View Full Version : The Drunk Elf Pirates and the Quest for the Holy Wine
Elfmaster XK
08-25-2002, 02:31 PM
Right, guys, here it is. We planned this and the charas are all there. So please don't close it mods, close the old one! :D
Off we go! ....
The Drunk Elf Pirates and the Quest for the Holy Wine
An introduction
When considering such a quest of importance and danger, it is necessary to assemble the most elite of the elite for your crew. That is why a small selection was made and these members were named the best in their field of expertise. These few elite are the following.
Captain Eruviel Greenleaf (EG) – As captain, Eruviel has many talents, one of which is to order as many away missions as is possible in the time that is given. She anchors the ship in dangerous waters and searches the nearby land for clues about the Holy wine. A lifetime of research has led her to this quest and she is dedicated to finding the Holy wine. Plus the fact that even if it was not known to be true I would tell you only that she be the second most drunk of all elves anywhere. Carrying 2 swords, several short knives, a bow, a quarterstaff and many other weapons she is the most dangerous Cap’n in these parts. Even if that be only to herself.
First Mate Elfmaster XK (XK) – The faithful first officer aboard the ship also possesses many talents, XK is the alcoholic elf, once spoken of by another crewmember as “elfmaster, the alcoholic elf, who haunts the infidel with divine marmite.” Indeed she has the curious ability to have alcohol in the vicinity at all times, be it whiskey, wine or even Sake. XK is the owner of a bow she calls ‘minya,’ a red dragon dagger and the skill of the ninjutsu school of ninja – that is of course, her own drunken style of the art. Writing the ships log, and generally aiding the cap’n in her duty she is dedicated to finding the wine, that she may toast with her cap’n at the end of the quest, and maybe one day be able to say the word captain instead of cap’n.
Second Mate Eärniel (Eär) – Eärniel started by calling herself ship’s cat. Why no one is entirely sure, as she is the well known sea elf worthy of many a menacing task such as being the first to enter a dangerous looking ruin. On her travels she has monopolised many different forms of the substance chocolate, and rations it - if allowing others to have any at all. Due to this addiction she can be found threatening mutiny because the crew forgot where she was hiding away with the precious. However, she would not become a mutineer for fear of losing the precious chocolate, and so sticks with her main talent that is map reading and interpreting language. Of course, being a sea elf, to begin with, land maps posed a bit of a challenge for her, but she improvised and improved.
Weapons Specialist Tanoliel (Tano) – She is the owner of the Catapult of Doom, the three-headed Cerberus cannon, and hundreds of other sharp or explosive implements of death and destruction aboard the ship. (Not to mention the demons.) Talented…(I said we weren’t mentioning them!) Talented at firing certain individuals off the ship with the catapult, her aim is impeccable when it comes to fending off rival pirates and just about any other ship that sails too close, or exploding giant octopi – when it comes to this, no one gets even close to her talent. She is also the proud owner of the Shadow-Fax-Machine. But that’s not relevant here.
Ship Bard Arathorn (Ara) – Expert musician and singer, Arathorn sings, writes and mangles songs for the amusement and entertainment of the crew. He has a gifted and inspired sense of humour that cheers the crew up when the wine seems farther out of reach than ever before. He is essentially a morale officer in disguise, as the crew being drunk get the word confused and like to think they have no morals. When he can he likes to get drunk with the officers and start them singing jolly sea shanties, whilst attempting to annoy the cap’n.
Ship Psychiatric Doctor BoP (BoP) – BeardofPants, the ever sarcastic and suggestive owner of the flaming beard. Technically she doesn’t have a title, and belongs in an institution herself, but she knows how to tame the most elusive and peculiar of the crewmembers, hence the title. Quick to join the crew so she could steal some pirate pants, she is now a trusted member, capable of many a task, but is mostly needed to do anything she can to get some sense out of The Thing.
The Thing (TT) – (Also known as Anduril.) The Spiritual guide for the crew, the Thing, in the room, (the room is locked,) came with the ship. But whenever mentioning the Thing, in the room (the room is locked) one must always follow it with ‘the room is locked,’ unless the locked status of the room changes. This is simply a safety measure for the rest of the crew. The only person authorised to go in the room that is locked is BoP, so that she might decode the cryptic clues of the Thing itself, in the room, (the room is locked.)
Elfmaster XK
08-25-2002, 02:33 PM
The Cook, Garina (Gar) – Well, Garina is not the holder of the title ship’s cook, but where else would she get all the cheesecake? Logically the conclusion was drawn that she cooked it. She is ever enthusiastic about finding the Holy wine and helps the crew in tight situations, for she is a member who knows how to get things in a tight situation, such as cram at inopportune moments, and excessive amounts of cheesecake. She provides vital support for a ship under threat by borrowing items from others.
Sicirus, Stowaway adventurer (Sici) – Sici was originally a stowaway aboard the NAL from before the pirate crew got to her. But he planned to get out onto land before the ship sailed again and be free to explore strange new lands. However, he fell asleep and soon found himself waking to the threat of burning at the stake and walking the plank. Luckily for him the crew were in high spirits due to the recent capture of the NAL and accepted him into the crew. The question is, is he as loyal a crewmember as the others? It is expected so, but time will tell, for in the beginning they knew little of this adventurer who came to prove a very useful, yet title-less crewmember.
Thus ends the chronicle of the crew, with a spellchecker wanting to change us all, Eruviel becomes Relive, Eärniel is our new Ernie, Tanoliel the Tangle, and Marathon of Arathorn. But still, others take part in the quest and leave their mark, but most fall over board or are flung skywards at some dangerous foe, and replaced by nameless others. Some in this tale are dangerous foes to begin with, meeting a nasty and often gooey end with one of Tanoliel’s many spiky, sharp or explosive objects so that the Thing, in the room, (the room is locked,) might say “I knew that would happen,” yet be still unwilling to explain why he didn’t say so before the event. Anyhow, enough of the personalities and specialities of the crew, for it is clear they are the most elite crew to ever assemble for a mission of this kind for they are blessed with their own talents, and fortunate enough to come across a mighty ship! ‘The Nance-a-lot’ (NAL for short.) They stole the NAL and sailed away as quickly as they could, not knowing what lay in a locked room beneath. A brand new ship was theirs, made of expensive hard and enduring wood, a total of seven sails, pretty golden name plate and railings, mermaid at the bow, four cabins a stern, plus a study and map room. It was not a cheap ship to build, but acquired for nothing by the crew of pirates.
Anyhow, enough about the ship and its weapon obsessed crew. They have a story to tell. A very biased and opinionated one, but a story at any length, from the written logs of the cap’n and her first mate – most of which was illegible and probably more influenced by drunken dreams than reality, but it makes good story telling, so AHEAD FULL MATIES! And we be on our way!
Chapter One
A Quest? Where?
[Eruviel Greenleaf was sat on a small hill drinking sake. Around her were all her weapons, and the mooters she considered to be her pirate crew. This was a meeting of pirates, but their only problem was there was nothing to loot. Arathorn, the bard was mid-mangle when he stopped and ventured a question.]
Ara – Where’s your first and second mates captain?
EG – [Looks squinty-eyed at her bard] Arr, they be comin’ from the other side o’ the world on a ship! We wait here for them.
[Ara nods and continues to hum the tune he mangles.]
Elfmaster XK
08-25-2002, 02:36 PM
-------HALF AN HOUR LATER-------
[*BANG* All jump up, weapons at the ready, except Tanoliel, who pauses, choosing between three different sharp implements to see Eärniel and E XK approaching firing a gun]
XK – Cap’n! We found a musket gun cap’n!
Eär – But guess what!
All – [come closer] What?
Eär – We found a ship!
All – Ooooooooo
EG – [Gathers weapons quickly and pulls Tano up] What? A ship? Where? Quickly, take us to it!
[The crew run down the hill towards the dock where they see a mighty ship anchored. Well, okay, perhaps not mighty, more pretty. Tall and finely crafted, this is a ship calling to the crew. EG bent down and crept along behind some boxes. XK glanced at the crew and motioned for them to follow. They reach the ramp and sneak up in a line. A large member of the ‘Otis Redding clan’ (A dock worker – sitting on the dock of the bay – get it?) stood on the ramp blocking the way.
OR man – Excuse me ma’am, this ship’s not for visitors. It’s forbidden. You can’t come up here. But you can go sit on the dock…
EG – Forbidden? Ye can’t have a forbidden ship matey! Perhaps a forbidden ocean, aye, met many of those in me day…
OR man – Oh. I get it now. You’re those crazy people who think they’re elf pirates, aren’t you. We’ve been warned about you.
[EG and XK draw swords. Tano looks at her instruments of death again and picks a different one.]
EG – Stand aside!
XK – Yeah! Know this ye villain! Elves be very proud, pirates even prouder. Don’t insult us or ye’ll be walkin’ that thar plank! Villain!
EG – [glances at XK] Villain? [whispers] but what about our villain pact? [looks at OR man]
XK – Uhh…[thinks carefully] Scoundrel! Ye scoundrel!
OR man – [Frowns]Go away you weirdos!
Tano – Don’t make me call the daemons!
XK – Don’t make me get the hose!
BoP – Don’t make me get your toes!
OR man – Help, guards! Security, someone!
EG – AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! [EG smacks the guy over the head with her sword and he collapses falling down the ramp. They run onto the ship and push the ramp into the sea, loosing the ropes, and letting the ship drift with the tide. They lie down on the deck so no one can see them and EG looks at her sword.]
EG – Humph. Maybe I should get this thing sharpened.
Tano – [scurries along deck closer to the cap’n] Captain! An idea. Perhaps you should use your other sword.
EG – [Swaps them] Hmm. Arr, my cutlass! Good thinkin’ matey!
[They lie there for a while wondering if the angry dock people have gone away, and what to do to get the ship to move.]
Garina – Cheesecake anyone? Since we’re not getting anywhere. [shrugs]
Eär – Hmm, I think we need to make the ship work captain.
XK – Who will help me unfurl the sails? [All get up to climb various riggings and undo the knots on the sails] Uh, not you BoP.
BoP – [Puts flaming stick down on deck] Wha…
EG – NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! [grabs stick and throws it overboard]
BoP – Hey! That was mine!
Eär – You can help now! [All climb up except Gar who is eating cheesecake and ‘directing’ the process]
XK – [reaches top of mast] Cap’n look! We got a plank!
EG – [Crawls over] Oooooo! What cool pirates we can be now, makin’ our prisoners walk the plank!
EG + XK – [Evil laugh] Mwahahahahahahahahaaa! [Look at crew who also evil laugh. They stop laughing. Eventually and unfurl the sails, climbing down as the wind kicks in a speeds them on their way. They stand at the bow looking out to sea. Land comes into view. It gets closer. It still gets closer.]
Eär – Anyone else see…land?
EG – Aye matey, land ahoy!
Gar – But we just set off!
Tano – I know! Turn, quick, turn!
Gar – How?
Eär – The wheel you idiots! [Turns ship towards land] Eep!
Gar – Ahhhhh!!
Tano – Oooooo, I can see canons on board
Eär – [Turns ship other way, out to sea. All stare at her.] What?
Gar – Idiot!
Eär – Hey! I’m, a sea elf you know! Direction isn’t my strong point.
[They get far enough out to sea to be away from anyone trying to recover the stolen NAL.]
XK – Well cap’n, we finally got ourselves a ship! I think I’m going to go check what supplies we have. See if we have any wine or ale to celebrate!
EG – Alright mate, we’ll stay on deck and admire the ship. [XK disappears and all admire the NAL. Stars come out; they are still admiring the NAL]
Elfmaster XK
08-25-2002, 02:40 PM
Eär – Captain, XK is still not here. Maybe we should go check on her. She might have found some wine!
Tano – And most likely drank it all herself! [A scream is heard from down below. All look at the captain, who gets up, cutlass in hand and leads them down below deck. They see XK stood outside a room with a bottle of wine, and a broken bottle. On the door it says ‘Danger. Thing’ then the sign was torn.]
Ara – You okay, first officer?
XK – The...the…the…
[Evil Laughter]
XK – In the room! The Thing! In the room! (The room is locked!)
EG – [Goes to door and pushes it gently, then harder. It is very locked] Eh? We have a thing?
The Thing – [From the room (the room is locked.)] Not a Thing. THE THING! Pah…a thing…
EG – Oh. So there’s the Thing. In the room (the room is locked.) I see, what happened?
XK – [Comes away from door] Oh, he, or it tried to take the wine. I couldn’t save that bottle. But I got this!Ara – Hmm…Wine Thing…[Gets out paper]Eär – Umm…[looks slightly afraid to ask] I don’t suppose you found any…chocolate did you? By any chance?
XK – Not in there But in the store room [points at store room] There’s loads of stuff. [All go into store room except BoP who is examining the door.]
EG – Ooooooo! Supplies!
Gar – CHHHHHHEEEEESECAKEEEEEE!!!! [Runs to box conveniently labelled ‘cheesecake.’ Opens it and leaps back in shock]
EG – What is it now? [Leans on cutlass, on box]
Gar – [Peers in] Dunno captain. Might be human.
[Out of box appears a stowaway]
XK – A Stowaway!!
Gar – To the plank!
BoP – To the stake!
All – YEAH!
EG – [Glances at XK and nods]
XK – {puts hands together] Now, why do we want to put him to the stake?
Gar – He’s a witch!
All – Yeah! Burn him! Burn him!
Eär – I thought he was a stowaway.
XK – Good Eärniel, good!
Ara – So do stowaways float too?
XK – Er, [glances at EG who shrugs] No.
BoP – [Turns back on room and a hand appears from door] Burn him anyway! [Is grabbed and pulled into room (the room is locked.)]
Stowaway – Uh, hello. I’m not a witch, or a stowaway! Well, kind of. But can I please join the crew? Please? I’m Sicirus.
EG – Senior crew meeting!
Eär – There’s a senior crew?
EG – Aye. That be first mate, second mate, captain and weapons chief.
[all huddle, Arathorn reads song to Garina who hums tune and nods in approval]
EG – Shall we take him?
XK – Has he any wine?
Eär – Has he any chocolate?
Tano – Has he any new weapons? [glances at Sicirus] And do you think he’d fire well? [All glance and nod]
EG – [Grins] You’re in matey!
Sicirus – YAY!! So what’s the quest?
XK – Quest? We were just looking for supplies.
And so the crew were met. All the members were there. Even the Thing, in the room (the room is locked.) And they were soon to meet someone else who would lead them to a legacy, a legacy of a sacred object they would follow to the end – when they finally get arrested for stealing the NAL. So they partied on deck. Singing jolly sea shanties and drinking excessive amounts of ale and wine, and the Cap’n and her first mate stood on the bow sipping sake, and Eruviel said ‘we did it Xk. We finally got us a ship!’
(Goddamn 5000 characters only! and 90 second rule!)
08-25-2002, 05:04 PM
OOC: Why do I get stuck with the thing, from the room (the room is locked?)
Eruviel Greenleaf
08-26-2002, 01:19 AM
(ooc: It seemed in the last quest you two just sort of gravitated toward each other...:D)
And so for many a happy day the pirate crew sailed about, rather drunkenly. But one fine morning, as the captain sipped a Mai Tai, she said: XK, the ship is great. But it's been days since we've seen any other ships! We're supposed to pirates, aren't we?
XK: Aye, Cap'n. Maybe a ship will come soon...
EG: I hope so! I think we be running out of wine! We must find some soon!
XK: Running out of wine? But--but--
Tano: Look! There, in the distance! A ship! A nice merchant ship, rich the plundering!
08-26-2002, 05:15 PM
Eär: *steals EG's looking glass* Jep, looks like that beastie got a lot of bounty!
EG: *grabs looking glass* That's mine! You're supposed to have elven eyes! Use them!
Eär:*jumps to attention* Aye, aye ma'am! Shall I let the crew raise the sails, ma'am?
Eruviel Greenleaf
08-27-2002, 10:24 AM
EG: Yes! Raise the sails! Prepare to board their ship! Get out the grappling hooks! Don't try to swing across on a line with a knife in your teeth! Be ready, arr!
E XK: You heard her! Arr!
EG: Y'know, Earniel...I don't really need the looking glass--we're all elves!
08-27-2002, 03:00 PM
OOC: I know, but what's a pirate without looking glass? :)
Eärl: Yes capt'n! *pokes rest of crew into action*
08-27-2002, 03:39 PM
Thing - You bring far too much attention to yourself.
BoP - Help! Help!! Oooh what a manly grip....
Thing - Thanks.
BoP - Hey! Quit the groping!
Thing - Sorry. Have a seat.
BoP looks around. The room (the room is locked) is far bigger on than she expected. It is very dark, which explains why she could not see her captor properly. All she could see of the Thing was a 6ft clocked figure, but she could not see under the hood. BoP went and sat on the black (leather) couch in the corner.
BoP - ooooh leather!
Thing - Silence! mmmkay.
BoP recoils in sudden fear and also a bit of anxiety.
Thing - I can choose to hide myself stealthily, but to dissapear completely, damn thats hardcore.
BoP - Huh? I didn't disappear. You pulled me in here, remember?
BoP tries to make out who she's talking to, but instead gets a headache from squinting too hard. Plus also gets brain freeze, even though she never ate any ice cream. Weird, huh?
Thing - But, to the rest of the crew, they would have just thought, Damn, BoP just ....... disappeared!!
BoP - But nobody noticed...
Thing - But if they had noticed...Anyway, it took a lot of strength and power (and agility) to pull you in here that fast. Like superstrength.
BoP - What are you saying? That you're "superstrong"?
BoP laughs hysterically.
Suddenly the lights get brighter, and the Thing grows about two feet (in height).
Thing (in deep voice) - Yo! Do not take me for some cheap conjurer of tricks! I am not trying to rob you! I am only trying to help you.
Lights get dimmer.
BoP - Who do you think you are? Gandalf? You didn't even sound like him...
The Thing shrinks (in height).
In the brightness a few moments before, BoP noticed that the door was left ajar.
BoP - Um...there is only one lord of the ring, and he does wine.
Suddenly BoP dashes for the door, and escapes.
Thing - So. You have chosen.....death.
Willow Oran
08-29-2002, 02:05 AM
Meanwhile on the merchant ship...
Willow: Captain! There are pirates approaching!
Captain: (grabs the eyeglass) Let me see that... Oh bugger. Arm yourselves crew! turn the ship around! Raise the sails! Do whatever it takes to out run them!
(The ship turns sharply throwing Willow of balance and causing her to fall from where she was leaning on the railing of the ship into the water between the merchant ship and the pirates)
Willow: (shrieks in surprise before hitting the water) Help! Faeries are no good at swimming!
OOC: Alright pirates you've got yourselves a potential prisnor. Will you pick her up or let her drown?
Eruviel Greenleaf
08-29-2002, 06:18 PM
Cap'n EG, looking over the rail, sees a faerie. "There! Not only a ship but a prisoner! Arr! It is a lucky day indeed for our pirate crew!"
The Cap'n grabs a line, and tosses it to the faerie, who, seeing rescue, grabs it. EG hauls her aboard the ship, and sets her on a barrel of dwaaarvish ale. She ties her there, and the pirates go back to boarding the merchantman.
EG: Arr!
Elfmaster XK
08-31-2002, 02:10 PM
OOC: Would we let you drown???!!! :D If you want your name in the intro i can put you there if you want, but we were plannin on picking up random ppl along the way.
Also..Well, i'm back.
XK - Arr...a lucky day indeed!
XK throws a line to the other ship and walks across carrying her sword high. She jumps down and begins slashing around
XK - Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiya! Take that! Mwah! Nyeh! ...wait a minute. where are all the merchants?
EG - [Jumps on board.] good question *looks round*
Eär - [jumps aboard] where are the orcs! [sword at ready. sees no one. looks disappointed] Awww, i wanted to hunt some orc!
Suddenly, as Tano jumps ship a rumbling is heard from below. They all raise there swords...drums, in the deep...
09-01-2002, 06:38 AM
OOC: Welcome back First mate!
Eär:* puts ear to the deck* It seems like there's a party going on below deck....
EXK:*looks doubtful* Ya think?
EG: Do merchants party?
Tano: I don't know, I'm not a merchant. Maybe we should have interogated the prisoner first.
Willow Oran
09-01-2002, 02:57 PM
(Watches as the crew stands on the deck of the merchant ship confused)
Willow: (thinking) You would think they would ask where everything was before attacking the ship...
OOC: Yay! I'm alive! Thanks guys!
Eruviel Greenleaf
09-01-2002, 07:30 PM
EG: Perhaps it is something else...something dangerous! We should ask the prisoner!
Ear: Good idea, Cap'n!
E XK: Who will go back and ask?
EG: Tano, go back ask her everything.
Tano: Everything? What sort of everything?
EG: Where everything is, and what's going on, anything you think might be useful!
Tano: Aye, Captain!
Tano leaps back over to the Nal to interrogate the prisoner. . .
09-03-2002, 06:30 PM
ooc: Yeah! I'm here before I'm even here! Er...alrighty then. :D
Tano scrambles over the railing of the Nal and sits down with a plop in front of the barrel of dwaaaarvish ale that Willow is tied to.
Willow: Shouldn't you be threatening me more?
Tano: How so?
Willow: Oh, you know--with a big sword or a musket or something.
Tano: Ah. D'ya want me to?
Willow: (hurriedly): No.
Tano: No, I didn't think so. Anyhow, you're stuck there, and you're going to talk no matter what, so I figured that this was more comfortable for both of us.
Willow: Um...right. Yep. Good thinking.
Tano: So. I am enjoined by my cap'n to ask you to tell us everything.
Willow: Everything?
Tano: Everything.
Willow: Well, I don't know everything...
Tano: :rolleyes: No, I meant all sorts of stuff about that merchant ship. Where everything is, what kind of stuff you're hauling, what people you've got on board, the political importance of the people on board to whatever countries you're involved with, what kind of place toasters have on board your ship, and most importantly, where the wine is.
Willow: *blinks*
Tano: The first question will do just fine for now, though.
ooc: Yeah! It's wicked to have a ship the way, is there a set number of 'a's to put in "dwaaaaaarvish ale" to make it official? :D
And, FYI: I am cut-and-pasting this to a word doc so that we can have it all when (if) we finish. It easier to start now. :)
Elfmaster XK
09-04-2002, 10:49 AM
OOC - Not really, but we could make an official number. I'd go for...7. 7 is one of my fav no's. Dwaaaaaaarvish ale! Works for me :D
And good move on the cut and paste! ;)
BTW - I wanted us to get transported to ME in the magick portal thing we find. The Nasty Anti -Tolkienites can get transported there too so we have an enemy! Well, that was just an idea :D
[on the merchant ship]
XK - Cap'n, i'm bored. Why is there no one here?
EG - I don't know.
[Brief pause, crew look around]
Eär - Cap'n, i'm bored. Where are the orcs?
EG - I don't know...[a sound from below is heard] Ooooo, wonder what that noise is. [again it is heard, a bit like a french voice taunting someone]
XK - Oh no! Not the taunts of the french.[silence] Oh, okay, perhaps that was just me.
[Time passes and the crew on the 'enemy' ship sit down.]
EG - I wonder where Tano is, and why she hasn't come back.
Eär - You don't think she's been...devoured by the prisoner do you?!?!?! [all look to thier own ship, and can see the prisoner, but not tano]
Willow Oran
09-04-2002, 05:40 PM
Meanwhile back on the pirate ship...
Willow: Which was the first question again?
Tano:(getting exasperated) Look just tell me what type of wine you have on board and where it is.
Willow: Wine... But the merchant who owns the ship is transporting different types of fabric.
Tano: What? You mean... No wine?
Willow: He doesn't allow alchohol on board. I saw some barrels of non alchoholic apple juice in the galley though.
Tano: No alchohol... well are any of the passengers of any iportance to any countries whatsoever?
Willow: None of the passengers currently on the ship are.
Tano: You aren't on the ship, are you?
Willow: Not politically. But my family runs a buisness making and selling faerie wine...
Tano: Oh really... I think thats enough questions for now, the captain is waiting for answers and she's can be quite impaitient at times.
Eruviel Greenleaf
09-05-2002, 03:03 AM
Just then, Tano sees the Captain jumping back aboard the Nal.
EG: We found Faerie wine aboard the ship! arr! 'Tis a good day indeed!
ooc: Yeah. Definitely ought to go to Middle Earth. The ship, after all, is supposed to be able to travel between worlds! :D
09-05-2002, 03:43 AM
*They haul the Faerie wine aboard and store it away for future drunkiness*
Eär:*salutes* All wine is stored away, captain.
EXK: What are your orders now?
EG: *looks thoughtful* I'd say we use the merchantship for catapult practise...
Tano: Yeay! *runs off to prepare various weapons*
EG: ... and then we'll see how our good ship the Nancelot behaves while sailing the interdimensional seas.
Eär: I'll go and check the charts and maps ma'm.
OOC: Middle earth it is :D
09-05-2002, 04:15 AM
Meanwhile, hovering around the door that led to the thing in the room (the room is not locked), BoP anxiously clutched onto her pants, as the pre-interdimensional seas did funny things to the crews pants. BoP's were turned inside out. Tano's were set aflame with a blue-ish grey-ish light. EG's were turned into pink fluffy feathers, which fell down around her ankles.
BoP risked a quick glipse into the darkened room where the thing in the room (the room is not locked) crouched in wait. Since it wasn't wearing any pants in the first place, she was greeted by the most unimaginable sight known to man (and woman, and child, and goat) .........
Eruviel Greenleaf
09-05-2002, 01:13 PM
Realizing what was happening, the Captain grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her waist like a skirt.
EG: The room (the room is locked) must be unlocked!
Ear: What can be done?
E XK: Lock the room!
Meanwhile, Tano is rolling around the floor of the deck, trying to get the flames out of her pants.
EG: I've the key! I'll go lock it!
The captain runs to go lock the room (the room is not locked) and trips on the blanket, falling flat on her face. She curses, gets up and keeps running.
09-05-2002, 02:06 PM
EXK: Quick, get a fire extinguisher!
Eär: We don't have any! We traded the last one for a cask of wine!
Tano: AAAAAIIIIEEEEEH!!*keeps rolling over floor*
EXK: Gimme a hand! *picks up Tano with the help of Eärniel and throws her overboard*
Eär:*leaning over the railing* Is that better, Tano?
Tano: *below in the water* Lots, now get me a new pair of pants.
09-05-2002, 02:18 PM
The thing in the room (the room is unlocked) was crouched in the corner, muttering to itself. It was an "it", and not a "he" or "she", because it might have been a demon....or some demons aren't male or female......hey wait, maybe it wasn't a demon. Maybe it was a hunky man, yet to be reconized (not "reconGnized" because it sounds more hectic like that (kind of like in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, when Jay says "We're Jay and Silent Bob, reconize.")). Nobody knows at this point in time, so you are advised to do away with your preconceptions, alright?
Little did the thing in the room (the room is unlocked) know that the door was slightly ajar, and BoP, clutching her pants (which were made out of wool (as was her pirate hat)), was sneaking a peek into the mysterious lair.
Thing: Skudumph Moomf....skudoomph moomph.....skoodumf moomf....<GASP> THE SCEPTRE!!!!!
Thing was surprised to find the Secret Sceptre (whose power is succeeded by only its mysteriousness) hanging between it's legs, kind of like a giant.....di-no fine, sceptre (whose power is succeeded by only its mysteriousness).
Thing: Hello.
Sceptre: Wassup?
Thing: *Supergasp* Um....heeeello?
Thing grabbed sceptre (whose power is succeeded by only its mysteriousness) with both hands (it was that big): Speak to me dammit!
Thing: Okay dude, I know you can talk. I just heard you, man! C'mon! Okay wait.
Thing thinks to itself.
Thing: Alright, maybe if I stroke you, you'll talk to me? Hmmm? Okay let me try.
Thing strokes sceptre (whose power is succeeded by only its mysteriousness).
BoP is captivated by the sight. Thing in the room (the room is unlocked) was stroking the sceptre (whose power is succeeded by only its mysteriousness) between it's legs. Yet BoP could not hear what was going on, so she crept closer to the gap...
Elfmaster XK
09-06-2002, 09:20 AM
*XK and Eär throw a lne to Tano who is grumbling about being soaked. XK hands her a towel*
Tano - Why me? Why did I get thrown overboard!
Eär - You were on fire! We were only trying to help.
Tano - Yeah...stupidgadamnfireanndthingintheroom(theroomi slocked)causingfires...*she contined to mumble as she walked away to get dry*
Eär- Can't help anyone *shakes head taking bite out of some chocolate* Well, best go look at the charts.
XK - I'll help you!
*go away to look at charts*
XK - Ooooh aren't they pretty!
Eär - Don't touch them, please.
XK - Oooooh, what does that do?
Eär - DON'T touch it please!
XK - Oooooooooooooh, this one must be really old!
Eär - *snatches paper back* Out out out! precious....
XK - Whoa...okay. Fine then, i'll just go...*snifs and exits*
Meanwhile below decks the captain is running to the room (the room is unlocked) with her key. As she reaches the room she sees a light glowing from within, and outside BoP transfixed by this light.
EG - NOOOO!!! BOP, you must not!
BoP - Light...must approach...*getting closer to going through door again*
EG - No, BoP, no, don't go towards the light!
BoP - I can't help it, it's so beautiful...*reaches for door*
EG - *just in time slams door shut and quickly locks it. BoP comes out of trance* You are saved! Now come back upon deck. We have places to sail, things to loot, and you will never go in there again.
For secretly, the captain did know of the Thing in the room (the room is now locked) before they stole Nal for she had head whisperings on the cold night air of Seattle, and these whisperings she did not like to share. It was a danger. One which if it wants can overpower the crew. Or at least it thinks so.
*BoP hears*
Thing - You will return BoP, for i talk only to you...
09-06-2002, 07:27 PM
Tano is still wet and wrapped in a towel, grumbling, as she walks to find dry clothes. She hears something talking, and sees the cap'n running, key in hand, toward a room.
Tano: Wha...? *follows cap'n to the room (the room is locked) which is currently unlocked, and sees BoP hovering on the doorstep. She peers in and sees...the Thing* What in all of Hades is THAT?
EG: You don't want to know, Tano.
Tano: Well, actually--
EG: You don't want to know.
ExK: (coming up behind) That means she doesn't want to tell you.
Tano: Oh, right. Sorry, cap'n. Cripes, that's a disgusting Thing. *wanders off to find dry clothing*
Eruviel Greenleaf
09-06-2002, 07:52 PM
As Tano leaves, EG also jumps up, runs out of the room, slamming the door behind her and locking it very thouroghly. A few moments later, Tano finds her sitting in her cabin, on her hammock, nearly hyperventilating. She looks rather green. Tano sits down on a chair, and says: okay, cap'n?
EG: I'm fine...I think I need something to drink...
Tano pours her a shot of vodka. EG drinks it quickly and says: The room (the room is locked) must never be opened.
Willow Oran
09-07-2002, 01:22 AM
(As all of this goes on the poor forgotten prisenor sits and watches in bemusement.)
Willow:(thinking) These pirates sure are disorganized...
09-07-2002, 09:03 AM
Eärniel locks her most precious maps away from eager fingers and goes on deck*
Eär:*sees bewildered prisoner* Mmmm, I forget all about her. Maybe I'll ask the captain permission to keelhaul her. *grins and knocks on EG's cabin door*
EG: Who's there?
Eär: Me.
EG: Me? Now that's a big help....
Eär: *enters* I've got a map to get to the portal, captain.
Elfmaster XK
09-07-2002, 01:43 PM
XK - *approaches prisoner with shot of whiskey* Hello?
Willow - Umm, hi. I'm kinda confused, can you untie me?
XK - No! Do you want some whiskey?
Willow - No thanks...
XK - No, you're supposed to say yes please.
Willow - But i don't like whiskey...
XK - DRINK! *Willow drinks* There. Now, in a few moments Tano is going to fire her catapult at your ship...
Willow - But then she'll never be able to use it again...
XK - Hmmm, you're smart, maybe you could join us. I'll ask the cap'n. *unties and takes Willow to captain's quarters only to find she is there with Tano, looking quite disturbed* What's wrong cap'n?
EG - Nothing. Nothing is wrong, not now the room (the room is locked) is locked. What news do you bring?
XK - Can the prisoner join the crew?
EG - If she is of use, what can you do? *all look at Willow*
Willow Oran
09-14-2002, 01:52 AM
OOC: My apoligies for the long silence friends.
Willow: Umm... I can fly when my wings aren't soaked through.
Tano: Flying is sort of useful, I think.
XK: She's a little small though, a normal sized person could probably squash her in a fight.
Willow: Obviously, if it were otherwise I wouldn't be a prisoner here would I?
Tano: On the other hand that's probably what her wings are for. You don't need to fight if you can fly away really fast.
XK: But she can't fly at all when she's wet like she is now. That can be a serious handicap when you're on a ship.
Willow: I got caught off guard when the ship turned around. Generally I have enough warning to catch myself before I hit the water. I'm not any pest, and as you said I'm too small to be a danger to you. And if you were going to kill me why did you bother rescuing me from drowning anyhow?
EG: Hmmmm.... Very well, she can stay alive for now. But if she isn't useful and gets in the way you guys can kill her.
Willow: (gulps and resolves to be as useful as she possibly can.)
Eruviel Greenleaf
09-14-2002, 03:20 AM
The assembled crew leaves to finish plundering the merchantman. EG leaves last, and as she turns to go, Willow sees her wink, a slight grin on her face.
Later, Captain Eruviel Greenleaf is in her cabin, sipping some faerie wine. There is a knock on the door.
EG: Come in.
E XK enters, polishing one of her knives.
We shall take a moment to describe the cabin. Considering it's on a ship, the room is rather spacious. On the wall to the left (if you're standing in the door, as the First Mate was at this moment) is a desk, covered in an array of charts, parchment, ink, quills, some knives and daggers, and several Altoid tins. Not full of altoids, except for one but no one (save the Captain) knows which one it is. Above the desk, three swords are hanging, quite securely fastened to the wall, though easily taken down if the Captain needs them. One is a katana, hanging horizontally above two crossed claymores. In a cabinet next to the desk is an assortment of smaller weapons, like knives and the like, as well as more charts, many books, and a crystal ball on a wooden stand. Nobody, including the captain, really knows what the crystal is for. (ooc: hint...plot for later! :D)
On the wall to the right are hung some tapestries. One depicts the Two Trees of Valinor, one the coming of the Valar and Vanyar in the War of Wrath, and one of an Unseelie wild hunt, of all things. Below these tapestries is a small, round table, set with two chairs, on which is a tray with two glasses and a decanter of Tokay (;)). On either side of the door, there is another tapestry, of Earendil ascending to the skies for the first time, and more assorted weapons: a shield, a battle axe, a morning star, a longsword and a shortsword. In one corner are the weapons the captain usually uses. In the other is a very comfortable-looking hammock, with many pillows and cushions.
The Captain, at this time, is sitting in a chair, feet up on her desk, a glass of red wine in one hand.
EG: 'allo, mate! What can I do for you?
(ooc: sorry for the long description; I felt like writing...:D)
09-15-2002, 12:52 PM
ooc" did not have any knoledge of new wine quest till I saw the post from EXK.
Sici: looks at crew of pirates) This is going to be one weird ship life.
looks at a door that seems to be locked. "I wonder whats in there?"
Tries to open door but is stopped by a crew member with a rather lerge red brocken red wine bottle in her hand.
It was a pirate elf. OKAYYYYY I knew I should have gotten of the boat when that rather stupid lady jumped overboard to get her blue necklace. Oh well as long as get some of that wine.
walks around ship and notices a feary and an elf drinking whiskey. oooo I want some!!!
Elfmaster XK
09-15-2002, 01:47 PM
XK - Mind of o sit down cap'n?
EG - Not at all, what's bothering you?
XK - *sits* Nothing really. But i think something may be bothering you. That incident with the room (the room is locked.) It wasn't right. Strange things happened, even by our standards! I was just wondering if you could tell me...what's in that room?
EG - *sighs, looking undecided* I don't know if that's a good idea.
Xk - I think the crew needs to know...well, okay, i just want to know, but if you don't tell everyone what's going on then they might just go to find out.
EG - No, the key is gone, the room is locked forever.
XK - Okay, but if you have any reason to want to explain the room (the room is locked) then i'll be in my cabin next door....*XK gets up* Oh, Eärniel is checking her charts now, we're heading for the portal.
EG - Excellent! Soon we'll be truly underway, and closer to the wine!
XK - Indeed we will. Incidentally, that sword *points* its fantastic, where did you get it?
EG - *smiles and pours a glass of wine for XK* Sit down and have a drink, it's quite a story!
*At the word story Tano, Eärniel, Willow, Sicirus and Arathorn all enter, say 'captain' and sit on the floor to hear the tale*
Eruviel Greenleaf
09-15-2002, 02:42 PM
The Captain smiles at the assembled crew, then turns to E XK and asks, 'wait, which sword?'
09-16-2002, 08:38 AM
sici: recoils* That large sword on your desk captain.
Elfmaster XK
09-16-2002, 08:38 AM
XK sheaths her own sword, now very very shiney and stand up. She walks over to the cabinet and opens it, taking out a shortsword.
XK - No not that one, this one cap'n, it's....ooooooooo.....what about that!
She leant forwards, staring at the crystal ball. She'd never noticed it before, though they hadn't been long on the Nal anyway. XK reached out to touch it when she saw a flash of red in it. She jumped back shutting the cabinet quickly.
EG - Ah, that sword!
She took it from XK, looking lovingly at it. It had helped her though tough times. And it was very very pretty. XK looked at the others then back at the crystal. No one seemed to have seen the flash as she had. She put her attention back with the cap'n and the sword, waiting for the story, but that red light as in her mind, growing, spreading through her thoughts.
OOC - Almost forgot to say to EG that the cabin description was just beautiful! :D
09-16-2002, 08:42 AM
looking at the crystal ball in the cabinet shot up the crew and my suspicion. It looked like a large Palantir. But who had the other one???
XK: Well my friends heres the story.
She seemed to be shanging the subject quite quickly. But I love a story anytime.
09-16-2002, 08:52 AM
Eär: *complete unaware of any red flashes or palantir shaped objects* Yeay! Story time! *moves from floor to softer bed and sits down on it*
EG: *smiles and strokes the sword lovingly* Ah yes... this sword. Well it all started a long time ago when I was but a wee lass in pirating....
Tano: Cool! *hands bag of chips around*
09-16-2002, 08:59 AM
*jumps onto bed with Earm and munches on some chips.*
Sici:"That is quite an attractive sword "
I looked at my weapon. I only have a dagger and a bow for now.
Ear: starts to look inpation for the story.
I agree lets get on with it.
Eruviel Greenleaf
09-16-2002, 11:48 AM
EG looks at the faces of her crew, eager for the story. She sighs, and begins...
ooc: I just wanted to post quickly here, but I don't have enough time for the story now, so I'll do that later. But please don't let anything else happen yet :)
Oh, and thanks, E XK :D
10-10-2002, 12:11 PM
The door opens, and a figure slips through trying really hard to be inconspicous. She fails.
Garina: Whoops! Sorry! By the way, did someone mention a fire extinguisher earlier? *reveals shiny red one*
*looks nervous as everyone is staring at her*
Please carry on Captain!
10-10-2002, 06:21 PM
Growing inpatient I started to do a dnace of bordom. It included rolling artound on the floor acting dead drunk with fork waving in the air.
Everything goes silent.(krikkets(sp) chirp in background)
I get up and resum my spot and starts to sing heaven by Bryan Adams.
10-10-2002, 06:29 PM
Okaaaaaay! *breaks out bottles of magic pixie drink*
Eruviel Greenleaf
10-11-2002, 05:08 AM
ooc: Sorry, guys, I kinda forgot about it and then I couldn't post for a while...and now I'm too tired to think of something...but I promise I'll write the story tomorrow :D Oh, and welcome back aboard, Garina! :D
Elfmaster XK
10-11-2002, 11:30 AM
OOC: no problem EG, i knew your computer was messed up :D And we will await the story...but, so it al makes sense with the stopping and waiting around thing...
*all jump up*
EG - What?
Gar - What?
Eär - Who?
XK - *looks around* So, so there are no crazy, demented, killer ants?
Gar - I had that dream once.
EG - Ok?
XK - Yes.
EG - So, anyway, after that we...*Sici puts up a hand*
Sici - Umm...could you sort of, start again, we fell asleep.
XK - Yeah, after the wine.
EG - So you weren't listening?
XK - You only just started, and we fell asleep. And so did you.
EG - Did not.
XK - Did. Look *points at EG's messed up desk, knocked over ink bottles and drink bottles.*
EG - Oh. Okay then. What was i telling you then?
Eär - The sword story.
EG - Right....
(OOC: There, sorted out for the impatience and that the story begins and then doesn't if you get me. Hope that makes sense :D)
Eruviel Greenleaf
10-12-2002, 02:20 AM
ooc: thanks, mate :D
EG: Well, i shall tell you the tale again, from the beginning. A long time ago--well, not that long ago, really, but long enough that i am much more experienced than i was but really don't get the idea i'm old or anything (:D)--when i was but a wee lass and had not even a year of pirating, i was sailing on the May Queen, a lovely ship, captained by the legendary Long John Arsenic (a short explanation of the name: i keep getting mixed up with the symbols for the elements silver and arsenic: Ag and As respectively :D) and i was the cabin boy-er, girl-well, i was pretending to be a boy at the time, so they could let me on the ship (silly people :rolleyes: ) and anyway, they decided to set a course following a merchant vessel headed for England, full of spices, cloth and wine, not to mention a good bit of gold. So, we followed--
Tano: So you were stalking them?
EG: Er, I suppose you could call it that.
Tano: Okay, just wondering. *she grins*
EG: we followed them for a while, at a distance...
ooc: and there i will leave it for now. more later. feel free to interrupt for questions :D
Elfmaster XK
10-12-2002, 07:12 AM
(OOC: I wrote a bit so EG wasn't left to do all the creating of the story, however, if you have your story exactly worked out tehn i'll edit it out. :D)
XK - Did you blow them up?
EG - I haven't got to that bit yet...
Tano - Oh cool, did you have big weapons? We're they sharp and pointy and...
EG - Shh! I'm telling the story. And yes, there were weapons...but anyway...
XK - (whispers) Tano, do we have anything that blows up?
Tano - I think so. *glance at each other*
XK and Tano - Cool.
EG - Since they were but a simple merchant ship they didn't notice us at first. And we were able to get close to them. Being the cabin boy, girl, whatever, they saw it fit to send me aboard alone as a kind of reconaissance mission, to see if it was worth looting. Even if it wasn't we'd probably loot it anyway :D
Eär - Did they throw you overboard?
EG - No. Well, sort of. I had to jump off the plank and they lowered me down a small boat and paddle.
XK - Why didn't they lower the boat with you in it?
EG - The captain was very mean. So anyway, i paddled to the other ship, which was by now anchored for the night as there was no wind. And i climbed up the side of the boat, watching before hauling myself up i saw this guy walking around on deck. He looked troubled, but was certainly not merchant...
XK - HA! HA HA! HE WAS A VILLAIN AND YOU FANCIED HIM! *bursts into fits of hysterical laughter, trying to say pervy...villain...fancier...*
EG - *sighs* Maybe he was a villain. Maybe not. *silence excpet for XK's convulsive laughter. Other 'shh' her so EG can continue, and eventually find giving her a drink shuts her up*
OOC: Hope that's ok EG :D
Eruviel Greenleaf
10-13-2002, 02:38 AM
ooc: is good, E XK :D
EG: so, as i was saying, i saw this man, and he didn't see me, so i hid behind the lifeboat, hoping he would go away. i watched him, and he continued to stand there, looking somewhat angst-ridden and almost pathetic, and very villanous. and no, i did not fancy him. hmph.
E XK: sure ya didn't!
EG: i didn't. definitely not my type of villain :)
E XK: right, sure, i believe ya, cap'n!
EG: if i may continue?
E XK: of course, cap'n :D
EG: thanks :D so, i watched him and then i had to sneeze, because it was very dusty beneath the lifeboat. but i couldn't, because then i would be caught, of course! but after a while i couldnt' help it, and i sneezed. he heard, and came over to the boat, and lifted it quietly. he obviously did not want to be heard! it was inevitable; he saw me. i drew my knife, but kept it behind my back so he couldn't see it. he took a hold of my arm, and asked, 'what are you doing here?' and i replied, 'one would ask the same of you! who are you? what do you want here?' and he gave a me an odd look, and said nothing. so i drew my knife and said if he did not tell me, i would kill him. he laughed at me and we got in to a bit of a quiet scuffle. in the end, i had the knife against his throat and he was rather bruised. of course, so was i but i had the power there. he admitted that he was a pirate, and doing just as i was! scouting out the ship for treasure! so i said, 'look ye here, ye crazy fool! i am the cabin boy of this ship, and you're going to the captain now!' 'silly boy,' says he, 'i know just what you're about! you want to plunder the ship same as i!' and then i was a bit stuck, neh?
ooc: and i don't know what's going to happen, yet...:eek:
Elfmaster XK
10-13-2002, 08:06 AM
OOC:Heh heh, i felt like being annoying :D It's not like everyone can be called a villain fancier :D
XK - *giggles*
EG - What?
XK - Nothing *innocent smile*
EG - Tell me.
XK - Not your type of villain, puh-lease
EG - I may have to hit you if you don't shut up.
XK - Only becuase you won't admit you're a pervy villain fancier :D*THWACK!* OW!!!
*crew laugh*
EG - *laughs* I didn't realsie my spyglass was such a good weapon...
Tano - Ooooooh, weaponry *tries to snatch spyglass*
XK - *dizzy looking* Who am i?
10-14-2002, 04:22 AM
Eär: *sighs* Ah, I like romantic stories....
EG: *wacks Eärniel on the head with the spyglass* Look, I never said I fancied him! (not yet anyway)
Eär: *lying nearly senseless on the floor with tiny purple dragons flying around her head, singing tweet-tweet-tweet* Got it.
EG: Good.
10-14-2002, 11:00 AM
Garina: We seem to have come to a pause in the story. Food will shortly be served by the tame gerbils.
Elfmaster XK
10-16-2002, 11:00 AM
XK - *glances at Garina* You let rodents on my beautiful ship!!!
EG - *coughs*
XK - I mean, Cap'n Eruviel's beautiful ship?
Gar -, cheesecake?
Eär - Is it chocolate?
Gar - *rummages in a handy box of food*
EG - A glass of wine would be good also. :D
10-16-2002, 11:19 AM
Garina: Don't worry, they're well trained.
We don't have wine remember? That would be the point of the quest.
*rummages in pockets*
Ok, we have: miruvor, dwarvish ale, magic pixie drink, and various alcopops, but no wine. What would people like?
10-16-2002, 08:25 PM
ooc: I am a deranged wolf. Right?
ic: Sici: No wine. Are you elves nuts.
OH rodents. *chases highly trained rodents into frenzy.*
Everyone:screams as the rodents start to skudder around their feet.
Garina:*stuffs wolf with pixie drink and throws him in the closet. "Well that takes care of that. Drinks anyone?
Willow Oran
10-17-2002, 12:50 AM
(sits quietly in the corner wondering just how she managed to end up here...)
Willow(to herself): All I wanted to do was get home. I didn't ask to fall overboard, I just wanted to get home to see my family again and now I'm probably going to be stuck with these crazy alchoholics for who knows how long!
Garina: Hey you in the corner! Wanna drink?
Willow: Drink- what? No! No drinks... I'm lost, I'm confused, and I have no idea what on earth I'm doing here!
Tano: All the more reason to drink. Anyway I thought faeries liked wine.
Willow: I don't. Do you have any idea how hard it is to fly straight when you're drunk? It's almost as incapitating as being soaking wet. What happened to the story? I liked the story. It was nice and quiet when she was telling the story.
Earniel: I think she's starting to go a little hysterical, she really needs a drink...
Willow(curls up in a ball and starts rocking back and forth in a manner that suggests she is going insane): Meeble...
Elfmaster XK
10-17-2002, 05:33 AM
Xk - *approaches Willow* It's okay, the cap'n will start the story again. We were just interupting and mocking her :D
EG - Ahem! I am here you know.
Eär - Have some pixie wine!
EG - Ooohh...
Sici - And then we can hear the rest of the tale before night fall.
XK - It's already fell.
Eär - You're really not funny when you're not drunk.
XK - I know, it's rather sad.
*all look back to the cap'n, who is sitting on her desk, a look of deep contemplation across her face as the candlelight flickers and dances around the room.*
XK - She fancied him.
10-25-2002, 05:37 PM
Eär: *puts hands above her head in a defensive manner* It wasn't me who said that! It wasn't me! Don't hit me! *points to XK* It was her!
EG: *missed the whole thing because she was in deep contemplation* Mmmmm?
Eär: *goes back to normal* Oh, nothing.
XK: You were just about to continue the story, cap'n.
10-30-2002, 10:55 AM
hello!! can I join?
Ill be a drunk nutter who keeps breaking bottles over peoples heads for no reason! I can either be just a crew guy!! or the navigator if you dont allredy have one!!
please reply if I can join!
oh my name can be zavron or just zavvy the drunken B*st*rd!! (thats easy enough)
heres an Idea about when I can come in on the story, if i am of course, maybe at a port in a tavern?
I guess my character would kinda resemble Jack from
"DRINKKK!!!!" "AR*E!!" "FE*K!!!" "JUGS!!!" " GIRLS!!"
I even have a catch phrase when IM emenseley DRUNK
"err... aahhh... drink!!....errr wanna com bak oo mi place!!!hehehehe!"
11-07-2002, 02:59 PM
a sudden voice '' land ahoy!!!!''
ear: '' damn!!'' '' to the deck!!!''
the ship bumps into a port everybody gets thrown forward!!!!
11-07-2002, 05:02 PM
Occ: zavron!, i'm surprised at you , taking over these*snickers into sleev*nice *hoohahaha!*peoples RPG,
Ic: voice: false alarm,its a whale, that can talk(me ;) ) *dubble take* A WHALE THAT CAN TALK!,*muttering* oh, well moma said thered be days like this
11-07-2002, 05:09 PM
well i am a person in this ive still soon got to be in it ive also ressurected this rpg from the dead, and the person who was continuing the story computer has broken so she can't do anything so i was continuing it!!
Willow Oran
11-07-2002, 09:33 PM
OOC: Zavron, you're welcome to join if you wish, (and if the rest of the crew members agree,) But if you do so, please do it in a pluasible, grammatically correct, and polite manner. Myself and most of the crew members are, (as far as I know,) not very fond of people who barge into a story line with no logical explanation for their being there, and with a post that is impossible to read because of the bad spelling ad grammar. That goes for you're friend as well. Bumping into a ramdom port when we were at open sea a moment ago and then having it randomly become a talking whale is not pluasible in this story line. I'm sorry if that offends you, but it isn't. If you want to join, think about it and develop a really good reason and way of doing so before posting. We would greatly appreciate it. And now back to the story.
Eruviel: I know you didn't say it. XK said it. I think that we have been distracted by this story long enough there will be time to tell it in fuller detail later on when we have found our wine!
Tano: What? You're just going to leave it hanging? Come on Captain, you can't do that!
Eruviel: I can and I will. A little suspense never hurt anyone.
Willow: Where are we going?
Eruviel: There's a nice little strait somewhere around here that's great for ambushes. We'll head there. Everyone, to your posts!
OOC2: Sorry about cutting off the story in the middle but the thread was moving far too slowly. This should get it moving and it'll leave a chance to tell the story later on.
11-08-2002, 03:43 AM
the thread starter allready knows who i am and i am not barging its just that the person who was continuing the story computer has broken and i think i deserve a little credit for awaking this thread from the dead.
11-08-2002, 08:19 PM
ooc: Brownie points then....but you get MORE brownie points if you awaken it from the dead with plausability and grammar. Say Hi to EG for me!
Tano: *goes off to polish her cannons, grumbling about the cap'n*
11-08-2002, 11:56 PM
Sici: No story! *pouts* *walks away joining Tano with polishing*
*both grumble*
11-09-2002, 04:14 AM
OOC: *pets Zavron on the head for reviving this thread* Good boy! But remember there is one navigator on the Nal and it's me. :)
Eär: Oh well, we'll get the story out from her on another time when she's too drunk to notice. Which will doubtlessly happen in the near future....* goes back to map room to find the small strait the captain wants to go to.*
11-09-2002, 07:12 AM
ooc: sorry earniel but the thread starters said i could have the job.:( :( :(
11-09-2002, 01:31 PM
OOC: That's odd, since I've been handling maps from the beginning of this thread. Oh well, I guess the Nal isn't worse off with two navigators. Unless you find yourself a position that you like better, of course.
11-09-2002, 01:58 PM
tell me when to come in you can find me in a grid!!:D :p
11-12-2002, 05:47 PM
occ: sorry sorry sorry sorry:( :( !!! ithought that zavron had just butted in and nobody had said any thing and i thought that some one should say some thing and nobody posted for a couple of days and so i just kinda put that whale in there for fun to add some humor and then you said that it was ok for what zavron did and said that what i did was bad :confused: :confused: and im sorry (hyperventalats) and im sorry about misspelling hyperventalates
btw:i really would like to join:o :o :o :o
Willow Oran
11-12-2002, 09:36 PM
OOC: Oh dear, I suppose I was a little harsh on the two of you. The lecture was addressed to both of you. I wasn't mad, just mildly annoyed. It's fine if you join, just try to be aware of grammer, spelling and plot continuity please. But this is more for the discussion thread. On to the story.
(Willow stands confused as everyone disperses to attend to their duties. Seeing Tano and Sicirus pass by she jogs to catch up and walk alongside Tano)
Willow: Excuse me, I'm new and I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to be doing. Can you help me?
11-13-2002, 03:24 AM
Tano: If by help you mean put to work, sure.
Willow: Er...
Tano: Can you wield a rag and polish?
Willow: Um...
Tano: Good. *throws extra rag at her* We're shining up the weapons.
Willow: Why?
Tano: So they'll be shiny. Why else?
Willow: *mutters* And here I thought there was going to be logic onboard...
Tano: Logic? Ha! What makes you think that? There's no logic on the Nal...*grins* At least not often.
11-14-2002, 08:52 PM
Sici: Who was that?
Tano: Oh just a new crew member.
Sici: Put them to work?
Tano: Yep.
Sici: Gotta get those weapons nice and shiny so we can blind the people who stole our wine.
Sici: Sings*just a spoonfull of sugar help the med...*
Tano:*backs away towards other working station.*
11-15-2002, 01:17 PM
Tano: You're singing THAT? Honestly...*begins to belt out, at the top of her lungs:* LET'S GO FLY A KITE! UP TO THE HIGHEST HEIGHT!...
Sici: Er...
Tano: *grins*
11-15-2002, 04:05 PM
zavron was in a bar getting drunk as usual!! and swaying on his usual chair in the usual bar and then fell off and fell asleep. *loud snores*
i woke to find myself in a brand new day and in a brand new gutter!
throws up into gutter.
zavron: ''AINT SHINY NO MORE!!''
staggers off into the docks and falls of into the sea,
at that point starts to sink in water.
zavron: ''OOOHH!!! FISH!!!''
11-20-2002, 05:15 AM
Meanwhile in some forgotten ale-drenched corner (not just any type of ale, DWARRRRRVISH ALE!), a trembling figure arises and attempts a tune...
Arathorn: "A one, two, a one two three and...oh my aching head..."
The bard drops back, hits his head on a post and falls unconscious once again...
11-20-2002, 12:52 PM
ooc: oy arathorn I'm thedrunken crazed idiot around here!!!:mad: Unless you'd like to join me!:D :D
Zavron: ''What do you *hick* do with a drun- *hick*-ken sailo-*hick*-r!!!! EARL-*hick*-Y IN THE MORNING!!!''
''ooohheeeyyyy!!! what a pretty ship!!! NOT!!!, Lets go ceck it out!! *hick*''
11-21-2002, 07:05 AM
ooc: Cool a talking whale.:D
Sici: *sees talking whale and stopes job to Tona's great anger.*
Tano: We must keep working Sis if we are to finish the canons to show to our enimies so they don't know they don't work.
Sici: They don't work?
Tano: Um...:confused: I guess not.
Sici: Walks over to whale. hello?
Whale(or what ever your name is going to be) Huh?
Sici:*grumbles* never mind. sees drunken sailors then grabs some dwarfish ale and starts to drink. *dazed look*
When I see an elephant... no.. Whale fly.
11-22-2002, 02:51 PM
Max:Call me Max, can I have some of that ale? I haven't had a drink since, um, a while.
11-22-2002, 06:28 PM
Eär: *walks outside holding a map* I found that sea strait that the captain wan... Sicirus, who are you talking to?
Sici:*downs another glass of dwarfish ale* A whale.
Eär: Whales don't talk. Every sober person know that.
voice coming from the sea below the ship: No, they do.
Eär: No, they don't.
Sici: Who are you talking to now eh?
Eär: Hmpf. *walks off*
Willow Oran
11-24-2002, 08:06 PM
(Because of there being no logic on board, Tano had not used logical thought when telling Willow to shine weapons. Had she remebered to used logical thought she would have remembered just how faeries react to sharp, pointy, and above all iron, objects.)
Willow: (looks at the array of iron weapons in the room Tano had indicated) Damn, I wonder if there are any gloves around here... Really thick gloves.... (decides to see if anyone else on the ship has a pair and tries the door, unfortunately the door has mysteriously gotten stuck leaving her stuck in a room full of iron objects.) Uh, oh...
OOC: She's having a hard time adjusting to this ship isn't she?:) Poor faerie, can't stand iron...
11-25-2002, 05:40 PM
talks to whale some more.
Sici: So how is sea life?
Whale: Very nice exept the d*** polution.
Sici: Any ale down there or maybe wine?
*gives hopeful look*
Whale : Er.... No Sorry.
Sici: Dang
Ear: Do you know of any island we can find the wine?\
Whale: Sure there an island cald treasure island were wine obsesive tree elves live.
Sici: Yay
Eruviel Greenleaf
11-27-2002, 04:13 AM
ooc: the captain is back!!! :D and she's in an awful mood, so watch out...*evil grin* oooh, this is going to be fun to write...:)
In her cabin, the captain sighs, and continues to polish one of her many daggers, and sips her wine. Hearing ceaseless commotion outside, she gets more and more annoyed. finally she gives up sipping wine from a glass, and takes a swig from the bottle. (it's a fine merlot, and, unbeknownst to the snarky captain, the last of the wine aboard the ship)
after a while she puts down the dagger and finishes off the bottle. (she had been keeping this wine secret from the rest of the crew, excepting her first mate. now they really were out of wine.) the noise outside of talking whales and so on is annoying to her but she goes to her cabinet and reaches for another bottle. she finds plenty of rum and brandy and vodka and even sake, but no wine. she finds every sort of alcohol she could wish for except for wine. she realizes the wine is gone.
n-no wine?
now the quest becomes more important than ever. she yells for the second mate (ooc: Earniel is the only navigator aboard this ship. sorry, zavron, but the captain has spoken. but i'm sure we can find another job for you :))
meanwhile, Earniel is engaged in a conversation with Sicirus about the island. . .
and that is all for now, because i am tired and just spent a long time in a car talking very fast the entire time about random things in hopes that my mother would stay awake long enough to get us back home safely...not that i was worried :D
oh, and by the way, for future reference, if you want to join, post something about your character on the discussion thread first and think of a PLAUSIBLE way to join the crew, or whatever. things don't necessarily make sense aboard the Nal but before you get there, they do. :)
11-27-2002, 04:47 AM
Eär: Obsessive tree elves? Why do all the elves we meet have to have some obsession? I mean, do I look obsessive?
Sici: *wants to make comment about chocolate but instead takes another sip* You? Nah!
Eär: Thought so. *hears the captain bellowing* Oopsie, duty calls! *runs to captain and salutes* Yes, ma'm?
Eruviel Greenleaf
11-27-2002, 05:46 AM
earniel finds the captain sitting back in her chair, looking extremely stressed out and furiously polishing an already very shiny longsword.
EG: (sounding very panicked) we must find wine! and right away! know you of any place where we might find wine?
Ear: i know a place--there is a port town just south of here with a fine inn with very fine wine
EG: is it human wine or elven wine?
Ear: human, but only the best human wine in the world!
EG: then we will go there! now!
Earniel jumps in the air, salutes, and goes out the door to ready the crew.
Mean the captain sighs and wonders if she'll ever find good elven wine again.
the next day, the Nal arrives at the port city of Port (they were famous for their port. and they are a port. er.) where the captain immediately leads an expedition to the nearest inn, where, upon entering the building, she walked right into a very drunk Zavron.
EG: excuse me, sirrah! watch where you're going!
As she says this, she draws her knife, being in a very violent mood. (ooc: this happens to me occasinally....last time i ended up slicing a commoner in half. but no worries :D)
ooc: there you go Zavron, now convince me you should be taken aboard! :D
Elfmaster XK
11-27-2002, 09:38 AM
(Ooc - Oops, this is my fault. Sorry, i was away a while and it appears i created an argument. Nevermind. It's sorted now, and welcome back cap'n!!!)
Oh, and Zavron, we're all drunken idiots on this ship. So i'm afraid you don't have exclusive rights to being drunk!:p
I'm just taqking us out the way...:D
XK - Er, cap'n, perhaps we shoul...
EG - No, stay back. This is between him and I, and anyone who interferes, be it on their head what happens.
XK - *glances at crew and decides due to cap'ns mood to let her alone* Come on then. *all follow XK to the bar*
Willow Oran
11-27-2002, 06:11 PM
Willow(still stuck in the weapons room): Umm.... a little help here. Please! Someone help!
11-27-2002, 08:26 PM
Tano: *pokes head in* Yo, Willow, we're at port. Going to get some wine. Come on.
Willow: eep?
Tano: Oh, come on...*grabs Willow by the wrist and drags her off the ship*
11-29-2002, 08:03 PM
And Suddenly, A ninja leaps out of no where, wield a really big sword and crying:
Tano: *Dryly* Hello, Human.
Human: Hey, how'd you guess?
11-30-2002, 02:37 AM
Tano: You're a little hard to miss. And to disguise. Wanna join up? You'll have to ask the captain....but she probably won't mind. Much.
Eruviel Greenleaf
11-30-2002, 02:54 AM
Meanwhile, the Captain, while waiting for a response from the drunk Zavron, hears the Ninja-Human Pie. Turning momentarily, she says...
EG: Yes, you may join. Wow, this crew is getting big. . .:)
11-30-2002, 05:00 AM
Eär: Yes, and that means more people to share the wine with.
EG: *looks very distraught at that idea*
EXK: Don't worry, cap'n. We'll just steal more wine!
Sici: Exactly! *fills up the glasses again*
11-30-2002, 06:18 AM
zavron: Hello is anyone on board!!!
several elves whisk past attacking a ninja.
zav: Your busy now so I'll come back later!!!*hick*
trips up and lands on ninja.
zav: Whoops!! Sorry mr ninja guy!!
ninjas walks around in a daze and falls over board.
Jumps overboard.
ear: He is an Idiot!! *smile spreads across her face* I like him he's an honourary crew member allready!
11-30-2002, 12:58 PM
Ninja: *Gasps* Unhand me, you dishonorable FIEND! *Begins to smite zavron in the head with fist*
*Zavron still is trying to recues the rather putout ninja as he continues to beat him*
Ninja: *whining* it's not working!
Zavron: O' course not! Yar hittin' me in da head!
12-01-2002, 11:16 AM
ooc: Here is a pirae elf illustrated by Brokehorn.
12-01-2002, 11:59 AM
*zavron continuosly gets beaten over the head by the Ninja*
zavron: Fine I'll put ya bak in a wa'er!!!
ninja: Wait!!!
*dumps Ninja back over board*
zavron: There!!
12-03-2002, 02:10 AM
OOC: Humor me, the sword wielding, hyper acitve, hair triggered Human, and call me Ninja
*leaps out of water, misses the boat completely and lands in the water on the other side.*
Willow: As impressive as that was, don't we have some wine to find?
12-03-2002, 05:07 PM
max: Get off me! Its not everv day a ninja lands on your head. Unless you are my uncle Borris now there is an interesting fellow...*muses to self and continues babbling*
ninja: talking whale!
max: call me max, as i was saying my uncle Borris...
ninja: shut up you annoying...HAYYIA!!
max: and this one time...OWW! that wasent very nice! back on board with you.*uses blowhole(tm) to throw ninja back on board.
12-03-2002, 08:42 PM
Watches crazy possest ninja kick whale.
Sici: Wowe the talking whale shot the ninja back on board. So continue aboput your uncle Borris.
Max: Well he ate a horrible peice of soggy matza once and never wanted to see....
Ninja: How dare you talking mammal(sp).
Sici: *tries to dodge out of way for ninja's second attack. but gets hit.* Help I'm drowning. Help... wait I can swim. Ahhh mermaids!
Ear: *sighs* pathetic!
Elfmaster XK
12-04-2002, 11:20 AM
OOC - I hate to be annoying...wait, love it. But nevermind that. Can we please get some coherence back into the story. Logic is not a problem, i can handle idiocy, thats fine, but somehow, it must all make sense. And currently it is not doing so. So, i am going to try and straighten events out. To make sense.
XK - *taps cap'n on shoulder.* I think we should probably call a group meeting on board ship.
EG - Aye, *puts sword away and looks at rest of crew, talking to a whale and playing jump ship*
The cap'n and her first mate head back to the ship, still in port in the town of Port, with a bottle of Port in hand. Neh, they mentally decide to pick up the wine later.
XK - You know, perhaps we should plan our excursions before we actually make them cap'n.
EG - Aye, a good idea. But that wouldn't work. Spontinaeity [sp] is something a pirate needs.
XK - Guess so.
On reaching the ship, XK grabs Sici out of the water. She spits wwater all over the captain, who scowls and draws her dagger.
Eär - I'll take that cap'n *she snatches the knife and pockets it, calming her*
XK slings Sici on deck, and Eär and XK pull Zavron, and Ninja aboard. Zavron sits on deck, swaying, while Ninja puts up a fight.
Ninja - YA! YA! HIIIIIIIIIIYA! *takes a flying kick at the cap'n, who pulls a rope and a piece of wood holding up the sail smacks Ninja square on the head* Yaaaarrroowwww...*collapses*
Eär - Okay, that seems about it. Max, i'm afraid you can't fit on board, being a whale and all.
Max - Okay, i'll just wait here then.
EG, XK and Eär drag the rest of the crew into the drawing room. XK places the Port on the table on top of some blueprints and Eärniel squeals, grabbing the maps and prints and stuffing them in a cupboard.
Eär - Mustn't spill on my maps. Sea elves are quite possessive too you know, XK.
XK - Eep, sorry. *Picks up Port*
Eär - I moved them, you can put it down.
XK - Oh no, i wpouldn't want to leave a ring mark on desk.
Eär - *glares* Not my fault the desk is dirty. The ship was stolen you know!
EG - SILENCE! *everyone goes quiet as EG paces in front of them twirling yet another knife in her hands. The crew barely had time to ponder where she got all these knives when she spoke again, and sternly* Sit. *They did* Now, i want you all to know something. This ship is on a mission. We have wine to find. Our quest is clear. We must find the Holy Wine, or die trying. Now i want to make it perfectly clear right now, i am the captain and you do as i tell you. If i say we go to port. *XK puts a hand up*
XK - Er, ma'am? Port, or port?
EG - *growls and smacks XK round the face* IT DOESN'T MATTER! Do not interrupt me when i am talking seriously. If i say we go, we go, if i assign you a duty, you do it. If you are not part of the landing scout group, you stay aboard the ship. Some of you have been with me a long time. Fist mate, second mate, Tano, are my senior crew. If you cannot find me, go to one of them. XK is First Mate, and therefore has control when i am not here. If she orders you to do something, do it. Same for Eärniel and Tano if they are in charge. This quest is something we have been striving for for a long time. We know what we are doing, and even if we don't we have been sailing a lot longer than you. Do not presume to think you can take over. Our crew has grown, and new members you must be assigned a position. Zavron, i want you to be assistant navigator. I'm sure Eärniel could use someone else with the star charts if nothing else. Willow, i do not believe you have been assinged a task?
Willow - *tentatively* Uh, no ma'am...
EG - You shall be our resident healer.
BoP - But I am the Doctor!
EG - No. You are a psychiatric doctor. You help, or hinder, our mental state.
BoP - But...
Elfmaster XK
12-04-2002, 11:22 AM
EG - *brandishes dagger* Do not argue with me, or you will be in the Brig for insubordination! I tolerate a lot from you lot, but i want it clear this time! *silence* Good. Ninja-Human_pi...thing. Ninja! NINJA!
Ninja - Wha...who...when...
Ninja - You are our parole officer. In charge of the Brig. Understand?
Nin - Ya..
EG - No more of this ninja attack business with the crew or i will kill you myself. MMMMAAAAAAXXXXX!!!!!
Max - I can hear you.
EG - You can help us avoid trouble at sea. It's hard to give a whale a position.
Max - Okay.
EG - Right. Now, i want a land party to come ashore with me in search of this human wine, best human wine before i go insane and kill someone. XK, Eärniel, Sicirus, and Zavron come with me. Everyone else stay aboard until called for. Tano, you are in charge. Make them polish your torture implents for a while. Oh, except Willow. She hates Iron. Let her, i don't know, sew some new robes or something. Follow me troop. And Ninja, don't go in the room (the room is locked) by accident. It's left from the Brig. I mean it!
Everyone followed sombrely out of the room and went to their respective duties. Tanoliel stood at the bow of the ship, watching the cap'n row out to land with her four chosen scouts. She saw the dark circles under the cap'n's eyes, and the perpetual frown upon her brow. Something was very wrong, and the cap'n was loathe to tell anyone. She leant against the mast and sighed. This journey wasn't going to be as fun as it had first seemed, though the end result would be worth it, if they ever got there.
Willow - Tano?
Tano - What? Willow?
Willow - What's wrong?
Tano - Nothing. Just thinking. Come on, lets go and show the others how to polish...don't worry, i won't make you touch any iron.
Willow - Okay.
Right. Now, go for it. Pleeeeeeease try to keep coherence in the story. I hope that has sorted some things out. Just because we have gone to land and you haven't doesn't matter. Try to keep each bit separate though. And can we get some better grammar and spelling going too. I realise you are all going to hate me (except tano, eärniel and willow who like good spelling) for this, but i only want to improve the story. Thank you.
12-04-2002, 02:04 PM
OOC: *sighs happily* god, I love a coherent story line.... ;)
Eär: Er... captain?
EG: Shut up and row.
Eär: What?
EG: *plays with very sharp looking knife* I said shut up and row. The sooner we get a drink, the happier I'll be.
Eär: *whispers to XK* Don't tell me she's having withdrawal effects again. She's always that scary when she's low on booze. I thought we agreed to keep always a good supply of alcohol aboard to stop that from happening.
XK: *whispers back* Yeah, I know but what do you want? We're drunken elven pirates! We never manage to keep a good supply of any alcohol on board.
EG: *throws knife that hits the wood between Eärniel and Elfmaster with a menacing thud. The first and second mate shut up immediatly.* Thank you.
Eär: *swallows and starts rowing harder*
XK: *tries to count the knives the captain still has, fails to do so and starts rowing harder too*
*Within minutes they reach land.*
12-04-2002, 02:30 PM
zav: let's go exploring!!!
*starts doing titanic film impression at the front of the ship, falss off*
zav: Arghhhh!!
*max catches him and blows him back on the ship*
ear: What the Hell are you doing!!
* zavron blushes and stares down at floor*
zav: Just doing a...err...Titanic, Impression.
ear: Well stop it!! Its silly! and we definitely don't do silly things on board this ship!!*man suddenly appears from no where, walks on the ship and slips onto a Banana and slides overboard* strange that's never happened before......Oh well!! Now come with me, we need to sort out some maps!!
12-04-2002, 02:41 PM
OOC: Er..... zavron? Did you read the previous posts at all? I don't think so.
12-04-2002, 02:55 PM
ooc: Yeah I did. What about it?
12-04-2002, 06:43 PM
OOC: Well I doubt it since you would have noticed then that we were no longer on the ship.
Willow Oran
12-04-2002, 09:40 PM
Meanwhile back on the ship it is fairly quiet for a change. Tano has assigned everybody to polishing duties and except for the low murmur of the waves against the ship it was silent. Alas, this was not to last long...
12-04-2002, 10:03 PM
OOC: *Shame-faced* Sorry. Seems my character has gotten alittle out of control....I will try very hard not to do flying Ninja style attacks...on any one in the crew...
Ninja is in the brigg, which is damp, dark and slimy.
Ninja: *talking to self.* What were you thinking?! A whale isn't worth the tarnshing of you Honor! Sould have committed seppuku out of shame, but I suppose brigg duty is better....I shall have to work extra hard inorder to resort my Honor!
*Whips out shurkien and begins to stalk through the brigg. However the brigg turned out to be completely emtpy....*
Ninja: Oh poop.
But then, Ninja spies a large slimy covered door with "Do not open under pain of death!" written on it.
Ninja: Oooohhh...*pokes* Hmm. *Pokes harder* Gargh! *Pushes* Yar!!! *Pushes really hard* HIYA!!!!! *Ninja kicks door*
Ninja: ....
*Pulls on door handle. The door swings open easy as a shurkien siniking into wood, and a yellow light streams out*
Ninja: Wow. Is that...I never seen anything so beautiful in all of my life!
*Light changes to a red as a loud scream of some great bird slowly rises to a creshendo (Sp)*
Ninja: AGH!!!!!!!! *Slams door behind himself and locks it, leaning against it* Well, that might cause of the sign... *Feels the unmistakble tremble of a ship running ashore.*
Ninja: Oooh! *Bounds up to the top deck to see what's going on*
12-05-2002, 10:20 AM
ic: We hit land.
Sici: Yay we made it.*Hops up in down in hiper motions.(tht made no since.)
ooc: Am I an elf?(Yeh I think so)
Sici: so were shall we start?
EG: we shall start with that large cliff over there with the river flowing around it. Wheres the map? *looks back at XK*
XK: right here cap't. * waves very old map in the air that was found on the ship*
EG: good. Lets be off then.
Sici: starts to sing bottles of wine but is given an evil look of death from captain and shuts up.
12-05-2002, 01:14 PM
ooc: At the time of the reply we hadn't hit land, so how do you expect us to not be on the ship when were in the Middle of the sea? Eh earniel?
12-05-2002, 06:14 PM
OOC: In XK's post we left in a rowing boat and that's the last thing I'm going to say about it.
Elfmaster XK
12-06-2002, 11:59 AM
OOC - OOC: *Shame-faced* Sorry. Seems my character has gotten alittle out of control....I will try very hard not to do flying Ninja style attacks...on any one in the crew...
That's okay Human. :D And just so you know, cap'n will flay you alive for even trying to go in the room (the room is locked.) For the benefits of our newest members of the crew...the thing, in the room (the room is locked) is a remnant from our old thread. You do not go in the room, (the room is locked) ever. The thing, in the room (the room is locked) will come out when he does, but you will not see him unless he so desires. Etc etc. Now, no one else go in for the safety of the story. Okay. :D Just as long an Ninja doesn't attck the crew, you're fine Human!
*sigh* Indeed, Eärniel is correct. We were on a rowing boat, not the Nal. I just want to say i hope everyone read the cap'n's speech. It was fairly pointed and entirely serious, despite the fact it was softened by my own bizarre form of humour. So. Here we go. This is last i hope to hear of this disagreement.
Sici - As far as i know, Tano is the only hobbit, and Willow a faerie, but everyone else (c'ept the thing, in the room (the room is locked)) is elvish.
The captain looked at the landscape before her. It was dark now, and she was unsure of her way around this large port town of Port. She looked to her crew mates, to see Eärniel snatching her map out of XK's hands. It seemed she didn't want anyone else to touch such treasured items. XK let her be. Perhaps the cap'n had been a bit harsh by smacking her across the face. She might have damaged that last bit of brain XK hadn't already erroded with alcohol. She sighed.
EG - Eärniel? Which way shall we go?
Eär - Hmm, i think...
Zavron - West, arr, let's go west!
Eär - *gives him The Look™* Ahem, you do the star charts. These maps are by sea elves. I'm the only one who can read them. *grins smugly* We go North East cap'n.
The cap'n nods, and starts off NE. The crew follows quietly.
EG - Follow me in single file. Be as quiet as possible, we don't know what we may encounter.
XK - Psst. Eärniel. *Second mate drops back* This might be something more than simply a lack of alcohol.
Eär - You think? I suspected so. It's...since the incident with, in the room (the room is locked.) Remember, when you went in. Since then she's been acting funny. She knows more than we...
She stopped. The cap'n had disappeared.
Sici - Ooh, look, a mushroom!
XK - Shh! Wait here. *wanders off with Eärniel*
Sici - Hmmph! Nice of them to bugger off and leave us eh, Zav?
Zav - We don't need them!
Sici - Oi! She said wait here!
Zav - I'm only going to get a better view of the...*stops in his tracks*
Sici - What...*From behind the stony wall of the outskirts of the town three tall, white wolves appear. All growling furiously* Run?
At that point three things happened. Cap'n Eruviel and her senior crew jumped out of the trees to grab the other two crew members, the wolves lunged, and three spears were thrown from high upon the wall. The wolves lay dying below. The elves jumped out of the tree and the guards of Port came to meet them.
Guard one - Fred's mi name, an' who might you lot be?
EG - We are travellers. We have landed here for supplies. We have much to barter with.
Fred - Hmmph. Okay then. You might take more care over the indiginous life next time then. Go ahead.
The crew stalked past Fred and his friends and into a local bar. Sici suddenly felt an intense pain in her arm, the shock had led her to fail to notice she had been slashed in the right arm by the claws of the lead wolf. Her vision was bluring and she felt very sick. She leant forward and grabbed the nearest table.
Eär - Sici?
Sici - I...I...*the world swam before her eyes and she collapsed*
XK - *glances at Eärniel* What happened?
The cap'n steps forward and with the help of XK they place Sici on the table. She leans closer, and whispers
EG - Poison.
Duh duh duh! No, i'm not killing you sici! Don't worry. :D
12-06-2002, 12:07 PM
ooc: You're not making this clear, Xk. I never read anything about we getting into a rowing boat, and in your last reply I never read anything about getting of a boat, also What table? nobody mentioned that there was a forest a table and wall on a beach, please would you tell me when you go from one scene to another. And by the way Ear I'm a sea-elf too.
Elfmaster XK
12-06-2002, 12:38 PM
OOC - NO MORE OOC HERE! tALK ABOUT/ARGUE ABOUT IT ON THE DISCUSSION THREAD. Zavron, i have answered your questions there. Thank you all.
12-06-2002, 12:43 PM
ooc: xk, you need to make these things clearer, not by describing the scene from snipets of what other peoplesay, you need to describe it yourself.
12-06-2002, 02:07 PM
Sici: Staring blankley at the ceiling I felt the hot pain in my armencrease from were the blasted wolf cut me. What kind og was that. I thought to myself before blanking out into darkness.
I awoke in a soft white bed with a cast around my now numb arm. The rest of the crew sat in a corner talking about what to do about the quest and searching over the elvish map.
Ear: *points to a spot on the map and shows it to the captain. hte captian nods then starts to drink froma large mug of clear liquid that Sici could only guess to be wine. The rest of the crew played around with some freshly picked mushrooms and wine.
12-06-2002, 03:47 PM
OOC: Don't worry, Sicirus, that happens to the best of us. :) I believe there is a possibility to delete posts if you edit them.
XK: *looks up* Hah Sicirus, you're back!
EG: That was a nasty cut, crewwoman. You'll get an extra bottle of wine when we find it.
Eär: Here, have a drink. *hands Sicirus a glass*
Sici:*sniff the drink and looks strangely at Eärniel* Are you trying to kill me? There's no alcohol in it!
Eär:*hits forehead* How silly of me! *hands Sicirus a glass of cider*
Elfmaster XK
12-06-2002, 05:10 PM
XK unwraps the bandage and looks at the cut on Sicirus' arm. It seems the bleeding has stopped.
EG - I just hope that the anti-dote works.
Sici - *scared* The..anti-dote?
XK - Indeed, that was no ordinary wolf. It was a Karagg. They have poison on their claws to help with struggling prey. Or so i was told.
Sici - *puts a hand on head* Where am i?
Zav - *Enters carrying a pile of cloth* Hospital. Look, the people in the pub would not barter for these goods.
EG - Well then, you will go to market.
Zav - MARKET! I want to go to the pub!
XK - Fine! We shall go to market! Come on Eärniel! *grabs fabrics and they exit*
EG - Sicirus, can you stand?
Sici - I...think so.
EG - Then we shall get you back to the ship. Hopefully we will then be able to get under way once those two get back with the supplies.
Meanwhile, back on board the Nal, Tanoliel had been happily polishing her weapons. That lasted for the first day. Though Sicirus had not realised it, she had been unconcious for two days. Tano had been watching the island through the spyglass ever since. The others were getting bored, and she had noticed Ninja was acting oddly now. She seemed to run down to the Brig to check it, then run back. So, in her curiosity, Tano decided to see what was going on.
Tano - Willow, will you watch for the others for a while?
Willow - *steps onto bow* Of course.
Tano climbed down the steps and went into the ship. She found it oddly quiet down there, but there was no sign at all of anything strange. Then, once she got down to the Brig level, she gasped. Ninja was lying flat out right by the door to the roo (the room is locked.) She took one step forward, and something sounded from beyond the door...
OOC - Muahahahaaaaa!!!
12-07-2002, 05:42 AM
zav: ''I wanna go to market to trade my cow, trade my cooooowww!! OHHHH!! Iwannagotomarkettotrademycow!!!!!!!
Xk: ''Shut-up zavron. right were off to market! and your not coming zavron!!''
*zavron gives Xk puppy-dog eyes*
Xk: '' lets go.''
zav: ''Damn!!'' * goes off to corner and crouches and starts to scratch ear with leg.
12-09-2002, 08:43 AM
The first and second mate make there way to the market. As Elfmaster carries the fabric that they want to trade while Eärniel makes up the list of things that they'll need.
Eär: Let's see: Wine for the captain, chocolate, a left yellow shoe for Arathorn, chocolate, some cider for the captain, chocolate, gun powder for Tano, chocolate, a new lock for the room (the room is locked), chocolate, some cocktails for Elfmaster.... Yes, I think I've got everything.... Oh wait, I almost forgot! Chocolate for me!
XK: *eyes Eärniel wearily* Are you sure I shouldn't make the list?
Eär: *innocent look* No, why?
OOC: :rolleyes:
Elfmaster XK
12-09-2002, 01:25 PM
OOC: ;)
The First Mate peered through a gap in the trees that edged the market plaza. It was busy now, the sun had risen and the merchants were eager for a days trading. Eärniel and EXK stepped onto the inticately tiled mozaic floor. The blues and reds stood out in the sunshine creating an impression of opulence. They realised this market would only buy the best of everything. Luckily the fabric they had brought along was velvet and satin. High quality at that, though there was not a lot of variety in colour. Still, if EXK's manipulative nature couldn't get them bartering, Eärniel's strong desire for chocolate would lead her into a furious fight. And she would win.
XK - So what do you think Eärniel?
Eär - Um...I'd say we try that one, he looks friendly, and doen't seem to have much green fabric. We've got a lot of green, and silver. (OOC, just for you EG,
They made their way over to the stall, and the man smiled brightly.
Trader - 'Allo.
XK - Did you just say hello?
Trader - Uh...yes, that's the usual greeting round here.
XK - *sighs* No no no...*elbow from Eärniel* OW!
Eär - Not now. Hello sir, we wondered if you might be interested in buying some of our fabric, beautiful, er...chinese Satin and Indian Velvet.
XK - Oh, yes, excellent quality, and Green seems to be the colour this season. And, what better colour to coordinate with that than silver?
Trader - *still glancing at EXK oddly* Erm. Yes, velvet. Let me see. *feels fabric* Hmm. I guess i could take some of this. Not the silver though. Don't like silver. Much prefer gold myself...
XK - *rolls eyes and mutters* reject.
Trader - What was that?
XK - I said...perfect. Gold and green *grimaces* Perfect.
They conducted their little interchange and continued around the market for a long while trying to sell all thier goods and acquire the supplies they needed. By noon they had succeeded and had also managed to get a local carry-boy to take their goods to the port, for a price of course. EXK had also spotted a black leather-bound book called "What's yer Poison? An almost complete guide to poison and antidotes," which she sneaked off to buy while Eärniel was preoccupied choosing several crates of Belgian and Swiss chocolate. The4y headed back to the Hospital to inform the captain.
XK - I'm sorry! But it will be useful!
Eär - *grabs book* No, it won't! I don't want to get in trouble for letting you buy this stupid thing!
XK - It' not stupid! *snatches it back and a small glass pendant falls to the ground. EXK and Eär exchange looks and EXK picks it up*
Eär - What is it?
XK - Looks like there's some kind of smoky something suspended inside it.
Eär - Cool! It's pretty, i want it!
XK - Nuh! Mine, i got it! You thought it was stupid...wait a minute. What are we fighting for?
Eär - *blinks* We never fight. *Both glance at the glass, then the book* Come, on, lets get back. We should tell the captain we got the supplies and, few extra things.
XK - *cough*threecratesofchocolate*cough*
Eär - *cough*Poison*cough*
XK - *grin* Only a book of them.
Eär - *grin* At least we got plenty of wine. Okay, so it's human, but it'll get us through.
They wandered back to the hospital expecting to see the captain craving her wine, but she wasn't in the room with Sicirus, who was getting up, ready to leave. Zavron also had gone.
Eär - Hmph! I bet they went down the pub!
XK - *looks hurt* Without us!
OOC - Almost forgot, for the benefit of everyone else... The Slytherin Pride thing is exactly that. Colours of Slytherin house etc. For EG. The bit about the gold and the reject is because gold is the Gryffindor colour, and we decided that everyone who didn't fit into another house got shoved in Gryffindor, therefore it is the reject house. And the 'Allo bit is from the movie labyrinth, or would be if Eärniel hadn't elbowed me in time :D ;) :rolleyes: Hope that clears some of my strange comments up!
12-09-2002, 01:55 PM
zav: *grins sneakily* I've just sneeaken ouuuut!!! HAHAHA!!! No one can keep Old zavvy from his Dwarvish Ale!!! HaHaHa!!!
I looked over a bush and there was the market, I had nicked some things from the ship to barter with. I was good at Haggling. And I new what I wanted to get. For I had planned this for awhile. There it is!!! The shop I had been looking for!!
zav: Zavvy you've don' it again!!! *walks over to stall, pretending on the way to be not interested in the stall at all*
*The sign above the stall read: Magical objects and items for sale here! At Maggies Magic shop!*
*Behind the counter a toothless Old crone sit's*
zav: Hello Toothless Old crone!!
Oldcrone: I beg your pardon!!!
zav: errr...I mean...Look at that toothless old comb!!*fake smiles*
Oldcrone: *still eyeing him suspiciously* What be your name stranger?
zav: Thats none of your buisness toothless old crone!!!I mean...that toothless old comb really is interesting!! Isn't it!!
Oldcrone: Look here!! tell me what you want and Buggar off!!!
zav: I'd like to buy that Old green pendant there please!!The second sight stone, Ya'know the one that kicks in every so often, giving the wearer a second sight ya'know premanisions and everything. The one that wears it gets the ultimate knowl;edge of the Universe and everything!!
Oldcrone: What ya mean this!* points to stone pendant*
zav: yep!! Thats the Buggar!! I have this silver silk!!
Oldcrone: That'll do!!!Pleasure doin' buisness Sir!!
zav: Same here toothless Old crone...err...Bye!!
*speeds off in the opposite direction having no time to stop at the Pub because of the toothless Old crone chasing after him with a very sharp object and with the fear in his mind of were that sharp of object maybe going, and that is unspeakable of for day-Time viewing!*
12-09-2002, 05:12 PM
Meanwhile Elfmaster, Sicirus and Eärniel are trying to locate the captain.
Sici: You think she'll be here? It's already the fifth pub we're checking! You'd think a harbour should only be allowed to have one.
XK: Well you can see it this way, the more pubs we check, the more chance we have of finding her.
Eär: *tries to calculate the odds and frowns* I wish I had paid more attention during maths.
XK: Anyway, I'm pretty sure the captain is in here.
Eär: How come?
XK: *points to a wooden sign that says: Today Cider At Half The Prize!* That's why.
Eär: What? To correct their spelling?
XK: *sighs* See Eärniel, that's why I'm still first mate and you only second.
Eär: Does this have to do with calculations again?
XK: Er.... sort of. Now let's see if they're here.
They enter. Inside somebody is playing a pirate song. The ceiling of the pub is low and the tables and chairs are made of barrels. The typical fishnet hangs near the wall. The pub is filled with smoke and the not unpleasant smell of alcohol.
12-09-2002, 05:30 PM
MAX: it's getting boring down here, odesent any one want to here my very long very interesting family history?, no, well, oh well,*whistles to self off-key*
Willow Oran
12-10-2002, 12:15 AM
OOC: Toothless old crone! Why you little... And since when do I have a magic shop? I'm sure I would've remembered....:p
(Meanwhile on the ship everyone is getting sort of bored...)
Willow: What is taking Tano so long? It can't be that hard to check on Ninja and come back up on deck...
(Looks around at all the polished whatsits and bored, sleeping crew memebers and decides to go see what Tano and Ninja are up to.)
Willow: What exactly does the captain expect me to do as healer anyway? It's not as if I even know how, unless you count the really basic stuff that anyone with a dose of common sense can figure out. I wish they'd have given me time to take an inventory of the ships medical supplies before they left...
(As she was thinking this she opened the door to the brig. Oddly enough there was no one there, the room was empty, dimly lit and at the other end of the room there was an open door. A moment later Willow was back on deck slamming shut and locking the door that led to the brigg.)
Willow: The captain and the others had better hurry up!
12-10-2002, 02:36 PM
ooc: I weren't talking about you!
Willow Oran
12-10-2002, 02:56 PM
OOC: If you aren't talking about me then don't use the name Maggie. Maggie is me. ...growl... stupid 90 second rule....
12-12-2002, 07:05 AM
ic: we walked into a pub that seemed to occupy pirats but mind you not elf pirats.
Sici: *smells air* at least theres alcohole here.
All: *nodds in agreemedt eyeing the pubs collection of wine bottles in the corner.
They look around and find hte strangest group of pirats while they search for their own comrad. They find a hobbit cloaked from the cold. Or at least cold to him. And some strange elves with clear looking strong wine that smelled extremely good. It reminde us of home.
ooc: Can't think of much now. Sorry.:(
Finrod Felagund
12-13-2002, 03:43 PM
OOC: Don't worry I'm just visiting but...
IC: Finrod runs past Willow, screaming something about spontaneous combustion, he bursts into flame and dives overboard.
12-14-2002, 07:12 AM
ooc: Different Maggie.
12-14-2002, 12:37 PM
ooc: I'm going to make a great change in my carachter, but I'll still be a drunk.
I looked at the ship and than climbed aboard I crept to my cabin and there I looked at the Stone of what-do-you call it. I then placed the necklace over my head and a flood of knowledge past through my brain.
''Hmm...I'm feeling the sensational feelings of the inner equalibreum and superification of the habilinitator in the Midst of my granbiosalum.'' *says thiis extremely fast, puts tips of fingers together and straightens back and marches out of the cabin. Marches onto deck and walks back and forth on deck.*
Elfmaster XK
12-16-2002, 01:42 PM
After much debate, and wandering in and out of the pub, over whether or not to let EXK alter the sign, she, Eärniel and Sicirus re-enter the pub for the third time. The smoke hangs thick in the air, and they split up. Siciru goes to the bar to ask if anyone had seen the cap'n.
Sici - S'cuse me sir, have you seen and elf, and outlander?
Bartender - no ma'am, can i get ye a drink though?
Sici - No thanks i...wait a minute. Okay. I'll have a pint please.
Bartender - Pint it is miss. Now, how will ye be payin?
Sici - *confused* Money? Is that not usual?
Bartender - Not from yor likin, nah. *puts pint down*
Sici - *Picks pint up and throws it over bartender, then walks away*
Eärniel walked over to the tables on the upper balcony area and searched for the cap'n. She couldn't see her anywhere, but soon spotted the cap'n's boots.
Eär - Eh? *picks them up* How odd. *Turns and goes back down the steps to the ground floor*
EXK headed straight for the games room. There were dwarves playing darts, and several elves and men playing pool, and the bar girls were all dancing on the stage. EXK laughed, as she noticed EG was also dancing, on one of the pool tables. She grabbed her wrist and pulled her away.
EXK - Cap'n! We have to go!
EG - Who the hell are you?
EXK - Your evil twin, now get off the table.
EG - But i'm a dancer!
EXK - No, you're a pirate, and pirates don't dance.
EG - Sure they do! *sways*
EXK - Come on *drags EG away, meeting Eär and Sici in the main room, and they all take EG back to the ship*
Once aboard they put the cap'n back in her room where she immediately falls asleep, and EXK joins Eärniel in the map-room. Eärniel is bent over her star charts and reading from a book when EXK enters. Eärniel hastily shoves the maps into a drawer
EXK - I brought you this. *holds out the book they had found the pendant in before.*
Eär - Why?
EXK - This was inside. *holds out a sheet of parchment, on which are lots of squiggles that could be a language* It's elvish isn't it, sea elvish?
Eär - *interested* Yes, a very old form though. I'd need to translate. Might take me a while.
EXK - That's okay, i think we've got the time.
*Suddenly Willow bursts in*
Willow - The room...the thing....Ninja...Tano...the thing...there was...lights...dark...things...rooms...ahhh!!! *collapses*
Eär - *Sighs* Are you and i the only members of this crew who aren't completely mentally unbalanced!?
12-16-2002, 05:57 PM
XK: *looks at Willow, still lying on the floor and then turns to Eärniel* Shouldn't we at least get her from the floor? It looks so sloppy having crewwomen lying on the floor all over the ship.
Eär: First things first. *picks up maps, papers and XK's parchment and locks them away securely in a cabinet.*
Together the first and second mate pull the faerie up and put her on a chair. Why they had to be with the two of them to pick up one little faerie is anyone's guess, really. Elfmaster wakes the faerie up again while Eärniel pours her a glass of the newly bought human wine.
XK: Here you go. *hands glass to Willow who downs it quickly* Now, can you tell us a little more coherently what's wrong? Did Tano put you near the iron again?
12-17-2002, 02:54 PM
At that moment zavron marches into the room, and looks around.
zav: Hello may dear abravekays of the habrilegrium! What the constibularimilityablogato is arandiuomus on around this dereblia?
Ear and Exk look at each other and shake their heads.
Exk: Could you repeat that please?
zav: I said what the hell is going on here! Damn unintelectuals!
Zav brings out brandy glass from no where and swirls it round.
Elfmaster XK
12-17-2002, 04:50 PM
EXK shivers and suddenly smacks the narrator out of the way, scribbling out "unintelectuals" and writing, "Intellectuals." The narrator gets very angry and smacks EXK back.
Anyway, EXK and Eärniel continue to comfort Willow, hoping to get something from her, while Eärniel rummages one handledly in a drawer for her ancient languages dictionary. Zavron sits in the corner of the room.
Eär - So what happened?
Willow - It was, Ninja! Ninja still there!
EXK - Where? Where is Ninja!
EXK and Eär exchange worried glances, and Eär shoves the book grabs the book, standing and leading EXK out of the room. They made a mentally, unspoken decision to tell the cap'n.
12-17-2002, 05:33 PM
Max: Excuse me sir (to zavron), but if intelligent conversation is what you want we can discuss the sanedos theroy on yontesopasing, or just pall the day with disscusions of insampidible insiegnoiwds. *with a joyful look on his face at finding some one to talk to*
12-17-2002, 09:27 PM
We gat dragged back to ship afetr 20 or some liquor pints. Exk started to dance on table. it looked like fun but we had to returne to the ship before the crew who stayed back screwed up the door in the basement of the ship.
We get on ship.
'screw it the crew ahs gone mad. The ninja has opend the door and the whale is speaking science. The horah the horah.
*Starts to dance the jewish dance the horah(sp).*
Sici: Whats in the "room" anyway?'
EXK and Ear look shocked then Willow runs in insanity off the boat and swims away from mad whale who thinks the he was going to get a scientific conversation from drunk elf pirates who only want some wine and a long nap.
12-18-2002, 09:37 AM
OOC: Oooookay.....
Elfmaster and Eärniel make their way down to the cabin of the captain, but not before putting Sicirus in a rowing boat with the order to retrieve the swimming faerie. Max the whale stops talking science for a moment, starts reciting CPR and decides to lend Sicirus a hand...well fin actually.
EXK: *nocks carefully on cabindoor* Cap'n? Are you awake yet?
voice from inside the cabin: Mmmmfrll.
Eär:*to EXK* Is that a yes-mmmmfrll of a no-mmmmfrll?
EXK: I don't know. It might just as well be an enter- and- I'll- run- you- through- mmmmfrll.
Eär: Glups...
EXK:*nocks again* Cap'n are you there? We have a little problem.
EXK: Ninja went into the room. I'm afraid the room isn't as locked as it was before....
12-18-2002, 01:23 PM
zav: Hmmm...a brigulorius anotorumta equalibrium theory is I superpendius constabulamity belief a gorondius theory. May I ask abriglum of your exctoiluma?
In english I think he said, what do you think?It's just a load of tosh to me!
zav: Excuseme, (To narrator) I didn't ask for your contimberlarium of this devriona!!*Turns and ignores narrator and carries on talking too the whale*
12-18-2002, 09:25 PM
Gets pushed into boat and gets ores thrown into face.
EXK: Go get the mad feerie please."
Sici: Okay. *rows off into ocean narrowly missing conversational whale and crew member speaking a foreing language known only to those who have a strange memory to vocabulary.
Willow: *strokes faster and deeper into ocean.*
Sici: Give you ride back to boat. The crew needs you back.
Willoow: " Must..."
Sici: The captain is going to take care of that. Oh what the Mordor watch out I am coming in too. Me likes swimming. *see's shark* Okay never mind. grabs feerie and rows very quickly back to ship.
12-19-2002, 04:46 PM
MAX: The ingodofloris of the samalas and opturig are not exactly yvoptering the quingipth in a froptous manner.
he said...
max: *smacks narrator with fin* nobody asked you!
12-20-2002, 06:55 AM
zav: Well the conbropulus agriculturous method of nagrtition is a congropolus with the conbropulus?
12-20-2002, 11:31 AM
ooc: From now on my carachter is going to be extremely contradictive, now that he knows everything in the world.
Max and zavron continue they're Intelectual conversation, whilst tha rest of the crew are dealing with Willow.
max: What are they doing over there with Willow?
zav: Oh they're bringing her back to shore because she ran off.
max: How did you Know that?
zav: I know everything.
max: Really?...what is the thing in the room? (The room is now unlocked)
zav: Everybody knows That!! *scoffs*
max: You don't know do you!
zav: Of course I know!
max: Bet you don't!
zav: Allright then, I'll bet you...five months alcahol that I know what The Thing in The room is(The room is now unlocked)!!
max: You're on!
Zavron continues to do nothing while max starts to get very Impatient.
max: Come on then tell us what it is then!
zav: Pardon.
max: Tell us what the thing in the room(The room is now unlocked) is?
zav: Why?
max: Because we made a deal!!
zav: No we didn't!
max: Yes we did!
zav: Didn't!
max: Did!
zav: Didn't!
max: Did!
zav: Didn't!
max: Did!
zav: Didn't!
max: Did!
zav: Didn't!
max: Did!
zav: Didn't!
max: Did!
zav: Didn't!
max: Did!
zav: Didn't!
max: Did!
zav: Didn't!
max: Stop that!!
zav: stop what?
max: The argument!
zav: You started it!!
max: What!! No I didn't!
zav: Did!
max: Didn't!!
zav: Did!
max: Didn't!!
zav: Did!
max: Didn't!!
zav: Did!
max: Didn't!!
zav: Did!
max: Didn't!!
zav: Did!
max: Didn't!!
And they continued like that for a couple of hours.
Elfmaster XK
12-20-2002, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by zavron
[B]ooc: From now on my carachter is going to be extremely contradictive, now that he knows everything in the world.
OOC - Er...didn't it occur to you that you character cannot possibly know everything in the world, as that would be pointless. Write me a character profile, please.
12-21-2002, 05:34 AM
ooc: Here is my new carachter profile.
Name: zavron.
Race: elf.
Ocupation: Pirate.
Height: 6'1.
Eyes: Deep Blue.
Personality: Wearing Stone of Second Sight; Incrediblt intelligent, contradictive, know-it-all. Not wearing the stone of second sight; Thick as a plank, drunk continuously, Comical, all sense of direction killed off by alcahol.
Over all Personality: Like Gollum, split personality, talks to himself.
Is that ok?
Eruviel Greenleaf
12-21-2002, 05:49 AM
Originally posted by Elfmaster XK
OOC - Er...didn't it occur to you that you character cannot possibly know everything in the world, as that would be pointless. Write me a character profile, please.
i believe this entire thread has become pointless, mate. will continue in a PM
12-21-2002, 05:53 AM
ooc: I think it's doing quite well!
Eruviel Greenleaf
12-21-2002, 06:27 AM
i am afraid i did not ask for your opinion on the matter, zavron, but since you gave it, i must say that it certainly has strayed far from it's purpose.
forgive me, others of the crew; i am rather annoyed.
12-21-2002, 06:32 AM
OOC: see our discussion thread ( for this
12-21-2002, 06:45 AM
Originally posted by Eruviel Greenleaf
i am afraid i did not ask for your opinion on the matter, zavron, but since you gave it, i must say that it certainly has strayed far from it's purpose.
forgive me, others of the crew; i am rather annoyed.
You didn't ask anybody for their opinion. I am a member of this Rpg and you shouldn't shun me out of the way!:( I am a member of the crew now.:)
Eruviel Greenleaf
12-21-2002, 06:57 AM
Originally posted by zavron
You didn't ask anybody for their opinion. I am a member of this Rpg and you shouldn't shun me out of the way!:( I am a member of the crew now.:)
Not if you can't follow orders. Get thee to the discussion thread! And I apologize, Earniel, for posting in the wrong thread yet again. . .
12-21-2002, 06:58 AM
ooc: Let's just carry on. Agreed?
Elfmaster XK
12-22-2002, 09:04 AM
OOC: I have chosen to go from Eärniel's post, as it makes sense.
Eär - Cap'n? *tentatively they open the door to find EG sleeping, a glass in her hand, and her head on the desk*
XK - Cap'n! Wake up! *pokes her*
EG - Wha? I mean, Y'arr! ...oh, it's you two. What's wrong? What time is it? oooh, nasty. I remember the pub. *shakes head*
Eär - Well, we have some news. Ninja, she went into the room (the room is no longer locked.)
EG - WHAT!!! Then we must hurry to lock it! NOW! *they hurry down to find Sicirus comforting Willow*
Sici - Willow says Tano disappeared down there too.
EG - Oh no. DAMN YOU MURPHY!!! (ooc - hee hee)
*they continue down to the brig level to rescue Tano and Ninja, on nthe way picking up Arathorn, the bard.*
Arat - Me? What do you need me for? I was mid-sea shanty.
EG - *grabs wrist* come on! I know what we need.
12-22-2002, 09:18 AM
I walked to my cabin.
zav: ''I wonder What time it is?''
Sp(Split personality): ''About Half-Past Three''
zav: ''Who are you?''
Sp: ''I am you, you idiot!!'' *slaps Himself over head*
zav: ''What was that for!!''
Sp: ''For being a complete Idiot!'' *slaps himself over head again*
zav: ''Who are you really?''
Sp: ''I am your split personality!''
zav: ''Oh! Nice to meet you split personality!''
Sp: ''Thanks!''*Sp hits zav over head*
zav: ''Why did you do that?''
Sp: ''No reason!'' *Sp grins sneakily*
Sp makes zavron stand up
zav: ''Where are we going?''
Sp: ''I'm taking control for awhile, I'll let you come back in a bit.''
Sp takes over the body of zavron and decides to go walk about.
12-22-2002, 10:04 AM
Meanwhile sp creeps around the nancealot, until he reaches The door to the Thing in the room (The roomis still unlocked)
Sp: [to narator] Do you have to announce everything I do to the whole ship?
Yes, thats my Job!
Sp: Allright, would you just keep it down!
*Now in whisper* Sp creeps up to the door and slowly opens it. Suddenly Xk runs down the deck. Sp jumps and quickly slams the door shut, The room locks.
Xk: What are you doing down here? *suspiciously*
ooc: Finish off later!
12-23-2002, 11:40 AM
Sp: I locked the door.
XK: What do mean, you've locked the door?
Sp: You wanted to lock the door, didn't you? Well, I've done it for you.
Eär: You silly ninnyhammer! Tano and Ninja are in there! We've got to get them out! Open the bloody door!
sp: Close it. Open it. Close it. Open it. Why can't you make up your mind!
Eär: *narrows eyes* Don't insult your superior officer.
EG: *soothing* Children, children. We've got more pressing matters right now, don't we? Now, to save Tano and Ninja....
12-23-2002, 11:57 AM
Sp: Maybe I don't want to open the door for you. *leans against door*
Ear: Why shouldn't you?
Sp: Well...(Grins) How about a profesision, Give me a mongth worth of alcohol and I'll let you open the door.
Xk: Whats wrong with you today? First you're suddenly using Intelligent Vocabulary and now you're acting like a completely different person.
Ear: Just let us in the Door zavron.
Sp: (Inocent sounding) Oh, I'm not zavron, zavron went for a little snooze.
zav: Hey what are you doing?
Sp: Aww, not you again! I just got rid of you!
zav: You shouldn't pick on people. Now let them in the door!
Sp: You do it!!*Sp dissapears and zavron emerges*
zav: *opens door* Here ya Go!
Eruviel Greenleaf
12-23-2002, 05:10 PM
Cap'n EG takes a deep breath, clenches her fists, and storms into the room.
E XK: No! Cap'n, don't go in there! Not yet, it's dangerous!
EG: It's my duty as captain. I must go. . .
She walks in, hand on the hilt of the short sword at her side, and disappears in the shadow and darkness of the Room.
E XK: *turns to Earniel* Do you think she'll be okay?
Ear: She's the captain. She'll make it.
E XK: Do you reckon we should go in and help her?
Both first and second mate quake in fear of the Room, but agree they must help their captain.
E XK: Well, you go first, then.
Ear: No, you.
E XK: But you're the second mate. You should go in first.
Ear: But as first mate, you ought to. Besides, I'm the navigator. I'm important!
E XK: So am I!
E XK and Ear: Let's go in together!
They take slow steps toward the door, full of trepidation.
Meanwhile, the captain has entered the Room. All she can see at first is shadow and darkness. But then she can see Tano and Ninja, sitting on the floor, meditating. She goes to them, slowly, and taps Tano's shoulder. She sqeaks, and they both look up.
Tano: Merble?
EG: Come, we must get out of here!
Tano and Ninja jump up and follow the captain to the door, but on the way. . .
EG crashes into someone, and there is a lot of screaming until Earniel is smart enough to light a torch. It was only E XK that EG had walked into. They run to the door, ready to escape the Room and lock it behind them, when. . .
ooc: hahahaha! Now someone must continue from there! :D
12-23-2002, 06:13 PM
....Eärniel trips over something.
XK: Eärniel, for crying out loud, don't tell me you're drunk already! Can't you see where you walk?
Eär: Fne! Not if you're tripping me.
XK: What? I never!
Eär: All right, then who did?
*Suddenly the torch goes out in a unusual blast of wind. (Ever seen wind below deck of a ship? No? Then it's unusual) A deep and hollow voice is heard that chills the pirate elves to the bone.*
Voice: Incidentally, I knew you were coming for those two.
EG: Er.... thing? Is that you?
Eär: Did you trip me?
Voice: I knew you were going to say that.
OOC: Neh, neh neh, somebody else now? :D
Eruviel Greenleaf
12-23-2002, 09:08 PM
EG: Thing! Show yourself!
Thing: Mwahahahaha! Very well, Captain!
The Thing steps out into the light coming from the doorway. It appeared to be a tall cloaked figure.
EG: Will you let us out, then?
Thing: No.
EG: As captain of this ship, I command you to let us out. NOW!
Thing: I don't believe I will follow that order.
EG: Then you will walk the plank!
Thing: No I won't.
The Thing disappears again, but the mysterious wind causes the door to shut. The five pirates run to the door but it won't open. The captain screams in rage and kicks the door, hard. Nothing happens. THey are trapped.
12-24-2002, 07:52 AM
zav: Someone call for a light?
Ear: How did you get in the thing room without us Knowing?!
zav: Errrr...It's on the script.
Ear: Oh right!
Xk: What script?
Ear: Doesn't matter!
*Ear turns round looking for the Thing*
Ear: I know you're there Thing! You might as well come out!!
Elfmaster XK
12-24-2002, 12:18 PM
The darkness in the room is heavy, and seems to be pressing in. The Thing (in the room, the room is locked...dammit!) is there, and the crew don't know what to do.
*whispers very quietly*
Eär - What now?
EG - Don't know...we're going to have to think our way out. Maybe bargain with it.
Eär - But it's a thing, what can it want?
EG - Oh you don't want to know...
Zav - Do you know more about this thing than you're telling us captain?
EG - No. Of course not! I know, why don't you go and look for it, Zavron.
Zav - No way! Not until i know what i'm dealing with.
EG - What if i ord...
XK - *sighs loudly* OH THING!!! (in the room, the room is still unfortunately locked) I KNOW YOU ARE HERE! TALK TO ME! NOW!!!
*Silence* I mean it, I'll come look for you...
EG - What are you doing?
Tano - You really don't want to go look for it...
Ninja - No, very bad! Very...
XK - Shut up! Both of you, this is your fault Ninja, and i shall deal with you later for disobeying my orders. THHHHHIIIIIIINNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!! *grabs flute taken from the bard by cap'n and beings to play. There is a bang*
Thing - Stop with the sounds...*hiss*
XK - *stops* Let us out.
Thing - *hiss* No, i don't want to.
EG - Thing, in the room (the room is still bloody locked) let us out now. I am the captain, i can have you...removed.
Thing - No, you can't...muahahaaa!!
XK - *mad* Hey, that's MY laugh! *plays flute again*
Thing - NO! Bad sounds disturbing the peace! Stop it!
EG - Let us out then.
*door slams open and the crew pile out, as the music stops the door locks shut again and evil laughter is heard*
Thing - I knew that would happen, you know...Muahahahahaaa!!
EG - Right, nice work everyone. Eärniel, go find BoP, we need to get Tano and Ninja to see our psychiatric doctor.
Eär - Yes, ma'am!
Eärniel leaves the rest of the crew in search of the doctor, but when she reaches her cabin there is no one there.
Eär - BoP? Where are you?
Thing - *evil laugh sounds throughout the ship* Muahahahahahaaaaa!!!
Eär - Oh no! *begins running back to the rest of the crew*
12-24-2002, 12:25 PM
zav: Now that is a good laugh! I hope it means something good!!
xk: Hey! I'm gonna copywrite that laugh!!
Thing: I have already done it!!
xk: Damn!
12-24-2002, 02:03 PM
Eär:*comes running and screaming* Captain! I can't find Bop anywhere!
EG: What? Are you certain?
Eär: Yes m'me. She isn't in her cabin nor in the infirmary.
EG: Keep on looking!
Eär: What? All by myself? No way!
XK: Eärniel, this isn't the right time to start a mutiny!
Eär: I'm not muting.... mutinying.... mutineering... Ugh... whatever! There is just no way I'm walking through this ship all by myself. I've seen enough movies! The moment the characters split up.... Woosh! Bang! They get finished off one by one!
EG: *sighs * Why do I have to have such a cowardly navigator?
Eâr: I don't call it cowardice. *hides behind XK* I call it 'survival'!
Eruviel Greenleaf
12-24-2002, 04:52 PM
EG: Enough! We're going to figure this out, right now. ALL HANDS ON DECK!!!
Everyone excepting the Thing (in the room, the room is not locked because EG forgot to lock it when they got out) and BoP soon appears on deck.
EG: Okay, I want you to split up into groups of three and search the ship for BoP. Tano and Arathorn, you come with me, we're going back to the Room. Earniel, you go with Garina and Sicirius. E XK, you take everyone else.
E XK: But that's not groups of three, Cap'n.
EG: So I can't count. Oh well. Just. . .*sighs*
E XK: Alright, Captain. Will do.
EG: Alright, let's go. I want everyone back here in ten minutes. Oh, and Zavron, you're coming with me as well.
And so they go off to search the ship. EG and the other three go to the Room, and EG makes sure to lock it with all 30 locks of various kinds. Then they search. Ten minutes later, they all return to the deck.
EG: I think she's in the Room (the room is now very locked). We shall have to go back and search for her! There is no other way!
Ear: But I don't want to go back in there!
EG: You have a good survival instinct, Earniel. Very well, you shall stay here and you're in charge while I'm gone. I shall take E XK and we will go find it. Everyone else, back to work! Oh, and Zavron, I need to talk to you for a minute. . .
EG takes Zavron to the side and knocks him over the head.
EG: Do not, under any circumstances, do ANYTHING aboard this ship without my strict and explicit orders!
Zav: But Cap'n! That's not fair! And you hurt me! You can't just--
EG: I can do whatever I want. This is my ship. If I catch you doing anything that I didn't order you to do, you will walk the plank! Understand?
Zav: But--but. . .
EG: DO YOU UNDERSTAND? You almost got us locked in the room permanently! I can't trust you anymore! Now you must prove yourself with perfect obediance!
Zav: Fine. Hmph.
EG: Now I order you to go scrub the deck.
Zav: Yes, Cap'n.
EG: Good.
EG and E XK venture back to the Room (the room is still very locked) but who knows what they will find there? Will they find BoP? Or will they be subject to the horrors of the room themselves?
12-25-2002, 06:11 AM
OOC: Hey, zavron, I said it wasn't cowardice. It's 'survival'. :rolleyes:
Eär: *walks the deck, talking to herself * I'm in charge.... I'm in charge.... I may be in charge but I still don't like it. What happens if they don't come back? Than I'll be in charge for life.... Oh, the responsibility.... But wait, what if the Thing in the Room (The Room'd better be locked!) comes out?*starts to bite nails*
Sici: You know, that's a disgusting habit.
Eär: Go scrub the deck, you.
Sici: zavron's already doing it.
Eär: Fine then, come with me.
They both go below deck and poke their head around the corner. The door of the Room, (the room is much to Eärniel's discomfort unlocked) stands a trifle open, all the locks hang open. Beyond the door there is only darkness. The captain and her first mate are nowhere to be seen and must have entered the Room.
Eär: *swallows* This is going to be one stormy night, crewwoman.
Sici: *swallows* I fear so.
OOC: Mwahahahah! This is fun! :D
12-26-2002, 07:24 AM
Meanwhile zavron scrubs deck muttering things like 'Isn't even your ship! They stole it!' and 'I broka nail!!' and 'Hasn't anyone ever scrubbed this deck before!' Zavron continued muttering to himself slowly slipping into dimensia and soon becoming an ego-Maniac for cleanness.
zav: Damn Dirt! Ouch! Theres another nail gone!! Eeeh-by-gum can your belly touch your bum! Well in the captains case I suppose so!! *grins and sniggers* Damn dirt!
zavron stops scrubbing and amuses himself by watching all of the crew search for Bop.
Sp: I'm back!
zav: What do you want!?!
Sp: Oooh! Touchy today aren't we! How about we go walkabout again!
zav: No! last time you nearly got us all locked in with the Thing in the room! (The room Might be Locked, somebody better go and check just in case) Anyway the cap'n's told me to scrub the deck out here! I can't disobay orders!
Sp: You can't, but I can.
Zav: Whatever your thinking about No! NO!! NO!!! and NO!!!!
Sp: Tough! Time to go walkies!
Sp takes over zav's body and go's to make some mischief. Somebody better stop him before he does something extremely bad!
Willow Oran
12-31-2002, 10:40 PM
Meanwhile Willow has been left to her own devices. Seeing Earniel and Sicirus going below deck she followed...
Willow: (coming up beside Earniel) Are they going to be alright?
Earniel: I don't know.
Willow: It's so dark in there, won't they need light?
Sici: I think they would have asked for some before going in if they needed it.
Willow: All the same... I wish I knew what they were doing in there. We haven't heard from either of them in awhile.... (With that she was gone, a small spark of light dissapeared into the darkness of the room and all was dark again.)
01-03-2003, 05:49 PM
The light was EG opening the porthole and it went out because Max put his eye to it to try and see what was going on and to try to be a help.
EG: Hey! Who put out the lights!
Max: Sorry, can I help you look for...
Thing: Boo!
Max: ...nevermind.
01-14-2003, 12:38 PM
ooc: someone do something!
01-14-2003, 02:00 PM
Thing: Mwahahaaaaaaaa! *sigh*
Finrod Felagund
01-15-2003, 11:50 AM
Finrod jumps from the water and lies down on the deck. Moments later he bursts into flame again and dives back into the water.
01-16-2003, 09:56 PM
sici: I think the crazy whale put the lights out. I did not k now whales could fit on the ship?
Willow: Sighs" They can't you crazy er.. wierdo?
sici and others burst out laughing.
Finrod jumps over board.
Sici: that looks like fun. "Jumps into extremely cold water and swims around watching funny looking fin coming towards me sticking straight up in the air.
wait why is Finrod swimming away really fast like? And screaming shark?
01-21-2003, 06:07 PM
max: I'll save you! *knocks sici under by mistake* oops!
01-21-2003, 08:41 PM
Starts to relize what funny fin thingy was and attempted to swim away but gets runover by talking whale.
Sici*splashes* Argh!
Max: Swims towards shark and knocks it away. "Sorry Sisicirus"
Sici: *Now on the ship* "Help I'm drowning"
Max: Er... Right."
01-25-2003, 12:53 PM
*Walks behind sici and grabs him (Or Her, whatever it is!) and pushes him overboard again. Sp falls about laughing on the floor rolling about dangerously near the edge of the ship. Falls in*
Sp: Help!! I can't swim!!!*suddenly realizes he can swim* Oh! *Starts swimming towards ship.*
Sici: Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*suddenly, Sp feels a warmth in his heart*
Sp: What's that? Is that me caring!! *Realizes the tingly feeling is a Heart Attack*Wait! I'm having a Heart Attack!!!
01-27-2003, 07:19 PM
ooc: I forgot who sp was.:p sorry.I am a girl.
ic: Sici: Hey how did I get in the water again?
sp: Someone pushed you in.
Sici:*sudden relization* oh. AHHHHHHHHHHHH Fin thingy is going to came back. Hey look he has friends now. Oh wait that can't be good. *swims towards ship*
Help crazy elf finrod. *finrod still trying to figure out how to stop himself from bursting into flames.*
Notices two ship crew members in water and searches for lifesaver. Then notices how stupid unequiped ship was. Throws first thing he ccan find.
Sici: A sponge? You threw a sponge? Cool!
Swims to sponge that started to grow from absorbation og ocean.
Sici:*eyes widen* the sponge sucked up alot of water and refused to stop absorbing.
"Her its absorbing the ocean."
Sp: EEP!
Elfmaster XK
02-03-2003, 01:04 PM
OOC - By now, I know you're all sick of me moaning. But a long time ago I stated the story was planned. Can we please keep the story COHERENT!
i.e. Sicirus was following Eärniel below deck, and then..BAM, she's in the sea. If that makes sense someone tell me how. Thank you.
The door of the room slams shut as the fairy enters. [i]
Eärniel - Willow?
[no answer]
Eärniel - WILLOW! *looks around to find she is alone in the corridor* Oh well, I guess I'm the only one left. *looks over shoulder and draw her knife before looking through the keyhole.*
[i]Inside the room, EG and EXK are walking through the dark, hoping to find and reason with the Thing (in the room, the room is locked.)
EG - *whisper* BoP? Are you here? [silence] Bop?
XK - I hope the thing (in the room, the room is locked) hasn't done anything to her.
They continue in silence when something falls directly into their path...
EG - Ah-Willow?
EG - Willow! It's us! How did you get in here?
XK - Look! *points behind Willow, BoP has appeared looking slightly lost* BoP Are you okay?
BoP - *vague* Yes...I'm fine thank you susan...
XK - Er...yes. Come on, let's get out of here.
EG grabs Willow and XK pulls BoP along behind her as they hurry to the door
Thing - Muahaaaa!
XK - Oh for gods sake, if you do that one more time I'm going to come and kill you!
XK - Good.
From outside the room Eärniel can hear laugher and shouting. She recognises the voice as XK's
Eärniel - Hey! Cap'n? XK, can you hear me?
EG - Yes, Eärniel, can you open the door from the outside?
Eärniel - I don't think so...wait...*the door opens by itself and they tumble out of the room, the door slams shut again behind them. They all exchange glances and hurry back to the deck. BoP lingers at the back of the group, casting a backward glance at the locked door before ascending to the deck with the rest of the crew*
EG - Crew! A meeting if you please! Everyone, to the drawing room in five minutes. My senior crew will come with me to collect Ninja and Tano from their cabins.
EG, XK and Eärniel all disappear to collect the two injured crewmembers whislt the others linger on the deck, worried glances crossing their faces. Willow glances up to see the clouds rolling angrily in the sky. The waves are crashing angrily at the bow and the sails rippling violently in the wind.
Willow - If we don't drop anchor soon, the storm will wash us away! Cap'n? *looking around she sees everyone heading inside. She sighs and follows, making a mental note to tell the Cap'n about the weather*
;) Onwards, onwards, ever further
Backwards we go
Forwards we know
Backwards we go
Who saw the lightning
Before it struck?
We didn't see
We didn't know...
02-03-2003, 08:51 PM
ooc: Its a mystery:D
ic: Mysterious force rises two demented crew members from the sea and throw them onto the ship.
Sici: *Kisses Whale for saving them * Thankyou funny whale.
Hey the sky is getting a funny gray color."
sp: Its about to rain." Runs for cover followed by Sicirus.
02-04-2003, 07:50 AM
Eär: Captain, what was going on in there in that room?
EG: Don't say that!
Eär:*confused* Don't say what? I only asked...
EG: The room is locked, LOCKED I tell you!
Eär: Er... well, fine I guess. So what was going on in that room (the room is locked) after you entered?
Elfmaster XK
02-04-2003, 08:36 AM
XK and EG exchange glances, but the cap'n nods.
EG - Eärniel, we will tell you as you are one of my senior crew, but the others must not know.
XK - The Thing (in the room, the room is locked) is an ancient being. We don't know an awful lot about him, but we do know that there is a curse upo this ship.
Eärniel - *whisper* Curse?
XK - So is told. Why do you think we were able to steal it? And thinking about it, why was there a ship like this in a modern port?
EG - Well, it's a story, not everything makes sense.
Eärniel - Almost nothing in fact.
XK - Well, the crew of this ship, when it was first built it was named the Endeavour to understanding or something...and the crew set sail, and one by one, they disappeared.
Eärniel - Eep!
EG - No one knows if that has anything to do with the Thing (in the room, the room is locked) but the room (still locked) has always been an area the crew logs speak of in fear. That is when they speak of it at all. I think...never mind...
Tano - Speak of what?
Eärniel - AHH! THING!
Tano - AHH! What?
Eärniel - Oh, sorry. Never mind.
XK - You're awake? How's Ninja?
Ninja - I'm okay too.
EG - Good, come with us then, we're having a meeting in my cabin.
The captain leads them all out of the room, and Eärniel and XK fall back slightly.
Eärniel - She's not telling us something, do you think she's going to tell us now?
XK - Don't know. I don't think so somehow. There is something very odd happening Eärniel, and I don't like it. *a creaky tapping noise sounds behind them*
Eärniel - *glances behind her* I don't either. It's creepy, and there's not been any chocolate round here for days! I must find some...chocolate...chocolate...*walks faster* Hang never said what happened in the room (still locked) just then. *hurries to cap'n's side*
XK - *sighs and follows, muttering a song under her breath* Who saw the lightning
Before it struck?
We didn't see
We didn't know...
Ninja - Oh! Singing! What are you singing?
XK - Wha-? I wasn't saying anything.
Ninja - Right...*gives her a funny look*
EG - Look, the light in my cabin is on, the others must be there.
Eärniel - Cap'n? The room?
EG - Later crew woman!
02-06-2003, 05:13 AM
*Put's head round the door*
sp: Me and my Friend here...
zav: Hello!
Sp:...Would like to know exactly everything about this...Thing in The Room!(I'm not sure that the room is locked)
Sp: I think everybody should be told the truth, the whole truth mind! We cam on this quest willingly because we knew what was going on. But know I'm not sure who you are at the moment!
*looks at everybody in turn.*
Elfmaster XK
02-06-2003, 06:49 AM
(You were already in the cabin Zavron.)
Everyone seats themselves around the cabin room as EG, XK and Eärniel enter. The three of the lean on the desk facing the crew.
XK - You are in no position to make such demands.
EG - Indeed. It seems we all know who we are, but who are you?
Willow - *raises hand* Cap'n it's...
EG - Not now. I think it's high time you explained yourself Zavron.
Willow - But captain! Look! *points at the window*
EG - What about it, be quiet Willow!
Eärniel - Er...STORM! YAY! *all glare* I mean...oh no...
XK - This will have to wait, we'll have to secure the ship, drop anchor.
BoP - Muahaa!
Eärniel - What was that?
BoP - Oh, nothing.
As the low laughter rumbled through the ship, it lurched violently left and right, flinging the crew around inside and smashing glasses and plates as the slid off shelves and tables
02-06-2003, 01:24 PM
Thing stands up erect, opens eyes, and listens intently.
Thing: My time has come. *pause* It has begun. *pause* Er.....mwahahahaha.
Ship lurches, and screams -- like unto screeching tires -- are heard all about.
02-06-2003, 01:41 PM
Eärniel- *holding on to the ceiling lamp in order not to fall* Wow, this is even better than a roller-coaster!
Willow- You're enjoying this? Can't you act normal?
Eärniel- Oh, sorry.... AAAAAAAAAHHH! We're doomed! We're going to dieieieieie!
Willow - Sigh.
Tano- *trying to hold on to a table* What's going on? Is it the Thing or is it the storm?
EXK- Looks like the worst combination: both!
*A wave slams into the Nal and the impact throws every one off their feet again. The crew find themselves lying on the wooden floor of the drawing room among the rubble of their broken crockery. *
Eärniel- Fne... I'm starting to remember why I never liked roller-coasters in the first place.
EG- We have to drop anchor quick!
*In a short moment of stability the captain manages to stand up and grabs one of her numerous knifes. As the ship continues to shake and shudder she reaches the door and throws it open. She races through, closely followed by a few crewmembers who managed to get on their feet.*
02-08-2003, 01:35 PM
zav- Errr....I'm not entirely sure we have an anchor? I think you traded it in for a barrel of Vodka.
Exk- Typical!! Just when you need an anchor, we haven't got one!!
Zav- Can I just ask where you got this crockery from? I've never seen it before until no....*large plate drops on head*
Zav- Arghhh!
Sp- Ouch!! Watchit!
*staggers over to ships porthole and looks out*
Zav-Oh Dear!
*everyone looks*
Eg- What is it?
Dum, Dum, Duuuum!! Can the crew survive this new unforseen terror? Don't ask me! Tune in next time for.....The Quest for the Holy Wine!!
02-09-2003, 01:05 PM
"My heart will go on.*
Sici: Dramaticly "Ice berg ahead."
"Oh wait "Jagged rocks ahead."
*gets wierd looks*
Sici: Er... never mind"
Willow: This is not titanic you crazy ... wierdo."
everyone: oooooooooo!!!!
*Everyone stops. Okward silence. Then everyone panicks ."
Ear: Oh shut up. We have to use something for an anchor and panicking is not going to help.
Bop: We can use the swords and cannon balls stuffed into a bag. Then tie it to a rope.
Ear: We have no other choice.
*everyone stuffes weapons into bag exept some relunctent(sp) donners who hissed when apporached.*
Sici: Yeh we did it. Wait are we missing someone?
*inside of bag*
"get me out of here"
Oops:*grabs bag and takes Ninja out*
Eruviel Greenleaf
03-28-2003, 05:35 PM
Suddenly, the Captain climbs down from the crow's nest and leaps onto the deck, shouting,
Everyone freezes. The captain dashes the tiller and turns the ship swiftly dead on into the wind. The ship stops still. The crew looks at her in amazement.
EG: We don't need an anchor to stop! Didn't anyone pay attention in sailing class?!
The crew all looks vaguely sheepish.
EG: Right. I forgot. You haven't taken sailing classes. Very well. I command all of you to review Points of Sail. . .there's some books in my cabin. Xen, you show them.
The brave captain resumes a steady course to the West, and they sail on toward the Holy Wine. . .but little do they know of the dangers they are about to face. . .
Find out next time in The Quest for the Holy Wine
04-09-2003, 12:06 PM
Eär: *browsing through sailingbooks* So... you take rope B and connect it to sail 3, use rope G to shift sail 1 into position 4 to accomplish manoevre 11.... then loosen rope M to steer the boat as ascribed in manoevre 53 on page 1021 but only when rope C is connected to ..... Aarg! I can't take it anymore! I'm a navigator, I don't need to know whether rope X is connected to whatever!
Xk: But you're a sailor. Surely you need to have a basic grasp of sailing
Eär: I have. You take a ship, give it a sail and some wind and bingo! You're sailing.
Tano: But...
Eär: I'm going to order my maps. At least that's something useful. And possibly have some chocolate too.
XK: Now that you mention it... I'm becoming rather hungry too.
Sici: Me too, let's have a lunchbreak.
04-10-2003, 09:27 PM
ooc: How about we reach land now?:D
Eruviel Greenleaf
05-12-2003, 02:32 AM
EG: All hands on deck! Stand by the board!
*there are some loud thumping sounds as everyone rushes to the deck and slam their hands down on the wood*
EG: My crew. I must admit, this ship is not up to standards! Now everyone must be well behaved, or I will subject you all to a lecture on the physics of sailing!
*the Captain's stern face is unmoved by the wails of horror from her crew*
EG: Now, I don't wish to seem a cruel captain, but a ship never works as a democracy! Only as an authoritarian autocracy under my command! I will be kind and give you chocolate if you serve well, but if not, it is physics lectures for you!
*notices the horrified look of the mate, who is cowering in the corner at the mention of physics*
EG: Dismissed! *she then goes to her twin, and in an act of shameless nepotism, informs her frightened sister and mate that no matter what, she would never subject her dear twin to the horror of physics lectures*
And so the Nal sails on, until, on fine afternoon, as the Captain is sipping her margarita, the first mate is downing daquiris, and the second mate is getting chocolate crumbs on her maps, Sicirus is heard from the crow's nest:
Sic: Land! Land ho! I see land!
The crew jumps to the port side where off in the distance they see a warm looking tropical island, which, they can see as they sail closer, is entirely uninhabited.
EG: Sail for the island! We shall put in here for a few days to rest and get fresh water, and chocolate!
. . .and so the pirate crew goes ashore, to a nice, peaceful and warm island. . .or so it seems. . .:D
05-12-2003, 08:44 PM
Sici: *standing in the very high up crows nest* (gulps) wait. LAnd Ho!!! LAnd Ho!!!!
EG: Any one on the island? \
Sici: Doesen't seem like it. Oh what a tick.... there seem to be local chickens dancing around a pink fire. and a wolf dressed up like a bear, but thats about it.
Eg: Lets go then. *orders crew to prepare to hit land.
EAr: still trying to figure out in the big book of sailors how to parelele park a ship.
Tano: *flutters her wings* are you sure those chickens aren't hostile?
Sici: They don't seem to be. They are just pointing at us and saying funny words and then running off. Oh, and now they are pointing some big tube thinging at us. But thats about it.
Eg: Turn the ship! Turn the Ship! Hostile chickens.
05-12-2003, 09:49 PM
ooc: Um. I think Willow's the one with the wings. I'm a hobbit, Sici. :)
Tano: Wait! The thing has a sign on it. It*sqints* Welcome To The Land Of Cacao and Broccoli, I think.
EG: Broccoli?
Tano: Ugh. Yeah. But also Cacao. We could make chocolate! I suppose we could avoid the broccoli...
Eruviel Greenleaf
05-12-2003, 10:22 PM
EG: *takes a rowboat-y thing out to island with Earniel and Tano* Oh, don't worry, they're just large, friendly, misunderstood chickens! *is surrounded by clucking, happy chickens.*
EG: Oh dear. They like me.
Tano: *also surrounded by happy-looking chickens* eek. there's a lot them...
Earniel: meeble. nice chickens, nice chickens...
EG: hey! look! chocolate!
Tano: *jumps over chickens and runs to cacao trees* Yippee!!!
05-16-2003, 07:09 AM
Eär: *looking hungrily at the cacao trees* Can we take some supplies, Captain?
EG: I suppose a good store of cacao won't hurt us, so go ahead mate.
Eär: Yes, m'am!
*The crewmembers quickly start plucking some cacao-beans and fill their bags. However, they sense a change in atmosphere and look behind them. Between them and the sea, still stand the chickens. They're all very quiet, which is unusual for chickens. They are all staring at the pirates. (Chickens are very good at staring.) They look also as displeased as far as a chicken can wear a displeased expression. (The beak is in the way, you see.)*
Tano: Um... did we do something wrong?
EG: I don't know. Maybe they don't like cacao.
Eär: *slowly* Or, maybe they like cacao a lot but not cacao-thieves...
Elfmaster XK
05-16-2003, 09:28 AM
Suddenly, the chickens begin to dance, and separate, making way for a bigger, more dissatisfied looking chicken, which is carrying a very large spikey stick.
Eär: Er...never good...
The chickens pause as the leader steps towards the pirate theives.
Eär: *faceplam* I'm getting deja me..
EG: Shh. It's okay.
Chicken: We demands you be punisheed....treacherous inturisives.
EG: in peacE? We just want some provisions. We shall be gone from your island shortly.
Chicken clan: Pwah pwah pwah...kills them...pwaha pwah...
The chicken leader points the stick at the second mate and pokes her with it. She frowns and smacks the stick away
Eär: What do you think you're doing? That's very, very irritating!
The chickens look angry...when suddenly arrows and bullets start whooshing through the air. One chicken, hit by an arrow flies past Tano's head and hits a tree.
Tano: Cool....wha? AAAAARRRGGG! Get off me!
Cap'n Eruviel turns to see as Tano is dragged away by the evil chickens as they flee the crews attack. She ducks as a bullet flies past her head.
XK: Oops. Sorry cap'n. I think I broke my desert eagle.
Eär: *raises eyebrow* Why are you dressed as Lara Croft?
XK: Errrr...I....maybe I'm in the wrong game.
EG: Stop being an idiot. Come on, we have to go rescue Tano.
Arathorn: *carrying chicken* Permission to go and cook chicken char sui (sp?) cap'n?
EG: Permission granted. We shall split into two parties, and a guard party.
*BANG* *everyone jumps*
XK: Sorry. I told you, it's broken.
EG: *shakes head in despair.* right...groups.
05-16-2003, 05:48 PM
ooc: Yey the ship is back in order.
Sici: Ahhhhhh!!!! rabid cocao loving pirate napping chickens. *takes breath* AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
EG: calm down you crazy.... what are you exactly?
Sici: *humph* An elf? Oh, I forgot.
Willow: Will you too shot up and come help us save Tano before she is cooked into a chocolate pirate snack.
Sici and EG: Right!
The lan crew ran into the pruple forest to find their friend. Oh how screwed they are.
EG: hey shut up up there.
Narratar: fine then I will. I'll just let you get lost.
Sici: lost were?
Ear: drags demented elf behind her.
Willow Oran
05-17-2003, 12:32 AM
OOC: My god! Tano's been kidnapped by gigantic CHICKENS!:eek: What is the world coming to?
*Uncertain as to where the chickens might have taken their prisenor the remaining crew memebers decided to split up and serch the Island in pairs, with instructions to call should they find the chickens.*
Willow: I knew we should have dealt with those chickens before attempting to take the cacao.
Earniel: Oh? And how should we have done that?
Willow: We're hungry, chickens are food. Yummy food, juicy, meaty food. Food that can be cooked many ways and eaten with many things.
Earniel: Er... Willow, you still sane? Or semi-sane? You do realize that you're talking about chicken dinners on an Island dominated by giant chickens, don't you?
*the faerie ignores her and continues to ramble on about food.*
Willow: What I wouldn't give for some fried chicken and potato salad right now...
Earniel: There's no talking to you right now. *no answer* Fine! Be that way! I'll go look on my own!
*and so she did, leaving Willow alone, this was unfortunate for the chickens having heard the cursed words of 'Potato Salad' came to arrest the culprit and so the faerie became the second crew member to become a prisenor of the Dread Chickens of Doooom.*
05-17-2003, 06:05 AM
*However Eärniel realises it was perhaps a bit harsh to leave the faerie on her own. She's feeling some pangs of guilt too. After all, the faerie is small and quite defenceless. So the sea elf decides to return where she has left Willow.*
Eärniel: You know Willow, maybe I overrea.. *stops when she sees an empty space* Er... Willow?
*She looks around, searching for the faerie.*
Eärniel: Willow, this isn't funny anymore. Show yourself or I will leave again. I mean it! I am dead serious.
*She finally notices the few chicken feathers and a small very convenient tell-tale shred of Willow's clothing lying on the ground.*
Eärniel: Oh, no! She's been faerie-napped! What have I done? I knew we shouldn't have split up! People who split up when there are dangerous things lurking about are always asking for trouble! Always! I know it! It happens in every movie! How am I going to tell this to the captain ?
*Holding her spear in a firm grip, Eärniel decides to follow the trail of Willow abductors.*
Eärniel: Hold on, Willow! I'm coming! Sea elf to the rescue! *raises spear dramatically*
*It's never smart to go yelling around in a forest full of gigantic maniac chickens. It's also a pretty lame cry.*
Eärniel: *mutters* Stupid know-it-all-narrator. I can never do dramatic. Fne.... *goes off to track the chickens*
05-31-2003, 01:54 PM
Sci*breaks out of asylum jacket and follows Ear to find missing fearie.* Wait up.
Ear:*stops to let elf catch up*
Sici: *catches up then passes because <has bad breaks* Sorry:o
Ear*rolls eyes* come on.
We follow the trail with the company on our heels questioning Wiilows kidnapping. We follow the smaell of chocloate to find our path.
EG: I hope those chickens are not cooking the poor fearie in chocolate.
Sici: Imagines willow in boiling hot chocloate and wishes she can eat chocolate and free willow.
Narra: So the company go off with pathetic weapons to fight off rabid dancing chickens who can kick their skinny....
Ear: shut up. DOn't make me come up there.
NArra: HOw do you know I am up?
Ear: Because you bugger, your tail is showing.
Narra: I don't have a tail.
Ear: then what is that?
Sici: A large bush baby!
06-02-2003, 01:56 PM
Ear: oh look at the cutie! *grabs bush baby and stores it away in one of her numerous pockets* The captain might want to keep it as a pet. I seem to remember she was rather fond of tarsiers. This one'll do.
*They follow the trail and finally come across the native chicken's camp. Hiding behind a bush Eärniel and Sicirus spy on the camp. Before a giant statue of an equally giant rooster the chickens have tied Willow on a spit. They apparantly like their faerie 'bien rôti'. Tano lies tied as a sausage a little further off. However dinner isn't ready just yet. Each time the chickens try to light the fire, the tied faerie blows it out again by flapping her wings. Oddly the chickens don't think about trying to tie Willow's wings together so she can't do that anymore. But hey, we're still talking chickens here.*
Eär: How many chickens do you count?
Sici: Lots.
Eär: Thought so. As did I. Now that we've found the enemy camp, let's get the others.
*Both crewwomen dissapear again in the forest in search for the rest of their crew*
Eruviel Greenleaf
06-02-2003, 06:41 PM
Meanwhile, EG and her first mate--EG deciding to be grateful for the appearance of her mate dressed as Lara Croft, as it might be useful--are on the track of the CHICKENS who kidnapped Tano. They run through the forest, looking carefully for signs of the chickens. By some intervention of the hand of fate, or by simple dumb luck, they soon stumble upon a clearing where the CHICKENS have tied (don't ask me how. they just did. i don't care if they lack opposable thumbs. they're smart chickens.) Tanoliel and Willow to some stakes in the center, and are doing some strange ritualistic dance around them. One CHICKEN has a large torch in its beak.
EG: *whispers to E XK* should we go sneaky, or just yell at them? they haven't noticed us yet...
E XK: *whispering back* Sneaky sneaky.
EG: *laughs quietly for some unknown reason and goes slightly red, then sneaks a few steps forward, her twin following.*
The two make their way toward a rather large CHICKEN (well, large even for one of these...), sword and pistol out and ready, assuming this is the leader, for she has a necklace of cacoa beans strung around her neck. In a brave and somewhat foolish and horribly un-Slytherin-like move, EG makes a magnificent leap onto the back of the HEN and holds her sword to the leader's throat. Meanwhile, E XK does the same to the ROOSTER to her right.
EG: You would not negotiate peacefully, so now we must hold you hostage! Release our friends and let us go in peace, and no one will get hurt!
CHICKEN: Cluck, cluck theifssssessssssss!!!
EG: *sigh* Release our friends at once and will be safe!
CHICKEN: Do asss they sayyy but know this: you shall pay for your mistake! No one daressss defy my law!
EG: Alright, alright, just let them go!
The CHICKENS untie Tano and Willow, and shove them out of the clearing.
CHICKEN: But what will we give as sacrifice to our gods? For they require the blood of a humanoid creature every month!
EG: *sighs again* Umm...well...does it have to be human?
CHICKEN: Well. . .not specifically. . .but. . .
EG: Does it have to be a living creature?
CHICKEN: Well the gods didn't specify. . .but. . .we don't want to make them angry. . .
EG: Well then your problem is solved. Sacrifice some cacao. They'll like that. I've met gods in my time, and they love sacrifices of chocolate.
CHICKEN: You have saved us! We will no longer have to sacrifice our friends and guests! This elf has solved our problems!
EG: *wonders quietly to herself why on earth the CHICKENS hadn't figured it out on their own, but shrugs and lets it be.*
CHICKEN: As our savior, you are entitled to all the cacao you want! Take some to your ship, just leave some for us!
EG: I thank you for your hospitality and kindess, CHICKEN-san. *bows*
CHICKEN: You're welcome.
And so the elf-pirates gather again, and the CHICKENS invite them to a Luau. They party all night long, dancing on the shore in the firelight and enjoying a nice evening with the CHICKENS who turn out to be much fun. Then, in the morning, well supplied, they go on their way. Back on the ship, where EG is hanging up her sword and discussing rationing with the cook Garina, Earniel comes in with the bushbaby.
Ear: Captain?
EG: Yes, Earniel?
Ear: We found this bushbaby on the island. Since you like tarsiers so much we figured you'd like it, as it's close enough.
EG: ooh, thank you, it's sooo cute! *picks up bushbaby and plays with it*
EG: Thank you so much! *hugs Earniel*
*does a happy dance around the cabin*
The members of the crew all love the Bushbaby and it is adopted as Ship Pet. It turns out to be quite useful keeping the insects out of the supplies. So they sail on their way, enjoying the tropical waters, and are occasionally known to jump off the boat to go swimming.
. . .But still, the quest they set out on is on all their minds, and they know they are likely going to run out of time to find the Holy Wine, and they must search for clues soon.
06-02-2003, 07:35 PM
ooc: Sneaky sneaky wouldn't have anything to do with "if they catch us we'll be in huge trouble...that just makes it all the more fun" that you told me about, would it? :D
Tano: Whoo. That was exciting.
Willow: *rocks quietly back and forth*
Tano: Oh, come on. Here, gimmie your chocolate...I'm making hot cocoa.
Willow Oran
06-02-2003, 09:34 PM
*Willow drinks the hot cocoa slowly as she keeps attempting to twist around to ensure that her wings aren't singed too badly. She finally gives up and decides to ask something that she has been wondering about for quite sometime now.*
Willow: Cap'n?
EG: Yes?
Willow: Where are we going?
EG: I'm afraid I can't tell you that.
Willow: Why not?
EG: Because.
Willow: Pleeeeaase? Just a tiny little hint? I promise not to tell.
EG: Oh... fine. *whispers something in the faerie's ear*
Willow: What! But we already knew that!
EG: That's all you're getting out of me.
Willow: Fine.
OOC: It should be noted that we actually had this conversation, stubborn pirate.
Eruviel Greenleaf
06-02-2003, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by Tanoliel
ooc: Sneaky sneaky wouldn't have anything to do with "if they catch us we'll be in huge trouble...that just makes it all the more fun" that you told me about, would it? :D
ooc: Actually I was thinking of that elf character I have a huge crush on, who was once temporarily turned into a leopard, but hey, that could work too...though I wouldn't have gotten into trouble, just him ;) :D
EG: *while scratching behind the bushbaby's ears. the bushbaby looks very happy. he has been named, for some inexplicable reason, Yuki.** You feeling alright, Willow? I mean, after that ordeal and all. Being kidnapped by CHICKENS.
Willow: I'd feel better if I knew where we were going *hopeful look*
EG: laughs. Nope, sorry! Hey, let's go swimming!
And they anchor the boat and swim some more. Happy days. Woohoo. :)
*ooc: if you know what this means, PM me and I'll give you a virtual cookie. :D
06-03-2003, 05:57 AM
ooc: YOur making the story depressing because it sounds almost like we have ended. :(
ic: The crew members *not all of them* jump into the cold sea water and splashed each other furiously with the salty stuff. We could basically walk on the water from the amount of salt.
Sici: tries to act like jesus and walk on water* fails misurably.
Ear: Gets on boat and floats on water laughing at sici. crew members tip boat and laugh at sunken crew mate.
Eare: *uses bushbaby as floating device*
Willow: I did not know bush babies could be used as floating devices.
Sici: I thnk he actually needs a fur cut.
Sici: *gets out of water* Hey cap?
Eg: what is it?
sici: do you think the holy wine is were Arthur found the holy grail?
06-03-2003, 08:04 PM
Tano: *lifts head up from dead man's float* Actually, it isn't the same kind of holy. As I take it, the wine is holy to the religion that EG is ascribed to, and as none of us seem to know quite what that is...we can't quite know what kind of holy the wine will be. I do, however, know that the wine is not the same kind of holy as the holy grail, and therefore I believe it is safe to assume that it will not be in the same place. Besides, I don't think we're in England anymore.
Sici: *blinks* I thought you were the weapons master. Since when did you become the philosopher, too?
Tano: Oh, I've always been one. *grins evilly, and dives underwater*
ooc: Hee. That was fun. I just got done with debates, you see...and we won, ha HA! And I am very happy that they are over. :D
Eruviel Greenleaf
06-03-2003, 08:43 PM
ooc: Congrats, Tanoliel! :D
EG: *splashes over to Tano* I'M the philosopher of the ship!
Tano: But you're the Captain! You can't be both, can you?
EG: You're already Weapons/Demolition expert. That's such a time-consuming position!
Tano: So's being the Captain!
EG: Well, since we both want to be ship's philosopher...
Tano: ...and we both have lots of duties...
EG: ...we'll split the task!
Tano: Yeah!
Sici: There they go finishing each other's sentences again. . .
E XK: Captain! There's a raft in sight! *takes fancy Lara Croft binoculars and looks at it. She sees a raft floating towards them, from an island they are anchored near. There is someone on it, but it is too far to see.*
EG: All hands! Man...woman...elf..whatever, get your stations!
E XK: Is it hostile?
EG: I don't think so, but...
E XK: ...better safe than sorry.
Sici: *eyes EG and E XK fearfully* You too?
E XK and EG grin.
Soon they are all on board the ship again, and the captain and her crew look at the incoming raft. Aboard it is. . .
--the next post is reserved for Roya, The Last Sane Person, so that she can introduce herself!---
The last sane person
06-04-2003, 01:03 AM
OOC: 'ello all!
*the raft with the what-ever-it-was floated closer to the vessel. Soon it was right next to it and all the crew had a whole lot a sharp pointy projectiles pointed at it*
Who-ever-it-was: Hello! *notices all the sharp pointy implements of pain leveled at her* Uh.... Just so you know, i'm not hostile or anything!
Crew: oh. *lower weapons reluctantly*
Tano: Oh bugger! Can I kill it any way??
EG: No! Let it speak!
W.E.I.W: Well, i'm not an "it" per say! Names Roya! Extremely alcoholic and violence prone boatswain extraordinaire!
E Ex: Then where's yer ship?
Roya: Uh, it sank a while back. Do you have any vodka per chance?? Been a while since i've had a drop of suitable alcohol!
Crew: *shrugs* Captain?? Now what?
EG: Eh…I’ll get back ta ya on that….
Roya: well, in the mean time could one a ya throw me something alcoholic???? Please??
06-04-2003, 01:07 AM
Tano: Well...I have a bit of chocolate liqueir. Will that do ya?
ooc: HI, Roya! And g'dm it, I still have to meet you in person!
The last sane person
06-04-2003, 01:21 AM
OOC: Yeah.. Ya do have yet ta see me!!
*Roya shrugs and sits cross legged waiting for EG's return with the verdict*
Roya: 'twill do me fine till i get some hard stuff back in me!
Eruviel Greenleaf
06-04-2003, 02:30 AM
EG: *considers* Weeeelll...we are lacking a boatswain...and we could use another crew member, as our next target vessel is rather a challenging one...What do you say, Roya? Will you join our crew? Would you like to be a pirate?
Roya: *swills down the chocolate liquer* That's a bloody excellent offer, Cap'n! I'll take ya up on it!
EG: Yay! New crewmate! *reaches for flask at her side* as our new crewmate, ye can have a drop o' the own whiskey!
Roya: Aye, thank you, Cap'n!
:D :D :D
06-04-2003, 02:59 AM
*Of course the new addition to the crew has to be celebrated drunken Elf-fashion. So not that much later the pirates sit drunkenly in the captain's cabin. *
Sici: So *hic* congratssss to our new *hic* crewwoman!
EXK: I think that's about the sixth time you said that. How much more are you going to congratulate her?
Sici: As long as there's booze. *hic*
EG: Amen to that! *takes another sip*
Eär: *shakily pours herself another drink* So captain, what's the next target you were talking about?
The last sane person
06-04-2003, 01:39 PM
*EG and crew sit around drunkenly, talking about the new target vessel. Roya happily swigs some rather strong Vodka she found in the hold of the NAL*
Roya:*staggers to her feet* Well, wha's the new *hic* Target cap'n? *falls back into chair*
EG: A mighty fine vessel, *Slosh* Filled with liquor! *hic*
Ear: *stands up slowly* Then we better not let Tano set it aflame and ruin the liquor!
*the crew shudders at the thought of wasted booze*
Tano: Perisshhh the tot! *hic* *slumps over and snores*
06-04-2003, 07:45 PM
sici: shrieks and hiccups at the same time. "NOOOOOOOOOO Tano don't burn the liquor!"
Ear:*grabs drunk elf before she throws herself at invisible Tano that was supposedly standing at the edge of the ship.* WE won't let her.
Roya: So*hic* whenh will be leave for the new target"
EG: As soon as I can*hic* gets these basted pink sheep off the ship.
Sici: Oh sheep. I thought they were large overstuffed squirrels.
Ear: no they look like *hic* sheep to me.
EXK: *raises eyebrow* I think you have had enough. * snatches away liquor and goes off to her burrow to store the rest, or whatever was actually left.*
EG crew spends the rest of the evening trying to get rid of the sheep/ squirrels who have started to sing Its A small world after all.
Willow Oran
06-04-2003, 09:03 PM
*Meanwhile Willow, who has remained relatively sober compared to the rest of the crew, debates with herself about a very evil plan.*
Willow: I really shouldn't... I mean, it's not very nice to take advantage of drunkeness...
*sneaks a look and EG who is sprawled on her back singing to the pink and purple sheep and waving a bottle.*
...Of course, it's not like I'm doing anything wrong, just trying to satisfy my curiosity, nothing evil about that. It's not my fault she's drunk.
*She makes up her mind and goes over to the Cap'n*
EG: Whooo... are you another one of the pink sheep gods?
Willow: No, I'm their messanger. You see, they heard of the quest you and your crew are on and they wished to bless it...
EG: Why'd they wanna do that?
Willow: Well, you know cause they're spirit thingys, that's what they do.
EG: Oh, okay, well tell them to go ahead if they like.
Willow: It's not that simple though... You see, they can't do anything to help you unless they know where you're going, they sent me to ask you so that I can tell them so that they can do nice things for you.
EG: Do they now.... Well...
The last sane person
06-04-2003, 09:32 PM
EG: *swigs from bottle* uhn.... how come the pink sheepy things wanna know?? Hey....For a pink *hic* sheepy person messanger thing...You looks familiar....*hic*
Willow: No i dont!
EG: Yes ya do.
*just then roya staggers in on Willow*
Roya: *hic* Allo cap'n! All pinky sheepy squirrels are gone! without a trace! Sacred the nasty little blighters off we did!
*She grabs bottle from EG and notices Willow standing there nervously*
Roya: Oy! aint you that slighty nurotic faerie thingy? Oy! Ear... Who's the faerie thing?
*Ear is relativly sober compareitively speaking and she comes over to investigate*
Willow: *disides to book it for the present* Um, see ya later.
OOC: I love to foil evil plots, unless their my own
06-04-2003, 11:34 PM
ooc: Yes, you would.... but ya can't foil mine! I stole all the tinfoil! Muahahaha!
Tano: Fair thing, foul thing, fair foul foul fair fairie. Hover through the smog and murky wind.
EG: Wind...
Tano: *suddenly wakes up fully* WIND! There's WIND! Haul the mainsheet!
EG: Who's....*hic* cap'n here?
Tano: Uh. Right. Permission to climb crows nest, cap'n?
EG: Permission granted.
Tano: YEAH! *scrambles up masts, her drunkeness apparently gone*
Eruviel Greenleaf
06-05-2003, 12:48 AM
As Tano scampers to the top of the crow's nest, EG stands up, blinking, throws a bucket of cold water on her face, and shouts:
EG: Haul in the main! We have ourselves a nice wind!
. . .and EG proceeds to do captain-y sorts of things.
About an hour later, EG is watching from the prow of the ship, when Tano comes by.
EG: How now, spirit! Whither wander you?
Tano: Over hill, over dale, thorough brush and thorough briar, over park, over pale, thorough a fog and thorough a fire, I do wander everywhere...
EG: Okay, okay. . .*grins* You get the official title of Ship's Shakespeare Nut.
06-05-2003, 08:00 PM
ooc: Score!
Tano: Score! Now I think I'll wander whither off to the wine cellars...
EG: Oh NO you don't!
Tano: *grumbles* Okay, okay...nevermind. I'll go make chocolate instead.
Finrod Felagund
06-06-2003, 12:01 PM
Finrod has been following the ship for ages...and ages...and ages..and...well for really long. He finally decided to climb up onto the ship and join the crew.
Finrod: Hello Cap'n!
Finrod: Not in this RPG...yet!
Tano: Okay then!
The last sane person
06-06-2003, 02:13 PM
OOC: Insipiring this sudden burst in crewmembers!
Roya:*levels sharp pointy object that on second glance turns out to be a broken booze botle at Finrod* Who are you ya swab!
Finrod: ACK! Put the sharp pointy thing away! i haven't done nothing yet!
Roya: .....?
Finrod: Uh, cap'n i pressume?! *salutes to EG*
Finrod: Uh, never mind. I was wondering if i could join the crew??
Roya&EG: Oh!
Roya: Wha'?
Eruviel Greenleaf
06-06-2003, 03:04 PM
EG: Well, perhaps. . .we must give you an interview first!
Finrod: Uh...ok. Preciousss--I mean. Yes.
EG: Do you have any sailing experience?
Finrod: No, sir.
EG: Do you have any pirating experience?
Finrod: No, sir.
EG: Do you have any drinking experience?
Finrod: Yes, sir! Very much sir!
EG: Do you have any cleaning experience?
Finrod: What sort of cleaning, sir?
EG: Taking care of wood. Swabbing the deck.
Finrod: Some, sir.
EG: Why are you addressing me as sir?
Finrod: I dunno, sir.
EG: Well you should address me as Captain!
Finrod: Yes, Cap'n, sir! *salutes*
EG: *worried look* Were you ever in the military?
Finrod: Well, back in Middle Earth. . .
EG: Ah. That makes sense. Well then, if you'll swear by the Holy Wine to follow my orders and the orders of...well, everyone else on the ship, and to pirate to the best of your ability, and to be a drunkard like the rest of us, I suppose we'll take you on as crew. Your job will be to assist the cook, and do a lot of cleaning. And drinking. And pirating. You will be, as the latest new member, I'm afraid you'll have to be the lowliest member of the crew, even below the cabin girl. But we're all nice. And drunk. Mostly. Mostly nice that is. *grins*
Finrod: I will swear it! I hereby swear by the Holy Wine to follow everyone's orders, pirate to the best of my ability, and to be a drunkard!
EG: And you must give me an oath of fealty.
Finrod: A wha?
EG: Swear your loyalty to me.
Finrod: By the great hook-block I swear, I shall be loyal to the Captain of the Nal, Eruviel Greenleaf formerly known as Suliel Lhasgalen!
EG: *does a double take* How do you know that name?
Finrod: Well, don'cha remember, back in Middle Earth, when you came with the ships of in the War of Wrath? We met then. How could I forget? I think I was rather dead. Maybe. Dunno. It was a good few thousand years ago...
EG: *looking slightly disturbed.* Of course. Heh. Right. Well, welcome to our crew!
The crew: Aye! Welcome!
Elfmaster XK
06-06-2003, 06:02 PM
(ooc: I am introducing a new character who doesn't exist to be played by anyone, okay? So this character is for everyone to use, and he is evil, m'kay? But in a...conspiritous kind of way if you understand? His name is Sarin (Sar:) And can everyone please play along? You know who he is, okay? )
E XK: we have... *starts to count on fingers* *shakes head* Lots of crew members...does that mean we have to share the wine out more? *looks imploringly at cap'n, twin* And have another welcoming party?
EG: Well, yes. I guess.
Crew: YAY!
EG: *to XK aside* It's okay...I have secret stores... *wink*
And so the crew party the night away, laying anchor and dancing, swimming, drinking and generally falling over on deck. The night passes and the music dies down.
As the sun rises the next day, E XK wakes early, hating the early morning light as she does. She opens an eye and sees a crewmate next to her. He is sleeping too. She stretches and pokes him until he wakes.
Sar: Oi, what you doing?
E XK: *sniggers* *pauses* *points* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU! INTRUDER INTRUDER, CAP'N WAKE UP!!! *Leaps up and gets out sword*
The rest of the crew rise slowly from slumber, some with headaches, some feeling distinctly nauseous. But all look at E XK (still dressed as Lara) in an annoyed and confused manner. EG and Eärniel rise. EG opens her mouth to speak but her second mate beats her to it.
Eärniel: What are you talking about first mate?
EG: *closes mouth*
E XK: Look, an intruder? Are you all blind? *franticly points, and pokes Sarin*
Sici: E XK...what are you doing?
Tano: Yeah?
Eärniel: Yeah?
Willow: Oh make me wanna shout... *all stare* I mean...yeah, what are you doing?
E XK: *glances at Sarin* *glances at crew* He is NOT part of our crew!
Sici: Xk. You've gone crazy. Stop picking on people like that. It's mean.
Eärniel: Yeah! How would you like it if we all pretended not to know you?
E XK: *puts away sword and looks imploringly at EG* Cap' know what I'm talking about?
EG: I think perhaps we should have a talk, Xk. In my cabin. Come on. *takes her away*
Eärniel: Crazy bint. Sorry Sarin, she's weird like that. Want some chocolate.
Sar: Ooooh, yes please!!!
Eärniel: *looks slightly upset* Er...well...people usually say no...and let me keep it all.
Sar: Oh yeah. Sorry. No thanks, sir.
Eärniel: *smiles* Okay. *bites into slab of chocolate*
The crew all turn back to their sleeping places and drift back into sleep slowly; Tano goes up to the crow's nest and keeps lookout for a while; Willow sprinkles some powder over her still healing wings. Everything is normal.
EG drags XK back to the cabin
Xk: Cap'n cap'n somethings wrong he doesn't belong here you don't understand i think there was somethinginthewinenalnkkdnj...
EG: Stop! I understand you. Question is...what are we going to do now?
Eruviel Greenleaf
06-06-2003, 06:10 PM
*continuing the SECRET discussion in the cabin*
EG: I've no idea who he is. You?
E XK: No clue. But this isn't good. I'm...worried. A bit.
EG: So am I. But...everyone else seems to think he's normal, so
E XK: We just play along then?
EG: Yes. But we should find some time to interrogate him. Just to see what we can find out.
E XK: Good plan. Oh, and do you know...I mean, was there anything the crew might have drank last night that we didn't?
EG: Good thought...but...I dunno. Don't think so.
E XK: Well, we'll just keep going then, I s'pose.
EG: Looks like we'll have to.
So, Captain and First Mate emerge from the cabin and go about their normal duties on the ship. They are but three days from their target ship, and no closer to finding clues about the Holy Wine. Meanwhile, they observe Sarin being quite the popular one among the crew. . .
06-07-2003, 04:33 AM
Originally posted by Elfmaster XK
His name is Sarin (Sar:) And can everyone please play along? You know who he is, okay? )
OOC: We know who he is? You mean like nerve gass? *reads on* Oh, I see what you mean. :rolleyes: Will do. What does conspiritous mean BTW? It's not in my dictionary.
Eär: *goes to EXK* Hey first mate, sobered up already? You must have drunk more than your usual share last night with not recognizing Sarin this morning and all.
EXK: Well....
Eär: Maybe you should apologise, you may have hurt his feelings.
EXK: But...
Eär: Oh, not that I want to pressure you in any way. I just think he's a very nice guy.
EXK: You do?
Eär: Well yeah. Sort of.
EXK: Incidentally what did YOU drink last night?
Eär: Lemme think, it's abit hazy. I think some apple cider, some corsican wine , a little whiskey and a glass of warm chocolate.
EXK: *stares*
Eär: I'm a chocoholic, I can't help it!
Willow Oran
06-08-2003, 02:21 AM
OOC: Oh... mysterious evil dudes who show up while we're all too drunk to care! How thrilling!:D
*Meanwhile, Willow has wandered into the galley, in search of headache medicine and potatoes. She has been looking for these items all morning and so has not really noticed the presence of Sarin, confusing him for the other new crew members.*
Willow: *searching through the cupboards desperately* You would think they would have some decent food around... I mean, not even elves can live on chocolate and wine alone, and the hobbit certainly can't, I mean, is one potato too much to ask for!
Sarin: *sneaking up behind her* Probably.
Willow: *spins to face him* What the-!
Sarin: I apologize if I startled you.
Willow: What were you doing behind me in the first place?
Sarin: I was curious. You seemed rather out of place among these pirates and I wished to know why.
Willow: No more out of place than you.
Sarin: And what could you possibly mean by that?
Willow: You aren't one of the crew, I'm not blind you know. I've been on this ship for months and I know I've never seen you before.
Sarin: *frowning slightly, this is not going according to his plan* Are you quite sure, I notice you were looking for something to ease your headache. Perhaps you are simply not remembering clearly. The rest of the crew remembers me well enough.
Willow: My head is perfectly clear, they're probably still half drunk from last night.
Sarin: Then why aren't you?
Willow: I don't drink, human wine has some rather drastic effects on people of my race. Besides, someone has to stay half-way sane.
Sarin: It's a pity you feel that way. *he draws a knife and Willow realizes that while they were talking he's managed to back her into a corner.* You'd have been safe otherwise, but as it is perhaps I can still find some way to use you in my plan...
Willow: *very nervous now, especially since Sarin is much bigger than her and armed* What plan would that be?
Sarin: Now, now, if I told you it would ruin the surprise....
OOC: Mwahahahaha!!!!!!!! I wonder what's gonna happen....
Eruviel Greenleaf
06-08-2003, 02:54 AM
Sarin looks from the knife to Willow in a most menacing way, causing the faerie to quiver in fear. Then, quite calmly, Sarin starts to clean his fingernails. He leans against the wall of the hold in a most calm, harmless yet mysterious way, and smiles.
Willow wakes up a few hours later to the feeling of ice cold water being splashed over her face. . .
The captain stands above her, dumping a bucket of water over her head.
EG: Wake up!
Willow: *Sits up, rubbing her eyes and spreading her wings.* Eh? What? I think I must have. . .
EG: What are you doing in the hold?
Willow: Oh, Sarin and I were looking for the potatos. Well, I was, but Sarin came down to get something and started helping me.
*Willow notices EG's eyes narrow as she mentions Sarin*
Willow: What's wrong, Cap'n?
EG: What? Oh, I was just wondering why on earth Sarin was down there. He's not supposed to be.
Willow: Well maybe the Mate sent him for something. I can't imagine Sarin doing something wrong, of course! He'd never do any harm.
EG: Of course. I trust him entirely. *thinks to herself: that creep is going to find a good 6 inches of Toledo steel in his gut as soon as I find out what he's up to. . .*
Willow: Of course, Cap'n.
EG: Now, run along and scrub the deck. Finrod could use some help.
Willow Oran
06-08-2003, 01:13 PM
OOC: What? No! I refuse to be brainwashed!!!!!
*Willow is halfway up to the deck when she is suddenly mentally slapped by her sub-concious*
Willow: 'Would never do any harm...' what, why on earth did I say that?
*she frantically tries to remember what had happened down there before she went to sleep and as she does the effects of Sarin's brainwashing experiment come crashing down. She turns and starts to run back the way she came.*
W: Cap'n!!!!
06-08-2003, 02:12 PM
ooc: A brainwashing stranger who threatins people with knives. This is good.
Sici: Stands in crow nest searching for some sighn of land. Anything. *notices a small boat next to Nal and decide to investigate on her own.* climbes silently down from crows nest and tries not to draw any attention.
Finrod: whats up sici?
Sici: *stumbles* er.. nothing just need to get some...? Some... bananas. ya bananas.
Finrod: Um.. Ok?
Sici:*goes to the starboard of the ship and climbs down a rope ladder. the shop was small and had a couple of books and bottles in it.* What the?
The boat was tied to the Nal and sici wonders who the boat belonged to.
*hears willow's voice calling for the captian.*
Climbes backup and accidently unties rope that connected the small boat to the big one.
sici: ooppps!
Jumps into the boat that was floating away and is now stuck watching the Nal go farther and farther away. Then notices a sword in the boat with the name Sarin on it.
Tries to stear boat with hands but finds that a big wave makes the boat drift farther away.
Sici: *yelps* HELP!!!!!!
06-08-2003, 02:49 PM
Tano: Wha--? Oh, good lords and ladies. Sici, what have you done now?
Sici: *from very far away* heeeeeelp!
Tano: Okay, okay....CAP'N!
EG: What?
Tano: Sici's gone overboard. On a boat. *Begins unreeling rope from the bow*
EG: Sici's what?
Tano: Over there. *points, and then ties rope around her waist* I'm going in.
EG: No you're not.
Tano: Yes I am. She's not that far away, and anyway I haven't had a good swim in a long time. *jumps in*
EG: Argh.
Willow Oran
06-08-2003, 04:41 PM
*Just as Tano dives in Willow comes flying up to the Cap'n and hovers at eye level babbling hysteriacally.*
Willow: -and then I remembered that he hadn't been helping at all, he had a knife and was talking scary like and then I was gonna scream but he started cleaning his fingers with it and then I fell asleep an' I don't know what's going on but I think he's evil and I thought you should know and- and...
*she realizes at this point that Eruviel is not listening to a word she says and decides that it would be best just to be quiet and play along with the rest of the crew and pretend that everything is normal.*
Eruviel Greenleaf
06-08-2003, 04:42 PM
EG: *trying to think through this mess* Okay, Tano can take of herself. She'll be alright. *mumbles very quietly so no one can here* Sarin I'll deal with later. *shouting* WILLOW!
Willow: Yes, Cap'n?
EG: What did you want?
Willow: Um, just to say, I don't think Sarin is meant any harm before, to me. Really. Honest.
EG: *slightly confused* Okay.
Willow: But what I said about not harming anyone is silly. I mean, he's a pirate! Of course he'd harm people! But only the right people, of course. *nods enthusiastically*
EG: Okay. Fair enough. NOW GET TO WORK! *storms off to her cabin to discuss the best possible course to set with Earniel*
ooc: Please, we asked already, FOLLOW ALONG! We have a plot that will be mightily destroyed if anyone doesn't follow this request. Thank you so very much, Willow and anyone else who doesn't want to be brainwashed. :)
Eruviel Greenleaf
06-08-2003, 04:44 PM
ooc: Willow, you posted this about 1/2 second before mine. As Captain, I'm going to request that we ignore this post, because it really doesn't work with the plot we've laid out. You do want to find the wine, now don't you? Thanks :)
Originally posted by Willow Oran
*Just as Tano dives in Willow comes flying up to the Cap'n and hovers at eye level babbling hysteriacally.* etc, etc, etc.
06-08-2003, 06:07 PM
*Meanwhile, Eärniel is having a little problem.*
Eär: Mmm, that's odd....
EG: *enters* What is?
Eär: Probably nothing serious, captain. It's just... I have this feeling somebody's been going through my maps....
EG: *raises eyebrow* Oh? Why do you think that?
Eär: Well, I was pretty sure I had ordered them last time. Now they seemed a little jumbled. Luckily I keep the valuable ones under lock and key. *shows a key on a chain around her neck* Wouldn't want any unauthorised navigator laying hands on them.
EG: Mmm, did you see anyone?
Eär: I did see Sarin a while back but I can't imagine he's got anything to do with it.
EG: *not convinced* Mmm...
Tano: *pokes her head in, dripping water on the floor* I've got Sicirus back on board. I'll give her a little cider against the shock and a good yelling at for leaving the ship without permission.*leaves again*
Eär: Did Sicirus fall overboard again?
EG: No, she got adrift in a boat.
Eär: What, the rowingboat? What was she doing in there?
EG: No, our rowingboat is still secured on deck. Apparantly another boat.
Eär: Really? *begins to order maps again* I didn't know we had another boat...
EG: *mutters darkly* Neither did I.
OOC: Weeee! I love being dense and blaming stuff on Sarin. :p
Finrod Felagund
06-08-2003, 06:25 PM
Finrod: I need wine!
Sici: What?
Finrod: I need wine!
Sici: What?
Finrod: I need wine!
Sici: What?
Finrod: I need wine!
Sici: What?
Finrod: I need wine!
Sici: What?
Finrod: I need wine!
Sici: What?
Finrod: I need wine!
Sici: What?
Finrod: I need wine!
Sici: What?
Finrod: I need wine!
Sici: What?
EG: *knocks them both out*
Willow Oran
06-08-2003, 08:18 PM
OOC: Eruviel my friend I am doing my best to follow and help the plot along. I believe I have asked you before to let me know at least a little of what you have in mind specifically so that I don't mess up your plot, and, if I remember correctly you just as specifically refused.
OOC2: I edited the post, it leads straight into yours now Eruviel, there's no need to skip over it.
Eruviel Greenleaf
06-08-2003, 11:44 PM
OOC: Thank you thank you thank you Willow, and I'm sorry I wasn't very nice.
EG: Fne. This is going to be a loooooong day. Earniel, I dunno, I'll look into the map stuff, but now I need to go figure out what's going on with this boat, okay?
Earniel: Okay, Cap'n. *goes off to map room, slowly eating some chocolate*
The Captain ventures down to where the boat was.
EG: So, what happened, Tano? Oh, and good job, by the way. I commend you.
Tano: Thank you, Captain. Well, I jumped in and swam out to where Sici was . . .
(ooc: will let Tano finish that...)
06-09-2003, 01:09 AM
ooc: Thanks, cap'n! And...hey....PM me the plot? *puppy face* C'mon! I was part of you gals earlier one...please? :(
ic: Tano: ...and she was babbling something along the lines of *takes deep breath* "help me please I'm going to die help help help help it's Sarin's boat and I drifted away and I'm so lost oh somebody help me please oh help help help--oh, hi Tano."
EG: *blinks* Ohhh...
Tano: SO she seems to be doing okay for now. And I got the boat back--it's tied to the stern.
EG: Thanks, Tano.
Tano: Yeah, de nada. Have you seen my chocolate, by the way? *wanders off in search of chocolate liquer, forgetting that Roya has drunk most of it*
Eruviel Greenleaf
06-09-2003, 01:25 AM
(ooc: Um...well...I'll think about it ;))
EG: Wait, Tano! Come into my cabin for a moment, please.
Tano: But...chocolate...
EG: Tano?
Tano: Yes, Cap'n. *trudges after EG into office*
EG: Have a seat. And have some cocoa.
Tano: Oooh, thank you, Cap'n! *grins happily*
EG: So, did you see anything in the boat? I mean, this boat mysteriously showed up and all, and. . .
Tano: Well, it's that boat Sarin came in, remember? Right after we left? It's been there ever since he came, I remember you complaining about how it really got in the way.
EG: Well, okay. I'll look at it and see if we can't do anything about it. It's awfully inconvenient. Thank you, you can go. Send Sicirus, in, will you?
Tano: Yes, Cap'n.
*skips merrily out*
EG: *sighs*
06-10-2003, 12:03 AM
Tano: Hey, Sici, Cap'n wants to see you. *goes to rail and peers over at the boat* Huh. I wonder....
Finrod Felagund
06-10-2003, 12:03 PM
Finrod: *swabs the poop-deck*
Eruviel Greenleaf
06-10-2003, 01:57 PM
EG: Good job, Finrod!
Finrod: Aye, Cap'n!
EG: *climbs up crow's nest* Ahoy! XK! We've our target in sight! *climbs back down and runs to cabin*
EG opens a trunk in her cabin and takes out two flags, just as Earniel and XK run in. One flag is black, with a skull and two crossed sabres. The other. . .well, the other is a plain red flag.
EG: *holding up the first flag* Meet Roger. He doesn't like you. *picks up the red one* Meet Jack. He likes even less. *grins evilly* So, mates, which one do we fly?
XK: Umm....
Earniel: uh...
XK: Wait, what do they mean again?
EG: Jolly Roger means "do as we say and no one gets too hurt, we'll just take all your cargo and burn your sails." The Red Jack...well, that means "you may as well go down to the hold and drink all the wine, 'cause no matter what you do we're going to kill you. And then take all your cargo and burn your sails." *grins evilly again*
XK: Weeellll. . .
Earniel: Can't decide.
XK: We could. . .
EG: Fly them both?
XK: Yes! Stop reading my mind!
EG: Well, we're twins. That's what we do.
XK: Oh. Right. True enough. Okay, you can read my mind.
Earniel: *rolls her eyes* You two. . .I'm eating some chocolate!
EG: But first help us with the flags!
And so the drunk elf pirates become even more insane than usual and fly both the Jolly Roger and the Red Jack, causing much confusion.
Meanwhile, on the Laughing Porcupine, a lovely fat merchant ship that looks quite ripe for the plundering (especially with their cargo of GOLD and SILVER and CHICKENS (don't ask...)) is sailing on their course, when suddenly one of the sailors screams in a bit of panic and shouts to the Captain:
Sailor 1: Cap'n! There be a pirate ship! PIRATES!!!
Captain: Holy flying cows! Let me see! What are they flying?
Sailor 1: Um...a Jolly Roger--wait, no--what the hells?! There's a Red Jack too!
Captain: What? Holy flying mackeral! They are! What does THAT mean?
Sailor 2: What's this? TWO flags? We're dooooooomed!!!
Sailor 3: Drink all the wine!
Sailor 2: No! They might want the wine!
First Mate: The ship, it's the Nance-a-lot! I thought that was a merchant ship...I must be confused...this is all a bad nightmare!
And so the panic and confusion continues on the Laughing Porcupine, while the crew of the Nal prepares to board...
The last sane person
06-10-2003, 02:08 PM
Roya: Yay! I fight! *sharpens pointy object* Wee! *prepares to board*
Elfmaster XK
06-10-2003, 04:50 PM
As the crew prepare to board, they stand a moment and ponder the task set before them. Tano grins manically and beginis to laugh.
EG: *raises eyebrow* What's wrong with you?
Tano: My cannons...lovely cannon-fire. *strikes match* MUAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!
EG: Yes. *blows match out* Not yet.
...and so they prepare to board. On their cap'n's command, as they steer close to the target, they board.
Eärniel: AIIIIIIIII AI AI AI...A balrog! A...oh no. Sorry. AI!
Willow: Ai? What's happening? What do I do?
Sici: Ai Ai...Ayyyyyyy....*splash*
Finrod: precious...
Sarin: Aiiiiiiiiiyarrrrrrr...
And thus the war cries continue for a good few minutes. Once the crew are aboard the merchant ship they see that the sailor crew are hiding behind a lot of cargo crates. Sitting atop one of the crates is a severe, dark, mysterious looking man. XK pauses.
XK: Ohh...a villain.
EG: No.
EG: No.
XK: Please?
EG: I said no.
XK: *sulks* Fine. I'm going home.
EG: *smacks XK over head* Idiot.
XK: *glowers*
Eärniel: Er...I think we have a problem...*points at the sailor crew, who convienietnly used the arguing time to surround the crew of the Nal, and draw their weapons, which happen to be long strips of rope, some towels, and some kitchen utensils. But never underestimare the power of a towel whip, or a spork stab.[/i]
XK: Aww crap.
There is a moments silence as the man approaches the 3 senior crew members, when a crack of thunder breaks the quiet. A second later, they realise it was not thunder, but a cannon ball, as the metal projectile shoots through the sails and crushes one of the crates. Melons fly in all directions and the cap'n smiles.
Eruviel Greenleaf
06-10-2003, 04:59 PM
EG: We warned you! And now you aren't behaving. Bad merchant ship! Pirates! Kill them!
In the confusion, a battle begins between the merchant ship and the pirates. The Cap'n makes good use of her katana and wakazashi (some may wonder what on earth the elf is doing with Japanese weapons. if you want to know, I'll give you my whole backstory ;)) The First Mate makes equally good use of her knives, Tano has fun with exploding melons, and the rest of the crew fends off the spork-attacks and thwacks the merchant ship's crew with their own assorted weapons. It is a glorious and beautiful battle, which ends with no few corpses (hey, if the violence bothers you, dont' be a pirate! ;) :D) and the Captain tied to the mast of his ship.
EG: Grab the cargo and bring it on to the Nal!
The crew follows her orders, and soon the hold of the Laughing Porcupine is emptied of the gold, the wine, the weapons, and the silver. Happily, the crew of the Nal burns the sails and leaves the ship with only half the crew surviving, and all tied to various bits of the ship.
Elfmaster XK
06-10-2003, 05:07 PM
(OOC:I have a wakazashi and a tanto :D)
The Nal begins to set the sails and take up the anchor when XK stops and looks back at the merchant ship.
XK: *whiney voice* EG!!! Please can I have the villain?
EG: Twin?
XK: Yeah?
XK: WAH!!!!! *Runs to her cabin*
(OOC:Sorry. I had to do that. Sorry to people who don't get it. :D )
Eruviel Greenleaf
06-10-2003, 05:17 PM
(ooc: heheh i'm not that mean, am I?! :D)
EG; *follows twin to her cabin* Sorry, um, that was mean. You can have him if you really want.
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