View Full Version : Game"worst"

08-22-2002, 11:08 AM
I hope this can go into this forum.
This is a game a played at camp that was really funny. First you pick a subject like for example a docter. Then the person has to act like the worst doctore. Ex:*examins person. Then punches the patient in the side.* "Does that hurt?''
Ex:During surgery: Ok Ok this prosecure(sp) is very delicate so be careful" *doctore is about to put the new heart in when beaper goes off. "Oh hold up it's my lunch nrake. *leaves room"

Do stuff like that.
You can change the subject at any time.

08-28-2002, 06:08 PM
a dentised to pasiant:

Pulling out teeth, "sorry, i forgot to add the pane stuff"

08-28-2002, 06:12 PM

Dentist: let's see gotta remove that tooth and that one and that one. ok here comes mister drill! *makes loud buzzy sound and fakes tha drill coming to the pasiants.* What come back I was just kidding.:D

08-31-2002, 11:34 PM
Teacher: [puffs a cigarette, props head down while exhaling, and looks at the class nonchalantly] Okay, class... let's just pretend like we're all going to have bright futures...

Just imagine that in front of some tiny second graders... pretty funny...

Babysitter: Oh, no... Marcy's soiled herself... where does your family keep the hose?

Judge: [just laughs maniacally at both the defendant and plaintiff]

09-01-2002, 07:12 PM
Worst actor: i..... love..(is that right?) you?

Room mate: Guess what i peed somewhere in this room! see if you can find it.

Room mate: Can you help me bring in my collection of dead frogs. There fresh. so be careful!

worst blind date:You know what i love to do? I love to take moonlight walks in the ghetto walking my pet squirrel rhode kill.
I found him all dirty in the middle of the road. say hi Rhode Kill. Good boy.