state he comes from then. My sister lives in his state - which he didn't even win (Tennessee in case you don't know - which I'm sure you don't and if you do - then you don't know where it is).
08-29-2002, 07:23 PM
i got my fight started :D . I take great intrest in the affirs of other countries im like my mum im kinda nosey but i couldnt care less what my family did with there day.
so what percentage of the worlds elected officials say compared to cabbies do you think are aliens or not quite of this world.
Well i was calling Bush a hick but if Al Gore is indeed from tennersea we have 2 hicks. I bet u all wish you had the preseident from the west wing.
08-29-2002, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Sween
i got my fight started :D . I take great intrest in the affirs of other countries im like my mum im kinda nosey but i couldnt care less what my family did with there day.
so what percentage of the worlds elected officials say compared to cabbies do you think are aliens or not quite of this world.
Well i was calling Bush a hick but if Al Gore is indeed from tennersea we have 2 hicks. I bet u all wish you had the preseident from the west wing.
I thought you'd like the fact that you got your wish. :D I hate Martin Sheen - so no - I do not wish that he was our president. I stated my choices above - although in this past election I wanted John McCain (but he didn't win the republican nomenation). I was also looking at voting libertarian.
Concerning percentage of the world's elected officials versus cabbies that are aliens - that's a hard question - you'd have to see the taxi drivers in NY to understand why. :)
And like you Sween - I'm interested in other countries too. I just don't think i should critisize them on their internal affairs. I had seen the House of Lords in action - I wish I had another day in London - I might have seen the House of Commons too.
08-29-2002, 07:39 PM
the house of lords is well funny you can play the game of whos slipping into real sleep. u see them all restiung there eyes and all of a sunnden one will pop up trying not to sleep.
you know we still aint got rid of our heridertay peers. i bet they are aliens 2
08-29-2002, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by Sween
you know we still aint got rid of our heridertay peers. i bet they are aliens 2
Well most of them look like it. :D I think it's all that inbreeding among royalty.
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