View Full Version : m last ever post on entmoot

Prince Faramir
08-19-2002, 02:27 PM
mainly due to CBG being a total ****wit. thanks for ruining what was previously a very enjoyable site. hope you are happy in this fascist forum. ahem :mad:

bye forever

08-19-2002, 03:23 PM
Prince Faramir, I hope we can resolve this some other way. If you have a problem with another staff member, you can always contact me or anduin or another of the "higher" ones.

I saw the thread in question. First, I think it's possible CBG was using a sense of humor. If he wasn't... I admit that our policy is a little unclear on "I'm back" threads. The welcome threads were consolidated into the important one up top, but the "back" threads seem to be decided on a case-by-case basis. I hope the staff can clarify this issue in the future.

There are plenty of other mods - we recently added Khamul to the staff, who is less padlock-happy and is probably more in tune with the "average users." CBG doesn't actually close threads for no reason, but it's true that he has a stricter interpretation of the rules than certain other staff members. I personally think that a balance between strict and lenient staff members is crucial, so that some kind of middle ground is achieved.

08-19-2002, 09:22 PM

*EDIT* Hummmmmm.... CBGs post is gone... darn....

Also you expect us to be sorry when you leave by cussing out on of the MODs? Dear Eru...

08-19-2002, 09:31 PM
Hmm... Could you not take it on the chin like an englishman?